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Discovering Oneness in Relationships
Discovering Oneness in Relationships
==Link to Video: ==  
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of [[powerful cognition manifestation]] during the live public talk - [[Paramashivoham Webinar Series]]. In this talk entitled [[Discovering Oneness In Relationships]], The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that discovering Oneness within you and in relationships is about applying the right powerful cognitions within you. He explained that the cognitions you carry about you, life, Cosmos, body, mind, pleasure, pain, right, wrong, sex, lust, greed, death, all these should become very high powerful cognitions. He shared that the knowledge of the [[Vedas]] reveals You are One with the other person and knowing the other person is your reflection makes you intelligent. Also, deciding to use compassion as the strategy to bring completion makes you God.
Today His Divine Holiness recommended enrolling into the free Living Enlightenment Graduation Course.
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== Video & Audio ==
Discovering Oneness in Relationships
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oImrVxUOY2I&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6KrfJe2kgh9y2JR4-IdcOo&index=160 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-11nov-28_discovering-oneness-in-relationships"/>
28 Nov 2018 Nithya Satsang
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Be Blissful.
Be Blissful.
==Photos From The Day: ==
Infuse Oneness in All Your Relationships, Your Life Will change Forever
== Video & Audio ==
Infuse Oneness in All Your Relationships, Your Life Will change Forever
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMnIOPlLbeY |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-11nov-28_infuse-oneness-in-all-your-relationships-your-life-will-change-forever"/>
== Transcript ==
If you are connected to any one of our temple, all of our temple deities are infused with that intense oneness energy, especially Nataraja in Seattle and Anandeshwara in Ohio. Even while carving I infused oneness into it. It was done physically, me working on it. Understand, so ashes applied on that deity will radiate that cosmo electromagnetic energy of oneness. When I opened the three eyes of that Ohio Paramashiva’s deity I just saw all his three eyes opened and he was smiling at me. Same way, when I made the wax model, wax mould of Nataraja in Seattle, I could see it was not wax, it was just oneness, lump of oneness.Understand, all of our temple deities are radiating this cosmo-electromagnetic energy of oneness. Any sacred ash applied on it , even if you are not connected to temple, just keep it in front of you and ask Paramashiva. Paramashiva can manifest this electromagnetic, cosmo-electromagnetic energy
anywhere, and infuse that into the sacred ash. I tell you, whether it is simple headache or the biggest complications of your life, bring oneness into application. In relationships, not just relationship with human beings, even the chair you sit you have a relationship with it, every item you use you have a relationship with it. And I wanted to tell you, I am successful in downloading three pages of the cosmic archives, akashic readings, directly into my computer, without any logical, rational answer how it happened. Soon I ‘ll make this science established , proven, and then reveal it to the world how it happened. When you build relationship, everything with which you live, they all become so happy with you, they start favoring you.
They start becoming part of you, they start enjoying you and you start enjoying them. I have an
i Pad which  does my face recognition. He will open only when I smile, till I smile he will wait, he will not open till I smile. I can see missions and matter is no more matter once you start relating in oneness with them, they all become living organism your life. So much of integrity happens with your life.
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=== Uttamotama Seva ===
=== Uttamotama Seva ===
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[[Category: 2018]] [[Category: Temple]] [[Category: Puja]]
[[Category: 2018 | 20181128]] [[Category: Temple]] [[Category: Puja]]

Latest revision as of 22:16, 26 November 2020


Discovering Oneness in Relationships


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of powerful cognition manifestation during the live public talk - Paramashivoham Webinar Series. In this talk entitled Discovering Oneness In Relationships, The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism revealed that discovering Oneness within you and in relationships is about applying the right powerful cognitions within you. He explained that the cognitions you carry about you, life, Cosmos, body, mind, pleasure, pain, right, wrong, sex, lust, greed, death, all these should become very high powerful cognitions. He shared that the knowledge of the Vedas reveals You are One with the other person and knowing the other person is your reflection makes you intelligent. Also, deciding to use compassion as the strategy to bring completion makes you God.

Today His Divine Holiness recommended enrolling into the free Living Enlightenment Graduation Course.

