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(Created page with "==Title== The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam (JGM) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam ==Photos== ===Glimpses of Seva in Nithyananda Gaumandir...")
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The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), JagatGuru MahaSannidhanam (JGM) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
===bring down your TPS so that you can penetrate the time shaft===
If you can relax in the present moment, at zero TPS, for at least 11 kshanas* , ( The gap between two thoughts is one
kshana ) you will penetrate the time shaft. If you can stay in
zero TPS for 21 kshanas* , you will penetrate the time shaft and can alter the future. This is in your hands. All meditation techniques are ways to bring down your TPS so that you can penetrate the time shaft.
===Unclutching is the source of unending excitement – nithyananda spurana===
When you sit, naturally some thoughts will
come. The moment you see a thought
coming, do not give meaning to it. You give
it meaning only if you connect it with your
past. Without giving meaning to it just
remember to unclutch, and see what
happens. The moment you remember, ‘Let
me unclutch from this thought, let me not
give meaning to it,’ for a few seconds there
will be a small silent gap. The moment you
are aware that there is a silence, it will
become one more thought. Then unclutch
from that thought also. Then, again there will be a gap of a few seconds. Then, one
more thought will come, ‘I am in silence’
or ‘I am unclutching’. Unclutch from that
thought also. Just the gap or the silence
should become longer and longer. That is
the whole idea.
Naturally it is the nature of the mind to
wander somewhere after a few minutes.
The moment you remember or become
aware that the mind has wandered,
unclutch. There is no need to have guilt or
be agitated that the mind has wandered.
The moment you remember, unclutch,
that’s all.
In the initial level it may be very gross, like
a solid fight. You may have to utter the
word ‘unclutching’ like a mantra*
But in just a few moments, you will see it becomes
a subtle process. With unclutching…
Every moment will be new.
Every moment will be ecstasy.
Every moment will be joy.
Every moment will be excitement.
Unclutching is the source of unending
excitement – nithyananda spurana*
===enlightenment is the first priority in the life===
Please understand, when I say "sannyasis", not only I mean the people who are wearing the Kavi and living in the ashram, I even talk about the regular devotees, organizers, for whom I am the first priority in the life, enlightenment is the first priority in the life.
===Relax from your mind. Let go. Be liberated===
Close your eyes. Sit straight. For the first
few moments, inhale and exhale, as deeply
as possible. Slowly start witnessing only the incoming
breath. Do not bother about the outgoing
breath or the neutral space. Just witness
the incoming breath first. Be the witness.
Be aware of the incoming breath.
(After five minutes)
Now slowly start witnessing only the
outgoing breath. Forget about the incoming
breath or the neutral space. Just witness
and be aware of only the outgoing breath.
(After five minutes)
Now slowly, very slowly, be aware of both
the neutral spaces - when your incoming
breath turns into the outgoing breath, and
when your outgoing breath turns into the
incoming breath. Be aware. Witness both
the neutral spaces alone. Intensely be aware
of both the neutral spaces.
(After five minutes)
Now, be aware of the incoming breath,
neutral space, outgoing breath, and neutral
space. Be unclutched. Whatever thought comes
in your mind do not connect it to anything.
Don’t even think that you are thinking.
Even that idea comes because you connect
your thoughts. Everything is just
completely independent. So do not connect
them and create one more thought that you
are thinking. Let the independent thought bubbles rise
and fall. Let the independent thoughts
come and go. Do not connect them and
think you are thinking. Be unclutched. If
they come, let them come. If they go, let
them go. Your idea that you are thinking is
a lie. Relax from your mind. Let go. Be
===Lust is linked intimately to the survival of the species===
Lust is linked intimately to the survival of the species. Without lust,
there can be no mutual attraction between genders, no reproduction, and no continuity of the human race. This basic survival instinct is lodged in our Muladhara cakra. Eighty percent of our spiritual energy is locked in this energy center. When this cakra is blocked we behave out of instinct, like animals.
In the case of animals, their highest energy center is the Muladhara cakra. In humans, this cakra is the starting energy point. When
