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=== How to Keep the Master’s Teachings Alive  ===
<soundcloud url="    https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/mar2015-01-how-to-keep-the-masters-teachings-alive?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2015-upanishads      " />
==Transcript: ==
==Transcript: ==
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
|| nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
I welcome all of you, with My love and respects. Today, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsava 7th day. Devi is gracing on Siddha Peeta, Kailasa - Kailasa, in which all the Siddhas are sitting. Devi is gracing with Sridevi and Bhudevi, Lakshmi and Saraswati on Kailasa. So, with Devi’s Grace and Blessings, I will enter into the Satsanga. I welcome everyone who is sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV, Arra TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
Before entering into the Satsang, I just want to express few things which I am not able to control. When I see this “Vaakyaarta Sadas” by the Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul ☺ No, really. I am not able to control that overflow. Please understand, always one thing all Gurus feel “Whatever I am delivering to the world, will it be preserved, used, protected, practised properly?” It is from the time of Mahadeva, the problem exists. May be I can say, the first… I am the first Guru who is relived from this problem because of this video recording. Understand, it captures and keeps. But, it is only protection... not practicing and radiating. What is there, all this will be archived and kept. Just protection is not all required for a Master’s teaching.
One of the Ramanuja’s Bhashya; Ramanuja wrote a commentary on Brahma Sutra, working six-and-half years. Unfortunately, the next day, he was attacked by a terrorist group and he and his disciples have to run for their life. So, in that trying to protect the Guru’s life, disciples forgot to carry the whole manuscript of six-and-half years of hard work of Ramanuja’s “Sri Bhashya”, “Brahma Sutra Bhashya”. They have to run for the lives, so they could not protect that leaf and the terrorist group came and burnt the whole leaf; whole thing is burnt.
But, he had one disciple, amazing disciple, who wrote, when Ramanuja was dictating; who wrote, that disciple was “Eka Santa Graahi”, means who can grasp anything by listening once... and he repeated the whole thing. That is the way we got the “Sri Bhashya” to the world now. We have “Sri Bhashya of Ramanuja”, because of that one disciple’s listening and reproducing ability. At least, this is only a memory, its only a memory; just listening... one of the abilities and reproducing.
Then comes amazing disciples of Buddha. Buddha was such an extraordinary being, no disciple can pen down when… while He is talking. They will all be just lost in the grace of Buddha. Buddha was a feast for audio and video both. He was a visual treat, He was not just treat for your ears, He was a visual treat even for your eyes. He was so enchanting, no disciple will be able to pen or write what he is teaching. Forty years, not a single record. But, when He left the body, all His top disciples sat. When they poured out everything, it was so beautifully aligned. Not just repeated. It was repeated with an alignment. That is the way, “The Dhamma Pada”, the main basic scripture of Buddhism came out. 
So, as I said this is the message for Me. ‘No memory is secured other than putting Your teachings in Bio-Memory of people.’ Understand… No memory can keep it safe and reproduce; only Bio-Memory can keep it safe and reproduce. When I see the Vaakyaartha Sadas, hear the Vaakyaartha Sadas by Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul, I really feel, I have already produced the disciples Ramanuja had and like the disciples Buddha had. They can reproduce with aligned, reproducing in a aligned way. So, that people who want to practice further, can easily refer and practice.
A few days before, I was talking to one of My Swami, not from Gurukul. Directly came and joined as a adult. Adult means ‘adulterated adults’ ☺ And, he came and joined as an adult. Now he has taken Sanyas also. I was talking to him. In course of conversation, I used the word Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti and I saw his eyes were... he was blinking like almost he heard the Japanese language or French, Portuguese, Spanish all put together. As if he heard that, he was looking at me. I asked him, “Do you know what is Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti? Can you explain?” He politely shook the hand… head, saying, “I don’t know Swamiji”. It was really shock for Me. No, My disciples give Me always shocks. That is different. But this was too shock; too much of shock because, about this Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti. I don’t know how many thousands of times I have spoken, in how many programs, techniques. Suddenly, I had a thought, “Oh God, then for whom am I… who am I speaking... this whole Satsang? For whom I am speaking, day in and day out?” Just because of Enlightenment, I did not fall into depression. Otherwise, I have almost... fell into depression and Enlightenment saved Me and brought Me back.
But now, when I am listening to Vaakyaarta Sadas. I know, I have not spoken unnecessarily, or all My words have not become waste. My Gurukul kid’s bio-memories are holding it. My Gurukul kid’s bio-memories are holding it. Whatever I have showered in the Satsang, whether this video memory captured it or not, archives mission is working or not, archives machine is functioning or not, My kid’s… My Gurukul kid’s Bio-Memory has caught it and it is carrying. So, whatever I have spoken is not in vain, My time is not wasted, I know for sure. And I am waiting, I am waiting for My Gurukul kids to take up the responsibility of editing My books. See, actually My books don’t need much editing other than aligning the statements, grammar statements and repetition of the statements need to be edited, taken out. Sometimes, I repeat. Because people don’t listen, they are sleeping in front of Me. If they sleep, I repeat and I also give a very strange breaks; just by silence, I can wake up people ☺ And then, I repeat. So, all this just need to be cleaned up. And sometime in the body language I express very sarcastic expressions... I need to express to convey certain ideas. May be those things need to be put verbally, that’s all. But, one important job can be done - Giving lot of footnotes, references from My various other works, which I think only My Gurukul kids will be able to do. Because, it is their Bio-Memory, so vast, so receptive, so blissfully capturing and captured whatever I have shared, sharing on these Satsangs. They just become a living example of awakened Third Eye.
Now, I am refining the meditation techniques and taking them to the next level of Third Eye awakening. Where, not only they can read whatever is in the mind of the people or blindfold reading and all these things. They will also see the reality beyond what is seen as a world. They will see this world as a dream and see the reality beyond this world. And, I have one more great news for you guys, I am refining; in next few days, I will initiate all the ashramites into this Third Eye awakening and blindfold reading. And, this coming Varanasi Inner Awakening, I am going to initiate everyone into this process... even the adults. The technique is ready. The process is ready. After I initiate the ashramites, Sanyasis in next few days... may be even this Inner Awakening participants will have this gift. You will have the initiation, may be the last one or two days initiation into awakening the Third Eye. And, Varanasi Inner Awakening, all the participants, not just kids, even the adults. Even if you are adulterated adult ☺ you are going to be initiated into Third Eye awakening, specially with this unique ability to read blindfold.
