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==Title: ==
How to Cause Yourself for MahaSadashivoham
== Description: ==
In this discourse (6 November 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda opened himself to some quick fire questions about Mahasadashivoham. In his inimitable style, Paramahamsa Nithyananda outwitted the questions posed to him by answering many questions with his own questions! He reveals the secret of how to get the 'visa-approval' from Kalabhairava and make it to Mahasadashivoham.
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43SIjfu9sRA |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-11nov-06-how-to-cause-yourself-for-mahasadashivoham?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2017-list"/>
==Transcript: ==
nithyānandeśvara sadashiva samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome everyone of you. Everyone who is sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Today we have a unique Ask The Avatar - where, see you had all these days Ask The Avatar, where Avatar was asked. Now the Avatar is going to ask. The subject is the best subject - causing! So fundamentally let me introduce the subject. Understand, when the seed decides to cause more seeds, it takes the risk of opening up and becoming tree, growing, getting flowers, fruits, finally the seed. Decision of a seed to cause the seed starts life for it, understand. Decision of the seed to cause more seeds, starts life for it. Decision of Mahasadashiva to cause Himself in, by becoming many - when Infinity decided to be become infinity, Universe started. Understand, when the seed decides to make more seeds, when the seed decides to cause more seeds, life starts for the seed. It is because of that decision the seed even opens up and sprouts, grows, survives all the attacks, and expands, flowers, fruits and gives the seeds. It is the decision of the seed to cause more seeds starts life for the seed. It is the decision of Mahadeva, Sadashiva to become more Mahadevas and Sadashivas.
We always have a problem, if it is plural it should be small. Because, the full cannot be plural. No! You are wrong. Your logic is wrong. Your maths is wrong. Your maths have a large blind spots! People use these many dirty words to curse, some “hole” this that. I tell you, the best dirty word to tease people is maths. That is the worst “dash-hole!” I didn’t tell anything “dash-hole.” It has no reality, understand. If you think many Sadashivas, many Mahasadashivas then how can it be complete? No. That’s a wrong logic. Listen very carefully. Infinity decided to become infinityly infinity, that is when life on the Universe started. When Infinity decided  to cause infinities, life of the Universe started.
When you decide to cause whatever started happening in you, that starts manifesting multiple ways and times in you. Listen. When the first powers starts, if you decide to cause others with that same power, empower others, then all the other multiple powers opens up through you. Fundamentally, life starts with causing! Seed when it decides to cause many more seeds, the life for the seed starts. I tell you, all your sickness is your decision to withdraw from causing. Your decision to withdraw from causing is the root cause of all sickness - whether physical, mental, psychological. Your decision to withdraw from the causing. All life starts with causing. All death starts with withdrawal from causing.
All of you look back, today we are going to have one of the most powerful initiation with yesterday’s Aushadha. When the powers starts manifesting, immediately decide “Now I am a new seed, new being. Let me start causing everyone as new beings.” Understand, it has to be so organic, comfortable your fundamental conclusion and cognition. How strongly you cognise you are man or woman, or how strongly you cognise you are tall or short, or dark or fair, or how strongly you cognise your fundamentals - more strongly you need to cognise your foundation. You cognise your fundamentals but you don’t cognise your foundation. Understand, fundamentals are what mentally you have been told as your foundation. Foundation is what is really your fundamental. What is fundamental? Making too much “funda” about “mental.” Too much “funda” about “mental.” What you have been told.  Too much “funda” about the “mental.” Understand, what you have been made to believe as your foundation is your fundamental. What is really your fundamental, is your foundation.
Once I had this realisation when I was walking in the streets of Calcutta. Most, most difficult streets in the world is Calcutta streets. Most easiest streets are Paris street, streets. Most difficult are Calcutta’s, not Varanasi. If you think it is Varanasi. No! You are wrong. It is Calcutta’s. Most difficult streets, because you don’t know where the street starts. Whether you are entering into a house or street, you will not know. Streets will have sometimes doors, which are smaller than the house door. Only after entering into the door, you will know you have entered the street, it is opening on the other side. Anyhow! And that heavy traffic. I was walking, suddenly I realised all the human beings, everyone of them, in that whole chaos, everyone of them have only one purpose - causing themself in multiple ways, that’s all.
A fisherman when he thinks he is a fisherman, he is trying to create more fishermen. A doctor if he thinks he’s a doctor, he tries to cause more doctors. A man when he thinks he is man, he tries to create more men. It is all what you cognise as you. You are just multiplying. Trying to multiply. You gang up to multiply. You gather to multiply. This whole chaos called human civilisation functions on one center - causing. If you consciously decide you are a spiritual being and start helping others to be spiritual being, cause others to be spiritual being, you will be consciously causing and gathering that kind of people around you. If not, unconsciously you will feel you are depressed, dull and confused, life is gone and you will attract that kind of people around you.