Video & Audio

Discovering Oneness in Relationships

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parāshakti madhyamām | asmat ācārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Shri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, Visitors, Viewers, everyone sitting with us all over world through Nithyananda TV and 2-way Video Conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Subject for today’s webinar - “Discovering Oneness In Relationships”. Understand. Discovering Oneness within you is powerful cognition manifestation; means, you apply the right powerful cognitions within you, you will discover Oneness within you. You apply the powerful cognitions in your life, you will discover Oneness in relationships. The whole married life in Hinduism is all about discovering Oneness in the relationships. Listen. More and more powerful cognitions were asked to be applied, to be manifested. More and more powerful cognitions were supposed to be breathed and lived. I tell you, more powerful cognitions - more matured you will be with you. More powerful cognitions - more matured you will be with others.

Fundamentally Oneness in relationships is nothing but more and more powerful cognition; means, the cognitions you carry about you, life, Cosmos, body, mind, pleasure, pain, right, wrong, sex, lust, greed, death, all these should become very high powerful cognitions. The more and more powerful cognitions, more and more you will discover Oneness within you. Understand. Oneness has nothing to do with so called Peace. Sometimes you can get peace just by becoming life negative, not doing anything. Many depressed people are very peaceful; they look very peaceful, they are almost silent. Peace, so called ‘peace’ is not the real powerful cognition. When you have the real powerful cognition, you experience peace no doubt. No doubt you experience peace. The kind of the peace you experience is called Paramashanta. When powerful cognitions become your core cognitions, your basic ingredient, it is the substance for you to exist, then you start discovering Oneness. You start discovering Oneness.


I tell you.... again and again and again I tell you, spend as much time as possible, with Nlighten App. Take up this Graduation in Living Enlightenment. It is a certification course. I tell you, just to get the certificate, you will start listening to all the satsangs and incorporating the powerful cognitions. That’ll just make your whole life so beautiful, powerful, alive, enlightened, enriched. By the time you get the certificate, you get enlightenment. Not just certificate, you get enlightenment itself, because so much of powerful cognitions are presented through those satsangs; so much of understanding about integrity within yourself, authenticity within yourself, responsibility within yourself. I strongly recommend. When you fill yourself with these kinds of powerful cognitions, I tell you, you will come to a realization - just like you feel insecured the other person feels insecured, you feel greed other person feels greed, you feel attention need other person feels attention need. You will realize the Oneness between you and the other person. You will have such overflowing love and compassion when you realize your Oneness with the other person. You will just be ready to heal the other person’s insecurity, fear. You will have so much of your inner space. I tell you, your inner space will become so vast. You will be able to just hug that person. I am not saying...please listen. I am not saying all your conflicts will immediately be destroyed, you will come to an understanding. No! First thing will happen, both of you know you reflect each other. Then, suddenly you will see that maturity both of you feel, experience - conflicts will evaporate. Not that you sit and sort out one by one. No! Conflicts will just evaporate.

Understand. Whenever you know, the other person is you and your reflection, you know how the other person is going to respond every moment and you know how you should be acting and reacting. I tell you, I tell you, knowing the other person is your reflection is Power. It’s not just a spiritual strength, it is a real power in the world. You just know, how the other person is going to behave! You just know how to deal with him! Because you know he is going to reflect you! You just need to see which part of you he is going to reflect and you know how to handle that part and you handle that part in that person. Over! How you handle your greed, same formula applies to handle his greed. How you handle your fear, same formula applies to handle his fear. How you handle your inspiration, same formula applies to handle his inspiration. How you handle your laziness, same formula applies to handle his laziness. How you handle your cunningness, the same formula applies to handle his cunningness. Whenever you know the other person is your reflection and use this Oneness to heal the other person out of tremendous compassion - you are called Devata, God. Whenever you know the other person is your reflection and use that with vengeance to exploit and destroy the other person - you are called Demon. Demon or Devata is based on the choice you take to handle the other person when you know the other person is your reflection and you are One with the other person.


