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==Link to video==
==Link to video==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn0_UgiGjLg |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-04apr-21-how-not-to-jeopardize-your-life?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2017-list"/>
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Whenever your will is perverted by your own body Chemicals and loses its goal does something, which is against your own goal jeopardizing your own interest that is what I called delusion.
Whenever your WILL is perverted by your own body chemicals and loses its goal, does something which is against your own goal, jeopardizing your own interest, that is what I call Delusion. Only when you are liberated you can understand Delusion. Understand your WILL overpowered by the chemicals and hormones of your body and your WILL losing its focus on purpose and jeopardizing your own purpose. You know it is going to jeopardize your existence, but you just do it - Compulsive Behaviour Pattern. How many of you understand what I am saying? That is what I call Delusion.  
Only when you are liberated can understand delusion understand your will overpowered by the Chemicals and hormones of your body and you are will losing its focus on purpose and jeopardizing your own purpose.
you know it is going to jeopardize your existence but you just do it compulsory to behaviour pattern how many understand what I am saying that is what I called delusion.
The effect of Delusion on your body is this Compulsive behaviour pattern. Person or the society which does not understand the power of delusion, never gets liberated. You need to understand the power of delusion, only then you can get liberated. Understand, whenever chemicals and hormones of your own body taking over your WILL and your WILL does the actions by getting into delusion which jeopardizes your own planned future or cherished future, desired future is Delusion.
The effect of dilution on your body is this compulsory behaviour pattern person are the society which does not understand the power of the delusion never gets liberated you.
Need to understand the power solution only then can get liberated understand whenever Chemicals and hormones of your own body taking over your will and your will does the actions by getting into delusion which jeopardizes your own planned future are cherished future desired future is solution.
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==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24rE4vqnP0A&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-04apr-21-shaktipada-becoming-one-with-the-cosmic-soul?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2017-list"/>
Let me give an introduction about what is Shaktipada process. Please understand, you would have seen or heard about how the chicken sits on the egg and hatches. Of course in the modern countries this does not happen, machine sits on the egg and ☺  or egg sits on the machine. In those days originally when ☺ hens and chicken were produced on the planet earth, the hen used to sit on the chicken... hen used to sit on the egg and the chicken will come out of the egg.
See same way Sadashiva sitting – means the ultimate cosmic energy sitting on the individual soul and making the individual soul into cosmic energy is Shaktipada. Hen sitting on the egg and making the chicken happen, same way, you may think how come? What is going on here? The hen is only sitting, just by the body heat of the hen, the egg is becoming chicken. Because no surgery is done and nothing goes inside; its only sitting. Same way it’s ‘just Sitting’... it’s only the Presence... the Shaktipada makes the Individual Soul into Cosmic soul.
The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 1 || IA || 21 April 2017
Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening <br>
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 1 <br>
Date : 21 April 2017 <br>
Venue :  Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 april 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALKTQCIETtE&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-04apr-21_the-ultimate-cosmic-energy-part-1-ia"/>
A very important Shaktipada process. Let Me give an introduction about what is Shaktipada process. Please understand, Sadashiva sitting means the ultimate cosmic energy sitting on the individual soul and making the individual soul into cosmic energy is Shaktipada. Hen sitting on the egg and making the chicken happen. Same way, you may think how come, what is going on here. That hen is only sitting. Just by the body heat of the hen, the egg is becoming chicken because no surgery is done and nothing goes inside. It is only sitting. Same way, it is just sitting. It is only the presence. The Shaktipada makes the individual soul into cosmic soul.
Today we are going to have an important Shaktipada. Listen intensely because it is very important for you to manifest powers and manifest the space of Sadashiva. Listen, not only purpose of this program, purpose of the whole life itself is manifesting Sadashiva space. All the best things you think in the life: health, wealth, happy blissful relationships, contentment, completion, enlightenment, manifesting multiple powers, multiple possibilities, everything. All that boils down to one- opening up that space of Sadashiva in you, opening up the space of the ultimate. I don't want to use the word God because it is too handicapped. God is a poor man’s version of Sadashiva. God is the poor man’s version of Sadashiva. Who can't understand Sadashiva use the word God. Worshippers of God are poor people. No, really. They know only three-generation, operation, destruction. That is why, G O D God but life is not just three, life is five, much more than that. Life is generation, operation, destruction, delusion and liberation. It is all the five put together.
People who don't understand delusion, don't understand delusion exists. When they don't understand delusion exists, they can never come out of delusion. Whenever your will is perverted by your own body chemicals and loses its goal, does something which is against your own goal, jeopardizing your own interest, that is what I call delusion. Only when you are liberated, you can understand delusion. Understand, your will overpowered by the chemicals and hormones of your body and your will losing its focus on purpose and jeopardizing your own purpose. You know it is going to jeopardize your existence but you just do it. Compulsive behavior pattern. How many of you understand what I am saying? That is what I call delusion. The effect of delusion on your body is this compulsive behavior pattern. Person or the society which does not understand the power of delusion never gets liberated. You need to understand the power of delusion. Only then you can get liberated.
Understand, the session I am going to conduct now, first time ever I am conducting. It is not.... Actually this is going to become a session for further Inner Awakenings. If you already attended IA, don't think this session is going to be just regular Genesis of Identity. No, Genesis of Cosmic Identity. So listen carefully. Listen carefully. Now I shared few truths. I will repeat. One, whenever chemicals and hormones of your own body taking over your will and your will does the actions by getting into delusion which jeopardizes your own planned future or cherished future, desired future is delusion. How many of you feel you get into that many time? How many of you feel you never get into any delusion? It means you are in delusion now. I just wanted you to know. If you feel that you don't get into delusion at all, then you are in delusion now. Remember that.
Second, listen. Please, please come to the space of listening. Second, I am going to introduce you to you. What is individual? What all makes an individual? You are an individual. At least that's what you believe. What all makes you as an individual? So please listen carefully. Please listen (Swamiji writes a cartoon). This is cartoon of all of us put together. All of us put together, cartoon of Aam aadmi. Whatever we think about us inside, feel about us inside, the thought currents, cognitions which we believe as us, thought currents and cognitions which has a capacity to trigger you and push you into actions as a compulsive behavior whether you want or not, those thought currents put together is called inner image. Listen…. If you already heard My definition about inner image, now suddenly you will have a shock. That is LKG version. This is upgraded version, that's all.
Listen carefully. Thought currents, memories, ideas you carry about you which gets triggered, pushes you into action, whether you will it or not, sometime convincing your will, sometime not even convincing your will, just bulldozes you. Bullies you or bulldozes you, puts you in action as compulsive behavior. You simply behave, respond, react. Before even you wake up, everything is done. In this kind of happening, what pushes you and makes things, those thought currents, those memories, those ideas… you know depression is not right and it is going to keep you far away from Sadashiva but you enjoy depression. Compulsive behavior patterns which puts you in delusion, the bundles of those thought current, bunch of those thought currents put together is called inner image. You don't have to take notes. Listen carefully. Then I will give you... I will give you whatever you need to carry. Listen carefully first.
Then outer image, how you project you to others: to your mother, father, brother, sister, girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, daughters, children, boss, to all of them how you project you. Listen carefully. I am defining. Outer image means your inner image plus your fantasy of completion of your inner image is outer image. Listen, in the inner image if you feel poor, poverty is one of the major pain point, in the outer image you will always be pseudo rich. You will always be pseudo rich. I always tell people, person who deeply allowed the poverty to torture himself, even if he gets wealth without completing that suffering and pain, he will only live the poor man’s version of a rich man, not real rich man. Poor man's version of rich man is not real rich man, understand. There is a big difference. Poor man's version of rich man is not real rich man. Richness is ability to use the wealth for the purpose of life and relax. Poverty the poor man's version of richness. Poor man's version of rich man is, purpose of life itself will be wealth, money. Because he is so poor, he does not know what to do with wealth. Understand, man who has only wealth is the most poor man. Man who is only educated in the classrooms is the most poor, uneducated person. Child educated only in classrooms is the uneducated child. Person who has only money is poor man.
Kubera, Lord of all the wealth is not Lord of the universe, understand. He is Lord of all the wealth in Hindu mythology. So I should say Hindu Puranas but he is not lord of the universe. Your inner image plus your fantasy is your outer image. That is the way you will project you. In your inner image if you feel deeply sorry about your ignorance, all the time you will show yourself as highly educated person. If somebody points your ignorance even by mistake, it will start vrrr... No, that is what most of the time we do. Understand. Actually there is nobody outside towards whom you can jump, fire, shout, fight. It is internal agitation, Brrr, brrr. I should say, this is outer image of inner image. You are trying to show an outer image even to yourself. That is what is irritation about yourself. That dog brrr,brrrr…how many of you precisely understand you have this problem? Whenever you are alone, if you are irritated, agitated, remember this cartoon, brrr…brrr,,,
Listen, the inner irritation is your outer image you try to project on your own inner image means you know this is you. That is what you cognize but you are trying to make you believe you are not that and this. Understand, if you complete what you think as you, what you want will flower but if you force yourself to believe, it is like a putting the sandal scent on... You understand now. See, your inner image mixed with the fantasy and projected outside is your outer image. The good news is, if you know to complete your inner image, you will create an amazing outer image but if you don't know that science, you will try to build your outer image on inner image. That is like a building a stone building without foundation. Building a huge stone building without a foundation, what will happen? Constantly you will be insecure. You will be in insecurity. And small, not even earthquake, just a small tremor is enough for the whole thing to fall apart, collapse.
Understand, I will repeat now. All the thought currents which triggers you, pushes you into the action in compulsive behaviors even though your will knows it jeopardizes your convinced goal of life or the convinced purpose of your existence, that bundle of thought currents, bunch of thought currents is called inner image.
The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 2 || IA || 21 April 2017
Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening <br>
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 2 <br>
Date : 21 April 2017 <br>
Venue :  Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 april 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnLigd9FQH8&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-04apr-21_the-ultimate-cosmic-energy-part-2-ia"/>
Listen carefully, whatever you cognize as you, whatever you think as you, with whatever ideas you just associate, go and hug it, “Wow, what a thought current!” Yesterday I was defining diet. Diet is not fasting or denying something, diet means eating as per your goals, that's all. Eating as per your goal is diet. Look at the whole concept of diet from this angle. You will really start dieting. Before every meals, say, “Diet means eating as per my goals. If this is what I am going to eat, let me visualize after two years, this is the way I am going to be.” That's all, matter ends! How many of you struggled with this dieting, raise your hand. It means you have not understood what is diet. Dieting means eating as per your goal. We have big, big theories, diet watch groups. What diet watch groups can do? They are dying watch groups. Yes, they will watch and then teach you how to take a selfie without showing your weight. All these diet watch group fellows, end of the day only become master of taking selfie without showing your weight!
Diet is not denying certain quality or quantity of food to you. Diet means eating as per your goals. Right definitions are much more important than right solutions in the life. Understand, right definition solves the root of the problem. Modern medical science, whether allopathy, body related means physical, physiological, psychological, psychosomatic, none of the system is interested in curing you, healing you. They are only interested in keeping the customer in you alive. You can't be dead because they will not have money and you can't be completely healthy because then they cannot have money. That is why, these so-called stupid idea of incurable, continuously needed medication diseases are invented. The concept of incurable, continuous medication needed diseases never exists in Ayurveda. Ayurveda does not have this concept because it is for life.
In modern day allopathy, at least four hundred and eighty, almost like Sadashiva's powers. That is four hundred and sixty three, this is four hundred and eighty. Four hundred and eighty diseases exist, they claim they do not have cure and they also make you believe nobody has cure. Physical, physiological, psychological, psychosomatic, in all four levels nobody wants you to be cured. Everyone wants to use you for their… because your body is their income source. Why will they cure? Understand, right definitions not just cures you, makes the disease disappear. If this definition of diet is popularized, the whole struggle in the dieting will be destroyed. How many of you understand that this definition of diet: diet is nothing but eating as per your goals. There ends matter but this definition will destroy the obsessive compulsive behavior patterns. If that is destroyed, you will be free from problem. Then how to earn money out of you? So the definitions itself kept in a convoluted, perverted way so you pay them forever like a lawyers ruled country will be filled by law suits.