this cakra is energized and unlocked, we learn to live in intelligence as we are truly meant to live.
Once a person reaches physical or sexual maturity at adolescence, it is very difficult to control the effects of lust arising out of the Muladhara. One needs to be spiritually awakened before sexual maturity so that the energy can flow upwards towards the Sahasrara or the crown cakra.
The Muladhara cakra is the seat of all fantasies, primary amongst them being sexual fantasies. These fantasies are the ones that Krishna says are like the dust on the mirror, completely clouding our judgment. We live based on these fantasies and live towards fulfilling these fantasies, rather than accepting life as it is.
When the Hindu scriptures say that Menaka, the celestial nymph, came down to disturb the penance of the great sage Visvamitra, the metaphoric significance of that is that Visvamitra’s Muladhara was still blocked, giving rise to sexual fantasies. Awareness in the present moment is the key to unlocking the Muladhara
and dissolving lust. Only the awareness of the present moment brings you in touch with reality and dissolves your fantasies.
In the Siva sutra,Siva tells His consort Devi, ‘In a marriage, four people coexist.’
Devi is shocked. She asks, ‘There is just husband and wife. Why four?’ Siva explains, ‘There is the wife, and the husband’s fantasy of the wife. There is the husband, and the wife’s fantasy of the husband.’ As long as there are four in a marital bed, it will be an orgy, not a love affair. When you bring yourself into the present moment, fantasies of the past disappear. Fears and speculations about the future vanish.
You are exposed to the reality of the present. Only in the present moment can lust be transformed into love. Krishna closes His dialogue with Arjuna in this chapter with these words, ‘Be aware that you have a higher intelligence. Use that intelligence to control your senses and curb your lust, which is your most dangerous enemy on the path to awareness.’
Please note that Krishna does not say, ‘Arjuna, come here, I shall help you. I shall help dissolve the lust in your body and mind. You can then be at peace.’ To practise what Krishna teaches, the senses have to be in control. They cannot be suppressed. Anything suppressed waits for an opportunity to explode. The mind and senses cannot be suppressed.
However, they can be transformed. When we realize that life has no
purpose, that the meaning of life is to enjoy the path, the journey, we learn to give up attachment to end results. We drop
expectations. We move into the present moment. We become aware. #Nithyananda
~ Bhagavad Demystified by SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam
===11 Siva devotees who lost their lives in Kalimedu festival in Thanjavur===
பகவான் நித்யானந்த பரமசிவம் அவர்களின் ஆசியுடன்ச கைலாஸா சார்பாக தஞ்சாவூர் களிமேடு திருத்தேர்விழாவில் மின்சாரம் தாக்கி உயிரிழந்த 11 சிவபக்தர்களின் வீட்டிற்கு நேரடியாக சென்று ஆறுதல் கூறபட்டது!
Initiated disciples of KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam visit the victims of the chariot fire accident in Thanjavur yesterday.
With the blessings of Lord Nithyananda Paramasivam, on behalf of Kailasa, we went directly to the houses of 11 Siva devotees who lost their lives in Kalimedu festival in Thanjavur and console them!
Initiated disciples of KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam visit the victims of the chariot fire accident in Thanjavur yesterday.
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===Zanzibar City, capital city of Zanzibar and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA entered into bilateral relations===
🎊 Wonderful News from KAILASA 🎊<br>
Zanzibar City, capital city of Zanzibar and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, the Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation, First Nation of Hindus, entered into bilateral relations -  emphasizing their similar values on cultural understanding, religious freedom and other rights, eradication of hunger, youth leadership, holistic health and education initiatives, exchanges to educate citizens, environmental stewardship and sustainable living.
Zanzibar City is the capital and largest city of Zanzibar, in Tanzania. Zanzibar City comprises two main parts, Stone Town and Ng'ambo (literally: "The Other Side"); the two areas are historically divided by a creek. Stone Town is the historical core of the city, former capital of the Zanzibar Sultanate; because of its unique architecture and culture, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.
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==Link to Facebook Page==
[[Category:2022| 20220429]]
[[Category:2022| 20220429]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]

