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==Photos ==
Who Creates The Wheel Of The Universe? || Shiva Sutras || 28 Jan 2005
Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutra <br>
Session on: Who Creates The Wheel Of Universe  <br>
Date: 28 January 2005 <br>
Venue: Adikailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals how one should not analyse on Guru's words - instead should lower down and digest the words and thus those words becomes part of energy in us. When we don't listen to the Guru and create our own thoughts of what he said then those undigested thoughts would become energy clots in us and go into depression. There is no difference between the tumour in Cancer and energy clots in Depression., they are one and the same.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAmQy2ibM0o&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/who-creates-the-wheel-of-the"/>
==Transcript: ==
If the matter is clot, if there is a mass which cannot become part of your system, it becomes cancer. If there is a thought which cannot become part of your energy flow, which cannot become, which cannot digest into your system, which is not becoming your, which is not becoming ease with your mental system or your lifestyle or your being, that thought becomes depression. Depression and cancer is one and the same. Any mass which is stuck in some part of your body, and which is not able to become part of your body, which is not able to get dissolved and become your body, what happens? Around that mass, slowly slowly tumour gets developed. That finally becomes a cancer. 
Same way, any thought which cannot become your system, which will not, which is not digested by you. See, when I throw some word, “you tortured me,” I wanted you to digest that word, imbibe the energy from that word. Means what? “I will not do this once more. Yes, let me not analyze how I tortured, I will not torture, whatever I am doing I’ll lower down, I’ll tone down this also.” Then the word becomes energy for you, you have digested it. The food has gone inside, you’ve digested it; then it becomes your part, your system, there is nothing to worry.
But, if you just keep that word, without digesting, that word has not become your part, that word has not become your energy, that is there. Slowly slowly what will happen? The mass will gather around that word and once, you see, once there is some mass, alive, active, that simply attracts more and more mass towards it, that’s what is a Physics law no? It attracts more mass. So once there is one thought, “Oh, he told me, I abused him. He told me I have disturbed him.” That one thought, slowly slowly what will happen? You start collecting more and more words, you start choosing more and more incidents, that slowly slowly slowly it becomes a big mass, a lump, and simply it becomes a cancerous depression in your system. This is the way you create energy clots. This is the way you create energy clots.
The moment you understand you’ve created energy clot like this, you’ve already done chemotherapy. Tumour will disappear. The moment you throw light, that this is the way, this is the way I created my clot, my tumour, you already done chemotherapy, simply it’ll dissolve. Simply it'll dissolve. Sometimes when the tumour has become big, you need operation; that is what is sitting with me. I just take the tumour and throw it out. Then you can always have the chemotherapy. You can always do the chemotherapy. Throwing light on the cancer, throwing light on the tumour is chemo, chemotherapy. Same way, just throw light, intelligence on the depression.
Energy clots are very, very, very dangerous. At least cancer will destroy only your body, but energy clot will destroy your janmas after janmas. With cancer, you will lose only one janma, one body will disappear. But with energy clot, janmas after janmas. When you, if you see next, some other Master in the next janma, again you will relate with Him in the same energy clot. With the same energy clot. Whenever somebody comes to me, leaving some other Master out of hatred, you see, if they come feeling overfull, without any hatred if they come to me, I tell them, “alright be with me.” If they have some fight or problem with that Master and if they come to me, I tell them, “No, get out. You will do the same thing with me also.” You’ll do the same thing with me also. You’ll project the same thing on me also. Never try to project your father figure, never try to project your past relationships on me. If you feel that something was lacking in your past relationship, some trouble was there, when you relate with me you will project the same thing over me, same thing upon me. Same way only you will look at me. Because that energy clot is there. What will happen to that clot? What will happen to that clot? That will gather more and more mass.
You are supposed to work on your energy clot, not on anything else. Unless you work on your energy clot, you will never be able to let the energy flow beautifully. If you don’t have any energy clot, you’ll be so happy to live inside your body. If you are feeling difficult to live inside the, your body, if you have some problem with your body, be very clear you have solid energy clots. And just understand the energy clot, simply it will start dissolving. Never give energy to that particular problem. Divert all your energy towards the other side. Never give energy to that particular problem. Don’t even think or worry about that problem. Don’t even start worrying about that energy clot. Know that there was energy clot, decide now, “I will not divert my energies towards that energy clot. I will not justify that energy clot.” The moment you justify your energy clot, you add more energy to that energy clot.
