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Deep Truths on Ego Fulfillment by Conquering Senses
===Deep Truths on Ego Fulfillment by Conquering Senses===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the ego fulfillment that arises from acts such as celibacy.  If these acts are a step towards enlightenment and it naturally happens during this path they are perfectly OK, but mostly they are used by humans to give them a strong ego fulfillment.
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the ego fulfillment that arises from acts such as celibacy.  If these acts are a step towards enlightenment and it naturally happens during this path they are perfectly OK, but mostly they are used by humans to give them a strong ego fulfillment.
==Link to Video: ==  
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videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezDo61l8pJ8 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/20mar2007deep-truths-on-ego-fulfillment-by-conquering-senses?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2007-playlist-1"/>
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===Deeper Understandings from teachings of Shiva===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the greatness of Shiva.  Shiva is a Master for all kinds of beings -- his compassion is infinite and He does not say No to any being.  The uniqueness of Shiva Sutras is the conscious levels in which you are living will determine what you can get out of it.  Therefore these sutras can never be misused or misinterpreted.  The same sutra will give you a whole new understanding to you if you grow.  It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready.
===Link to Video Audio:  ===
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGo0QEYVSQM |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/20mar2007deeper-understandings-from-teachings-of-shiva?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2007-playlist-1"/>
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I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject is ‘See Light Within’. We are entering into the next sutra, next aphorism by Mahadeva, Anandeshwara. Understand, yesterday Mahadeva, Shiva was giving the sutra to work whenever you face pain, whenever you face suffering. Now, today He is giving you the meditation technique to work whenever you are deeply in love or you are lost in joy. How to use that situation to achieve enlightenment. Shiva is such a great Master, He is giving us the technique to use every situation towards enlightenment. Understand, He is giving us techniques for all human beings. Human beings who came, gone, who came, who are here, who are yet to come; for all human beings He is giving meditation techniques. He is giving techniques to use all possible situations. That is the greatness of Mahadeva. We call Him as Jagadguru; in the Shiva Ashtottara namavali we call Him as Jagadguru. Jagadguru means who can guide the whole world, who doesn’t say, ‘no’ to anybody. He doesn’t say, ‘no’. No ‘no’. Any person, any situation He has got technique to help you towards enlightenment.
Today He is giving you the technique to work if you are lost in love, if you are lost in joy; using that situation, that mood to experience enlightenment, to achieve the super conscious state - Paramasthitihi. Yesterday He was giving us the technique to use when you face pain or suffering. Today He is giving us the technique, the next technique He is giving us to use when you are in love, when you are in great joy, when you are lost in the tremendous pleasure and joy. Let’s see the sutra, then we will see the translation and we will try to internalize it by understanding it.
Dhamaantha kshobhasambhoota sukshmagni tilakakritim
Bindum Shikante hridaye layante dhyayato layah
I always feel, the beauty of these great verses is such you can't translate, because the moment you translate you can express only one dimension of these great words. See, these words are such, you can give hundreds of meanings to these words. Especially Sanskrit is such a poetic language you can break the words in four - five ways and the sutras are written in such an amazing language, anyway you break you will get a new-new meaning and new-new sutra out of it, new-new technique out of it.
That is why Mahadeva says…. there was a great Master who wrote commentary on this Shiva sutras. He says, in which level you are there from that level you will understand these sutras. See, traditionally we always believe that great knowledge should be given only to a qualified person who really seeks for it, who really wants it. Even in Katopanishad Yama says…Yama Dharma warns Nachiketa, his disciple, this knowledge cannot be given to a person who is not sincere. If it is given to a person who is not sincere, the person who is giving his head will burst. He will die. Only after thoroughly checking the sincerity of a disciple this knowledge should be transmitted, this knowledge should be shared. Here Mahadeva, Anandeshwara is not putting any condition; He is straightaway opening up all the techniques, much more stronger and deeper than Katopanishad.
Mahadeva opens here all the sutras. One important thing you should know: Shiva Sutra does not have any prerequisite, any morality, no yama, no niyama, means the moral prerequisites. Patanjali speaks about moral prerequisites yama, niyama - ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, aparigraha. He gives so many conditions. Practice this then get all the powers. Only then he even talks about techniques to achieve extraordinary powers. Here Anandehwara is not talking about any yama or niyama; straight away he is opening with the technique.
The first sutra is Devi’s questions, the moment Devi finished the questions, Shiva is answering. Mahadeva is speaking. He is straightaway opening the techniques. Naturally people will think there is a danger of this knowledge being misused. The bhashyakara commentator writes: No, because the sutras are written such a way, only if you are qualified, if you are pure enough, you will be able to understand. The level in which, the plane in which, the conscious level in which you are staying, only to that extent you will be able to relate with this sutra, only that much you will understand. The same line will give new meaning, new understanding if you grow.
Sometime people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, two years ago I heard Your lecture but that time I didn’t understand much. Somehow I started meditating. Now if I hear the same discourses, if I read the same books I understand so much. I feel how did I miss, how I couldn’t understand all these things in those days, that time.” I tell them you understand new things, you understand things in a matured way, because you have become matured. If you grow, the ability to learn from the same books also will grow. The same lines will teach you new things. The same words will awaken new energy in you, because now you are ready. Now you are ready.
This Shiva sutras also, the plane from which you are staying, you will understand in that level. If you start moving to a different plane, if you raise yourself to a different level of consciousness, you will understand suddenly new doors are opening. The same sutra with a new energy. I always tell people, what you listen is not the real thing. How many ideas just clicks, how many gives you the feeling, “Oh, this is what I was waiting. Yes! This is what I should listen. He is just exactly telling what I want to listen.” How many times you get that glimpse of satori, that click happens in you, that is the real thing. How many times you feel that awakening, “Yes, this is the thing which I want, this is what I want to listen.” See, whenever you just feel like sitting straight, I have seen sometimes if I speak on some ideas, suddenly the whole group will sit straight; means, the idea is going in, the idea is being digested. Now you need more attention. You will understand from the space where you are staying. The same words suddenly will throw new light because you have become a new being.
For My words, if you use your dictionary there will always be confusion. If your consciousness raises, you will use My dictionary for My words. Then new meaning will happen, the new understanding will happen in you, the true understanding which is supposed to happen. I always tell people, I tell them, please meditate even if you don’t understand the words; because the meditation will develop your inner space, it will raise your consciousness. At one day you will be able to digest, understand, realize these words.
Sometime you catch the joke, the joke clicks after two-three days, after two-three days only the joke clicks. A small story: Sardarji joke. They are such a nice people they can laugh at themselves. You see, you need intelligence to laugh at yourself, you need arrogance to laugh at others. You need intelligence and innocence to laugh at yourself. Only innocent people can laugh at themself but arrogant people will be always laughing at others.
