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Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagvan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam delivers satsang on Sadashiva Rahasya- The sacred secrets of Sadashiva
Sadashiva Rahasya- The sacred secrets of Sadashiva
This discourse delivered on 8 Aug 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals the next level of Mahadeva rahasya (i.e.,)Sadashiva rahasya. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate and manifest a command it should become a reality if not you manifested with less power. The solution is create the command with more persistence.
Today is Day 15 of Inner Awakening.  In today's Live Satsang, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagvan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals the next level of Mahadeva rahasya (i.e.,)Sadashiva rahasya. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate and manifest a command it should become a reality if not you manifested with less power. The solution is create the command with more Will Persistence.  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ilqNbY63Lk |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-08aug-08-sadashiva-rahasya-the-sacred-secret-of-sadashiva?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2017-list"/>
nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Twitter live, having Nayana Deeksha all over the world through two way video conferencing. Cities sitting with us are long list, so I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today I am going to reveal Mahadeva’s rahasya. Actually next level of Mahadeva rahasya, that is why I gave the title “Sadashiva rahasya.” Let me give you an introduction how this has flowered? How this has happened in me? This Sadashiva rahasya got revealed. One of my great foster mother, Ma Advait. My didi... is grandly celebrating for last six months her depression. Like a how we have celebration for two day celebration, ten day celebration, how my birthday we celebrated seventeen days celebration. She’s celebrating last six months her depression. Great depression of didi. And it is going on and on for last six months. Few days before it has reached its peak.
I was just resting in samadhi yesterday. Actually resting in samadhi only I attend some of these blessings in the Facebook page and all that. If you see the iPad, if you take it out from my room, you would have received thousands of “likes” but you would not see any of my fingerprint on it, on the screen. In samadhi hands are not used, neither commands are used. Both fall in Oneness, whatever goes on here, goes on there. That is why the “like” is real like. Deeksha! “Love” is a love energy! So she put a big status “celebrating Raksha Bandhan and my Guru as my brother!” And immediately I put the “love.” I just was contemplating how can she be in stupid depression and celebrating it. That is where the problem is. I can’t give up on her. I can’t give up on her or I can’t handle, understand. Every relationship has chastity. Not just husband and wife, brother-sister, father-daughter - every relationship. Every relationship has chastity. A real brother cannot tolerate the suffering of a chaste sister. No. Understand.
Pure stability dimension of consciousness: consciousness has multiple dimensions - “anantha kalyana gunas,” the Achalattva. Ultimate stability of the consciousness manifesting in any relationship is chastity, understand. Stability of the consciousness, stability of consciousness means no matter will matter in front of the stability of consciousness. Understand. In Hindu tradition, so much of importance and understanding is given for chastity. And all these so-called anti-Hindu forces try to say it is against feminism or masculine suppression or all the third rate names they have, they use. Please understand. No! The concept of chastity is not feminine suppression or suppression of the feminine energies or the method of controlling women. No! It is not anti-feministic idea. I tell you, the concept of chastity is the most powerful feministic idea.
In front of the chastity of the Gandhari (गांधारी, Gāndhārī)  Krishna collapsed! Incarnation could not save His son in front of Gandhari, her chastity! Then understand, the respect and reverence the concept of chastity receives in Hindu tradition. Incarnation, Krishna. Arey, He use His veto power to stop Brahmastra which is absolutely unheard! The highest veto power an incarnation has to rule over everything, He used on Brahmastra! Nobody can stop Brahmastra unless you’re an incarnation. And even an incarnation has to use, declare His veto power. He used, He used His veto power and stopped the Brahmastra for the sake of His disciple’s progeny! Arjuna’s vamsa to grow. Why did he not use the same veto power for His own vamsa (वंश, vaṃśa)? And allow His own vamsa to be destroyed by Gandhari. See both the scene! It is only now boiling down to vamsa Vitri. Ashwatthama (अश्वत्थामा, Aśvatthāmā) wanted to destroy the whole vamsa of Pandavas. Here Gandhari wants to destroy the whole vamsa of Krishna. When it comes to His disciple’s vamsa, Pandava’s vamsa - He used the veto power and stopped the Brahmastra and protected Parikshit (परिक्षित्, Parikṣit).
Anything which cannot kill you, strengthens you. If poison goes inside and you don’t die, after that no poison can kill you. That is why I am saying Bharat cannot be destroyed! Because, because it is Parikshit’s DNA. It is Parikshit’s DNA. From pinda, He took the DNA out and made the vamsa. Bio memory of Pandava vamsa, muscle memory of Yadu vamsa, bio energy of Krishna, is Parikshit. He use His veto power to protect the vamsa of His disciple. Did not veto to protect His own vamsa, because the respect for chastity.