The moment you justify, what you do? Add more energy to your energy clot. Just understand, and surrender. Relax. Don’t supply energy to energy clot, simply it’ll disappear. Doubts are energy clots. When you sit here, continuously I am doing the operation of removing the cancers and tumours. Doubts. That is why you feel so much of energy when you leave this hall. When the energy clot is dissolved, it becomes energy. When the blood clot is dissolved, it becomes energy.
Participant: (inaudible but transcript given): Swamiji, starting from one year old, how these clots starts?
HDH: Like this, some thought you pick up. When I throw some thought towards you, I wanted a particular effect. For example, this itself, when I say, “you disturbed me,” when I throw that thought, I wanted... you should understand and decide, “I will not disturb him anymore, whatever was, I will tone down even that. I’ll just submit that also. I’ll surrender that, I’ll become nobody.” When you decide that, it becomes energy. When you start thinking, “I never did anything. There were so many other people who were doing much more than me, but he says only me. Iam disturbedhim, as if the others are not disturbed him.” You start creating violence.
Participant: Resistance.
HDH: Anger. Resistance. The resistance, anger.
HDH: The anger towards me, that resistance creates the first ...
Participant: Seed
HDH: seed for the clot. Then you add more stuff, more and more decoration. Slowly, but not even slowly, immediately… actually immediately you collect all the past incident or file. Take out the incidents which supports, chuck chuck chuck chuck chuck, you add and...10 minutes you are already into the depression. You create depression for yourself. Nobody creates depression for you. You create depression for yourself, this is the art of creating depression. This is the way you create your depression. Science of creating depression! This is the way you create depression. If you understand you will never create it.
The moment you start the resistance, first thought, stop immediately. “No. Relax. Relax. Wait.” Simply the tumour will never form. Simply the thought will become your energy. The moment you understand the energy clot, the tumour, and it just gets dissolved and becomes solid energy to you. Solid energy to you. If your questions are answered, you will be drained. If your doubts are cleared, you will feel energetic. Here, I am clearing your doubts with all compassion and love. I am doing the operation of same tumour, with all compassion and love. My compassion is anaesthesia. My love is anaesthesia. With that, with My words, Jnana khadga, the words are the sword of knowledge, slowly I am doing the operation.
If you don’t resist, I’ll go deep and remove the whole tumour. The moment you start resisting, only that much of tumour I will be able to remove. But I will wait with all my compassion and love, because I know the art of waiting. When you will open the other part of the tumour also, I will wait till you open the whole tumour. Let me wait till you open completely. Thank you.
Of course, if you’ve opened your tumour, now itself it will be cleaned. Over. Or just relax and meditate, that visualize you are opening it and letting go. That will totally open it. And I’ll see that the operation is done. Yes.
Participant: Asking question (inaudible)
HDH: Tumour?
Participant: Asking question (inaudible)
HDH: Oh, uh, it’s nothing wrong, it’s actually one way of your seeking expressing. Your seeking for enlightenment is nothing but seeking for boundarylessness. When you really seek the boundarylessness, you start getting this experience, getting these moments. Encourage it. You will start experiencing it. I think now, just for a few minutes, you can close your eyes and visualize, you are literally opening all your wounds and energy clots, all your tumours, physically and mentally to the Master’s Presence. So that He can clear it and dissolve it.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
Relax. Let this energy of Shiva heal everything. Trust and relax into this energy. When this energy can bring these great words into your ears, when this energy can bring all this great wisdom to your knowledge, why not it can heal you? When these words can reach your ears, it can reach your heart also. Just keep that space open, simply these words will fall into your hearts. When He can bring this wisdom to your ears, by Me being here and by you being here, He can bring this into your heart also. When such big thing is accomplished, can’t this much be accomplished? When a, when this TV can come, from all the way to Oklahoma to Bangalore railway station and reach the Bidadi bus stand, can’t it be brought to this room? Simply it is possible. The energy which brought this, the sankalpa which brought this from Oklahoma to Bidadi bus stand, will bring that from Bidadi bus stand to this room also. It’s not a big deal. When this wisdom can reach your ears and, your ears and knowledge, it can simply become your experience also. Trust that energy and relax. It’ll simply happen. Let it happen. Let Anandeshwara express Himself. Thank you
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Who Creates The Wheel Of The Universe? || Shiva Sutras || 28 Jan 2005