There is a blog called live law. Go and see. Eight hundred times, not eight hundred percent. please understand, hundred times more because there, gets disposed you don't know. Here we don't dispose it. It is there forever. We live with cases for generations. No, it is good in a way so that nobody goes there and adds more. If too much of quick disposal, it will become like US, a false idea that the courts can establish life, liberty and wealth. Understand, I am using the word, ‘false idea.’ Courts neither establishes nor possible to establish. Life, liberty and wealth of an individual is established only by his responsibility. Courts are just to give you consolation, not solution. Consolation, not solution.
In India, we have a Karma theory for consolation. So that is why, most of us don't go to court and you will get the judgment in the next life. That is another one problem. In the next life, maybe your grandson will get the judgment. If the definitions are changed, problems not just gets solved, they get dissolved. Now I am going to change the definition of you. So most of the problems not just gets solved, gets dissolved. Listen, because I do not have income if you continue to have problems. I do not have vested interest on your problems. My glory is making you leader. My vested interest is making you complete. Understand, listen to a man for whom your success is his glory, not your problems are his income. If you believe a person for whom your problems are his income, he is going to solve your problems?
The inner image is bundle of cognitions, bunch of ideas you carry about you which triggers compulsive behaviors and makes you do things which your will may, may not accept, sometimes even opposite to your cognised purpose and context of your life. If you think this is what is your purpose, the reason for you to exist and you perform an action opposite to it, completely opposite to it, cognitions you carry inside…. which makes you do things even if your will is not convinced about it is inner image. Inner image and plus the fantasy of your life which you try to project to others as outer image. And the funny thing is, you know others do not believe you as you project but still you continue to forget the truth and project and get beaten left and right.
Fool is the one who projects himself other than what he is; stupid is the one who believes others have believed him. Come on, listen, when somebody comes and boasts himself, try to project a big scene about himself, how many of you can see through and not believe it? Raise your hand. Then how do you believe when you project he is going to believe it? But that is always a blind spot. When others boast, I won't believe but when I boast, I believe others are believing me. Fool is the one who projects which is not, stupid is the one who believes what he projected is believed. So what is the definition of fool? Fool is the one who projects what is not; stupid is the one who believes what he is projected is believed.
Whatever others hold as you, that is called others’ image. Listen, how the others hold you back, that is called others’ image. See, how you project you is outer image, how others hold you is others’ image. (Swamiji shows the diagram). If you feel you are not able to read, it is confused, actually itself it is confused. So actually itself it is confused. Take it as a symbol. The others’ image is overloaded by their inner image and outer image and thoroughly confused concoction…. How what you believe as you inside you is inner image, how you project you to others is outer image, how others believe you, hold you is others’ image. How you hold the whole life of the universe… listen, you may have certain ideas about humanity, you may have certain ideas about God, you may have certain ideas about life, whatever ideas you have about life, that is called life image.
Sometimes you may feel, “Life is good, it is showering me more than I need.” Sometimes you will feel, “No, no, no, no, life is all cheating, exploiting. Whenever you feel life is good due to some person or a place, you have fallen in love. I should say in a way, raised  in love. Love means which makes you feel life is ‘Ah!’ Sometimes you feel, ‘Wow,’ sometimes you feel, “No, life is all cheating, exploiting, abusing. It is all about cheating, survival of the fittest.” I tell you, surely the principle survival of the fittest is not right. Fittest may breathe but does not live. Fittest may be surviving but doesn't live. Living is totally different from surviving. Integrated ones live, fittest ones survive. Understand, fittest ones survive, integrated ones live. Fittest ones don't live, they survive. After going through such a big attack, I am telling you, please understand, life is good. After facing hundred and twenty criminal cases. Hundred and nineteen quashed and one is stayed. After facing all this unnecessary attack, I am telling you, life is good. Life is not survival of the fittest. It is false theory. Fittest survive, integrated ones live.
Your ideas about life, God.... sometime even about God, “Oh! God is great. He is helping me in all the ways.” If you fail in one examination, “He is cheating me. He took three coconuts as advance.” No, I have seen people. When they pass in the exam, they will break the coconut. If they fail in the exam, they will break the Ganesha. Which one gets broken will be decided after the results. No, I have seen. If I give the boon as they want, I am God, Sadashiva. Swamiji is Sadashiva. If I don't obey them, it takes hardly two seconds for them to dethrone and finish everything. But fortunately I am not elected democratically. No, that is one of the most fortunate thing. It is not that they all voted and declared Me as Sadashiva. No, I declared and they followed. So that is the only fortunate thing.
Inner image, outer image, others’ image, life image, understand these four. I will repeat. What you believe as you is inner image, how you project as you to others is outer image, how others hold you is others’ image, how you believe your life will be life image.
The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 3 || IA || 21 April 2017
Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening <br>
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 3 <br>
Date : 21 April 2017 <br>
Venue :  Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 April 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ9lAQTcx9Y&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2017-04apr-21_the-ultimate-cosmic-energy-part-3-ia"/>
If you believe inside you, you are human being, you will attract same frequency persons around you, situations around you, problems around you, solutions around you. Your level of playing will be only that. If you believe you are a sportsman, you will attract sports community around you. If you believe you are a rich man, you will attract rich people around you. If you believe you are a doctor, you will attract doctors around you. If you believe you are a seeker, you will attract seekers around you. Listen carefully, what you believe as you matters. Listen, whatever you believe as you, cognize as you, you attract that kind of community, people, problems, solutions, life, fear, greed, around you. Now the good news I have for you is, your inner image can be changed. The great news I have…. you always would have had only bad news after the good news. Now I am telling you, it is not right. The pattern can be broken. It can be great news after good news. The great news I have for you:  I will do it for you.
Understand, all I am doing in this program, giving you different taste about life- asking you to do yoga, asking you to do Pooja, it is all nothing but giving you different taste of life so your cognition, inner image changes. Understand, change of your inner image will change your whole life. Obsessive compulsive behavior patterns can become powers…. The whole life can change if the inner image changes. The good news is inner image can be changed. The great news is I will do it for you. The whole lifestyle I am giving you, sharing with you, requesting you to follow for next twenty one days is just to give you the alternative taste of life. Listen, I can give a better word, alternative taste of Ultimate. You all know something as Ultimate and you tasted and it does not taste Ultimate and not long lasting. So giving you the alternative taste of Ultimate, whether it is Pancha Kriya or wearing this sacred Rudraksha or having Bhasma or eating with hands. Please understand, the food you are eating is cooked as per the scriptures, Hindu cookbook which is created sixty thousand years before directly by Sadashiva.
