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Living Enlightenment - Path To ParaLiving Enlightenment || Paramashivoham Webinar || Completion exercise ||Paramashivoham ||
Living Enlightenment - Path To Paramashivoham
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle, [[Living Enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham]] in today’s live [[Paramashivoham℠ Webinar Series]]. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared the basics and best of the best from the [[Vedas]] and [[Agamas]] that the purpose of life is Enlightenment where you have the most powerful, Ultimate Truth as your operating inner software. He explained that vibrating in the frequency of the [[Cosmic Constitution]] and Cosmic, Universal Truths and reverberating with these principles means [[Living Enlightenment]]. He shared that living and functioning with powerful cognitions, will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy and make you understand the best, most super conscious way to exist and relate in life.
==Link to Video: ==
His Divine Holiness asked everyone to do an exercise for a few minutes by penning down where you need to change your cognitions in life by adding powerful cognitions and coming to Completion.  He shared that the most powerful cognition is “You are Paramashiva.”
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== Video & Audio ==
Living Enlightenment - Path To Paramashivoham
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSXirY73LmI |
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Living Enlightenment : Path to Paramashivoham Workshop Day 1, 8 Dec 2018
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle, [[Living Enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham]] in today’s live [[Paramashivoham℠ Webinar Series]]. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared the basics and best of the best from the [[Vedas]] and [[Agamas]] that the purpose of life is Enlightenment where you have the most powerful, Ultimate Truth as your operating inner software. He explained that vibrating in the frequency of the [[Cosmic Constitution]] and Cosmic, Universal Truths and reverberating with these principles means [[Living Enlightenment]]. He shared that living and functioning with powerful cognitions, will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy and make you understand the best, most super conscious way to exist and relate in life.
His Divine Holiness asked everyone to do an exercise for a few minutes by penning down where you need to change your cognitions in life by adding powerful cognitions and coming to Completion.  He shared that the most powerful cognition is “You are Paramashiva.”
== Video & Audio ==
Living Enlightenment : Path to Paramashivoham Workshop Day 1, 8 Dec 2018
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBdX2XOzlpU&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-12dec-08_living-enlightenment-path-to-paramashivoham-workshop-day-1-8-dec-2018"/>
|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām |
asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, 2-way video conferencing having Nayana deeksha, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Subject for today's webinar - Living enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham. I will start from the basics and give you the best of the best of Vedas and Agamas. Listen - purpose of life is Enlightenment. Enlightenment means, having the ultimate Truth the most powerful ultimate Truths as your operating inner software. I will repeat - Living Enlightenment means vibrating in the frequency of the Cosmic Constitution, Cosmic Truths, Universal Truths, reverberating with the principles of the Universal Truths. You need to understand, when the Universal Truths become the source cognitions for you, when you start reverberating with the Universal Truths, Cosmic Constitution, the ultimate cognitions, paramasatyas, Paramashiva's Satyas, it is literally like a elephant entering into a hut; Paramashiva enters into your ignorance and shatters it. Understand how a small hut will be shattered if an elephant enters into it, same way, when Paramashiva enters into your cognitions - the way you operate… cognition means whatever you cognize as a life - good, bad, right, wrong, goal, obstacle, what should be done, what should not be done, how much you can do, all these cognition's you have, that is the fundamental decision making mechanism of your life. I call that as a buddhi.
Understand, I wanted to tell you one more thing. You always want to get up early morning in Brahma muhurtha and do yoga, but you are not able to do… you are failing again and again. In this whatever cognition creates the tiredness and laziness and not allows you to do morning yoga in Brahma muhurtha - that is what is your buddhi as on now. Buddhi is the cognition with which you are functioning as on now. If powerful cognitions are infused into it…. and I tell you one good news, whenever a powerful cognition comes you don't even need to struggle, suddenly you will find the way, you will find the way to detoxify your body; you will find the way. When powerful cognitions enters into your buddhi and you decide I have to wake up at Brahma muhurtha and do the yoga, when you decide that powerful cognition, listen carefully, when you do that powerful cognition, the source, the buddhi in you attracts right, easy, simple, doable methods. Suddenly some way you will start seeing body gets detoxified, mind gets complete and morning waking up during Brahma muhurtha becomes your simple lifestyle.
Anything which happens as a natural flow, spontaneous flow in your life is powerful cognition in you. Powerful cognition never struggles. That is the law of life. If there is a struggle, some part of you is not having powerful cognition. Whether you want to manifest wealth, health, life, beautiful relationships, Enlightenment, joy, anything you want, if you manifest powerful cognitions, if you manifest powerful cognitions, one of the most fundamental thing will happen to your life is a free flow expression. Dharma is a spontaneous natural law manifests due to conscious decision.
Listen carefully, in you, about you, if you start consciously practicing powerful cognition… for example: again, and again you will remember you as your identity, bunch of concepts, principles, conflicts, ideas, totality of all these put together you cognize as you. But if you consciously decide to practice that cognition with the powerful cognition, the ultimate Truth - 'I am Paramashiva', anything other than this is delusion and pollution in me, when you start practicing these powerful cognition, first it will start expressing in the form of peace. You will find more time you are spending in peace, then more time in bliss, more time in the space of completion, more time happiness, more time settled, more Consciousness, more alive, more active, more brilliance; you will naturally manifest all these in your body language, in your biology, in your chemistry, in your physiology and you will automatically inspire this oozing powerful cognition in others life - people around you and natural organic enriching always happens just by your free flow with the life. Understand, natural organic enriching means the kind of the powerful cognition's you carry…. due to its power you attract people and you share that with the people and they all enjoy that. The Kailaasa happening around you due to your very powerful cognition is enriching. Strength of your powerful cognition is enriching.