If Gandhari has use any other of her dimension, Krishna would have destroyed it! Her chastity dimension, whole world has to bow down to it. Nothing can be done. When she put her chastity dimension in front, she made the sankalpa, keeping her chastity in the center, keeping her chastity as witness. That, even an Incarnation could not use His veto power. He bowed down. He said “Done, Mata.” You should read the original sloka. Like a polite village boy, he says, “Done, Mata.” He bows down and accepts the curse, even though the curse is not just. Her chastity is just! So nothing can be done when she puts her chastity in the front.
I tell you, in Hindu tradition three rain per month is suppose to happen. Between purnima to purnima, three rain should happen every month. >>>Tamil<<< One rain is for chaste woman. How come? Chaste woman can be responsible for rain! Maybe it’s a concept to keep the social stability. No! Man is logic, words are his power. Woman is emotion, her breathing is her power, understand! Chaste breathing is a command given to Cosmos. A pure pundit, a pure Vedic pundit, he need to give command only through his words, his chanting - his words will impact the Universe. A chaste woman, her breathing will impact the Universe. Understand.
If I get into the chastity, I think the next one week I’ll have to explain chastity. Maybe when time comes, I will explain all the seven chaste women we remember every morning. And their life and exactly, precisely what is chastity. All big successful house or organisation, I guarantee there will be a chaste woman on the top. Maybe behind the screen, behind the scene, there will be a chaste woman who keeps the things together. Understand. Chastity develops certain electricity in your breathing which is channel to command the Cosmos. If you develop that electricity, your commands are simply obeyed by Cosmos.
I’ll explain this and explain the story of Satyavan-Savitri (सत्यवान्-सावित्री, Satyavān-Sāvitrī), how she is able to stop the sun, get Yama Dharma give life back. Even Sadashiva to get the life back from Yama Dharma, has to kill Yama Dharma! He was not able to convince! He only goes, has to go all out! But Savitri, “Ehhh...!” Chaste woman seems to be more powerful than a Shiva bhakta, understand. Even Markandeya (मार्कण्‍डेय, Mārkaṇḍeya)  has to go and hug the Shiva Linga! But Savitri did not even call Sadashiva. She says, “I am commanding! Stop!” God! And you guys are trying to say Hinduism is anti-women! Which religious shastra has given such grand space for women?
I tell you, if you have a chaste woman in your life, I am not saying it should be only your wife relationship, even as a sister. Because chastity is a quality which radiates in all relationship, not just in one relationship. A chaste woman will be amazing mother, amazing sister, amazing daughter and amazing administrator. Because, it is ability to convert lust into relationship. Chastity is the alchemy process of converting lust into relationship. Brahmacharya is the alchemy process of converting lust into spiritual powers.
If you have a chaste woman in your life either as a wife or as a daughter or as a sister, any, as any one relationship - I tell you, listen to this word, you will never have accidents. You will always be protected by all the unknown, unseen problems. A chaste woman, one chaste woman in your life either as a sister or as daughter or as mother or as a wife, any one relationship, it can be any - for one chaste woman is there in your life, you will not have any unknown, unseen problems.  The whole Cosmos, grahas will simply protect you. You may think I am giving too big mystical words. Understand, I believe that! I myself are believer of this truth! I myself are believer of this truth. The chastity of that woman. Let me define again the chastity. The Achalattva dimension of consciousness manifesting in body and mind, in all relationships is chastity. Man having the chaste women in their life either as mother or daughter or sister or spouse or whatever, whatever, whatever, some relationship - brings Cosmic protection.
You don’t know the power of it! Maybe I have to have few days satsang just for that. Just for that. I think it is my responsibility to reveal the sacred secret of chastity in every dimension. Whether it is a in the angle of what is chastity for grihasthas? And what is chastity for sannyasis? Maybe in further satsangs, I’ll explain, get into that deeply. Let me come back to what I wanted to convey today. Surely, undoubtedly, absolutely I have a chaste didi, that is Ma Advait. See, of course I am not justifying her depression. That is one screw loose only! But one screw loose cannot be the reason to discard the whole machine, and being a mechanical engineer incarnation. I think because I have to tighten many screws only I think I studied mechanical engineering. Because, when there is so many things in the world, why did I take mechanical engineering?! Maybe my life's mission is tightening many screws! Sadashiva knows too many loose bolts, nuts and screws will come. 
So I was in samadhi, wanted to really solve your problem. And suddenly like a formula, like a golden ball, the solution appeared and it started coming out as golden thread. Usually it appears like a big bunch of gold cotton and from that golden thread will come out, that is the words now I am going to utter. Listen. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate, and manifest the command, listen carefully, I am repeating. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate and manifest the command cannot be question back whether that command manifest as powerfulness, reality or not. Listen carefully. Let me explain. You create a space, let's have ten thousand balasanths this year in the gurukul. From the state of Sadashivatva, you create a space and give a command. If it manifest as power, great! If not, understand, do not try to tell yourself “Oh! My space is corrupt,” “My space is not right,” “It's not working out. Either this science is not right or this science is not right for me!” No! Understand, neither the state nor the space can be questioned. The legitimacy of the science or the state or the space cannot be questioned. You manifested less power, not powerlessness.
Listen carefully! Manifesting less power cannot be the reason why you should make yourself powerless! Understand this key. This solves almost the stupid problems, guilt, self torturing and torturing others. Like a chaste women can uphold almost few thousand people. One unchaste woman can give suffering to millions of people, we have seen. Understand! Listen. This is one of the important Sadashiva rahasya you need to know - in the, from the state of Sadasashivatva creating a space and commanding. This is the science of Oneness, whether you want to manifest the powers of teleportation, materialisation or you want to manifest your department work or you want to manifest your educational skills - anything we use this only as science! Not only in our sangha, the whole Sanatana Hindu Dharma!
Vivekananda says if we want wealth, we go and sit under the tree. As long as we were sitting under the tree, we were the richest nation! All those fellows who are challenging, saying, “Ooh, by doing yaga yajna, by worshipping the stones and trees, you guys will become rich? What foolishness.” I tell you, as long as we were doing only that without you demonic inter... intervention and exploitation, we were rich! Till these demons entered and brutally attacked us, swindled - we were rich. And I tell you, oh Hindus, don't be afraid! I am back with the same science! We are going to be rich! It is not lost. Just the last minute climax before it was going to be put off - I have happen. 1979 could have been late! 1979 would have been late! If I had time, I would have sent only ambassadors. Because no time, I have to get up and come directly. Oh Hindus, feel blessed, science is not dead, it is available. I have everything needed to bring that science back to life and establish its legitimacy.
Listen! Listen to this Science of Oneness and important understanding - one of the biggest clarity you need to have, Sadashiva rahasya, where you collapse and how that is not right! Listen! The state from the Sadashivatva and space of Sadashivatva creating a sankalpa and manifesting it - all of us know this science. That's the foundation, fundamental of whether you want to manifest small hair clip or the jata or materialise pearls and diamonds, is the same science. Not only in Nithyananda Sangha, in the whole of Sanatana Hindu Dharma this is the science we use. One of the biggest problem you go through is when you go to that state and create the space and command - if it does not become reality, immediately you questioned the legitimacy of the science or your ability to grasp or the confusion and doubts and non-trusting, finally you beat yourself with powerlessness and collapse to the level you will never ever again have trust on this science or even try this science or just so-so like a cat which has tasted hot milk, boiling milk once, will never go near the milk forever!
Tenali Raman’s story is there. The guy was suppose to feed milk to the cat. King gives a cow and a cat so that the rats will be less in the country. This fellow drinks all the milk and he never gives drop of milk to the cat and the poor cat is almost in the verge of death and king calls him and asked, “Eh! What are you doing? You are torturing your cat and not giving the milk.” Tenali Raman says very politely, “Sir I don’t know my cat does not drink milk at all.” And he was shocked and how can this be, “Come on! Bring the cat and bring the milk and give.” The cat runs like anything! King was shocked! How come a cat running so fast seeing a milk! It is not dog or any other animal and this fellow is running! And the more you try to take the milk plate near him, milk cup near him, more he is screaming! Having anxiety attack! Then Tenali Raman says, “Oh Lord! I only did this. Just to tell you that what you are doing is foolish. Rats can be killed easily in some other way, not so much of expense.” King asked, “How do you manage this scene?” “Once I made the cat lick the boiling milk. After that, forget about milk, anything white! Any white liquid, the fellow just disappears from the very scene!”
Understand, if you beat yourself, if you beat yourself with the self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial and powerlessness because you manifested less power - you will be the cat tasted the boiling milk and never, ever, not just milk, any white liquid. This is the biggest crime you are all doing to your consciousness, means your Atma Sadashiva, Sadashiva who is residing inside you. Understand. You may have a question, “Why I manifested less power, not enough to manifest as a reality?” Listen. Maybe still there are some patterns sitting in your body and mind needs more stronger sankalpa. So you need to put your effort in manifesting more powerful sankalpa, not making you more powerless! Less power means solution is more power, not becoming powerless!! Solution for less power is more power, not powerless. Understand.
You enter into the state of Sadashiva, create the space of Sadashiva and manifest the powers of Sadashiva. When it is not becoming real, questioning the authenticity of the science or legitimacy of the science or your ability to fit with the science - how many of you get caught in this problem? Raise your hand. Listen now! Listen carefully! You cannot doubt the state because it is my gift to you. You cannot escape from the state of Sadashiva, that is the truth. State, cannot be taken away from you. Even you cannot escape from it! Space maybe filled with some of the unwanted patterns so the command did not manifest immediately, completely, understand. Than what is the solution? Create the command with more and more persistence, understand. I am not using the word intensity. I am using the word persistence. In intensity, greed is more active than the consciousness. In persistence, consciousness is more active than the greed.
Listen carefully! You should all watch this satsang at least five-six times because this is one of the very important Sadashiva rahasya, especially people who wants to manifest powers or manifest whatever they want in the life. Will persistence, not will intensity. Again somebody made a statement, “Ancient wisdom won't work. Wisdom has to be current.” I don’t know why all these comes only in front of my eyes, I have to answer all these ssst... Arey, in Hindu tradition, current, was, is, will be ancient! There are two methods of wisdom. In a forest a man walks with the lamp which gives light for five feet and he goes, first he sees a small stream of water - he records there's a water stream. Then he moves and sees ten trees and records ten trees. Then he moves further and sees a python and records there is a python. And then moves further and sees a huge rock and records there is a rock. This is one type of wisdom call “rational wisdom-wisdom.”
The Hindu wisdom is, there was a huge lightning and everything was seen and simply recorded. The whole thing was downloaded! For the sake of Sadashiva, why don’t you read a little scripture before making all these big big statements? Understand, Hindu wisdom is downloaded and recorded in absolute all togetherness. Not rational recordings in a ration way. No. That is why I am saying, in Hindu tradition the wisdom was current, will, which was current, which is current, which will be current, will be ancient! I tell you when Agamas were revealed, don't think all the items mentioned in Agamas were available. And I tell you, there are many things which are mentioned in Agamas still not even invented! It's a vision document!! Understand, it was current, is current, will be current!
When Sadashiva talks about a deity of Pancha Loka in Agama, surely when the document was revealed to the world, that whole mastery of that art was not available. That methodology was not available. He reveals as a vision document, then people start doing. And there are many things were revealed in the Agamas, still we have not yet started doing. Not only we were current, we are current and we will be current!! Wisdom has to be current, not ancient is okay if you utter from the context of western civilization wisdom which you are expert. I don’t say no. But when the statement is given from the platform of representing ancient indite Hindu Sanatana Dharma traditions, that is where the statement is completely false. We do not record the forest with the lantern lamp. We record in the lightning of past, present, future. There is a purana call Bhavishya Purana, the history of the future! Understand, there is a purana called Bhavishya Purana, history of the future! This wisdom I am revealing was current, is current, will be current.
Listen carefully, I’ll reveal the Mahadeva rahasya once more. Whenever you get into the state of Sadashivatva - Oneness, and create the space for certain happening and manifest that sankalpa the power - if it becomes reality, great. If not, know very clearly you manifested less power. So the solution is to manifest more power by will persistence, not beating yourself up with the powerlessness or self-doubt or self-hatred or self-denial. This is Sadashiva rahasya. Apply it, all your problems will be solved. You will go on manifesting Sadashivatva! >>>Tamil<<< means, listen! Means, even if there is one good person to protect him and take care of him, the rain will come. Naturally when it comes, it cannot come just for that one person. It’ll come for everyone. Same way, the solution even though it came out for the sake of one person, it is for everyone to enjoy now! I’ll expand deeper understandings of Sadashiva rahasya in further satsangs.
Today, the hashtag #sadashivarahasya and tag me. I’ll repeat once more. The state of Sadashivatva - Oneness, and the space in which you create the sankalpa and manifest as powers, if it manifest immediately, great, well and good. If not, you should know you manifested less power. So the solution is to manifest more power with will persistence, not beating yourself with the self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial and questioning the legitimacy of this science or your ability to utilise and manifest and use this science. State, space and the science is a gift! Cannot be taken away. You can't give up on, even if you want!
So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 53:40
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===Nithya Satsang===
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==Sakshi Pramana==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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===<center>Mandala Process</center>===
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1QoUy6UVaMVRo9oiMoBdR2iNqqrdv4qJm" alt="Darshan - IMG_0229_batch.JPG" height = "400">
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Latest revision as of 00:59, 27 November 2022


Sadashiva Rahasya- The sacred secrets of Sadashiva


Today is Day 15 of Inner Awakening. In today's Live Satsang, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagvan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals the next level of Mahadeva rahasya (i.e.,)Sadashiva rahasya. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate and manifest a command it should become a reality if not you manifested with less power. The solution is create the command with more Will Persistence.


Video Audio


00:07 nithyānandeśvara sadāshiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Twitter live, having Nayana Deeksha all over the world through two way video conferencing. Cities sitting with us are long list, so I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

01:51 Today I am going to reveal Mahadeva’s rahasya. Actually next level of Mahadeva rahasya, that is why I gave the title “Sadashiva rahasya.” Let me give you an introduction how this has flowered? How this has happened in me? This Sadashiva rahasya got revealed. One of my great foster mother, Ma Advait. My didi... is grandly celebrating for last six months her depression. Like a how we have celebration for two day celebration, ten day celebration, how my birthday we celebrated seventeen days celebration. She’s celebrating last six months her depression. Great depression of didi. And it is going on and on for last six months. Few days before it has reached its peak.

04:22 I was just resting in samadhi yesterday. Actually resting in samadhi only I attend some of these blessings in the Facebook page and all that. If you see the iPad, if you take it out from my room, you would have received thousands of “likes” but you would not see any of my fingerprint on it, on the screen. In samadhi hands are not used, neither commands are used. Both fall in Oneness, whatever goes on here, goes on there. That is why the “like” is real like. Deeksha! “Love” is a love energy! So she put a big status “celebrating Raksha Bandhan and my Guru as my brother!” And immediately I put the “love.” I just was contemplating how can she be in stupid depression and celebrating it. That is where the problem is. I can’t give up on her. I can’t give up on her or I can’t handle, understand. Every relationship has chastity. Not just husband and wife, brother-sister, father-daughter - every relationship. Every relationship has chastity. A real brother cannot tolerate the suffering of a chaste sister. No. Understand.

07:12 Pure stability dimension of consciousness: consciousness has multiple dimensions - “anantha kalyana gunas,” the Achalattva. Ultimate stability of the consciousness manifesting in any relationship is chastity, understand. Stability of the consciousness, stability of consciousness means no matter will matter in front of the stability of consciousness. Understand. In Hindu tradition, so much of importance and understanding is given for chastity. And all these so-called anti-Hindu forces try to say it is against feminism or masculine suppression or all the third rate names they have, they use. Please understand. No! The concept of chastity is not feminine suppression or suppression of the feminine energies or the method of controlling women. No! It is not anti-feministic idea. I tell you, the concept of chastity is the most powerful feministic idea.

09:26 In front of the chastity of the Gandhari (गांधारी, Gāndhārī) Krishna collapsed! Incarnation could not save His son in front of Gandhari, her chastity! Then understand, the respect and reverence the concept of chastity receives in Hindu tradition. Incarnation, Krishna. Arey, He use His veto power to stop Brahmastra which is absolutely unheard! The highest veto power an incarnation has to rule over everything, He used on Brahmastra! Nobody can stop Brahmastra unless you’re an incarnation. And even an incarnation has to use, declare His veto power. He used, He used His veto power and stopped the Brahmastra for the sake of His disciple’s progeny! Arjuna’s vamsa to grow. Why did he not use the same veto power for His own vamsa (वंश, vaṃśa)? And allow His own vamsa to be destroyed by Gandhari. See both the scene! It is only now boiling down to vamsa Vitri. Ashwatthama (अश्वत्थामा, Aśvatthāmā) wanted to destroy the whole vamsa of Pandavas. Here Gandhari wants to destroy the whole vamsa of Krishna. When it comes to His disciple’s vamsa, Pandava’s vamsa - He used the veto power and stopped the Brahmastra and protected Parikshit (परिक्षित्, Parikṣit).

11:55 Anything which cannot kill you, strengthens you. If poison goes inside and you don’t die, after that no poison can kill you. That is why I am saying Bharat cannot be destroyed! Because, because it is Parikshit’s DNA. It is Parikshit’s DNA. From pinda, He took the DNA out and made the vamsa. Bio memory of Pandava vamsa, muscle memory of Yadu vamsa, bio energy of Krishna, is Parikshit. He use His veto power to protect the vamsa of His disciple. Did not veto to protect His own vamsa, because the respect for chastity.

13:13 If Gandhari has use any other of her dimension, Krishna would have destroyed it! Her chastity dimension, whole world has to bow down to it. Nothing can be done. When she put her chastity dimension in front, she made the sankalpa, keeping her chastity in the center, keeping her chastity as witness. That, even an Incarnation could not use His veto power. He bowed down. He said “Done, Mata.” You should read the original sloka. Like a polite village boy, he says, “Done, Mata.” He bows down and accepts the curse, even though the curse is not just. Her chastity is just! So nothing can be done when she puts her chastity in the front.

I tell you, in Hindu tradition three rain per month is suppose to happen. Between purnima to purnima, three rain should happen every month. >>>Tamil<<< One rain is for chaste woman. How come? Chaste woman can be responsible for rain! Maybe it’s a concept to keep the social stability. No! Man is logic, words are his power. Woman is emotion, her breathing is her power, understand! Chaste breathing is a command given to Cosmos. A pure pundit, a pure Vedic pundit, he need to give command only through his words, his chanting - his words will impact the Universe. A chaste woman, her breathing will impact the Universe. Understand.

16:37 If I get into the chastity, I think the next one week I’ll have to explain chastity. Maybe when time comes, I will explain all the seven chaste women we remember every morning. And their life and exactly, precisely what is chastity. All big successful house or organisation, I guarantee there will be a chaste woman on the top. Maybe behind the screen, behind the scene, there will be a chaste woman who keeps the things together. Understand. Chastity develops certain electricity in your breathing which is channel to command the Cosmos. If you develop that electricity, your commands are simply obeyed by Cosmos.

18:07 I’ll explain this and explain the story of Satyavan-Savitri (सत्यवान्-सावित्री, Satyavān-Sāvitrī), how she is able to stop the sun, get Yama Dharma give life back. Even Sadashiva to get the life back from Yama Dharma, has to kill Yama Dharma! He was not able to convince! He only goes, has to go all out! But Savitri, “Ehhh...!” Chaste woman seems to be more powerful than a Shiva bhakta, understand. Even Markandeya (मार्कण्‍डेय, Mārkaṇḍeya) has to go and hug the Shiva Linga! But Savitri did not even call Sadashiva. She says, “I am commanding! Stop!” God! And you guys are trying to say Hinduism is anti-women! Which religious shastra has given such grand space for women?

19:38 I tell you, if you have a chaste woman in your life, I am not saying it should be only your wife relationship, even as a sister. Because chastity is a quality which radiates in all relationship, not just in one relationship. A chaste woman will be amazing mother, amazing sister, amazing daughter and amazing administrator. Because, it is ability to convert lust into relationship. Chastity is the alchemy process of converting lust into relationship. Brahmacharya is the alchemy process of converting lust into spiritual powers.

21:06 If you have a chaste woman in your life either as a wife or as a daughter or as a sister, any, as any one relationship - I tell you, listen to this word, you will never have accidents. You will always be protected by all the unknown, unseen problems. A chaste woman, one chaste woman in your life either as a sister or as daughter or as mother or as a wife, any one relationship, it can be any - for one chaste woman is there in your life, you will not have any unknown, unseen problems. The whole Cosmos, grahas will simply protect you. You may think I am giving too big mystical words. Understand, I believe that! I myself are believer of this truth! I myself are believer of this truth. The chastity of that woman. Let me define again the chastity. The Achalattva dimension of consciousness manifesting in body and mind, in all relationships is chastity. Man having the chaste women in their life either as mother or daughter or sister or spouse or whatever, whatever, whatever, some relationship - brings Cosmic protection.

23:49 You don’t know the power of it! Maybe I have to have few days satsang just for that. Just for that. I think it is my responsibility to reveal the sacred secret of chastity in every dimension. Whether it is a in the angle of what is chastity for grihasthas? And what is chastity for sannyasis? Maybe in further satsangs, I’ll explain, get into that deeply. Let me come back to what I wanted to convey today. Surely, undoubtedly, absolutely I have a chaste didi, that is Ma Advait. See, of course I am not justifying her depression. That is one screw loose only! But one screw loose cannot be the reason to discard the whole machine, and being a mechanical engineer incarnation. I think because I have to tighten many screws only I think I studied mechanical engineering. Because, when there is so many things in the world, why did I take mechanical engineering?! Maybe my life's mission is tightening many screws! Sadashiva knows too many loose bolts, nuts and screws will come.

26:23 So I was in samadhi, wanted to really solve your problem. And suddenly like a formula, like a golden ball, the solution appeared and it started coming out as golden thread. Usually it appears like a big bunch of gold cotton and from that golden thread will come out, that is the words now I am going to utter. Listen. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate, and manifest the command, listen carefully, I am repeating. The state in which you are and the space in which you operate and manifest the command cannot be question back whether that command manifest as powerfulness, reality or not. Listen carefully. Let me explain. You create a space, let's have ten thousand balasanths this year in the gurukul. From the state of Sadashivatva, you create a space and give a command. If it manifest as power, great! If not, understand, do not try to tell yourself “Oh! My space is corrupt,” “My space is not right,” “It's not working out. Either this science is not right or this science is not right for me!” No! Understand, neither the state nor the space can be questioned. The legitimacy of the science or the state or the space cannot be questioned. You manifested less power, not powerlessness.

29:15 Listen carefully! Manifesting less power cannot be the reason why you should make yourself powerless! Understand this key. This solves almost the stupid problems, guilt, self torturing and torturing others. Like a chaste women can uphold almost few thousand people. One unchaste woman can give suffering to millions of people, we have seen. Understand! Listen. This is one of the important Sadashiva rahasya you need to know - in the, from the state of Sadasashivatva creating a space and commanding. This is the science of Oneness, whether you want to manifest the powers of teleportation, materialisation or you want to manifest your department work or you want to manifest your educational skills - anything we use this only as science! Not only in our sangha, the whole Sanatana Hindu Dharma!

31:02 Vivekananda says if we want wealth, we go and sit under the tree. As long as we were sitting under the tree, we were the richest nation! All those fellows who are challenging, saying, “Ooh, by doing yaga yajna, by worshipping the stones and trees, you guys will become rich? What foolishness.” I tell you, as long as we were doing only that without you demonic inter... intervention and exploitation, we were rich! Till these demons entered and brutally attacked us, swindled - we were rich. And I tell you, oh Hindus, don't be afraid! I am back with the same science! We are going to be rich! It is not lost. Just the last minute climax before it was going to be put off - I have happen. 1979 could have been late! 1979 would have been late! If I had time, I would have sent only ambassadors. Because no time, I have to get up and come directly. Oh Hindus, feel blessed, science is not dead, it is available. I have everything needed to bring that science back to life and establish its legitimacy.

33:54 Listen! Listen to this Science of Oneness and important understanding - one of the biggest clarity you need to have, Sadashiva rahasya, where you collapse and how that is not right! Listen! The state from the Sadashivatva and space of Sadashivatva creating a sankalpa and manifesting it - all of us know this science. That's the foundation, fundamental of whether you want to manifest small hair clip or the jata or materialise pearls and diamonds, is the same science. Not only in Nithyananda Sangha, in the whole of Sanatana Hindu Dharma this is the science we use. One of the biggest problem you go through is when you go to that state and create the space and command - if it does not become reality, immediately you questioned the legitimacy of the science or your ability to grasp or the confusion and doubts and non-trusting, finally you beat yourself with powerlessness and collapse to the level you will never ever again have trust on this science or even try this science or just so-so like a cat which has tasted hot milk, boiling milk once, will never go near the milk forever!

36:14 Tenali Raman’s story is there. The guy was suppose to feed milk to the cat. King gives a cow and a cat so that the rats will be less in the country. This fellow drinks all the milk and he never gives drop of milk to the cat and the poor cat is almost in the verge of death and king calls him and asked, “Eh! What are you doing? You are torturing your cat and not giving the milk.” Tenali Raman says very politely, “Sir I don’t know my cat does not drink milk at all.” And he was shocked and how can this be, “Come on! Bring the cat and bring the milk and give.” The cat runs like anything! King was shocked! How come a cat running so fast seeing a milk! It is not dog or any other animal and this fellow is running! And the more you try to take the milk plate near him, milk cup near him, more he is screaming! Having anxiety attack! Then Tenali Raman says, “Oh Lord! I only did this. Just to tell you that what you are doing is foolish. Rats can be killed easily in some other way, not so much of expense.” King asked, “How do you manage this scene?” “Once I made the cat lick the boiling milk. After that, forget about milk, anything white! Any white liquid, the fellow just disappears from the very scene!”

38:20 Understand, if you beat yourself, if you beat yourself with the self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial and powerlessness because you manifested less power - you will be the cat tasted the boiling milk and never, ever, not just milk, any white liquid. This is the biggest crime you are all doing to your consciousness, means your Atma Sadashiva, Sadashiva who is residing inside you. Understand. You may have a question, “Why I manifested less power, not enough to manifest as a reality?” Listen. Maybe still there are some patterns sitting in your body and mind needs more stronger sankalpa. So you need to put your effort in manifesting more powerful sankalpa, not making you more powerless! Less power means solution is more power, not becoming powerless!! Solution for less power is more power, not powerless. Understand.

40:26 You enter into the state of Sadashiva, create the space of Sadashiva and manifest the powers of Sadashiva. When it is not becoming real, questioning the authenticity of the science or legitimacy of the science or your ability to fit with the science - how many of you get caught in this problem? Raise your hand. Listen now! Listen carefully! You cannot doubt the state because it is my gift to you. You cannot escape from the state of Sadashiva, that is the truth. State, cannot be taken away from you. Even you cannot escape from it! Space maybe filled with some of the unwanted patterns so the command did not manifest immediately, completely, understand. Than what is the solution? Create the command with more and more persistence, understand. I am not using the word intensity. I am using the word persistence. In intensity, greed is more active than the consciousness. In persistence, consciousness is more active than the greed.

42:43 Listen carefully! You should all watch this satsang at least five-six times because this is one of the very important Sadashiva rahasya, especially people who wants to manifest powers or manifest whatever they want in the life. Will persistence, not will intensity. Again somebody made a statement, “Ancient wisdom won't work. Wisdom has to be current.” I don’t know why all these comes only in front of my eyes, I have to answer all these ssst... Arey, in Hindu tradition, current, was, is, will be ancient! There are two methods of wisdom. In a forest a man walks with the lamp which gives light for five feet and he goes, first he sees a small stream of water - he records there's a water stream. Then he moves and sees ten trees and records ten trees. Then he moves further and sees a python and records there is a python. And then moves further and sees a huge rock and records there is a rock. This is one type of wisdom call “rational wisdom-wisdom.”

44:34 The Hindu wisdom is, there was a huge lightning and everything was seen and simply recorded. The whole thing was downloaded! For the sake of Sadashiva, why don’t you read a little scripture before making all these big big statements? Understand, Hindu wisdom is downloaded and recorded in absolute all togetherness. Not rational recordings in a ration way. No. That is why I am saying, in Hindu tradition the wisdom was current, will, which was current, which is current, which will be current, will be ancient! I tell you when Agamas were revealed, don't think all the items mentioned in Agamas were available. And I tell you, there are many things which are mentioned in Agamas still not even invented! It's a vision document!! Understand, it was current, is current, will be current!

46:53 When Sadashiva talks about a deity of Pancha Loka in Agama, surely when the document was revealed to the world, that whole mastery of that art was not available. That methodology was not available. He reveals as a vision document, then people start doing. And there are many things were revealed in the Agamas, still we have not yet started doing. Not only we were current, we are current and we will be current!! Wisdom has to be current, not ancient is okay if you utter from the context of western civilization wisdom which you are expert. I don’t say no. But when the statement is given from the platform of representing ancient indite Hindu Sanatana Dharma traditions, that is where the statement is completely false. We do not record the forest with the lantern lamp. We record in the lightning of past, present, future. There is a purana call Bhavishya Purana, the history of the future! Understand, there is a purana called Bhavishya Purana, history of the future! This wisdom I am revealing was current, is current, will be current.

49:34 Listen carefully, I’ll reveal the Mahadeva rahasya once more. Whenever you get into the state of Sadashivatva - Oneness, and create the space for certain happening and manifest that sankalpa the power - if it becomes reality, great. If not, know very clearly you manifested less power. So the solution is to manifest more power by will persistence, not beating yourself up with the powerlessness or self-doubt or self-hatred or self-denial. This is Sadashiva rahasya. Apply it, all your problems will be solved. You will go on manifesting Sadashivatva! >>>Tamil<<< means, listen! Means, even if there is one good person to protect him and take care of him, the rain will come. Naturally when it comes, it cannot come just for that one person. It’ll come for everyone. Same way, the solution even though it came out for the sake of one person, it is for everyone to enjoy now! I’ll expand deeper understandings of Sadashiva rahasya in further satsangs.

51:48 Today, the hashtag #sadashivarahasya and tag me. I’ll repeat once more. The state of Sadashivatva - Oneness, and the space in which you create the sankalpa and manifest as powers, if it manifest immediately, great, well and good. If not, you should know you manifested less power. So the solution is to manifest more power with will persistence, not beating yourself with the self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial and questioning the legitimacy of this science or your ability to utilise and manifest and use this science. State, space and the science is a gift! Cannot be taken away. You can't give up on, even if you want!

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 53:40


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