Name Of The Convention: Shiva Sutra
Session on: Who Creates The Wheel Of Universe
Date: 28 January 2005
Venue: Adikailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) reveals how one should not analyse on Guru's words - instead should lower down and digest the words and thus those words becomes part of energy in us. When we don't listen to the Guru and create our own thoughts of what he said then those undigested thoughts would become energy clots in us and go into depression. There is no difference between the tumour in Cancer and energy clots in Depression., they are one and the same.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



If the matter is clot, if there is a mass which cannot become part of your system, it becomes cancer. If there is a thought which cannot become part of your energy flow, which cannot become, which cannot digest into your system, which is not becoming your, which is not becoming ease with your mental system or your lifestyle or your being, that thought becomes depression. Depression and cancer is one and the same. Any mass which is stuck in some part of your body, and which is not able to become part of your body, which is not able to get dissolved and become your body, what happens? Around that mass, slowly slowly tumour gets developed. That finally becomes a cancer.


Same way, any thought which cannot become your system, which will not, which is not digested by you. See, when I throw some word, “you tortured me,” I wanted you to digest that word, imbibe the energy from that word. Means what? “I will not do this once more. Yes, let me not analyze how I tortured, I will not torture, whatever I am doing I’ll lower down, I’ll tone down this also.” Then the word becomes energy for you, you have digested it. The food has gone inside, you’ve digested it; then it becomes your part, your system, there is nothing to worry.


But, if you just keep that word, without digesting, that word has not become your part, that word has not become your energy, that is there. Slowly slowly what will happen? The mass will gather around that word and once, you see, once there is some mass, alive, active, that simply attracts more and more mass towards it, that’s what is a Physics law no? It attracts more mass. So once there is one thought, “Oh, he told me, I abused him. He told me I have disturbed him.” That one thought, slowly slowly what will happen? You start collecting more and more words, you start choosing more and more incidents, that slowly slowly slowly it becomes a big mass, a lump, and simply it becomes a cancerous depression in your system. This is the way you create energy clots. This is the way you create energy clots.


The moment you understand you’ve created energy clot like this, you’ve already done chemotherapy. Tumour will disappear. The moment you throw light, that this is the way, this is the way I created my clot, my tumour, you already done chemotherapy, simply it’ll dissolve. Simply it'll dissolve. Sometimes when the tumour has become big, you need operation; that is what is sitting with me. I just take the tumour and throw it out. Then you can always have the chemotherapy. You can always do the chemotherapy. Throwing light on the cancer, throwing light on the tumour is chemo, chemotherapy. Same way, just throw light, intelligence on the depression.


Energy clots are very, very, very dangerous. At least cancer will destroy only your body, but energy clot will destroy your janmas after janmas. With cancer, you will lose only one janma, one body will disappear. But with energy clot, janmas after janmas. When you, if you see next, some other Master in the next janma, again you will relate with Him in the same energy clot. With the same energy clot. Whenever somebody comes to me, leaving some other Master out of hatred, you see, if they come feeling overfull, without any hatred if they come to me, I tell them, “alright be with me.” If they have some fight or problem with that Master and if they come to me, I tell them, “No, get out. You will do the same thing with me also.” You’ll do the same thing with me also. You’ll project the same thing on me also. Never try to project your father figure, never try to project your past relationships on me. If you feel that something was lacking in your past relationship, some trouble was there, when you relate with me you will project the same thing over me, same thing upon me. Same way only you will look at me. Because that energy clot is there. What will happen to that clot? What will happen to that clot? That will gather more and more mass.


You are supposed to work on your energy clot, not on anything else. Unless you work on your energy clot, you will never be able to let the energy flow beautifully. If you don’t have any energy clot, you’ll be so happy to live inside your body. If you are feeling difficult to live inside the, your body, if you have some problem with your body, be very clear you have solid energy clots. And just understand the energy clot, simply it will start dissolving. Never give energy to that particular problem. Divert all your energy towards the other side. Never give energy to that particular problem. Don’t even think or worry about that problem. Don’t even start worrying about that energy clot. Know that there was energy clot, decide now, “I will not divert my energies towards that energy clot. I will not justify that energy clot.” The moment you justify your energy clot, you add more energy to that energy clot.