Understand, whether the yoga you do or the food you eat, everything is directly from Sadashiva. It is one of the oldest, most authentic, time tested, fool proof. Not just time tested, tested the time itself. Lifestyle, understand, this twenty one days, the lifestyle I am proposing to you, not just time tested, tested the time itself. The food you eat, best way to eat is have everything. Don't miss even one pickle, understand? Everything you are served is to make your body clean and detoxify. And I guarantee, eat as much as you can, you will lose weight. It is guarantee. It is a one liner for My kitchen. Eat as much as you want and lose weight because the food is designed to awaken the life force in you which more oxygen, more fat is burnt. That's all is the law of life.
Protein builds muscle is myth, breathing builds muscle. Understand, same food dumped in you and protein added becomes only fat. If the same food dumped in you and breathing added becomes muscles. Protein builds muscles is myth, breathing builds muscles is truth. Food is supposed to be making you breathe. This food does it and breathing is not just what is going on with your nostrils. Allopathy gives you a very wrong understanding, breathing is something which goes on with your nostrils alone. No, that is only one dimension of breathing. Prana, in yogic physiology, there are ten breathings, ten air circulation happening- Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, Apana. Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, Vyana and there are other five minor pranas. So ten air circulation actions are purified and awakened by this food. So don't miss even a pickle and any item you ask, we can give you the original verse from which it is made. Neither quality nor quantity is compromised. Please understand, you are eating as Sadashiva wants you.
The number of beads you have in your neck chain is prescribed in Kiranagama and Rudraksha Upanishad and what you are applying on your forehead is done specifically as per Sadashiva's instruction. It is a spiritual alchemy product. The Bhasma sucks the unnecessary toxins accumulated in the third eye region and processed turmeric removes all the erosion, corrosion, calcification on your third eye. It is decalcifying process. So the lifestyle I am giving you, these twenty one days is alternative lifestyle of the Ultimate to give you the new taste about your new inner image which makes you manifest powers and attract that kind of a situation, society, community, world around you. Understand, you can either create a slum around you or Kailasa around you. You can create anything you want. You can create either a slum around you or Kailasa around you. When the inner image is changed, you create what do you want.
Few minutes I want you to look in actually what inner image you have now. Listen, this cognitive shift is too important, listen carefully. You see, how many of you saw yesterday third eye awakening, all these power manifestation? How many of you already started manifesting after the first initiation? Wow, great! Raise the hand. Let Me see. Wow, give a good hand for this team. So only one initiation, started manifesting? Great! Listen, you reading through third eye, rolling the coconut through third eye, breaking the coconut, all these are called power manifestation. You realising, if I can operate this third eye, all third eyes are available to me because it operates from oneness is cognitive shift. One cognitive shift is equivalent to one thousand power manifestation.
Understand, if you open your third eye using the power of oneness, break a coconut, seal a coconut, see through the third eye, all this is called power manifestation but if you wake up to the reality using the power of oneness, if I can open my third eye, I can open any third eye because all third eyes are available to me, that is cognitive shift. This Inner Awakening, I am not aiming just power manifestation, I am aiming cognitive shift, cognitive manifestations, cognition manifestation. It is time to push ourself to the next level. Brand is no more power manifestations. It is outdated. It is cognitive shift manifestations.
Listen, you have thousand kg gold. You sell one kg gold and make few lakh rupees. So now making few kg..... Selling few kg golds, few kgs of gold… sorry, selling few kgs of gold and making few lakh rupee is power manifestation. Knowing this gold is the source of my money, so I can make even dollar or euro or any currency out of this gold is cognitive shift. Selling few kg gold and making Indian currency, rupee is power manifestation. Knowing this, out of this source not only I can make Indian currency, I can make euro, dollar, every possible anywhere in the world is cognitive shift. Now it is time we move from power manifestation to cognitive manifestation. Blessed are this IA batch where I am moving the whole team to the next level. Power manifestation is too initial level.
Simple exercise, I want you to look in, in your inner image what are the obsessive compulsive behavior, thought currents, memories and patterns means thought currents and memories and patterns in you which puts you in obsessive compulsive behavior. It can be related to reading morning newspaper or there are many people who can't go to restroom without cup of coffee or your sexual life patterns or your diet, so called diet patterns.
How many of you, when you see the TV ad, call now, call now, call now, gym equipments and immediately call and swipe your credit card and that gets delivered and it stays under the small room which is always there below the stair case and stays there forever unopened, raise your hand. No, for others also it stays. So, this is also one of the obsessive compulsive behaviour. You buy it because when you buy, you imagine the same body is going to happen, trr….,trr….trr… and you imagine yourself on that machine having the same body…. And it stays in your garage. In US means garage, in India means always there will be one small room under the staircase. There are somethings compulsory in Indian houses, middle class houses. A small room under the staircase, Pooja room never visited, all these are compulsory.
Now few minutes what all the patterns, thought currents in you that triggers obsessive compulsive behaviors in you, pen down. Then I will help you how to complete and manifest powers and go beyond the manifestation of powers, cognitive shift.
(16:00) to (20:00)
Discover Your True Self || IA || 21 April 2017
Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening Program
Session on: Genesis of Identity
Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India
Date: 21 April 2017
This Video is an excerpt from Inner Awakening Convention conducted on 21 April 2017.  Here the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about “Genesis of Identity” . The Various Components of identity – Inner image, Outer image, Others image and Life image – are presented in this section. As well as the gaps that fall between the images and effects of those gaps: self doubt, self hatred, and self denial, also known as SDHD. Together this is the introduction you to the genesis of your identity. It Gives you the tools to “Discover Your True Self”.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.
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===Inner Awakening Session===
===Inner Awakening Session===
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{{#hsimg:1|318|His Holiness gifts delegates with the Poornatva Vasthra, energized for assistance with Completions.|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5208_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg}}
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Latest revision as of 19:14, 12 July 2024


