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Cosmic Principle of SHAKTI || Shakti initiation || Day 19 of Mahasadashivohum ||
Cosmic Principle of SHAKTI || Shakti initiation || Day 19 of Mahasadashivohum ||
==Narration ==
==Narration ==
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle [[Shakti]] during the everyday live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. This talk was divided into three sections, each entitled as [[Shakti Initiation || Part 1 || MSS || 19 April 2018]], [[Shakti Initiation || Part 2 || MSS || 19 April 2018]] and [[Shakti Initiation || Part 3 || MSS || 19 April 2018]]. In this talk, His Divine Holiness expounded that He is bound by ethics not to do even good to delegates without their conscious permission. Each delegate must give His Divine Holiness the right, the authority, to enter. He assigned delegates to pen down all their frustrations, anger, irritation and boredom over their failures to manifest powers as this will create the consciousness necessary for him to come inside and help. His Divine Holiness asked for a show of hands giving permission for Him to work on their bio-memory, then He briefed delegates on the process, what to expect and how to respond to the [[Shakti]] initiation.   
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle [[Shakti]] during the everyday live public talk - [[Nithyananda Satsang]]. This talk was divided into three sections, each entitled as [[Shakti Initiation || Part 1 || MSS || 19 April 2018]], [[Shakti Initiation || Part 2 || MSS || 19 April 2018]] and [[Shakti Initiation || Part 3 || MSS || 19 April 2018]]. In this talk, His Divine Holiness expounded that He is bound by ethics not to do even good to delegates without their conscious permission. Each delegate must give His Divine Holiness the right, the authority, to enter. He assigned delegates to pen down all their frustrations, anger, irritation and boredom over their failures to manifest powers as this will create the consciousness necessary for him to come inside and help. His Divine Holiness asked for a show of hands giving permission for Him to work on their bio-memory, then He briefed delegates on the process, what to expect and how to respond to the [[Shakti]] initiation.   
==Link to Video: ==  
Shakti Initiation || Part 1 || MSS || 19 April 2018
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It is My ethics, I am bound by a ethics called, I cannot forcibly do even good to you. Mahadeva very clear, very clearly rules out. Even entering into your inner space and awakening the Oneness I cannot do it forcibly. And he also gives an exemption. If you give me a complete right I can do it. Respect to the individual will is so much in our Hindu tradition, because Mahadeva bans, even Guru cannot enter into a place where Grihasta’s reside, where husband and wife are living.
Same way, he bans, even to do power manifestation, I cannot enter in your space unless you give Me the authority, right.
Now, only few minutes, your tiredness, boredom, irritation, anger, frustration, about inability to manifest powers, pen them down. If you see all that, you will understand and you have to give Me permission. You cannot do it on your own.
Understand, you giving permission to Me has to be a conscious decision after understanding you can't make it all by yourself, you need My support. Only then I can enter into the scene. How many of you are understanding? First few minutes, you see, whether you blame yourself or you blame the society or you blame others, sometimes you blame God for not manifesting powers. You blame anyone that is OK. Finally it boils down to one emotion called frustration, or tiredness, or boredom or irritation, or coming to the conclusion - nothing can be done. This is the way.
Some of the best power manifesters in our Sangha struggled so much in the initial level, but once that breakthrough happens, nothing like that. Just few minutes. All the anger, frustration, tiredness, boredom, irritation you have about this unable to manifest powers, everything, pen down, just for you to know. You’re not going to show to anybody. Please use the paper and pen. For you to consciously know what is going on in you. Then we’ll do the next.
Meditation music while participants pen down...
Please, all of you listen, I give you My commitment, keeping Kalabhairava as a witness, if you allow Me to enter in your inner space, I will do only good to your Consciousness. I will not do, not only anything bad, and I also commit with you, through this initiation I will not do anything else like mesmerizing, hypnotizing, all this stupidity. First of all, you are not worthy of getting, mesmerizing and all that. I have nothing to gain from you. And I am very clear, I will only initiate you and awaken your kundalini and give you the Superconscious breakthrough. This is My commitment to all of you. With this commitment, I am asking from you how many of you are ready for Me to enter into your inner space and awaken your Consciousness?
So, whoever has raised the hand, keep your hand raised. So whoever has raised the hand, I accept this as ‘Yes’. So, I make the sankalpa, let Mahasadashiva breathe into everyone who's, who is keeping his hands raised. Now, I’ll start My sankalpa, you can drop your hands now. 
Listen, don’t close your eyes. Because if you close your eyes, you will fall asleep. I am OK even if you are playing video games, I don't have a problem, because I, I’m not going to work on your mind. Understand, I only want your body here, because I am going to work on your biology, your bio-memory. I am going to work on your brain, not on your mind. See, your mind is like a hungry, instable, drunken hero. You also get caught like that in many of the complications. Now, if I just work on your mind, when you go back, you will get your mind back. I’m not going to work on your mind, I’m going to work on your brain, so when you go back, your mind cannot settle with your brain.
So, from your side, nothing need to be done other than sitting and keeping your eyes wide open. Just keep your eyes wide open. It’s going to be a very strong breaking. Understand one more thing. I’m not going to use sound anymore now. See, if I give million unit kundalini to sound and ask the sound to hand it over to you, you will get only two unit. The sound swallows everything. If I give it to silence, millions unit Kundalini shakti and asks the silence to hand it over to you, it delivers the whole million unit to you. Now, I’m going to use silence, and I’m going to draw some pictures and mantras in the air, send those visualisations to you without verbalisation. No sound, pure silence. I’m going to load the silence with Kundalini and infuse into your Swadisthana chakra. Swadisthana means “swa adisthana”, where your “I” is established. So from there the intense heat is going to manifest. Now itself drink lot of water, otherwise that heat will make you feel sleepy. So please drink lot of water, as much as you can. Drink water as much as you can. You can even drink coffee, tea, no problem but let your stomach be full, filled. So, when the heat releases, when the heat is generated, you don’t fall asleep, you don’t feel tired.
Please understand, now, the powerful cognitions which manifest powers, see, every cognition, all of you listen carefully, every cognition, when it is implanted in your Consciousness, it either manifests powerlessness or power. For example if you implant an idea “Oh whatever I touch collapses.’ that is going to manifest powerlessness. If you implant an idea: “No, Whatever I wanted, finally I always achieved. I might have struggled, but I always achieved.”
Don't think our ancestors, our elders were, not having enough weapons or war methods to destroy, kill people. We were dharmic even in war. Once it,  sun sets, we will not kill people and we will not be brutal.
You see  we were so life oriented, we were, we were very dharmic even in the war. That is only mistake, nothing else but that’s not, mistake. Ultimately, end of the day evolved brain works and thinks for life. It cannot conceive killing.
If you plant powerless cognition, you will manifest powerlessness. If you plant powerful cognition, you will manifest powers. Now I’m going to plant some of the cosmically powerful cognitions like a, “you never perish”. Actually you don’t perish, that is a Truth. You may change the way you exist, but you don’t perish. I am not teaching you big Vedanta, I am telling you straight Truth. There is no technique to realise the Truth. Marriage is torture and if you ask me “Please give me a technique to escape from it”, just get married, that’s all. You will realise it in two months. Fire will burn. “Oh give me a technique to save myself from fire”. Just touch  it and see.
The cosmic cognitions do not have technique. Manifesting and realising Oneness do not have technique. Some of the cosmic  powerful cognitions, you don't, “you don’t perish”, that’s one. Second, the static matter… Listen carefully, “static matter, dynamic activity, strategic existence of you, all these three does not have border”. There’s no boundary. The strategic existence of you, you know you exist and you strategize about your life and your expansion. That existence has power over any dynamic activity or static matter of the Universe. These are all ultimate reality. These are all, not some philosophy, no. It’s a reality. 
I am going to stitch these powerful cognitions into your brain through the Shakti pada and, fortunately Mahadeva has blessed Me with that power. Whoever is ready to receive, I am authorised to share that. I am authorised to share that powerful cognition into your system. Maybe around seventy powerful cognitions,  I am going to stitch into your system,  into your brain  which is capable of making you manifest all the 463 powers Mahadeva talks in the Agama.
Listen, The funny thing is by manifesting powers only you will realize that cognition has been stitched in your brain. Once you manifest you look “Oh God, what is happening, me? no, no, no, no, no, this is.. I think somewhere they are cheating outside. When you move the matter you may think, I think inside this deity, they might have kept a small motor and it is moving.  How can me, me?