Understand I am back to basics. In Living Enlightenment there is nothing more than back to basics. It is basics I will be talking in multiple ways, methods, using multiple words, till you catch it, tirelessly, tirelessly understand.
So, now I gave you one example - again and again and again infusing the ultimate cognition 'I am Paramashiva' into your buddhi. Every possible way you can cognize cognizing it, every possible way manifesting it, every possible way living it. Like this I can give you one hundred, one thousand examples about your body. Decide till now because beaten, broken, multiple personality disorder which is called you, because you were residing in it the body also was behaving beaten, broken destroyed. Decide from now ‘let Paramashiva reside in this.’ Understand never doubt the power of your powerful cognitions. They are… ten thousand years you might have abused your body, even ten minutes you invoke Paramashiva He possesses you, He owns you, He just manifests you. Understand, He does not bother… light does not bother whether the room was in the darkness for ten years or ten thousand years. It just comes and lits up. Paramashiva does not bother you lived in ignorance ten thousand years or ten years. He enters and just manifests. Immediacy, instant effect of Paramashiva's powerful cognitions is not dependent on the longevity of the practice but the quality of ability to cognize. It depends on Will Persistence; conscious decision and Will Persistence. The quantity of the period of the practice does not matter, the quality with which you instill the powerful cognitions matter.
Understand, millions and millions, I want all of you to know, millions and millions of powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed in Vedas and Agamas. I want the WHOLE sangha, all my followers, disciples, devotees, from today start collecting more and more powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed through this body from 2000. Paramashiva has started revealing powerful cognitions through this body. Of course, He started revealing much earlier but from 2000 we have recordings. Fortunately, we are revealing and releasing all the records we have captured till now to the world. Start collecting more and more powerful cognitions. That is spiritual asset, spiritual currency. That is why the currency of cosmic country, the Hindu nation getting formed, I named it as Nithyanandam.
Maybe all of you are aware the only Hindu nation on the planet Earth is getting revived. Soon on auspicious occasion all the formal announcements will be made to the world. The currency of that country is going to be called Nithyanandam. The cents will be called as Nithyam and the currency will be called as Nithyanandam. The powerful cognitions you collect is the cosmic currency. It doesn't go waste. That is why Krishna says in the Gita
svalpamapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat 
Even practiced little removes so much of fears.
svalpamapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat     
Revival of the Kailaasa. Even if you practice little bit, powerful cognitions are such even practicing little bit releases you, liberates you from the great fears. The state of Paramashiva pure, unclutched, nirvana sharira, turiyatitaturiyatita state, pure enlightened space, that state is the state of Paramashiva, where… the source of the cosmos vibrates in its existential frequency. The space of Paramashiva means the space in which the Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Completion, these six powers manifest… and manifest all the possibilities. Understand, Integrity is not rule or restriction or moral. No. It’s a power. It is
Your own ability to identify you is Integrity.
Your own ability to upgrade yourself is Authenticity.
Your own ability to expand yourself is Responsibility.
Your own power to celebrate your existence by multiplying is Enriching.
Your own ability to manifest anything you want to you and all the beings you have multiplied is Causing.
Your own ability to shower, liberation to yourself and all the mirrors you manifested is Completion.
Paramashiva's space is a power. Integrity is a power. Authenticity is a power. Responsibility is a power. Enriching is a power. Causing is a power. Completion is a power. It is not moral. It is power. If you are struggling with integrity, you are thinking integrity as a rule. If you know… waking up in the morning Brahma muhurta and meditating is nothing but manifesting power, your life's purpose, you know you have a power to expand more powers, you will simply wake up in the Brahma muhurtha and start doing yoga and meditation. If you are struggling to wake up in the Brahma muhurtha for yoga and meditation, you think sleeping will empower you. If you cognize yoga and meditation will empower you, you will simply wake up and start doing. Integrity is a power. Maybe you are more integrated to your sleep than yoga and meditation. That is why you feel sleep will empower you and you are integrated to sleep, and you sleep in the Brahma muhurtha. Understand, I am giving you one example, in every level this is the Truth.
Integrity is a power. I really want all of you to do this exercise for a few minutes. Where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching as a binding, moral, rule suffocating. Pen down. All that spots are your blind spots. You have in-completions there. You need to change your cognitions. You need to complete and manifest powerful cognition's there and realize INTEGRITY IS POWER, AUTHENTICITY IS POWER, RESPONSIBILITY IS POWER, ENRICHING IS POWER. Let's do this. Discovering the blind spots and completing now for next few minutes. Look into your life and see where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, completion is like a binding rule, moral, suffocating, list them out and see what is the powerful cognition you need  to manifest to make you understand integrity is POWER, responsibility is POWER, authenticity is POWER and enriching is POWER. As I give you this example, if you feel sleep will empower you, that is why early morning Brahma muhurtha you decide to sleep. If you cognize powerfully meditation and yoga will empower you more than sleep, simply you will wake up in the morning and be integrated to yoga and meditation. Changing powerless cognitions and adding powerful cognitions is Completion. Realizing your Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching is power not bondage is Living Enlightenment. Let's do this for few minutes. Then I will continue the webinar. I will continue to guide you in the next session.
[Slide projected for the exercise]
Functioning with these powerful cognitions will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy. It will make you understand the best, most Super Conscious way to exist and relate. Understand, the more Super Conscious way to exist and relate, the fundamental principles, fundamental Super Conscious way to exist and to relate with other humans, relate with the society, relate with the humanity, relate with money, see, from the Super Conscious Existence, with the most powerful cognition 'You are Paramashiva', if you relate with money, you will bring economical legitimacy to your identity. Poverty is nothing but economical illegitimacy to your identity. If you build the spiritual identity, right identity, you will manifest economical legitimacy - means wealth.
You having wealth just because of your right identity is economical legitimacy for you.
You having social success because of your powerful cognitions is social legitimacy for you.
Because of your powerful cognitions the way you carry yourself is accepted by everyone, the way you live becomes a culture is cultural legitimacy for you. Bring powerful cognitions in your life, through that bring spiritual legitimacy to your existence, to your identity. With that strength bring social, cultural, economic legitimacy to your existence. Naturally you will be able to manifest anything you want. Understand… this whole science - manifesting the state, manifesting the space, manifesting the powers, manifesting the Being, manifesting the Super Consciousness of Paramashiva, listen, if you bring spiritual, social, cultural legitimacy to you, you will understand this science of Living Enlightenment is the complete solution for all the problems individual or society or modern-day humanity is facing. Then you will understand all the problems of the modern-day humanity, Sanatana Hindu Dharma is solution.
Whether the terrorism or climate change, natural calamities or man-made calamities, extreme chronic capitalism or exploiting pharmaceutical industries, enslaving psychiatry field and pseudo psychiatrists or cheating philosophies, brain-washing ideologies, for all the problems humanity is facing, the only solution is science of Living Enlightenment revealed by Paramashiva from the Vedagamas in the modern day through this body. The science of Enlightenment, its ability to solve the humanity's problems and its ability to give a Super Conscious breakthrough to humanity is the reason why this science need to be protected, preserved, practiced. Sincerely recommend all of you enroll yourself to the course 'Bachelors in Living Enlightenment' course. It's freely available through Enlighten App for everyone. You can download watch the course videos and fill the questionnaire with your answers. By the time you finish the course you will gather all the most powerful cognitions in your system and you will start manifesting them. Start Living Enlightenment from wherever you are. Today this webinar is mainly to introduce this Living Enlightenment Bachelors Course, Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment. I want to give you few minutes, all of you enroll for this – tinyurl.com/applyghu It is free course, freely available. All of you please enroll; learn this whole science of manifesting the State, Space, Powers, Being and Super Consciousness of Paramashiva and this program is free for you to do wherever you are.
In Hindu tradition not only we give knowledge free, we also provide food and stay for anybody who want to study. That is the beauty of Hindu tradition. The first universities started in Kailaasa by Paramashiva, Sarvajnapeetha expanded into multiple universities called Naimisharanya, Tapovana, Vedaranya, Kashi, Kanchi, Mathura. All these universities unfortunately now everything was destroyed by the multiple reasons. It is time we need to revive. So, we are reviving the world's first university started by Paramashiva in Kailaasa as global Hindu University again. This global Hindu university is offering Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment course and as per the Hindu tradition. Not only we are offering this course free of cost, anybody wants to practice it practically, experientially I am opening all the campuses all over the world for you to come and stay completely free, absolutely free and study. We will provide free food, free stay, free clothings and free study material and the knowledge for you to manifest the State of Paramashiva, Space of Paramashiva, Powers of Paramashiva, Being of Paramashiva and Super Consciousness of Paramashiva.
We have as on now properties all over the world in multiple countries donated by devotees for this cause. So, all the campuses, all the accommodations I am opening and also we are going to be having hundreds of new campuses getting added all over the world. You are free to register in the Global Hindu University if you want to be residential student of the Global Hindu University… being Kailaasavasi and study. If you want to study as a residential student you can choose any campus, any one of the campus we have listed. If you have a valid visa to stay in that country, you are welcome to be in that campus and study.
We are also adding more and more campuses. For example, if hundred people wanted to study the Living Enlightenment Bachelor's Degree residing in a campus in Germany even if we don't have the campus we will start it. So, enroll yourself. And if you are interested in living in the campus and studying express it… in the application. Based on the demands we will start new campuses. We will expand new campuses. So, Bachelor's degree in Living Enlightenment is shared with all of you to give a breakthrough in Super Consciousness.
Now the details you may need about this program Bachelor's in Living Enlightenment course and Paramashivatva, Bachelors Degree in Living Enlightenment course is offered online freely for whoever wants, again on-campus with free food and stay for whoever wants all over the world. We already have hundreds of campuses and anywhere if more than 50 people, 100 people wanted to study with the campus we will open new campuses. So, if you want to study on campus please enroll and register yourself and your interests. We already have hundreds of campuses all over the world and we are continuously adding. Adding all over the world more and more campuses, program is available online and on-campus.
==Photos From The Day: ==
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==Sakshi Pramana:==
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===Sharing from Advance mind reading ===
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Latest revision as of 14:34, 2 December 2020


Living Enlightenment - Path To ParaLiving Enlightenment || Paramashivoham Webinar || Completion exercise ||Paramashivoham ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle, Living Enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham in today’s live Paramashivoham℠ Webinar Series. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared the basics and best of the best from the Vedas and Agamas that the purpose of life is Enlightenment where you have the most powerful, Ultimate Truth as your operating inner software. He explained that vibrating in the frequency of the Cosmic Constitution and Cosmic, Universal Truths and reverberating with these principles means Living Enlightenment. He shared that living and functioning with powerful cognitions, will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy and make you understand the best, most super conscious way to exist and relate in life.

His Divine Holiness asked everyone to do an exercise for a few minutes by penning down where you need to change your cognitions in life by adding powerful cognitions and coming to Completion. He shared that the most powerful cognition is “You are Paramashiva.”

Video & Audio

Living Enlightenment - Path To Paramashivoham

Video Audio



|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, Visitors, Viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world, through Nithyananda TV, 2-way Video Conferencing, having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Subject for today’s webinar - “Living Enlightenment - Path To Paramashivoham”. I’ll start from the basics and give you the best of the best of Vedas and Agamas. Listen. Purpose of life is Enlightenment. Enlightenment means having the ultimate truth, the most powerful, ultimate truth as your operating inner software. I’ll repeat. Living Enlightenment means vibrating in the frequency of the Cosmic constitution, Cosmic truths, Universal truths; reverberating with the principles of Universal truths. You need to understand, when the Universal truths become the source cognitions for you, when you start reverberating with the Universal truths, Cosmic constitution, the ultimate cognitions, Parama Satyas, Paramashiva’s Satyas, it is literally like a elephant entering into a hut. Paramashiva enters into your ignorance and shatters it. Understand. How a small hut will be shattered if an elephant enters into it, same way, when Paramashiva enters into your cognitions, the way you operate….Cognition means, whatever you cognize as a life - good, bad, right, wrong, goal, obstacle, what should be done, what should not be done, how much you can do - all these cognitions you have - that is the fundamental decision-making mechanism of your life. I call that as a ‘buddhi’.

Understand. I wanted to tell you one more thing. You always want to get up early morning in Brahma Muhurta and do yoga. But you are not able to do. You are failing again and again. In this, whatever cognition creates the tiredness and laziness and not allows you to do morning yoga in Brahma Muhurta, that is what is your buddhi as on now. Buddhi is the cognition with which you are functioning as and now. If powerful cognitions are infused into it, and I tell you one good news - Whenever a powerful cognition comes, you don’t even need to struggle, suddenly you will find the way….you will find the way to detoxify your body which... Listen. When powerful cognition enters into your buddhi and you decide, “I have to wake up at Brahma Muhurta, in Brahma Muhurta and do the yoga”. When you decide that powerful cognition, listen carefully, when you do that powerful cognition, the source, the buddhi in you, attracts right, easy, simple, doable methods. Suddenly some way, you will start seeing body gets detoxified, mind gets complete and morning waking up during Brahma Muhurta becomes your simple lifestyle.


Anything which happens as a natural flow, spontaneous flow in your life, is powerful cognition in you. Powerful cognition never struggles. That is the law of life. If there is a struggle, some part of you is not having powerful cognition. Whether you want to manifest wealth, health, life, beautiful relationships, Enlightenment, joy, anything you want, if you manifest powerful cognitions.... if you manifest powerful cognitions, one of the most fundamental thing will happen to your life is a - ‘free flow expression’. Dharma is a spontaneous natural law, manifests due to conscious decision.

Listen carefully. In you... about you, if you start consciously practicing powerful cognitions, for example - again and again you will remember you as your identity, bunch of concepts, principles, conflicts, ideas. Totality of all these put together, you cognize as you. But if you consciously decide to practice that cognition, with the powerful cognition, the ultimate truth, “I am Paramashiva, anything other than this is delusion and pollution in me.” When you start practicing this powerful cognition, first it will start expressing in the form of peace. You will find, more time you are spending in peace, then more time in bliss, more time in the space of completion, more time happiness, more times settled, more Consciousness, more alive, more active, more brilliance!

You will naturally manifest all these in your body language, in your biology, in your chemistry, in your physiology and you will automatically inspire this oozing powerful cognition in other’s life, people around you and natural organic enriching. Natural organic enriching always happens just by your free flow with the life. Understand. Natural organic enriching means, the kind of powerful cognitions you carry, due to its power you attract people and you share that with the people and they all enjoy that. The happening around you due to your very powerful cognition - is enriching. Strength of your powerful cognition is enriching.


Understand. I am back to basics. In Living Enlightenment, there is nothing more than back to basics. It is basics I’ll be talking in multiple ways, methods, using multiple words, till you catch it - tirelessly! Tirelessly, understand! So now, I gave you one example. Again and again and again infusing the ultimate cognition “I am Paramashiva” into your buddhi, every possible way you can cognize, cognizing it, every possible way manifesting it, every possible way living it. Like this, I can give you 100, 1000 examples about your body. Decide, till now because beaten broken multiple personality disorder which is called ‘you’, because you were residing in it, that body also was also behaving beaten broken destroyed. Decide from now, “Let Paramashiva reside in this.” Understand. Never doubt the power of your powerful cognitions. They are….10000 years you might have abused your body, even if 10 minutes, if you invoke Paramashiva, He possesses you, He owns you, He just manifests you. Understand. He does not bother; Light does not bother, whether the room was in the darkness for 10 years or 10000 years. It just comes and lits up! Paramashiva does not bother you lived in ignorance 10000 years or 10 years. He enters and just manifests. Immediacy, instant effect of Paramashiva’s powerful cognitions, is not dependent upon the longevity of the practice, but the quality of ability to cognize. It depends on Will Persistence, conscious decision and will persistence. The quantity of the period of the practice does not matter. The quality with which you instil the powerful cognitions matter. Understand.


Millions and millions, I want all of you to know, millions and millions of powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed in Veda and Agamas, I want the whole Sangha, all My followers, disciples, devotees, from today start collecting more and more powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed through this body from 2000. From 2000, Paramashiva has started revealing powerful cognitions through this body. Of course, He started revealing much earlier, but from 2000 we have recordings. Fortunately we are revealing and releasing all the records, we have captured till now, to the world. Start collecting more and more powerful cognitions, that is spiritual asset, spiritual currency. The powerful cognitions you collect is the Cosmic currency. It doesn’t go waste. That is why, Krishna says in Gita,“Swalpamapyasa dharmasya trayathae mahato bhayaat.” Even practiced little, removes so much of fears. “Swalpamapyasya dharmasya trayathae mahato bhayaat.” Revival of the Kailasa. Even if you practice little bit, powerful cognitions are such even practicing little bit, releases you, liberates you from the great fears. Understand. The state of Paramashiva – pure unclutched Nirvana Shareera, Turiyatita Turiyatita state, pure enlightened space... that state is the state of Paramashiva, where the source of the Cosmos vibrates in its existential frequency. The space of Paramashiva means - the space in which the integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, completion - these 6 powers manifest and manifest all the possibilities.


Understand. Integrity is not rule or restriction or moral. No! It’s power. It is your own ability to identify you is Integrity. Your own ability to upgrade yourself is Authenticity. Your own ability to expand yourself is Responsibility. Your own power to celebrate your existence by multiplying is Enriching. Your own ability to manifest anything you want to you and all the Beings you have multiplied is called Causing. Your own ability to shower liberation to yourself and all the mirrors you manifested is Completion. Paramashiva’s space is a power. Integrity is a power, Authenticity is a power, Responsibility is a power, Enriching is a power, Causing is a power. Completion is a power. It is not moral. It is power. If you are struggling with integrity, you are thinking integrity as a rule. If you know waking up in the morning Brahma Muhurta and meditating is nothing but manifesting power, your life’s purpose, you know you have a power to expand more powers, you will simply wake up in the Brahma Muhurta and start doing yoga and meditation. If you are struggling to wake up in the Brahma Muhurta for yoga and meditation, you think sleeping will empower. If you cognize yoga and meditation will empower you, you will simply wake up and start doing.

Integrity is a power. Maybe you are more integrated to your sleep than yoga and meditation. That is why you feel, sleep will empower you and you are integrated to your sleep and you sleep in the Brahma Muhurta. Understand. I am giving one example. In every level, this is the truth. Integrity is a power.

I really want all of you, do this exercise for few minutes. Where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching as a binding moral rule, suffocating..... pen down. All that spots are your blind spots. You have incompletions there. You need to change your cognitions. You need to complete and manifest powerful cognitions there and realize Integrity is power, Authenticity is power, Responsibility is power, Enriching is power. Let’s do this. Discovering the blind spots and completing now for next few minutes. Look into your life and see where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, completion is a like a binding, rule, moral, suffocating. List them out and see - what is the powerful cognition you need to manifest to make you understand integrity is power, responsibility is power, authenticity is power and enriching is power.

As I give you this example - if you feel sleep will empower you, that is why early morning Brahma Muhurta, you decide to sleep. If you cognize powerfully meditation and yoga will empower you more than sleep, simply you will wake up in the morning and be integrated to yoga and meditation. Changing powerless cognitions and adding powerful cognitions is completion. Realising your Integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching is power not bondage - is Living Enlightenment. Let’s do this for few minutes.... then I will continue the webinar.




Listen. Functioning with this powerful cognition, will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy. It will make you understand, the best most super conscious way to exist and relate, understand.... the most super conscious way to exist and relate; the fundamental principles, fundamental super conscious way to exist and to relate with other humans relate, with the society, relate with the humanity, relate with money.

See, from the super conscious existence with the most powerful cognition, “You are Paramashiva”, if you relate with money you will bring economic legitimacy to your identity. Poverty is nothing but economical illegitimacy to your identity. If you build the spiritual identity, right identity, you will manifest economical legitimacy - means wealth. You having wealth, just because of your right identity is economical legitimacy for you. You having social success because of your powerful cognitions is social legitimacy for you. Because of your powerful cognitions, the way you carry yourself is accepted by everyone, the way you live becomes a culture, is cultural legitimacy for you.

Bring powerful cognitions in your life, through that bring spiritual legitimacy to your existence... to your identity. With that strength bring social, cultural, economic legitimacy to your existence. Naturally, you will be able to manifest anything you want. Understand. This whole science - manifesting the state, manifesting the space, manifesting the powers, manifesting the Being, manifesting the super consciousness of Paramashiva…..

Listen. If you bring spiritual social cultural legitimacy to you - you will understand this science of Living Enlightenment is the complete solution for all the problems individual or society or modern-day humanity is facing. Then you will understand, all the problems of the modern-day humanity, Sanatana Hindu Dharma is solution. Whether the terrorism or climate change, natural calamities or manmade calamities, extreme chronic capitalism or exploiting pharmaceutical industries, enslaving psychiatry field and pseudo psychiatrists or cheating philosophies, brainwashing ideologies, for all the problems humanity is facing, the only solution is Science of Living Enlightenment, revealed by Paramashiva from the Veda Agamas in the modern-day through this body.



Living Enlightenment : Path to Paramashivoham Workshop Day 1, 8 Dec 2018


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle, Living Enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham in today’s live Paramashivoham℠ Webinar Series. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism shared the basics and best of the best from the Vedas and Agamas that the purpose of life is Enlightenment where you have the most powerful, Ultimate Truth as your operating inner software. He explained that vibrating in the frequency of the Cosmic Constitution and Cosmic, Universal Truths and reverberating with these principles means Living Enlightenment. He shared that living and functioning with powerful cognitions, will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy and make you understand the best, most super conscious way to exist and relate in life.

His Divine Holiness asked everyone to do an exercise for a few minutes by penning down where you need to change your cognitions in life by adding powerful cognitions and coming to Completion. He shared that the most powerful cognition is “You are Paramashiva.”

Video & Audio

Living Enlightenment : Path to Paramashivoham Workshop Day 1, 8 Dec 2018

Video Audio



|| nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, 2-way video conferencing having Nayana deeksha, I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.


Subject for today's webinar - Living enlightenment: Path to Paramashivoham. I will start from the basics and give you the best of the best of Vedas and Agamas. Listen - purpose of life is Enlightenment. Enlightenment means, having the ultimate Truth the most powerful ultimate Truths as your operating inner software. I will repeat - Living Enlightenment means vibrating in the frequency of the Cosmic Constitution, Cosmic Truths, Universal Truths, reverberating with the principles of the Universal Truths. You need to understand, when the Universal Truths become the source cognitions for you, when you start reverberating with the Universal Truths, Cosmic Constitution, the ultimate cognitions, paramasatyas, Paramashiva's Satyas, it is literally like a elephant entering into a hut; Paramashiva enters into your ignorance and shatters it. Understand how a small hut will be shattered if an elephant enters into it, same way, when Paramashiva enters into your cognitions - the way you operate… cognition means whatever you cognize as a life - good, bad, right, wrong, goal, obstacle, what should be done, what should not be done, how much you can do, all these cognition's you have, that is the fundamental decision making mechanism of your life. I call that as a buddhi.


Understand, I wanted to tell you one more thing. You always want to get up early morning in Brahma muhurtha and do yoga, but you are not able to do… you are failing again and again. In this whatever cognition creates the tiredness and laziness and not allows you to do morning yoga in Brahma muhurtha - that is what is your buddhi as on now. Buddhi is the cognition with which you are functioning as on now. If powerful cognitions are infused into it…. and I tell you one good news, whenever a powerful cognition comes you don't even need to struggle, suddenly you will find the way, you will find the way to detoxify your body; you will find the way. When powerful cognitions enters into your buddhi and you decide I have to wake up at Brahma muhurtha and do the yoga, when you decide that powerful cognition, listen carefully, when you do that powerful cognition, the source, the buddhi in you attracts right, easy, simple, doable methods. Suddenly some way you will start seeing body gets detoxified, mind gets complete and morning waking up during Brahma muhurtha becomes your simple lifestyle.

Anything which happens as a natural flow, spontaneous flow in your life is powerful cognition in you. Powerful cognition never struggles. That is the law of life. If there is a struggle, some part of you is not having powerful cognition. Whether you want to manifest wealth, health, life, beautiful relationships, Enlightenment, joy, anything you want, if you manifest powerful cognitions, if you manifest powerful cognitions, one of the most fundamental thing will happen to your life is a free flow expression. Dharma is a spontaneous natural law manifests due to conscious decision.

Listen carefully, in you, about you, if you start consciously practicing powerful cognition… for example: again, and again you will remember you as your identity, bunch of concepts, principles, conflicts, ideas, totality of all these put together you cognize as you. But if you consciously decide to practice that cognition with the powerful cognition, the ultimate Truth - 'I am Paramashiva', anything other than this is delusion and pollution in me, when you start practicing these powerful cognition, first it will start expressing in the form of peace. You will find more time you are spending in peace, then more time in bliss, more time in the space of completion, more time happiness, more time settled, more Consciousness, more alive, more active, more brilliance; you will naturally manifest all these in your body language, in your biology, in your chemistry, in your physiology and you will automatically inspire this oozing powerful cognition in others life - people around you and natural organic enriching always happens just by your free flow with the life. Understand, natural organic enriching means the kind of the powerful cognition's you carry…. due to its power you attract people and you share that with the people and they all enjoy that. The Kailaasa happening around you due to your very powerful cognition is enriching. Strength of your powerful cognition is enriching. (09:59)

Understand I am back to basics. In Living Enlightenment there is nothing more than back to basics. It is basics I will be talking in multiple ways, methods, using multiple words, till you catch it, tirelessly, tirelessly understand.

So, now I gave you one example - again and again and again infusing the ultimate cognition 'I am Paramashiva' into your buddhi. Every possible way you can cognize cognizing it, every possible way manifesting it, every possible way living it. Like this I can give you one hundred, one thousand examples about your body. Decide till now because beaten, broken, multiple personality disorder which is called you, because you were residing in it the body also was behaving beaten, broken destroyed. Decide from now ‘let Paramashiva reside in this.’ Understand never doubt the power of your powerful cognitions. They are… ten thousand years you might have abused your body, even ten minutes you invoke Paramashiva He possesses you, He owns you, He just manifests you. Understand, He does not bother… light does not bother whether the room was in the darkness for ten years or ten thousand years. It just comes and lits up. Paramashiva does not bother you lived in ignorance ten thousand years or ten years. He enters and just manifests. Immediacy, instant effect of Paramashiva's powerful cognitions is not dependent on the longevity of the practice but the quality of ability to cognize. It depends on Will Persistence; conscious decision and Will Persistence. The quantity of the period of the practice does not matter, the quality with which you instill the powerful cognitions matter.

Understand, millions and millions, I want all of you to know, millions and millions of powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed in Vedas and Agamas. I want the WHOLE sangha, all my followers, disciples, devotees, from today start collecting more and more powerful cognitions Paramashiva has revealed through this body from 2000. Paramashiva has started revealing powerful cognitions through this body. Of course, He started revealing much earlier but from 2000 we have recordings. Fortunately, we are revealing and releasing all the records we have captured till now to the world. Start collecting more and more powerful cognitions. That is spiritual asset, spiritual currency. That is why the currency of cosmic country, the Hindu nation getting formed, I named it as Nithyanandam.

Maybe all of you are aware the only Hindu nation on the planet Earth is getting revived. Soon on auspicious occasion all the formal announcements will be made to the world. The currency of that country is going to be called Nithyanandam. The cents will be called as Nithyam and the currency will be called as Nithyanandam. The powerful cognitions you collect is the cosmic currency. It doesn't go waste. That is why Krishna says in the Gita

svalpamapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat

Even practiced little removes so much of fears.

svalpamapyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat


Revival of the Kailaasa. Even if you practice little bit, powerful cognitions are such even practicing little bit releases you, liberates you from the great fears. The state of Paramashiva pure, unclutched, nirvana sharira, turiyatitaturiyatita state, pure enlightened space, that state is the state of Paramashiva, where… the source of the cosmos vibrates in its existential frequency. The space of Paramashiva means the space in which the Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Completion, these six powers manifest… and manifest all the possibilities. Understand, Integrity is not rule or restriction or moral. No. It’s a power. It is

Your own ability to identify you is Integrity. Your own ability to upgrade yourself is Authenticity. Your own ability to expand yourself is Responsibility. Your own power to celebrate your existence by multiplying is Enriching. Your own ability to manifest anything you want to you and all the beings you have multiplied is Causing. Your own ability to shower, liberation to yourself and all the mirrors you manifested is Completion.

Paramashiva's space is a power. Integrity is a power. Authenticity is a power. Responsibility is a power. Enriching is a power. Causing is a power. Completion is a power. It is not moral. It is power. If you are struggling with integrity, you are thinking integrity as a rule. If you know… waking up in the morning Brahma muhurta and meditating is nothing but manifesting power, your life's purpose, you know you have a power to expand more powers, you will simply wake up in the Brahma muhurtha and start doing yoga and meditation. If you are struggling to wake up in the Brahma muhurtha for yoga and meditation, you think sleeping will empower you. If you cognize yoga and meditation will empower you, you will simply wake up and start doing. Integrity is a power. Maybe you are more integrated to your sleep than yoga and meditation. That is why you feel sleep will empower you and you are integrated to sleep, and you sleep in the Brahma muhurtha. Understand, I am giving you one example, in every level this is the Truth.


Integrity is a power. I really want all of you to do this exercise for a few minutes. Where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching as a binding, moral, rule suffocating. Pen down. All that spots are your blind spots. You have in-completions there. You need to change your cognitions. You need to complete and manifest powerful cognition's there and realize INTEGRITY IS POWER, AUTHENTICITY IS POWER, RESPONSIBILITY IS POWER, ENRICHING IS POWER. Let's do this. Discovering the blind spots and completing now for next few minutes. Look into your life and see where all you feel integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, completion is like a binding rule, moral, suffocating, list them out and see what is the powerful cognition you need to manifest to make you understand integrity is POWER, responsibility is POWER, authenticity is POWER and enriching is POWER. As I give you this example, if you feel sleep will empower you, that is why early morning Brahma muhurtha you decide to sleep. If you cognize powerfully meditation and yoga will empower you more than sleep, simply you will wake up in the morning and be integrated to yoga and meditation. Changing powerless cognitions and adding powerful cognitions is Completion. Realizing your Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching is power not bondage is Living Enlightenment. Let's do this for few minutes. Then I will continue the webinar. I will continue to guide you in the next session.