And, we have also tested this blindfold reading in the darkness; early morning complete darkness. And, I am taking it to the next level. If the Third Eye can be awakened fully, not only you will make whatever you dream as reality. You will also realize whatever is your reality itself is a one more dream. Bringing you to this realization will be the result, ultimate result of Third Eye awakening. That is what I am expecting and I will make that happen. I will make that happen... now for the Gurukul kids and ashramites, this Inner Awakening participants who are attending now, here, and the coming May Inner Awakening in Varanasi.
Please understand, actually the meaning of the word “Varanasi” means the space between eyebrows and nose. “Varana”, “Naasi”. In Sanskrit, Varana means the space between the eyebrows and Naasi means nose; the space between eyebrows and the nose - Third Eye. So, Varanasi is the space of Third Eye. In the space of Third Eye, awakening your Third Eye, so that you will experience the reality beyond what is seen by you, whatever is seen by you as world.
Vaakyaarta Sadas by Balasants… I really thought the first few days… May be, first few days they have heard so much from Me, they will have something to remember and talk. What will they have after a few days? They may be repeating the same thing. I thought, “Its okay, at-least in that way, they will hear more and more of spiritual truths”. Now I understand, My kids are also just like Me. No question of repeating the same thing again. No question of repeating the same thing again. They have heard enough and they are able to remember enough and they are able to repeat with re-aligned way enough. And, there is one more verse from the Great Saint, Valluva Nayanar. He lived in Mylapore, Chennai. I will give the rough translation, “Mother becomes more ecstatic when she listens her son as a Great being than the moment she gave birth to the child”.
“Eendra pozhudhinum perithuvakkum thanmaganai
saandron ena keyttathaai” (19:49)
When she hears her son is a great being, she goes into the ecstasy much, much more than the time she gave birth to him. So I tell you, I am in that same ecstasy when I listen to Vaakyaarta Sadas by My kids.
Please understand, their precise understanding about life, death, how death happens, what is Kshana, how rebirth is taken, Why somebody takes unconscious birth, Why somebody takes the conscious birth... whatever may you… you may study, you may have Ph.D. or Pachadi. You may embify, embify and reach MBA, you may know how to administer others. But as far as administering you, you will be just dead, donkey, buddhu. No, I am seeing so many MB, MB, MBA’s who have come to MBA by embifying, embifying... and great Ph.D.’s, Post Doctorate. I am seeing, that is why I am telling you. The kind of a clarity they are having! And one more thing, when all these truths gets into your system, when you are fresh and about to start the life, nothing like it. It gets into your very Bio-Memory. I tell you, it gets into your very Bio-Memory.
This whole revival of deity worship, Sanatana Hindu Dharma which I am doing, started just with one small Ganesha gifted to Me when I was the age of three. If that same Ganesha, was gifted to Me, or even bigger Ganesha, when I was eighteen. I don’t think this revival would have happened. Just that one Ganesha at the age of three got into My very Bio-Memory, became experience. That is why I could transmit that experience to tons and tons of people and this whole Sanatana Dharma is revived. Just yesterday, one participant… yesterday or day-before-yesterday, few days… one participant in the Inner Awakening, when she came and said, “Swamiji, it is so sweet to talk to deities and relate with them. I saw them blessing me, relating back to me, responding to me”. I said, “Wow, I have done My job”.
They are not dead statues, they are living deities. I would have never been able to tell this to the world so authentically, if I started practicing deity worship after some eighteen, twenty, something like that. When life beats Me, I just go and fall at the feet of some deity and catch hold of it. No, I might have had some experience for Myself. But never be able to inspire millions by transmitting this experience. The transmitting the experience and inspiring millions is happening, because I got that Ganesha deity when I was three. So, that it could get into My Bio-Memory, become part of Me and My very cognition, living.
Understand, how I am thankful to My father and grandfather for giving Me this deity and teaching Me to relate with the deity. My mother’s father, he is solely responsible for whatever revival I am doing through the deity worship. He is solely responsible. Because, I have seen he may come back from the shop, night 1 o’clock. He was a rice merchant, so the rice loads will come from the villages in the bullock carts. Those days bullock carts and lorries were not that popular; Bullock carts or tractors. I have seen bullock carts will come with the fire torch or the lantern lamp and they will unload the rice bags. Night 1 o’clock, he may come back to the house. But, he will wash himself, do the Achamana, means apply the Vibhooti and Anushtana. Keep the shop key at the feet of Mahadeva. He had a beautiful… the family deity. Mahadeva, Ganesha and other two, three deities like Nandi, small Subramanya and Devi, one Surya. It is a “Panchayatana, Shiva Panchayatana” with Vishnu also... Ranganatha and Venkateshwara. Venkateshwara was the family deity. So, all of them were there. He will always keep the key to them, at the feet of Mahadeva and go and sleep. And, whatever time he may come back to bed, next day morning he will be up before the Sunrise. It’s called Brahma Muhurta. The time a Shaivaite is supposed to wake up. I have never seen him missing, till the day of… day he left the body. He woke up… he will wake up before the Sunrise, in the Brahma Muhurta and take bath, do all his Anushtana, come back to the deity and do all his morning worship. Pick up the key from the deity, with the permission and go to the shop.
And, every time when he took the major decisions or every time he leaves the house for even a small action, like a going to a local temple and coming back, he will go and take the permission of the deity and then go. Once he comes back, he will wash his feet; if he comes back from temple he may not wash his feet. If he is from any other place, he will just go to the shrine again, means where the family deities were kept. If he is from temple, he won’t wash the feet. If he is from other places, he will wash the feet. But, he will walk to the deity and do Namaskar, respond to them or report to them what he has done. Only then, he will continue with other activities.
I tell you, just that one seed at that age. And, every night… every night without missing, before going to bed, he will sit and chant all the verses, Shiva Stotras. Sometimes, my uncles and all, will be feeling a little annoyed, “What is this, in the middle of the night?” It is one hall, where all the kids sleep. Only the married people, couples will have a separate room. Others all will sleep in the main hall only. And, he will be sitting and chanting so beautifully... just lost in himself, lost in himself, reciting the verses on Mahadeva; sometimes it will be Stotras, sometimes it will be Sutras, sometime it will be Shastras. Whatever it is, sometimes it will be in Sanskrit, sometimes it will be in Tamil.
