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Ashtanga Yoga: Aparigraha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 90 - Nithyananda Satsang 4 Jan 11
Ashtanga Yoga: Aparigraha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 90 - Nithyananda Satsang 4 Jan 11
In yet another breathtaking discourse by living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes about Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) as the key to exist. He describes on this limb of Ashtanga Yoga in great detail and gives profound truths based on quantum biology, quantum physics, biomemory, and muscle memory.
In yet another breathtaking discourse by living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes about Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) as the key to exist. He describes on this limb of Ashtanga Yoga in great detail and gives profound truths based on quantum biology, quantum physics, biomemory, and muscle memory.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Video and Audio - Ashtanga Yoga: Aparigraha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 90 - NS==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPYyupfZgjI&feature=youtu.be |
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPYyupfZgjI&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-jan-04-ashtanga-yoga?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-january"/>
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-jan-04-ashtanga-yoga?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-january"/>
Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. From today I will start expressing and explaining the truths; at least two sutras and answer all the questions. So, all the satsang centers watching the sutras and my explanations live - you can send your questions to the eN-TV, send your questions through email. I will attend to your questions and respond every day. So, all the satsang center's devotees watching live can note the information, from today you will have full three hours morning session.
Prayer. Welcome.
From today I will start expressing & explaining the truths at least 2 sutras and answer all the questions. All satsang centres watching the sutras and explanations live you can send your questions through email though eNtv. I will attend to them every day.
First, I will start with the sutra number 90th. For this sutra for this whole satsang the subject: non-possessiveness, key to exist. It’s a 90th sutra the second chapter of Patanjali yoga sutra 39th verse. Let me get into this verse. After I complete this verse I will go to the next - aparigraha-sthairye janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ; O God!  
Today’s subject is non-possessiveness key to exist!
90th sutra, 2nd chapter of PYS – 39th verse
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: when the yogi is established in non-receiving he gets a memory of past life.
Aparigraha sthairyee janma kataantha sambodaha!
Swami Prabhavananda translates as: when a man becomes steadfast in his abstention from greed he gains knowledge of his past, present and future existence - existences.  
Vivekananda when the yogi is established in non-receiving he gets memory of past life
Prabhavananda - when a man is steadfast of his abstention of greed, results in past, present and future.
Swami Satchidananda translates as: when non-greed is confirmed a thorough illumination of the how and why of one’s birth comes.
Satchitananda - When non greed is confirmed a thorough elimination of how and why of one’s birth comes.
The ability to condense the greatest truths in one sutra. As per Panini, sutra means using min words to express greatest truths. The depth with which Patanjali is expressing on each word I can go on for hours. Even after that I do not know if I will be able to make people understand. If I just make a statement suddenly.
“In the quantum physics and quantum biology whatever happens and the reciprocation of the happenings is reflected in your neurobiology that is what is stored in your bio memory which is responsible for your existential reality.
The ability to condense the greatest truths in one sutra - the Patanjali’s ability, God! I just can’t grasp. As per the Panini - sutra means, which describes the greatest truths in minimum words without missing the basic points which anybody can understand, expand, expound in future. So if I use all these definitions no other book can be called as sutra except Patanjali. That depth with which Patanjali is expressing on each word I can go on for hours and I do not know even after that I will be able to make people understand.  
If I need to expand on this one statement I made or later some of my courageous disciples venture to expand on this statement I made now, if they are intelligent enough and catch my consciousness they can write a whole book. Because each word I uttered is a separate philosophy. I connect all the philosophy and given a clear definition on how you perceive this reality.
The statement which I made spontaneously now can be considered as sutra ☺ Too many important truths in unbroken way conveyed in minimum way with a possibility to expand and expound in future. This is exactly definition of sutra by Panini.
Aparigraha sthairyee janma kataantha sambodaha!
If I just make a statement suddenly: in the quantum physics and quantum biology whatever happens and the reciprocation of the happenings is reflected in your neurobiology - that is what is stored in your bio-memory which is responsible for your existential reality. Let me repeat. What happens in the quantum physics and quantum biology is a response in your neurobiology, is responsible for what is happening in your bio-memory and because of that you experience existential reality. If I need to expand on this one statement I made or later on some of my courageous disciples venture to expand and interpret this line what I made - the statement which I made now - if they are intelligent enough and catch my Consciousness, they can expand on this and write a whole book. Because each word I uttered is a separate philosophy and I have connected all that philosophy and given a clear final definition of how you perceive this reality.
Aparigraha non possessiveness. Usually this is translated as not possessing the external worldly things. But I am translating non-possessiveness as not possessing anything which is not you. please understand, non-possessiveness of anything which is not you. start with external objects like outermost luxury items. Anything which you have not used for more than one year, give it away. Then after you have settled comfortably in this aparigraha, come down and anything you have not used in past 6 months give it away, then come down and whoever asks whatever you have, give it away. Then come to next level, whatever you don’t feel as you, give it up. Then next level, whenever you don’t feel even your body and mind as not you, decide to give it away. The subtle and subtle levels of non-possessiveness. Maybe for 3 or 4 seconds you will get you are not the body then those 3-4 seconds be non-possessive of body. By unclutching or the atma vichaara jnaana you may have 3 or 4 seconds that you are not the body. Then suddenly your body will align and alter itself in the cosmos. It is you who is holding your body in battered damaged condition continuously by sitting on it.  
It is like many magnets are broken and scattered, you put a blanket and sit on it. If you remove the blanket and get up, they will just align themselves and stand up in the north south zone. Same way, possessiveness is the blanket you put on your body. So the moment you possess your body, any problem you have, your body is caught in that problem, your body is bolted in that problem. Please understand, you hold on to disease because of your possessiveness to your body. Have the courage to life the blanket. Suddenly the magnetic needle will align itself. Suddenly, new kind of health, new feeling connection, new settled feeling, new joy, new wellness will happen. You will understand the meaning of wellness when you stop possessing your body. non-possessiveness, aparigraha is responsible for the wellness of your body. It will suddenly align itself!