[Slide projected for the exercise]


Functioning with these powerful cognitions will make you experience your spiritual legitimacy. It will make you understand the best, most Super Conscious way to exist and relate. Understand, the more Super Conscious way to exist and relate, the fundamental principles, fundamental Super Conscious way to exist and to relate with other humans, relate with the society, relate with the humanity, relate with money, see, from the Super Conscious Existence, with the most powerful cognition 'You are Paramashiva', if you relate with money, you will bring economical legitimacy to your identity. Poverty is nothing but economical illegitimacy to your identity. If you build the spiritual identity, right identity, you will manifest economical legitimacy - means wealth.

You having wealth just because of your right identity is economical legitimacy for you. You having social success because of your powerful cognitions is social legitimacy for you.

Because of your powerful cognitions the way you carry yourself is accepted by everyone, the way you live becomes a culture is cultural legitimacy for you. Bring powerful cognitions in your life, through that bring spiritual legitimacy to your existence, to your identity. With that strength bring social, cultural, economic legitimacy to your existence. Naturally you will be able to manifest anything you want. Understand… this whole science - manifesting the state, manifesting the space, manifesting the powers, manifesting the Being, manifesting the Super Consciousness of Paramashiva, listen, if you bring spiritual, social, cultural legitimacy to you, you will understand this science of Living Enlightenment is the complete solution for all the problems individual or society or modern-day humanity is facing. Then you will understand all the problems of the modern-day humanity, Sanatana Hindu Dharma is solution.


Whether the terrorism or climate change, natural calamities or man-made calamities, extreme chronic capitalism or exploiting pharmaceutical industries, enslaving psychiatry field and pseudo psychiatrists or cheating philosophies, brain-washing ideologies, for all the problems humanity is facing, the only solution is science of Living Enlightenment revealed by Paramashiva from the Vedagamas in the modern day through this body. The science of Enlightenment, its ability to solve the humanity's problems and its ability to give a Super Conscious breakthrough to humanity is the reason why this science need to be protected, preserved, practiced. Sincerely recommend all of you enroll yourself to the course 'Bachelors in Living Enlightenment' course. It's freely available through Enlighten App for everyone. You can download watch the course videos and fill the questionnaire with your answers. By the time you finish the course you will gather all the most powerful cognitions in your system and you will start manifesting them. Start Living Enlightenment from wherever you are. Today this webinar is mainly to introduce this Living Enlightenment Bachelors Course, Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment. I want to give you few minutes, all of you enroll for this – tinyurl.com/applyghu It is free course, freely available. All of you please enroll; learn this whole science of manifesting the State, Space, Powers, Being and Super Consciousness of Paramashiva and this program is free for you to do wherever you are.


In Hindu tradition not only we give knowledge free, we also provide food and stay for anybody who want to study. That is the beauty of Hindu tradition. The first universities started in Kailaasa by Paramashiva, Sarvajnapeetha expanded into multiple universities called Naimisharanya, Tapovana, Vedaranya, Kashi, Kanchi, Mathura. All these universities unfortunately now everything was destroyed by the multiple reasons. It is time we need to revive. So, we are reviving the world's first university started by Paramashiva in Kailaasa as global Hindu University again. This global Hindu university is offering Bachelor’s Degree in Living Enlightenment course and as per the Hindu tradition. Not only we are offering this course free of cost, anybody wants to practice it practically, experientially I am opening all the campuses all over the world for you to come and stay completely free, absolutely free and study. We will provide free food, free stay, free clothings and free study material and the knowledge for you to manifest the State of Paramashiva, Space of Paramashiva, Powers of Paramashiva, Being of Paramashiva and Super Consciousness of Paramashiva.

We have as on now properties all over the world in multiple countries donated by devotees for this cause. So, all the campuses, all the accommodations I am opening and also we are going to be having hundreds of new campuses getting added all over the world. You are free to register in the Global Hindu University if you want to be residential student of the Global Hindu University… being Kailaasavasi and study. If you want to study as a residential student you can choose any campus, any one of the campus we have listed. If you have a valid visa to stay in that country, you are welcome to be in that campus and study.


We are also adding more and more campuses. For example, if hundred people wanted to study the Living Enlightenment Bachelor's Degree residing in a campus in Germany even if we don't have the campus we will start it. So, enroll yourself. And if you are interested in living in the campus and studying express it… in the application. Based on the demands we will start new campuses. We will expand new campuses. So, Bachelor's degree in Living Enlightenment is shared with all of you to give a breakthrough in Super Consciousness.

Now the details you may need about this program Bachelor's in Living Enlightenment course and Paramashivatva, Bachelors Degree in Living Enlightenment course is offered online freely for whoever wants, again on-campus with free food and stay for whoever wants all over the world. We already have hundreds of campuses and anywhere if more than 50 people, 100 people wanted to study with the campus we will open new campuses. So, if you want to study on campus please enroll and register yourself and your interests. We already have hundreds of campuses all over the world and we are continuously adding. Adding all over the world more and more campuses, program is available online and on-campus.



Uttamotama Seva

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Sakshi Pramana:

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