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Awaken Your- Supernatural- Powers-Patanjali-yoga-Sutras-144
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfzfRsNbpf8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-apr-05-awaken-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Let’s enter into today’s subject. Today’s subject is ‘Siddhis and Beyond’.... 144th sutra of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and 3rd chapter 38th verse.
Let’s enter into the sutra: Te samadou upasarkaha vyuddane siddayaha. Te samadou upasarkaha vyuddane siddayaha.
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as these are obstacles to Samadhi but they are powers in the worldly state.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as they are powers in the worldly state but they are obstacles to Samadhi.
Swami Sachidananda translates as these super physical senses are obstacles to nirbeeja Samadhi but are siddhis, powers, worldly accomplishments in the worldly pursuits.
Bhagawan Osho translates as these are powers when the mind is turned outward but obstacles in the way of Samadhi.
I feel exactly Patanjali is happening; the right subject for today because just yesterday we had some strong experiences about siddhis. I will now detailed way describe. First I need to make you all understand the science of siddhi. Step by step I will give you a detailed diagram; the science of siddhi; because in this sutra there are really many sacred secrets and many things which need to be clarified for any seeker; because mystery mongering is not seeking for enlightenment or spirituality. Harry Potter school is different than mystery school. I will give you the basic understanding about siddhis.
Please understand this is mind. This box is mind. Just like your body it has its own components. It is a mechanism. This is the no mind state…. When you are moving from mind to no mind through samyama or practices related to mind, at this point whatever happens extraordinarily in your system is called siddhis. Understand when the movement from mind to no mind, what you go through, for example when you are doing samyama on Ananda Gandha to achieve enlightenment you will have some extraordinary experience and powers happening on the way. That is called siddhis. After you achieve the no mind state something happens in your presence that is called presence  siddhis. You can call it happenings of the Presence. You should not even use the word siddhis; maybe happenings of the Presence, happenings of the Presence.
And there is something called black magic. See for example, you have a body with bone, flesh, blood and everything. Now you have a freedom to create a basic strength in this body by exercise and yoga and build the body heavily, maintain the highest possible health or do some Guinness record by weight lifting or so many things. That route is also available to you. Or you can just eat your own leg bones, your own flesh, your own muscles for the sake of…. because you are hungry you can just…. your own flesh you can eat your own flesh, bone, muscles. You can live that way also but how many days… maybe for ten days. Then, tenth day you will realize you have eaten your own basic infrastructure for survival. Not only you will die, you will have a worst death.
Same way your mind has some basic infrastructures. See your body has a basic infrastructure. Now by doing weightlifting, yoga, you can prepare the body to a basic strength. Then use that basic strength to do extraordinary workout and extraordinary achievements like a weightlifting Guinness record level or running Guinness record level. You can achieve that. Having your mind also you can do that. Your mind has a basic infrastructure. And you can prepare it with samyama and achieve the extraordinary thing like enlightenment. Just understand this body and mind comparison. You have a body. You can do yoga and create a basic strength. Then you can go for the extraordinary achievements like a heavy weight lifting and do Guinness record. Same way in the mind…. You have a mind. You can prepare it with samyama and reach enlightenment.
But with the body you can do another one thing. Instead of creating and going towards the highest achievements, just you can start eating your own flesh, your own blood, your own muscles. Then you will destroy yourself and have worst death, worst end. Same way sometime you can start eating your own inner infrastructure of the mind; just like a foolish guy starts eating his own body in hunger, the power hunger sometimes makes people to destroy their inner infrastructure of the mind and use it for extraordinary purposes. So that is called black magic. Misused or abused mind is black magic. I can say.....black magic... abused mind...Used mind is siddhis. Abused mind is black magic.
And understand about the black magic, white magic and happenings of the Presence. The siddhis can be called as white magic. There is some more things called ordinary magic. Just with the help of chemicals what all the magicians do. Just with the help of chemicals and sleet of hand ... those things. They are not black magic or white magic. There mind is not at all used. It is more or less like a chemical being used... different chemicals, different sleet of hand. All these things only you can see in the TV. Great magics revealed! How they do it how they show... they use some chemicals and suddenly fire will appear. They use some chemical and suddenly garland will appear. They use some chemical suddenly vibhooti will appear from the hand. They use some chemical and suddenly some... these things appear. Understand they are called ordinary tricks; tricks - just sleet of hand, that kind of tricks. So for that you don’t need to use mental power or you don’t need to use mind power. There is no mind involved there. It is more or less like a chemistry; secret chemistry used in a creative way for entertainment. That is ordinary magic tricks.