Maybe it is too new for a modern man’s mind to comprehend because from the beginning you are taught if you possess your body and chisel it, you will experience wellness. Ultimate yoga is just be non-possessive of your body. If you can - do 108 surya namaskar and other things. If you feel you can’t just that one hour renounce your body with wakeful awareness. Being non-possessive of your body the first thing that will happen your digestion system will become so peaceful! For example, if you are being non-possessiveness of your body for more than 21 seconds, within 21 minutes your body will excrete. Actually if you have the intense unclutching, you will suddenly see that stomach is completely empty in itself and you will feel like going to bathroom and after emptying when you sit a well being is experienced. Possessiveness of the body will directly show on your digestion and stomach. non-possessiveness will completely heal liver and digestion problems. These are deep mystical secrets of body & mind. How they both are connected. non-possessiveness of body suddenly puts you into the great wellness. Anything which is not you, stop possessing. For example, when you walk decide not to possess your body, see how it walks, same way talking and any other action decide not to possess your body and see how it does. When you eat, don’t possess your body, let the body eat suddenly you will see you will not be over eating. When you listen, don’t possess your body, suddenly the sound will neither create irritation nor disturbance in you. it will create a deep peace in you. when you see, don’t possess your body suddenly you will see all the seeing are only seen not reality. When you don’t possess your body you will realize all the seen are only the seen, not the reality.  
All right, the statement which I made spontaneously now I will expand on that in the next session. Let me expand on - no, what I mean to say, the statement which I made spontaneous now is can be considered as sutra. Too many important truths in unbroken way conveyed with minimum words with the possibility for people to expand, expound in future. This is what is exactly the definition of sutra by Panini. So Patanjali has done the same job in this sutra: aparigraha-sthairya janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ
When you experience touch, don’t possess your body. Allow it to enjoy it in its own way as the bio-memory of your touch reciprocates touch. This is exactly what is tantra. When you are experiencing touch, don’t be possessive of your own body. Unfortunately we start possessing the other body. Don’t even possess the body you are carrying. You will see a different space, play, different experience all together. The very word aparigraha can be a complete technique for your enlightenment. Enjoy the whole by renouncing. Some of these deepest secrets of mind, body and the life when I understand the deeper and deeper secrets, deeper & deeper gratitude overflows in me for the amazing peak Himalayan intelligence of these great rishis. I don’t know how many layers of meaning I can peel out of this one sutra.
Next if I go to the word sthairyee – if you are stable in aparigraha-non-possessiveness, janma kataantha – all the possible existences of you in the past, in the present, in the future in the overlapping of the past into the future and future into the past and being battered state of by the past and the future in the present. Please understand, none of you in the present now. You are in a peculiar state called being punched by the future, by the past in the present. There are different existences of you – the pure past – past janmas, pure future – future janmas , future possibilities, overlapping of your past into the future means your created future. Overlapping of the future into the past. You don’t remember your past as it happened. For example, you were equally interested for a toffee and for a car and for a beloved in your past. At the age of 7 - interest you had for a toffee, 21 for a car and 14 for a life partner are all equal. But when you remember you remember one or two things more than the others. ..
The pure past and the pure future does not bind you. Overlapping of the past into the future, of the future into the past binds you. let me define the states -
Aparigraha; let me explain the word aparigraha - non-possessiveness. Usually all the orthodox translators translate as non-possessiveness, as not possessing the external worldly things. But I am translating non-possessiveness as not possessing anything which is not you. Please understand - non-possessiveness of anything which is not you. Start with the external objects like a luxury items. The outermost layer is luxury items, like a too many cars which you don’t use in your day to day life. Maybe I can give an understanding. First, when you start anything which you have not used for more than one year - give it away. Then after you are settled comfortably in this aparigraha then come down. Anything which you have not used for last six months - give it away. After settling down comfortably in this aparigraha then come next - whoever ask whatever you have, give it away. Then come to the next level - whatever you don’t feel as you give up. Then come next to the level whenever you don’t feel even your body and mind as not you decide to give it away; the subtle and subtle and subtle levels of non-possessiveness.  
Pure past, Pure future, Overlapping of your past into the future, overlapping of your future into the past, the 5th state is being battered by the past and future in present. Almost all of you are in that state only. The 6th state is pure present.  
Muladhara is pure past – greed all greed based on fantasy
Swadishtana pure future – all insecurity related to pure future
Maybe for three or four seconds you can feel you are not the body with the understanding of atma vichara or the ability of Unclutching. Then those three-four seconds be non-possessive of body. Maybe two-three seconds you will be able to feel you are not the mind by Unclutching or the atma vichara gnana; means understanding that I am not. Those few seconds give up your mind. Be non-possessive. Understand. If you are non-possessive of your body for few moments suddenly it will alter itself it will align itself with the Cosmos. It is you who is holding your body in the battered, damaged condition continuously by sitting on it.
Manipuraka – past overlapping into future – worry.
When future overlaps into the past and missing something – attention need
When future and past is battering in present and constant comparison and nagging is vishuddhi unable to realize your uniqueness.
It is like a many magnets are broken to pieces and are lying and you put a huge blanket on it and those magnets are all lying here and there in a chaotic way. If you just lift the blanket and leave them for themself they will all suddenly align in a clear north-south zone and stand in a proper line. See, a magnetic needle if you put a big blanket on it naturally it will not align itself in the proper north-south. It will be in chaotic position. The way in which you put the blanket, the moment the blanket land on that needle how it was it will be in that same position. It will be in a chaotic way. But just remove the blanket - what will happen? It will align itself properly to north-south.  
Pure present is Ajna, pure presence is Sahasraara.
