Ishavasya Upanishads - Nithyananda Poornima - Awaken Your Third Eye

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Nithyananda Poornima - Awaken Your Third Eye


In today’s (02June15) Nithya Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda returns from Varanasi to Bidadi ashram, which is celebrating the very important, auspicious day of Nithyananda Poornima – 26th anniversary of his Enlightenment day, that happened in the lap of Arunachala hill. He shares how this Nithyananda Poornima is extra-special as he is feeling fulfilled, having reproduced dimensions of his enlightenment in others such as Third Eye Awakening. He blesses us all to experience Third Eye Awakening.

Link to Video:

Link to Audio

Nithyananda Poornima - Awaken Your Third Eye