The moment you justify, what you do? Add more energy to your energy clot. Just understand, and surrender. Relax. Don’t supply energy to energy clot, simply it’ll disappear. Doubts are energy clots. When you sit here, continuously I am doing the operation of removing the cancers and tumours. Doubts. That is why you feel so much of energy when you leave this hall. When the energy clot is dissolved, it becomes energy. When the blood clot is dissolved, it becomes energy.

Participant: (inaudible but transcript given): Swamiji, starting from one year old, how these clots starts?

HDH: Like this, some thought you pick up. When I throw some thought towards you, I wanted a particular effect. For example, this itself, when I say, “you disturbed me,” when I throw that thought, I wanted... you should understand and decide, “I will not disturb him anymore, whatever was, I will tone down even that. I’ll just submit that also. I’ll surrender that, I’ll become nobody.” When you decide that, it becomes energy. When you start thinking, “I never did anything. There were so many other people who were doing much more than me, but he says only me. Iam disturbedhim, as if the others are not disturbed him.” You start creating violence.

Participant: Resistance.

HDH: Anger. Resistance. The resistance, anger.

HDH: The anger towards me, that resistance creates the first ...

Participant: Seed

HDH: seed for the clot. Then you add more stuff, more and more decoration. Slowly, but not even slowly, immediately… actually immediately you collect all the past incident or file. Take out the incidents which supports, chuck chuck chuck chuck chuck, you add and...10 minutes you are already into the depression. You create depression for yourself. Nobody creates depression for you. You create depression for yourself, this is the art of creating depression. This is the way you create your depression. Science of creating depression! This is the way you create depression. If you understand you will never create it.


The moment you start the resistance, first thought, stop immediately. “No. Relax. Relax. Wait.” Simply the tumour will never form. Simply the thought will become your energy. The moment you understand the energy clot, the tumour, and it just gets dissolved and becomes solid energy to you. Solid energy to you. If your questions are answered, you will be drained. If your doubts are cleared, you will feel energetic. Here, I am clearing your doubts with all compassion and love. I am doing the operation of same tumour, with all compassion and love. My compassion is anaesthesia. My love is anaesthesia. With that, with My words, Jnana khadga, the words are the sword of knowledge, slowly I am doing the operation.


If you don’t resist, I’ll go deep and remove the whole tumour. The moment you start resisting, only that much of tumour I will be able to remove. But I will wait with all my compassion and love, because I know the art of waiting. When you will open the other part of the tumour also, I will wait till you open the whole tumour. Let me wait till you open completely. Thank you.


Of course, if you’ve opened your tumour, now itself it will be cleaned. Over. Or just relax and meditate, that visualize you are opening it and letting go. That will totally open it. And I’ll see that the operation is done. Yes.

Participant: Asking question (inaudible)


HDH: Tumour?

Participant: Asking question (inaudible)

HDH: Oh, uh, it’s nothing wrong, it’s actually one way of your seeking expressing. Your seeking for enlightenment is nothing but seeking for boundarylessness. When you really seek the boundarylessness, you start getting this experience, getting these moments. Encourage it. You will start experiencing it. I think now, just for a few minutes, you can close your eyes and visualize, you are literally opening all your wounds and energy clots, all your tumours, physically and mentally to the Master’s Presence. So that He can clear it and dissolve it.


Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. Relax. Let this energy of Shiva heal everything. Trust and relax into this energy. When this energy can bring these great words into your ears, when this energy can bring all this great wisdom to your knowledge, why not it can heal you? When these words can reach your ears, it can reach your heart also. Just keep that space open, simply these words will fall into your hearts. When He can bring this wisdom to your ears, by Me being here and by you being here, He can bring this into your heart also. When such big thing is accomplished, can’t this much be accomplished? When a, when this TV can come, from all the way to Oklahoma to Bangalore railway station and reach the Bidadi bus stand, can’t it be brought to this room? Simply it is possible. The energy which brought this, the sankalpa which brought this from Oklahoma to Bidadi bus stand, will bring that from Bidadi bus stand to this room also. It’s not a big deal. When this wisdom can reach your ears and, your ears and knowledge, it can simply become your experience also. Trust that energy and relax. It’ll simply happen. Let it happen. Let Anandeshwara express Himself. Thank you



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