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Today’s (4rd March, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. Isha Upanishad – Verse 5 continues: tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 || In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Paramahamsa Nithyananda urges us to continue daily Vakyartha Sadas, exploring the sacred truths. Blessed are those who are always focused on the realization of reality; this is the most non-suffering way to live. By moving through perception, fact and truth, we will find Reality.
Today’s (4rd March, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. Isha Upanishad – Verse 5 continues: tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 || In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Paramahamsa Nithyananda urges us to continue daily Vakyartha Sadas, exploring the sacred truths. Blessed are those who are always focused on the realization of reality; this is the most non-suffering way to live. By moving through perception, fact and truth, we will find Reality.
==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOz0kKP1ckQ |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/mar2015-04-upanishads-paramahamsa-nithyananda-shares-his-enlightenment-experience?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2015-upanishads"/>
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, ARRA TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Cities sitting with us through two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha: Chicago-Nasservilla, Grasse-France, North.. Minot-North Dakota, Dakota Dunes, Madurai, Slovakia, Ponca City - Oklahoma, Rajapalayam, Warrington-UK, Guadelupe, Indrani-New Jersey, Hyderabad Gupta Kashi, Charlotte-SriSailam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaihyanatahm, China, Los Angeles, Seattle, Oklahoma, San Jose, Oman-Siva Kangai, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio Temple, Melbourne- Thiruvarur, St-Louis-Tirumala, Toronto-Thirukailayam, Redmond-USA.. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
Today Rajarajeswari brahmotsavam tenth day, mashi maham. And Devi is gracing all of us in the form of Maha Saraswathi on Hamsa Vahana.
[Aarati is performed.]
Today we also have Sri Vidya puja and Sri Vidhya homa in Bidadi Nithyanandeshwara temple as the tenth day, culminating day of Rajarajeswari Brahmotasavam.
Let Me enter into Upaniṣads satsang. I will expand, continue to expand on fifth verse.
तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके।
तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः॥
tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike |
tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||
It is Truth that Consciousness moves, and at the same time, it is Truth that Consciousness does not move. Truth that Consciousness is far off from the farthest space, the Truth that Consciousness is also nearer than the nearest space. Truth is the inner space of the whole Cosmos,  Truth is also the outer space of the whole Cosmos; pervading and uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from the outside… Pervading and uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from outside.
It is an amazing sutra! Please listen. What Upaniṣads want to declare through this verse: Break from something which is making you perceive inside-outside separately, moving-unmoving separately, antara-bāhyataḥ separately. Listen. tan-naijati… tad-ejati tan-naijati; moving-unmoving separately.
What is that, that makes you perceive something as moving, something as unmoving?
What is that, that makes you perceive something is near, something is far off?
What is that, that makes you perceive something is inside you, and something is outside you?
Listen. I Am going to repeat, explain once more My Enlightenment experience from the context of this verse. Listen. Please listen. Exactly what was that I realized on the Vaikāśi-Viśākham, Vaikāśi month, Pūrnima tithi, Vishākha Nakṣatram, evening.
When I completed eleven, and aging into twelve, that year Vaikāśi month, Viśākha Nakṣatra, Pournami tithi...This is the way we Indians keep the date in the memory. We do not keep that English calendar date. Somehow I always kept only based on the tithi and Rāshi and Nakṣatra. So, now, if you can google, you google and find out exactly what is the date.  Let Me describe. Because, we never bothered about the Kāla. We bothered only the essence of Kāla. When I completed eleven, and moving into twelve, that year this has happened. Listen!  Exactly what happened let Me describe.
As usual, I went and sat on one rock.  I did not choose, please understand.  I did not choose.  It was a just a casual... Usually I will sit here, there, here, there.  Somehow that day, I sat on one rock which has become a Tīrtha Kṣetra (sacred energy field) now for all our devotees and disciples. I sat casually. Whenever I find time, I will go and spend time in that space, in that area, because Devi became enlightened there. My Guru, Vibhudanandapuri always used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy field.’ That place is called Pavizha Kundru, Coral Hill.  She used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy space, energy field.’ So, I always used to go and sit there. I was sitting on a rock. To tell you honestly, I was not even doing some serious meditation. I can say in a way, the whole ambience was so calm, so beautiful, I decided to close My eyes. Once I closed the eyes, the intensity of My yearning started taking over Me. The intensity to realize Myself, My true nature, started possessing Me. It has taken possession over Me.
The Kathopaniṣad declares, ‘śraddhā-viveca’. Śraddha just took over Nachiketa. All of you know how fear takes over you, greed takes over you. When a fear takes over you, when you have the panic attack, you just do things you always feel guilty, shy, later on about it. You repent for it. You don’t know why you did it. Sameway, when lust takes over you, when greed takes over you, you do things which you can never logically justify even to yourself.  But, when authenticity takes over you, it will be ten thousand times more intense than fear taking over or greed taking over. It will be ten thousand times more intense, powerful. When fear takes over you, it is called panic attack. When greed takes over you, it is called restlessness. When authenticity takes over you, it is called Sātori.