When the powerful cognitions are stitched in your brain, simply you manifest powers. And as I said, stupid are those who work on mind. See, any work you do on mind is equivalent to building a big bungalow in the dream.  What's the use? The moment you wake up! Yes  you earned 10 million dollar, and you get, you got the best contractor, best architect, you collected best ideas, best material, almost completed the building, just you are about to inaugurate. Precisely all working on mind  is equivalent to building bungalow  in the dream. Mind is as cheap as dream. The dream material and mind material is one and the same. I'm not going to work on that. I'm going to work on your biology, bio-memory, your cognitions.
Name Of The Convention : Mahasadashivoham (MSS)
Session on : Shakti Initiation Part 1
Date : 19 April 2018
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India
In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam initiates MSS delegates into manifesting powers. HDH uses silence to awaken the kundalini shakti and powerful cognitions in the brain of each of the participants.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
The illusions and delusions in the cognitions need to be pulled out. And you don't need to believe that you are imperishable. "Swamiji  should I believe I am amara?  I am eternal? I am Brahma? I am Aham Brahmasmi. Should I chant?" Nothing, you don't need to chant your name. Are you feeling “Oh when I go to some big place, when I go to an important meeting, they may ask my name, so I need to remember it, so let me chant my name everyday 2000 times.” You  just know this is you. I tell you, same way, the powerful cognitions are just reality. It is you. It just need to be awakened in your brain.
==Link to Video: ==
I am not talking out of arrogance and I am not talking out of ego. Please understand I'm not condescending, My words are very straight. I am a raw villager. Raw  villagers don't talk polished. They talk straight. I am talking to you very straight. These ultimate powerful cognitions are not something to be believed or something to be denied. It is Truth. Do you believe sunrise is in the east? No, it's a truth, you know. Same way, you can't be perished.
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Nothing can be done to you. Nothing can be done to you. The moment you come to exist, you exist till the existence exists. Nothing can be done to you… Whether the powers you manifest or the wealth you manifested in your life this time, you can carry it next life. Nothing can be taken away from you. Understand that. That's a powerful cognition of the karma theory. People say, ‘Oh, all the bad I have done in the past birth is coming to me.’ all the good you have done in the past birth is also going to come to you. Why don't you understand that? It means what? All the money you manifested, with integrity by contributing, all the powers you manifested, with integrity without cheating, all that is going to come with you forever. Look at the karma theory from powerful cognition. It’s not going to be taken away from you.
I never went behind the wealth. I am telling you very honestly. Still, now, Mahadeva has kept Me in a space, where I never needed to ask anybody about anything. And before I started this public life, I have not seen five digit money in one place together. That’s the background I was born and brought up. Means, five digit means, what I would say that, ten sorry, one lakh. One lakh, is that five digit or six digit? Six digit, ok. I have not seen one lakh together, till I started the - this Sangha and public life. I’ve not, I’ve never stepped into the flight, till I started the public life. I’ve never seen a flight inside. I’ve only seen outside when it is flying. Like village boys will come out and shout and wave. Thinking that they will be able to see us.
Understand, anything you manifest by powerful cognition and enriching, cannot be taken away from you. Whether it is powers or wealth or good relationship or happiness or peace or anything. It cannot be taken away from you. These are all law of life. And, I am giving you cosmic legal opinion. And I am responsible for what I am talking. You can hold Me responsible for what I am talking...
You just sit now. Only thing, don’t sleep. You don’t have to control your mind, you don’t have to concentrate, you can be doing whatever you want. But just be awake and available for Me. That’s all.
I’m going to use the silence, to relate with you all. And to work on your Kundalini Shakti. And to awaken the powerful cognitions, in your brain. Powerful cognitions, means, like this, the eternal truths. You don't perish. Your Consciousness has power over everything in the universe. Whether dynamic activity happening in the sun or the static matter of the moon, you have a power over it. Even if you don’t believe. You may think, ‘no, no no, even my wife doesn’t listen to me. Even my husband doesn’t listen to me. What is He thinking, I have power over the sun or the moon? Even on my son I don’t have power. How can I have power over the sun?’ Truth is truth is truth. You have power. Nothing can be done. Even you cannot deny it. Even you cannot deny it.
Because you have not manifested it for quite a sometime you forgot you have it. Like a unused room in the house is almost forgotten. As if it is forgotten that it exists. Nobody remembers it exists. Every big Indian house will have like that - one or two rooms.  It’s almost like forgotten that room exists. After two three years only they will remember even, like that one room exists. How many of you have like that one room at least in your home? All big houses will have in India.
Same way, these powerful cognitions, because you have not applied them in your day to day life, or nobody has given you this as a science to play with it, you forgot that those cognitions exist in you. Or they are truths. They are part of you.
It’s only some - something like seventy powerful cognitions. I can say almost sixty to seventy, roughly. One or two this side, that side. I have not counted exactly. This seals the whole deal. All the four sixty three powers can be manifested just with this sixty-seventy powerful cognitions. If these sixty - seventy powerful cognitions are stitched in your system, and you start operating out of it… See, cognition means, that becomes your conclusion on which you make decisions. If you have concluded, you have billion dollar in your lottery, in your bank balance, will you fight for the penny which is on the street, whether it is his or yours? No! You won’t. Eh, I know I have billion, why this penny? Leave it.
If you cognize you have so much power inside you, you will not be having silly conversation with life. Like , ‘oh.. This fellow is trying to blackmail me. That fellow is conspiring against me.’ Nobody is conspiring against you. You are not that big guy. Understand. Your problems are as silly as you.
You decide, what kind of a weapon existence should pick up against you. You can make the existence pick up rose towards you or gun towards you; You decide. Your cognitions decide what existence picks up towards you. Whether it is a rose or a gun.
These fundamental truths, which is fundamental reality, you might have heard all this as a moral teaching. Now I am not going to give you as a moral teaching. I am, first of all, I am.. I am bored and stupid about this teaching. I feel very stupid about teaching. I am going to now push this into your system. You are going to start operating from this. Stitching them into your brain as the fundamental cognition on which you are going to rest.
Even if you swing, how you say that - hammock? On which you rest. You may swing, but you are going to rest on that. Same way, these fundamental truths, these powerful cognitions are going to become your base on which you are going to swing.
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Again, reminder. You don’t need to meditate, you don’t need to concentrate, you don’t need to do anything. Just don’t sleep. That’s all I want. You can be just sitting and thinking about your business. Or thinking about your home. Whatever you want, you can be thinking about. I don’t have a problem. And I commit with you, I will not read your mind. Who wants to read it? So, I will not interfere into your privacy or I will not read. I will only just go and awaken your Consciousness and... See, I need higher Consciousness to stitch these powerful cognitions. I will do only that job. I’ll just do that job.
I am going to breathe Mahasadashiva into your system. If you have any tingling sensation or something going on in your head, don’t worry, don’t be afraid. Many parts of your brain, which you have never used, I am touching them, that’s all. So you may feel little new about it.
Without generating words, generate the vibration of the Mahavakya. Understand, not words, but the vibration.
Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham
Not words, but vibrations in your Svadhisthana. Start.
Let your whole Svadhishtana reverberate with the vibration. But don’t create words. Not in the mouth, but in the stomach.
Don’t close your eyes. Keep your eyes wide open.
Relax. Settle down.
Few minutes. Just for few minutes. Because I am going to drill your Consciousness like a drill bit. I am going to do the pilot drilling. Means, this inserting these cognitions in your Consciousness. Just for few minutes, close your eyes and put the eye band and put your awareness on the third eye. It’s only for helping Me to do the pilot drilling. Bring your awareness to third eye. Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible. And as intensely as possible.
Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible by keeping your awareness on your third eye and as intensely as possible.
Now, reverberate with Mahavakya.
Om nithyananda
Settle down.
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[[Category: 2018 | 20180419]][[Category : Program Session]] [[Category: Devalaya ]], [[Category:  Meenakshi Thiru Kalyanam ]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]
==Photos Of The Day:==
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Latest revision as of 21:18, 24 February 2023


