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Technique To Understand Your Uniqueness
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videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi65afTjR3A&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-apr-14-technique-to?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Try to understand your uniqueness. See there is something intelligent in you, alive in you, base in you, which can’t be compared with anybody else. It has its own unique expression. For example, try to dig out three ways you can express your uniqueness. Some three ways. It may be related to your job or life or your health or whatever. Try to express, three ways you can express your uniqueness. Come on, dig out. Without comparing with others, quality which comes out of you and does not make you tired is uniqueness.
For example, if you are not getting tired at all by playing, that is your uniqueness. But if you are comparing even in the playing you will be tired. It will become a workload. No, actually cooking your own food, designing your own clothes is a very powerful way for fulfillment. I want all of you to know, all My clothes are designed by Me. All My clothes are designed by Me. All the clothes I am wearing, you are seeing everyday, atleast last eight months. Everything is my personal design. I sit and I feel how I should look. What color? How the flow of the dress should be and I design. That's the best way for… You see Vivekananda says very beautifully, a Sanyasi should always cook his food and eat and design his dress and wear. Not only design, he says that he should, wash, maintain, take care of his personal things. I went one step further. I have started designing my own clothes! 😀
So it's actually a very good habit ma. You will be expressing your uniqueness. Not only that, I told all my Brahmachari’s, Swamis also, Brahmacharis, Brahmacharinies. I can give you just basic guideline, the color. That's all. After that you go ahead and design how you should look. How you should present yourself to the world. Express your unique characters in your way of dressing, way of living, way of eating, way of talking, way of relating with people. Give a statement about you. I think that should be a quality all seekers should imbibe it.
Great! You see, all cultures, which is not multinational companies, are spiritual. See this process is to awaken third layer, unique energy in you. You have three layer energy. First layer is day to day. For eight hours it will be alive. More than eight hours you will feel tired, I can't do anything, forget about it, physical layer. Second layer is mind. In emergency, the energy will express. Like, from here reaching the entrance of the ashram, main gate of the ashram, if you are walking by yourself, maybe three minute. If you are chased by a stray dog, one minute. If you are chased by a tiger, it will be only thirty seconds. So during emergency an extraordinary energy expresses in you. That is the second layer.
Third layer is a spiritual, conscious energy, tireless supply of energy. This process, actually if you taste the tireless energy supply, you will not compare yourself anymore with anybody. You will understand your originality, uniqueness. Through this process I am clearing the knots of comparison, awakening the originality in you. It's like a bringing your whole attention to throat. Visualize you are sitting in throat and moving your hands and body. You will see, you will be able to run ten times faster, more time than you can imagine. Now I am going to make you do. Please, attention please, listen. If you have high blood pressure or any other heart condition, don't do this process.
Stable Family
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videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orZcTSFLNUs&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-apr-14-stable-family?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Now, you will work on throat center, Vishuddhi. The thought current flow for the throat centre is comparison - Continuously comparing, without knowing each individual is unique. How do you compare? I really still can’t understand. Even about the money, how will you create a scale to compare?
You don't worry comparing yourself with Bill Gates but why do you worry comparing yourself with your brother? You don’t compare yourself with Bill Gates and worry, but you compare yourself with your brother, means even in the comparison you have a limitation. You set yourself certain frequency, ‘Hey even for comparison I can go only up to this frequency.’ Continuously you hurt yourself and stop your creativity expressing through comparison, destroy your joyful moments through comparison. Any success you achieve, immediately with comparison you destroy that moment. You can’t tolerate joy, that is the big problem. No, really, you can’t tolerate joy in your life. You feel it is wrong, ‘how, how dare this joy come to my life? It is not supposed to be here. How can this happen in my life? This joy should be taught a lesson.’ 😀
We are so involved, engrossed, with our negativity we go on comparing... I can say five major fields comparison - health and beauty, wealth and comforts, love and relationships, name and fame, even in spiritual experiences - you are jealous of somebody else levitating. Arey, come on, only if you drop the jealousy you can levitate. With jealousy not only you are postponing your levitation, you're disturbing, you're destroying your spiritual growth. ‘Why is he levitating, why is she levitating, not me?’ She is levitating because she is levitating... what to do? 😀 He is levitating because he is levitating... what to do? 😀
Sometime you just suddenly catch the fire. It is not something to do with your karma and all, it is something to do with the mental setup of ability to trust. See if you had a, at least one strong trusting relationship who has not betrayed you - like your father or mother or someone in your life, whom you trusted but never betrayed you. Even if one relationship if you have in your life like that, that trust will directly turn towards Me and you’ll catch the fire. You’ll experience the feeling connection, simply the levitation will happen or whatever I am transmitting will happen. If you have not had even one relationship, who has not betrayed you, that is where the trusting, the feeling connection, accepting somebody based on the face value, is not there at all in your system. It is more or less a game of trust and feeling connection. It is not that big game of a practice or karma, all these things.