There was a competition if you don’t laugh for one hundred jokes, you will receive million dollar. First one guy came, he was able to manage forty jokes because five people are sitting and constantly telling jokes. Forty jokes he managed but afterwards he couldn’t do anything he laughed. Lost! Second guy came, managed sixty. Third guy came, somehow managed eighty. One Sardarji came, he managed 96, by 97 little smile, very slowly started in his face. Wife was sitting in the front row. She was shouting, “Hey, keep quiet. Close your mouth. Stop! Stop! No smile, no laughter. One million…one million! Out of fear he just closed the mouth, somehow managed 98 also, but 99 he was not able to. Started laughing, uproarious laughter and you know how they laugh…full laughter. And he laughed. Anyhow lost the game, came down, wife was shouting, ‘What! You managed 99 one more minute, one million dollar! Why did you laugh? He said, ‘No…now only I understood the first joke!’😊
Understand you may catch it, the clicking should happen. You may catch after two-three days when you are relaxed. Usually you catch the jokes only in bathrooms. Only in bathroom when you take bath suddenly you remember and start laughing; because there you are liberated, free, ignorance also comes out. Clicking, catching. Same way if you meditate these words will suddenly click and create that satori. See, in Zen tradition, Buddhist tradition, they have something called kaons, Zen kaon. They will just give you one word and you are supposed to meditate on it. Just like our mantra, traditional mantra, you are supposed to constantly think about it. They will tell you ‘Find out the sound of one hand clapping.’ How can sound come by one hand clapping? And you have to go on contemplate, meditate on it.
Suddenly when you are in bathroom, maybe, when you are really relaxed that clicking will happen, that understanding will happen. That is what they call satori. First spiritual experience, going beyond logic, means your logic is tired, you give space for your Self, for your Being, for your Consciousness to overpower you.
Your schools, colleges, universities, everything teaches you to sharpen your logic. Constantly you try to bring everything under the control of your logic. You see, gathering knowledge means bringing things under your logic, understanding things according to your logic that is what is gathering knowledge. All your degree, whether it is bachelors, masters or doctorate, anything, it's nothing but trying to bring that part of the knowledge under your logic, that part of the understanding under your logic. But this so called logical people doesn’t understand an important thing: you can’t bring mind under your logic because logic is one part of your mind. How can one part of you understand the whole of you?
No! See, this whole book can understand one page, but one page can’t understand the whole book. Logic is one part of your mind. So, your mind can understand logic but logic can never understand mind. That is why this psychiatry, psychotherapy, anything related to mind can never be mastered by logic. That is why in these kind of professions a logical approach will never give a clear-cut solution. See with that patient if you have dealt in that way, you cant use the same technique, or same thing on some other patient. No! Generalizing is not possible in the field of mind and helping the mental disorders. Generalizing is possible in the physical disorders but it is not possible in mental disorders. Generalization is impossible. Because your logic cannot understand your whole mind.
One more small story: One guy, big philanthropist who gives… donates lot of money went to a social service organization which was running a mental hospital, asylum, lunatic asylum. The caretaker, the doctor, sorry here the caretaker word has got different meaning 😊. US slang has got different meaning for that word. The person who takes care of the hospital, asylum, he was taking that philanthropist around the hospital and showing. In one room there was a patient. All over the room, in blood he has written: Rosy, Rosy, Rosy, Rosy. The doctor said this guy become mad because he fell in love with that girl and he was not able to marry her. And he took the philanthropist to the next cell and he was explaining about all the patients how he became mad and how she became mad and what happened to him and what happened to her, all the stories. In the end they saw one more patient, he also wrote all over his room same way in the blood Rosy, Rosy, Rosy. The philanthropist asked: “This guy also fell in love with her and did not marry her, was not able to marry her?” The doctor said, “No, he fell in love with her but he got married to her.” 😊
You can’t generalize. You can’t generalize in the field of the mind because logic is only one part. Part can’t understand the whole. Understand, if your logic cannot understand the mind itself then can it understand, how can it understand consciousness, which is beyond its reach? From the young age you are constantly taught to bring everything under the control of your logic. You are taught to bring everything under that one umbrella - logic. In the eastern tradition you are taught to expand the umbrella, so that the whole world can come under it. But in the so called outer science, so called logic-oriented educations, logic-oriented education system, it teaches you to bring everything under the control of logic. So, naturally you reduce the world. You do not expand ‘you’, you do not expand your umbrella, you reduce the world to keep it under your umbrella.
The Vedic tradition, the conscious based education system teaches you to expand your umbrella so that the whole world can be under it. But the logic based education system teaches to bring the whole world under your umbrella, means it's trying to make your world small. That is why constantly you analyze, analyze, analyze means creating divisions, divisions, divisions. Any specialization, trying to bring things under your control, under your logic naturally you make it smaller and smaller and smaller. Constantly you are taught to bring things under your control. But this Zen kaons do the opposite work; they tire your logic. Your logic will be completely tired and suddenly you will create a space, you will allow the consciousness to open, you will allow the relaxation to happen. That moment only suddenly you realize, that click happens.
I always emphasize on meditation because the possibility for that click, satori, that unclutching is more in meditation. During meditation the possibility for satori, the click, the unclutching will be more. You can’t make, directly you can't do anything for that unclutching to happen. Directly you can't do anything for that click to happen. No! You can only create a space where the possibility is more, that’s all. You can’t do anything for a seed to grow. You can create a space, the possibility so that the chances are more. That’s all. Directly you can’t do anything. You can’t just open the seed and take the plant out. No. You can’t do any operation, no. You can’t even open the seed and…forget about opening the seed and seeing. You can't even open the ground and see again and again whether it has sprouted or not.
Small story: Three monkeys somehow they got one mango. If one monkey gets one mango you know what will be the fate of the mango. All three and all three of them are fighting. They want some judge who will really do the fair job of sharing that mango to all these three guys. Somehow they found a enlightened person, they went to that person and asked, “Master, please help us to share this mango.” And you know how these enlightened guys work. They create more complication. 😀 He said, “You see, this one mango, all three of you can’t enjoy, and it's really difficult. All three of you can't feel fulfilled. See, these guys don’t give immediate solution. They go for eternal solution. 😊 And he said, “Please make a small hole in the ground, put this mango, close it and pour water everyday. It will become tree and you will have lot of mangoes and all three of you can enjoy forever. Eternally! These guys never give temporary solutions or immediate solutions. They always go for eternal solutions. Anyhow, but this guy did not tell the time also, time limit also. The monkeys obeyed. They did the same way. They planted the seed, they planted the mango and now all three of them are taking turn to take care of that plant, or take care of that place. One guy takes care of watering, other guy puts little manure, the third guy is security. Whole day and night he has to stand there.
So, work is going on. One month over, two months over, six months over the seed did not sprout, there was no plant. Now these three guys have started suspecting each other. “I think this guy is not doing his job properly.” One started telling, “I think you are not putting the water properly.” “No, no you are not putting the manure properly.” “No no I think you are not taking care of the mango, somebody has stolen it.” The third guy said, “No, nobody has stolen it.” The other two monkeys asked, “How? How”? “Everyday I am opening it and seeing whether it has sprouted or not. I know it is there inside because everyday I am checking.” Understand just the water or the manure won't do. You can’t make it happen. You have to create the space and wait.