I picked up that exact lifestyle. Never, I slept without reading a spiritual scripture, till I started My public life... till I realized My Avataric Mission. After that, I was not able to read for more than one-and-half to two years. Then, when I started My public life, naturally falling into Samadhi, no need to read any books. And after I started teaching, I started reading for the sake of teaching; but till then, never missed reading a spiritual scripture before falling into bed. Understand, when something goes inside you, when you were a kid and becomes part of your Bio-Memory, Muscle-Memory, it becomes experience, cognition.... you just radiate it with so much of strength and power.
I can see when My kids are declaring, speaking the truth about death, conscious death, conscious birth, Kshana, all that... It is reality for them. Understand, it is not that they just repeat like a Parrot, whatever they heard from Me. It has become reality. That is why they are able to repeat so properly and so much of courage and confidence is in their eyes. It is lifestyle for them.
Just few days before, in the temple one kid was chanting mantras for Homa. I stopped him and said, “You are doing inauthentically, that is why you are not able to bring the rain. Sit, bring yourself to Completion and start chanting”. The kid realized, he had some incompletions and he went and completed with everyone. Yesterday he came and did, it was raining ☺ Understand, it’s a experience for them. It is not just story, it’s a experience. And exactly, anything wrong, it falls only in My eyes. It falls only in My eyes directly.
I tell you, if you have a kid, the best thing you can do for the kid is put him or her in Gurukul and rest in peace. If somebody can experientially understand the truths to manage the life, he can understand anything, anything I tell you. This so-called society’s syllabus, tenth exam, plus-two exam, all this, graduation, all that, is just nothing for My kids. They will write the exams just like cakewalk. Because, when you know life, you know everything. When you know life, you know everything. When the source is known, everything is known.
I will demonstrate in few years - My kids writing IIT examinations getting into the top rankers list... just to prove; it does not need too much to be IIT top rankers. When you know life, you know everything. And I am so happy, I am seeing the flowers blossoming, who has a right to sit in Sarvajna Peeta. Peeta of Omniscient. And I am telling you, all these words I am not uttering out of vanity or false pride. You will see, you will all see, these kids sitting and doing Ranga Rajya in Sarvajna Peetas. What is Sarvajnatva? If you know life, you know everything. If you know life, you know everything. That is Sarvajnatva. The power of the Third Eye awakening. Power of the Third Eye awakening. Come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening, if you missed Gurukul when you were young. If you have missed Gurukul when you were young, come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening, this May.
Bless you all. Let everyone of you radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.
Thank you.
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  
Today, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsava seventh day!  Devi is gracing on Siddha Peetha, Kailaasa.  Kailaasa, in which all the siddhas are sitting, Devi is gracing, with Sridevi and Bhudevi, Lakshmi and Saraswathi, on Kailaasa.
So, with Devi’s grace and blessings, I will enter into the satsangha.
I welcome everyone who is sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Arra TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana [[Deeksha]].
Before entering into the satsangh, I just want to express a few things which I am not able to control.  When I see this Vaakyaartha Sadhas by the Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul, no, really, I am not able to control that overflow!  Please understand, always one thing all gurus feel, ‘Whatever I am delivering to the world, will it be preserved, used, protected, practised properly?’  It is from the time of Mahadeva the problem exists.  May be, I can say, I am the first guru who is relieved from this problem because of this video recording, understand?  It captures and keeps.  But, it is only protection, not practising and radiating.  What is there, all this will be archived and kept.  Just protection is not all that is required for a master’s teaching.
One of Ramanuja’s bhashya.....  Ramanuja wrote a commentary on Brahmasutra, working six-and-a-half years.  Unfortunately, the next day, he was attacked by a terrorist group, and he and his disciples have to run for their life.  So, in that trying to protect the guru’s life, the disciples forgot to carry the whole manuscript of six-and-a-half years’ of hard work of Ramanuja’s Shri Bhashya, Brahmasutra Bhashya.  They have to run for their lives; so, they could not protect that leaf.  And the terrorist group came and burnt the whole leaf!  The whole thing is burnt!  But, here, one disciple, amazing disciple, who wrote when Ramanuja was dictating, who wrote, that disciple was an “Eka Santha Graahi”; means, who can grasp anything by [[listening]] once!  And he repeated the whole thing!  That is the way we got the Shri Bhashya to the world now.  We have Shri Bhashya of Ramanuja because of that one disciple’s listening and reproducing ability.  At least, this is only a memory.  It is only a memory.  Just listening.  One of the abilities.  And reproducing.
Then comes the amazing disciples of Buddha.  Buddha was such an extraordinary being, no disciple can pen down while he is talking; they will all be just lost in the grace of Buddha!  Buddha was a feast for audio and video both.  He was a visual treat.  He was not just a treat for your ears, he was a visual treat even for your eyes.  He was so enchanting, no disciple will be able to pen or write what he is teaching.  Forty years, not a single record!  But, when he left the body, all his top disciples sat.  When they poured out everything, it was so beautifully aligned!  Not just repeated!  It was repeated with an alignment.  That is the way, the Dhamma Padha, the main basic scripture of Buddhism came out.
So, as I said, this is the message for me.  No memory is secured other than putting your teachings in bio-memory of people, understand?  HAHAHAHAHA!  No memory can keep it safe and reproduce.  Only bio-memory can keep it safe and reproduce.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!
When I see the Vaakyaartha Sadhas, hear the Vaakyaartha Sadhas by the Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul, I really feel I have already produced the disciples Ramanuja had, and like the disciples Buddha had.  They can reproduce with aligned, reproducing in an aligned way, so that people who want to practice further can easily refer and practice.
A few days before, I was talking to one of my Swamis.  Not from gurukul; directly he came and joined as an adult.  Adult means, “adulterated” adult.  And he came and joined as an adult.  Now he has taken sannyas also.  I was talking to him.  In the course of conversation, I used the words – Jaagrath, Swapna, Sushupthi.  And I saw his eyes were.....he was blinking like almost he heard the Japanese language, or French, Portuguese, Spanish, all put together.  As if he heard that, he was looking at me.
I asked him, ‘Do you know what is Jaagrath, Swapna, Sushupthi?  Can you explain?’
He politely shook the head saying, ‘I don’t know Swamiji.’
It was really shock for me!  No, my disciples give me always shocks; that is different.  But this was too shock!  Too much of shock!  Because, about this Jaagrath, Swapna, Sushupthi, I don’t know how many thousands of times I have spoken, in how many programmes, techniques!  Suddenly, I had a thought, ‘Oh, God!  Then for who am I speaking this whole satsangh?  For whom I am speaking day in and day out?’  Just because of [[enlightenment]] I didn’t fall into [[depression]].  Otherwise I almost fell into depression, and enlightenment saved me and brought me back!  But, now, when I am listening to Vaakyaartha Sadhas, I know, I have not spoken unnecessarily, or all my words have not become waste.  My gurukul kids’ bio-memories are holding it!  My gurukul kids’ bio-memories are holding it!  Whatever I have showered in the satsangh, whether this video memory captured it or not, archives mission is working or not, archives machine is functioning or not, my kids’, my gurukul kids’ bio-memory has caught it and it is carrying.  So, whatever I have spoken is not in vain; my time is not wasted, I know for sure!
And I am waiting, I am waiting for my gurukul kids to take up the [[responsibility]] of editing my books!  See, actually, my books don’t need much editing other than aligning the statements, grammar, statements, and repetition of the statements need to be edited, taken out.  Sometimes, I repeat, because people don’t listen; they are sleeping in front of me.  If they sleep, I repeat.  And I also give very strange breaks.  Just by silence I can wake up people!  And then I repeat.  So, all this just needs to be cleaned up.  And sometimes, with the body language, I express very sarcastic expressions I need to express to convey certain ideas.  May be those things need to be put verbally; that’s all.  But, one important job can be done: Giving a lot of footnotes, references from my various other works, which I think only my gurukul kids will be able to do.  Because, it is their bio-memory, so vast, so receptive, so blissfully capturing and captured whatever I have shared, sharing, on these satsanghs.  They just become a living example of awakened [[Third Eye]].  Now, I am refining the meditation techniques and taking them to the next level of Third Eye awakening where not only they can read whatever is in the mind of the people, or blindfold reading, and all these things, they will also see the reality beyond what is seen as the world.  They will see this world as a dream, and see the reality beyond this world.
And, I have one more great news for you guys:  I am refining, in the next few days I will initiate all the ashramites into this Third Eye awakening and blindfold reading.  And, this coming [[Varanasi]] Inner Awakening, I am going to initiate everyone into this process.  Even the adults!  The technique is ready.  The process is ready.  After I initiate the ashramites, sannyasis, in the next few days, may be even this Inner Awakening participants will have this gift; you will have the initiation.  May be the last one or two days, initiation into awakening the Third Eye.  And, Varanasi Inner Awakening, all the participants, not just kids, even the adults, even if you are “adulterated” adult, you are going to be initiated into Third Eye awakening, specially with this unique ability to read blindfold.  And we have also tested this blindfold reading in the darkness, early morning complete darkness, and I am taking it to the next level.  If the Third Eye can be awakened fully, not only you will make whatever you dream as reality, you will also realize that whatever is your reality itself is one more dream.  Bringing you to this realization will be the result, ultimate result of Third Eye awakening.  That is what I am expecting, and I will make that happen!  I will make that happen!
Now, for the gurukul kids and ashramites, this Inner Awakening participants who are attending now here, and the coming May Inner Awakening in Varanasi.....  Please understand, actually the meaning of the word “Varanasi” means, “the space between eyebrows and nose”, “Varana”, “Nasi”.  In Sanskrit, “Varana” means, “the space between the eyebrows”, and “Nasi” means “Nose”.  The space between eyebrows and the nose – Third Eye.  So, Varanasi is the space of Third Eye.  In the space of Third Eye, awakening your Third Eye, so that you will experience the reality beyond what is seen by you, whatever is seen by you as world.
Vaakyaartha Sadhas by Balasants, I really thought, the first few days, may be the first few days they have heard so much from me, they will have something to remember and talk.  What will they have after a few days?  They may be repeating the same thing.  I thought, ‘It is okay.  At least, in that way, they will hear more and more of spiritual truths.  Now I understand, my kids are also just like me: no question of repeating the same thing again!  No question of repeating the same thing again!  They have heard enough, and they are able to remember enough, and they are able to repeat with realigned way enough!
And, there is one more verse from the great saint, Valluva Nayanar.  He lived in Mylapore, Chennai.  I will give you the rough translation:  “The mother becomes more ecstatic when she listens her son as a great being than the moment she gave birth to the child.” 
ஈன்ற பொழுதின் பெரிதுவக்கும் தன் மகனைச் சான்றோன் என க்கேட்ட தாய்.
“Eendra Pozhudhin Perithuvakkum Than Maganai Chaandron Ena Keta Thaai”
When she hears her son is a great being, she goes into the ecstasy much, much more than the time she gave birth to him!
So, I tell you, I am in that same ecstasy when I listen to Vaakyaartha Sadhas by my kids.  Please understand, their precise understanding about life, death, how death happens, what is “kshana”, how rebirth is taken, why somebody takes unconscious birth, why somebody takes the conscious birth!  Whatever you may study, you may have PhD or “pachadi”, you may “embify”, “embify” and reach MBA, you may know how to administer others, but as far as administering you, you will be just dead, donkey, “buddhu”.  No, I am seeing so many MB MB MBAs, who have come to MBA by “embifying”, “embifying”, and great PhDs, Post Doctorate!  I am seeing, that is why I am telling you!  The kind of a clarity they (gurukul kids) are having!  And, one more thing, when all these truths get into your own system, when you are fresh and about to start the life, nothing like it!  It gets into your very bio-memory, I tell you!  It gets into your very bio-memory!
This whole revival of deity worship, Sanatana Hindu Dharma, which I am doing, started just with one small Ganesha gifted to me when I was the age of three.  If that same Ganesha was gifted to me, or even bigger Ganesha, when I was eighteen, I don’t think this revival would have happened.  Just that one Ganesha at the age of three got into my very bio-memory, became experience!  That is why I could transmit that experience to tons and tons of people, and this whole Sanatana Dharma is revived! 
Just yesterday, one participant, yesterday or day-before-yesterday, few days, one participant in Inner Awakening, when she came and said, ‘Swamiji, It is so sweet to talk to deities and relate with them!  I saw them blessing me, relating back to me, responding to me!’, I said, ‘Wow!  I have done my job!’
The Daily Video Magazine of Nithyananda Nithyananda Sangha. Nithyananda Times - 01st March, 2015
They are not dead statues; they are living deities!
I would have never been able to tell this to the world so authentically if I started practicing deity worship after some eighteen, twenty, something like that, when life beats me, I just go and fall at the feet of some deity and catch hold of it.  No!  I might have had some experience for myself, but never be able to inspire millions by transmitting this experience.  The transmitting the experience and inspiring millions is happening because I got that Ganesha deity when I was three.  So that it could get into my bio-memory, become part of me, and my very cognition, living, understand?  How I am thankful to my father and grandfather for giving me this deity and teaching me to relate with the deity!
My mother’s father, he is solely responsible for whatever revival I am doing through the deity worship. He is solely responsible!  Because, I have seen, he may come back from the shop night one o’clock.  He was a rice merchant.  So, the rice loads will come from the villages in the bullock carts.  Those days, bullock carts.  And, lorries were not that popular.  Bullock carts, or tractors.  I have seen, bullock carts will come with the fire torch, or the lantern lamp.  And they will unload the rice bags.  Night one o’clock, he may come back to the house, but he will wash himself, do the “achamana”, means, apply the [[vibhooti]], and “anushtana”, keep the shop key at the feet of Mahadeva.  He had a beautiful family deity, Mahadeva, Ganesha, and other two-three deities like Nandi, small Subramanya, and Devi, one Surya.  It is a “panchayathana”, Shiva “panchayathana”.  With Vishnu also....Ranganatha.  And Venkateshwara.  Venkateshwara was the family deity.  So, all of them were there.  He will always keep the key to them, at the feet of Mahadeva, and go and sleep.  And, whatever time he may come back to bed, next day morning he will be up before the sunrise; it is called “brahma muhurtha”, the time a Shaivite is supposed to wake up.  I have never seen him missing till the day he left the body!  He will wake up before the sunrise, the “brahma muhurtha”, and take bath, do all his “anushtana”, come back to the deity, and do all his morning worship, pick up the key from the deity with the permission, and go to the shop.  And, every time, when he took the major decisions, or every time he leaves the house for even a small action like going to the local [[temple]] and coming back, he will go and take the permission of the deity and then go.  Once he comes back, he will wash his feet.  If he comes back from the temple, he may not wash his feet.  If he is from any other place, he will just go to the shrine again, means where the family deities were kept.  If he is from the temple he won’t wash the feet.  If he is from other places, he will wash the feet, but he will walk to the deity, and do namaskar, respond to them, or report to them what he has done.  Only then he will continue with the other activities.  I tell you, just that one seed at that age!
And, every night, every night, without missing, before going to bed, he will sit and chant all the verses, Shiva Stotras.  Sometimes, my uncles and all will be feeling a little annoyed.  ‘What is this, in the middle of the night?!’  It is one hall where all the kids sleep.  Only the married people, couples will have a separate room.  Others all will sleep in the main hall only.  And he will be sitting and chanting so beautifully, just lost in himself, lost in himself, reciting the verses on Mahadeva!  Sometimes it will be stotras, sometimes it will be sutras, sometimes it will be shaastraas....whatever it is.  Sometimes it will be in Sanskrit, sometimes it will be in Tamil.  I picked up the exact lifestyle.  Never I slept without reading a spiritual scripture till I started my public life, till I realized my Avatharic mission.  After that, I was not able to read for more than one-and-a-half to two years.  Then, when I started my public life, naturally falling into Samadhi, no need to read any books.  And, after I started teaching, I started reading for the sake of teaching.  But, till then, never missed reading a spiritual scripture before falling into bed, understand?
When something goes inside you when you are a kid, and becomes part of your bio-memory, muscle-memory, it becomes experience, cognition; you just radiate it with so much of strength and power!  I can see, when my kids are declaring, speaking the truth about death, conscious death, conscious birth, “kshana”, all that, it is reality for them, understand!  It is not that they just repeat like a parrot whatever they heard from me.  It has become reality!  That is why they are able to repeat so properly, and so much of courage and confidence is there in their eyes!  It is lifestyle for them.
Just a few days before, in the temple, one kid was chanting mantras for [[homa]].  I stopped him and said, ‘You are doing inauthentically.  That is why you are not able to bring the rain.  Sit.  Bring yourself to [[Completion]] and start chanting.’
The kid realized he had some incompletions, and he went and completed with everyone.  Yesterday, he came and did.  It was raining!
Understand, it is experience for them!  It is not just story!  It is experience!
And, exactly, anything wrong, it falls only in my eyes!  It falls only in my eyes directly!
I tell you, if you have a kid, the best thing you can do for the kid is put him or her in gurukul, and rest in peace.  If somebody can experientially understand the truths to manage the life, he can understand anything!  Anything, I tell you!  This so-called society’s syllabus, Tenth exam, Plus Two exam, all this, graduation, all that, is just nothing for my kids!  They will write the exams just like cakewalk!  Because, when you know life, you know everything!  When you know life, you know everything!  When the Source is known, everything is known!  I will demonstrate in a few years my kids writing IIT examinations, getting into the top rankers’ list, just to prove it does not need too much to be IIT top rankers.  When you know life, you know everything!
And, I am so happy, I am seeing the flowers blossoming, who has a right to sit in Sarvajna Peetha, Peetha of Omniscience.
And, I am telling you, all these words I am not uttering out of vanity or false pride.  You will see!  You will all see these kids sitting and doing Ranga Rajya in Sarvajna Peethas!
What is “Sarvajnathwa”?  If you know life, you know everything!  If you know life, you know everything!  That is “Sarvajnathwa”!  The power of the Third Eye awakening, the power of the Third Eye awakening!  Come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening, if you missed gurukul when you were young.  If you have missed gurukul when you were young, come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening this May.
I bless you all!  Let everyone of you radiate with [[Integrity]], [[Authenticity]], Responsibility, [[Enriching]], [[Causing]] Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!
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Nithyananda, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam,Satsang,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,biomemory,spiritual,gurukul,Nithyananda Gurukul,leaders
[[Category: 2015 | 20150301]][[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Temple]][[Category: Program]][[Category: Inner Awakening]][[Category: Kalpataru]][[Category: Devalaya]][[Category: Rajarajeshwari]][[Category: Brahmotsavam]][[Category:Brahma Sutras]][[Category: Upanishads]]
Nithyananda, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam,Satsang,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,biomemory,spiritual,gurukul,Nithyananda Gurukul,leaders
[[Category: 2015 ]][[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Temple]][[Category: Program]][[Category: Inner Awakening]][[Category: Kalpataru]][[Category: Rajarajeswari Brahmotsavam]] [[Category:Brahma Sutras]]

Latest revision as of 04:33, 4 July 2021


How to Keep the Master’s Teachings Alive?


Today’s (March 1, 2015) morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes how having spiritual experiences at a young age are stored in a child’s biomemory. Sharing examples from his own life, he correlates them to how the Nithyananda Gurukul kids have experientially cognized his teachings, making them part of their biomemory. With his teachings as a foundation and solutions for life, they will be able to achieve anything and be leaders in any field they choose.

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Video Audio


(00:22) || nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you, with My love and respects. Today, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsava 7th day. Devi is gracing on Siddha Peeta, Kailasa - Kailasa, in which all the Siddhas are sitting. Devi is gracing with Sridevi and Bhudevi, Lakshmi and Saraswati on Kailasa. So, with Devi’s Grace and Blessings, I will enter into the Satsanga. I welcome everyone who is sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV, Arra TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.


Before entering into the Satsang, I just want to express few things which I am not able to control. When I see this “Vaakyaarta Sadas” by the Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul ☺ No, really. I am not able to control that overflow. Please understand, always one thing all Gurus feel “Whatever I am delivering to the world, will it be preserved, used, protected, practised properly?” It is from the time of Mahadeva, the problem exists. May be I can say, the first… I am the first Guru who is relived from this problem because of this video recording. Understand, it captures and keeps. But, it is only protection... not practicing and radiating. What is there, all this will be archived and kept. Just protection is not all required for a Master’s teaching.


One of the Ramanuja’s Bhashya; Ramanuja wrote a commentary on Brahma Sutra, working six-and-half years. Unfortunately, the next day, he was attacked by a terrorist group and he and his disciples have to run for their life. So, in that trying to protect the Guru’s life, disciples forgot to carry the whole manuscript of six-and-half years of hard work of Ramanuja’s “Sri Bhashya”, “Brahma Sutra Bhashya”. They have to run for the lives, so they could not protect that leaf and the terrorist group came and burnt the whole leaf; whole thing is burnt.

But, he had one disciple, amazing disciple, who wrote, when Ramanuja was dictating; who wrote, that disciple was “Eka Santa Graahi”, means who can grasp anything by listening once... and he repeated the whole thing. That is the way we got the “Sri Bhashya” to the world now. We have “Sri Bhashya of Ramanuja”, because of that one disciple’s listening and reproducing ability. At least, this is only a memory, its only a memory; just listening... one of the abilities and reproducing.


Then comes amazing disciples of Buddha. Buddha was such an extraordinary being, no disciple can pen down when… while He is talking. They will all be just lost in the grace of Buddha. Buddha was a feast for audio and video both. He was a visual treat, He was not just treat for your ears, He was a visual treat even for your eyes. He was so enchanting, no disciple will be able to pen or write what he is teaching. Forty years, not a single record. But, when He left the body, all His top disciples sat. When they poured out everything, it was so beautifully aligned. Not just repeated. It was repeated with an alignment. That is the way, “The Dhamma Pada”, the main basic scripture of Buddhism came out.


So, as I said this is the message for Me. ‘No memory is secured other than putting Your teachings in Bio-Memory of people.’ Understand… No memory can keep it safe and reproduce; only Bio-Memory can keep it safe and reproduce. When I see the Vaakyaartha Sadas, hear the Vaakyaartha Sadas by Balasants of Nithyananda Gurukul, I really feel, I have already produced the disciples Ramanuja had and like the disciples Buddha had. They can reproduce with aligned, reproducing in a aligned way. So, that people who want to practice further, can easily refer and practice.


A few days before, I was talking to one of My Swami, not from Gurukul. Directly came and joined as a adult. Adult means ‘adulterated adults’ ☺ And, he came and joined as an adult. Now he has taken Sanyas also. I was talking to him. In course of conversation, I used the word Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti and I saw his eyes were... he was blinking like almost he heard the Japanese language or French, Portuguese, Spanish all put together. As if he heard that, he was looking at me. I asked him, “Do you know what is Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti? Can you explain?” He politely shook the hand… head, saying, “I don’t know Swamiji”. It was really shock for Me. No, My disciples give Me always shocks. That is different. But this was too shock; too much of shock because, about this Jaagrat, Swapna, Sushupti. I don’t know how many thousands of times I have spoken, in how many programs, techniques. Suddenly, I had a thought, “Oh God, then for whom am I… who am I speaking... this whole Satsang? For whom I am speaking, day in and day out?” Just because of Enlightenment, I did not fall into depression. Otherwise, I have almost... fell into depression and Enlightenment saved Me and brought Me back.


But now, when I am listening to Vaakyaarta Sadas. I know, I have not spoken unnecessarily, or all My words have not become waste. My Gurukul kid’s bio-memories are holding it. My Gurukul kid’s bio-memories are holding it. Whatever I have showered in the Satsang, whether this video memory captured it or not, archives mission is working or not, archives machine is functioning or not, My kid’s… My Gurukul kid’s Bio-Memory has caught it and it is carrying. So, whatever I have spoken is not in vain, My time is not wasted, I know for sure. And I am waiting, I am waiting for My Gurukul kids to take up the responsibility of editing My books. See, actually My books don’t need much editing other than aligning the statements, grammar statements and repetition of the statements need to be edited, taken out. Sometimes, I repeat. Because people don’t listen, they are sleeping in front of Me. If they sleep, I repeat and I also give a very strange breaks; just by silence, I can wake up people ☺ And then, I repeat. So, all this just need to be cleaned up. And sometime in the body language I express very sarcastic expressions... I need to express to convey certain ideas. May be those things need to be put verbally, that’s all. But, one important job can be done - Giving lot of footnotes, references from My various other works, which I think only My Gurukul kids will be able to do. Because, it is their Bio-Memory, so vast, so receptive, so blissfully capturing and captured whatever I have shared, sharing on these Satsangs. They just become a living example of awakened Third Eye.


Now, I am refining the meditation techniques and taking them to the next level of Third Eye awakening. Where, not only they can read whatever is in the mind of the people or blindfold reading and all these things. They will also see the reality beyond what is seen as a world. They will see this world as a dream and see the reality beyond this world. And, I have one more great news for you guys, I am refining; in next few days, I will initiate all the ashramites into this Third Eye awakening and blindfold reading. And, this coming Varanasi Inner Awakening, I am going to initiate everyone into this process... even the adults. The technique is ready. The process is ready. After I initiate the ashramites, Sanyasis in next few days... may be even this Inner Awakening participants will have this gift. You will have the initiation, may be the last one or two days initiation into awakening the Third Eye. And, Varanasi Inner Awakening, all the participants, not just kids, even the adults. Even if you are adulterated adult ☺ you are going to be initiated into Third Eye awakening, specially with this unique ability to read blindfold. And, we have also tested this blindfold reading in the darkness; early morning complete darkness. And, I am taking it to the next level. If the Third Eye can be awakened fully, not only you will make whatever you dream as reality. You will also realize whatever is your reality itself is a one more dream. Bringing you to this realization will be the result, ultimate result of Third Eye awakening. That is what I am expecting and I will make that happen. I will make that happen... now for the Gurukul kids and ashramites, this Inner Awakening participants who are attending now, here, and the coming May Inner Awakening in Varanasi.


Please understand, actually the meaning of the word “Varanasi” means the space between eyebrows and nose. “Varana”, “Naasi”. In Sanskrit, Varana means the space between the eyebrows and Naasi means nose; the space between eyebrows and the nose - Third Eye. So, Varanasi is the space of Third Eye. In the space of Third Eye, awakening your Third Eye, so that you will experience the reality beyond what is seen by you, whatever is seen by you as world.


Vaakyaarta Sadas by Balasants… I really thought the first few days… May be, first few days they have heard so much from Me, they will have something to remember and talk. What will they have after a few days? They may be repeating the same thing. I thought, “Its okay, at-least in that way, they will hear more and more of spiritual truths”. Now I understand, My kids are also just like Me. No question of repeating the same thing again. No question of repeating the same thing again. They have heard enough and they are able to remember enough and they are able to repeat with re-aligned way enough. And, there is one more verse from the Great Saint, Valluva Nayanar. He lived in Mylapore, Chennai. I will give the rough translation, “Mother becomes more ecstatic when she listens her son as a Great being than the moment she gave birth to the child”.

“Eendra pozhudhinum perithuvakkum thanmaganai
saandron ena keyttathaai” (19:49)

When she hears her son is a great being, she goes into the ecstasy much, much more than the time she gave birth to him. So I tell you, I am in that same ecstasy when I listen to Vaakyaarta Sadas by My kids.


Please understand, their precise understanding about life, death, how death happens, what is Kshana, how rebirth is taken, Why somebody takes unconscious birth, Why somebody takes the conscious birth... whatever may you… you may study, you may have Ph.D. or Pachadi. You may embify, embify and reach MBA, you may know how to administer others. But as far as administering you, you will be just dead, donkey, buddhu. No, I am seeing so many MB, MB, MBA’s who have come to MBA by embifying, embifying... and great Ph.D.’s, Post Doctorate. I am seeing, that is why I am telling you. The kind of a clarity they are having! And one more thing, when all these truths gets into your system, when you are fresh and about to start the life, nothing like it. It gets into your very Bio-Memory. I tell you, it gets into your very Bio-Memory. This whole revival of deity worship, Sanatana Hindu Dharma which I am doing, started just with one small Ganesha gifted to Me when I was the age of three. If that same Ganesha, was gifted to Me, or even bigger Ganesha, when I was eighteen. I don’t think this revival would have happened. Just that one Ganesha at the age of three got into My very Bio-Memory, became experience. That is why I could transmit that experience to tons and tons of people and this whole Sanatana Dharma is revived. Just yesterday, one participant… yesterday or day-before-yesterday, few days… one participant in the Inner Awakening, when she came and said, “Swamiji, it is so sweet to talk to deities and relate with them. I saw them blessing me, relating back to me, responding to me”. I said, “Wow, I have done My job”.


They are not dead statues, they are living deities. I would have never been able to tell this to the world so authentically, if I started practicing deity worship after some eighteen, twenty, something like that. When life beats Me, I just go and fall at the feet of some deity and catch hold of it. No, I might have had some experience for Myself. But never be able to inspire millions by transmitting this experience. The transmitting the experience and inspiring millions is happening, because I got that Ganesha deity when I was three. So, that it could get into My Bio-Memory, become part of Me and My very cognition, living.


Understand, how I am thankful to My father and grandfather for giving Me this deity and teaching Me to relate with the deity. My mother’s father, he is solely responsible for whatever revival I am doing through the deity worship. He is solely responsible. Because, I have seen he may come back from the shop, night 1 o’clock. He was a rice merchant, so the rice loads will come from the villages in the bullock carts. Those days bullock carts and lorries were not that popular; Bullock carts or tractors. I have seen bullock carts will come with the fire torch or the lantern lamp and they will unload the rice bags. Night 1 o’clock, he may come back to the house. But, he will wash himself, do the Achamana, means apply the Vibhooti and Anushtana. Keep the shop key at the feet of Mahadeva. He had a beautiful… the family deity. Mahadeva, Ganesha and other two, three deities like Nandi, small Subramanya and Devi, one Surya. It is a “Panchayatana, Shiva Panchayatana” with Vishnu also... Ranganatha and Venkateshwara. Venkateshwara was the family deity. So, all of them were there. He will always keep the key to them, at the feet of Mahadeva and go and sleep. And, whatever time he may come back to bed, next day morning he will be up before the Sunrise. It’s called Brahma Muhurta. The time a Shaivaite is supposed to wake up. I have never seen him missing, till the day of… day he left the body. He woke up… he will wake up before the Sunrise, in the Brahma Muhurta and take bath, do all his Anushtana, come back to the deity and do all his morning worship. Pick up the key from the deity, with the permission and go to the shop.


And, every time when he took the major decisions or every time he leaves the house for even a small action, like a going to a local temple and coming back, he will go and take the permission of the deity and then go. Once he comes back, he will wash his feet; if he comes back from temple he may not wash his feet. If he is from any other place, he will just go to the shrine again, means where the family deities were kept. If he is from temple, he won’t wash the feet. If he is from other places, he will wash the feet. But, he will walk to the deity and do Namaskar, respond to them or report to them what he has done. Only then, he will continue with other activities.


I tell you, just that one seed at that age. And, every night… every night without missing, before going to bed, he will sit and chant all the verses, Shiva Stotras. Sometimes, my uncles and all, will be feeling a little annoyed, “What is this, in the middle of the night?” It is one hall, where all the kids sleep. Only the married people, couples will have a separate room. Others all will sleep in the main hall only. And, he will be sitting and chanting so beautifully... just lost in himself, lost in himself, reciting the verses on Mahadeva; sometimes it will be Stotras, sometimes it will be Sutras, sometime it will be Shastras. Whatever it is, sometimes it will be in Sanskrit, sometimes it will be in Tamil.


I picked up that exact lifestyle. Never, I slept without reading a spiritual scripture, till I started My public life... till I realized My Avataric Mission. After that, I was not able to read for more than one-and-half to two years. Then, when I started My public life, naturally falling into Samadhi, no need to read any books. And after I started teaching, I started reading for the sake of teaching; but till then, never missed reading a spiritual scripture before falling into bed. Understand, when something goes inside you, when you were a kid and becomes part of your Bio-Memory, Muscle-Memory, it becomes experience, cognition.... you just radiate it with so much of strength and power.


I can see when My kids are declaring, speaking the truth about death, conscious death, conscious birth, Kshana, all that... It is reality for them. Understand, it is not that they just repeat like a Parrot, whatever they heard from Me. It has become reality. That is why they are able to repeat so properly and so much of courage and confidence is in their eyes. It is lifestyle for them.

Just few days before, in the temple one kid was chanting mantras for Homa. I stopped him and said, “You are doing inauthentically, that is why you are not able to bring the rain. Sit, bring yourself to Completion and start chanting”. The kid realized, he had some incompletions and he went and completed with everyone. Yesterday he came and did, it was raining ☺ Understand, it’s a experience for them. It is not just story, it’s a experience. And exactly, anything wrong, it falls only in My eyes. It falls only in My eyes directly.


I tell you, if you have a kid, the best thing you can do for the kid is put him or her in Gurukul and rest in peace. If somebody can experientially understand the truths to manage the life, he can understand anything, anything I tell you. This so-called society’s syllabus, tenth exam, plus-two exam, all this, graduation, all that, is just nothing for My kids. They will write the exams just like cakewalk. Because, when you know life, you know everything. When you know life, you know everything. When the source is known, everything is known.


I will demonstrate in few years - My kids writing IIT examinations getting into the top rankers list... just to prove; it does not need too much to be IIT top rankers. When you know life, you know everything. And I am so happy, I am seeing the flowers blossoming, who has a right to sit in Sarvajna Peeta. Peeta of Omniscient. And I am telling you, all these words I am not uttering out of vanity or false pride. You will see, you will all see, these kids sitting and doing Ranga Rajya in Sarvajna Peetas. What is Sarvajnatva? If you know life, you know everything. If you know life, you know everything. That is Sarvajnatva. The power of the Third Eye awakening. Power of the Third Eye awakening. Come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening, if you missed Gurukul when you were young. If you have missed Gurukul when you were young, come to Varanasi to experience Third Eye awakening, this May.


Bless you all. Let everyone of you radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita, the Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda.

Thank you.



The Daily Video Magazine of Nithyananda Nithyananda Sangha. Nithyananda Times - 01st March, 2015

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Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1487_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1488_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1492_bidadi-lord%20shiva_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1494_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_1.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1501_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1504_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1507_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1510_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1515_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1528_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1529_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1530_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1531_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1538_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1543_bidadi-kalpadharu%20dharsan_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1541_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1548_bidadi-kalpataru%20dharsan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1555_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1564_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1576_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1581_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1583_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1588_bidadi-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1602_bidadi-kalpataru%20dharsan_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1606_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1607_bidadi-satsang-swamiji_1.JPG

Temple Glimpses

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1643_bidadi-anandaswara%20and%20anandaswari.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1648_bidadi-suyanbu%20lingam.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1649_bidadi-anandaswara%20and%20anandaswari_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1664_bidadi-lord%20dhakshinamoorthy.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1669_bidadi-lord%20dhakshinamoorthy_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1671_bidadi-lord%20dhakshinamoorthy_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1703_bidadi-lord%20%20venkateshwara_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1702_bidadi-lord%20%20venkateshwara_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1708_bidadi-lord%20%20venkateshwara_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-01st-nithyananda-diary_IMG_1716_bidadi-ananda-nandi.JPG


Nithyananda, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam,Satsang,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,biomemory,spiritual,gurukul,Nithyananda Gurukul,leaders