Cosmic Principle of SHAKTI || Shakti initiation || Day 19 of Mahasadashivohum ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle Shakti during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. This talk was divided into three sections, each entitled as | Part 1 || MSS || 19 April 2018, | Part 2 || MSS || 19 April 2018 and | Part 3 || MSS || 19 April 2018. In this talk, His Divine Holiness expounded that He is bound by ethics not to do even good to delegates without their conscious permission. Each delegate must give His Divine Holiness the right, the authority, to enter. He assigned delegates to pen down all their frustrations, anger, irritation and boredom over their failures to manifest powers as this will create the consciousness necessary for him to come inside and help. His Divine Holiness asked for a show of hands giving permission for Him to work on their bio-memory, then He briefed delegates on the process, what to expect and how to respond to the Shakti initiation.

Link to Video:



It is My ethics, I am bound by a ethics called, I cannot forcibly do even good to you. Mahadeva very clear, very clearly rules out. Even entering into your inner space and awakening the Oneness I cannot do it forcibly. And he also gives an exemption. If you give me a complete right I can do it. Respect to the individual will is so much in our Hindu tradition, because Mahadeva bans, even Guru cannot enter into a place where Grihasta’s reside, where husband and wife are living.


Same way, he bans, even to do power manifestation, I cannot enter in your space unless you give Me the authority, right.


Now, only few minutes, your tiredness, boredom, irritation, anger, frustration, about inability to manifest powers, pen them down. If you see all that, you will understand and you have to give Me permission. You cannot do it on your own.


Understand, you giving permission to Me has to be a conscious decision after understanding you can't make it all by yourself, you need My support. Only then I can enter into the scene. How many of you are understanding? First few minutes, you see, whether you blame yourself or you blame the society or you blame others, sometimes you blame God for not manifesting powers. You blame anyone that is OK. Finally it boils down to one emotion called frustration, or tiredness, or boredom or irritation, or coming to the conclusion - nothing can be done. This is the way.


Some of the best power manifesters in our Sangha struggled so much in the initial level, but once that breakthrough happens, nothing like that. Just few minutes. All the anger, frustration, tiredness, boredom, irritation you have about this unable to manifest powers, everything, pen down, just for you to know. You’re not going to show to anybody. Please use the paper and pen. For you to consciously know what is going on in you. Then we’ll do the next.


Meditation music while participants pen down...


Please, all of you listen, I give you My commitment, keeping Kalabhairava as a witness, if you allow Me to enter in your inner space, I will do only good to your Consciousness. I will not do, not only anything bad, and I also commit with you, through this initiation I will not do anything else like mesmerizing, hypnotizing, all this stupidity. First of all, you are not worthy of getting, mesmerizing and all that. I have nothing to gain from you. And I am very clear, I will only initiate you and awaken your kundalini and give you the Superconscious breakthrough. This is My commitment to all of you. With this commitment, I am asking from you how many of you are ready for Me to enter into your inner space and awaken your Consciousness?


So, whoever has raised the hand, keep your hand raised. So whoever has raised the hand, I accept this as ‘Yes’. So, I make the sankalpa, let Mahasadashiva breathe into everyone who's, who is keeping his hands raised. Now, I’ll start My sankalpa, you can drop your hands now.


Listen, don’t close your eyes. Because if you close your eyes, you will fall asleep. I am OK even if you are playing video games, I don't have a problem, because I, I’m not going to work on your mind. Understand, I only want your body here, because I am going to work on your biology, your bio-memory. I am going to work on your brain, not on your mind. See, your mind is like a hungry, instable, drunken hero. You also get caught like that in many of the complications. Now, if I just work on your mind, when you go back, you will get your mind back. I’m not going to work on your mind, I’m going to work on your brain, so when you go back, your mind cannot settle with your brain.


So, from your side, nothing need to be done other than sitting and keeping your eyes wide open. Just keep your eyes wide open. It’s going to be a very strong breaking. Understand one more thing. I’m not going to use sound anymore now. See, if I give million unit kundalini to sound and ask the sound to hand it over to you, you will get only two unit. The sound swallows everything. If I give it to silence, millions unit Kundalini shakti and asks the silence to hand it over to you, it delivers the whole million unit to you. Now, I’m going to use silence, and I’m going to draw some pictures and mantras in the air, send those visualisations to you without verbalisation. No sound, pure silence. I’m going to load the silence with Kundalini and infuse into your Swadisthana chakra. Swadisthana means “swa adisthana”, where your “I” is established. So from there the intense heat is going to manifest. Now itself drink lot of water, otherwise that heat will make you feel sleepy. So please drink lot of water, as much as you can. Drink water as much as you can. You can even drink coffee, tea, no problem but let your stomach be full, filled. So, when the heat releases, when the heat is generated, you don’t fall asleep, you don’t feel tired.


Please understand, now, the powerful cognitions which manifest powers, see, every cognition, all of you listen carefully, every cognition, when it is implanted in your Consciousness, it either manifests powerlessness or power. For example if you implant an idea “Oh whatever I touch collapses.’ that is going to manifest powerlessness. If you implant an idea: “No, Whatever I wanted, finally I always achieved. I might have struggled, but I always achieved.”


Don't think our ancestors, our elders were, not having enough weapons or war methods to destroy, kill people. We were dharmic even in war. Once it, sun sets, we will not kill people and we will not be brutal.


You see we were so life oriented, we were, we were very dharmic even in the war. That is only mistake, nothing else but that’s not, mistake. Ultimately, end of the day evolved brain works and thinks for life. It cannot conceive killing.


If you plant powerless cognition, you will manifest powerlessness. If you plant powerful cognition, you will manifest powers. Now I’m going to plant some of the cosmically powerful cognitions like a, “you never perish”. Actually you don’t perish, that is a Truth. You may change the way you exist, but you don’t perish. I am not teaching you big Vedanta, I am telling you straight Truth. There is no technique to realise the Truth. Marriage is torture and if you ask me “Please give me a technique to escape from it”, just get married, that’s all. You will realise it in two months. Fire will burn. “Oh give me a technique to save myself from fire”. Just touch it and see.


The cosmic cognitions do not have technique. Manifesting and realising Oneness do not have technique. Some of the cosmic powerful cognitions, you don't, “you don’t perish”, that’s one. Second, the static matter… Listen carefully, “static matter, dynamic activity, strategic existence of you, all these three does not have border”. There’s no boundary. The strategic existence of you, you know you exist and you strategize about your life and your expansion. That existence has power over any dynamic activity or static matter of the Universe. These are all ultimate reality. These are all, not some philosophy, no. It’s a reality.


I am going to stitch these powerful cognitions into your brain through the Shakti pada and, fortunately Mahadeva has blessed Me with that power. Whoever is ready to receive, I am authorised to share that. I am authorised to share that powerful cognition into your system. Maybe around seventy powerful cognitions, I am going to stitch into your system, into your brain which is capable of making you manifest all the 463 powers Mahadeva talks in the Agama.


Listen, The funny thing is by manifesting powers only you will realize that cognition has been stitched in your brain. Once you manifest you look “Oh God, what is happening, me? no, no, no, no, no, this is.. I think somewhere they are cheating outside. When you move the matter you may think, I think inside this deity, they might have kept a small motor and it is moving. How can me, me?


When the powerful cognitions are stitched in your brain, simply you manifest powers. And as I said, stupid are those who work on mind. See, any work you do on mind is equivalent to building a big bungalow in the dream. What's the use? The moment you wake up! Yes you earned 10 million dollar, and you get, you got the best contractor, best architect, you collected best ideas, best material, almost completed the building, just you are about to inaugurate. Precisely all working on mind is equivalent to building bungalow in the dream. Mind is as cheap as dream. The dream material and mind material is one and the same. I'm not going to work on that. I'm going to work on your biology, bio-memory, your cognitions.


The illusions and delusions in the cognitions need to be pulled out. And you don't need to believe that you are imperishable. "Swamiji should I believe I am amara? I am eternal? I am Brahma? I am Aham Brahmasmi. Should I chant?" Nothing, you don't need to chant your name. Are you feeling “Oh when I go to some big place, when I go to an important meeting, they may ask my name, so I need to remember it, so let me chant my name everyday 2000 times.” You just know this is you. I tell you, same way, the powerful cognitions are just reality. It is you. It just need to be awakened in your brain.


I am not talking out of arrogance and I am not talking out of ego. Please understand I'm not condescending, My words are very straight. I am a raw villager. Raw villagers don't talk polished. They talk straight. I am talking to you very straight. These ultimate powerful cognitions are not something to be believed or something to be denied. It is Truth. Do you believe sunrise is in the east? No, it's a truth, you know. Same way, you can't be perished.



Shakti Initiation || Part 2 || MSS || 19 April 2018


Name Of The Convention : Mahasadashivoham (MSS) Session on : Shakti Initiation Part 2 Date : 19 April 2018 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam prepares MSS delegates for initiation into manifesting powers. HDH explains that anything you manifest by powerful cognition and enriching cannot be taken away from you - whether it is powers, wealth, good relationships, happiness, peace, or anything else.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Nothing can be done to you. Nothing can be done to you. The moment you come to exist, you exist till the existence exists. Nothing can be done to you… Whether the powers you manifest or the wealth you manifested in your life this time, you can carry it next life. Nothing can be taken away from you. Understand that. That's a powerful cognition of the karma theory. People say, ‘Oh, all the bad I have done in the past birth is coming to me.’ all the good you have done in the past birth is also going to come to you. Why don't you understand that? It means what? All the money you manifested, with integrity by contributing, all the powers you manifested, with integrity without cheating, all that is going to come with you forever. Look at the karma theory from powerful cognition. It’s not going to be taken away from you.


I never went behind the wealth. I am telling you very honestly. Still, now, Mahadeva has kept Me in a space, where I never needed to ask anybody about anything. And before I started this public life, I have not seen five digit money in one place together. That’s the background I was born and brought up. Means, five digit means, what I would say that, ten sorry, one lakh. One lakh, is that five digit or six digit? Six digit, ok. I have not seen one lakh together, till I started the - this Sangha and public life. I’ve not, I’ve never stepped into the flight, till I started the public life. I’ve never seen a flight inside. I’ve only seen outside when it is flying. Like village boys will come out and shout and wave. Thinking that they will be able to see us.


Understand, anything you manifest by powerful cognition and enriching, cannot be taken away from you. Whether it is powers or wealth or good relationship or happiness or peace or anything. It cannot be taken away from you. These are all law of life. And, I am giving you cosmic legal opinion. And I am responsible for what I am talking. You can hold Me responsible for what I am talking...


You just sit now. Only thing, don’t sleep. You don’t have to control your mind, you don’t have to concentrate, you can be doing whatever you want. But just be awake and available for Me. That’s all.


I’m going to use the silence, to relate with you all. And to work on your Kundalini Shakti. And to awaken the powerful cognitions, in your brain. Powerful cognitions, means, like this, the eternal truths. You don't perish. Your Consciousness has power over everything in the universe. Whether dynamic activity happening in the sun or the static matter of the moon, you have a power over it. Even if you don’t believe. You may think, ‘no, no no, even my wife doesn’t listen to me. Even my husband doesn’t listen to me. What is He thinking, I have power over the sun or the moon? Even on my son I don’t have power. How can I have power over the sun?’ Truth is truth is truth. You have power. Nothing can be done. Even you cannot deny it. Even you cannot deny it.


Because you have not manifested it for quite a sometime you forgot you have it. Like a unused room in the house is almost forgotten. As if it is forgotten that it exists. Nobody remembers it exists. Every big Indian house will have like that - one or two rooms. It’s almost like forgotten that room exists. After two three years only they will remember even, like that one room exists. How many of you have like that one room at least in your home? All big houses will have in India.