Many time the clicking does not happen because everyday we dig and see whether it has clicked or not. The satori does not happen, the clicking does not happen because of the pressure we create. Just like this monkey everyday we try to see, “I think still enlightenment has not happened, still satori is not happening.” Understand, whenever you come and ask Me, “Swamiji, I am meditating for so long and still enlightenment is not happening.” You are doing the job of third monkey. You are digging and seeing the mango everyday 😊. You can’t make it happen, you can’t do anything aggressively. You can only create the space and wait with a deep passiveness. A deep patience and the passive waiting after creating the space, that is the only thing possible.
These Zen kaons are created for that. Even our mantras are created for that. This mantras also when you repeat suddenly it clicks. I tell people repeat this word unclutching, unclutch… unclutch. Even you can use it as a mantra. Of course, if you understand the truth that is more than enough. Even if you don’t understand, try to use that as a mantra. Suddenly you will see that it clicks and you understand the truth behind that one word. Truth behind that unclutching. I always tell people when you get that satori, that clicking, you are initiated. That moment only initiation happens. That is what I call by the word ‘initiation’ means the transmission of the lamp has happened.
Here Shiva is giving wonderful shloka, wonderful sutra, which can give, which can create the new understanding about the life and death. Because this sutra is directly related to presence and absence.
Let Me read the translation. ‘Feel an object or person, the presence in front of you’, means the touch or by seeing through your eyes, feel the presence. The next word says, ‘feel it not just seeing’. Next step, ‘feel the absence of all other objects but this one.’
Understand, step by step let Me give the translation. Feeling the presence of an object or a person. Second step: feeling the absence of other objects.
First feeling the presence of one object or a person.
Second step: feeling the absence of all other object and persons except this one.
Third step: feeling the absence of this one also and centering on yourself, realize paramasthithihi - dhyayato layah. Let you disappear into enlightenment into the state of meditation.
See, Shiva is such a great person, such a great Master, He gives techniques for all kinds of human beings and all situations. Yesterday the technique is for people who are in pain or suffering. Today the technique is for people who are in love… on the way to pain 😊. People who are in joy, He is giving technique even for them. Understand, that is the greatness of Shiva. Shiva is life positive. He is not telling you ‘only for people who renounce the world I will give meditation technique.’ No. Buddha would’ve told that. Mahavira would’ve said that. But Shiva is life positive. He is giving techniques for all kinds of human beings. This technique is for the people who are in love with some object or with some person.
Understand, I am not saying ‘if you were in love with somebody, if you had experienced deep love to some object’. Then this technique won't help. If you are now, currently in love with some object or some person. Please understand when I say ‘being in love’ I do not mean the legal so called social system. No. You are legally committed or you are supposed to love somebody. No.
It's like a… just two days ago I got a letter from a devotee. That person was telling, “Swamiji, ten minutes we wait before you come, that ten minutes looks such a long time. Every second I am just looking at the door. But after that I sit for two hours not once I even think about looking at the door. What is happening, what happens to me? That ten minute I am not able to wait and that two-three hours I don’t even know how the time passes.” Means, the number of thoughts is more when you wait. That is why you feel boredom, tired and the number of thoughts are less when you are in the presence, means your kshana becomes big. If your kshana becomes big in somebody’s presence or in some object’s presence, you are in love with that object or that person. This is the scale, understand this is the scale to measure whether you or in love with that person or object. If you are in love with some person or object this technique is for you. Please try this. This is for you, try this. Just like how I said yesterday, if you are having some strong pain or suffering that technique will help you to achieve enlightenment. This technique will help you if you are deeply in love with some object or some person. If you are not in love with some object or person, no God can help you😊; not only Shiva, nobody can help you.
Deeper Understandings from teachings of Shiva
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the greatness of Shiva.  Shiva is a Master for all kinds of beings -- his compassion is infinite and He does not say No to any being.  The uniqueness of Shiva Sutras is the conscious levels in which you are living will determine what you can get out of it.  Therefore these sutras can never be misused or misinterpreted.  The same sutra will give you a whole new understanding to you if you grow.  It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready.
===Technique & Meditation: Using Love and Anger to fall in===
==Link to Video: ==  
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "You Are the Source", Swamiji  takes us through a wonderful technique from Shiva to use your emotions of love and anger to fall into the ultimate inner space.
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Technique & Meditation: Using Love and Anger to fall in
Sadasiva samārambhām
Shankaracharya madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
This technique gives almost solution for all problems, all the psychological problems which you are facing in your relationship or in anything this technique will completely solve. One more thing, but the purpose of this technique is not just solving your psychological problems. Please understand, meditation is not just replacing some medication or some psychological solutions; it has got more sanctity associated with it. It is too sacred, it is too sacred. One utility of meditation is psychological solutions. It's one side effect. You having physical health or mental health is just one side effect of a mediation; that is not the main effect of mediation or mediation is not just that. It is far far more than just physical or mental solutions.
This meditation apart from solving the psychological problems will straight away take you to the enlightenment. Because the day before yesterday sutra and yesterday sutra… see day before yesterday Shiva was teaching us to work on pain and suffering. Yesterday He was teaching us to work on love and joy. When you are in totally love with somebody or some object… actually, I will take few minutes to answer yesterday somebody’s question and it is related to today’s subject also. See, the pain and suffering, love and joy, today Shiva is dealing with the situation - when you get a mood against someone or for someone how to use that situation and achieve enlightenment.
Understand you will have this situations more time than yesterday and day before yesterday's problems. He is taking us step by step to the deeper and deeper levels of our inner space. Every day He is analyzing different situations and giving us techniques. Today He is taking us further deeper how to work on you when a mood against someone or for someone arises in you. Only a person who has achieved that state can tell this great word - ‘let you be centered on you. Let you go to the source of the emotion from where it arise, it came’; whether you are suppressing or expressing the other becomes important.
Understand one more thing, there are some people who are teaching you “don’t express the anger, express compassion, visualize love and compassion.” Again the other person is the center. Some people teaching “don’t express anger or compassion, just suppress, control.” Again in your inner world you will be remembering the other person, because suppression means the other is there. Here Shiva is not teaching you to show compassion or He is not teaching you to suppress. He is just teaching you just turn the whole direction.
Attend the anger, handle the anger as an energy, don’t bother about the reason or the person. Neither bother about the reason or the goal towards which it is arising, it is raising, it is coming out. Drop both and just turn towards the energy, handle the anger as an energy, not as an emotion, not just as an emotion. If you handle it as an emotion you will ask for… you will try to correct the reason and try to change it as a compassion. No. If you try to handle from the person of the …. from the angle of the person you will try to suppress without pouring on him; again the difficulty. No. Neither reason nor person. He is asking you to handle the emotion as an energy, anger as an energy. Go to the source from where that energy came out suddenly you will see you are centered and you are not moved by any of these emotions. You are not moved by any of these thoughts. You are not moved any of these Samskaras, engraved memories.
First thing and last thing which you need to remember is, other should not have any place in your inner space. Relax from other. Relax, unclutch from other. Understand, whether it’s a mood for someone or against someone, your so called love or so called anger. One more thing, even your love is not worthy of expression. 😀Understand. People ask Me, “Swamiji, should I not express my love also.” Be very clear your love is not so worthy. Just turn towards the source you will radiate love without even remembering or thinking that you are having love. If you think you have love, be very clear it’s not love. Love or compassion or enlightenment will happen, you will not even be aware that you have love. Innocence means you will not even be aware you are innocent. The fellows who are thinking that they are innocent are the most crooked guys. No, really. They will be the most cunning. I always tell people, when you become enlightened you will not even remember you are enlightened or not. You will not even have an idea you are enlightened or not. You will not have doubt whether you are enlightened or not. Same way you will not have the idea you are enlightened or not. You will just be. The fellows who are thinking ‘I am loving, I am radiating love, I am radiating compassion’, they will have plastic smile, ugly, dirty.
So, let us do this meditation.
Try to create anger, because anger is more possible for you than love. Let's work with the easiest method. Anger, intense, let your whole body and mind and being burn for few minutes. Then just remove the person or that object and turn the whole energy towards you, towards the source. You don’t even have to create the anger. If you just sit quietly you will have it. 😀 There is so much inside. Just allow them to come out and you will see you are just overflowing. 😀
So, we will work on this technique to experience what really Shiva wants to teach through this technique. And practice it whenever anger happens to you, whenever that love happens to you, whenever a mood for someone or against happens to you practice.
Now I am trying to give you the glimpse of this technique. That is why I am asking you to create the anger; but practice when it happens, it will be more authentic, to teach you, to show so that you can practice it. Just to equip you with this weapon with this technique, I am asking you to create. But in your regular life do not create and practice, because you will not be authentic in creating even anger. When it happens, the mood for or against someone then practice it. Then do it. So, we will practice, please just relax. No, No, No, if you relax you will not get angry, better sit in a tensed way. 😀
Close your eyes. Sit with all the tension and pain. That’s good. Because only if you are feeling uncomfortable inside you will create anger. Close your eyes. Just remember your intimate enemy. Just remember the person who really creates anger in you or many persons or the objects or the situations even situations can create anger. Sometime remember you, that itself will create enough anger in you. You are enough to create enough anger in you. 😀
Let you create the intense anger. When you try to create actually you will understand you are not able to create, because nothing is honest.
Just create intensely, whoever creates anger or whatever situations creates anger in you, create. Remember all of them, all those situations, all those objects create the pressure, that emotion, anger energy in you.
Now forget the object, forget the person, forget the situations which creates anger in you. Just go to the source of the energy. Just see from where that emotion is rising. Just feel the heat in the body, just feel the irritation in the body. Go to the source from where you are experiencing that. See the source of that heat. Go to the source of that irritation, go to the source of that anger. It can take you deeper than any other meditation. It can take you to the deepest level.
Go to the Source, from where that heat is rising, from where that irritation is happening.
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, "You Are the Source", Swamiji  takes us through a wonderful technique from Shiva to use your emotions of love and anger to fall into the ultimate inner space.
[23: 03]
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Aum Nithyanandam. Relax. Understand the essence. Today I just wanted to tell you, give you the idea how to work with this technique. That is the reason we did this technique. But only when you do it, when the emotion is happening you are supposed to do. Only then you will see the deepest levels of the experience. You can't create it just like that. When it is happening use this technique. Use the opportunity and use this technique to center yourself.
The essence is, when a mood against someone or for some one arises, do not place it on the person in question but remain centered. Go to the source of the emotion of the energy whether it is love or anger. Just go to the source, do not express, do not try to change the emotion by using different visualizations, do not suppress. Just go to the source of the emotion.
So, one more important thing, try to spend your energy and time only reading the books of enlightened beings. Do not read or listen to the words of unenlightened beings. I always tell people, you have… your inner chattering is completely corrupted. Too much viruses. Clear them, do the reformatting by constantly listening to these words of enlightened Masters and reading those books even in the car. Try to play constantly some discourse so that your inner chattering will be towards nivrutti not pravrutti, towards nivrutti not pravrutti.
Understand these personality development guys even though they are saying some solution, it is again pravrutti means towards the other person. Only an enlightened Masters words are towards nivrutti towards yourself. So, always try to listen these great words and read these books so that chitta shuddhi will happen in you. Chitta suddhi purification of your engraved memories, Samskaras.
So, let these great words of Mahadeva and the techniques of Mahadeva, Anandeshwara give you the ultimate experience. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda .
Thank you
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Meditation Technique for Merging onto Yourself
===Meditation Technique for Merging onto Yourself===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji expounds on this sutras from Shiva.  This technique, Swamiji tells us is for those who are in love with an object or person.  He further elaborates what the true meaning of the word love rather than the societal meaning for this word.  It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready.  Swamiji goes on to say that Shiva is the only Master who accepts you as you are and provides techniques for all possible human beings.  This sutra if fully understood will give us the basic science of devotion,  falling in tune with the master or the feeling of being connected to a deity.  
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji expounds on this sutras from Shiva.  This technique, Swamiji tells us is for those who are in love with an object or person.  He further elaborates what the true meaning of the word love rather than the societal meaning for this word.  It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready.  Swamiji goes on to say that Shiva is the only Master who accepts you as you are and provides techniques for all possible human beings.  This sutra if fully understood will give us the basic science of devotion,  falling in tune with the master or the feeling of being connected to a deity.  
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If you cannot experience love you cannot experience god
===If you cannot experience love you cannot experience god===
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the story from Ramanuja's life.  He goes on to tell us that Ramanuja, Shankara and Madhva  created the three major philosophies that are alive in India.  Through this story from Ramanuja's life Swamiji teaches us that if we cannot experience love to an object or person in front of us, we cannot experience god.  Swamiji goes on to give us greater insights into why we are not able to open up completely and resort to various alternatives to experiencing love.   
From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda.  In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the story from Ramanuja's life.  He goes on to tell us that Ramanuja, Shankara and Madhva  created the three major philosophies that are alive in India.  Through this story from Ramanuja's life Swamiji teaches us that if we cannot experience love to an object or person in front of us, we cannot experience god.  Swamiji goes on to give us greater insights into why we are not able to open up completely and resort to various alternatives to experiencing love.   
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Latest revision as of 16:35, 4 September 2022