My sincere seeking that ‘overpowered’ Me; that is the right word I should use. I just felt, ‘What is it I am seeking? Who is that Me who is seeking? Who is that Me that is deeply discontented about anything I see, hear? Who is that who is deeply discontented even about My own existence?’ Listen. Almost like, ‘Who am I who is so discontented about My own existence?’ Understand. All of you have discontentment about your own existence; but you never look into—why, what, who is having that discontentment. You try to look in. If you get one Rosogolla you forget that. You try to look in, if you get something else, you forget that. Very easily that question—why, what, who is so discontented - those questions are forgotten very easily. The person for whom the question has become the first and top priority, he is a seeker. It was such strong taking over; that is the right word I will use - taking over.
Listen. Understand. When that whole being took over, ‘Who am I that is experiencing this deep discontentment, suffocation?’ I can see very clearly, that heaviness just went into depths of the Consciousness. Suddenly, one moment, the first thing happened is, that idea ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ broke. Please understand. The inner space and outer space broke. The first experience is that I was able to see everything around Me, above Me, the whole 360 degree, ten direction, below Me, everything! I realized not only I was able to see, I was able to feel, experience.
I am actually now reliving that experience to describe any point I left out, which I have not described. I felt that the skin of the stone, on rock on which I was sitting, and the skin of this body, both carry Me equally, in both I exist equally. Both carry Me equally. In both I exist equally. The air, the breeze, the setting sun, rising moon, the whole Arunachala Hill, all the plants, bush, shrubs, trees, everything, everything, everything just became so alive! The idea - something is inside and something is outside - is completely lost! 
First I was able to see all the ten direction, 360 degree. Then next moment itself I realized, not only I am able to see, I am able to experience all of that as Me. I did not feel vulnerable, I felt powerful. I did not feel vulnerable, I felt powerful. So powerful. I just know – I am that Oneness is the Existence. There is no inner, there is no outer. There is no moving, there is no unmoving.
The smallest movements of these plants is my movement, and the highest stillness of the center of the Cosmos is My stillness.  ‘Moves’ and ‘moves not’, what you call as ‘near’, what you call as ‘far off’, those concepts are lost. What you call as ‘inner space’, inside you, ‘outer space’, outside you, the ideas are forgotten. Mamakāra, the Inner image, drank the Life image, ate Outer image and dancing on Others image.
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The Inner image drank the Life image, ate the Outer image, dancing on Others’ image. Do manana, Vākyārtha Sadas on this statement. Inner image drank the Life image, ate the Outer image, dancing on Others’ image. Means, there is no gaps between images; there is no imagination. It was such… the ignorance melted down. Ignorance melted down.
tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike |
tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||
Whenever you look inside you, that immatured you, that Inner image constantly asking for security, beggar, he slips like a soap on the bath tub. If you drop the soap in the bathing bucket or bath tub, how it just slips from your hand everywhere, sameway, the Inner image will be slipping from your hand everywhere, whenever you try to look in and catch. But, after few minutes, that soap will just melt and become one with the water. Sameway, even if you are not able to catch that Inner image, if you just running behind it and squeezing, squeezing, in few minutes it will disappear, it will not be there. That is why, the seeking gives you the experience of liberation. Every time you catch the soap and it escapes from you, one layer is peeled off. Next time when you catch and it escapes from your hand, one layer is peeled off. In few times, the soap is not there.  
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Nithya Kirtan - Kripa samudram sumugam trinetram
tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike |
Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 04th march 2015
tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||
You need to actually find out:
What is that makes you experience ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ as separately?
What is that makes you experience ‘that moves’ and ‘moves not’ separately?
What is that, that makes you experience something as ‘far off’ and something as ‘near’?  Something as ‘far off’ and something as ‘near’?
Upaniṣads clearly declare: ‘Find which makes you experience something as moving, something as not moving, something is closer, something is far off, something is outside, something is inside. Complete with that; you will experience this verse! Till then, it will only be the intellectual jugglery. The very declaration itself is a technique and the truth. Understand. What Upaniṣads declare here is the truth and technique for you. Go on do Vākyārtha Sadas on it, manana on it. You will realize it is a truth-cum-technique.
==Link to Video: ==
Yesterday, I was sitting and spending some time with various manuscripts. I thank sincerely the Agama Academy and the Shivacharyas who are running the Agama Academy, especially Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, Shriman Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, for his amazing contribution, collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agamas… collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agama and ancient scriptures, and his broadmindedness to share everything with us. He has done amazing work.  Almost, literally, every night I am spending with his collections. They have done a unimaginable work, collecting almost fifty-thousand manuscripts. Everything about Agama available.