Same way, these powerful cognitions, because you have not applied them in your day to day life, or nobody has given you this as a science to play with it, you forgot that those cognitions exist in you. Or they are truths. They are part of you.


It’s only some - something like seventy powerful cognitions. I can say almost sixty to seventy, roughly. One or two this side, that side. I have not counted exactly. This seals the whole deal. All the four sixty three powers can be manifested just with this sixty-seventy powerful cognitions. If these sixty - seventy powerful cognitions are stitched in your system, and you start operating out of it… See, cognition means, that becomes your conclusion on which you make decisions. If you have concluded, you have billion dollar in your lottery, in your bank balance, will you fight for the penny which is on the street, whether it is his or yours? No! You won’t. Eh, I know I have billion, why this penny? Leave it.


If you cognize you have so much power inside you, you will not be having silly conversation with life. Like , ‘oh.. This fellow is trying to blackmail me. That fellow is conspiring against me.’ Nobody is conspiring against you. You are not that big guy. Understand. Your problems are as silly as you.


You decide, what kind of a weapon existence should pick up against you. You can make the existence pick up rose towards you or gun towards you; You decide. Your cognitions decide what existence picks up towards you. Whether it is a rose or a gun.


These fundamental truths, which is fundamental reality, you might have heard all this as a moral teaching. Now I am not going to give you as a moral teaching. I am, first of all, I am.. I am bored and stupid about this teaching. I feel very stupid about teaching. I am going to now push this into your system. You are going to start operating from this. Stitching them into your brain as the fundamental cognition on which you are going to rest.


Even if you swing, how you say that - hammock? On which you rest. You may swing, but you are going to rest on that. Same way, these fundamental truths, these powerful cognitions are going to become your base on which you are going to swing.



Shakti Initiation || Part 3 || MSS || 19 April 2018


Name Of The Convention : Mahasadashivoham (MSS) Session on : Shakti Initiation Part 3 Date : 19 April 2018 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam initiates MSS delegates into manifesting powers. HDH uses silence to awaken the kundalini shakti and powerful cognitions in the brain of each of the participants.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Again, reminder. You don’t need to meditate, you don’t need to concentrate, you don’t need to do anything. Just don’t sleep. That’s all I want. You can be just sitting and thinking about your business. Or thinking about your home. Whatever you want, you can be thinking about. I don’t have a problem. And I commit with you, I will not read your mind. Who wants to read it? So, I will not interfere into your privacy or I will not read. I will only just go and awaken your Consciousness and... See, I need higher Consciousness to stitch these powerful cognitions. I will do only that job. I’ll just do that job.


I am going to breathe Mahasadashiva into your system. If you have any tingling sensation or something going on in your head, don’t worry, don’t be afraid. Many parts of your brain, which you have never used, I am touching them, that’s all. So you may feel little new about it.


Without generating words, generate the vibration of the Mahavakya. Understand, not words, but the vibration.


[mantra] Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham


Not words, but vibrations in your Svadhisthana. Start.




Let your whole Svadhishtana reverberate with the vibration. But don’t create words. Not in the mouth, but in the stomach.




Don’t close your eyes. Keep your eyes wide open.




Relax. Settle down.


Few minutes. Just for few minutes. Because I am going to drill your Consciousness like a drill bit. I am going to do the pilot drilling. Means, this inserting these cognitions in your Consciousness. Just for few minutes, close your eyes and put the eye band and put your awareness on the third eye. It’s only for helping Me to do the pilot drilling. Bring your awareness to third eye. Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible. And as intensely as possible.


Inhale and exhale as deeply as possible by keeping your awareness on your third eye and as intensely as possible.


Now, reverberate with Mahavakya.


[mantra] Om nithyananda (humming)


Settle down.



Shakti Initiation || Part 4 || MSS || 19 April 2018


Name Of The Convention : Mahasadashivoham (MSS) Session on : Shakti Initiation Part 4 Date : 19 April 2018 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, India

In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam initiates MSS delegates into manifesting powers. HDH uses silence to awaken the kundalini shakti and powerful cognitions in the brain of each of the participants.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Nithyananda Times


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Photos Of The Day:





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