The 7 states. The word janma, I think no body in this janma explained the word janma ☺ orthodox people translate this word as births or incarnations. I am translating this word as the various possible existences.  Every moment you are in different different janma. The mixture with which you are made is changing every moment. So the word janma has to be understood in all its components and dimensions. The 7 janmas which I expressed now is the 7 janmas spoken in the Upanishads. The pure past, pure future, past overlapping into past, future overlapping into past, present being battered by past and future, pure present and pure presence. When I say pure presence, it is inclusive of all this 6 and witnessing all this 6 – is presence! Suddenly you will see the whole zigzag puzzle clicks. Right!
BE IN pure past fantasy will not affect you. pure past means what – dead! You will understand this is how the whole thing happened. the effecting happens when the pure past is trying to overlap in the future – you want it again. Be in awareness in this janma. Find out in which janma you are – are you in pure past? In pure future? In past overlapping in future? or future overlapping in past? or present? or presence?
Same way possessiveness is the blanket you put on your body. So the moment you put the possessiveness on your body means you possess your body any problem you have your body is caught in that problem. Your body is bolted in that problem. Please understand. You hold on to disease because of your possessiveness to your body. Have courage and lift the blanket; blanket of possessiveness. Suddenly the body will align itself - the magnetic needle will align itself. Suddenly new kind of health, new feeling connection, new settled feeling and new joy, new wellness - I can say you will understand the meaning of the word 'wellness' when you stop possessing your body.  
Now sit and scan in which janma you are. I feel most of you are in the janma of vishuddhi where the past and future is hitting the present. Completely battered, shaken chaotic miserable. I tell you if you are caught in pure past it is not even being caught. It is like living among the dead samskaras. Never you will be disturbed. The pure past has no problem. But once in a while you will try to sprinkle water and expect some dead body will come live and you can have the ghost. If you live intensely in this moment you will completely kill this moment and never ever expect this moment should be repeated in future. Non compliance to the moment is non-completeness of the moment! When you don’t comply to this moment because of being possessive of the body & MIND, the non completed moment happens in you. the non complete moment is karma which asks you to come back to the same janma – the same energy space and asks you to complete the karma. For example, this moment you are stuck in the future overlapping into the past then that record goes and settles down as an engram and calls you back to complete that engram which is non-complete because of your non compliance. So you are summoned into the same energy space to comply it and complete it!
I am revealing a deep secret to get rid of the karma chakra, the karma bandha. Fortunately each one of your energy centers can hold only 21 engrams. If you have 2000 fantasies, even then your muladhara can hold only 21 fantasy, not more than that. So 21 tiems you go back to your muladhara and comply and complete that fantasy without creating one more. When you go to that zone you should be fully in nivruthi. Any of your energy space can summon you only for 21 times in the whole life when you don’t create any more when you visit it. With this clarity and awareness if you live even 21 days and go on complying and completing any janma in you, you are liberated. In none of your janma, energy space you hold more than 21 strings. For example I am saying past being projected into the future is manipuraka. So, Even if you have lived unconsciously for past 200 years, all is forgiven. More than 21 goes away into the sanchita. 21 remain in the manipuraka. If you break this 21, sanchita automatically goes away. If you steal and keep money in local bank and swiss bank and you die suddenly what will happen. All that money is of no use. Same way, if you kill this 21, automatically others will disappear.  
Various ways of existences is janma. See in which way you are existing now and try to push yourself to the next level of existence. This is what is developing your janma. Anything you do to push yourself to the next level janma is punya, anything you do to push to the lower lever janma is papa. That’s all! And anything you do which does not comply or complete the present is karma!
Non-possessiveness is responsible - aparigraha is responsible for the wellness of your body. It will suddenly align itself. Maybe it is too new for a modern man’s mind to comprehend because from the beginning you are taught if you possess your body and chisel it, it will experience wellness. I am telling you, ultimate yoga, just be non-possessive of the body. See, if you can bend your body, chisel, do 108 surya namaskar, weight lifting, everything - great! If you feel you can’t, for that one hour renounce your body - not by sleeping. Sleeping is not renunciation; wakeful aparigraha, being non-possessive.
Kataantha – why, how, when, where the janma.  
Sambodaha  - the illumination enlightenment happens.
The essence is - If you are established in non-possessiveness, all the possibility of how, why, when, where about your various existences are revealed to you. you become enlightened about your various existences by being non-possessiveness. How? When you are not possessive of body & mind, you comply with the present and complete the present. Complying the present and completing the present leads you to the presence. Non-complying and non completing leads to lower 5 levels of existence.  
I tell you. Being non-possessive of your body the first thing will happen is your digestion system will become so peaceful. How to find out whether you are non-possessive or not you know? In two minutes your digestion system will release and excrete. It means those - for example, if you have been non-possessive of your body for more than 21 second within 21 minute your body will excrete. These are all the Hatha yoga secrets. Actually, if you have the intense Unclutching you will suddenly see that stomach is completely emptying itself and you feel like going to the bathroom and after the cleaning when you come back and sit and unprecedented or ununderstandable wellness will be going inside your body - this is one of the symptoms; because possessiveness of the body is directly connected to the digestion system. Non-possessiveness; anybody who has problem with the liver and digestion system this non-possessiveness will completely heal you.
Understand, compliance and completing of the present by the non-possessiveness of body and mind which I call egolessness which is responsible for opening of Ajna leads you to the presence! If you are not complying with the present, you are pushed to the lower 5 levels of existence. Look in! in which form of existence you are in and try to comply with the present and complete the present just for next few days – again & again & again you will experience sambodha of janam katantha. You will experience illumination of all possible existences of your being! Actually I feel complete now. I delivered a baby now! Because the truth I revealed and delivered I know it was not there in the cosmic consciousness. It was just pure addition in the cosmic consciousness in last few moments. When baby is delivered, woman feels relieved and becomes mother. When truth is delivered an incarnation is relieved and only in these few moments person becomes incarnation.