Latest revision as of 14:31, 30 September 2022




bring down your TPS so that you can penetrate the time shaft

If you can relax in the present moment, at zero TPS, for at least 11 kshanas* , ( The gap between two thoughts is one kshana ) you will penetrate the time shaft. If you can stay in zero TPS for 21 kshanas* , you will penetrate the time shaft and can alter the future. This is in your hands. All meditation techniques are ways to bring down your TPS so that you can penetrate the time shaft.


Unclutching is the source of unending excitement – nithyananda spurana

When you sit, naturally some thoughts will come. The moment you see a thought coming, do not give meaning to it. You give it meaning only if you connect it with your past. Without giving meaning to it just remember to unclutch, and see what happens. The moment you remember, ‘Let me unclutch from this thought, let me not give meaning to it,’ for a few seconds there will be a small silent gap. The moment you are aware that there is a silence, it will become one more thought. Then unclutch from that thought also. Then, again there will be a gap of a few seconds. Then, one more thought will come, ‘I am in silence’ or ‘I am unclutching’. Unclutch from that thought also. Just the gap or the silence should become longer and longer. That is the whole idea.

Naturally it is the nature of the mind to wander somewhere after a few minutes. The moment you remember or become aware that the mind has wandered, unclutch. There is no need to have guilt or be agitated that the mind has wandered. The moment you remember, unclutch, that’s all.

In the initial level it may be very gross, like a solid fight. You may have to utter the word ‘unclutching’ like a mantra* But in just a few moments, you will see it becomes a subtle process. With unclutching… Every moment will be new. Every moment will be ecstasy. Every moment will be joy. Every moment will be excitement. Unclutching is the source of unending excitement – nithyananda spurana*


enlightenment is the first priority in the life

Please understand, when I say "sannyasis", not only I mean the people who are wearing the Kavi and living in the ashram, I even talk about the regular devotees, organizers, for whom I am the first priority in the life, enlightenment is the first priority in the life.

Relax from your mind. Let go. Be liberated

Close your eyes. Sit straight. For the first few moments, inhale and exhale, as deeply as possible. Slowly start witnessing only the incoming breath. Do not bother about the outgoing breath or the neutral space. Just witness the incoming breath first. Be the witness. Be aware of the incoming breath.

(After five minutes)

Now slowly start witnessing only the outgoing breath. Forget about the incoming breath or the neutral space. Just witness and be aware of only the outgoing breath.

(After five minutes)

Now slowly, very slowly, be aware of both the neutral spaces - when your incoming breath turns into the outgoing breath, and when your outgoing breath turns into the incoming breath. Be aware. Witness both the neutral spaces alone. Intensely be aware of both the neutral spaces.

(After five minutes)

Now, be aware of the incoming breath, neutral space, outgoing breath, and neutral space. Be unclutched. Whatever thought comes in your mind do not connect it to anything. Don’t even think that you are thinking. Even that idea comes because you connect your thoughts. Everything is just completely independent. So do not connect them and create one more thought that you are thinking. Let the independent thought bubbles rise and fall. Let the independent thoughts come and go. Do not connect them and think you are thinking. Be unclutched. If they come, let them come. If they go, let them go. Your idea that you are thinking is a lie. Relax from your mind. Let go. Be liberated.


Lust is linked intimately to the survival of the species

Lust is linked intimately to the survival of the species. Without lust, there can be no mutual attraction between genders, no reproduction, and no continuity of the human race. This basic survival instinct is lodged in our Muladhara cakra. Eighty percent of our spiritual energy is locked in this energy center. When this cakra is blocked we behave out of instinct, like animals.

In the case of animals, their highest energy center is the Muladhara cakra. In humans, this cakra is the starting energy point. When this cakra is energized and unlocked, we learn to live in intelligence as we are truly meant to live.