Deep Truths on Ego Fulfillment by Conquering Senses


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the ego fulfillment that arises from acts such as celibacy. If these acts are a step towards enlightenment and it naturally happens during this path they are perfectly OK, but mostly they are used by humans to give them a strong ego fulfillment.

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Deeper Understandings from teachings of Shiva


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the greatness of Shiva. Shiva is a Master for all kinds of beings -- his compassion is infinite and He does not say No to any being. The uniqueness of Shiva Sutras is the conscious levels in which you are living will determine what you can get out of it. Therefore these sutras can never be misused or misinterpreted. The same sutra will give you a whole new understanding to you if you grow. It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready.

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Video Audio



I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject is ‘See Light Within’. We are entering into the next sutra, next aphorism by Mahadeva, Anandeshwara. Understand, yesterday Mahadeva, Shiva was giving the sutra to work whenever you face pain, whenever you face suffering. Now, today He is giving you the meditation technique to work whenever you are deeply in love or you are lost in joy. How to use that situation to achieve enlightenment. Shiva is such a great Master, He is giving us the technique to use every situation towards enlightenment. Understand, He is giving us techniques for all human beings. Human beings who came, gone, who came, who are here, who are yet to come; for all human beings He is giving meditation techniques. He is giving techniques to use all possible situations. That is the greatness of Mahadeva. We call Him as Jagadguru; in the Shiva Ashtottara namavali we call Him as Jagadguru. Jagadguru means who can guide the whole world, who doesn’t say, ‘no’ to anybody. He doesn’t say, ‘no’. No ‘no’. Any person, any situation He has got technique to help you towards enlightenment.


Today He is giving you the technique to work if you are lost in love, if you are lost in joy; using that situation, that mood to experience enlightenment, to achieve the super conscious state - Paramasthitihi. Yesterday He was giving us the technique to use when you face pain or suffering. Today He is giving us the technique, the next technique He is giving us to use when you are in love, when you are in great joy, when you are lost in the tremendous pleasure and joy. Let’s see the sutra, then we will see the translation and we will try to internalize it by understanding it.


Dhamaantha kshobhasambhoota sukshmagni tilakakritim Bindum Shikante hridaye layante dhyayato layah I always feel, the beauty of these great verses is such you can't translate, because the moment you translate you can express only one dimension of these great words. See, these words are such, you can give hundreds of meanings to these words. Especially Sanskrit is such a poetic language you can break the words in four - five ways and the sutras are written in such an amazing language, anyway you break you will get a new-new meaning and new-new sutra out of it, new-new technique out of it.


That is why Mahadeva says…. there was a great Master who wrote commentary on this Shiva sutras. He says, in which level you are there from that level you will understand these sutras. See, traditionally we always believe that great knowledge should be given only to a qualified person who really seeks for it, who really wants it. Even in Katopanishad Yama says…Yama Dharma warns Nachiketa, his disciple, this knowledge cannot be given to a person who is not sincere. If it is given to a person who is not sincere, the person who is giving his head will burst. He will die. Only after thoroughly checking the sincerity of a disciple this knowledge should be transmitted, this knowledge should be shared. Here Mahadeva, Anandeshwara is not putting any condition; He is straightaway opening up all the techniques, much more stronger and deeper than Katopanishad.


Mahadeva opens here all the sutras. One important thing you should know: Shiva Sutra does not have any prerequisite, any morality, no yama, no niyama, means the moral prerequisites. Patanjali speaks about moral prerequisites yama, niyama - ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, aparigraha. He gives so many conditions. Practice this then get all the powers. Only then he even talks about techniques to achieve extraordinary powers. Here Anandehwara is not talking about any yama or niyama; straight away he is opening with the technique. The first sutra is Devi’s questions, the moment Devi finished the questions, Shiva is answering. Mahadeva is speaking. He is straightaway opening the techniques. Naturally people will think there is a danger of this knowledge being misused. The bhashyakara commentator writes: No, because the sutras are written such a way, only if you are qualified, if you are pure enough, you will be able to understand. The level in which, the plane in which, the conscious level in which you are staying, only to that extent you will be able to relate with this sutra, only that much you will understand. The same line will give new meaning, new understanding if you grow.


Sometime people come and tell Me, “Swamiji, two years ago I heard Your lecture but that time I didn’t understand much. Somehow I started meditating. Now if I hear the same discourses, if I read the same books I understand so much. I feel how did I miss, how I couldn’t understand all these things in those days, that time.” I tell them you understand new things, you understand things in a matured way, because you have become matured. If you grow, the ability to learn from the same books also will grow. The same lines will teach you new things. The same words will awaken new energy in you, because now you are ready. Now you are ready.


This Shiva sutras also, the plane from which you are staying, you will understand in that level. If you start moving to a different plane, if you raise yourself to a different level of consciousness, you will understand suddenly new doors are opening. The same sutra with a new energy. I always tell people, what you listen is not the real thing. How many ideas just clicks, how many gives you the feeling, “Oh, this is what I was waiting. Yes! This is what I should listen. He is just exactly telling what I want to listen.” How many times you get that glimpse of satori, that click happens in you, that is the real thing. How many times you feel that awakening, “Yes, this is the thing which I want, this is what I want to listen.” See, whenever you just feel like sitting straight, I have seen sometimes if I speak on some ideas, suddenly the whole group will sit straight; means, the idea is going in, the idea is being digested. Now you need more attention. You will understand from the space where you are staying. The same words suddenly will throw new light because you have become a new being.