Now whoever mothers this truth inside them, they will also deliver enlightenment. Let me come to the statement I made. Quantum physics and quantum biology – I will take little more time and elaborately expand on each word. I already can feel all your minds are grabbing. Which one to pick up and which one to not. It is like too much is in my plate.
I will give you the essence. By non-possessing, the layer by layer by layer in your life, finally non-possessiveness of the body and mind leads you to comply and complete the various forms of existence which leads from one to the other, to the other finally to the present and when you comply and complete the present leads to the presence which is enlightenment of all forms of existences of you in the past, present, future, past overlapping into future, future overlappng into past, past and future battering your in the present and the present and the presence ultimately!
You will think, "From where to where He is connecting." Experience then you will understand what I am saying. These are the deepest mystical secrets of body and the mind - how they both are connected. Non-possessiveness of body suddenly puts you into the great wellness. Anything which is not you, stop possessing. For example, when you walk decide not to possess your body and see how it walks. When you talk decide not to possess your body - see how it talks. When you do any action decide not to possess your body and see how it does. When you eat, don’t possess your body - let the body eat. Suddenly you will see you will not be over eating. When you listen, don’t possess your body. Suddenly the sound will neither create irritation in you nor create disturbance in you - it will create a deep peace in you.
When you see don’t possess your body suddenly you will see, all the seen are only scene not reality. When you don’t possess your body you will realize all the seen are only the scene - not the reality. When you experience touch, don’t possess your body. Allow it to enjoy in its own way as the bio-memory of your touch reciprocates the touch; that is what is exactly tantra. I am defining tantra. When you are experiencing touch don’t be possessive of your body. Unfortunately we start possessing even the other body. Don’t even possess the body which you are carrying - you will see - "Wow" - a different space, different plane, different experience altogether.  
The very word aparigraha can be a complete technique for your Enlightenment.  
tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam
kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ
evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare
Isavasya Upanishad - enjoy the whole by renouncing. Some of these deepest secrets of mind, body and the life; when I understand the deeper and deeper secrets, deeper and deeper gratitude starts overflowing in Me for the amazing intelligence and the Himalayan peak intelligence of these great rishis. I don’t know how many layers of meaning I can peel out of this one sutra.
aparigraha-sthairya  janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ
Next, if I go to the words: sthairya - if you are stable in aparigraha non-possessiveness. Janma-kathaṃtā  - all the possible existences of you in the past, in the present, in the future, the overlapping of the past into the future and future into the past and being battered state of by the past and by the future in the present.  
Please understand. None of you are in the present now. You are in a peculiar state called being punched by the future by the past in the present. There are different existences of you; the pure past - past janmas, pure future - future janmas, future possibilities - overlapping of the past into the future means your created future possibility; overlapping of your future into the past. The way in which you remember your past is nothing but the overlapping of the future into the past. Please understand. You don’t remember your past as it happened. For example, you were equally interested for a toffee and for a car and for a beloved in your life in the past. At the age of seven the interest which you had for candy - at the age of 14 the interest you had for your own vehicle maybe motorbike or car, at the age of 20 the interest you had for your life partner; all three are equivalent. But now when you remember your past you remember your interest for your life partner and the car more intensely than the interest you had for candy or toffee. This is what I mean the past you remember is the projection overlapping of the future into the past.
It is not the exact pure past. The pure past and the pure future does not bind you. Overlapping of the past into the future, overlapping of the future into the past binds you. Let Me define the states: pure past, pure future - overlapping of your past into the future, overlapping of your future into the past, the fifth state is being battered by the past and future in present. Almost all of you are in that state only. The sixth stage is pure present. Understand. Mooladhara is pure past, greed; all the greed and fantasies based on past. Swadhisthana: pure future - all insecurities related to pure future. Manipuraka: the past overlapping into the future, worry - when the past overlaps into the future it is worry. When the future overlaps into the past and missing something - attention need. When the future and past is battering your present at this moment and constant comparison and nagging and suffering is vishuddhi. Unable to realize your uniqueness; uniqueness of the present is the vishuddhi. Pure present is ajna. Pure presence is sahasrara.  
The seven states the word janma - I think nobody in janma explained the word janma. Orthodox people translate the word janma as births or incarnations. I am translating that word as the various possible existences. If you translate the word janma as birth it becomes too superficial - no - various possible existences. Every moment you are in different, different janma. The mixture with which you are made is changing every moment. So the word janma has to understood in all its components and dimensions. The seven janmas which I expressed now is the seven janmas spoken continuously in the Upanishads and Puranas. It is not seven times you take a different body is called seven janma - no. Bhur, bhuva, swaha - the seven world is exactly now what I expressed.
The pure past, pure future, past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, and the present being battered by the past and future, pure present and pure presence. When I say the word pure presence, it is inclusive of all these six and which is witnessing all these six is presence. Suddenly you will see that whole zigzag puzzle clicks, "Oh God! - right!" Be in pure past - fantasies will not affect you. Pure past means what - dead! So, understand, "Yes, this is the way it all happened." Dead! - over - why will that affect you? The affecting starts happening when the pure past trying to overlap into the future - you want it again.
I tell you be with awareness during this janma. Now you have a janma find out in which janma you are. Are you in pure past, are you in pure future, are you now in past overlapping into the future, are you now in future overlapping into the past or are you in a state of past and future kicking you in the present or are you in the state of pure present? Now sit and scan you are in which janma. I feel most of you are in the janma of vishuddhi where the past and future is hitting the present - completely battered, shaken, chaotic, miserable.  
I tell you if you are caught in pure past; it is not even being caught - it is like living among the dead samskaras. Never you will be disturbed. The pure past has no problem but you once in a while sprinkle water on it and try to expect some dead body will come back to life and you can have a ghost - you can have the ghost and you may be able to have that samskara or that past repeating once more in the future. I tell you if you live intensely in this moment you will completely kill this moment and never ever expect that this moment should be repeated in your future.