Once a person reaches physical or sexual maturity at adolescence, it is very difficult to control the effects of lust arising out of the Muladhara. One needs to be spiritually awakened before sexual maturity so that the energy can flow upwards towards the Sahasrara or the crown cakra.

The Muladhara cakra is the seat of all fantasies, primary amongst them being sexual fantasies. These fantasies are the ones that Krishna says are like the dust on the mirror, completely clouding our judgment. We live based on these fantasies and live towards fulfilling these fantasies, rather than accepting life as it is. When the Hindu scriptures say that Menaka, the celestial nymph, came down to disturb the penance of the great sage Visvamitra, the metaphoric significance of that is that Visvamitra’s Muladhara was still blocked, giving rise to sexual fantasies. Awareness in the present moment is the key to unlocking the Muladhara and dissolving lust. Only the awareness of the present moment brings you in touch with reality and dissolves your fantasies.

In the Siva sutra,Siva tells His consort Devi, ‘In a marriage, four people coexist.’

Devi is shocked. She asks, ‘There is just husband and wife. Why four?’ Siva explains, ‘There is the wife, and the husband’s fantasy of the wife. There is the husband, and the wife’s fantasy of the husband.’ As long as there are four in a marital bed, it will be an orgy, not a love affair. When you bring yourself into the present moment, fantasies of the past disappear. Fears and speculations about the future vanish.

You are exposed to the reality of the present. Only in the present moment can lust be transformed into love. Krishna closes His dialogue with Arjuna in this chapter with these words, ‘Be aware that you have a higher intelligence. Use that intelligence to control your senses and curb your lust, which is your most dangerous enemy on the path to awareness.’

Please note that Krishna does not say, ‘Arjuna, come here, I shall help you. I shall help dissolve the lust in your body and mind. You can then be at peace.’ To practise what Krishna teaches, the senses have to be in control. They cannot be suppressed. Anything suppressed waits for an opportunity to explode. The mind and senses cannot be suppressed.

However, they can be transformed. When we realize that life has no purpose, that the meaning of life is to enjoy the path, the journey, we learn to give up attachment to end results. We drop expectations. We move into the present moment. We become aware. #Nithyananda

~ Bhagavad Demystified by SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam

11 Siva devotees who lost their lives in Kalimedu festival in Thanjavur

பகவான் நித்யானந்த பரமசிவம் அவர்களின் ஆசியுடன்ச கைலாஸா சார்பாக தஞ்சாவூர் களிமேடு திருத்தேர்விழாவில் மின்சாரம் தாக்கி உயிரிழந்த 11 சிவபக்தர்களின் வீட்டிற்கு நேரடியாக சென்று ஆறுதல் கூறபட்டது!

Initiated disciples of KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam visit the victims of the chariot fire accident in Thanjavur yesterday.

With the blessings of Lord Nithyananda Paramasivam, on behalf of Kailasa, we went directly to the houses of 11 Siva devotees who lost their lives in Kalimedu festival in Thanjavur and console them!

Initiated disciples of KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam visit the victims of the chariot fire accident in Thanjavur yesterday.

Zanzibar City, capital city of Zanzibar and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA entered into bilateral relations

🎊 Wonderful News from KAILASA 🎊
Zanzibar City, capital city of Zanzibar and the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA, the Ancient Enlightened Hindu Civilizational Nation, First Nation of Hindus, entered into bilateral relations - emphasizing their similar values on cultural understanding, religious freedom and other rights, eradication of hunger, youth leadership, holistic health and education initiatives, exchanges to educate citizens, environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Zanzibar City is the capital and largest city of Zanzibar, in Tanzania. Zanzibar City comprises two main parts, Stone Town and Ng'ambo (literally: "The Other Side"); the two areas are historically divided by a creek. Stone Town is the historical core of the city, former capital of the Zanzibar Sultanate; because of its unique architecture and culture, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.


Glimpses of Seva in Nithyananda Gaumandir at Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham

Glimpses of Maheshwara puja offered by Sannyasis at Kailasa In Tiruvannamalai - Arunachala Sarvajnapeetham

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