There is another one thing called ucchadana. Understand in the Hindu tradition, in the yogic tradition, three ways are there for extraordinary powers. I will... three ways. Patanjali explains very clearly; mani, mantra, aushadha…. Mani means technique, mantra means sounds, aushadha means herbs or chemicals. Through these three ways the extraordinary powers can be expressed or achieved. Understand if predominantly mani is used, technique is used, it will be always be siddhis. It will be siddhis. If predominantly aushadha is used, herbs or chemicals, it is called ucchadana. If the aushadha is predominant and little bit of mantra will be there; this is called ucchadana. This is called ucchadana…. I wanted all of you to understand this whole science so that you will not be easily cheated. You will not be easily cheated and…. Please understand, when the herbs chemicals are predominantly used and little bit of mantra is used, sounds are used, it is called ucchadana. Only herbs and chemicals are used nothing else it is called tricks. There is no mantra, there is no mani means technique, there is no technique there is no sounds, just chemicals and herbs it is called tricks, magic tricks.
So now, I am explaining three important technical term - Magic tricks, Black magic, White magic, Happenings of the Presence. What we are doing here, people receiving vibhoothi all over the world from their hands or from My padukas is ‘happenings of the Presence’. Understand; don’t mistake that with something else. I will define now how things are happening, how things are done. See, for example, Vibhoothi materializing – If you make a small pressured vibhoothi balls and keep it between your fingers and just take it out and materialize and give; and there are some chemicals which will not change the color of your skin… if you apply on your skin, on the hand, nobody will be able to find out anything/something abnormal. But if you rub your hands you will have vibhoothi in the hands… there are chemicals. If it is done that way it is called magic tricks.
And if the same materializing of the vibhoothi is done with the help of some yakshinis or the unconscious mind energies, it is called black magic. The same vibhoothi materializing is done on the way towards enlightenment…. somebody is growing towards enlightenment and he is doing it because he got some powers, it is called siddhi’s - white magic. After enlightenment in his Presence anywhere devotees, disciples wants, anywhere people feel connected, if it is happening, it is called happenings of Presence. Understand I do not have a Will. I just casually like a…. flow like a breeze. Oh I am seeing some people here, devotees are sitting. If vibhooti comes in their hand they will be happy. Come on let them have it; that’s all. There is no other purpose, there is no other reason. It is just a casual flow; so happenings of the Presence.
Understand the different levels of these magic tricks, black magic, white magic and the happenings of the Presence. Understand, usually the siddhis, even it is white magic, is done in their breathing space. But if it happens in different places where My physical presence is not there, like vibhoothi kumkum coming from padukas in different places, in devotees' hands who are sitting in different places, different countries - that is called happening of the Presence. It is not happening in My breathing space, it is happening just by the Presence. So ‘Happenings of the Presence’ is the ultimate, safe, extraordinary experiences.
If it is a magic tricks, it has nothing to do with spirituality or mind, it is just entertainment, over, no problem. If it is a black magic the person who is doing will destroy himself, will put himself into worst depression and worst death. Worst end. If it is white magic he will not destroy himself but he will not have Enlightenment. He will be stuck. That will be a obstacle for enlightenment and after achieving the no mind state whatever is happens it is the happenings of the Presence - LEELA. It is a Leela. Understand your kundalini awakening, what happens in you, your levitation, the materialization which is happening in your hands, in My padukas, everything, is happenings of the Presence. There is no will. There is no will, just like a casual breeze; that’s all, happening!
It is a happening of the Presence. For the happening of the presence neither herbs nor sounds or techniques are used. No mani, mantra, aushadha. Only aushadha is….. see only aushadha is magic trick...only herbs, aushadha means herbs and chemistry, herbs and chemicals. Only if the herbs and chemicals are used, it is magic trick. If the chemicals and little bit of sounds are used, it is called ucchadana. Ucchadana has one more branch black magic. It is like a using it without being aware of the side effect for wrong purposes. It is called black magic and if the mani technique is used you will have some extraordinary powers. They are called siddhis - White magic, and after achieving the no mind state whatever happens in your presence is Leela; happenings of the Presence.
Now Patanjali is talking an important truth. He is revealing a very important sacred secret. He says all the samyamas he gave till now and all the powers, extraordinary powers and experiences will happen are great achievement in the outer world but obstacle to the Samadhi state. Understand! You need really guts to teach something and say the use or the utility level of the teaching. I can say the honesty of Patanjali in this sutra. After teaching thoroughly everything, he says these are great achievements in the outer world but obstacle for Enlightenment. He is warning you. He is warning you. Now you need to understand this sutra very well.
First thing you need to do, sit and analyze. Do you really want only Enlightenment or you are interested in some worldly achievement also. Make it very clear. Don’t be hypocrites. I know there are so many vedantic sanyasis. They don’t want to do samyama because they say oh we don’t want any worldly achievements. We want only Enlightenment. But in everyday life they will be running around behind name and fame and money, doing all ordinary works and caught in jealousy and anger. Understand now the sacred secret in this whole sutra is, the sacred secret in this whole sutra is ….Be very clear, how much of your mind; how much of percentage of your mind is interested in only Samadhi and Enlightenment, how much of your mind is interested in outer world accomplishments. If you are interested in outer world accomplishments, nothing wrong! Use the samyamas and have siddhis. Enjoy the life. If you are interested only in Enlightenment, dump everything and go towards Samadhi.
But I have seen many hypocritical so called vedantic sanyasis, who wants outer world accomplishments, who enjoy name and fame, money, power, position, everything, but they do not work on samyama to achieve extraordinary powers because they don’t believe the samyama can bring extraordinary powers. They do not know the technique and they do not believe, trust, samyamas can bring extraordinary powers. That is what I am saying hypocrisy - don’t do that. Understand, analyze properly. Do you want outer world accomplishments like a name, fame, money, comforts, luxury- nothing wrong; Great! Then use these samyamas, you will have it just like that. You will achieve it very quickly. Along with your work if you use the samyama also you will achieve it in no time. Or if you are really clear, you don’t want anything in the outer world, then relax into Samadhi.
Understand these technical terms like magic tricks, black magic, ucchadana, white magic and Happenings of Presence. If you know these five categories clearly, whenever there is something extraordinary shown in front of you, analyze and understand which one, this extraordinary thing belongs to which category. Then you will not be cheated. You will be clear about what you want in your life. Magic tricks by themself neither good nor bad. How you use. If you are using just for entertainment, great, nothing wrong. Black magic whether it is entertainment or whatever purpose you may use, it is wrong and it will do bad to you and to the persons whom you are showing or doing. So it is like a….. it will lead to worst ends.
Then ucchadana, uncchadana, the purpose for which you use, based on that its effect and side effect will be differing. If you are using it rightly for right purpose you will not have any problem. If you are using it wrongly for right purpose you will have problem. If you are using rightly for wrong purpose you will have a problem.
And white magic you will not have any problem you will not have Enlightenment. Enlightenment will be delayed, that’s all. No other problem. And white magic has one more plus point. It will give you the intelligence when to do when not to do. Siddhis - They are only called white magic. So the ultimate thing ‘Happenings of the Presence’! That is what there will be neither side effect nor anything bad. It will do good to the person who is expressing, whose presence is responsible and to all the people to whom it shown or to whom it is happening, to whom you speak about it. For all of them it will do good. That is what is Happenings of the Presence - Leela.
Understand these classifications. Understand the sacred secret in this sutra. Understand your purpose. How much you need only Enlightenment or how much you are ready to compromise for the sake of outer world achievements. Be very clear about it. And then you will be able to clearly decide whether do you want to use some samyamas or not. So neither have fear towards siddhis nor have fear towards … see neither have fear towards siddhis nor have greed towards siddhi’s. Have clarity and clear understanding towards it. Then you will not waste your time and energy, you will not cheat yourself and others.
I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, express, live, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Science of Miracles Patanjali yoga Sutras 144
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUI7O1Zrvzk&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-april-05-science-of?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Supernormal powers or Enlightenment - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 144
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM4pA3DIG90&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-apr-05-supernormal-powers?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Siddhis & Beyond!
144th  Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 38th verse
Te Samaadhou Upasarkaaha Vyudhane Siddhayaha
Vivekananda: these are obstacles to Samadhi but they are powers in the worldly state
Prabhavananda: they are powers in the worldly state but they are obstacles in samadhi
Satchitananda: these super physical senses are obstacles to nirbhija Samadhi…
Osho:  these are powers when the mind is turned outward but obstacles in the way of Samadhi
I feel exactly Patanjali is happening the right subject about today. I will now detailed way describe. First I need to make you all understand the science of siddhi. The science of siddhi. Because in this sutra there are really many sacred secrets & many things which need to be clarified for many seekers. Because mystery mongering is not seeking for enlightenment or spirituality. Harry Potter school is different from mystery school. Harry Potter School is different from Mystery School, Mystery School is different from Harry Potter School. I will give you the basic understanding about Siddhis.
When you are moving from mind to no mind through samyama or practices in this path whatever you go through as experiences is what I call as Siddhi. For example when you are doing samyama on Ananda Gandha you will have extraordinary powers happening on the way. That is called Siddhi.
Your body has the basic infrastructure. By doing weight lifting, yoga you can have basic strength. You can achieve various records by using your body and mind. Understand this body & mind comparison. You have a body, you can do yoga and create basic strength. Then do extraordinary feats like heavy weight lifting and get guinness record and awards. Same way you have mind, you can achieve enlightenment.
But with body you can also eat your own blood, muscles, flesh and you will start having the worst death. The power hunger sometimes makes people to destroy their inner infrastructure of the mind and use it for extraordinary purposes. That is called black magic. Misused or abused power is what I call black magic. Used mind is siddhis, abused mind is black magic. And understand about the black magic, white magic and happenings of the presence. Siddhis are like white magic. There are some more things called ordinary magic. This is like using chemicals and doing different magical feat. These are ordinary tricks just sleat of hand. That kind of tricks. For that you don’t need to use mental power, mind power. There is no mind involved there. It is like a secret chemistry used in a creative way. There is another one thing called Uchatana. In the hindu traidtion, yogic tradition 3 ways are there for extraordinary powers to express through you. they are