I was going through, I felt one leaf is enough. Each leaf of that manuscript is the Soft Power nuclear bomb. Understand. You all know only Hard Power atomic bomb which is used to control people with the fear. You show that bomb. ‘If you don’t listen, obey me, I will throw this bomb on your country and destroy you. You surrender to me!’ That is a Hard Power atomic bomb. But each of these leaves, palm leaf in those manuscript, is the Soft Power atom bomb. You just throw that on one country, they are there ever under you with devotion and respect! Through devotion and respect, not out of fear. Out of gratitude and surrender… Out of love, respect, surrender, gratitude. They are there forever because so much is contributed to their life.
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Each palm leaf, each manuscript’s each leaf, God! What a detailed work Mahādeva has done. Agamas should have become the Book of Hinduism. I am bold enough to declare. For all the lifestyle issues, social issues, how we should conduct ourself in society, in the way of liberated thinking, how we should live everything for everything, Agamas should have become the scripture. Because, no other Master has the courage to think, or the clarity to think to this depth than Mahādeva. Mahādeva, unimaginable!
Nithya Kirtans - Nithyanandeswara jai Nityanandeswari jai
People may raise a doubt, ‘How do you know it is written by Mahādeva? How do you know that somebody else... How do you know whether it is written by Mahādeva at all or somebody else, or somebody else wrote and attributed to Mahādeva’s name?’ Any brain which can think to this depth, to this clarity, with this understanding and the highest cognition, that person is already become Mahādeva. He has achieved Śiva Consciousness. So, you don’t have to worry whether it was written by the Mahādeva with four hands, sitting under the Banyan Tree, with Uma by the side, with chin mudra and damaru and fire in the hand, or the Mahādeva who has happened as Tirumoolar, or the Mahādeva who has entered into some enlightened being, into some Rṣi’s system. From whichever Consciousness, whichever brain, whichever minds Agamas came out, I know for hundred and twenty percent sure, they already became Mahādeva. It is only from Him these things can come out. God!
Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 04th march 2015
==Link to Video: ==
I just feel like I should dedicate My whole life to do research, organizing, collecting, living and spreading, radiating Agamas. And, I have decided to do that. No doubt, Upaniṣads are the first; but Agamas are the minutest. Upaniṣads made user-friendly is Agamas.  In the next few days, you will continue to get the Soft Power nuclear bombs, the Agamas, to enrich your life and realize what these Upaniṣads are telling. Whatever Upaniṣads declare, Agamas makes it as lifestyle.  I will continue to expand on Upaniṣad verses.
Today’s subject for Vākyārtha Sadas is: Inner image swallowed the Outer image, drank the Life image, dancing on Others image completely. Inner image drank the Life image completely, swallowed the Outer image completely, and dancing on Others’ Image. Contemplate on it and do Vākyārtha Sadas on it.
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With this, I bless you all. And Seattle Nataraja abhishekam and Rudrabishekam for both. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaita, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.
Nithyananda Times - 04th March, 2015
The Daily Video Magazine of the  Nithyananda Sangha
==Link to Video: ==
==Link to Video: ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp4cGAVm21U |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-03mar-04_your-words-become-your-reality"/>
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I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with [[Integrity]], Authenticity, [[Responsibility]], [[Enriching]], [[Causing]] Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!
I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with [[Integrity]], Authenticity, [[Responsibility]], [[Enriching]], [[Causing]] Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!
Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on  04th march 2015. Nithya Kirtan - Kripa samudram sumugam trinetram
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Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on  04th march 2015. Nithya Kirtans - Nithyanandeswara jai Nityanandeswari jai
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The Daily Video Magazine of the  Nithyananda Sangha. Nithyananda Times - 04th March, 2015
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== Tags: ==
== Tags: ==
Awakening,Transformation,[[Enlightenment]],Upanishads,Advaita,Isha Upanishad,Isha,Satsang,sacred,truths,usa,Guru,Mantra,Peace,Divine,[[Karma]],Healing,Master,Shiva,Rāja [[Yoga]] (Religion),Isha Upanishad Verse 5,enlightenment,enlightenment technique.
==Photos Of The Day:==
Awakening,Transformation,[[Enlightenment]],Upanishads,Advaita,Isha Upanishad,Isha,Satsang,sacred,truths,usa,Guru,Mantra,Peace,Divine,[[Karma]],Healing,Master,Shiva,Rāja [[Yoga]] (Religion),Isha Upanishad Verse 5,enlightenment,enlightenment technique.
[[Category: 2015 | 20150304]][[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Rajarajeswari Brahmotsavam]][[Category: Program]][[Category: Inner Awakening]][[Category: Upanishads]]
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[[Category: 2015 | 20150304]][[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Devalaya]][[Category: Rajarajeshwari]][[Category:  Brahmotsavam]][[Category: Program]][[Category: Inner Awakening]][[Category: Upanishads]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]

Latest revision as of 23:58, 9 May 2023


Paramahamsa Nithyananda Shares His Enlightenment Experience


Today’s (4rd March, 2015) Morning Satsang continues with the Upanishads Series - Living Advaita. Isha Upanishad – Verse 5 continues: tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 || In this profound delivery of the Isha Upanishad, Paramahamsa Nithyananda urges us to continue daily Vakyartha Sadas, exploring the sacred truths. Blessed are those who are always focused on the realization of reality; this is the most non-suffering way to live. By moving through perception, fact and truth, we will find Reality.

Link to Video:

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, ARRA TV and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. Cities sitting with us through two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha: Chicago-Nasservilla, Grasse-France, North.. Minot-North Dakota, Dakota Dunes, Madurai, Slovakia, Ponca City - Oklahoma, Rajapalayam, Warrington-UK, Guadelupe, Indrani-New Jersey, Hyderabad Gupta Kashi, Charlotte-SriSailam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaihyanatahm, China, Los Angeles, Seattle, Oklahoma, San Jose, Oman-Siva Kangai, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio Temple, Melbourne- Thiruvarur, St-Louis-Tirumala, Toronto-Thirukailayam, Redmond-USA.. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today Rajarajeswari brahmotsavam tenth day, mashi maham. And Devi is gracing all of us in the form of Maha Saraswathi on Hamsa Vahana. [Aarati is performed.] Today we also have Sri Vidya puja and Sri Vidhya homa in Bidadi Nithyanandeshwara temple as the tenth day, culminating day of Rajarajeswari Brahmotasavam. Let Me enter into Upaniṣads satsang. I will expand, continue to expand on fifth verse. तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके। तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः॥ tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||


It is Truth that Consciousness moves, and at the same time, it is Truth that Consciousness does not move. Truth that Consciousness is far off from the farthest space, the Truth that Consciousness is also nearer than the nearest space. Truth is the inner space of the whole Cosmos, Truth is also the outer space of the whole Cosmos; pervading and uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from the outside… Pervading and uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from outside. It is an amazing sutra! Please listen. What Upaniṣads want to declare through this verse: Break from something which is making you perceive inside-outside separately, moving-unmoving separately, antara-bāhyataḥ separately. Listen. tan-naijati… tad-ejati tan-naijati; moving-unmoving separately. What is that, that makes you perceive something as moving, something as unmoving? What is that, that makes you perceive something is near, something is far off? What is that, that makes you perceive something is inside you, and something is outside you?


Listen. I Am going to repeat, explain once more My Enlightenment experience from the context of this verse. Listen. Please listen. Exactly what was that I realized on the Vaikāśi-Viśākham, Vaikāśi month, Pūrnima tithi, Vishākha Nakṣatram, evening. When I completed eleven, and aging into twelve, that year Vaikāśi month, Viśākha Nakṣatra, Pournami tithi...This is the way we Indians keep the date in the memory. We do not keep that English calendar date. Somehow I always kept only based on the tithi and Rāshi and Nakṣatra. So, now, if you can google, you google and find out exactly what is the date. Let Me describe. Because, we never bothered about the Kāla. We bothered only the essence of Kāla. When I completed eleven, and moving into twelve, that year this has happened. Listen! Exactly what happened let Me describe.


As usual, I went and sat on one rock. I did not choose, please understand. I did not choose. It was a just a casual... Usually I will sit here, there, here, there. Somehow that day, I sat on one rock which has become a Tīrtha Kṣetra (sacred energy field) now for all our devotees and disciples. I sat casually. Whenever I find time, I will go and spend time in that space, in that area, because Devi became enlightened there. My Guru, Vibhudanandapuri always used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy field.’ That place is called Pavizha Kundru, Coral Hill. She used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy space, energy field.’ So, I always used to go and sit there. I was sitting on a rock. To tell you honestly, I was not even doing some serious meditation. I can say in a way, the whole ambience was so calm, so beautiful, I decided to close My eyes. Once I closed the eyes, the intensity of My yearning started taking over Me. The intensity to realize Myself, My true nature, started possessing Me. It has taken possession over Me.


The Kathopaniṣad declares, ‘śraddhā-viveca’. Śraddha just took over Nachiketa. All of you know how fear takes over you, greed takes over you. When a fear takes over you, when you have the panic attack, you just do things you always feel guilty, shy, later on about it. You repent for it. You don’t know why you did it. Sameway, when lust takes over you, when greed takes over you, you do things which you can never logically justify even to yourself. But, when authenticity takes over you, it will be ten thousand times more intense than fear taking over or greed taking over. It will be ten thousand times more intense, powerful. When fear takes over you, it is called panic attack. When greed takes over you, it is called restlessness. When authenticity takes over you, it is called Sātori.


My sincere seeking that ‘overpowered’ Me; that is the right word I should use. I just felt, ‘What is it I am seeking? Who is that Me who is seeking? Who is that Me that is deeply discontented about anything I see, hear? Who is that who is deeply discontented even about My own existence?’ Listen. Almost like, ‘Who am I who is so discontented about My own existence?’ Understand. All of you have discontentment about your own existence; but you never look into—why, what, who is having that discontentment. You try to look in. If you get one Rosogolla you forget that. You try to look in, if you get something else, you forget that. Very easily that question—why, what, who is so discontented - those questions are forgotten very easily. The person for whom the question has become the first and top priority, he is a seeker. It was such strong taking over; that is the right word I will use - taking over.


Listen. Understand. When that whole being took over, ‘Who am I that is experiencing this deep discontentment, suffocation?’ I can see very clearly, that heaviness just went into depths of the Consciousness. Suddenly, one moment, the first thing happened is, that idea ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ broke. Please understand. The inner space and outer space broke. The first experience is that I was able to see everything around Me, above Me, the whole 360 degree, ten direction, below Me, everything! I realized not only I was able to see, I was able to feel, experience.


I am actually now reliving that experience to describe any point I left out, which I have not described. I felt that the skin of the stone, on rock on which I was sitting, and the skin of this body, both carry Me equally, in both I exist equally. Both carry Me equally. In both I exist equally. The air, the breeze, the setting sun, rising moon, the whole Arunachala Hill, all the plants, bush, shrubs, trees, everything, everything, everything just became so alive! The idea - something is inside and something is outside - is completely lost!


First I was able to see all the ten direction, 360 degree. Then next moment itself I realized, not only I am able to see, I am able to experience all of that as Me. I did not feel vulnerable, I felt powerful. I did not feel vulnerable, I felt powerful. So powerful. I just know – I am that Oneness is the Existence. There is no inner, there is no outer. There is no moving, there is no unmoving. The smallest movements of these plants is my movement, and the highest stillness of the center of the Cosmos is My stillness. ‘Moves’ and ‘moves not’, what you call as ‘near’, what you call as ‘far off’, those concepts are lost. What you call as ‘inner space’, inside you, ‘outer space’, outside you, the ideas are forgotten. Mamakāra, the Inner image, drank the Life image, ate Outer image and dancing on Others image.


The Inner image drank the Life image, ate the Outer image, dancing on Others’ image. Do manana, Vākyārtha Sadas on this statement. Inner image drank the Life image, ate the Outer image, dancing on Others’ image. Means, there is no gaps between images; there is no imagination. It was such… the ignorance melted down. Ignorance melted down.


tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 || Whenever you look inside you, that immatured you, that Inner image constantly asking for security, beggar, he slips like a soap on the bath tub. If you drop the soap in the bathing bucket or bath tub, how it just slips from your hand everywhere, sameway, the Inner image will be slipping from your hand everywhere, whenever you try to look in and catch. But, after few minutes, that soap will just melt and become one with the water. Sameway, even if you are not able to catch that Inner image, if you just running behind it and squeezing, squeezing, in few minutes it will disappear, it will not be there. That is why, the seeking gives you the experience of liberation. Every time you catch the soap and it escapes from you, one layer is peeled off. Next time when you catch and it escapes from your hand, one layer is peeled off. In few times, the soap is not there.


tad-ejati tan-naijati tad dūre tadvantike | tad-antarasya sarvasya tadu sarvasyāsya bāhyataḥ || 5 ||

You need to actually find out: 

What is that makes you experience ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ as separately? What is that makes you experience ‘that moves’ and ‘moves not’ separately? What is that, that makes you experience something as ‘far off’ and something as ‘near’? Something as ‘far off’ and something as ‘near’? Upaniṣads clearly declare: ‘Find which makes you experience something as moving, something as not moving, something is closer, something is far off, something is outside, something is inside. Complete with that; you will experience this verse! Till then, it will only be the intellectual jugglery. The very declaration itself is a technique and the truth. Understand. What Upaniṣads declare here is the truth and technique for you. Go on do Vākyārtha Sadas on it, manana on it. You will realize it is a truth-cum-technique.


Yesterday, I was sitting and spending some time with various manuscripts. I thank sincerely the Agama Academy and the Shivacharyas who are running the Agama Academy, especially Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, Shriman Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, for his amazing contribution, collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agamas… collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agama and ancient scriptures, and his broadmindedness to share everything with us. He has done amazing work. Almost, literally, every night I am spending with his collections. They have done a unimaginable work, collecting almost fifty-thousand manuscripts. Everything about Agama available. I was going through, I felt one leaf is enough. Each leaf of that manuscript is the Soft Power nuclear bomb. Understand. You all know only Hard Power atomic bomb which is used to control people with the fear. You show that bomb. ‘If you don’t listen, obey me, I will throw this bomb on your country and destroy you. You surrender to me!’ That is a Hard Power atomic bomb. But each of these leaves, palm leaf in those manuscript, is the Soft Power atom bomb. You just throw that on one country, they are there ever under you with devotion and respect! Through devotion and respect, not out of fear. Out of gratitude and surrender… Out of love, respect, surrender, gratitude. They are there forever because so much is contributed to their life.


Each palm leaf, each manuscript’s each leaf, God! What a detailed work Mahādeva has done. Agamas should have become the Book of Hinduism. I am bold enough to declare. For all the lifestyle issues, social issues, how we should conduct ourself in society, in the way of liberated thinking, how we should live everything for everything, Agamas should have become the scripture. Because, no other Master has the courage to think, or the clarity to think to this depth than Mahādeva. Mahādeva, unimaginable!


People may raise a doubt, ‘How do you know it is written by Mahādeva? How do you know that somebody else... How do you know whether it is written by Mahādeva at all or somebody else, or somebody else wrote and attributed to Mahādeva’s name?’ Any brain which can think to this depth, to this clarity, with this understanding and the highest cognition, that person is already become Mahādeva. He has achieved Śiva Consciousness. So, you don’t have to worry whether it was written by the Mahādeva with four hands, sitting under the Banyan Tree, with Uma by the side, with chin mudra and damaru and fire in the hand, or the Mahādeva who has happened as Tirumoolar, or the Mahādeva who has entered into some enlightened being, into some Rṣi’s system. From whichever Consciousness, whichever brain, whichever minds Agamas came out, I know for hundred and twenty percent sure, they already became Mahādeva. It is only from Him these things can come out. God!


I just feel like I should dedicate My whole life to do research, organizing, collecting, living and spreading, radiating Agamas. And, I have decided to do that. No doubt, Upaniṣads are the first; but Agamas are the minutest. Upaniṣads made user-friendly is Agamas. In the next few days, you will continue to get the Soft Power nuclear bombs, the Agamas, to enrich your life and realize what these Upaniṣads are telling. Whatever Upaniṣads declare, Agamas makes it as lifestyle. I will continue to expand on Upaniṣad verses. Today’s subject for Vākyārtha Sadas is: Inner image swallowed the Outer image, drank the Life image, dancing on Others image completely. Inner image drank the Life image completely, swallowed the Outer image completely, and dancing on Others’ Image. Contemplate on it and do Vākyārtha Sadas on it. With this, I bless you all. And Seattle Nataraja abhishekam and Rudrabishekam for both. I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaita, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


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Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam

Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam

Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, everyone sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Arra TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Chicago–Naperville, Grasse-France, Minot-North Dakota, Dakota Dunes, Madurai, Slovakia, Ponca City-Oklahoma, Rajapalayam, Warrington-UK, Guadeloupe, Indrani-New jersey, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Charlotte-Srisailam, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, China, Los Angeles, Seattle, Oklahoma, San Jose, Oman-Sivagangai, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio Temple, Melbourne-Thiruvarur, St. Louis-Thirumala, Toronto-Thiru Kailayam, Redmond-USA...........

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam tenth day, Maashi-Magham. And, Devi is gracing all of us in the form of Maha Saraswathi on Hamsa Vaahana. Today we also have Sri Vidya Puja and Sri Vidya Homa in Bidadi Nithyanandeshwara Temple as the tenth day, culminating day of Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam.

Let me enter into Upanishads satsangh.

I will expand, continue to expand on fifth verse.

तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके। तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः॥

Thadhejathi Thannaijathi Thadhdhoore Thadhvanthike |

Thadhantharasya Sarvasya Thadhu Sarvasyaasya Baahyathah ||

It is truth that Consciousness moves, and, at the same time, it is truth that Consciousness does not move. Truth that Consciousness is far off from the farthest space, the truth that Consciousness is also nearer than the nearest space. Truth is the inner space of the whole Cosmos. Truth is also the outer space of the whole Cosmos. Pervading an uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from the outside, pervading an uniformly ever-present inside and encompassing this Cosmos from outside.

It is an amazing sutra! Please listen! What Upanishads want to declare through this verse: Break from something which is making you perceive “inside” “outside” separately, “moving” “unmoving” separately, “anthara” “baahyathah” separately.

Listen! Thadhejathi Thannaijathi (तदेजति तन्नैजति) – “moving” “unmoving” separately. What is that, that makes you perceive something as “moving”, something as “unmoving”? What is that, that makes you perceive something is “near”, something is “far off”. What is that, that makes you perceive something is “inside you”, and something is “outside you”?

Listen! I am going to repeat, explain once more my enlightenment experience from the context of this verse. Listen! Please listen! Exactly what was that I realized on the Vaikaashi-Vishaakham, Vaikaashi month, Poornima Thithi, Vishaakham Nakshathram, evening.

When I completed eleven, and aging into twelve, that year Vaikaashi month, Vishaakha Nakshathra, Pournami Thithi..... This is the way we Indians keep the date in the memory. We do not keep that English calendar date. Somehow I always kept only based on the Thithi and Rashi and Nakshathra. So, now, if you can google, you google and find out exactly what is the date.

Let me describe. Because, we never bothered about the Kaala. We bothered only about the essence of Kaala.

When I completed eleven, and moving into twelve, that year this has happened. Listen! Exactly what happened let me describe.

As usual, I went and sat on one rock. I didn’t choose, please understand. I didn’t choose. It was just a casual..... Usually I sit here, there, here, there. Somehow that day, I sat on one rock which has become a Theertha Kshetra now for all our devotees and disciples. I sat casually. Whenever I find time, I will go and spend time in that space in that area, because Devi became enlightened there. My Guru, Vibhootanandapuri always used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy field.’ That place is called “Pavizha Kundru”, “Coral Hill”. She used to tell, ‘This is Devi’s energy space, energy field.’ So, I always used to go and sit there. I was sitting on a rock. To tell you honestly, I was not even doing some serious meditation. I can say, in a way, the whole ambience was so calm, so beautiful, I decided to close my eyes. Once I closed the eyes, the intensity of my yearning started taking over me. The intensity to realize myself, my true nature, started possessing me. It has taken possession over me.

The Kathopanishad declares, ‘Shraddha Vivecha’. Shraddha just took over Nachiketa! All of you know how fear takes over you, greed takes over you. When fear takes over you, when you have the panic attack, you just do things you always feel guilty, shy, later on about it. You repent for it. You don’t know why you did it. Same way, when lust takes over you, when greed takes over you, you do things which you can never logically justify even to yourself. But, when authenticity takes over you, it will be ten thousand times more intense than fear taking over, or greed taking over. It will be ten thousand times more intense, powerful. When fear takes over you, it is called “panic attack”. When greed takes over you, it is called “restlessness”. When authenticity takes over you, it is called “Satori”!

My sincere seeking, that “overpowered” me! That is the right word I should use. I just felt, ‘What is it that I am seeking? Who is that me who is seeking? Who is that me that is deeply discontented about anything I see, hear? Who is that who is deeply discontented even about my own existence?’ Listen! Almost like, ‘Who am I who is so discontented about my own existence?’ Understand, all of you have discontentment about your own existence; but you never look into Why, What, Who is having that discontentment. You try to look in. If you get one Rossogolla, you forget that. You try to look in. If you get something else, you forget that. Very easily that question – Why, What, Who is so discontented? – those questions are forgotten very easily. The person for whom the question has become the first and top priority, he is a “Seeker”. It was such strong taking over. That is the right word I will use – “taking over”.

Listen! Understand! When that whole being took over, ‘Who am I that is experiencing this deep discontentment, suffocation?’ I can see very clearly, that heaviness just went into depths of the Consciousness. Suddenly, one moment, the first thing happened is, that idea “inside” and “outside” broke. Please understand, the inner space and outer space broke. The first experience is that I was able to see everything around me, above me, the whole 360 degrees, ten directions, below me, everything! I realized not only I was able to see, I was able to feel, experience!

I am actually now reliving that experience to describe any point I left out, which I have not described.

I felt that the skin of the stone, on rock on which I was sitting, and the skin of this body, both carry me equally, in both I exist equally! Both carry me equally! In both I exist equally! The air, the breeze, the setting sun, rising moon, the whole Arunachala Hill, all the plants, bush, shrubs, trees, everything, everything, everything just became so alive! The idea something is inside and something is outside is completely lost! First I was able to see all the ten directions, 360 degrees. The next moment itself, I realized, not only I am able to see, I am able to experience all of that as me! I didn’t feel vulnerable; I felt powerful. I didn’t feel vulnerable; I felt powerful. So powerful! I just know I am that oneness is the Existence! There is no “inner”, there is no “outer”, there is no “moving”, there is no “unmoving”. The smallest movements of these plants is my movement, and the highest stillness of the centre of the Cosmos is my stillness. “Moves” and “moves not”, what you call as “near”, what you call as “far off”, those concepts are lost. What you call as “inner space”, inside you, “outer space”, outside you, the ideas are forgotten. Mamakaara, the Inner Image, drank the Life Image, ate the Outer Image and dancing on Others’ Image!

The Inner Image drank the Life Image, ate the Outer Image, dancing on Others’ Image. Do “manana”, Vaakyaartha Sadhas on this statement.

Inner Image drank the Life Image, ate the Outer Image, dancing on Others’ Image. Means, there is no gaps between images; there is no imagination. It was such, the ignorance melted down! Ignorance melted down!

तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके। तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः॥

Thadhejathi Thannaijathi Thadhdhoore Thadhvanthike |

Thadhantharasya Sarvasya Thadhu Sarvasyaasya Baahyathah ||

Whenever you look inside you, that immature you, that Inner Image constantly asking for security, beggar, he slips like a soap on the bath tub. If you drop the soap in the bathing bucket or bath tub, how it just slips from your hand everywhere, same way, the Inner Image will be slipping from your hand everywhere, whenever you try to look in and catch. But, after few minutes, that soap will just melt and become one with the water. Same way, even if you are not able to catch that Inner Image, if you just running behind it and squeezing, squeezing, in few minutes it will disappear, it will not be there. That is why the seeking gives you the experience of liberation. Every time you catch the soap and it escapes from you, one layer is peeled off. Next time when you catch and it escapes from your hand, one layer is pulled off. In few times, the soap is not there.

तदेजति तन्नैजति तद्दूरे तद्वन्तिके। तदन्तरस्य सर्वस्य तदु सर्वस्यास्य बाह्यतः॥

Thadhejathi Thannaijathi Thadhdhoore Thadhvanthike |

Thadhantharasya Sarvasya Thadhu Sarvasyaasya Baahyathah ||

You need to actually find out: What is that, makes you experience “inside” and “outside” separately? What is that, makes you experience “that moves” and “moves not” separately? What is that, that makes you experience something as “far off” and something as “near”? Something as “far off” and something as “near”?

Upanishads clearly declare: ‘Find which makes you experience something is “moving”, something is “not moving”, something is “closer”, something is “far off”, something is “outside”, something is “inside”.’ Complete with that; you will experience this verse! Till then, it will only be the intellectual jugglery. The very declaration itself is a technique and the truth, understand? What Upanishads declare here is the truth and technique for you. Go on do Vaakyaartha Sadhas on it, “manana” on it. You will realize it is a truth-cum-technique.

Yesterday, I was sitting and spending some time with various manuscripts. I thank sincerely the Agama Academy and the Shivacharyas who are running the Agama Academy, especially Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, Shriman Ravi Vaidyanatha Shivacharya, for his amazing contribution, collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agamas, collecting, scanning, preserving all the manuscripts related to Agama and ancient scriptures, and his broadmindedness to share everything with us. He has done amazing work. Almost, literally, every night I am spending with his collections. They have done an unimaginable work, collecting almost fifty-thousand manuscripts! Everything about Agama available. I was going through. I felt one leaf is enough! Each leaf of that manuscript is the Soft Power nuclear bomb, understand? You all know only Hard Power atomic bomb which is used to control people with the fear. You show that bomb. ‘If you don’t listen, obey me, I will throw this bomb on your country and destroy you. You surrender to me!’ That is a Hard Power atomic bomb. But each of these leaves, palm leaf in those manuscript, is the Soft Power atom bomb. You just throw that on one country, they are there ever under you with devotion and respect! Through devotion and respect, not out of fear. Out of gratitude and surrender! Out of love, respect, surrender, gratitude! They are there forever because so much is contributed to their life! Each palm leaf, each manuscript’s each leaf, God, what a detailed work Mahadeva has done!

Agamas should have become the Book of Hinduism! I am bold enough to declare! For all the lifestyle issues, social issues, how we should conduct ourselves in society, in the way of liberated thinking, how we should live, everything, for everything, Agamas should have become the scripture! Because, no other Master has the courage to think, or the clarity to think to this depth than Mahadeva! Mahadeva, unimaginable!

People may raise the doubt, ‘How do you know it is written by Mahadeva? How do you know whether it is written by Mahadeva at all or somebody else, or somebody else wrote and attributed to Mahadeva’s name?’ Any brain which can think to this depth, to this clarity, with this understanding and the highest cognition, that person has already become Mahadeva, he has achieved Shiva Consciousness! So, you don’t have to worry whether it was written by Mahadeva with four hands, sitting under the Banyan Tree, with Uma by the side, with Chin Mudra and Damaru and fire in the hand, or the Mahadeva who has happened as Thirumoolar, or the Mahadeva who has entered into some enlightened being, into some rishi’s system. From whichever Consciousness, whichever brain, whichever minds Agamas came out, I know for 120% sure, they already became Mahadeva! It is only from him these things can come out. God! I just feel I should dedicate my whole life to do research, organizing, collecting, living and spreading, radiating Agamas. And, I have decided to do that! No doubt, Upanishads are the first; but Agamas are the minutest! Upanishads made user-friendly is Agamas.

In the next few days, you will continue to get the Soft Power nuclear bombs, the Agamas, to enrich your life and realize what these Upanishads are telling. Whatever Upanishads declare, Agamas makes it as lifestyle.

I will continue to expand on Upanishad verses.

Today’s subject for Vaakyaartha Sadhas is:

Inner Image swallowed the Outer Image, drank the Life Image, dancing on Others’ Image completely! Inner Image drank the Life Image completely, swallowed the Outer Image completely, and dancing on Others’ Image! Contemplate on it and do Vaakyaartha Sadhas on it.

With this, I bless you all!

And, Seattle Nataraja abhishekam and Rudrabhishekam, blessings for both!

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you! Be blissful!


Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 04th march 2015. Nithya Kirtan - Kripa samudram sumugam trinetram

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Nithya Kirtans Sung in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 04th march 2015. Nithya Kirtans - Nithyanandeswara jai Nityanandeswari jai

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The Daily Video Magazine of the Nithyananda Sangha. Nithyananda Times - 04th March, 2015

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Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2480_bidadi-rajarajeshwari-brahmotsava-sarasvathi-alankar-hamsa-vahana.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2465_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2468_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2469_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji_2.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2474_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2475_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2477_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-03mar-04th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_2478_bidadi-nithya-satsang-swamiji.JPG


Awakening,Transformation,Enlightenment,Upanishads,Advaita,Isha Upanishad,Isha,Satsang,sacred,truths,usa,Guru,Mantra,Peace,Divine,Karma,Healing,Master,Shiva,Rāja Yoga (Religion),Isha Upanishad Verse 5,enlightenment,enlightenment technique.

Photos Of The Day:
