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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today we will have the eN-Kriya initiation. Today’s subject for the satsang is ‘Wealth’. Rarely, I touch this subject. Today I wanted to touch. Usually people ask ‘what enlightened being and wealth has to do?’ I tell you when you listen, hear the truths about wealth and manifesting what you want from a Master, when you go to him and ask for what do you want, even if he does not give what you want, he will give what he wants really you to have. I have seen people coming and asking somethings. Really what they asked wouldn’t have happened but suddenly something in them changes, ready to receive what I want to give. They are new beings. They come back and tell, ‘What I asked did not happen it's ok, you are there for us, you are there for me. I wanted only you and the jnana and the enlightenment which you want to give.’ I feel wow! Once more, once more the truth is expressing. Because whenever people come and ask me something I sincerely want them to have that. I do feel inside My inner space, ‘Let them have what they want.’ But corner of My being always makes a sankalpa "Let only good happen"
See when I push any sankalpa into My being I do it sincerely. It’s not that when I bless them I have My own ‘no, no, no’. No. I say alright whatever they ask let it happen; sincerely I push it. Ultimately there is one filtering system, the conscious system which just dilutes that sankalpa. ‘Let the good happen.’ I tell you that conscious system straight away helps the person who is asking also and not only it changes My sankalpa, it changes his sankalpa also. I basically don’t have sankalpa; when he asks, when somebody asks something, I send that whole file directly to the consciousness and say please attend it. Usually consciousness grants. If it is not good for the person, it at least immediately grants the right thing for the person. The person evolves.
I have seen 100’s and 100’s of time it is happening. So even if you don’t get it, ask to God, ask him, ask the super consciousness, ask enlightened Master, even if you don’t get it; because you will get the right thing. Getting wrong thing is the worst punishment. I tell you, even if you don’t get it ask only your father. Sometime what you want, your uncle will give but it may not be good for you, it may be good for him because he will have good opinion about him in you. That is why uncles always give what you want, but dads always restrict. Your mom and dad will always restrict because they know what you need; but uncles will always give. All devils are uncles, all demons are uncles. They give what you want because they need your voting and they need you as their customers; but mom and dad doesn’t give as you ask. They give as you need .So I tell you, even if you are not given, ask only mom and dad. So, even to know about wealth, better to know from an Enlightened being.
Creation, Sustenance, Ability to handle when it is destroyed. Creation, Sustenance, ability to handle when it is destroyed - these three dimension about wealth need to be known. Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Understand, the whole thing, the creation of the wealth I am boiling it down to one word- “intense high enthusiasm”. I challenge and I promise just radiate high enthusiasm in any line you touch, even if it is a line of collecting garbage, show high enthusiasm. Maintain the high enthusiasm 11 hours a day, 11 hours is something like a cycle. I am saying 11 hours a day just for 21 days maintain high enthusiasm. Do it as a practice. Anything you do I challenge not only you will attract tremendous wealth, suddenly the very attitude and life you are having, attitude and life, attitude and attitude towards life, both will take a quantum leap. High enthusiasm, I can say, maybe I can use the word, little strong word - terrific enthusiasm.
High enthusiasm is wealth. Anything you do, radiate high enthusiasm that will become sacred, that will become sacred. I can say, if you have the high enthusiasm, you have received a prasadam from guru. The real prasadam, prasadam is not the food guru ate or the water washed his feet; these are all outer prasadam. The real prasadam is the high intense enthusiasm; enthusiasm in anything you do. Filling your being is the right job of the Master than fulfilling your desires. Fulfilling your desires are too small than filling your being. A Real Master fills your being.
Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can never be brought by any reason, understand. Enthusiasm is just internal quality like your breathing. Like how you are alive, like living, Enthusiasm is high quality. It is your very quality. It can never be altered, arranged, reorganized by any reason. It is just joy overflowing through your intelligence. I can tell you, use anything to create enthusiasm in you. Enthusiasm and addictions are completely opposite to each other. Things which addict you can never give enthusiasm. Things which give enthusiasm to you can never addict you. This is the truth. Don’t think you can create enthusiasm through alcohol, through drugs. No. It doesn’t happen. Maybe demonic excitement can happen by alcohol and drugs. Demonic excitement is not enthusiasm. In demonic excitement you are not creative, you are violent. You just jump around like bhootas. They do not know what they are doing. They destroy, they never create. But in enthusiasm you are not demonic or excited. You are only enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is creation, creativity. I can tell you whenever you are filled with enthusiasm, those few moments you are experiencing God intensely in your inner space. When you are having a big change in your life but suddenly you have guts and energy to face the situation, be clear you received the prasadam, sacred prasadam. High enthusiasm is real wealth.
I tell you, all other things even if you call it as wealth or have it as wealth, it doesn’t stay in you as wealth, stay with you as wealth. High enthusiasm is intense wealth; creation, sustenance and ability to handle when natural destruction happens. Extraordinary enthusiasm which forms the base for creating wealth, that extraordinary reasonless enthusiasm is awakened only by inner practices. Without enthusiasm if you create wealth it will be a corrupt wealth would have created by the cheating methods. Of course in India you will not have punishment. 😄Little bit you created through corruption, share it with others, you can escape. But that will not give you the enthusiasm to maintain.
I have seen billionaires do not even have enthusiasm to maintain their life. They are so dull, not even having interest to wear their new dress. One side people do not have dress to wear, the other side they do not have enthusiasm to wear. See the fun of the wealth. Building billion dollar houses and bored even to pick up their new dress and wear, no enthusiasm. I tell you enthusiasm is a inner quality. It has to be awakened by awakening your kundalini shakti. When your kundalini is awakened, wealth is a by-product, I tell you; wealth is just a by-product.
