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Who is a Siddha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 139
==Link to Video: ==
In this short "nithyananda videos", Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes who is a siddha. This clip is taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8jlpsFO-XU&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-mar-29-who-is-a-siddha?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-march"/>
Retrieve your Akashik Records - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 138
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZFlPwoUULE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-mar-29-retrieve-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-march"/>
Meet the masters | Patanjali Yoga Sutras 138 | 29 Mar 2011
==Link to Video: ==
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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Todays subject, extraordinary subject, extraordinary samyama, extraordinary technique, ‘MEET THE MASTERS’.
Patanjali directly gives cell phone number and video conferencing facility for all the Masters who lived in the planet earth. All the masters who happened on the cosmos in the planet earth, Patanjali is giving us a methodology, technology to relate with them.
The sutra
मूर्धज्योतिषि सिद्धदर्शनम् ॥
moordhajyotishi siddhadarshanam//
Swami Vivekananda translates as: on the light emanating from the top of the head sight of the siddhas.
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: by making samyama on the radiance within the back of the head one becomes able to see the celestial beings.
Swami Sachidananda translates as: by samyama on the light at the crown of the head visions of the Master and adepts are obtained.
Osho says, Osho translates as: by performing samyama on the light under the crown of the head comes the ability to contact all perfected beings.
Siddha, Master is a person, who doesn’t have perishable identity; because of it, has eternal identity. Understand, his identity is made out of material which is imperishable.
There is no perishable component in the identity he created for himself. When the breeze flows over the water, the shapes and drawings created on the water…. there is a huge water body, breeze flows over the water body, small waves are happening or some drawings or figures appear on the water, in that figure there is no perishable component.
That figure, the source, cause effect everything is just water. When the breeze flows again that same wave will happen, when the breeze stops the wave will settle down into the water. Same way whenever a strong devoted samyama, strong devoted samyama is the breeze, water is the pure consciousness. Whenever the strong devoted samyama from a disciple happens over the conscious water, Master’s forms appear and blesses you, graces you, and again it relaxes back into the same water. There is no perishable component. Please understand, there is no perishable component in the system. Because there is no perishable component it is eternal identity.
Siddha is a being whose all seven shareeras does not have any perishable component; means, any engram is perishable component. When all the engrams have disappeared, that body has become such a pure liquid, it creates different shapes, shades, wave’s , visuals based on the breeze flowing over it. The lake has no interest to take some shape. The flow of the breeze decides the shape.
Master is a being happening without any perishable component. He is just a beautiful rhythmic play; the pure non-perishable experience happening in the source. That is the reason any siddha happened in the planet earth is available forever, for anybody to connect with or have the benefit of his presence and energy. Understand, any siddha, any Master happened in the planet earth is available eternally for anybody to relate or connect with, experience his presence, knowledge or initiation.
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description: Who is siddha by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 29 mar 2011'===
Please understand, any action you do just based on the physical body will leave its wave and the archive in physical layer. All your physical actions get gathered and archived in the physical layer of the cosmos. Understand even a small act you do, like a simple eating, gets recorded in your file in the cosmic physical archives. Same way any small thought crosses your mind, like, I think I should go and lie down and sleep. Even this simple thought gets recorded in your mental layer as a file and stored in the cosmic archives. Anything happened from the beginning in all seven levels in all beings is available alive.
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<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-mar-29-who-is-a-siddha?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-march" />
Understand, 3000 yrs before when you were in the pig body or buffalo body or elephant body or dinosaur body, what you thought on particular day and particular moment can be retrieved without any corruption or mismanagement or alteration. Whole thing is available. If the action which you did is performed from the first layer, it will be available in first layer file, if it is from the second layer it will be available from the second layer file. If it from third layer of your body it will be available from third layer of the file.
==Link to Video: ==
But one important thing is, billions and billions of first layer files are available, millions and millions of second layer files are available, but only thousands of third layer files are available because people don’t function from second layer and third layer. Understand, so when you go deeper and deeper and deeper only few thousand or few hundred files are available from the seventh layer actions.
If it is first layer, more perishable components, so those files are dumped which is very difficult to find, search, seek, but it can be retrieved. Second layer - little less difficult but millions are there or I should say first layer trillions of files are there. Second layer billions of files are there.