Mani – technique
Mantra –  sounds
Oushada – herbs or chemicals
Through this 3 ways the extraordinary powers can be expressed or achieved. If predominantly manis is used it is always these siddhas, oushada is used with little bit of mantra it is called Uchatana. I wanted all of you to understand this whole science so that you will not be easily cheated. Please understand, when the herbs, chemicals are predominantly used & little bit of mantra, sounds are used it is called Uchatana. If only herbs & chemicals are used, nothing else – it is called trick. There is no mani – techniques or mantra – sound is used, it is called magtic tricks. So there are few things –
Magic tricks, white magic, black magic, happenings of the presence. What happens when vibudhi comes from my paadukaas are happenings of the presence. For example Vibudhi materializing – if you make small vibudhi balls and keep then between your fingers, apply chemical on your palm nobody can notice anything abnormal. Then when you rub your palm, vibudhi will come.  It is called magic. The same vibudhi materializing is done with the help of Yakshini – unconscious souls it is called black magic, vibudhi coming from a person who is on the way to enlightenment, it is called white magic, afte4r enlightenment when vibudhi comes it is called happenings from the presence. I don’t have any other purpose. There is no other reason. In this the vibudhi happens as a casual flow. So understand the different levels – magic tricks, black magic, white magic, happenings in the presence. Usually the siddhi the white magic is done in the physical space. But if it happens beyond that like Vibudhi coming in other countries, it is not happening in my breathing space, it is due to happening because of the presence. If it is ordinary magic nothing wrong. It is simple magic. If it is black magic, the person doing will destroy himself. With white magic the person doing this will be stuck and will not be able to achieve enlightenment. And after enlightenment that which happens is just pure divine leela. It is happenings of the presence. There is no will. Just like a casual breeze that is all is happening. It is happening of the presence. For this neither techniques, nor sounds nor herbs are used. No mani, mantra , oushada are used. Only herbs and chemicals are used in magic tricks. Only if the chemicals and little bit of sounds are used it is called Uchatana. Uchatana has one more b ranch – black magic it is like using it without being aware of the side effects for wrong purposes. If the mani – technique is used, you will have some extraordinary powers called siddhas white magic. And after achieving enlightenment whatever happens in the presence is leela.
Patanjali says all the samyamas he gave till now and all the powers – extraordinary powers & experiences will happen are great achievement to the outer world and obstacle to the Samadhi state. You need guts to teach something and say the utility level of this teaching can be obstacle! This is the honesty of Patanjali. He is warning you. First thing you need to do sit & analyze – do you really want only enlightenment or you are interested in some worldly achievement also. don’t be hypocrites. I know there are many Vedantic Sanyasis who say we don’t need these things and don’t do samyamas. They run around doing ordinary works and feel jealous of others who have it.
The sacred secret in this whole sutra is if you are interested in outer world accomplishments then practice samyamas. Nothing wrong in it. if you are interested in Samadhi & enlightenment don’t practice all samyamas, practice only the ones that give you enlightenment. Nothing wrong. Understand what do you want. Do you want name, fame, money, great. Use these samyamas along with your work. You will achieve it in no time. Or you are very clear you don’t need anything but enlightenment – just relax into Samadhi.
Yesterday I heard news that Satya Sai Baba is critical in Hospital. We all pray and want him to get well and be well in the body. his physical presence is required in planet earth. We all pray to almighty that he recovers. I saw some people comment on the internet – if he is God, then why cannot he heal himself? Why does he need a ventilator for support? I want to tell all you guys that incarnations don’t have blood or what in their body? He will have blood in his body, he will have body just like anyone else and he will have a brain whose non-mechanical parts of brain are also awakened! And is this the time to abuse someone?  Look at the extraordinary contributions to humanity. Me & Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam pray that his physical presence continues to exist in the body. he lives in the body healthily so that his contributions can be more for the planet earth so that seekers and the world can be in his presence. Of course he will continue to do his mission even without his physical presence. But we pray that he continues in his physical presence on planet earth.
Understand these technical terms like – magic tricks, black magic, white magic, Uchatana, Happenings of presence – if you know this 5 category clearly, whenever any extraordinary thing is shown to you, analyze this belongs to which category. Then you will be clear and will know what you want in your life.
Magic tricks – plain entertainment  - nothing wrong. Black magic – even if you do for entertainment it is dangerous and do bad to you and person to whom you are doing. Uchatana – if you use it rightly for right purpose you will not have problem, if you use wrongly for right purpose or rightly for wrong purpose you will have problem. White magic may delay enlightenment but it will give you intelligence when to do when not to do. These are only what I call siddhiis. And miracles which happen in the presence, leela – happenings of the presence does only good all the time.
Understand these sacred secrets, understand your purpose. Be very clear about it. then you will be able to clearly decide whether you want to use some samyamas o rnot. Neither have fear towards siddhis nor have greed towards siddhis. Have clarity and clear understanding about them. then you will not waste your time & energy. You will not cheat yourself & others. Blessings!
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Awaken Your- Supernatural- Powers-Patanjali-yoga-Sutras-144

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Video Audio



Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Let’s enter into today’s subject. Today’s subject is ‘Siddhis and Beyond’.... 144th sutra of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and 3rd chapter 38th verse. Let’s enter into the sutra: Te samadou upasarkaha vyuddane siddayaha. Te samadou upasarkaha vyuddane siddayaha.


Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as these are obstacles to Samadhi but they are powers in the worldly state. Swami Prabhavananda translates as they are powers in the worldly state but they are obstacles to Samadhi. Swami Sachidananda translates as these super physical senses are obstacles to nirbeeja Samadhi but are siddhis, powers, worldly accomplishments in the worldly pursuits. Bhagawan Osho translates as these are powers when the mind is turned outward but obstacles in the way of Samadhi.


I feel exactly Patanjali is happening; the right subject for today because just yesterday we had some strong experiences about siddhis. I will now detailed way describe. First I need to make you all understand the science of siddhi. Step by step I will give you a detailed diagram; the science of siddhi; because in this sutra there are really many sacred secrets and many things which need to be clarified for any seeker; because mystery mongering is not seeking for enlightenment or spirituality. Harry Potter school is different than mystery school. I will give you the basic understanding about siddhis.


Please understand this is mind. This box is mind. Just like your body it has its own components. It is a mechanism. This is the no mind state…. When you are moving from mind to no mind through samyama or practices related to mind, at this point whatever happens extraordinarily in your system is called siddhis. Understand when the movement from mind to no mind, what you go through, for example when you are doing samyama on Ananda Gandha to achieve enlightenment you will have some extraordinary experience and powers happening on the way. That is called siddhis. After you achieve the no mind state something happens in your presence that is called presence siddhis. You can call it happenings of the Presence. You should not even use the word siddhis; maybe happenings of the Presence, happenings of the Presence.


And there is something called black magic. See for example, you have a body with bone, flesh, blood and everything. Now you have a freedom to create a basic strength in this body by exercise and yoga and build the body heavily, maintain the highest possible health or do some Guinness record by weight lifting or so many things. That route is also available to you. Or you can just eat your own leg bones, your own flesh, your own muscles for the sake of…. because you are hungry you can just…. your own flesh you can eat your own flesh, bone, muscles. You can live that way also but how many days… maybe for ten days. Then, tenth day you will realize you have eaten your own basic infrastructure for survival. Not only you will die, you will have a worst death.


Same way your mind has some basic infrastructures. See your body has a basic infrastructure. Now by doing weightlifting, yoga, you can prepare the body to a basic strength. Then use that basic strength to do extraordinary workout and extraordinary achievements like a weightlifting Guinness record level or running Guinness record level. You can achieve that. Having your mind also you can do that. Your mind has a basic infrastructure. And you can prepare it with samyama and achieve the extraordinary thing like enlightenment. Just understand this body and mind comparison. You have a body. You can do yoga and create a basic strength. Then you can go for the extraordinary achievements like a heavy weight lifting and do Guinness record. Same way in the mind…. You have a mind. You can prepare it with samyama and reach enlightenment.


But with the body you can do another one thing. Instead of creating and going towards the highest achievements, just you can start eating your own flesh, your own blood, your own muscles. Then you will destroy yourself and have worst death, worst end. Same way sometime you can start eating your own inner infrastructure of the mind; just like a foolish guy starts eating his own body in hunger, the power hunger sometimes makes people to destroy their inner infrastructure of the mind and use it for extraordinary purposes. So that is called black magic. Misused or abused mind is black magic. I can say.....black magic... abused mind...Used mind is siddhis. Abused mind is black magic.


And understand about the black magic, white magic and happenings of the Presence. The siddhis can be called as white magic. There is some more things called ordinary magic. Just with the help of chemicals what all the magicians do. Just with the help of chemicals and sleet of hand ... those things. They are not black magic or white magic. There mind is not at all used. It is more or less like a chemical being used... different chemicals, different sleet of hand. All these things only you can see in the TV. Great magics revealed! How they do it how they show... they use some chemicals and suddenly fire will appear. They use some chemical and suddenly garland will appear. They use some chemical suddenly vibhooti will appear from the hand. They use some chemical and suddenly some... these things appear. Understand they are called ordinary tricks; tricks - just sleet of hand, that kind of tricks. So for that you don’t need to use mental power or you don’t need to use mind power. There is no mind involved there. It is more or less like a chemistry; secret chemistry used in a creative way for entertainment. That is ordinary magic tricks.


There is another one thing called ucchadana. Understand in the Hindu tradition, in the yogic tradition, three ways are there for extraordinary powers. I will... three ways. Patanjali explains very clearly; mani, mantra, aushadha…. Mani means technique, mantra means sounds, aushadha means herbs or chemicals. Through these three ways the extraordinary powers can be expressed or achieved. Understand if predominantly mani is used, technique is used, it will be always be siddhis. It will be siddhis. If predominantly aushadha is used, herbs or chemicals, it is called ucchadana. If the aushadha is predominant and little bit of mantra will be there; this is called ucchadana. This is called ucchadana…. I wanted all of you to understand this whole science so that you will not be easily cheated. You will not be easily cheated and…. Please understand, when the herbs chemicals are predominantly used and little bit of mantra is used, sounds are used, it is called ucchadana. Only herbs and chemicals are used nothing else it is called tricks. There is no mantra, there is no mani means technique, there is no technique there is no sounds, just chemicals and herbs it is called tricks, magic tricks.


So now, I am explaining three important technical term - Magic tricks, Black magic, White magic, Happenings of the Presence. What we are doing here, people receiving vibhoothi all over the world from their hands or from My padukas is ‘happenings of the Presence’. Understand; don’t mistake that with something else. I will define now how things are happening, how things are done. See, for example, Vibhoothi materializing – If you make a small pressured vibhoothi balls and keep it between your fingers and just take it out and materialize and give; and there are some chemicals which will not change the color of your skin… if you apply on your skin, on the hand, nobody will be able to find out anything/something abnormal. But if you rub your hands you will have vibhoothi in the hands… there are chemicals. If it is done that way it is called magic tricks.


And if the same materializing of the vibhoothi is done with the help of some yakshinis or the unconscious mind energies, it is called black magic. The same vibhoothi materializing is done on the way towards enlightenment…. somebody is growing towards enlightenment and he is doing it because he got some powers, it is called siddhi’s - white magic. After enlightenment in his Presence anywhere devotees, disciples wants, anywhere people feel connected, if it is happening, it is called happenings of Presence. Understand I do not have a Will. I just casually like a…. flow like a breeze. Oh I am seeing some people here, devotees are sitting. If vibhooti comes in their hand they will be happy. Come on let them have it; that’s all. There is no other purpose, there is no other reason. It is just a casual flow; so happenings of the Presence.


Understand the different levels of these magic tricks, black magic, white magic and the happenings of the Presence. Understand, usually the siddhis, even it is white magic, is done in their breathing space. But if it happens in different places where My physical presence is not there, like vibhoothi kumkum coming from padukas in different places, in devotees' hands who are sitting in different places, different countries - that is called happening of the Presence. It is not happening in My breathing space, it is happening just by the Presence. So ‘Happenings of the Presence’ is the ultimate, safe, extraordinary experiences.


If it is a magic tricks, it has nothing to do with spirituality or mind, it is just entertainment, over, no problem. If it is a black magic the person who is doing will destroy himself, will put himself into worst depression and worst death. Worst end. If it is white magic he will not destroy himself but he will not have Enlightenment. He will be stuck. That will be a obstacle for enlightenment and after achieving the no mind state whatever is happens it is the happenings of the Presence - LEELA. It is a Leela. Understand your kundalini awakening, what happens in you, your levitation, the materialization which is happening in your hands, in My padukas, everything, is happenings of the Presence. There is no will. There is no will, just like a casual breeze; that’s all, happening!


It is a happening of the Presence. For the happening of the presence neither herbs nor sounds or techniques are used. No mani, mantra, aushadha. Only aushadha is….. see only aushadha is magic trick...only herbs, aushadha means herbs and chemistry, herbs and chemicals. Only if the herbs and chemicals are used, it is magic trick. If the chemicals and little bit of sounds are used, it is called ucchadana. Ucchadana has one more branch black magic. It is like a using it without being aware of the side effect for wrong purposes. It is called black magic and if the mani technique is used you will have some extraordinary powers. They are called siddhis - White magic, and after achieving the no mind state whatever happens in your presence is Leela; happenings of the Presence.


Now Patanjali is talking an important truth. He is revealing a very important sacred secret. He says all the samyamas he gave till now and all the powers, extraordinary powers and experiences will happen are great achievement in the outer world but obstacle to the Samadhi state. Understand! You need really guts to teach something and say the use or the utility level of the teaching. I can say the honesty of Patanjali in this sutra. After teaching thoroughly everything, he says these are great achievements in the outer world but obstacle for Enlightenment. He is warning you. He is warning you. Now you need to understand this sutra very well.


First thing you need to do, sit and analyze. Do you really want only Enlightenment or you are interested in some worldly achievement also. Make it very clear. Don’t be hypocrites. I know there are so many vedantic sanyasis. They don’t want to do samyama because they say oh we don’t want any worldly achievements. We want only Enlightenment. But in everyday life they will be running around behind name and fame and money, doing all ordinary works and caught in jealousy and anger. Understand now the sacred secret in this whole sutra is, the sacred secret in this whole sutra is ….Be very clear, how much of your mind; how much of percentage of your mind is interested in only Samadhi and Enlightenment, how much of your mind is interested in outer world accomplishments. If you are interested in outer world accomplishments, nothing wrong! Use the samyamas and have siddhis. Enjoy the life. If you are interested only in Enlightenment, dump everything and go towards Samadhi.


But I have seen many hypocritical so called vedantic sanyasis, who wants outer world accomplishments, who enjoy name and fame, money, power, position, everything, but they do not work on samyama to achieve extraordinary powers because they don’t believe the samyama can bring extraordinary powers. They do not know the technique and they do not believe, trust, samyamas can bring extraordinary powers. That is what I am saying hypocrisy - don’t do that. Understand, analyze properly. Do you want outer world accomplishments like a name, fame, money, comforts, luxury- nothing wrong; Great! Then use these samyamas, you will have it just like that. You will achieve it very quickly. Along with your work if you use the samyama also you will achieve it in no time. Or if you are really clear, you don’t want anything in the outer world, then relax into Samadhi.


Understand these technical terms like magic tricks, black magic, ucchadana, white magic and Happenings of Presence. If you know these five categories clearly, whenever there is something extraordinary shown in front of you, analyze and understand which one, this extraordinary thing belongs to which category. Then you will not be cheated. You will be clear about what you want in your life. Magic tricks by themself neither good nor bad. How you use. If you are using just for entertainment, great, nothing wrong. Black magic whether it is entertainment or whatever purpose you may use, it is wrong and it will do bad to you and to the persons whom you are showing or doing. So it is like a….. it will lead to worst ends.


Then ucchadana, uncchadana, the purpose for which you use, based on that its effect and side effect will be differing. If you are using it rightly for right purpose you will not have any problem. If you are using it wrongly for right purpose you will have problem. If you are using rightly for wrong purpose you will have a problem. And white magic you will not have any problem you will not have Enlightenment. Enlightenment will be delayed, that’s all. No other problem. And white magic has one more plus point. It will give you the intelligence when to do when not to do. Siddhis - They are only called white magic. So the ultimate thing ‘Happenings of the Presence’! That is what there will be neither side effect nor anything bad. It will do good to the person who is expressing, whose presence is responsible and to all the people to whom it shown or to whom it is happening, to whom you speak about it. For all of them it will do good. That is what is Happenings of the Presence - Leela.


Understand these classifications. Understand the sacred secret in this sutra. Understand your purpose. How much you need only Enlightenment or how much you are ready to compromise for the sake of outer world achievements. Be very clear about it. And then you will be able to clearly decide whether do you want to use some samyamas or not. So neither have fear towards siddhis nor have fear towards … see neither have fear towards siddhis nor have greed towards siddhi’s. Have clarity and clear understanding towards it. Then you will not waste your time and energy, you will not cheat yourself and others.


I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, express, live, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.



Science of Miracles Patanjali yoga Sutras 144

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Supernormal powers or Enlightenment - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 144

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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is Siddhis & Beyond! 144th Patanjali Yoga Sutras, 3rd chapter 38th verse Te Samaadhou Upasarkaaha Vyudhane Siddhayaha Vivekananda: these are obstacles to Samadhi but they are powers in the worldly state Prabhavananda: they are powers in the worldly state but they are obstacles in samadhi Satchitananda: these super physical senses are obstacles to nirbhija Samadhi… Osho: these are powers when the mind is turned outward but obstacles in the way of Samadhi I feel exactly Patanjali is happening the right subject about today. I will now detailed way describe. First I need to make you all understand the science of siddhi. The science of siddhi. Because in this sutra there are really many sacred secrets & many things which need to be clarified for many seekers. Because mystery mongering is not seeking for enlightenment or spirituality. Harry Potter school is different from mystery school. Harry Potter School is different from Mystery School, Mystery School is different from Harry Potter School. I will give you the basic understanding about Siddhis. When you are moving from mind to no mind through samyama or practices in this path whatever you go through as experiences is what I call as Siddhi. For example when you are doing samyama on Ananda Gandha you will have extraordinary powers happening on the way. That is called Siddhi.

Your body has the basic infrastructure. By doing weight lifting, yoga you can have basic strength. You can achieve various records by using your body and mind. Understand this body & mind comparison. You have a body, you can do yoga and create basic strength. Then do extraordinary feats like heavy weight lifting and get guinness record and awards. Same way you have mind, you can achieve enlightenment. But with body you can also eat your own blood, muscles, flesh and you will start having the worst death. The power hunger sometimes makes people to destroy their inner infrastructure of the mind and use it for extraordinary purposes. That is called black magic. Misused or abused power is what I call black magic. Used mind is siddhis, abused mind is black magic. And understand about the black magic, white magic and happenings of the presence. Siddhis are like white magic. There are some more things called ordinary magic. This is like using chemicals and doing different magical feat. These are ordinary tricks just sleat of hand. That kind of tricks. For that you don’t need to use mental power, mind power. There is no mind involved there. It is like a secret chemistry used in a creative way. There is another one thing called Uchatana. In the hindu traidtion, yogic tradition 3 ways are there for extraordinary powers to express through you. they are Mani – technique Mantra – sounds Oushada – herbs or chemicals Through this 3 ways the extraordinary powers can be expressed or achieved. If predominantly manis is used it is always these siddhas, oushada is used with little bit of mantra it is called Uchatana. I wanted all of you to understand this whole science so that you will not be easily cheated. Please understand, when the herbs, chemicals are predominantly used & little bit of mantra, sounds are used it is called Uchatana. If only herbs & chemicals are used, nothing else – it is called trick. There is no mani – techniques or mantra – sound is used, it is called magtic tricks. So there are few things – Magic tricks, white magic, black magic, happenings of the presence. What happens when vibudhi comes from my paadukaas are happenings of the presence. For example Vibudhi materializing – if you make small vibudhi balls and keep then between your fingers, apply chemical on your palm nobody can notice anything abnormal. Then when you rub your palm, vibudhi will come. It is called magic. The same vibudhi materializing is done with the help of Yakshini – unconscious souls it is called black magic, vibudhi coming from a person who is on the way to enlightenment, it is called white magic, afte4r enlightenment when vibudhi comes it is called happenings from the presence. I don’t have any other purpose. There is no other reason. In this the vibudhi happens as a casual flow. So understand the different levels – magic tricks, black magic, white magic, happenings in the presence. Usually the siddhi the white magic is done in the physical space. But if it happens beyond that like Vibudhi coming in other countries, it is not happening in my breathing space, it is due to happening because of the presence. If it is ordinary magic nothing wrong. It is simple magic. If it is black magic, the person doing will destroy himself. With white magic the person doing this will be stuck and will not be able to achieve enlightenment. And after enlightenment that which happens is just pure divine leela. It is happenings of the presence. There is no will. Just like a casual breeze that is all is happening. It is happening of the presence. For this neither techniques, nor sounds nor herbs are used. No mani, mantra , oushada are used. Only herbs and chemicals are used in magic tricks. Only if the chemicals and little bit of sounds are used it is called Uchatana. Uchatana has one more b ranch – black magic it is like using it without being aware of the side effects for wrong purposes. If the mani – technique is used, you will have some extraordinary powers called siddhas white magic. And after achieving enlightenment whatever happens in the presence is leela. Patanjali says all the samyamas he gave till now and all the powers – extraordinary powers & experiences will happen are great achievement to the outer world and obstacle to the Samadhi state. You need guts to teach something and say the utility level of this teaching can be obstacle! This is the honesty of Patanjali. He is warning you. First thing you need to do sit & analyze – do you really want only enlightenment or you are interested in some worldly achievement also. don’t be hypocrites. I know there are many Vedantic Sanyasis who say we don’t need these things and don’t do samyamas. They run around doing ordinary works and feel jealous of others who have it.

The sacred secret in this whole sutra is if you are interested in outer world accomplishments then practice samyamas. Nothing wrong in it. if you are interested in Samadhi & enlightenment don’t practice all samyamas, practice only the ones that give you enlightenment. Nothing wrong. Understand what do you want. Do you want name, fame, money, great. Use these samyamas along with your work. You will achieve it in no time. Or you are very clear you don’t need anything but enlightenment – just relax into Samadhi. Yesterday I heard news that Satya Sai Baba is critical in Hospital. We all pray and want him to get well and be well in the body. his physical presence is required in planet earth. We all pray to almighty that he recovers. I saw some people comment on the internet – if he is God, then why cannot he heal himself? Why does he need a ventilator for support? I want to tell all you guys that incarnations don’t have blood or what in their body? He will have blood in his body, he will have body just like anyone else and he will have a brain whose non-mechanical parts of brain are also awakened! And is this the time to abuse someone? Look at the extraordinary contributions to humanity. Me & Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam pray that his physical presence continues to exist in the body. he lives in the body healthily so that his contributions can be more for the planet earth so that seekers and the world can be in his presence. Of course he will continue to do his mission even without his physical presence. But we pray that he continues in his physical presence on planet earth. Understand these technical terms like – magic tricks, black magic, white magic, Uchatana, Happenings of presence – if you know this 5 category clearly, whenever any extraordinary thing is shown to you, analyze this belongs to which category. Then you will be clear and will know what you want in your life. Magic tricks – plain entertainment - nothing wrong. Black magic – even if you do for entertainment it is dangerous and do bad to you and person to whom you are doing. Uchatana – if you use it rightly for right purpose you will not have problem, if you use wrongly for right purpose or rightly for wrong purpose you will have problem. White magic may delay enlightenment but it will give you intelligence when to do when not to do. These are only what I call siddhiis. And miracles which happen in the presence, leela – happenings of the presence does only good all the time. Understand these sacred secrets, understand your purpose. Be very clear about it. then you will be able to clearly decide whether you want to use some samyamas o rnot. Neither have fear towards siddhis nor have greed towards siddhis. Have clarity and clear understanding about them. then you will not waste your time & energy. You will not cheat yourself & others. Blessings!


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