There is a beautiful saying in Sanskrit "if your kundalini is awakened wealth presses your feet, wealth serves you and does what you want”. Wealth should be servant to you. Wealth to be servant to you, you need to be wealthy in your very consciousness.
eN-Kriya is a direct process awakening your kundalini and high enthusiasm. Only when the high enthusiasm is awakened wealth gathers around you, stays around you, you will have stability when it leaves you naturally. The greatness of wealth is, it can leave you. You may think, ‘How that can be great!’ When it leaves it teaches lot more lessons than when it comes to you. When it leaves it raises you higher than when it comes to you. I have seen coming and going, both. I tell you I have lived as a beggar literally as a beggar in the streets. In this very Bangalore there was a house where I was not even allowed to sit outside the veranda or outside the compound gate. I lived the beggar life and I have lived the life of wealth around Me. Suddenly again I lived sometime all the wealth out of Me and I was just taken out of all the wealth and the luxury. I have seen all the ups and downs. I tell you, when wealth leaves you if you can maintain the high enthusiasm, it teaches you more, it raises you to the higher levels than when it gathers around you.
I am not saying don’t gather. I am all for gathering wealth in a right way, in a proper way. I am all for sustaining it in a proper way. I am all for distributing it or circulating it in a proper way. I am all for being prepared when it leaves you. Leaving may happen in right way or wrong way; be prepared.
eN-Kriya awakens intense enthusiasm in you. When the kundalini is awakened through en-kriya, wealth is just side effect. It gathers around you. It stays with you. I will expand on more detailed techniques about wealth in the next session. Today I just wanted to give an introduction about wealth, creation, sustenance, being ready when it leaves, ability to handle when it leaves. eN-kriya is a direct technique, awakens your kundalini which leads to accumulation, maintenance of wealth.
I will give the instruction to do… how to do the eN-kriya and initiate you, then guide you step by step into the process. Please listen to the instructions carefully. Don’t do when I am giving the instruction. It is 7 step kriya.
The 1st step is cleaning the nostrils- Nadi Shodhana. Inhaling deeply, exhaling deeply; 11 times that’s all. If you inhale and exhale, it is once, it’s called one circle, one cycle. Do this for 11 times.
2nd step - Bhastrika. Bhastrika has many methods and procedures. I am giving you one simple Bhastrika. Lower abdomen, pull in and up. Just… [Swamiji demonstrates] don’t move shoulders, just…[Swamiji demonstrates] 21 times do Bhastrika. Pull your lower abdomen in and up.
3rd Samana kriya. Inhale as slowly as possible. Fill your lungs. Hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Inhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs filled as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Do this 21 times. This is 3rd step.
All these 3 steps are preparation. Then in the 4th step you enter the main en-kriya, the Sambhavi Mudra. Please understand. Somebody asked Me a question. “Swamiji the mudra which we are doing is described as some other name in some other books. Don’t bother about all that. Just do this mudra. The thumbs on the ears, index finger and middle finger on the eyes, ring finger on the nostrils, little finger on the lips. Lock all the senses including your nostrils. Stop the breath. If you have high blood pressure or any other severe heart conditions, don’t do this kriya. Don’t do whole en-kriya, just sit and meditate in silence. If you have any other serious illnesses don’t do this kriya. Others can do.
Please understand lock all the senses. Turn the energy inside. You will see this is the moment that kundalini awakens suddenly. This is the moment for sudden enlightenment. Every time when you do this en-kriya the possibility for sudden enlightenment opens its doors. The kundalini can be awakened suddenly and intensely. Do this 21 times. Actually hold all the senses as long as you can. When you feel you can’t hold anymore then relax the nostril. You may inhale or exhale, just body may balance itself, body may balance itself. When you feel little balanced, again hold the nostrils. Do this 21 times. This is the main en-kriya part.
Then next, the 5th part is intense humming for 7 minutes, preparing the body for kundalini awakening, levitation or balancing the energy, settling the energy and 6th step is shakti dharana. Raise your hand, face towards the Bidadi banyan tree. Feel connected to Master’s energy. When you are filled, pour yourself on the ground. Again fill yourself, pour yourself to the ground. Do this 7 times. Be a open channel between the sky and the earth.
7th step just sit and feel connected to the master intensely and send a deep loving compassionate blissful vibrations to whole world. That’s the moment you will experience the levitation and kundalini awakening.
Let’s prepare ourselves to enter into the eN-kriya which awakens high intense enthusiasm. Please sit in padmasana. Let’s start the eN-kriya.
You can sit either in padmasana or vajrasana , start the nadi shodhana, inhaling and exhaling as deeply as possible and as slowly as possible. Inhale through left and exhale through right and inhale through right and exhale through left.
Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.
I have few questions and experiences from satsang centers before ending today’s session I will just share few of the things with you all. As you all may be aware 3 days before I was teaching a samyama, how to become invisible. I was talking that I will make it as a experience at least for few hundred people. In front of their eyes My form will disappear and I even challenged ‘let us start the samyama now’ and here we have hundreds of emails from around the world people experiencing that samyama. Many of them are writing literally they saw My form disappeared and only the empty throne was seen.
Claudia Gluck from Germany, Yoga studio Ananda, she is writing, when she looked through the third eye, she saw My whole body completely disappeared and Ma Shraddha, South Miami satsang center, she is writing ‘The whole body has become transparent and disappeared’ and Chirantana is writing her experiences of eyes and ears feeling connected. And Sri Priyan and Ma Nithya Devi from Oman satsang center are writing, the form becoming blurred and disappearing and there are some more. May be I will upload everything in the website you can read.
So I invite all of you to attend the Brahma Sutras, one of the greatest conscious happening, happening now in the world, every evening. It is not even I am talking on Brahma Sutra, Brahma Sutra is happening actually; that’s the right word. Brahma Sutra is happening. I invite all of you.
I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 835 places in 292 cities in 111 states in 38 countries. We are successfully creating eN-effect for global peace and religious freedom. I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.

Latest revision as of 02:01, 14 June 2022


Wealth Management through eN-Kriya


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda touched on a subject that

he rarely touches on: Wealth. But it was combined with a warning. "Once more truth is

expressing, when ever people want to ask me, I sincerely want them to have but at the

corner of my mind there is a filtering system which just dilutes the sankalpa and lets

only the good happen. It straight away helps the person asking. I dont have sankalpa,

so I send the person to the consciousness, and you get the right thing, getting wrong

thing is the worst punishment."

And as he warns, sometimes wealth is the wrong thing for you.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today we will have the eN-Kriya initiation. Today’s subject for the satsang is ‘Wealth’. Rarely, I touch this subject. Today I wanted to touch. Usually people ask ‘what enlightened being and wealth has to do?’ I tell you when you listen, hear the truths about wealth and manifesting what you want from a Master, when you go to him and ask for what do you want, even if he does not give what you want, he will give what he wants really you to have. I have seen people coming and asking somethings. Really what they asked wouldn’t have happened but suddenly something in them changes, ready to receive what I want to give. They are new beings. They come back and tell, ‘What I asked did not happen it's ok, you are there for us, you are there for me. I wanted only you and the jnana and the enlightenment which you want to give.’ I feel wow! Once more, once more the truth is expressing. Because whenever people come and ask me something I sincerely want them to have that. I do feel inside My inner space, ‘Let them have what they want.’ But corner of My being always makes a sankalpa "Let only good happen"


See when I push any sankalpa into My being I do it sincerely. It’s not that when I bless them I have My own ‘no, no, no’. No. I say alright whatever they ask let it happen; sincerely I push it. Ultimately there is one filtering system, the conscious system which just dilutes that sankalpa. ‘Let the good happen.’ I tell you that conscious system straight away helps the person who is asking also and not only it changes My sankalpa, it changes his sankalpa also. I basically don’t have sankalpa; when he asks, when somebody asks something, I send that whole file directly to the consciousness and say please attend it. Usually consciousness grants. If it is not good for the person, it at least immediately grants the right thing for the person. The person evolves. I have seen 100’s and 100’s of time it is happening. So even if you don’t get it, ask to God, ask him, ask the super consciousness, ask enlightened Master, even if you don’t get it; because you will get the right thing. Getting wrong thing is the worst punishment. I tell you, even if you don’t get it ask only your father. Sometime what you want, your uncle will give but it may not be good for you, it may be good for him because he will have good opinion about him in you. That is why uncles always give what you want, but dads always restrict. Your mom and dad will always restrict because they know what you need; but uncles will always give. All devils are uncles, all demons are uncles. They give what you want because they need your voting and they need you as their customers; but mom and dad doesn’t give as you ask. They give as you need .So I tell you, even if you are not given, ask only mom and dad. So, even to know about wealth, better to know from an Enlightened being.


Creation, Sustenance, Ability to handle when it is destroyed. Creation, Sustenance, ability to handle when it is destroyed - these three dimension about wealth need to be known. Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Understand, the whole thing, the creation of the wealth I am boiling it down to one word- “intense high enthusiasm”. I challenge and I promise just radiate high enthusiasm in any line you touch, even if it is a line of collecting garbage, show high enthusiasm. Maintain the high enthusiasm 11 hours a day, 11 hours is something like a cycle. I am saying 11 hours a day just for 21 days maintain high enthusiasm. Do it as a practice. Anything you do I challenge not only you will attract tremendous wealth, suddenly the very attitude and life you are having, attitude and life, attitude and attitude towards life, both will take a quantum leap. High enthusiasm, I can say, maybe I can use the word, little strong word - terrific enthusiasm.


High enthusiasm is wealth. Anything you do, radiate high enthusiasm that will become sacred, that will become sacred. I can say, if you have the high enthusiasm, you have received a prasadam from guru. The real prasadam, prasadam is not the food guru ate or the water washed his feet; these are all outer prasadam. The real prasadam is the high intense enthusiasm; enthusiasm in anything you do. Filling your being is the right job of the Master than fulfilling your desires. Fulfilling your desires are too small than filling your being. A Real Master fills your being.


Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Enthusiasm can never be brought by any reason, understand. Enthusiasm is just internal quality like your breathing. Like how you are alive, like living, Enthusiasm is high quality. It is your very quality. It can never be altered, arranged, reorganized by any reason. It is just joy overflowing through your intelligence. I can tell you, use anything to create enthusiasm in you. Enthusiasm and addictions are completely opposite to each other. Things which addict you can never give enthusiasm. Things which give enthusiasm to you can never addict you. This is the truth. Don’t think you can create enthusiasm through alcohol, through drugs. No. It doesn’t happen. Maybe demonic excitement can happen by alcohol and drugs. Demonic excitement is not enthusiasm. In demonic excitement you are not creative, you are violent. You just jump around like bhootas. They do not know what they are doing. They destroy, they never create. But in enthusiasm you are not demonic or excited. You are only enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is creation, creativity. I can tell you whenever you are filled with enthusiasm, those few moments you are experiencing God intensely in your inner space. When you are having a big change in your life but suddenly you have guts and energy to face the situation, be clear you received the prasadam, sacred prasadam. High enthusiasm is real wealth.


I tell you, all other things even if you call it as wealth or have it as wealth, it doesn’t stay in you as wealth, stay with you as wealth. High enthusiasm is intense wealth; creation, sustenance and ability to handle when natural destruction happens. Extraordinary enthusiasm which forms the base for creating wealth, that extraordinary reasonless enthusiasm is awakened only by inner practices. Without enthusiasm if you create wealth it will be a corrupt wealth would have created by the cheating methods. Of course in India you will not have punishment. 😄Little bit you created through corruption, share it with others, you can escape. But that will not give you the enthusiasm to maintain.


I have seen billionaires do not even have enthusiasm to maintain their life. They are so dull, not even having interest to wear their new dress. One side people do not have dress to wear, the other side they do not have enthusiasm to wear. See the fun of the wealth. Building billion dollar houses and bored even to pick up their new dress and wear, no enthusiasm. I tell you enthusiasm is a inner quality. It has to be awakened by awakening your kundalini shakti. When your kundalini is awakened, wealth is a by-product, I tell you; wealth is just a by-product. There is a beautiful saying in Sanskrit "if your kundalini is awakened wealth presses your feet, wealth serves you and does what you want”. Wealth should be servant to you. Wealth to be servant to you, you need to be wealthy in your very consciousness.


eN-Kriya is a direct process awakening your kundalini and high enthusiasm. Only when the high enthusiasm is awakened wealth gathers around you, stays around you, you will have stability when it leaves you naturally. The greatness of wealth is, it can leave you. You may think, ‘How that can be great!’ When it leaves it teaches lot more lessons than when it comes to you. When it leaves it raises you higher than when it comes to you. I have seen coming and going, both. I tell you I have lived as a beggar literally as a beggar in the streets. In this very Bangalore there was a house where I was not even allowed to sit outside the veranda or outside the compound gate. I lived the beggar life and I have lived the life of wealth around Me. Suddenly again I lived sometime all the wealth out of Me and I was just taken out of all the wealth and the luxury. I have seen all the ups and downs. I tell you, when wealth leaves you if you can maintain the high enthusiasm, it teaches you more, it raises you to the higher levels than when it gathers around you.


I am not saying don’t gather. I am all for gathering wealth in a right way, in a proper way. I am all for sustaining it in a proper way. I am all for distributing it or circulating it in a proper way. I am all for being prepared when it leaves you. Leaving may happen in right way or wrong way; be prepared.


eN-Kriya awakens intense enthusiasm in you. When the kundalini is awakened through en-kriya, wealth is just side effect. It gathers around you. It stays with you. I will expand on more detailed techniques about wealth in the next session. Today I just wanted to give an introduction about wealth, creation, sustenance, being ready when it leaves, ability to handle when it leaves. eN-kriya is a direct technique, awakens your kundalini which leads to accumulation, maintenance of wealth.


I will give the instruction to do… how to do the eN-kriya and initiate you, then guide you step by step into the process. Please listen to the instructions carefully. Don’t do when I am giving the instruction. It is 7 step kriya. The 1st step is cleaning the nostrils- Nadi Shodhana. Inhaling deeply, exhaling deeply; 11 times that’s all. If you inhale and exhale, it is once, it’s called one circle, one cycle. Do this for 11 times. 2nd step - Bhastrika. Bhastrika has many methods and procedures. I am giving you one simple Bhastrika. Lower abdomen, pull in and up. Just… [Swamiji demonstrates] don’t move shoulders, just…[Swamiji demonstrates] 21 times do Bhastrika. Pull your lower abdomen in and up. 3rd Samana kriya. Inhale as slowly as possible. Fill your lungs. Hold as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Inhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs filled as long as possible. Exhale as slowly as possible. Hold your lungs empty as long as possible. Do this 21 times. This is 3rd step.


All these 3 steps are preparation. Then in the 4th step you enter the main en-kriya, the Sambhavi Mudra. Please understand. Somebody asked Me a question. “Swamiji the mudra which we are doing is described as some other name in some other books. Don’t bother about all that. Just do this mudra. The thumbs on the ears, index finger and middle finger on the eyes, ring finger on the nostrils, little finger on the lips. Lock all the senses including your nostrils. Stop the breath. If you have high blood pressure or any other severe heart conditions, don’t do this kriya. Don’t do whole en-kriya, just sit and meditate in silence. If you have any other serious illnesses don’t do this kriya. Others can do.


Please understand lock all the senses. Turn the energy inside. You will see this is the moment that kundalini awakens suddenly. This is the moment for sudden enlightenment. Every time when you do this en-kriya the possibility for sudden enlightenment opens its doors. The kundalini can be awakened suddenly and intensely. Do this 21 times. Actually hold all the senses as long as you can. When you feel you can’t hold anymore then relax the nostril. You may inhale or exhale, just body may balance itself, body may balance itself. When you feel little balanced, again hold the nostrils. Do this 21 times. This is the main en-kriya part.


Then next, the 5th part is intense humming for 7 minutes, preparing the body for kundalini awakening, levitation or balancing the energy, settling the energy and 6th step is shakti dharana. Raise your hand, face towards the Bidadi banyan tree. Feel connected to Master’s energy. When you are filled, pour yourself on the ground. Again fill yourself, pour yourself to the ground. Do this 7 times. Be a open channel between the sky and the earth.


7th step just sit and feel connected to the master intensely and send a deep loving compassionate blissful vibrations to whole world. That’s the moment you will experience the levitation and kundalini awakening. Let’s prepare ourselves to enter into the eN-kriya which awakens high intense enthusiasm. Please sit in padmasana. Let’s start the eN-kriya.


You can sit either in padmasana or vajrasana , start the nadi shodhana, inhaling and exhaling as deeply as possible and as slowly as possible. Inhale through left and exhale through right and inhale through right and exhale through left. Om shanti, shanti, shantihi.


I have few questions and experiences from satsang centers before ending today’s session I will just share few of the things with you all. As you all may be aware 3 days before I was teaching a samyama, how to become invisible. I was talking that I will make it as a experience at least for few hundred people. In front of their eyes My form will disappear and I even challenged ‘let us start the samyama now’ and here we have hundreds of emails from around the world people experiencing that samyama. Many of them are writing literally they saw My form disappeared and only the empty throne was seen.


Claudia Gluck from Germany, Yoga studio Ananda, she is writing, when she looked through the third eye, she saw My whole body completely disappeared and Ma Shraddha, South Miami satsang center, she is writing ‘The whole body has become transparent and disappeared’ and Chirantana is writing her experiences of eyes and ears feeling connected. And Sri Priyan and Ma Nithya Devi from Oman satsang center are writing, the form becoming blurred and disappearing and there are some more. May be I will upload everything in the website you can read.


So I invite all of you to attend the Brahma Sutras, one of the greatest conscious happening, happening now in the world, every evening. It is not even I am talking on Brahma Sutra, Brahma Sutra is happening actually; that’s the right word. Brahma Sutra is happening. I invite all of you.


I bless all of you who are sitting with us at this moment in 835 places in 292 cities in 111 states in 38 countries. We are successfully creating eN-effect for global peace and religious freedom. I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.


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"To know about wealth, it's better to know from an enlightened being-creating sustenance, ability to handle when it's destroyed. Creation is all about intense enthusiasm, just radiate intense enthusiasm in any line you touch, maintain the high enthusiasm or at lest 11 hrs a day, suddenly your attitude and attitude towards life will take a quantum leap. High enthusiasm is wealth, anything you do, radiate high enthusiasm, that will become sacred. I can say if you have the high enthusiasm, you have received a prasadam from Guru."

Prasadam is not just food given, the real Prasadam is the high intense enthusiasm in

anything you do. Filling your being is the right job of the master; more than fulfilling your desires. Fulfilling our desires are too small, a real master fulfills your being."

"Creation is all about high enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is creativity. Whenever you are filled with enthusiasm, those few moments you are experiencing God in your life. You receive the sacred prasadam."

"High enthusiasm is real wealth. Extraordinary enthusiasm which forms the base for creating wealth, that extraordinary reasonless enthusiasm is awakened only by inner practices, without this if you create wealth, it will not have enthusiasm to maintain your life."

"Enthusiasm is an inner quality, it has to be awakened by awakening your Kundalini shakthi, when it's awakened, wealth is just a by product."

"There is a beautiful saying if Kundalini is awakened wealth presses your feet. Wealth

should be a servant to you. For wealth to be your servant, you need to be aware in your very consciousness."

"eN Kriya is a direct process to awaken your Kundalini and high enthusiasm. Only when the high enthusiasm is awakened, wealth gathers around you, you will have stability if it leaves you. The greatness of wealth is it can leave you. When it leaves you, it will teach you more things."

He concluded by saying he will expand on more detailed techniques in the next session