It is the non-compliance to the moment is non-completeness of the moment. Non-compliance to the moment is non-completeness of the moment. When you do not comply to this moment because of being possessive of body or mind, the non-completeness of the moment happens in you. And non-completed moment is karma - which asks you to come back to the same janma. Please understand. When I say the janma I am not saying the human body. I am saying to the same energy space and ask you to complete that karma. For example, this moment you are stuck in the future overlapping into the past. Then that record goes and settles down as that engram and calls you again back to the space of future overlapping into the past to complete and comply with that engram which is a non-complete because of your non-compliance. So you are summoned back again to that same energy space to comply with and complete it.  
I am revealing a deepest secret to get rid of the karma chakra - the karma bandha. Another one important truth you need to know: fortunately each one of your energy centers can hold only 21 engram. Please understand. If you have 2000 fantasies - if you have spent your whole life in pornography, even then your mūlādhāra can hold only 21 fantasy; not more that. So 21 times if you go back to your mūlādhāra and comply and complete that fantasy without creating one more - that is the important thing. When you go to that zone you should be fully busy in nivritti. But after going there you should not think, "Wow! I have the possibility, come on - why not collect two-three, who is going to watch?" No. Any of your energy space can summon you only 21 times if you don’t create some more cases when you visit there. It is like a court summons you, you go there and if you attend and properly comply and complete and come back, it can be heard - it can be considered as one hearing.  
All your centers can summon you only 21 times in the whole life. But the problem is when you go to the court you do some perjury - some lying. So naturally the perjury case continues and when you are again summoned you do one more perjury. Understand. So that is why I am saying with this clarity and awareness, if you live even 21 days and go on complying and completing every janma of you - you are liberated. This is a important factor you need to know -  factor and fact.
In none of your janma, energy space you hold more than 21 strings. For example, I am saying, past being projected into the future is manipuraka. So you have only 21 defined problem in manipuraka. Even if you have lived unconsciously in your manipuraka for last 200 years and did 200 crimes it is all forgiven - only 21 are picked up and kept. It has a automatic filtering system. By nature you cannot hold more than 21. All more than 21 goes away into the sanchita. If you break this 21, sanchita gets burnt automatically. See, it is like you steal and store lot of money in the Swiss bank and you steal and store some money in your country bank. Suddenly you die then what will happen to both the accounts? Waste! Same way, more than 21 engram in each energy space goes away to sanchita but if you kill these 21 automatically other things disappear.
Various ways of existences is janma. See, in which way you are existing now and try to push yourself to the next level of existence. This is what is developing your janma. Anything you do to push yourself to the next janma is punya. Anything you do which pushes you to the lower level of janma is paapa - that’s all. The existence, anything you do which pushes you to the next level of existence is punya. Anything you do which pushes you to the lower level of existence is pāpa. And anything you do which does not comply or complete the present is karma.
Kathaṃtā the next word. Why, how, where the janma? Now, whatever I explained that is kathaṃtā. Saṃbodhaḥthe - illumination; Enlightenment happens. Let Me give you the essence now. If you are established in non-possessiveness, all the possibility of how, why, when, where about your various existences are revealed to you. You become Enlightened about all your various existences by being non-possessive - how?
When you - you are not possessive of body and mind you comply with the present and complete the present. Complying with the present and completing the present leads you to presence. Non-compliance of the present and non-completing of the present leads you to the lower five levels of existence; either past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, pure past or pure present. Understand. Compliance and completing of the present by the non-possessiveness of the body and mind which I call egolessness which is responsible for ajna; opening of the ajna, - leads you to the...
Please understand. Non-compliance to the present and non-completing of the present leads you to the lower forms of existence. Compliance and completeness of the present leads you to the presence. If you are not complying with the present you are pushed to the lower five forms of existing. Past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, pure past, pure future - in present, past and future shattering you shaking you; five forms of existence. Look in - in which form of existence you are in. Look in - in which form of existence you are in and try to comply with the present and complete the present. Just for next few days again and again and again you will experience saṃbodhaḥ of janma kathanta. You will experience illumination of all possible existences of your being.
Actually I feel complete now - I delivered a baby now. Practically. I delivered a baby. Because the truth I revealed; delivered, I know which was not there in the Cosmic Consciousness. It is just pure addition to the Cosmic Consciousness in last few moments. When a baby is delivered mother feels relieved and woman becomes mother. When a truth is delivered an incarnation feels relieved and only now - only during these moments, person becomes incarnation. Now, whoever mothers this truth inside them they will also deliver Enlightenment.
Let me come to the statement I made: quantum physics and quantum biology. Alright, I better take a little more time and elaborately expand on each word. Now already I can feel that all your minds are grabbing which one to pick up and which one to - it’s like a 'too much is in my plate'. I will give you the essence of whatever I said now; jist. By non possessing the layer by layer by layer in your life finally non-possessiveness of the body and mind leads you to comply and complete the various forms of existence, which leads from one to the other, one to the other, one to the other, finally to the present. And when you comply and complete the present, leads to the presence which is Enlightenment of all forms of existences of you in the past, present, future and the past overlapping into the future and future overlapping into the past and the past and future battering and shattering your present and the pure present and the pure presence ultimately.
I think I will give you the break to digest and explain the second and third sutras later; explain the next, next sutras later because I don’t want - I really thought I will do three sutras today. But the way and depth with which this first sutra came out - if I speak it may be recorded for the future. But I don’t think your bandwidth can grasp what I am saying. It’s like a you trying to download 100MB file with ordinary small Tata-porta card and the low internet signal. I don’t want your machines to get stuck -  machines to...
All right. I bless you all to experience, to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.
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[[Category: 2011 | 20110104]] [[Category: Patanjali Yoga Sutra]]

Latest revision as of 14:31, 27 January 2021


Ashtanga Yoga: Aparigraha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 90 - Nithyananda Satsang 4 Jan 11


In yet another breathtaking discourse by living enlightened master and avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes about Aparigraha (non-possessiveness) as the key to exist. He describes on this limb of Ashtanga Yoga in great detail and gives profound truths based on quantum biology, quantum physics, biomemory, and muscle memory.

Video and Audio - Ashtanga Yoga: Aparigraha - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 90 - NS

Video Audio



Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects. From today I will start expressing and explaining the truths; at least two sutras and answer all the questions. So, all the satsang centers watching the sutras and my explanations live - you can send your questions to the eN-TV, send your questions through email. I will attend to your questions and respond every day. So, all the satsang center's devotees watching live can note the information, from today you will have full three hours morning session.

(02:13) First, I will start with the sutra number 90th. For this sutra for this whole satsang the subject: non-possessiveness, key to exist. It’s a 90th sutra the second chapter of Patanjali yoga sutra 39th verse. Let me get into this verse. After I complete this verse I will go to the next - aparigraha-sthairye janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ; O God!

Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: when the yogi is established in non-receiving he gets a memory of past life. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: when a man becomes steadfast in his abstention from greed he gains knowledge of his past, present and future existence - existences.

Swami Satchidananda translates as: when non-greed is confirmed a thorough illumination of the how and why of one’s birth comes.

(04:19) The ability to condense the greatest truths in one sutra - the Patanjali’s ability, God! I just can’t grasp. As per the Panini - sutra means, which describes the greatest truths in minimum words without missing the basic points which anybody can understand, expand, expound in future. So if I use all these definitions no other book can be called as sutra except Patanjali. That depth with which Patanjali is expressing on each word I can go on for hours and I do not know even after that I will be able to make people understand.

(05:32) If I just make a statement suddenly: in the quantum physics and quantum biology whatever happens and the reciprocation of the happenings is reflected in your neurobiology - that is what is stored in your bio-memory which is responsible for your existential reality. Let me repeat. What happens in the quantum physics and quantum biology is a response in your neurobiology, is responsible for what is happening in your bio-memory and because of that you experience existential reality. If I need to expand on this one statement I made or later on some of my courageous disciples venture to expand and interpret this line what I made - the statement which I made now - if they are intelligent enough and catch my Consciousness, they can expand on this and write a whole book. Because each word I uttered is a separate philosophy and I have connected all that philosophy and given a clear final definition of how you perceive this reality.

(07:31) All right, the statement which I made spontaneously now I will expand on that in the next session. Let me expand on - no, what I mean to say, the statement which I made spontaneous now is can be considered as sutra. Too many important truths in unbroken way conveyed with minimum words with the possibility for people to expand, expound in future. This is what is exactly the definition of sutra by Panini. So Patanjali has done the same job in this sutra: aparigraha-sthairya janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ

(08:31) Aparigraha; let me explain the word aparigraha - non-possessiveness. Usually all the orthodox translators translate as non-possessiveness, as not possessing the external worldly things. But I am translating non-possessiveness as not possessing anything which is not you. Please understand - non-possessiveness of anything which is not you. Start with the external objects like a luxury items. The outermost layer is luxury items, like a too many cars which you don’t use in your day to day life. Maybe I can give an understanding. First, when you start anything which you have not used for more than one year - give it away. Then after you are settled comfortably in this aparigraha then come down. Anything which you have not used for last six months - give it away. After settling down comfortably in this aparigraha then come next - whoever ask whatever you have, give it away. Then come to the next level - whatever you don’t feel as you give up. Then come next to the level whenever you don’t feel even your body and mind as not you decide to give it away; the subtle and subtle and subtle levels of non-possessiveness.

(10:42) Maybe for three or four seconds you can feel you are not the body with the understanding of atma vichara or the ability of Unclutching. Then those three-four seconds be non-possessive of body. Maybe two-three seconds you will be able to feel you are not the mind by Unclutching or the atma vichara gnana; means understanding that I am not. Those few seconds give up your mind. Be non-possessive. Understand. If you are non-possessive of your body for few moments suddenly it will alter itself it will align itself with the Cosmos. It is you who is holding your body in the battered, damaged condition continuously by sitting on it.

It is like a many magnets are broken to pieces and are lying and you put a huge blanket on it and those magnets are all lying here and there in a chaotic way. If you just lift the blanket and leave them for themself they will all suddenly align in a clear north-south zone and stand in a proper line. See, a magnetic needle if you put a big blanket on it naturally it will not align itself in the proper north-south. It will be in chaotic position. The way in which you put the blanket, the moment the blanket land on that needle how it was it will be in that same position. It will be in a chaotic way. But just remove the blanket - what will happen? It will align itself properly to north-south.

(12:53) Same way possessiveness is the blanket you put on your body. So the moment you put the possessiveness on your body means you possess your body any problem you have your body is caught in that problem. Your body is bolted in that problem. Please understand. You hold on to disease because of your possessiveness to your body. Have courage and lift the blanket; blanket of possessiveness. Suddenly the body will align itself - the magnetic needle will align itself. Suddenly new kind of health, new feeling connection, new settled feeling and new joy, new wellness - I can say you will understand the meaning of the word 'wellness' when you stop possessing your body.

(14:13) Non-possessiveness is responsible - aparigraha is responsible for the wellness of your body. It will suddenly align itself. Maybe it is too new for a modern man’s mind to comprehend because from the beginning you are taught if you possess your body and chisel it, it will experience wellness. I am telling you, ultimate yoga, just be non-possessive of the body. See, if you can bend your body, chisel, do 108 surya namaskar, weight lifting, everything - great! If you feel you can’t, for that one hour renounce your body - not by sleeping. Sleeping is not renunciation; wakeful aparigraha, being non-possessive.

(15:39) I tell you. Being non-possessive of your body the first thing will happen is your digestion system will become so peaceful. How to find out whether you are non-possessive or not you know? In two minutes your digestion system will release and excrete. It means those - for example, if you have been non-possessive of your body for more than 21 second within 21 minute your body will excrete. These are all the Hatha yoga secrets. Actually, if you have the intense Unclutching you will suddenly see that stomach is completely emptying itself and you feel like going to the bathroom and after the cleaning when you come back and sit and unprecedented or ununderstandable wellness will be going inside your body - this is one of the symptoms; because possessiveness of the body is directly connected to the digestion system. Non-possessiveness; anybody who has problem with the liver and digestion system this non-possessiveness will completely heal you.

(17:18) You will think, "From where to where He is connecting." Experience then you will understand what I am saying. These are the deepest mystical secrets of body and the mind - how they both are connected. Non-possessiveness of body suddenly puts you into the great wellness. Anything which is not you, stop possessing. For example, when you walk decide not to possess your body and see how it walks. When you talk decide not to possess your body - see how it talks. When you do any action decide not to possess your body and see how it does. When you eat, don’t possess your body - let the body eat. Suddenly you will see you will not be over eating. When you listen, don’t possess your body. Suddenly the sound will neither create irritation in you nor create disturbance in you - it will create a deep peace in you.

(19:03) When you see don’t possess your body suddenly you will see, all the seen are only scene not reality. When you don’t possess your body you will realize all the seen are only the scene - not the reality. When you experience touch, don’t possess your body. Allow it to enjoy in its own way as the bio-memory of your touch reciprocates the touch; that is what is exactly tantra. I am defining tantra. When you are experiencing touch don’t be possessive of your body. Unfortunately we start possessing even the other body. Don’t even possess the body which you are carrying - you will see - "Wow" - a different space, different plane, different experience altogether.

(20:48) The very word aparigraha can be a complete technique for your Enlightenment.

tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasviddhanam kurvanneveha karmāṇi jijīviṣet śataṁ samāḥ evaṁ tvayi nānyatheto'sti na karma lipyate nare

Isavasya Upanishad - enjoy the whole by renouncing. Some of these deepest secrets of mind, body and the life; when I understand the deeper and deeper secrets, deeper and deeper gratitude starts overflowing in Me for the amazing intelligence and the Himalayan peak intelligence of these great rishis. I don’t know how many layers of meaning I can peel out of this one sutra.

aparigraha-sthairya janma-kathaṃtā-saṃbodhaḥ

Next, if I go to the words: sthairya - if you are stable in aparigraha non-possessiveness. Janma-kathaṃtā - all the possible existences of you in the past, in the present, in the future, the overlapping of the past into the future and future into the past and being battered state of by the past and by the future in the present.

(23:21) Please understand. None of you are in the present now. You are in a peculiar state called being punched by the future by the past in the present. There are different existences of you; the pure past - past janmas, pure future - future janmas, future possibilities - overlapping of the past into the future means your created future possibility; overlapping of your future into the past. The way in which you remember your past is nothing but the overlapping of the future into the past. Please understand. You don’t remember your past as it happened. For example, you were equally interested for a toffee and for a car and for a beloved in your life in the past. At the age of seven the interest which you had for candy - at the age of 14 the interest you had for your own vehicle maybe motorbike or car, at the age of 20 the interest you had for your life partner; all three are equivalent. But now when you remember your past you remember your interest for your life partner and the car more intensely than the interest you had for candy or toffee. This is what I mean the past you remember is the projection overlapping of the future into the past.

(25:36) It is not the exact pure past. The pure past and the pure future does not bind you. Overlapping of the past into the future, overlapping of the future into the past binds you. Let Me define the states: pure past, pure future - overlapping of your past into the future, overlapping of your future into the past, the fifth state is being battered by the past and future in present. Almost all of you are in that state only. The sixth stage is pure present. Understand. Mooladhara is pure past, greed; all the greed and fantasies based on past. Swadhisthana: pure future - all insecurities related to pure future. Manipuraka: the past overlapping into the future, worry - when the past overlaps into the future it is worry. When the future overlaps into the past and missing something - attention need. When the future and past is battering your present at this moment and constant comparison and nagging and suffering is vishuddhi. Unable to realize your uniqueness; uniqueness of the present is the vishuddhi. Pure present is ajna. Pure presence is sahasrara.

(28:23) The seven states the word janma - I think nobody in janma explained the word janma. Orthodox people translate the word janma as births or incarnations. I am translating that word as the various possible existences. If you translate the word janma as birth it becomes too superficial - no - various possible existences. Every moment you are in different, different janma. The mixture with which you are made is changing every moment. So the word janma has to understood in all its components and dimensions. The seven janmas which I expressed now is the seven janmas spoken continuously in the Upanishads and Puranas. It is not seven times you take a different body is called seven janma - no. Bhur, bhuva, swaha - the seven world is exactly now what I expressed.

(30:06) The pure past, pure future, past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, and the present being battered by the past and future, pure present and pure presence. When I say the word pure presence, it is inclusive of all these six and which is witnessing all these six is presence. Suddenly you will see that whole zigzag puzzle clicks, "Oh God! - right!" Be in pure past - fantasies will not affect you. Pure past means what - dead! So, understand, "Yes, this is the way it all happened." Dead! - over - why will that affect you? The affecting starts happening when the pure past trying to overlap into the future - you want it again.

(31:32) I tell you be with awareness during this janma. Now you have a janma find out in which janma you are. Are you in pure past, are you in pure future, are you now in past overlapping into the future, are you now in future overlapping into the past or are you in a state of past and future kicking you in the present or are you in the state of pure present? Now sit and scan you are in which janma. I feel most of you are in the janma of vishuddhi where the past and future is hitting the present - completely battered, shaken, chaotic, miserable.

(32:52) I tell you if you are caught in pure past; it is not even being caught - it is like living among the dead samskaras. Never you will be disturbed. The pure past has no problem but you once in a while sprinkle water on it and try to expect some dead body will come back to life and you can have a ghost - you can have the ghost and you may be able to have that samskara or that past repeating once more in the future. I tell you if you live intensely in this moment you will completely kill this moment and never ever expect that this moment should be repeated in your future.