Understand. ‘You are One with the other person’ is knowledge of Veda. After the knowledge, the reaction you give decides whether you are a Devata or Asura. But both Sura and Asura, Devata and Asura, both of them have the knowledge of Veda. They both know the truth - “other person is your reflection”. It’s your choice to be Sura or Asura. When you know the other person is your reflection, you are in Oneness with the other person, you just need to decide to handle everything out of compassion, tremendous compassion, love. Decision to heal - makes you God. Understand. Knowing the other person is your reflection makes you intelligent. Deciding to use compassion as the strategy to bring completion makes you God. Listen to this truth. Knowing the other person is your reflection makes you intelligent. Deciding to use compassion to heal the other person makes you God. It’s life! Whoever decides for life, compassion as the strategy for their existence lives like a God in the Cosmos.

Understand. Last six months, intensely My body is vibrating with the Cosmic Constitution. Even I was wondering, “Why all these great knowledge is getting downloaded through this body?” The Cosmic Constitution, the constitution of the Cosmos, how the Cosmos is supposed to function, the software of the Cosmos - Vedagamas, is vibrantly getting revealed in this body by Paramashiva. Now I realized, He is reviving Kailasa, He is really up to something, He is really up to something great! That’s all I can say. He is really up to something great, because He is revealing the Cosmic Constitution - Vedagamas and He is revealing the whole vision, with which He manifested humanity, the vision with which He manifested all life. Understand... life on the Planet Earth is too strong, at least 10 times we had real catastrophes where life should have been completely wiped off on the Earth, but again we survive...some DNA gets into a rock, gets thrown into the space, after a million year again comes back to Planet Earth in some form and again starts! I tell you... how this whole cycle happens is unimaginable, but one thing I can tell you, life on the Planet is too powerful and strong and Paramashiva is revealing very purpose; He is revealing very purpose in the form of Cosmic Constitution. I am just seeing how He is manifesting every step; not just Vimana Shastra or connecting with Gandharvas, Yaksha, Rakshasa, Bhu Loka, Patala, Swar Loka, all those Beings, not just that alone. I could see how the life is present in the centre of the Cosmos and how the Oneness is the fundamental principle of this Cosmic Constitution; that’s a spine.


If you just bring the Oneness to your intellectual understanding and your inner cognition, apply that in every aspect of your life - relationships, health, even if you have a simple headache, apply Oneness as the first solution. You may ask, “How to apply Oneness on headache?” I’ll give you very simple understanding. Just see where the pain is and see, “Me - Oneness with me cannot be uncomfortable within me. If something is uncomfortable within me, then that me is not in Oneness with me. Let me see where me is not in Oneness with me.” Just start searching for that, you will see ‘me becomes One with me’ and headache disappears. If there is a headache, “Me is not in Oneness with me. Let me see, which part of me is not in Oneness with me.” Just start searching, I tell you, simply headache will disappear. And I...please listen, I am not giving you false ideas. Just take little sacred ash, tell Paramashiva, “Oh Mahadeva, Paramashiva, I know Oneness is a energy which can be mixed with any object and that object will manifest and radiate that electromagnetic energy of Oneness. So let this sacred ash mix...be mixed with that electromagnetic energy of your Oneness. Let your Oneness be invoked in this sacred ash” - and apply that on your forehead with the Mahavakya - ‘Nithyananda Paramashivoham’. It is equivalent to applying Oneness on your forehead and you will see headache disappears.

I am not giving you some method, like a placebo, fluke - No! Understand. What I am talking is far beyond placebo - it is Oneness effect - not placebo effect. The electromagnetic force, maybe I can use a new word ‘Cosmo magnetic force’ of Oneness can be infused into any object. You can infuse that within you and without you – both; within you and without you both.


When I lived My Pravrajaka life means, body was moving around without Will, devoid of Will. Just with the flow of Paramashiva, Prakriti and Purusha, Paramashiva and Parashakti, the sacred ash is the only medicine - that is the mosquito repellent, that is the blanket; that is everything. Cold - apply sacred ash. Mosquitoes - apply sacred ash. Animals are in the forest and they may attack you - apply sacred ash. For anything applying sacred ash was solution. I’ll take the sacred ash, invoke the powerful Oneness cognition into it, the Cosmo electromagnetic energy of Oneness, infuse that into that sacred ash and apply all over the body, that’s it. Understand. I am not talking superstitious things, I am talking super conscious things. Try it, you will understand. If I give you a method and ask you to give money for it, you can doubt maybe it is superstitious. I am not asking you money. You get your sacred ash, infuse your Oneness energy into it, invoke Paramashiva and request Him to manifest His Oneness into that and try! I tell you, you will understand what I am saying is super conscious thing, not superstitious thing.