For My words, if you use your dictionary there will always be confusion. If your consciousness raises, you will use My dictionary for My words. Then new meaning will happen, the new understanding will happen in you, the true understanding which is supposed to happen. I always tell people, I tell them, please meditate even if you don’t understand the words; because the meditation will develop your inner space, it will raise your consciousness. At one day you will be able to digest, understand, realize these words. Sometime you catch the joke, the joke clicks after two-three days, after two-three days only the joke clicks. A small story: Sardarji joke. They are such a nice people they can laugh at themselves. You see, you need intelligence to laugh at yourself, you need arrogance to laugh at others. You need intelligence and innocence to laugh at yourself. Only innocent people can laugh at themself but arrogant people will be always laughing at others.


There was a competition if you don’t laugh for one hundred jokes, you will receive million dollar. First one guy came, he was able to manage forty jokes because five people are sitting and constantly telling jokes. Forty jokes he managed but afterwards he couldn’t do anything he laughed. Lost! Second guy came, managed sixty. Third guy came, somehow managed eighty. One Sardarji came, he managed 96, by 97 little smile, very slowly started in his face. Wife was sitting in the front row. She was shouting, “Hey, keep quiet. Close your mouth. Stop! Stop! No smile, no laughter. One million…one million! Out of fear he just closed the mouth, somehow managed 98 also, but 99 he was not able to. Started laughing, uproarious laughter and you know how they laugh…full laughter. And he laughed. Anyhow lost the game, came down, wife was shouting, ‘What! You managed 99 one more minute, one million dollar! Why did you laugh? He said, ‘No…now only I understood the first joke!’😊


Understand you may catch it, the clicking should happen. You may catch after two-three days when you are relaxed. Usually you catch the jokes only in bathrooms. Only in bathroom when you take bath suddenly you remember and start laughing; because there you are liberated, free, ignorance also comes out. Clicking, catching. Same way if you meditate these words will suddenly click and create that satori. See, in Zen tradition, Buddhist tradition, they have something called kaons, Zen kaon. They will just give you one word and you are supposed to meditate on it. Just like our mantra, traditional mantra, you are supposed to constantly think about it. They will tell you ‘Find out the sound of one hand clapping.’ How can sound come by one hand clapping? And you have to go on contemplate, meditate on it. Suddenly when you are in bathroom, maybe, when you are really relaxed that clicking will happen, that understanding will happen. That is what they call satori. First spiritual experience, going beyond logic, means your logic is tired, you give space for your Self, for your Being, for your Consciousness to overpower you.


Your schools, colleges, universities, everything teaches you to sharpen your logic. Constantly you try to bring everything under the control of your logic. You see, gathering knowledge means bringing things under your logic, understanding things according to your logic that is what is gathering knowledge. All your degree, whether it is bachelors, masters or doctorate, anything, it's nothing but trying to bring that part of the knowledge under your logic, that part of the understanding under your logic. But this so called logical people doesn’t understand an important thing: you can’t bring mind under your logic because logic is one part of your mind. How can one part of you understand the whole of you? No! See, this whole book can understand one page, but one page can’t understand the whole book. Logic is one part of your mind. So, your mind can understand logic but logic can never understand mind. That is why this psychiatry, psychotherapy, anything related to mind can never be mastered by logic. That is why in these kind of professions a logical approach will never give a clear-cut solution. See with that patient if you have dealt in that way, you cant use the same technique, or same thing on some other patient. No! Generalizing is not possible in the field of mind and helping the mental disorders. Generalizing is possible in the physical disorders but it is not possible in mental disorders. Generalization is impossible. Because your logic cannot understand your whole mind.


One more small story: One guy, big philanthropist who gives… donates lot of money went to a social service organization which was running a mental hospital, asylum, lunatic asylum. The caretaker, the doctor, sorry here the caretaker word has got different meaning 😊. US slang has got different meaning for that word. The person who takes care of the hospital, asylum, he was taking that philanthropist around the hospital and showing. In one room there was a patient. All over the room, in blood he has written: Rosy, Rosy, Rosy, Rosy. The doctor said this guy become mad because he fell in love with that girl and he was not able to marry her. And he took the philanthropist to the next cell and he was explaining about all the patients how he became mad and how she became mad and what happened to him and what happened to her, all the stories. In the end they saw one more patient, he also wrote all over his room same way in the blood Rosy, Rosy, Rosy. The philanthropist asked: “This guy also fell in love with her and did not marry her, was not able to marry her?” The doctor said, “No, he fell in love with her but he got married to her.” 😊


You can’t generalize. You can’t generalize in the field of the mind because logic is only one part. Part can’t understand the whole. Understand, if your logic cannot understand the mind itself then can it understand, how can it understand consciousness, which is beyond its reach? From the young age you are constantly taught to bring everything under the control of your logic. You are taught to bring everything under that one umbrella - logic. In the eastern tradition you are taught to expand the umbrella, so that the whole world can come under it. But in the so called outer science, so called logic-oriented educations, logic-oriented education system, it teaches you to bring everything under the control of logic. So, naturally you reduce the world. You do not expand ‘you’, you do not expand your umbrella, you reduce the world to keep it under your umbrella. [22:38] The Vedic tradition, the conscious based education system teaches you to expand your umbrella so that the whole world can be under it. But the logic based education system teaches to bring the whole world under your umbrella, means it's trying to make your world small. That is why constantly you analyze, analyze, analyze means creating divisions, divisions, divisions. Any specialization, trying to bring things under your control, under your logic naturally you make it smaller and smaller and smaller. Constantly you are taught to bring things under your control. But this Zen kaons do the opposite work; they tire your logic. Your logic will be completely tired and suddenly you will create a space, you will allow the consciousness to open, you will allow the relaxation to happen. That moment only suddenly you realize, that click happens.


I always emphasize on meditation because the possibility for that click, satori, that unclutching is more in meditation. During meditation the possibility for satori, the click, the unclutching will be more. You can’t make, directly you can't do anything for that unclutching to happen. Directly you can't do anything for that click to happen. No! You can only create a space where the possibility is more, that’s all. You can’t do anything for a seed to grow. You can create a space, the possibility so that the chances are more. That’s all. Directly you can’t do anything. You can’t just open the seed and take the plant out. No. You can’t do any operation, no. You can’t even open the seed and…forget about opening the seed and seeing. You can't even open the ground and see again and again whether it has sprouted or not.


Small story: Three monkeys somehow they got one mango. If one monkey gets one mango you know what will be the fate of the mango. All three and all three of them are fighting. They want some judge who will really do the fair job of sharing that mango to all these three guys. Somehow they found a enlightened person, they went to that person and asked, “Master, please help us to share this mango.” And you know how these enlightened guys work. They create more complication. 😀 He said, “You see, this one mango, all three of you can’t enjoy, and it's really difficult. All three of you can't feel fulfilled. See, these guys don’t give immediate solution. They go for eternal solution. 😊 And he said, “Please make a small hole in the ground, put this mango, close it and pour water everyday. It will become tree and you will have lot of mangoes and all three of you can enjoy forever. Eternally! These guys never give temporary solutions or immediate solutions. They always go for eternal solutions. Anyhow, but this guy did not tell the time also, time limit also. The monkeys obeyed. They did the same way. They planted the seed, they planted the mango and now all three of them are taking turn to take care of that plant, or take care of that place. One guy takes care of watering, other guy puts little manure, the third guy is security. Whole day and night he has to stand there.


So, work is going on. One month over, two months over, six months over the seed did not sprout, there was no plant. Now these three guys have started suspecting each other. “I think this guy is not doing his job properly.” One started telling, “I think you are not putting the water properly.” “No, no you are not putting the manure properly.” “No no I think you are not taking care of the mango, somebody has stolen it.” The third guy said, “No, nobody has stolen it.” The other two monkeys asked, “How? How”? “Everyday I am opening it and seeing whether it has sprouted or not. I know it is there inside because everyday I am checking.” Understand just the water or the manure won't do. You can’t make it happen. You have to create the space and wait.


Many time the clicking does not happen because everyday we dig and see whether it has clicked or not. The satori does not happen, the clicking does not happen because of the pressure we create. Just like this monkey everyday we try to see, “I think still enlightenment has not happened, still satori is not happening.” Understand, whenever you come and ask Me, “Swamiji, I am meditating for so long and still enlightenment is not happening.” You are doing the job of third monkey. You are digging and seeing the mango everyday 😊. You can’t make it happen, you can’t do anything aggressively. You can only create the space and wait with a deep passiveness. A deep patience and the passive waiting after creating the space, that is the only thing possible.


These Zen kaons are created for that. Even our mantras are created for that. This mantras also when you repeat suddenly it clicks. I tell people repeat this word unclutching, unclutch… unclutch. Even you can use it as a mantra. Of course, if you understand the truth that is more than enough. Even if you don’t understand, try to use that as a mantra. Suddenly you will see that it clicks and you understand the truth behind that one word. Truth behind that unclutching. I always tell people when you get that satori, that clicking, you are initiated. That moment only initiation happens. That is what I call by the word ‘initiation’ means the transmission of the lamp has happened.


Here Shiva is giving wonderful shloka, wonderful sutra, which can give, which can create the new understanding about the life and death. Because this sutra is directly related to presence and absence. Let Me read the translation. ‘Feel an object or person, the presence in front of you’, means the touch or by seeing through your eyes, feel the presence. The next word says, ‘feel it not just seeing’. Next step, ‘feel the absence of all other objects but this one.’ Understand, step by step let Me give the translation. Feeling the presence of an object or a person. Second step: feeling the absence of other objects. First feeling the presence of one object or a person. Second step: feeling the absence of all other object and persons except this one. Third step: feeling the absence of this one also and centering on yourself, realize paramasthithihi - dhyayato layah. Let you disappear into enlightenment into the state of meditation.


See, Shiva is such a great person, such a great Master, He gives techniques for all kinds of human beings and all situations. Yesterday the technique is for people who are in pain or suffering. Today the technique is for people who are in love… on the way to pain 😊. People who are in joy, He is giving technique even for them. Understand, that is the greatness of Shiva. Shiva is life positive. He is not telling you ‘only for people who renounce the world I will give meditation technique.’ No. Buddha would’ve told that. Mahavira would’ve said that. But Shiva is life positive. He is giving techniques for all kinds of human beings. This technique is for the people who are in love with some object or with some person. Understand, I am not saying ‘if you were in love with somebody, if you had experienced deep love to some object’. Then this technique won't help. If you are now, currently in love with some object or some person. Please understand when I say ‘being in love’ I do not mean the legal so called social system. No. You are legally committed or you are supposed to love somebody. No.


It's like a… just two days ago I got a letter from a devotee. That person was telling, “Swamiji, ten minutes we wait before you come, that ten minutes looks such a long time. Every second I am just looking at the door. But after that I sit for two hours not once I even think about looking at the door. What is happening, what happens to me? That ten minute I am not able to wait and that two-three hours I don’t even know how the time passes.” Means, the number of thoughts is more when you wait. That is why you feel boredom, tired and the number of thoughts are less when you are in the presence, means your kshana becomes big. If your kshana becomes big in somebody’s presence or in some object’s presence, you are in love with that object or that person. This is the scale, understand this is the scale to measure whether you or in love with that person or object. If you are in love with some person or object this technique is for you. Please try this. This is for you, try this. Just like how I said yesterday, if you are having some strong pain or suffering that technique will help you to achieve enlightenment. This technique will help you if you are deeply in love with some object or some person. If you are not in love with some object or person, no God can help you😊; not only Shiva, nobody can help you.



Technique & Meditation: Using Love and Anger to fall in


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, "You Are the Source", Swamiji takes us through a wonderful technique from Shiva to use your emotions of love and anger to fall into the ultimate inner space.

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Video Audio



Sadasiva samārambhām Shankaracharya madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


This technique gives almost solution for all problems, all the psychological problems which you are facing in your relationship or in anything this technique will completely solve. One more thing, but the purpose of this technique is not just solving your psychological problems. Please understand, meditation is not just replacing some medication or some psychological solutions; it has got more sanctity associated with it. It is too sacred, it is too sacred. One utility of meditation is psychological solutions. It's one side effect. You having physical health or mental health is just one side effect of a mediation; that is not the main effect of mediation or mediation is not just that. It is far far more than just physical or mental solutions.


This meditation apart from solving the psychological problems will straight away take you to the enlightenment. Because the day before yesterday sutra and yesterday sutra… see day before yesterday Shiva was teaching us to work on pain and suffering. Yesterday He was teaching us to work on love and joy. When you are in totally love with somebody or some object… actually, I will take few minutes to answer yesterday somebody’s question and it is related to today’s subject also. See, the pain and suffering, love and joy, today Shiva is dealing with the situation - when you get a mood against someone or for someone how to use that situation and achieve enlightenment. Understand you will have this situations more time than yesterday and day before yesterday's problems. He is taking us step by step to the deeper and deeper levels of our inner space. Every day He is analyzing different situations and giving us techniques. Today He is taking us further deeper how to work on you when a mood against someone or for someone arises in you. Only a person who has achieved that state can tell this great word - ‘let you be centered on you. Let you go to the source of the emotion from where it arise, it came’; whether you are suppressing or expressing the other becomes important.


Understand one more thing, there are some people who are teaching you “don’t express the anger, express compassion, visualize love and compassion.” Again the other person is the center. Some people teaching “don’t express anger or compassion, just suppress, control.” Again in your inner world you will be remembering the other person, because suppression means the other is there. Here Shiva is not teaching you to show compassion or He is not teaching you to suppress. He is just teaching you just turn the whole direction.


Attend the anger, handle the anger as an energy, don’t bother about the reason or the person. Neither bother about the reason or the goal towards which it is arising, it is raising, it is coming out. Drop both and just turn towards the energy, handle the anger as an energy, not as an emotion, not just as an emotion. If you handle it as an emotion you will ask for… you will try to correct the reason and try to change it as a compassion. No. If you try to handle from the person of the …. from the angle of the person you will try to suppress without pouring on him; again the difficulty. No. Neither reason nor person. He is asking you to handle the emotion as an energy, anger as an energy. Go to the source from where that energy came out suddenly you will see you are centered and you are not moved by any of these emotions. You are not moved by any of these thoughts. You are not moved any of these Samskaras, engraved memories.


First thing and last thing which you need to remember is, other should not have any place in your inner space. Relax from other. Relax, unclutch from other. Understand, whether it’s a mood for someone or against someone, your so called love or so called anger. One more thing, even your love is not worthy of expression. 😀Understand. People ask Me, “Swamiji, should I not express my love also.” Be very clear your love is not so worthy. Just turn towards the source you will radiate love without even remembering or thinking that you are having love. If you think you have love, be very clear it’s not love. Love or compassion or enlightenment will happen, you will not even be aware that you have love. Innocence means you will not even be aware you are innocent. The fellows who are thinking that they are innocent are the most crooked guys. No, really. They will be the most cunning. I always tell people, when you become enlightened you will not even remember you are enlightened or not. You will not even have an idea you are enlightened or not. You will not have doubt whether you are enlightened or not. Same way you will not have the idea you are enlightened or not. You will just be. The fellows who are thinking ‘I am loving, I am radiating love, I am radiating compassion’, they will have plastic smile, ugly, dirty.


So, let us do this meditation. Try to create anger, because anger is more possible for you than love. Let's work with the easiest method. Anger, intense, let your whole body and mind and being burn for few minutes. Then just remove the person or that object and turn the whole energy towards you, towards the source. You don’t even have to create the anger. If you just sit quietly you will have it. 😀 There is so much inside. Just allow them to come out and you will see you are just overflowing. 😀 So, we will work on this technique to experience what really Shiva wants to teach through this technique. And practice it whenever anger happens to you, whenever that love happens to you, whenever a mood for someone or against happens to you practice.


Now I am trying to give you the glimpse of this technique. That is why I am asking you to create the anger; but practice when it happens, it will be more authentic, to teach you, to show so that you can practice it. Just to equip you with this weapon with this technique, I am asking you to create. But in your regular life do not create and practice, because you will not be authentic in creating even anger. When it happens, the mood for or against someone then practice it. Then do it. So, we will practice, please just relax. No, No, No, if you relax you will not get angry, better sit in a tensed way. 😀 Close your eyes. Sit with all the tension and pain. That’s good. Because only if you are feeling uncomfortable inside you will create anger. Close your eyes. Just remember your intimate enemy. Just remember the person who really creates anger in you or many persons or the objects or the situations even situations can create anger. Sometime remember you, that itself will create enough anger in you. You are enough to create enough anger in you. 😀


Let you create the intense anger. When you try to create actually you will understand you are not able to create, because nothing is honest. Music.


Just create intensely, whoever creates anger or whatever situations creates anger in you, create. Remember all of them, all those situations, all those objects create the pressure, that emotion, anger energy in you. Music.


Now forget the object, forget the person, forget the situations which creates anger in you. Just go to the source of the energy. Just see from where that emotion is rising. Just feel the heat in the body, just feel the irritation in the body. Go to the source from where you are experiencing that. See the source of that heat. Go to the source of that irritation, go to the source of that anger. It can take you deeper than any other meditation. It can take you to the deepest level. Music.


Go to the Source, from where that heat is rising, from where that irritation is happening. Music.

[23: 03]

Aum Nithyanandam. Relax. Understand the essence. Today I just wanted to tell you, give you the idea how to work with this technique. That is the reason we did this technique. But only when you do it, when the emotion is happening you are supposed to do. Only then you will see the deepest levels of the experience. You can't create it just like that. When it is happening use this technique. Use the opportunity and use this technique to center yourself. The essence is, when a mood against someone or for some one arises, do not place it on the person in question but remain centered. Go to the source of the emotion of the energy whether it is love or anger. Just go to the source, do not express, do not try to change the emotion by using different visualizations, do not suppress. Just go to the source of the emotion.


So, one more important thing, try to spend your energy and time only reading the books of enlightened beings. Do not read or listen to the words of unenlightened beings. I always tell people, you have… your inner chattering is completely corrupted. Too much viruses. Clear them, do the reformatting by constantly listening to these words of enlightened Masters and reading those books even in the car. Try to play constantly some discourse so that your inner chattering will be towards nivrutti not pravrutti, towards nivrutti not pravrutti. Understand these personality development guys even though they are saying some solution, it is again pravrutti means towards the other person. Only an enlightened Masters words are towards nivrutti towards yourself. So, always try to listen these great words and read these books so that chitta shuddhi will happen in you. Chitta suddhi purification of your engraved memories, Samskaras. So, let these great words of Mahadeva and the techniques of Mahadeva, Anandeshwara give you the ultimate experience. Let you all achieve and radiate the eternal bliss Nithyananda . Thank you



Meditation Technique for Merging onto Yourself


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji expounds on this sutras from Shiva. This technique, Swamiji tells us is for those who are in love with an object or person. He further elaborates what the true meaning of the word love rather than the societal meaning for this word. It will awaken a whole new energy in us since we are now ready. Swamiji goes on to say that Shiva is the only Master who accepts you as you are and provides techniques for all possible human beings. This sutra if fully understood will give us the basic science of devotion, falling in tune with the master or the feeling of being connected to a deity.

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If you cannot experience love you cannot experience god


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, " See Light Within", Swamiji tells us about the story from Ramanuja's life. He goes on to tell us that Ramanuja, Shankara and Madhva created the three major philosophies that are alive in India. Through this story from Ramanuja's life Swamiji teaches us that if we cannot experience love to an object or person in front of us, we cannot experience god. Swamiji goes on to give us greater insights into why we are not able to open up completely and resort to various alternatives to experiencing love.

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