(33:58) It is the non-compliance to the moment is non-completeness of the moment. Non-compliance to the moment is non-completeness of the moment. When you do not comply to this moment because of being possessive of body or mind, the non-completeness of the moment happens in you. And non-completed moment is karma - which asks you to come back to the same janma. Please understand. When I say the janma I am not saying the human body. I am saying to the same energy space and ask you to complete that karma. For example, this moment you are stuck in the future overlapping into the past. Then that record goes and settles down as that engram and calls you again back to the space of future overlapping into the past to complete and comply with that engram which is a non-complete because of your non-compliance. So you are summoned back again to that same energy space to comply with and complete it.

(35:51) I am revealing a deepest secret to get rid of the karma chakra - the karma bandha. Another one important truth you need to know: fortunately each one of your energy centers can hold only 21 engram. Please understand. If you have 2000 fantasies - if you have spent your whole life in pornography, even then your mūlādhāra can hold only 21 fantasy; not more that. So 21 times if you go back to your mūlādhāra and comply and complete that fantasy without creating one more - that is the important thing. When you go to that zone you should be fully busy in nivritti. But after going there you should not think, "Wow! I have the possibility, come on - why not collect two-three, who is going to watch?" No. Any of your energy space can summon you only 21 times if you don’t create some more cases when you visit there. It is like a court summons you, you go there and if you attend and properly comply and complete and come back, it can be heard - it can be considered as one hearing.

(37:33) All your centers can summon you only 21 times in the whole life. But the problem is when you go to the court you do some perjury - some lying. So naturally the perjury case continues and when you are again summoned you do one more perjury. Understand. So that is why I am saying with this clarity and awareness, if you live even 21 days and go on complying and completing every janma of you - you are liberated. This is a important factor you need to know - factor and fact.

(38:23) In none of your janma, energy space you hold more than 21 strings. For example, I am saying, past being projected into the future is manipuraka. So you have only 21 defined problem in manipuraka. Even if you have lived unconsciously in your manipuraka for last 200 years and did 200 crimes it is all forgiven - only 21 are picked up and kept. It has a automatic filtering system. By nature you cannot hold more than 21. All more than 21 goes away into the sanchita. If you break this 21, sanchita gets burnt automatically. See, it is like you steal and store lot of money in the Swiss bank and you steal and store some money in your country bank. Suddenly you die then what will happen to both the accounts? Waste! Same way, more than 21 engram in each energy space goes away to sanchita but if you kill these 21 automatically other things disappear.

(40:14) Various ways of existences is janma. See, in which way you are existing now and try to push yourself to the next level of existence. This is what is developing your janma. Anything you do to push yourself to the next janma is punya. Anything you do which pushes you to the lower level of janma is paapa - that’s all. The existence, anything you do which pushes you to the next level of existence is punya. Anything you do which pushes you to the lower level of existence is pāpa. And anything you do which does not comply or complete the present is karma.

(41:27) Kathaṃtā the next word. Why, how, where the janma? Now, whatever I explained that is kathaṃtā. Saṃbodhaḥthe - illumination; Enlightenment happens. Let Me give you the essence now. If you are established in non-possessiveness, all the possibility of how, why, when, where about your various existences are revealed to you. You become Enlightened about all your various existences by being non-possessive - how?

(42:46) When you - you are not possessive of body and mind you comply with the present and complete the present. Complying with the present and completing the present leads you to presence. Non-compliance of the present and non-completing of the present leads you to the lower five levels of existence; either past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, pure past or pure present. Understand. Compliance and completing of the present by the non-possessiveness of the body and mind which I call egolessness which is responsible for ajna; opening of the ajna, - leads you to the...

(43:54) Please understand. Non-compliance to the present and non-completing of the present leads you to the lower forms of existence. Compliance and completeness of the present leads you to the presence. If you are not complying with the present you are pushed to the lower five forms of existing. Past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past, pure past, pure future - in present, past and future shattering you shaking you; five forms of existence. Look in - in which form of existence you are in. Look in - in which form of existence you are in and try to comply with the present and complete the present. Just for next few days again and again and again you will experience saṃbodhaḥ of janma kathanta. You will experience illumination of all possible existences of your being.

(45:47) Actually I feel complete now - I delivered a baby now. Practically. I delivered a baby. Because the truth I revealed; delivered, I know which was not there in the Cosmic Consciousness. It is just pure addition to the Cosmic Consciousness in last few moments. When a baby is delivered mother feels relieved and woman becomes mother. When a truth is delivered an incarnation feels relieved and only now - only during these moments, person becomes incarnation. Now, whoever mothers this truth inside them they will also deliver Enlightenment.

(47:12) Let me come to the statement I made: quantum physics and quantum biology. Alright, I better take a little more time and elaborately expand on each word. Now already I can feel that all your minds are grabbing which one to pick up and which one to - it’s like a 'too much is in my plate'. I will give you the essence of whatever I said now; jist. By non possessing the layer by layer by layer in your life finally non-possessiveness of the body and mind leads you to comply and complete the various forms of existence, which leads from one to the other, one to the other, one to the other, finally to the present. And when you comply and complete the present, leads to the presence which is Enlightenment of all forms of existences of you in the past, present, future and the past overlapping into the future and future overlapping into the past and the past and future battering and shattering your present and the pure present and the pure presence ultimately.

(49:18) I think I will give you the break to digest and explain the second and third sutras later; explain the next, next sutras later because I don’t want - I really thought I will do three sutras today. But the way and depth with which this first sutra came out - if I speak it may be recorded for the future. But I don’t think your bandwidth can grasp what I am saying. It’s like a you trying to download 100MB file with ordinary small Tata-porta card and the low internet signal. I don’t want your machines to get stuck - machines to...

(50:36) All right. I bless you all to experience, to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.