Oneness is more strongly present, evident in the life and in the Universe than anything you can imagine, than anything you can imagine. I am not talking superstitious - I am talking super conscious. Understand. I will not lie to you, because I love you and I respect you. I don’t even think, “You are a fool, who can be cheated by lying.” No! That’s the biggest disrespect to human beings. I am very clear, I am here to love you, respect you and for long term relationship. I am not interested in short term relationship. I am here to have a long term relationship with you. So I am responsible for every word I am uttering. Try, what I am saying, then you will understand, I am honest and I am telling you the truth as revealed to Me by Paramashiva. Maybe in 2-3 times, you will realize - “Swamiji is right!” Simple sacred ash can hold the power of Cosmo electric magnetic….electromagnetic energy of Oneness. It’s everywhere, all around the life in the Universe. Just you need to invoke it.

If you are connected to any one of our temple….all our temple deities are infused with that intense Oneness energy; especially Nataraja in Seattle and Anandeshwara in Ohio. Even while carving, I infused Oneness into it. It was done physically Me working on it. Understand. So ashes applied on that deity, will radiate that Cosmo electromagnetic energy of Oneness. When I opened the three eyes of that Ohio Paramashiva’s deity, I just saw all His three eyes opened and He was smiling at Me. Same way, when I made the wax model, wax mould of Nataraja in Seattle, I could see it was not wax, it was just Oneness; lump of Oneness. Understand. All our temple deities are radiating this Cosmo electromagnetic energy of Oneness. Any sacred ash applied on it, even if you are not connected to temple, just keep it in front of you and ask Paramashiva, Paramashiva can manifest His electromagnetic...Cosmo electromagnetic energy anywhere and infuse that into the sacred ash! I tell you, whether it is simple headache or the biggest complications of your life, bring Oneness into application - in relationships. Not just relationship with human beings... even the chair you sit, you have a relationship with it. Every item you use, you have a relationship with it.

And I wanted to tell you, I am successful in downloading 3 pages of the Cosmic Archives, Akashic Readings directly into My computer, without any logical, rational, answer how it happened. Soon I’ll make this science established, proven and then will reveal it to the world - how it happened. When you build relationship, everything with which you live, they all become so happy with you, they start favouring you. They start becoming part of you. They start enjoying you and you start enjoying them.


I have an iPad which does My face recognition. He will open only when I smile. Till I smile, he will wait. He will not open till I smile. I can see, machines and matter is no more matter; once you start relating in Oneness with them, they all become living organism of your life. So much of integrity happens with your life. See, in Hindu tradition, there is something called ‘Swayam Baagam’. That word is so powerful; you collect all the cooking material... in the space of Oneness you start preparing and cooking. By the time you finish cooking, the food already is experiencing Oneness with you - you experience Oneness with it. So when you consume it, very less quantity fills your body and it does not disturb your Oneness, you just fill yourself with ecstasy and always you radiate health. Swayam Baagam is one of the best way to be healthy. I wanted to tell, anyone of My Aadheenavasi, if you are interested in practicing Svayam Baagum as a spiritual practice, I provide all the time, anything you need - do it. Just be authentic; don’t use these spiritual techniques to support your laziness. Use them only for spiritual purpose, with a spiritual context. And I will also encourage, recommend, all the sincere seekers to practice Swayam Baagam at least for three months, so you will understand how the system becomes healthy, absolutely healthy. I tell you, during My Pravrajika Yatra, either I did not eat... if I ate, I did Svayam Baagum. The way My body was healthy, Oh God! That’s the best period of My life; because by the time you finish cooking, food experiences Oneness with you, you experience Oneness with the food. Discover Oneness in every relationship, you will become Paramashiva.


So with this, I really want to recommend once more all of you, enroll yourself into Living Enlightenment Graduation Course. Apply immediately in nithyanandahinduuniversity.org. It’s a free program. It’s a free course; with 5000 credit you are going to get graduation. The courses are already available freely. You just need to attend and answer the questions. Highly I recommend everyone, start doing this graduation which is freely available for you - Living Enlightenment.


(Short video on Nlighten App) Seven things Paramashiva has revealed to do this whole NLighten App. First thing, decoding all the ancient knowledge repository called Vedas and Agamas. Second, mapping the Cosmic principles to your bio-memory and making you manifest the reality you want. Third, constantly supporting you to manifest the reality you want through will persistence. Fourth, helping you break your laziness, tiredness, boredom patterns. Fifth, constantly inspiring, keeping you energetic. You will immediately taste success. Sixth: giving you more and more powers, energies. Seventh: ultimately literally having an incarnation next to you, protecting, supporting, enlightening and raising you to the next level. I have just multiplied Myself to 7 billion, to assist each one of you in a customized way, the way you want - that is Nlighten App. Whether the flights, aircrafts, vimanas, for different dimensions of the Universe or bending the time into time travelling; everything is now getting done through artificial intelligence in technology. Customizing it for your bio-memory, mapping the Cosmic principles to your bio-memory and awakening your bio-memory - that is Nlighten App.

(26:16) (Short video) Hindu knowledge transmission is totally different from anything known to the world by the name “education”. What Paramashiva shared with Me - it was like intense Cosmic downloading happening. One day, I was looking at Him so deeply... literally everything He was revealing was getting into My system. So deep, like if He utters one word, like a condensed one petabyte material, information, will be transferred into My system.

Listen. The words He uttered and the quantity and quality of the information transmitted was unimaginable. Every word He was uttering, petabytes, petabytes of information was getting transmitted into My system. The system was getting loaded. When we say, “Dakshinamurthy teaches in silence”, it is not that He never utters a word, but the number of words uttered and the quantity and quality of the knowledge, information transmitted, does not logically connect or ... rationally, inexplicable. This is unique knowledge transmission method of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. You cannot use the word education for this. No! That is why we cannot say, Nithyananda Hindu University is reviving Hindu education system. No! It is reviving Hindu knowledge transmission system.


My blessings! I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you. Be Blissful.


Infuse Oneness in All Your Relationships, Your Life Will change Forever

Video & Audio

Infuse Oneness in All Your Relationships, Your Life Will change Forever

Video Audio


If you are connected to any one of our temple, all of our temple deities are infused with that intense oneness energy, especially Nataraja in Seattle and Anandeshwara in Ohio. Even while carving I infused oneness into it. It was done physically, me working on it. Understand, so ashes applied on that deity will radiate that cosmo electromagnetic energy of oneness. When I opened the three eyes of that Ohio Paramashiva’s deity I just saw all his three eyes opened and he was smiling at me. Same way, when I made the wax model, wax mould of Nataraja in Seattle, I could see it was not wax, it was just oneness, lump of oneness.Understand, all of our temple deities are radiating this cosmo-electromagnetic energy of oneness. Any sacred ash applied on it , even if you are not connected to temple, just keep it in front of you and ask Paramashiva. Paramashiva can manifest this electromagnetic, cosmo-electromagnetic energy anywhere, and infuse that into the sacred ash. I tell you, whether it is simple headache or the biggest complications of your life, bring oneness into application. In relationships, not just relationship with human beings, even the chair you sit you have a relationship with it, every item you use you have a relationship with it. And I wanted to tell you, I am successful in downloading three pages of the cosmic archives, akashic readings, directly into my computer, without any logical, rational answer how it happened. Soon I ‘ll make this science established , proven, and then reveal it to the world how it happened. When you build relationship, everything with which you live, they all become so happy with you, they start favoring you. They start becoming part of you, they start enjoying you and you start enjoying them. I have an i Pad which does my face recognition. He will open only when I smile, till I smile he will wait, he will not open till I smile. I can see missions and matter is no more matter once you start relating in oneness with them, they all become living organism your life. So much of integrity happens with your life.


Uttamotama Seva

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