Learn this technology to relate with the Master it will help you not only to relate with the Masters who are no more in the body, even to relate with the Masters who are in the body. I will give you the exact technique. Visualize in this circle, in this area, crown area. It will be very useful if you wear the rudraksha on your top of the head. See yesterday I was wearing just rudraksha band. Wear the rudraksha band. Visualize this whole area you have a strong current, like a laser beam, laser beam light coming out of your head over the sky to the eternal distance. Just visualize like a, how in US and all to attract your attention for advertisements they put a laser beam light to the sky, same way visualize you have a strong laser beam towards the sky.
Please understand, samyama on the intense light on the crown. Visualize there is a intense light beam; it’s a very powerful samyama. I can say you may not need more than 11 days to relate with any siddha through this samyama. In the initial level if you want immediately to have experience, you can relate with the Masters who are very easily available. If you are My disciple you can relate with Me: you will see Me in your room. You will see Me in your bedroom, you will listen to Me in your bedroom without Skype or video conferencing; directly. Or if you are a type of a person who wants to see some Masters who don’t have the body now, who left the body; I can give you few names who are readily available for any call. One Mahavatar Babaji, another one Ramakrishna, Raghavendra swami, Nerur Sadashiva Brahmendral; these are the Masters readily available, Shirdi Saibaba. They are all readily available.
Understand, when you do the samyama, wear the rudraksha around the head. That rudraksha on the head, that technique itself is for this kind of samyama only. Actually when you wear that in the traditional mutts and monasteries that mala will be the original mala of the founder. So when he leaves the body he gives that mala to his disciple. When you wear that mala and do this samyama you will take the decisions exactly as your Master wanted. That is to keep your brain straight and connected to the Master. You will exactly make the decisions as he wants. That is almost like a medium connection, giving you the Skype connection or video conferencing connection.
Then when second Master leaves the body, he will hand it over to his next disciple. So when that mala is used for generations, the person who is wearing will take exactly the decisions as his founder and all the Masters wanted. That is the reason the mala on the crown is used.
It’s like a cell phone number; when you have a problem just connect with that mala and that samyama ask what decision should I make, you will be there with right decision; you will see they are there with the right decision guiding you. It is not just an ornament wearing rudraksha on the crown. It is a powerful initiation.
Strongly visualize the light beam, like laser beam. Remember the Master with whom you want to connect. Just 21 minutes a day, 11 days is enough. You will be able to connect with the Master whoever you want. You will be able to receive answers from them, have darshan of them and experience them. If you want to do samyama on Me, do it. I will be there. If you want to do samyama on any other Master, just say I gave you the technique you will see them immediately, quickly. It’s a recommendation reference. The source through which you are introduced also plays a role. Not only that, when you connect with those Masters you will have the right guidance and advice about your spiritual practice and understanding.
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description: Retreive your akashik record by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 29 mar 2011'===
I will guide you into this Samyama.
Sit and visualize, if you want you can wear your mala on the top of your head. Tie it around the forehead and visualize strong light beam through your head to the sky to the cosmos. You can just wear it on your crown and tighten it. How I was wearing yesterday, the same way. Yesterday I was wearing rudraksha band on your forehead. Same way just tighten it. You have to wear tightly so that it helps for samyama.
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<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-mar-29-retrieve-your?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-march" />
Visualize intense light. Close your eyes and visualize intense light through your crown to the cosmos, intense light beam, with closed eyes. And now remember whoever you want to connect with. If you want to connect with Me, connect with Me. If you want to connect with some other Masters who are no more in the body remember them. Not only connecting with enlightened Masters, you can even connect with scientists and adepts, other people, through this Samyama. If you want to connect with Einstein you can do the same thing. Please understand, if you are going to read some Einstein’s book, before that just do this samyama, connect with Einstein and read; simply you will know what exactly Einstein wants to tell through that book in your system without even completing the reading. It will just get downloaded.
==Photos Of The Day:==
Even now before reading anything if you are observing Me very closely, you will see I will fall into some mood then start reading; because the whole thing will get downloaded. This is the samyama I fall into before I read or connect with anything.
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I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
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==Photos Of The Day:==
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[[Category: Patanjali yoga sutra]][[Category: 2011 | 20110329]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]
[[Category: Patanjali yoga sutra]][[Category: 2011 | 20110329]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]][[Category:Image Server]]

Latest revision as of 20:26, 28 June 2022


Who is a Siddha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 139

Link to Video:

In this short "nithyananda videos", Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes who is a siddha. This clip is taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Video Audio


Retrieve your Akashik Records - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 138

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Meet the masters | Patanjali Yoga Sutras 138 | 29 Mar 2011

Link to Video:


Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Todays subject, extraordinary subject, extraordinary samyama, extraordinary technique, ‘MEET THE MASTERS’. Patanjali directly gives cell phone number and video conferencing facility for all the Masters who lived in the planet earth. All the masters who happened on the cosmos in the planet earth, Patanjali is giving us a methodology, technology to relate with them.


The sutra मूर्धज्योतिषि सिद्धदर्शनम् ॥ moordhajyotishi siddhadarshanam// Swami Vivekananda translates as: on the light emanating from the top of the head sight of the siddhas. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: by making samyama on the radiance within the back of the head one becomes able to see the celestial beings. Swami Sachidananda translates as: by samyama on the light at the crown of the head visions of the Master and adepts are obtained. Osho says, Osho translates as: by performing samyama on the light under the crown of the head comes the ability to contact all perfected beings.


Siddha, Master is a person, who doesn’t have perishable identity; because of it, has eternal identity. Understand, his identity is made out of material which is imperishable. There is no perishable component in the identity he created for himself. When the breeze flows over the water, the shapes and drawings created on the water…. there is a huge water body, breeze flows over the water body, small waves are happening or some drawings or figures appear on the water, in that figure there is no perishable component.


That figure, the source, cause effect everything is just water. When the breeze flows again that same wave will happen, when the breeze stops the wave will settle down into the water. Same way whenever a strong devoted samyama, strong devoted samyama is the breeze, water is the pure consciousness. Whenever the strong devoted samyama from a disciple happens over the conscious water, Master’s forms appear and blesses you, graces you, and again it relaxes back into the same water. There is no perishable component. Please understand, there is no perishable component in the system. Because there is no perishable component it is eternal identity.


Siddha is a being whose all seven shareeras does not have any perishable component; means, any engram is perishable component. When all the engrams have disappeared, that body has become such a pure liquid, it creates different shapes, shades, wave’s , visuals based on the breeze flowing over it. The lake has no interest to take some shape. The flow of the breeze decides the shape.


Master is a being happening without any perishable component. He is just a beautiful rhythmic play; the pure non-perishable experience happening in the source. That is the reason any siddha happened in the planet earth is available forever, for anybody to connect with or have the benefit of his presence and energy. Understand, any siddha, any Master happened in the planet earth is available eternally for anybody to relate or connect with, experience his presence, knowledge or initiation.


Please understand, any action you do just based on the physical body will leave its wave and the archive in physical layer. All your physical actions get gathered and archived in the physical layer of the cosmos. Understand even a small act you do, like a simple eating, gets recorded in your file in the cosmic physical archives. Same way any small thought crosses your mind, like, I think I should go and lie down and sleep. Even this simple thought gets recorded in your mental layer as a file and stored in the cosmic archives. Anything happened from the beginning in all seven levels in all beings is available alive.


Understand, 3000 yrs before when you were in the pig body or buffalo body or elephant body or dinosaur body, what you thought on particular day and particular moment can be retrieved without any corruption or mismanagement or alteration. Whole thing is available. If the action which you did is performed from the first layer, it will be available in first layer file, if it is from the second layer it will be available from the second layer file. If it from third layer of your body it will be available from third layer of the file.


But one important thing is, billions and billions of first layer files are available, millions and millions of second layer files are available, but only thousands of third layer files are available because people don’t function from second layer and third layer. Understand, so when you go deeper and deeper and deeper only few thousand or few hundred files are available from the seventh layer actions. If it is first layer, more perishable components, so those files are dumped which is very difficult to find, search, seek, but it can be retrieved. Second layer - little less difficult but millions are there or I should say first layer trillions of files are there. Second layer billions of files are there.


Learn this technology to relate with the Master it will help you not only to relate with the Masters who are no more in the body, even to relate with the Masters who are in the body. I will give you the exact technique. Visualize in this circle, in this area, crown area. It will be very useful if you wear the rudraksha on your top of the head. See yesterday I was wearing just rudraksha band. Wear the rudraksha band. Visualize this whole area you have a strong current, like a laser beam, laser beam light coming out of your head over the sky to the eternal distance. Just visualize like a, how in US and all to attract your attention for advertisements they put a laser beam light to the sky, same way visualize you have a strong laser beam towards the sky.


Please understand, samyama on the intense light on the crown. Visualize there is a intense light beam; it’s a very powerful samyama. I can say you may not need more than 11 days to relate with any siddha through this samyama. In the initial level if you want immediately to have experience, you can relate with the Masters who are very easily available. If you are My disciple you can relate with Me: you will see Me in your room. You will see Me in your bedroom, you will listen to Me in your bedroom without Skype or video conferencing; directly. Or if you are a type of a person who wants to see some Masters who don’t have the body now, who left the body; I can give you few names who are readily available for any call. One Mahavatar Babaji, another one Ramakrishna, Raghavendra swami, Nerur Sadashiva Brahmendral; these are the Masters readily available, Shirdi Saibaba. They are all readily available.


Understand, when you do the samyama, wear the rudraksha around the head. That rudraksha on the head, that technique itself is for this kind of samyama only. Actually when you wear that in the traditional mutts and monasteries that mala will be the original mala of the founder. So when he leaves the body he gives that mala to his disciple. When you wear that mala and do this samyama you will take the decisions exactly as your Master wanted. That is to keep your brain straight and connected to the Master. You will exactly make the decisions as he wants. That is almost like a medium connection, giving you the Skype connection or video conferencing connection. Then when second Master leaves the body, he will hand it over to his next disciple. So when that mala is used for generations, the person who is wearing will take exactly the decisions as his founder and all the Masters wanted. That is the reason the mala on the crown is used.


It’s like a cell phone number; when you have a problem just connect with that mala and that samyama ask what decision should I make, you will be there with right decision; you will see they are there with the right decision guiding you. It is not just an ornament wearing rudraksha on the crown. It is a powerful initiation.


Strongly visualize the light beam, like laser beam. Remember the Master with whom you want to connect. Just 21 minutes a day, 11 days is enough. You will be able to connect with the Master whoever you want. You will be able to receive answers from them, have darshan of them and experience them. If you want to do samyama on Me, do it. I will be there. If you want to do samyama on any other Master, just say I gave you the technique you will see them immediately, quickly. It’s a recommendation reference. The source through which you are introduced also plays a role. Not only that, when you connect with those Masters you will have the right guidance and advice about your spiritual practice and understanding.


I will guide you into this Samyama. Sit and visualize, if you want you can wear your mala on the top of your head. Tie it around the forehead and visualize strong light beam through your head to the sky to the cosmos. You can just wear it on your crown and tighten it. How I was wearing yesterday, the same way. Yesterday I was wearing rudraksha band on your forehead. Same way just tighten it. You have to wear tightly so that it helps for samyama.


Visualize intense light. Close your eyes and visualize intense light through your crown to the cosmos, intense light beam, with closed eyes. And now remember whoever you want to connect with. If you want to connect with Me, connect with Me. If you want to connect with some other Masters who are no more in the body remember them. Not only connecting with enlightened Masters, you can even connect with scientists and adepts, other people, through this Samyama. If you want to connect with Einstein you can do the same thing. Please understand, if you are going to read some Einstein’s book, before that just do this samyama, connect with Einstein and read; simply you will know what exactly Einstein wants to tell through that book in your system without even completing the reading. It will just get downloaded.


Even now before reading anything if you are observing Me very closely, you will see I will fall into some mood then start reading; because the whole thing will get downloaded. This is the samyama I fall into before I read or connect with anything.


I bless you all. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


Photos Of The Day:


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