You bunch of Shiva yogis! By now organically by your very existence, you should be causing few thousands or at least one lakh, two lakh people to come and live here! Because, you have been empowered something which no where in the world available! Understand. The kind of a powers you guys manifest - no midbrain, no Hindu monastery, no other religious monastery, no other religious organisations, no other organisations is able even think or imagine! You guys are not a growth! You are a breakthrough! You are not a growth! You are a breakthrough. You are a breakthrough. Even a rejected piece here - Kailasa, if it goes to Bhuloka can become a big Guru. Understand, decide to cause your higher being in others, you will cause your own higher being in you continuously. This is the foundation of causing.
So now, I’ll let them do the rapid fire. All my answers will be questions. Let’s start the drama! >>>Tamil<<<
Ma Jnanatmananda Swami:
We no need to ask Swamiji! So, we’ll start the prayer.
nityānandaṃ parama sukhadaṃ kevalaṃ jñāna mūrtiṃ |
dvandvātītaṃ gagana sadrśaṃ tattvamasyādi lakṣyam ||
ekaṃ nityaṃ vimalaṃ acalaṃ sarvadhī sākṣi bhūtaṃ |
bhāvātītaṃ triguṇa rahitaṃ sadguruṃ taṃ namāmi ||
Nithyanandam Swamiji! And, thank you for giving a an opportunity for all of us to come and be in the stage along with you for yet another exciting Ask The Avatar series. And, as Swamiji give a beautiful introduction about causing, and here as Nithyananda Sangha, we are so excited about the most erm, the actually I can say the finale of the year which is the Mahasadashivoham. And, we all sitting here ensuring as many beings get to experience Mahasadashivoham. So, that, what you, what Swamiji is offering to the humanity, we just have to ask many people as possible. So, we would like to start the Ask The Avatar series today with the rapid fire round. Swamiji, Swamiji permits, a rapid fire round ahem  on Mahasadashivoham.
Start! Let’s see whether bullet is coming from that side or this side!
Ma Jnanatmananda Swami:
First ahh, each of us would like to ask about the various different dimensions of Mahasadashivoham as a program. Okay. So now first question I would like to ask - IA, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham, Sadashivoham, Mahasadashivoham.
Devotee, Disciple, Kothari, Mahant, you, me. Next! But I said all the answers will be questions. So you describe what is the difference? So, if you say you don’t know the answer than you can pass on.
Ma Jnanatmananda Swami:
Aya yes, Swamiji.
Ma Mahavidya:
Next question Swamiji.
You see it’s a rapid fire. You cannot give the like this gap.
Ma Mahavidya:
Yes! Yes!
Emm! Quickly! Ahh!
Ma Mahavidya:
Okay, my next question is powers.
The word “powers” is not a question, na!
Ma Mahavidya:
Decision, ah okay. Is decision to Mahasadashivoham a power? Decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power?
Ma Jnanatmananda Swami:
Is decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power?
Oh, is decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power? Is a decision of a seed to cause multiple seeds is a power?  Because that starts life itself. I should say that decision of the seed to cause more seeds is not just shakti, it is Adi Shakti. Source of all the shaktis! So that decision of you to come to Mahasadashivoham is not just shakti, it is Adi Shakti - source of all the powers! So it is not power. It is source of all powers. Understand. You make a decision which is bringing all powers, means it is not one power. It is source of all powers. It’s not one shakti. It’s not one power. It is source power. It is not one shakti. It is Adi Shakti!
Ma Atmapriya:
Swamiji, Hinduism in Mahasadashivoham versus Mahasadashivoham in Hinduism.
You in me and me in you. You in me is Hinduism in Mahasadashivoham. Me in you is Mahasadashivoham in Hinduism. You-me or me-you, is you-me! Understand, when Mahasadashiva decided to cause infinity, decided to become infinitely infinity, Universe started! His own infinity is Subramanya. Subramanya is not essence of Shiva, He is best of Shiva! That is why “Su-bramanya” - best of Shiva. Best of Shiva is Subramanya. Same way, you guys are not essence of me, you guys are best of me! I have not given you my essence, I have given you my best. Me in you is my best. You in me is your best. You in me is best for you. Me in you is best of me. I should say best of Hinduism is Mahasadashivoham, and the Mahasadashivoham is completely in Hinduism. What you understood, explain. Next.
Sri Amrita:
Yes Swamiji! Family ah vacation versus Mahasadashivoham.
Talking to you as Dial the Avatar, and talking to me as Dial the Avatar. See, I am not disrespecting family vacation so much. I am just jovially giving a small example. What is fundamentally family vacation? “Funda” about becoming “mental.” You go there, and then after landing there you err remember you forgot the napkin for the child. Napkin for the child, and then you forgot your that umbrella, or your muffler, or a err, err, torch light, and then the fight starts! Tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt…(Swamiji making the rifle shooting sound) And then, actually when you go for the vacation, the sound will be roarrr...roarrr...roarrr! When you come back,  phsstt...phsstt!
If you have gone for family vacation, you know what is family vacation. Actually there’re multiple times in family vacations, they don’t come back as family. They go as family to vacation, they don’t come back as family from vacation! Ordinary family vacation - if you go as family together for vacation and if you come back as the same family from the vacation, that itself is a great. You come here for Mahasadashivoham, I guarantee - I’ll make Universe as your family and send you back! I am telling you this time, I left the whole thing to Kalabhairava, “Kalabhairava, you approve. Only if whoever you are approving will be able to come here.”
Let me break the pot now! Understand, I have gone one step beyond the natural allowed standards for human beings. Human beings are not allowed in certain spaces, if they are going to continue to use the human body. I requested Mahasadashiva’s space and Mahasadashiva. Got the permission. Good news is He approved! He is going to allow all the Mahasadashivoham participants to experience that space! Before approving, one condition was laid, “We will decide, we will do the  screening of who is going to come and attend.” I said, “That is great, no problem.” Kalabhairava said very clearly, “I will decide who is going to attend. I am going to sanction, approve personally.” All causing for Mahasadashivoham is independent of our expectations about sangha’s growth! Kalabhairava separated both! It is now pure compassion to give you the experience of Kailasa.
Understand, the space where people who continue to use human body are not allowed. Sadashiva has agreed to allow, give the glimpse because He really wants to revive this ancient spiritual science on the planet earth. But one condition was made, the approving, approval authority has to be given to Kalabhairava and it has been handed over already. Already Kalabhairava took the approval authority. It is no more, causing is no more something to do with, if you think, “Maybe they want money, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to become their disciple, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to be part of their sangha, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to become their aadheenavasi, they are calling me?” If you have any doubt, “Maybe for this only they are calling?” Over!
Sadashiva’s, Mahasadashiva, Mahasadashiva has personally taken the whole thing in His hands. Kalabhairava is the visa officer. Mahasadashiva is personally taken charge of the whole thing. He says, “The sangha is going to grow beyond any expectation so this does not have, this does not need to be connected to the growth of the sangha.” Mahasadashivoham program is completely independent of any our efforts to grow the sangha. It is pure compassion to reach you out, to reach out to you, to give you the experience of Kailasa. Nothing else! It’s completely clear now. And He says, “I am taking the decision. I am giving the visa. If I allow them here, it means they are going to experience the space which is beyond the human possibility, human access.”
It is going to be completely different. Whatever words I utter, I may utter will look too good to be true. So I am not uttering anything. But I am telling you, I am not causing you or inspiring you, I am not even, I am only challenging you. Try to come! Let’s see! Try to come! Let’s see whether Kalabhairava approves your visa or not? You guys are really going to experience the space of Kailasa which is not accessible, allowed to human beings. That's all I have to say. How many powers you are going to manifest, what all dimensions you are going to experience, all that will be too good to be true if I explain.
Understand, now whatever I have already given you, start causing that in others. Show your integrity to causing. You will be showered more and more. Otherwise, even if I get you and make you sit in the session, what are you going to do? Be integrated to causing. You will see you are showered, showered, showered, showered with more and more powers and possibilities. Also Kalabhairava said that, “If you don’t…” You see, and I was talking to these energies and I also told them, “Just like you took care of the, you took charge of the visa for Mahasadashivoham, why don’t you take up the administration of this campus also, this sangha also, I’ll be little free and I can do all the power manifestation” and then He said, “Alright, I am taking it up.” Yes, next.
Ma Pranapriya:
Swamiji, erm first darshan in Mahasadashivoham.
Hmm! Tsk! You will have life at first sight! I guarantee first darshan, you will experience Kailash and start manifesting at least three powers. First darshan, immediately after that there will be one more darshan, in that you will have the blindfold, but you will all see. After the first darshan, you will come with blindfold only without any guidance automatically to the stage for darshan, for individual energy darshan. For individual energy darshan, you will come with blindfold without any disturbance, hitting here-there, properly you’ll walk and come to the stage for individual darshan. More than that, you come and see.
You see, it is now no more about just the powers. It is about powerful cognitions, multi dimensions of the Universe, manifesting these powers continuously in your day to day life, changing the very way you perceive you, in a real way!! In a really, really real way. Next.
Ma Swaroopapriya:
Swamiji give a challenge to everyone who set the intention, “Try to come!” If someone has that intention that they want to know how their visa can get approved by Kalabhairava?
Along with your efforts, offer deep prayers to Kalabhairava and Mahasadashiva - allow me. Even if all low, ask Him to allow. He will allow! All the barriers He will lower it, that is what is “allowing.” “All low” - all barriers low! That is what is “allow.”
Ma Advait:
Swamiji, what is for kids, teens and youths after Mahasadashivoham? How they’re going to live?
If you go to Kailash and have Mahasadashiva’s darshan and come back. What is life after that? That’s all! Life after Mahasadashivoham - live as you want as the prince of the Cosmos, princess of the Cosmos! See fundamentally, even though it looks too good to be true, it is true. Now it’s all about, try to come!
I’ll get back to you with more detail revelations about Mahasadashivoham in further satsangs.
Now with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. 41:25
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==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
===Rudrabhishekam, Pada Puja and Sanyas Initiation Vaidyasarovar (6 Nov 2017)===
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===Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 89 (Pada Puja in Vaidyasarovar)===
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[[Category: 2017]][[Category: Programs Sessions]]
[[Category:2017 | 20171106]] [[Category: Devalaya]][[Category: 2017 | 20171106]][[Category: Programs Sessions]]

Latest revision as of 20:11, 16 October 2020


How to Cause Yourself for MahaSadashivoham


In this discourse (6 November 2017), Paramahamsa Nithyananda opened himself to some quick fire questions about Mahasadashivoham. In his inimitable style, Paramahamsa Nithyananda outwitted the questions posed to him by answering many questions with his own questions! He reveals the secret of how to get the 'visa-approval' from Kalabhairava and make it to Mahasadashivoham.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


00:07 nithyānandeśvara sadashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari adīshakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome everyone of you. Everyone who is sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today we have a unique Ask The Avatar - where, see you had all these days Ask The Avatar, where Avatar was asked. Now the Avatar is going to ask. The subject is the best subject - causing! So fundamentally let me introduce the subject. Understand, when the seed decides to cause more seeds, it takes the risk of opening up and becoming tree, growing, getting flowers, fruits, finally the seed. Decision of a seed to cause the seed starts life for it, understand. Decision of the seed to cause more seeds, starts life for it. Decision of Mahasadashiva to cause Himself in, by becoming many - when Infinity decided to be become infinity, Universe started. Understand, when the seed decides to make more seeds, when the seed decides to cause more seeds, life starts for the seed. It is because of that decision the seed even opens up and sprouts, grows, survives all the attacks, and expands, flowers, fruits and gives the seeds. It is the decision of the seed to cause more seeds starts life for the seed. It is the decision of Mahadeva, Sadashiva to become more Mahadevas and Sadashivas.

05:22 We always have a problem, if it is plural it should be small. Because, the full cannot be plural. No! You are wrong. Your logic is wrong. Your maths is wrong. Your maths have a large blind spots! People use these many dirty words to curse, some “hole” this that. I tell you, the best dirty word to tease people is maths. That is the worst “dash-hole!” I didn’t tell anything “dash-hole.” It has no reality, understand. If you think many Sadashivas, many Mahasadashivas then how can it be complete? No. That’s a wrong logic. Listen very carefully. Infinity decided to become infinityly infinity, that is when life on the Universe started. When Infinity decided to cause infinities, life of the Universe started.

When you decide to cause whatever started happening in you, that starts manifesting multiple ways and times in you. Listen. When the first powers starts, if you decide to cause others with that same power, empower others, then all the other multiple powers opens up through you. Fundamentally, life starts with causing! Seed when it decides to cause many more seeds, the life for the seed starts. I tell you, all your sickness is your decision to withdraw from causing. Your decision to withdraw from causing is the root cause of all sickness - whether physical, mental, psychological. Your decision to withdraw from the causing. All life starts with causing. All death starts with withdrawal from causing.

08:46 All of you look back, today we are going to have one of the most powerful initiation with yesterday’s Aushadha. When the powers starts manifesting, immediately decide “Now I am a new seed, new being. Let me start causing everyone as new beings.” Understand, it has to be so organic, comfortable your fundamental conclusion and cognition. How strongly you cognise you are man or woman, or how strongly you cognise you are tall or short, or dark or fair, or how strongly you cognise your fundamentals - more strongly you need to cognise your foundation. You cognise your fundamentals but you don’t cognise your foundation. Understand, fundamentals are what mentally you have been told as your foundation. Foundation is what is really your fundamental. What is fundamental? Making too much “funda” about “mental.” Too much “funda” about “mental.” What you have been told. Too much “funda” about the “mental.” Understand, what you have been made to believe as your foundation is your fundamental. What is really your fundamental, is your foundation.

10:57 Once I had this realisation when I was walking in the streets of Calcutta. Most, most difficult streets in the world is Calcutta streets. Most easiest streets are Paris street, streets. Most difficult are Calcutta’s, not Varanasi. If you think it is Varanasi. No! You are wrong. It is Calcutta’s. Most difficult streets, because you don’t know where the street starts. Whether you are entering into a house or street, you will not know. Streets will have sometimes doors, which are smaller than the house door. Only after entering into the door, you will know you have entered the street, it is opening on the other side. Anyhow! And that heavy traffic. I was walking, suddenly I realised all the human beings, everyone of them, in that whole chaos, everyone of them have only one purpose - causing themself in multiple ways, that’s all.

A fisherman when he thinks he is a fisherman, he is trying to create more fishermen. A doctor if he thinks he’s a doctor, he tries to cause more doctors. A man when he thinks he is man, he tries to create more men. It is all what you cognise as you. You are just multiplying. Trying to multiply. You gang up to multiply. You gather to multiply. This whole chaos called human civilisation functions on one center - causing. If you consciously decide you are a spiritual being and start helping others to be spiritual being, cause others to be spiritual being, you will be consciously causing and gathering that kind of people around you. If not, unconsciously you will feel you are depressed, dull and confused, life is gone and you will attract that kind of people around you.

14:13 You bunch of Shiva yogis! By now organically by your very existence, you should be causing few thousands or at least one lakh, two lakh people to come and live here! Because, you have been empowered something which no where in the world available! Understand. The kind of a powers you guys manifest - no midbrain, no Hindu monastery, no other religious monastery, no other religious organisations, no other organisations is able even think or imagine! You guys are not a growth! You are a breakthrough! You are not a growth! You are a breakthrough. You are a breakthrough. Even a rejected piece here - Kailasa, if it goes to Bhuloka can become a big Guru. Understand, decide to cause your higher being in others, you will cause your own higher being in you continuously. This is the foundation of causing.

Swamiji: So now, I’ll let them do the rapid fire. All my answers will be questions. Let’s start the drama! >>>Tamil<<<

Ma Jnanatmananda Swami: We no need to ask Swamiji! So, we’ll start the prayer.

nityānandaṃ parama sukhadaṃ kevalaṃ jñāna mūrtiṃ | dvandvātītaṃ gagana sadrśaṃ tattvamasyādi lakṣyam || ekaṃ nityaṃ vimalaṃ acalaṃ sarvadhī sākṣi bhūtaṃ | bhāvātītaṃ triguṇa rahitaṃ sadguruṃ taṃ namāmi ||

Nithyanandam Swamiji! And, thank you for giving a an opportunity for all of us to come and be in the stage along with you for yet another exciting Ask The Avatar series. And, as Swamiji give a beautiful introduction about causing, and here as Nithyananda Sangha, we are so excited about the most erm, the actually I can say the finale of the year which is the Mahasadashivoham. And, we all sitting here ensuring as many beings get to experience Mahasadashivoham. So, that, what you, what Swamiji is offering to the humanity, we just have to ask many people as possible. So, we would like to start the Ask The Avatar series today with the rapid fire round. Swamiji, Swamiji permits, a rapid fire round ahem on Mahasadashivoham.

Swamiji: Start! Let’s see whether bullet is coming from that side or this side!

19:14 Ma Jnanatmananda Swami: First ahh, each of us would like to ask about the various different dimensions of Mahasadashivoham as a program. Okay. So now first question I would like to ask - IA, Shivoham, Nithyanandoham, Sadashivoham, Mahasadashivoham.

Swamiji: Devotee, Disciple, Kothari, Mahant, you, me. Next! But I said all the answers will be questions. So you describe what is the difference? So, if you say you don’t know the answer than you can pass on.

Ma Jnanatmananda Swami: Aya yes, Swamiji.

Ma Mahavidya: Next question Swamiji.

Swamiji: You see it’s a rapid fire. You cannot give the like this gap.

Ma Mahavidya: Yes! Yes!

Swamiji: Emm! Quickly! Ahh!

Ma Mahavidya: Okay, my next question is powers.

Swamiji: The word “powers” is not a question, na!

Ma Mahavidya: Decision, ah okay. Is decision to Mahasadashivoham a power? Decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power?

Ma Jnanatmananda Swami: Is decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power?

Swamiji: Oh, is decision to come to Mahasadashivoham a power? Is a decision of a seed to cause multiple seeds is a power? Because that starts life itself. I should say that decision of the seed to cause more seeds is not just shakti, it is Adi Shakti. Source of all the shaktis! So that decision of you to come to Mahasadashivoham is not just shakti, it is Adi Shakti - source of all the powers! So it is not power. It is source of all powers. Understand. You make a decision which is bringing all powers, means it is not one power. It is source of all powers. It’s not one shakti. It’s not one power. It is source power. It is not one shakti. It is Adi Shakti!

22:53 Ma Atmapriya: Swamiji, Hinduism in Mahasadashivoham versus Mahasadashivoham in Hinduism.

Swamiji: You in me and me in you. You in me is Hinduism in Mahasadashivoham. Me in you is Mahasadashivoham in Hinduism. You-me or me-you, is you-me! Understand, when Mahasadashiva decided to cause infinity, decided to become infinitely infinity, Universe started! His own infinity is Subramanya. Subramanya is not essence of Shiva, He is best of Shiva! That is why “Su-bramanya” - best of Shiva. Best of Shiva is Subramanya. Same way, you guys are not essence of me, you guys are best of me! I have not given you my essence, I have given you my best. Me in you is my best. You in me is your best. You in me is best for you. Me in you is best of me. I should say best of Hinduism is Mahasadashivoham, and the Mahasadashivoham is completely in Hinduism. What you understood, explain. Next.

25:54 Sri Amrita: Yes Swamiji! Family ah vacation versus Mahasadashivoham.

Swamiji: Talking to you as Dial the Avatar, and talking to me as Dial the Avatar. See, I am not disrespecting family vacation so much. I am just jovially giving a small example. What is fundamentally family vacation? “Funda” about becoming “mental.” You go there, and then after landing there you err remember you forgot the napkin for the child. Napkin for the child, and then you forgot your that umbrella, or your muffler, or a err, err, torch light, and then the fight starts! Tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt...tutt…(Swamiji making the rifle shooting sound) And then, actually when you go for the vacation, the sound will be roarrr...roarrr...roarrr! When you come back, phsstt...phsstt!

If you have gone for family vacation, you know what is family vacation. Actually there’re multiple times in family vacations, they don’t come back as family. They go as family to vacation, they don’t come back as family from vacation! Ordinary family vacation - if you go as family together for vacation and if you come back as the same family from the vacation, that itself is a great. You come here for Mahasadashivoham, I guarantee - I’ll make Universe as your family and send you back! I am telling you this time, I left the whole thing to Kalabhairava, “Kalabhairava, you approve. Only if whoever you are approving will be able to come here.”

28:51 Let me break the pot now! Understand, I have gone one step beyond the natural allowed standards for human beings. Human beings are not allowed in certain spaces, if they are going to continue to use the human body. I requested Mahasadashiva’s space and Mahasadashiva. Got the permission. Good news is He approved! He is going to allow all the Mahasadashivoham participants to experience that space! Before approving, one condition was laid, “We will decide, we will do the screening of who is going to come and attend.” I said, “That is great, no problem.” Kalabhairava said very clearly, “I will decide who is going to attend. I am going to sanction, approve personally.” All causing for Mahasadashivoham is independent of our expectations about sangha’s growth! Kalabhairava separated both! It is now pure compassion to give you the experience of Kailasa.

Understand, the space where people who continue to use human body are not allowed. Sadashiva has agreed to allow, give the glimpse because He really wants to revive this ancient spiritual science on the planet earth. But one condition was made, the approving, approval authority has to be given to Kalabhairava and it has been handed over already. Already Kalabhairava took the approval authority. It is no more, causing is no more something to do with, if you think, “Maybe they want money, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to become their disciple, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to be part of their sangha, they are calling me?,” “Maybe they want me to become their aadheenavasi, they are calling me?” If you have any doubt, “Maybe for this only they are calling?” Over!

31:58 Sadashiva’s, Mahasadashiva, Mahasadashiva has personally taken the whole thing in His hands. Kalabhairava is the visa officer. Mahasadashiva is personally taken charge of the whole thing. He says, “The sangha is going to grow beyond any expectation so this does not have, this does not need to be connected to the growth of the sangha.” Mahasadashivoham program is completely independent of any our efforts to grow the sangha. It is pure compassion to reach you out, to reach out to you, to give you the experience of Kailasa. Nothing else! It’s completely clear now. And He says, “I am taking the decision. I am giving the visa. If I allow them here, it means they are going to experience the space which is beyond the human possibility, human access.”

It is going to be completely different. Whatever words I utter, I may utter will look too good to be true. So I am not uttering anything. But I am telling you, I am not causing you or inspiring you, I am not even, I am only challenging you. Try to come! Let’s see! Try to come! Let’s see whether Kalabhairava approves your visa or not? You guys are really going to experience the space of Kailasa which is not accessible, allowed to human beings. That's all I have to say. How many powers you are going to manifest, what all dimensions you are going to experience, all that will be too good to be true if I explain.

34:52 Understand, now whatever I have already given you, start causing that in others. Show your integrity to causing. You will be showered more and more. Otherwise, even if I get you and make you sit in the session, what are you going to do? Be integrated to causing. You will see you are showered, showered, showered, showered with more and more powers and possibilities. Also Kalabhairava said that, “If you don’t…” You see, and I was talking to these energies and I also told them, “Just like you took care of the, you took charge of the visa for Mahasadashivoham, why don’t you take up the administration of this campus also, this sangha also, I’ll be little free and I can do all the power manifestation” and then He said, “Alright, I am taking it up.” Yes, next.

Ma Pranapriya: Swamiji, erm first darshan in Mahasadashivoham.

Swamiji: Hmm! Tsk! You will have life at first sight! I guarantee first darshan, you will experience Kailash and start manifesting at least three powers. First darshan, immediately after that there will be one more darshan, in that you will have the blindfold, but you will all see. After the first darshan, you will come with blindfold only without any guidance automatically to the stage for darshan, for individual energy darshan. For individual energy darshan, you will come with blindfold without any disturbance, hitting here-there, properly you’ll walk and come to the stage for individual darshan. More than that, you come and see.

37:47 You see, it is now no more about just the powers. It is about powerful cognitions, multi dimensions of the Universe, manifesting these powers continuously in your day to day life, changing the very way you perceive you, in a real way!! In a really, really real way. Next.

Ma Swaroopapriya: Swamiji give a challenge to everyone who set the intention, “Try to come!” If someone has that intention that they want to know how their visa can get approved by Kalabhairava?

Swamiji: Along with your efforts, offer deep prayers to Kalabhairava and Mahasadashiva - allow me. Even if all low, ask Him to allow. He will allow! All the barriers He will lower it, that is what is “allowing.” “All low” - all barriers low! That is what is “allow.”

Ma Advait: Swamiji, what is for kids, teens and youths after Mahasadashivoham? How they’re going to live?

Swamiji: If you go to Kailash and have Mahasadashiva’s darshan and come back. What is life after that? That’s all! Life after Mahasadashivoham - live as you want as the prince of the Cosmos, princess of the Cosmos! See fundamentally, even though it looks too good to be true, it is true. Now it’s all about, try to come!

I’ll get back to you with more detail revelations about Mahasadashivoham in further satsangs.

Now with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Sadashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful. 41:25


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Link to Video:

Rudrabhishekam, Pada Puja and Sanyas Initiation Vaidyasarovar (6 Nov 2017)

Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 89 (Pada Puja in Vaidyasarovar)