After you get initiated, you have a solid experience, then practice may help you. Practice will make it solidified in your system. But in the initially, to catch the fire itself, practice does not play a big role. Practice does not play a big role. It is a, it is the just your being catching it...kind of a, if i have to say in modern language “clicking”. If you had any one relationship in your life completely that, not betrayed you even once, your... Many people have like that in their life.
Usually if you are from Indian village, you’ll have father or mother, somebody, some one person. But if you are from Indian city nothing can be done. They lost that stable family tradition. One of the worst loss happen to India, after independence, is that ‘stable family’ concept is stolen. I feel that is the biggest miss. If we had retained that stable family concept, we would’ve faced anything, we would’ve faced anything. Our root is stable family, we lost it. I am very clear, we lost it. I don’t know whether we will able to get it back at all.
If you are from a stable family background, kind of the joint family or a stable family, you’ll easily be able to trust and catch that feeling connection. Even in the ashram, I have seen, any brahmachari brahmacharini, who come from a stable family, where they had either father or mother very trustworthy, never betrayed, they immediately connect with Me and raise. Then after they get initiated and get the experience, then unclutching, all the other practices works. You see, by practice also you can achieve, it takes lot of time. But if you have this feeling connection, the background of the stable family, you catch it immediately. Immediately you catch the initiation, the fire, the awakening, and then all your practices will solidify it.
So blessed are those who have a stable family background. Even if you curse them sometime, you were not allowed to drink, smoke, fool around, you are not allowed to run around in bars, clubs, that’s one of the biggest curse this stable family kids give for their family. They say, “oh we are not allowed to enjoy our youth”! But I tell you, the incredible, some of the unimaginable experiences and the mental setup, only a stable family can give. I am trying to rebuild that concept of joint family and stable family. Every 100km, India has a different food, different cloth. Every 100km, travel 100 km in road in India, you will not see the same food. From here I am telling you example, travel 100 km in the Hosur direction, different food Tamil Nadu, Chittoor direction different food Andhra, North Canara direction different food. We have such a rich way of eating
If you are from a stable family background, you can easily catch the initiation. That’s
very easy, because trusting will be in your blood. So any other karma can be destroyed just by that one fire. If you do not have the stable family background, don’t be depressed. We will work it in some other directions, that’s all, some other way. But if you are from stable family, and if your father or mother has behaved such a way that your trust on them was not broken or betrayed, feel blessed, because that whole thing will just, without even your knowledge will turn towards Me. If the parents are good people, immediately I’ll initiate the person into sannyas. Even if the boy or girl came out of the house fighting with them, I will not bother, I will initiate them; because that stable family setup. If they’re not stable people, even if the parents send the child, I will wait. Because it is not that easy for the child to trust. He would have grown up in constantly defending himself.
Constantly comparing yourself, takes away the trust on you. You will not be able to trust you because of the constant comparison. Constant comparison is the thought current flow for this throat center.
Have Pure Heart Where God Can Reside
==Link to Video:==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUJmGsZV6rU&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-apr-14-have-pure-heart?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-april"/>
Srikanth Iyer is asking a question, “Do the benefits of bathing in the water body greater than blood volume apply to swimming in a pool?”
Yes. The physical effect of the, what I said yesterday will happen even in ordinary swimming pool. Here one step higher the sacred effect also happens. This water is energized programmed water. Because it falls on the Deity it helps you to rejuvenate and I can say that more spiritual angle.
Srikanth, “I heard that we cannot go between Nandhi and Shiva Lingam in a Temple. Is this true?”. It is not like you cannot go. Like a Nandhi is supposed to be a great devotee of Shiva. Even if one person crosses and makes him not to see the Shiva for a second he feels bad. That’s all. Nothing else.
One more thing before forgetting, I wanted to tell people. Yesterday somebody asked Me in the energy darshan that “Let me die in your arms”. I said, “Don’t ask all these things”. Please understand, in the energy darshan whatever you ask will come true. So don’t ask anything wrong. So do not ask anything wrong or do not say anything wrong during energy darshan. Ask exactly what you want. If you want healing just say ‘Swamiji please help me to get healed.’ Don’t say ‘If you can’t heal, let me die.’ No. Sometime people go to the extreme frustration and try to throw the frustration on Me. Aray, there I am sitting like a fire, alive energy. Whatever you ask I will say “Tathastu”. What will happen? ‘Let it happen.’ So do not ask… Always utter right words. Always utter exactly what you want.
“And during energy darshan I saw some devotees disciples rolling in ecstasy when you moved your hand. In my case there was no body movements. Does it mean that I am lacking something in spirituality?” Subramanium, Subramanium don’t worry. I will make you roll in two three days. 😀 Just the system is getting ready. See I don’t want you guys to get frightened. Yesterday itself I saw two three people got frightened. They said “No I don’t want to roll”. Then I said alright. I will not awaken your Kundalini. It’s ok.You rest. I just left it.
So I don’t want you guys to get into the shock. So I am just managing. If you don’t have any problem about rolling, just get Me a small slip “Swamiji just pour yourself on me”. That’s all. Nothing else is required. I will make you roll all the whole chitsaba. 😀 That is not a problem. Actually I am keeping myself in a very, what to say that covered way so that you don’t get frightened. That’s all. So you say yes. You are opening your doors? Come on. Forty Eight hours is too much. Alright. So when you come in the evening energy darshan just tell me. Just tell me, ‘Swamiji I am completely open. Do what you want.’ That’s all I required.
I actually thought that you guys should not get frightened. So that is the reason if you see yesterday, the regular devotees I just blew and… I know that they will not be afraid. If I am seeing you newly or recently then I play little… I will be little careful, because you should not feel hurt. And not only that it is a, it is suddenly new culture you see. You should not have fear ‘What is going on here?’ It is not hypnotism. It is not mesmerism. Understand. It is not hypnotism. It is not mesmerism. Just I am awakening your Kundalini.
Especially when I do that movements, you will see that near your Ananda Gandha or the Manipooraka, that is the area I will be doing this movement. All your identity… you see, the identity which you maintain, your decorum, your respect, your… that self identity, that will just go to pieces. It will just explode with the God consciousness awakening in you; that will be too much for you. You will feel almost like a, you are losing ground on your own body.
That is why sometime people feel, ‘Oh I don’t see, I don’t feel it is right for me.’ Then I say ‘Alright, you wait, no problem. I will wait for you. I will wait for you.’ Whoever does not have any problem, whoever is feeling ‘I have no problem in losing my small identity. I want the God’s consciousness inside me.’ Anybody, just come and tell me that. That’s all I want, nothing else.
See yesterday I was playing a very safe game. So that you don’t get frightened, you don’t get too disturbed. So don’t bother at all. Actually I can make you levitate within forty eight hours, next forty eight hours.That’s not a problem. It is a, it’s only your will. You understand. I am like a cyclone. I don’t want to enter into your house unless you wanted me to enter.
See even the transformation, I am such a powerful transformation. That is one big problem. Why we are not able to market me. See, if I am a just makeup man, do little bit of patching here and there and cosmetic surgery and send you back, you can market Me like anything. But here I am. I am not just doing some skin surgery to you. The very core I am churning out. The very core I am transforming.
So what to do. That is the reason you feel, “Wow! It is too much for me. Maybe my family cannot take it. My friends cannot handle it.” 😀 See, why you know, that time I am just pure consciousness like a sky. My eyes are like a window. You are afraid to look into that abyss. You are afraid you may fall into that or that abyss may suck you.
Arey, too much respect does not mean that you should not have that experience. See respect on Me should make you experience Me. Not that that will create a kind of a fear. Arey, little bit of fear, it’s ok, tolerate. I myself had this problem. Understand. When I first had my own Satori, the enlightenment experience at the age of 12, two and half days it was like a fever, like a bliss fever. After that the first thing happened is tremendous fear. I thought some ghost has possessed me. I will not go near that rock. See usually I have to cross that rock area to go to my ex school; from my house to school I have to cross that rock where I had my enlightenment. I will not go near that rock. I will take diversion, which is one kilometer extra. Feeling that some ghost is sitting there. It will come and catch me once more. So it is ok in initial level little fear.
What I am saying if you hold yourself because of that fear and irritation. Actually when your personality breaks up, you will have even irritation. You will feel, ‘Aah! it looks like he is arrogant and he is conquering my personality. It is not. You understand I am very beautifully filling you. Nothing else. So don’t be afraid or irritated or angry. Of course if you are afraid I will wait. No problem, I will wait. But you will be wasting too many days. Too many days you will be wasting.
You are a long time devotee. Aye, other two three people were not able to handle. They are new. I can understand. You know me so long. Why there is so much fear? Don’t miss energy darshan. That is too big miss. Too big miss. And just get a slip “Swamiji I am completely open, do anything you want”. That’s enough. That’s a green signal for me. Green signal and…
I am just waiting. I am just waiting to pour myself into you or fill you with the divine. It is just getting, preparing you. Don’t worry about sin and all. Sin and all does not stop this. See, sin all this, that things are like a small grass. Flood cannot bother about ‘Oh! there is so much grass, how can I go there?’ 😀 No. It just finishes away; not the grass even the whole land on which grass is growing.
So sin, karma, don’t bother about all these things. All those things has no play here. No place here. Only the receptivity and the mental setup of non receptivity is sin. Nothing else. See, when you are in the mood of non receptive, anything can create anger and irritation in you. I have seen. Sometime people are angry even about the seat which I am sitting. Why he is sitting in such big seat?. Why he is sitting so high?. Arey, if I sit on the ground you can’t see me. Be practical. And somebody has really enjoyed my discourses and sessions, they felt, ‘I think he is worthy of good throne, good seat.’ They made it and gave. And it is not that comfortable. Don’t think it is comfortable. Try to sit and see. You need to sit straight for whole day. Then you will understand. Not only that, all of you guys are going to sit only for next twenty one days, then you are going to be doing so many other things in your life. In my life, whole day, My whole life I am sitting. I can have a little comfortable seat. And it is not comfortable also. It is a ninety degree seat. See, all My seats are ninety degree. Only if you are a Yogi you can sit. Not otherwise.
So sometime people get irritated for no reason. They get irritated ‘Why he is wearing jewelry?’ Arey it looks nice on me. I am just enjoying.Why are you bothered? That’s all 😀 Somebody gave. I am wearing. 😀 This mind you see, gets into all kinds of… when you are irritated or resisting, you get into all kinds of mood, mood swings. Alright.
Ok, we will start. Today the first process. The first thought current flow we will work is: attention need. Need for the recognition from the outer world. Need for the name. Need for the fame. Need for social identity. This thought current flow gets centered on the heart center. The need for recognition from society, need for social identity. I will straight away come to the subject.
Please understand. This necessity to be recognised by others has become almost like a food. I can see. If others recognise you, you are ready to do any foolish thing without even getting paid or getting any income or profit or return. If others don’t recognise you, any amount, anything you have you are not satisfied. That sadness is there. To cheat you, it is not a big thing at all. Just if they come and talk to you and say that nobody like you is there in the planet Earth. You are the greatest Karna, the God of giving, Lord of giving; some half an hour that’s all. Then you will be in a mood where you can't say No. Finally that fellow will say, ‘All I need is just ten lakh Rupee for my loans. You will say, ‘Oh I have only one house. But that is ten lakh worth. I will sell it and give you.’ Over. you will be standing on the road. What for? Because he praised you, you are a Karna.
No we do this. Please understand. I am not making fun. We do this in many time in life. See I am not saying doing charity is wrong. No. All I am saying is we become ready to do any foolish thing for the sake of others attention, name and fame or social identity. We do not have our own clarity or integrity where we respect ourself. When you don’t respect yourself what you will do. You expect and wait, wait, wait crave for others to do, others to respect you.
I can say this is the first problem, first knots I wanted to remove from your personality. Liberate yourself from society. Society is chaotic, unconscious. Please understand, I am not creating hatred in you. I am just stating the fact. Even they don’t know they are unconscious. You understand, your mom and dad, it is not that knowingly they brought you up unconsciously. Even they don’t know they are unconscious. Even they don’t know many of the things about the life. It is totality of unconsciousness.
So, first thing you need to do is, declare your freedom. A big capital letter, red no N-O to society. Say ‘I will do whatever I am enjoying, I will live whatever I feel as my life’s goal. I may… I may not hurt you, that does not mean I will listen to you. I will give you my respect but not life.’ Let you come to this clarity about everybody, everything in life.
What you need from society and what society needs from you has to be understood and analyzed with this light. I am not saying become anti social, No. I am not saying become an naxalite, NO. I am not saying, became a maoist, NO. Then again you will be fighting with the same society. I am not saying fight or die. I am not saying become a naxalite and kill the society, NO. I am not saying be an ordinary man running after name and fame recognition and killed by society, NO. All I am saying is just go above society. Become overfit not outfit. Overfit. Just decide ‘What I need from society, what society needs from me. Let me have clear bargain, clear plan.’
Do not allow the society more than certain extent inside you. I tell you, I will tell you from my personal experience. Even now when I enter into my room and close the room. That's all. I forget whole Dhyanapeetam. Forget all these calamities, chaos happening around me. Chaos of worshiping my feet everyday; the conscious disciple go on worshiping me. Have some space in you, where nobody can corrupt you. That is what I call Pure Heart where God Can Reside. Have some space in your heart where nobody can touch you. So that God can reside there. If there is no place, no vacancy how will God come and reside in your heart? I need little vacancy. The divine to happen in your heart, you need little vacancy.
Now spend five minutes to pendown all the major failures you faced because of your decisions based on the attention need. All the major wrong decisions you took, sufferings happened in your life because you made decisions for the sake of name and fame, social recognition.
After energy darshan immediately please have honey and tulsi or honey and bilva. So that the non mechanical parts of the brain which gets awakened, that will become permanent in you. In temples in India they give… when you go to the Garbha Mandir and have the energy experience, when you come out they will give you the prasadam honey and tulsi and bael leaf, so that if you eat that, the experience which happened in your non mechanical parts of the brain will become stable, permanent in you.
Participant: ok, when I continue activities to suppress my authentic expression especially in spirituality to my friends and family back home or in Norway or in Australia, people who come from very secularized or atheist background, they don’t understand than I can’t say anything, so what to do?
Swamiji: So they feel you are not even saint.
Participant: So like I am trying to maintain my old reputation, my old identity.
Swamiji : No need. See no need to maintain old reputation. Because even the old reputation in those days was not there. Understand, see we always have a delusion once upon a time you had a reputation, NO. So you need to know very clearly, name and fame should be like your fragrance, your smell. Your smell cannot be taken away from you.
If your personality is worthy of a fragrance, let there be fragrance. How much your personality is worthy of fragrance? Is it three feet or four feet or six feet? That many feet let that smell will be there. Let that fragrance be there. If your personality is only worthy of dirty smell, nothing can be done. Even if you pour how much of scent you want, only scent may waste, nothing else. So understand, the fear of losing name and fame is just useless fear. Useless, completely useless.
I tell you, declare yourself as Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa means ‘I have decided to live life based on my heart. My heart is the guiding force for my life. Nothing else.’ See if your heart is the guiding force for your life, I promise you, not only you will have inner fulfillment you will have even outer success. But if your head is your guiding force, society only will be guiding you. Neither you will have enough fulfillment, you may have outer success as society describes, not as you wanted.
See all the awards are given not for the sake of the pride of the fellow who gets it. Because of the pride of the fellow gives it. When you get attention from others… attention is energy; because you don't know how to get energy from inside, you expect energy from outside. It is like running your petrol car with kerosine. You are supposed to run with petrol which is the inner energy but you are using kerosene, not even kerosene, sometime sewage water, drainage water. Even if you become aware, half is done, now we will go to the solution.
See when you have the kundalini awakening the movement should be straight up. If it is side you are avoiding me. When the kundalini awakening happens you should feel the movement in the spine. You should feel as if your spine is being lifted. Then a right awakening is happening. If you are pulling this way or pushing this way, then you are only avoiding me. When the energy hits you from initiation, if you are moving this way or this way… should be straight up movement.
Experience Cosmic Mother's Energy Darshan || Meenakshi Pattabhishekam || 14 April 2011
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Latest revision as of 01:57, 13 September 2023


Technique To Understand Your Uniqueness

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Try to understand your uniqueness. See there is something intelligent in you, alive in you, base in you, which can’t be compared with anybody else. It has its own unique expression. For example, try to dig out three ways you can express your uniqueness. Some three ways. It may be related to your job or life or your health or whatever. Try to express, three ways you can express your uniqueness. Come on, dig out. Without comparing with others, quality which comes out of you and does not make you tired is uniqueness.

For example, if you are not getting tired at all by playing, that is your uniqueness. But if you are comparing even in the playing you will be tired. It will become a workload. No, actually cooking your own food, designing your own clothes is a very powerful way for fulfillment. I want all of you to know, all My clothes are designed by Me. All My clothes are designed by Me. All the clothes I am wearing, you are seeing everyday, atleast last eight months. Everything is my personal design. I sit and I feel how I should look. What color? How the flow of the dress should be and I design. That's the best way for… You see Vivekananda says very beautifully, a Sanyasi should always cook his food and eat and design his dress and wear. Not only design, he says that he should, wash, maintain, take care of his personal things. I went one step further. I have started designing my own clothes! 😀


So it's actually a very good habit ma. You will be expressing your uniqueness. Not only that, I told all my Brahmachari’s, Swamis also, Brahmacharis, Brahmacharinies. I can give you just basic guideline, the color. That's all. After that you go ahead and design how you should look. How you should present yourself to the world. Express your unique characters in your way of dressing, way of living, way of eating, way of talking, way of relating with people. Give a statement about you. I think that should be a quality all seekers should imbibe it.

Great! You see, all cultures, which is not multinational companies, are spiritual. See this process is to awaken third layer, unique energy in you. You have three layer energy. First layer is day to day. For eight hours it will be alive. More than eight hours you will feel tired, I can't do anything, forget about it, physical layer. Second layer is mind. In emergency, the energy will express. Like, from here reaching the entrance of the ashram, main gate of the ashram, if you are walking by yourself, maybe three minute. If you are chased by a stray dog, one minute. If you are chased by a tiger, it will be only thirty seconds. So during emergency an extraordinary energy expresses in you. That is the second layer.


Third layer is a spiritual, conscious energy, tireless supply of energy. This process, actually if you taste the tireless energy supply, you will not compare yourself anymore with anybody. You will understand your originality, uniqueness. Through this process I am clearing the knots of comparison, awakening the originality in you. It's like a bringing your whole attention to throat. Visualize you are sitting in throat and moving your hands and body. You will see, you will be able to run ten times faster, more time than you can imagine. Now I am going to make you do. Please, attention please, listen. If you have high blood pressure or any other heart condition, don't do this process.



Stable Family

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Now, you will work on throat center, Vishuddhi. The thought current flow for the throat centre is comparison - Continuously comparing, without knowing each individual is unique. How do you compare? I really still can’t understand. Even about the money, how will you create a scale to compare?

You don't worry comparing yourself with Bill Gates but why do you worry comparing yourself with your brother? You don’t compare yourself with Bill Gates and worry, but you compare yourself with your brother, means even in the comparison you have a limitation. You set yourself certain frequency, ‘Hey even for comparison I can go only up to this frequency.’ Continuously you hurt yourself and stop your creativity expressing through comparison, destroy your joyful moments through comparison. Any success you achieve, immediately with comparison you destroy that moment. You can’t tolerate joy, that is the big problem. No, really, you can’t tolerate joy in your life. You feel it is wrong, ‘how, how dare this joy come to my life? It is not supposed to be here. How can this happen in my life? This joy should be taught a lesson.’ 😀


We are so involved, engrossed, with our negativity we go on comparing... I can say five major fields comparison - health and beauty, wealth and comforts, love and relationships, name and fame, even in spiritual experiences - you are jealous of somebody else levitating. Arey, come on, only if you drop the jealousy you can levitate. With jealousy not only you are postponing your levitation, you're disturbing, you're destroying your spiritual growth. ‘Why is he levitating, why is she levitating, not me?’ She is levitating because she is levitating... what to do? 😀 He is levitating because he is levitating... what to do? 😀


Sometime you just suddenly catch the fire. It is not something to do with your karma and all, it is something to do with the mental setup of ability to trust. See if you had a, at least one strong trusting relationship who has not betrayed you - like your father or mother or someone in your life, whom you trusted but never betrayed you. Even if one relationship if you have in your life like that, that trust will directly turn towards Me and you’ll catch the fire. You’ll experience the feeling connection, simply the levitation will happen or whatever I am transmitting will happen. If you have not had even one relationship, who has not betrayed you, that is where the trusting, the feeling connection, accepting somebody based on the face value, is not there at all in your system. It is more or less a game of trust and feeling connection. It is not that big game of a practice or karma, all these things.


After you get initiated, you have a solid experience, then practice may help you. Practice will make it solidified in your system. But in the initially, to catch the fire itself, practice does not play a big role. Practice does not play a big role. It is a, it is the just your being catching it...kind of a, if i have to say in modern language “clicking”. If you had any one relationship in your life completely that, not betrayed you even once, your... Many people have like that in their life.

Usually if you are from Indian village, you’ll have father or mother, somebody, some one person. But if you are from Indian city nothing can be done. They lost that stable family tradition. One of the worst loss happen to India, after independence, is that ‘stable family’ concept is stolen. I feel that is the biggest miss. If we had retained that stable family concept, we would’ve faced anything, we would’ve faced anything. Our root is stable family, we lost it. I am very clear, we lost it. I don’t know whether we will able to get it back at all.


If you are from a stable family background, kind of the joint family or a stable family, you’ll easily be able to trust and catch that feeling connection. Even in the ashram, I have seen, any brahmachari brahmacharini, who come from a stable family, where they had either father or mother very trustworthy, never betrayed, they immediately connect with Me and raise. Then after they get initiated and get the experience, then unclutching, all the other practices works. You see, by practice also you can achieve, it takes lot of time. But if you have this feeling connection, the background of the stable family, you catch it immediately. Immediately you catch the initiation, the fire, the awakening, and then all your practices will solidify it.

So blessed are those who have a stable family background. Even if you curse them sometime, you were not allowed to drink, smoke, fool around, you are not allowed to run around in bars, clubs, that’s one of the biggest curse this stable family kids give for their family. They say, “oh we are not allowed to enjoy our youth”! But I tell you, the incredible, some of the unimaginable experiences and the mental setup, only a stable family can give. I am trying to rebuild that concept of joint family and stable family. Every 100km, India has a different food, different cloth. Every 100km, travel 100 km in road in India, you will not see the same food. From here I am telling you example, travel 100 km in the Hosur direction, different food Tamil Nadu, Chittoor direction different food Andhra, North Canara direction different food. We have such a rich way of eating


If you are from a stable family background, you can easily catch the initiation. That’s very easy, because trusting will be in your blood. So any other karma can be destroyed just by that one fire. If you do not have the stable family background, don’t be depressed. We will work it in some other directions, that’s all, some other way. But if you are from stable family, and if your father or mother has behaved such a way that your trust on them was not broken or betrayed, feel blessed, because that whole thing will just, without even your knowledge will turn towards Me. If the parents are good people, immediately I’ll initiate the person into sannyas. Even if the boy or girl came out of the house fighting with them, I will not bother, I will initiate them; because that stable family setup. If they’re not stable people, even if the parents send the child, I will wait. Because it is not that easy for the child to trust. He would have grown up in constantly defending himself.


Constantly comparing yourself, takes away the trust on you. You will not be able to trust you because of the constant comparison. Constant comparison is the thought current flow for this throat center.



Have Pure Heart Where God Can Reside

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Srikanth Iyer is asking a question, “Do the benefits of bathing in the water body greater than blood volume apply to swimming in a pool?” Yes. The physical effect of the, what I said yesterday will happen even in ordinary swimming pool. Here one step higher the sacred effect also happens. This water is energized programmed water. Because it falls on the Deity it helps you to rejuvenate and I can say that more spiritual angle.

Srikanth, “I heard that we cannot go between Nandhi and Shiva Lingam in a Temple. Is this true?”. It is not like you cannot go. Like a Nandhi is supposed to be a great devotee of Shiva. Even if one person crosses and makes him not to see the Shiva for a second he feels bad. That’s all. Nothing else.

One more thing before forgetting, I wanted to tell people. Yesterday somebody asked Me in the energy darshan that “Let me die in your arms”. I said, “Don’t ask all these things”. Please understand, in the energy darshan whatever you ask will come true. So don’t ask anything wrong. So do not ask anything wrong or do not say anything wrong during energy darshan. Ask exactly what you want. If you want healing just say ‘Swamiji please help me to get healed.’ Don’t say ‘If you can’t heal, let me die.’ No. Sometime people go to the extreme frustration and try to throw the frustration on Me. Aray, there I am sitting like a fire, alive energy. Whatever you ask I will say “Tathastu”. What will happen? ‘Let it happen.’ So do not ask… Always utter right words. Always utter exactly what you want.


“And during energy darshan I saw some devotees disciples rolling in ecstasy when you moved your hand. In my case there was no body movements. Does it mean that I am lacking something in spirituality?” Subramanium, Subramanium don’t worry. I will make you roll in two three days. 😀 Just the system is getting ready. See I don’t want you guys to get frightened. Yesterday itself I saw two three people got frightened. They said “No I don’t want to roll”. Then I said alright. I will not awaken your Kundalini. It’s ok.You rest. I just left it.

So I don’t want you guys to get into the shock. So I am just managing. If you don’t have any problem about rolling, just get Me a small slip “Swamiji just pour yourself on me”. That’s all. Nothing else is required. I will make you roll all the whole chitsaba. 😀 That is not a problem. Actually I am keeping myself in a very, what to say that covered way so that you don’t get frightened. That’s all. So you say yes. You are opening your doors? Come on. Forty Eight hours is too much. Alright. So when you come in the evening energy darshan just tell me. Just tell me, ‘Swamiji I am completely open. Do what you want.’ That’s all I required.


I actually thought that you guys should not get frightened. So that is the reason if you see yesterday, the regular devotees I just blew and… I know that they will not be afraid. If I am seeing you newly or recently then I play little… I will be little careful, because you should not feel hurt. And not only that it is a, it is suddenly new culture you see. You should not have fear ‘What is going on here?’ It is not hypnotism. It is not mesmerism. Understand. It is not hypnotism. It is not mesmerism. Just I am awakening your Kundalini.

Especially when I do that movements, you will see that near your Ananda Gandha or the Manipooraka, that is the area I will be doing this movement. All your identity… you see, the identity which you maintain, your decorum, your respect, your… that self identity, that will just go to pieces. It will just explode with the God consciousness awakening in you; that will be too much for you. You will feel almost like a, you are losing ground on your own body.

That is why sometime people feel, ‘Oh I don’t see, I don’t feel it is right for me.’ Then I say ‘Alright, you wait, no problem. I will wait for you. I will wait for you.’ Whoever does not have any problem, whoever is feeling ‘I have no problem in losing my small identity. I want the God’s consciousness inside me.’ Anybody, just come and tell me that. That’s all I want, nothing else.


See yesterday I was playing a very safe game. So that you don’t get frightened, you don’t get too disturbed. So don’t bother at all. Actually I can make you levitate within forty eight hours, next forty eight hours.That’s not a problem. It is a, it’s only your will. You understand. I am like a cyclone. I don’t want to enter into your house unless you wanted me to enter.

See even the transformation, I am such a powerful transformation. That is one big problem. Why we are not able to market me. See, if I am a just makeup man, do little bit of patching here and there and cosmetic surgery and send you back, you can market Me like anything. But here I am. I am not just doing some skin surgery to you. The very core I am churning out. The very core I am transforming.

So what to do. That is the reason you feel, “Wow! It is too much for me. Maybe my family cannot take it. My friends cannot handle it.” 😀 See, why you know, that time I am just pure consciousness like a sky. My eyes are like a window. You are afraid to look into that abyss. You are afraid you may fall into that or that abyss may suck you.


Arey, too much respect does not mean that you should not have that experience. See respect on Me should make you experience Me. Not that that will create a kind of a fear. Arey, little bit of fear, it’s ok, tolerate. I myself had this problem. Understand. When I first had my own Satori, the enlightenment experience at the age of 12, two and half days it was like a fever, like a bliss fever. After that the first thing happened is tremendous fear. I thought some ghost has possessed me. I will not go near that rock. See usually I have to cross that rock area to go to my ex school; from my house to school I have to cross that rock where I had my enlightenment. I will not go near that rock. I will take diversion, which is one kilometer extra. Feeling that some ghost is sitting there. It will come and catch me once more. So it is ok in initial level little fear.


What I am saying if you hold yourself because of that fear and irritation. Actually when your personality breaks up, you will have even irritation. You will feel, ‘Aah! it looks like he is arrogant and he is conquering my personality. It is not. You understand I am very beautifully filling you. Nothing else. So don’t be afraid or irritated or angry. Of course if you are afraid I will wait. No problem, I will wait. But you will be wasting too many days. Too many days you will be wasting.

You are a long time devotee. Aye, other two three people were not able to handle. They are new. I can understand. You know me so long. Why there is so much fear? Don’t miss energy darshan. That is too big miss. Too big miss. And just get a slip “Swamiji I am completely open, do anything you want”. That’s enough. That’s a green signal for me. Green signal and…

I am just waiting. I am just waiting to pour myself into you or fill you with the divine. It is just getting, preparing you. Don’t worry about sin and all. Sin and all does not stop this. See, sin all this, that things are like a small grass. Flood cannot bother about ‘Oh! there is so much grass, how can I go there?’ 😀 No. It just finishes away; not the grass even the whole land on which grass is growing.


So sin, karma, don’t bother about all these things. All those things has no play here. No place here. Only the receptivity and the mental setup of non receptivity is sin. Nothing else. See, when you are in the mood of non receptive, anything can create anger and irritation in you. I have seen. Sometime people are angry even about the seat which I am sitting. Why he is sitting in such big seat?. Why he is sitting so high?. Arey, if I sit on the ground you can’t see me. Be practical. And somebody has really enjoyed my discourses and sessions, they felt, ‘I think he is worthy of good throne, good seat.’ They made it and gave. And it is not that comfortable. Don’t think it is comfortable. Try to sit and see. You need to sit straight for whole day. Then you will understand. Not only that, all of you guys are going to sit only for next twenty one days, then you are going to be doing so many other things in your life. In my life, whole day, My whole life I am sitting. I can have a little comfortable seat. And it is not comfortable also. It is a ninety degree seat. See, all My seats are ninety degree. Only if you are a Yogi you can sit. Not otherwise.


So sometime people get irritated for no reason. They get irritated ‘Why he is wearing jewelry?’ Arey it looks nice on me. I am just enjoying.Why are you bothered? That’s all 😀 Somebody gave. I am wearing. 😀 This mind you see, gets into all kinds of… when you are irritated or resisting, you get into all kinds of mood, mood swings. Alright.

Ok, we will start. Today the first process. The first thought current flow we will work is: attention need. Need for the recognition from the outer world. Need for the name. Need for the fame. Need for social identity. This thought current flow gets centered on the heart center. The need for recognition from society, need for social identity. I will straight away come to the subject.

Please understand. This necessity to be recognised by others has become almost like a food. I can see. If others recognise you, you are ready to do any foolish thing without even getting paid or getting any income or profit or return. If others don’t recognise you, any amount, anything you have you are not satisfied. That sadness is there. To cheat you, it is not a big thing at all. Just if they come and talk to you and say that nobody like you is there in the planet Earth. You are the greatest Karna, the God of giving, Lord of giving; some half an hour that’s all. Then you will be in a mood where you can't say No. Finally that fellow will say, ‘All I need is just ten lakh Rupee for my loans. You will say, ‘Oh I have only one house. But that is ten lakh worth. I will sell it and give you.’ Over. you will be standing on the road. What for? Because he praised you, you are a Karna.


No we do this. Please understand. I am not making fun. We do this in many time in life. See I am not saying doing charity is wrong. No. All I am saying is we become ready to do any foolish thing for the sake of others attention, name and fame or social identity. We do not have our own clarity or integrity where we respect ourself. When you don’t respect yourself what you will do. You expect and wait, wait, wait crave for others to do, others to respect you.

I can say this is the first problem, first knots I wanted to remove from your personality. Liberate yourself from society. Society is chaotic, unconscious. Please understand, I am not creating hatred in you. I am just stating the fact. Even they don’t know they are unconscious. You understand, your mom and dad, it is not that knowingly they brought you up unconsciously. Even they don’t know they are unconscious. Even they don’t know many of the things about the life. It is totality of unconsciousness.

So, first thing you need to do is, declare your freedom. A big capital letter, red no N-O to society. Say ‘I will do whatever I am enjoying, I will live whatever I feel as my life’s goal. I may… I may not hurt you, that does not mean I will listen to you. I will give you my respect but not life.’ Let you come to this clarity about everybody, everything in life.


What you need from society and what society needs from you has to be understood and analyzed with this light. I am not saying become anti social, No. I am not saying become an naxalite, NO. I am not saying, became a maoist, NO. Then again you will be fighting with the same society. I am not saying fight or die. I am not saying become a naxalite and kill the society, NO. I am not saying be an ordinary man running after name and fame recognition and killed by society, NO. All I am saying is just go above society. Become overfit not outfit. Overfit. Just decide ‘What I need from society, what society needs from me. Let me have clear bargain, clear plan.’


Do not allow the society more than certain extent inside you. I tell you, I will tell you from my personal experience. Even now when I enter into my room and close the room. That's all. I forget whole Dhyanapeetam. Forget all these calamities, chaos happening around me. Chaos of worshiping my feet everyday; the conscious disciple go on worshiping me. Have some space in you, where nobody can corrupt you. That is what I call Pure Heart where God Can Reside. Have some space in your heart where nobody can touch you. So that God can reside there. If there is no place, no vacancy how will God come and reside in your heart? I need little vacancy. The divine to happen in your heart, you need little vacancy.


Now spend five minutes to pendown all the major failures you faced because of your decisions based on the attention need. All the major wrong decisions you took, sufferings happened in your life because you made decisions for the sake of name and fame, social recognition.

After energy darshan immediately please have honey and tulsi or honey and bilva. So that the non mechanical parts of the brain which gets awakened, that will become permanent in you. In temples in India they give… when you go to the Garbha Mandir and have the energy experience, when you come out they will give you the prasadam honey and tulsi and bael leaf, so that if you eat that, the experience which happened in your non mechanical parts of the brain will become stable, permanent in you.


Participant: ok, when I continue activities to suppress my authentic expression especially in spirituality to my friends and family back home or in Norway or in Australia, people who come from very secularized or atheist background, they don’t understand than I can’t say anything, so what to do?

Swamiji: So they feel you are not even saint.

Participant: So like I am trying to maintain my old reputation, my old identity.

Swamiji : No need. See no need to maintain old reputation. Because even the old reputation in those days was not there. Understand, see we always have a delusion once upon a time you had a reputation, NO. So you need to know very clearly, name and fame should be like your fragrance, your smell. Your smell cannot be taken away from you.

If your personality is worthy of a fragrance, let there be fragrance. How much your personality is worthy of fragrance? Is it three feet or four feet or six feet? That many feet let that smell will be there. Let that fragrance be there. If your personality is only worthy of dirty smell, nothing can be done. Even if you pour how much of scent you want, only scent may waste, nothing else. So understand, the fear of losing name and fame is just useless fear. Useless, completely useless.


I tell you, declare yourself as Paramahamsa. Paramahamsa means ‘I have decided to live life based on my heart. My heart is the guiding force for my life. Nothing else.’ See if your heart is the guiding force for your life, I promise you, not only you will have inner fulfillment you will have even outer success. But if your head is your guiding force, society only will be guiding you. Neither you will have enough fulfillment, you may have outer success as society describes, not as you wanted.

See all the awards are given not for the sake of the pride of the fellow who gets it. Because of the pride of the fellow gives it. When you get attention from others… attention is energy; because you don't know how to get energy from inside, you expect energy from outside. It is like running your petrol car with kerosine. You are supposed to run with petrol which is the inner energy but you are using kerosene, not even kerosene, sometime sewage water, drainage water. Even if you become aware, half is done, now we will go to the solution.


See when you have the kundalini awakening the movement should be straight up. If it is side you are avoiding me. When the kundalini awakening happens you should feel the movement in the spine. You should feel as if your spine is being lifted. Then a right awakening is happening. If you are pulling this way or pushing this way, then you are only avoiding me. When the energy hits you from initiation, if you are moving this way or this way… should be straight up movement.



Experience Cosmic Mother's Energy Darshan || Meenakshi Pattabhishekam || 14 April 2011

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