How Not to Jeopardize Your Life


In this discourse delivered on 21st April 2017, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains how our body chemicals pervert our will and jeopardize our life goals. This is the definition of delusion. Only when we understand the power of delusion, can we get liberated.

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Whenever your WILL is perverted by your own body chemicals and loses its goal, does something which is against your own goal, jeopardizing your own interest, that is what I call Delusion. Only when you are liberated you can understand Delusion. Understand your WILL overpowered by the chemicals and hormones of your body and your WILL losing its focus on purpose and jeopardizing your own purpose. You know it is going to jeopardize your existence, but you just do it - Compulsive Behaviour Pattern. How many of you understand what I am saying? That is what I call Delusion.


The effect of Delusion on your body is this Compulsive behaviour pattern. Person or the society which does not understand the power of delusion, never gets liberated. You need to understand the power of delusion, only then you can get liberated. Understand, whenever chemicals and hormones of your own body taking over your WILL and your WILL does the actions by getting into delusion which jeopardizes your own planned future or cherished future, desired future is Delusion.



Shaktipada - Becoming One With The Cosmic Soul


In this discourse, taken from an Inner Awakening session, Paramahamsa Nithyananda defines the 'Shaktipada' Process. It is the presence, just sitting that makes the individual soul one with the cosmic soul.

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Let me give an introduction about what is Shaktipada process. Please understand, you would have seen or heard about how the chicken sits on the egg and hatches. Of course in the modern countries this does not happen, machine sits on the egg and ☺ or egg sits on the machine. In those days originally when ☺ hens and chicken were produced on the planet earth, the hen used to sit on the chicken... hen used to sit on the egg and the chicken will come out of the egg. See same way Sadashiva sitting – means the ultimate cosmic energy sitting on the individual soul and making the individual soul into cosmic energy is Shaktipada. Hen sitting on the egg and making the chicken happen, same way, you may think how come? What is going on here? The hen is only sitting, just by the body heat of the hen, the egg is becoming chicken. Because no surgery is done and nothing goes inside; its only sitting. Same way it’s ‘just Sitting’... it’s only the Presence... the Shaktipada makes the Individual Soul into Cosmic soul.


The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 1 || IA || 21 April 2017


Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 1
Date : 21 April 2017
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 april 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



A very important Shaktipada process. Let Me give an introduction about what is Shaktipada process. Please understand, Sadashiva sitting means the ultimate cosmic energy sitting on the individual soul and making the individual soul into cosmic energy is Shaktipada. Hen sitting on the egg and making the chicken happen. Same way, you may think how come, what is going on here. That hen is only sitting. Just by the body heat of the hen, the egg is becoming chicken because no surgery is done and nothing goes inside. It is only sitting. Same way, it is just sitting. It is only the presence. The Shaktipada makes the individual soul into cosmic soul.


Today we are going to have an important Shaktipada. Listen intensely because it is very important for you to manifest powers and manifest the space of Sadashiva. Listen, not only purpose of this program, purpose of the whole life itself is manifesting Sadashiva space. All the best things you think in the life: health, wealth, happy blissful relationships, contentment, completion, enlightenment, manifesting multiple powers, multiple possibilities, everything. All that boils down to one- opening up that space of Sadashiva in you, opening up the space of the ultimate. I don't want to use the word God because it is too handicapped. God is a poor man’s version of Sadashiva. God is the poor man’s version of Sadashiva. Who can't understand Sadashiva use the word God. Worshippers of God are poor people. No, really. They know only three-generation, operation, destruction. That is why, G O D God but life is not just three, life is five, much more than that. Life is generation, operation, destruction, delusion and liberation. It is all the five put together.


People who don't understand delusion, don't understand delusion exists. When they don't understand delusion exists, they can never come out of delusion. Whenever your will is perverted by your own body chemicals and loses its goal, does something which is against your own goal, jeopardizing your own interest, that is what I call delusion. Only when you are liberated, you can understand delusion. Understand, your will overpowered by the chemicals and hormones of your body and your will losing its focus on purpose and jeopardizing your own purpose. You know it is going to jeopardize your existence but you just do it. Compulsive behavior pattern. How many of you understand what I am saying? That is what I call delusion. The effect of delusion on your body is this compulsive behavior pattern. Person or the society which does not understand the power of delusion never gets liberated. You need to understand the power of delusion. Only then you can get liberated.


Understand, the session I am going to conduct now, first time ever I am conducting. It is not.... Actually this is going to become a session for further Inner Awakenings. If you already attended IA, don't think this session is going to be just regular Genesis of Identity. No, Genesis of Cosmic Identity. So listen carefully. Listen carefully. Now I shared few truths. I will repeat. One, whenever chemicals and hormones of your own body taking over your will and your will does the actions by getting into delusion which jeopardizes your own planned future or cherished future, desired future is delusion. How many of you feel you get into that many time? How many of you feel you never get into any delusion? It means you are in delusion now. I just wanted you to know. If you feel that you don't get into delusion at all, then you are in delusion now. Remember that.


Second, listen. Please, please come to the space of listening. Second, I am going to introduce you to you. What is individual? What all makes an individual? You are an individual. At least that's what you believe. What all makes you as an individual? So please listen carefully. Please listen (Swamiji writes a cartoon). This is cartoon of all of us put together. All of us put together, cartoon of Aam aadmi. Whatever we think about us inside, feel about us inside, the thought currents, cognitions which we believe as us, thought currents and cognitions which has a capacity to trigger you and push you into actions as a compulsive behavior whether you want or not, those thought currents put together is called inner image. Listen…. If you already heard My definition about inner image, now suddenly you will have a shock. That is LKG version. This is upgraded version, that's all.


Listen carefully. Thought currents, memories, ideas you carry about you which gets triggered, pushes you into action, whether you will it or not, sometime convincing your will, sometime not even convincing your will, just bulldozes you. Bullies you or bulldozes you, puts you in action as compulsive behavior. You simply behave, respond, react. Before even you wake up, everything is done. In this kind of happening, what pushes you and makes things, those thought currents, those memories, those ideas… you know depression is not right and it is going to keep you far away from Sadashiva but you enjoy depression. Compulsive behavior patterns which puts you in delusion, the bundles of those thought current, bunch of those thought currents put together is called inner image. You don't have to take notes. Listen carefully. Then I will give you... I will give you whatever you need to carry. Listen carefully first.


Then outer image, how you project you to others: to your mother, father, brother, sister, girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, daughters, children, boss, to all of them how you project you. Listen carefully. I am defining. Outer image means your inner image plus your fantasy of completion of your inner image is outer image. Listen, in the inner image if you feel poor, poverty is one of the major pain point, in the outer image you will always be pseudo rich. You will always be pseudo rich. I always tell people, person who deeply allowed the poverty to torture himself, even if he gets wealth without completing that suffering and pain, he will only live the poor man’s version of a rich man, not real rich man. Poor man's version of rich man is not real rich man, understand. There is a big difference. Poor man's version of rich man is not real rich man. Richness is ability to use the wealth for the purpose of life and relax. Poverty the poor man's version of richness. Poor man's version of rich man is, purpose of life itself will be wealth, money. Because he is so poor, he does not know what to do with wealth. Understand, man who has only wealth is the most poor man. Man who is only educated in the classrooms is the most poor, uneducated person. Child educated only in classrooms is the uneducated child. Person who has only money is poor man.


Kubera, Lord of all the wealth is not Lord of the universe, understand. He is Lord of all the wealth in Hindu mythology. So I should say Hindu Puranas but he is not lord of the universe. Your inner image plus your fantasy is your outer image. That is the way you will project you. In your inner image if you feel deeply sorry about your ignorance, all the time you will show yourself as highly educated person. If somebody points your ignorance even by mistake, it will start vrrr... No, that is what most of the time we do. Understand. Actually there is nobody outside towards whom you can jump, fire, shout, fight. It is internal agitation, Brrr, brrr. I should say, this is outer image of inner image. You are trying to show an outer image even to yourself. That is what is irritation about yourself. That dog brrr,brrrr…how many of you precisely understand you have this problem? Whenever you are alone, if you are irritated, agitated, remember this cartoon, brrr…brrr,,,


Listen, the inner irritation is your outer image you try to project on your own inner image means you know this is you. That is what you cognize but you are trying to make you believe you are not that and this. Understand, if you complete what you think as you, what you want will flower but if you force yourself to believe, it is like a putting the sandal scent on... You understand now. See, your inner image mixed with the fantasy and projected outside is your outer image. The good news is, if you know to complete your inner image, you will create an amazing outer image but if you don't know that science, you will try to build your outer image on inner image. That is like a building a stone building without foundation. Building a huge stone building without a foundation, what will happen? Constantly you will be insecure. You will be in insecurity. And small, not even earthquake, just a small tremor is enough for the whole thing to fall apart, collapse.


Understand, I will repeat now. All the thought currents which triggers you, pushes you into the action in compulsive behaviors even though your will knows it jeopardizes your convinced goal of life or the convinced purpose of your existence, that bundle of thought currents, bunch of thought currents is called inner image.



The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 2 || IA || 21 April 2017


Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 2
Date : 21 April 2017
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 april 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



Listen carefully, whatever you cognize as you, whatever you think as you, with whatever ideas you just associate, go and hug it, “Wow, what a thought current!” Yesterday I was defining diet. Diet is not fasting or denying something, diet means eating as per your goals, that's all. Eating as per your goal is diet. Look at the whole concept of diet from this angle. You will really start dieting. Before every meals, say, “Diet means eating as per my goals. If this is what I am going to eat, let me visualize after two years, this is the way I am going to be.” That's all, matter ends! How many of you struggled with this dieting, raise your hand. It means you have not understood what is diet. Dieting means eating as per your goal. We have big, big theories, diet watch groups. What diet watch groups can do? They are dying watch groups. Yes, they will watch and then teach you how to take a selfie without showing your weight. All these diet watch group fellows, end of the day only become master of taking selfie without showing your weight!


Diet is not denying certain quality or quantity of food to you. Diet means eating as per your goals. Right definitions are much more important than right solutions in the life. Understand, right definition solves the root of the problem. Modern medical science, whether allopathy, body related means physical, physiological, psychological, psychosomatic, none of the system is interested in curing you, healing you. They are only interested in keeping the customer in you alive. You can't be dead because they will not have money and you can't be completely healthy because then they cannot have money. That is why, these so-called stupid idea of incurable, continuously needed medication diseases are invented. The concept of incurable, continuous medication needed diseases never exists in Ayurveda. Ayurveda does not have this concept because it is for life.


In modern day allopathy, at least four hundred and eighty, almost like Sadashiva's powers. That is four hundred and sixty three, this is four hundred and eighty. Four hundred and eighty diseases exist, they claim they do not have cure and they also make you believe nobody has cure. Physical, physiological, psychological, psychosomatic, in all four levels nobody wants you to be cured. Everyone wants to use you for their… because your body is their income source. Why will they cure? Understand, right definitions not just cures you, makes the disease disappear. If this definition of diet is popularized, the whole struggle in the dieting will be destroyed. How many of you understand that this definition of diet: diet is nothing but eating as per your goals. There ends matter but this definition will destroy the obsessive compulsive behavior patterns. If that is destroyed, you will be free from problem. Then how to earn money out of you? So the definitions itself kept in a convoluted, perverted way so you pay them forever like a lawyers ruled country will be filled by law suits.


There is a blog called live law. Go and see. Eight hundred times, not eight hundred percent. please understand, hundred times more because there, gets disposed you don't know. Here we don't dispose it. It is there forever. We live with cases for generations. No, it is good in a way so that nobody goes there and adds more. If too much of quick disposal, it will become like US, a false idea that the courts can establish life, liberty and wealth. Understand, I am using the word, ‘false idea.’ Courts neither establishes nor possible to establish. Life, liberty and wealth of an individual is established only by his responsibility. Courts are just to give you consolation, not solution. Consolation, not solution.


In India, we have a Karma theory for consolation. So that is why, most of us don't go to court and you will get the judgment in the next life. That is another one problem. In the next life, maybe your grandson will get the judgment. If the definitions are changed, problems not just gets solved, they get dissolved. Now I am going to change the definition of you. So most of the problems not just gets solved, gets dissolved. Listen, because I do not have income if you continue to have problems. I do not have vested interest on your problems. My glory is making you leader. My vested interest is making you complete. Understand, listen to a man for whom your success is his glory, not your problems are his income. If you believe a person for whom your problems are his income, he is going to solve your problems?


The inner image is bundle of cognitions, bunch of ideas you carry about you which triggers compulsive behaviors and makes you do things which your will may, may not accept, sometimes even opposite to your cognised purpose and context of your life. If you think this is what is your purpose, the reason for you to exist and you perform an action opposite to it, completely opposite to it, cognitions you carry inside…. which makes you do things even if your will is not convinced about it is inner image. Inner image and plus the fantasy of your life which you try to project to others as outer image. And the funny thing is, you know others do not believe you as you project but still you continue to forget the truth and project and get beaten left and right.


Fool is the one who projects himself other than what he is; stupid is the one who believes others have believed him. Come on, listen, when somebody comes and boasts himself, try to project a big scene about himself, how many of you can see through and not believe it? Raise your hand. Then how do you believe when you project he is going to believe it? But that is always a blind spot. When others boast, I won't believe but when I boast, I believe others are believing me. Fool is the one who projects which is not, stupid is the one who believes what he projected is believed. So what is the definition of fool? Fool is the one who projects what is not; stupid is the one who believes what he is projected is believed.


Whatever others hold as you, that is called others’ image. Listen, how the others hold you back, that is called others’ image. See, how you project you is outer image, how others hold you is others’ image. (Swamiji shows the diagram). If you feel you are not able to read, it is confused, actually itself it is confused. So actually itself it is confused. Take it as a symbol. The others’ image is overloaded by their inner image and outer image and thoroughly confused concoction…. How what you believe as you inside you is inner image, how you project you to others is outer image, how others believe you, hold you is others’ image. How you hold the whole life of the universe… listen, you may have certain ideas about humanity, you may have certain ideas about God, you may have certain ideas about life, whatever ideas you have about life, that is called life image.


Sometimes you may feel, “Life is good, it is showering me more than I need.” Sometimes you will feel, “No, no, no, no, life is all cheating, exploiting. Whenever you feel life is good due to some person or a place, you have fallen in love. I should say in a way, raised in love. Love means which makes you feel life is ‘Ah!’ Sometimes you feel, ‘Wow,’ sometimes you feel, “No, life is all cheating, exploiting, abusing. It is all about cheating, survival of the fittest.” I tell you, surely the principle survival of the fittest is not right. Fittest may breathe but does not live. Fittest may be surviving but doesn't live. Living is totally different from surviving. Integrated ones live, fittest ones survive. Understand, fittest ones survive, integrated ones live. Fittest ones don't live, they survive. After going through such a big attack, I am telling you, please understand, life is good. After facing hundred and twenty criminal cases. Hundred and nineteen quashed and one is stayed. After facing all this unnecessary attack, I am telling you, life is good. Life is not survival of the fittest. It is false theory. Fittest survive, integrated ones live.


Your ideas about life, God.... sometime even about God, “Oh! God is great. He is helping me in all the ways.” If you fail in one examination, “He is cheating me. He took three coconuts as advance.” No, I have seen people. When they pass in the exam, they will break the coconut. If they fail in the exam, they will break the Ganesha. Which one gets broken will be decided after the results. No, I have seen. If I give the boon as they want, I am God, Sadashiva. Swamiji is Sadashiva. If I don't obey them, it takes hardly two seconds for them to dethrone and finish everything. But fortunately I am not elected democratically. No, that is one of the most fortunate thing. It is not that they all voted and declared Me as Sadashiva. No, I declared and they followed. So that is the only fortunate thing.


Inner image, outer image, others’ image, life image, understand these four. I will repeat. What you believe as you is inner image, how you project as you to others is outer image, how others hold you is others’ image, how you believe your life will be life image.



The Ultimate Cosmic Energy || Part 3 || IA || 21 April 2017


Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening
Session on: The Ultimate Cosmic Energy Part 3
Date : 21 April 2017
Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains to all the delegates about the obsessive compulsive behaviour in their life. Also HDH also explains on the inner image, outer image, other's image, and life image and the obsessive compulsive patters that we do in our everyday life. This video is an excerpt on The introduction to the ultimate cosmic energy conducted on 21 April 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

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If you believe inside you, you are human being, you will attract same frequency persons around you, situations around you, problems around you, solutions around you. Your level of playing will be only that. If you believe you are a sportsman, you will attract sports community around you. If you believe you are a rich man, you will attract rich people around you. If you believe you are a doctor, you will attract doctors around you. If you believe you are a seeker, you will attract seekers around you. Listen carefully, what you believe as you matters. Listen, whatever you believe as you, cognize as you, you attract that kind of community, people, problems, solutions, life, fear, greed, around you. Now the good news I have for you is, your inner image can be changed. The great news I have…. you always would have had only bad news after the good news. Now I am telling you, it is not right. The pattern can be broken. It can be great news after good news. The great news I have for you: I will do it for you.


Understand, all I am doing in this program, giving you different taste about life- asking you to do yoga, asking you to do Pooja, it is all nothing but giving you different taste of life so your cognition, inner image changes. Understand, change of your inner image will change your whole life. Obsessive compulsive behavior patterns can become powers…. The whole life can change if the inner image changes. The good news is inner image can be changed. The great news is I will do it for you. The whole lifestyle I am giving you, sharing with you, requesting you to follow for next twenty one days is just to give you the alternative taste of life. Listen, I can give a better word, alternative taste of Ultimate. You all know something as Ultimate and you tasted and it does not taste Ultimate and not long lasting. So giving you the alternative taste of Ultimate, whether it is Pancha Kriya or wearing this sacred Rudraksha or having Bhasma or eating with hands. Please understand, the food you are eating is cooked as per the scriptures, Hindu cookbook which is created sixty thousand years before directly by Sadashiva.


Understand, whether the yoga you do or the food you eat, everything is directly from Sadashiva. It is one of the oldest, most authentic, time tested, fool proof. Not just time tested, tested the time itself. Lifestyle, understand, this twenty one days, the lifestyle I am proposing to you, not just time tested, tested the time itself. The food you eat, best way to eat is have everything. Don't miss even one pickle, understand? Everything you are served is to make your body clean and detoxify. And I guarantee, eat as much as you can, you will lose weight. It is guarantee. It is a one liner for My kitchen. Eat as much as you want and lose weight because the food is designed to awaken the life force in you which more oxygen, more fat is burnt. That's all is the law of life.


