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Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing
Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing
==Link to Video: ==  
In this video (4th December 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals how we can strengthen our powerful cognitions by causing others' reality.
==Video - Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IsMTNxZxNg |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-12dec-04-strengthen-powerful-cognitions-with-causing?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2017-list"/>
==Transcript - Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing==
nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva sadāśiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
Let me enter into Satsang. Listen. Hindu tradition has only 3 steps for ultimate realization, Manifesting Sadashivatva.
One: Shravana – Listening.
Two: Manana - intranalyzing,
Three: Nidhidhyasana – manifesting, living. Listen carefully, any great truth you listen, Shravana, which goes into your length - logic dimension should become part of your depth - cognition. Once it becomes cognition, you start living it, that’s all. Logically you all heard millions of times from Me “You are Sadashiva”. You are the same pure Consciousness, but it has not yet became your depth-cognition.
It is sitting there (shows his head), but not into your ananda gandha. Listen carefully, what is the way all your great ideas..... as long it is only a length, logic is an idea... when it becomes cognition, it is life. Ideas you have about your soul, “what is individual soul”, “what is Jagat”, means Universe - human beings, life, nature. What is Eshwara? Listen carefully; you have all the right ideas now, nothing more need to be taught. That is why no Guru can stand in front of my disciples!!
I challenge any question answers. My Thanedar... there is nobody in the field to stand my Thanedar. You guys know too much, no doubt, amazing ideas about Self – means, Jeeva, Jagat - Universe, Eshwara - God. You know too much and it is in your logic, in your length. But it has to become your cognition, depth. How? How? Understand when all the great ideas about Jeeva, Eshwara, Jagat Self, Universe and God, is sitting in your logic, it is yet to become your depth, cognition, you all have all the right things. I have seen many people, when they advice others the way they advice....oh God!!
Understand it does not need to be our weakness, it can become Sadhana. Listen, how many of you feel when you solve others problems so many clicks happen inside you, and many of your problems are solved... raise your hand. That’s all is the technique, start causing others. That is what I am saying. Understand, all the great understandings you have about Self, Universe and God - Jeeva, Ishwara and Jagat.... Jeeva, Ishwara and Jagat, all  the great things, great ideas you have, need to become part of your cognition, depth. How many of you feel “Everything I have in my length, if it becomes depth now I will become enlightened. I have so much.”? What is the methodology then? Causing... that’s all. Now you know where you are standing, you know where you need to reach and you know the path. What for you are waiting? Pick up the phone, call now ☺ Like how in US advertisements in TV they say call now, call now, call now, we should say Cause now, Cause now, Cause now ☺
Understand, Causing is the spiritual practice because every time you cause others you just lift yourself to the higher understandings, cognitions, where the understandings you have in the level of logic - length becomes part of your depth - cognition.
In young age, I have seen... My mother will never give any house hold jobs for Me. I was always treated as.... Guest... Honoured Guest came to the house. My younger brother, elder brother all of them will be running around to grind rice and this local grinding mills will be there, grinding rice, chilly, rava... all that, many things. But somehow My brothers can't stand this chilly grinding. They all know I am a Yogi, no smell touches Me. That is the only job I Myself will do voluntarily and they will also wait for Me to do that because no one can stand that chilly grinding smell. And.... when these fellows go for chilly grinding, when they come back it will all be full tear, nose, here rolling (gestures towards nose) here rolling and they will be in a mess. But when I come back I will be so fresh ☺ This chilly grinding machine they will have that kind of a funnel where the chilly will be dumped and then below that grinding machine will be there motor. When too much is dumped there is automatic funnel shaker, that funnel will shake and then all the chilly will go inside. I tell you now too much understanding is dumped on your logic – length. You need causing as a shaker for that to get into your system and start manifesting as your cognition. I will show you how in Indian villages the grinding mills work.
Too many things are sitting on your head, “What is God... no not God... Goddel, 5 not 3” ☺ “What is Universe? Not 1, 11 dimension” “What is Self? Not just 3 Consciousness 25 states of Consciousness.” Too much is sitting on your logic - length.
(Photo of grinding machine projected) Yes. This is the machine. You can see, the top funnel, when too much chilly is dumped on that funnel it will get stuck. Then there is another one shaker. They will bring that shaker and touch that funnel and it will vibrate. Then slowly the chilly will go inside. Rahupathi yogi used to make Me drink water through the nose... to strengthen the capacity of the lungs; not just ordinary water, little bit of chilli powder he will add into that water. No, don’t try, I am not going to teach you guys now. No, because he made Me do many things like a preparing the lungs and then he will do...and he made Me eat mud and digest it. It is a kind of preparation of the stomach. Heavy, heavy... ability to digest increases your ability to live without food. It’s one of the yogic practice. You don’t try now.... I am not going to teach that now; may be after sometime I will establish all this scientifically and then I will start grooming team of kids. My Gurus have done lot of work of this body. That is the reason that nine years of the parivrajaka period I was able to sustain without any food and all that; otherwise all these duplicate fellows run for parivrajaka, I know very comfortably they go and hang in one ashram and live. They can't go out of that ashram even for one day.... because no food! I have seen many of these parivrajak Babas who run away from our Sangha, reading my parivrajaka stories they run away.
That is like a puliyapathu Puna Sudupodukuchan....", seeing the tiger cat also wants all those big, big strips on the body ☺ It picked up the hot iron rod and started putting the lines on itself... on the skin ☺
Lot of preparation is required on this system. See if the intestine can digest mud, sand, it just develops such a strength.... it can be there without digesting anything. It’s kind of a preparing the body for extremes. And ...  that's a yogic practice.
Anyhow, now listen. All the great ideas are sitting on the head, you need a shaker. What is the shaker? Causing! Then shake, that's all. Understand, causing makes the idea which is in your logic – length, into your depth, part of your very Being. If you want to built your whole body your whole body need to do the workout. You cannot work on your biceps and expect your thighs to be strong. If you want your legs to be strong, you have to do your leg workout.
Same way, if you want your understanding to become reality, you need to do Causing; because it is a shaker... that shakes and makes you understand where you are stuck. I request everyone in the Nithyananda Sangha, make time everyday for causing. Causing is the best way of awakening your own inner space... and digesting all the great ideas from logic to depth, from logic to depth for the cognitive shift to happen.
You have back pain, cause now.
You have headache, cause now.
You are stuck economically cause now.
You are stuck in your relationships, cause now.
Because that changes the very space you carry. From that space you will always see the solution; problem solved, problem solved. Understand, essence – you all know too much about Self, Universe and God. It need to become part of your cognition. Now it is part of your length - logic. It need to become part of cognition – depth. And .... causing is the best way it can become part, it can become part.
Now, you know the solution, you know where you are, where you need to go and what you need to do. Let's start, let's start now. Understand, I will do what needs to be done to your body in Maha Sadashivoham. Prepare your mind as much as possible and come here. Preparation of the mind is Causing. Here I am going to do so many packs - mud pack, turmeric pack, bhasma pack to detoxify your body and able to retain the power manifestation... able to retain. Actually one part of the Vaidya Sarovar, four floors I am dedicating only for packs ☺.... just for packs we are getting Ganga mud from Varanasi, Turmeric from Erode Cauvery, Bhasma from Tiruchendur, all the best things are coming. In the west you call it as mask – Mud mask and turmeric mask, Basma mask. East we call it as Pack. I will do what needs to be done to for your body, prepare yourself as much as possible and be here.
Everyone who has caused themself for Maha Sadashivoham or not yet caused yourself for Maha Sadashivoham, start causing others you will see the shift in your energy. Causing, causing causes your reality. If you want to become part of causers team, enrol yourself into the Nithyananda Sangha now. Sign up to be a member of Nithyananda Sangha now.
(Details for signing up projected)
We will start the initiation. Please sit straight. The initiation is infuse energy into your third eye, to digest all the powers I have already initiated you and instantly start manifesting.
Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom. Chant intensely.
Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom.
Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom.
You can all open all your 3 eyes and manifest powers of Mahasadashiva and cause yourself and others for Maha Sadashivahom.
Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful!!
==Video - Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 252 (04 Dec 2017 Photos)==
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In this video (4th December 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals how we can strengthen our powerful cognitions by causing others' reality.
==Photos From The Day: ==
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===  Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Nithya Satsang | Theppam  ===
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{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1028.jpg?1512495772 }}
{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1039.jpg?1512495776 }}
{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1057.jpg?1512495781 }}
{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_0003%202.jpg?1512496167 }}
{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_0132%202.jpg?1512496207 }}
{{#hsimg:1|300|| https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_9471.jpg?1512496175 }}
[[Category:2017 | 20171204]]

Latest revision as of 21:20, 19 October 2020


Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing


In this video (4th December 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals how we can strengthen our powerful cognitions by causing others' reality.

Video - Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing

Video Audio

Transcript - Strengthen Powerful Cognitions with Causing

nithyānandeśvara paramaśiva sadāśiva samārambhām

nithyānandeśvari parāśakti madhyamām |

asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.


Let me enter into Satsang. Listen. Hindu tradition has only 3 steps for ultimate realization, Manifesting Sadashivatva. One: Shravana – Listening. Two: Manana - intranalyzing, Three: Nidhidhyasana – manifesting, living. Listen carefully, any great truth you listen, Shravana, which goes into your length - logic dimension should become part of your depth - cognition. Once it becomes cognition, you start living it, that’s all. Logically you all heard millions of times from Me “You are Sadashiva”. You are the same pure Consciousness, but it has not yet became your depth-cognition. It is sitting there (shows his head), but not into your ananda gandha. Listen carefully, what is the way all your great ideas..... as long it is only a length, logic is an idea... when it becomes cognition, it is life. Ideas you have about your soul, “what is individual soul”, “what is Jagat”, means Universe - human beings, life, nature. What is Eshwara? Listen carefully; you have all the right ideas now, nothing more need to be taught. That is why no Guru can stand in front of my disciples!! I challenge any question answers. My Thanedar... there is nobody in the field to stand my Thanedar. You guys know too much, no doubt, amazing ideas about Self – means, Jeeva, Jagat - Universe, Eshwara - God. You know too much and it is in your logic, in your length. But it has to become your cognition, depth. How? How? Understand when all the great ideas about Jeeva, Eshwara, Jagat Self, Universe and God, is sitting in your logic, it is yet to become your depth, cognition, you all have all the right things. I have seen many people, when they advice others the way they advice....oh God!!


Understand it does not need to be our weakness, it can become Sadhana. Listen, how many of you feel when you solve others problems so many clicks happen inside you, and many of your problems are solved... raise your hand. That’s all is the technique, start causing others. That is what I am saying. Understand, all the great understandings you have about Self, Universe and God - Jeeva, Ishwara and Jagat.... Jeeva, Ishwara and Jagat, all the great things, great ideas you have, need to become part of your cognition, depth. How many of you feel “Everything I have in my length, if it becomes depth now I will become enlightened. I have so much.”? What is the methodology then? Causing... that’s all. Now you know where you are standing, you know where you need to reach and you know the path. What for you are waiting? Pick up the phone, call now ☺ Like how in US advertisements in TV they say call now, call now, call now, we should say Cause now, Cause now, Cause now ☺ Understand, Causing is the spiritual practice because every time you cause others you just lift yourself to the higher understandings, cognitions, where the understandings you have in the level of logic - length becomes part of your depth - cognition.


In young age, I have seen... My mother will never give any house hold jobs for Me. I was always treated as.... Guest... Honoured Guest came to the house. My younger brother, elder brother all of them will be running around to grind rice and this local grinding mills will be there, grinding rice, chilly, rava... all that, many things. But somehow My brothers can't stand this chilly grinding. They all know I am a Yogi, no smell touches Me. That is the only job I Myself will do voluntarily and they will also wait for Me to do that because no one can stand that chilly grinding smell. And.... when these fellows go for chilly grinding, when they come back it will all be full tear, nose, here rolling (gestures towards nose) here rolling and they will be in a mess. But when I come back I will be so fresh ☺ This chilly grinding machine they will have that kind of a funnel where the chilly will be dumped and then below that grinding machine will be there motor. When too much is dumped there is automatic funnel shaker, that funnel will shake and then all the chilly will go inside. I tell you now too much understanding is dumped on your logic – length. You need causing as a shaker for that to get into your system and start manifesting as your cognition. I will show you how in Indian villages the grinding mills work. Too many things are sitting on your head, “What is God... no not God... Goddel, 5 not 3” ☺ “What is Universe? Not 1, 11 dimension” “What is Self? Not just 3 Consciousness 25 states of Consciousness.” Too much is sitting on your logic - length. (Photo of grinding machine projected) Yes. This is the machine. You can see, the top funnel, when too much chilly is dumped on that funnel it will get stuck. Then there is another one shaker. They will bring that shaker and touch that funnel and it will vibrate. Then slowly the chilly will go inside. Rahupathi yogi used to make Me drink water through the nose... to strengthen the capacity of the lungs; not just ordinary water, little bit of chilli powder he will add into that water. No, don’t try, I am not going to teach you guys now. No, because he made Me do many things like a preparing the lungs and then he will do...and he made Me eat mud and digest it. It is a kind of preparation of the stomach. Heavy, heavy... ability to digest increases your ability to live without food. It’s one of the yogic practice. You don’t try now.... I am not going to teach that now; may be after sometime I will establish all this scientifically and then I will start grooming team of kids. My Gurus have done lot of work of this body. That is the reason that nine years of the parivrajaka period I was able to sustain without any food and all that; otherwise all these duplicate fellows run for parivrajaka, I know very comfortably they go and hang in one ashram and live. They can't go out of that ashram even for one day.... because no food! I have seen many of these parivrajak Babas who run away from our Sangha, reading my parivrajaka stories they run away. That is like a puliyapathu Puna Sudupodukuchan....", seeing the tiger cat also wants all those big, big strips on the body ☺ It picked up the hot iron rod and started putting the lines on itself... on the skin ☺

Lot of preparation is required on this system. See if the intestine can digest mud, sand, it just develops such a strength.... it can be there without digesting anything. It’s kind of a preparing the body for extremes. And ... that's a yogic practice.


Anyhow, now listen. All the great ideas are sitting on the head, you need a shaker. What is the shaker? Causing! Then shake, that's all. Understand, causing makes the idea which is in your logic – length, into your depth, part of your very Being. If you want to built your whole body your whole body need to do the workout. You cannot work on your biceps and expect your thighs to be strong. If you want your legs to be strong, you have to do your leg workout. Same way, if you want your understanding to become reality, you need to do Causing; because it is a shaker... that shakes and makes you understand where you are stuck. I request everyone in the Nithyananda Sangha, make time everyday for causing. Causing is the best way of awakening your own inner space... and digesting all the great ideas from logic to depth, from logic to depth for the cognitive shift to happen. You have back pain, cause now. You have headache, cause now. You are stuck economically cause now. You are stuck in your relationships, cause now. Because that changes the very space you carry. From that space you will always see the solution; problem solved, problem solved. Understand, essence – you all know too much about Self, Universe and God. It need to become part of your cognition. Now it is part of your length - logic. It need to become part of cognition – depth. And .... causing is the best way it can become part, it can become part.


Now, you know the solution, you know where you are, where you need to go and what you need to do. Let's start, let's start now. Understand, I will do what needs to be done to your body in Maha Sadashivoham. Prepare your mind as much as possible and come here. Preparation of the mind is Causing. Here I am going to do so many packs - mud pack, turmeric pack, bhasma pack to detoxify your body and able to retain the power manifestation... able to retain. Actually one part of the Vaidya Sarovar, four floors I am dedicating only for packs ☺.... just for packs we are getting Ganga mud from Varanasi, Turmeric from Erode Cauvery, Bhasma from Tiruchendur, all the best things are coming. In the west you call it as mask – Mud mask and turmeric mask, Basma mask. East we call it as Pack. I will do what needs to be done to for your body, prepare yourself as much as possible and be here. Everyone who has caused themself for Maha Sadashivoham or not yet caused yourself for Maha Sadashivoham, start causing others you will see the shift in your energy. Causing, causing causes your reality. If you want to become part of causers team, enrol yourself into the Nithyananda Sangha now. Sign up to be a member of Nithyananda Sangha now. (Details for signing up projected)


We will start the initiation. Please sit straight. The initiation is infuse energy into your third eye, to digest all the powers I have already initiated you and instantly start manifesting. Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom. Chant intensely. Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom.


Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivahom. You can all open all your 3 eyes and manifest powers of Mahasadashiva and cause yourself and others for Maha Sadashivahom. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful!!


Video - Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 252 (04 Dec 2017 Photos)

Photos From The Day:

Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Nithya Satsang | Theppam

https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_0971.jpg?1512495768 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1028.jpg?1512495772 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1039.jpg?1512495776 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_nithya-satsang_IMG_1057.jpg?1512495781 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_0003%202.jpg?1512496167 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_0132%202.jpg?1512496207 https://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-12-Dec-04-nithyananda-diary_bengaluru-aadheenam_theppam_IMG_9471.jpg?1512496175