Protein builds muscle is myth, breathing builds muscle. Understand, same food dumped in you and protein added becomes only fat. If the same food dumped in you and breathing added becomes muscles. Protein builds muscles is myth, breathing builds muscles is truth. Food is supposed to be making you breathe. This food does it and breathing is not just what is going on with your nostrils. Allopathy gives you a very wrong understanding, breathing is something which goes on with your nostrils alone. No, that is only one dimension of breathing. Prana, in yogic physiology, there are ten breathings, ten air circulation happening- Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, Apana. Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana, Vyana and there are other five minor pranas. So ten air circulation actions are purified and awakened by this food. So don't miss even a pickle and any item you ask, we can give you the original verse from which it is made. Neither quality nor quantity is compromised. Please understand, you are eating as Sadashiva wants you.


The number of beads you have in your neck chain is prescribed in Kiranagama and Rudraksha Upanishad and what you are applying on your forehead is done specifically as per Sadashiva's instruction. It is a spiritual alchemy product. The Bhasma sucks the unnecessary toxins accumulated in the third eye region and processed turmeric removes all the erosion, corrosion, calcification on your third eye. It is decalcifying process. So the lifestyle I am giving you, these twenty one days is alternative lifestyle of the Ultimate to give you the new taste about your new inner image which makes you manifest powers and attract that kind of a situation, society, community, world around you. Understand, you can either create a slum around you or Kailasa around you. You can create anything you want. You can create either a slum around you or Kailasa around you. When the inner image is changed, you create what do you want.


Few minutes I want you to look in actually what inner image you have now. Listen, this cognitive shift is too important, listen carefully. You see, how many of you saw yesterday third eye awakening, all these power manifestation? How many of you already started manifesting after the first initiation? Wow, great! Raise the hand. Let Me see. Wow, give a good hand for this team. So only one initiation, started manifesting? Great! Listen, you reading through third eye, rolling the coconut through third eye, breaking the coconut, all these are called power manifestation. You realising, if I can operate this third eye, all third eyes are available to me because it operates from oneness is cognitive shift. One cognitive shift is equivalent to one thousand power manifestation.


Understand, if you open your third eye using the power of oneness, break a coconut, seal a coconut, see through the third eye, all this is called power manifestation but if you wake up to the reality using the power of oneness, if I can open my third eye, I can open any third eye because all third eyes are available to me, that is cognitive shift. This Inner Awakening, I am not aiming just power manifestation, I am aiming cognitive shift, cognitive manifestations, cognition manifestation. It is time to push ourself to the next level. Brand is no more power manifestations. It is outdated. It is cognitive shift manifestations.


Listen, you have thousand kg gold. You sell one kg gold and make few lakh rupees. So now making few kg..... Selling few kg golds, few kgs of gold… sorry, selling few kgs of gold and making few lakh rupee is power manifestation. Knowing this gold is the source of my money, so I can make even dollar or euro or any currency out of this gold is cognitive shift. Selling few kg gold and making Indian currency, rupee is power manifestation. Knowing this, out of this source not only I can make Indian currency, I can make euro, dollar, every possible anywhere in the world is cognitive shift. Now it is time we move from power manifestation to cognitive manifestation. Blessed are this IA batch where I am moving the whole team to the next level. Power manifestation is too initial level.


Simple exercise, I want you to look in, in your inner image what are the obsessive compulsive behavior, thought currents, memories and patterns means thought currents and memories and patterns in you which puts you in obsessive compulsive behavior. It can be related to reading morning newspaper or there are many people who can't go to restroom without cup of coffee or your sexual life patterns or your diet, so called diet patterns.


How many of you, when you see the TV ad, call now, call now, call now, gym equipments and immediately call and swipe your credit card and that gets delivered and it stays under the small room which is always there below the stair case and stays there forever unopened, raise your hand. No, for others also it stays. So, this is also one of the obsessive compulsive behaviour. You buy it because when you buy, you imagine the same body is going to happen, trr….,trr….trr… and you imagine yourself on that machine having the same body…. And it stays in your garage. In US means garage, in India means always there will be one small room under the staircase. There are somethings compulsory in Indian houses, middle class houses. A small room under the staircase, Pooja room never visited, all these are compulsory.


Now few minutes what all the patterns, thought currents in you that triggers obsessive compulsive behaviors in you, pen down. Then I will help you how to complete and manifest powers and go beyond the manifestation of powers, cognitive shift.

(16:00) to (20:00)




Discover Your True Self || IA || 21 April 2017


Name Of The Convention: Inner Awakening Program Session on: Genesis of Identity

Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bangalore, India Date: 21 April 2017

This Video is an excerpt from Inner Awakening Convention conducted on 21 April 2017. Here the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam explains about “Genesis of Identity” . The Various Components of identity – Inner image, Outer image, Others image and Life image – are presented in this section. As well as the gaps that fall between the images and effects of those gaps: self doubt, self hatred, and self denial, also known as SDHD. Together this is the introduction you to the genesis of your identity. It Gives you the tools to “Discover Your True Self”.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


Inner Awakening

Genesis of Identity Session: His Holiness describes NEW understanding of how to make cognitive shift for your Inner Image, Outer Image, Other's Image (of you) and how you view life or life's image.

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NIthyananda Yoga

Nithyanandam Yoga Nithyanandam Yoga

Inner Awakening Session

Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Q & A Session Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants Manifesting Shaktis Session with the Nithyananda Gurukul Balasants


Sadashiva's Kitchen - Organic, Vegetarian food as created by Sadashiva Himself in the Bhaga Shastra Sadashiva's Kitchen Sadashiva's Kitchen Sadashiva's Kitchen Sadashiva's Kitchen Sadashiva's Kitchen Shiva Leela Alankar for Murthy of Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Swamiji http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_4296_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-temple-bhagavan-murthy-shiva-leela-alankar.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_4303_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-temple-bhagavan-murthy-shiva-leela-alankar.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_4307_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-temple-bhagavan-murthy-shiva-leela-alankar.jpg Energy Darshan! http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5183_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5197_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg


His Holiness gifts delegates with the Poornatva Vasthra, energized for assistance with Completions. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5223_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5230_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5237_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5261_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5275_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5289_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5292_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5297_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5307_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5313_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5326_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2017-3apr-21st-nithyananda-diary_DSC_5356_bengaluru-aadheenam-IA-day2-energy-darshan.jpg


The Aadheenam Goshala - Newborn Baby Calf The Aadheenam Goshala - Newborn Baby Calf The Aadheenam Goshala - Newborn Baby Calf

Inner Awakening Sessions

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Photos Of The Day:


