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[[Category: Power Manifestation]]
Revelations about Anti-Matter & the 11 Dimensions of the Universe <br>
Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru [[Aadheenam]] | Mahasadashivoham Day 23 | Shiva [[Deeksha]] & [[Kalpataru]] [[Darshan]] - Kalpataru Yogam
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded in today’s live public address [[Nithyananda Satsang]] on the Cosmic Principle of [[Revelations about Anti-Matter And the 11 Dimensions of the Universe]]. HDH described [[Avyaktha]], [[Antimatter]] and [[Vyaktha]] and revealed the [[Dakshinamurthi Mudra]]. After completing [[Vidya tattva]] and [[Shiva Tattva]], He explained about the [[11 Dimensions]] and [[14 Lokas]] of the [[Universe]]. His Divine Holiness Blessed all with a very unique and powerful[[Nataraja]] [[Darshan]].
[[Mahasadashivoham]] delegates were initiated into [[Shiva Deeksha]] and participated [[Kalpataru Yogam]]. [[Nithyananda Yoga Teacher]] training was announced and the [[Nithyananda Brahmotsavam]] Procession was conducted.
==Video and Audio - Revelations about Anti-Matter & the 11 Dimensions of the Universe ==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNNvbyspkYM&list=PL21WI5_pNwj6B6zanpwBOPds_PrJWBthd&index=38 |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-01jan-07-revelationsabout?in=nithyanandaradio/sets/2018-part-2-audio"/>
My next commitment to all of you – I will make you experience Kailasa. The very light of Kailasa removes all the blind spots in the Beings. Now I will complete Vidya tattva and Shiva Tattva, both, and make you experience the 11 dimension. It is actually a game to make you understand and visualize each dimension... what all it consists, what it takes to generate and what it takes to sustain, what it takes to evolve. When shabda is generated, how it is sustained as nada and evolved as nada kala; it is just a contemplation game to make you understand, to make you engage with the infinity. I will just show you a simple video. How many of you saw that anti-matter I just shared in my Facebook page. I will just show you and then I will talk to you guys about it.
[Video on Anti Matter played]
Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru [[Aadheenam]] | Mahasadashivoham Day 23 | Shiva [[Deeksha]] & [[Kalpataru]] [[Darshan]] - Kalpataru Yogam
How many of you teleported successfully at least once, raise your hand. All of you already produced anti-matter!! Understand, only if the vibhooti here, bhasma here, becomes anti-matter, it can travel and settle down in any place and become matter. Listen, I will project now.
[Slide projected]
This other side is just anti-matter. How many of you are catching? The other side of all the heads ... avyaktha; understand, now I have given one side, the other side is avyaktha. Avyaktha means anti matter, unmanifest; which exists but does not have any of the positive perceptive qualities of this vyaktha. Listen, vyaktha means - which exists and can be perceived with a positive definition; with a positive definitiveness which you can perceive, is manifest - vyaktha.
I know many are thinking, “Anyhow vyaktha itself I have not understood forget about avayaktha”.
“Enda, mathsla 100 mark vangina, englishla enda 20 mark vangiruka?” “Enda, Athu pakkathula utkanthu erukaravana keluda, Enna enda kekkura?” Means, one father is asking his son, “In Maths you took 100 mark, why in English only 20 mark?” “Father you should ask that to the fellow who was sitting next to me and writing the exam not to me”☺ So vyaktha itself we have not understood anything... avayaktha!!
Listen, what we call Parallel Universe - unmanifest – avyaktha, the delusion component of Mahadeva – Trobhava.... cannot be exactly translated as delusion, it should only be translated as un-understandable, un-understood or unknown. Trobhava is not, the precise word is not delusion; precise word is unknown.
[Slide projected]
The various permutation combinations of the 5 units... 5 unit principles is length, breadth, depth, time, space. 5 tattva, principle tattvas... the various permutation combination of this 5 principles forms11 dimensions. Length Breadth, Depth - this three dimension operate in Bhu. The pure space where all other things merge into the space is Kailasa. The 14 lokas - atala vitala sutala talatala paatala bhur bhuva suvah tapa satya, all those 14 lokas come under this 11 dimensions. Understand this 11 dimension then I will initiate all of you; not just educating, I will initiate also. Just I need to change the fuel in your body; the fuel with which you are functioning now needs to be changed. You will automatically have your eyes pulled by the third eye during the initiation. I will also teach you guys to teleport and materialise anti-matter. See, all teleportation has to happen only through the anti-matter. Vibhooti has to become anti-matter only then it has to become a vibhooti again. So if I just ask you guys to stop in between, that’s all, you have anti-matter and billions of dollars. No I am really going to work with them and give them anti matter; that NASA or whoever is doing it.
Understand, now I uttered the words - this 11 dimension, in this exists 14 lokas. It’s all word for you, I know. atala vitala sutala talatala paatala What will you understand? I know. Very rhythmic tala tala...that’s all. bhur bhuva suvaha tapa satya again...more or less words. I am actually going to change the fuel in you into the pure prana which raises you to Kailasa. Understand, I am not expecting all of you will experience Kailasa now itself. I am just going to change the fuel and infuse that fuel, the breathing of Maha Sadashiva into you literally. Literally Maha Sadashiva is going to breathe in you now. I am expecting it will take one or two muhurtha. Muhurtha means - 1and ½ hours is one muhurtha. At least 2-3 muhurtha it will take for this fuel to spread into your subtle body and give you the experience. But for some people it can even raise now.
Decide to put both your eyes into your third eye. Both your eyes are just identity, understand, it’s not an organ; only when you open it, you operate. How many of you are understanding eyes are not just organ; it’s through which you communicate with the whole Universe. That’s why many time when you close your eyes mind stops suddenly. Decide to put your, both your eyes into third eye. If your eyes get closed its ok, if your eyes don’t get closed its ok. That is what is Dakshinamurthi mudra. Dakshinamurthi puts both the eyes on the third eye; so half eyes will be closed and half eyes will be open. Put both your eyes into your third eye.
Hum Mahavakya intensely along with me.
Process starts
Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivoham....
==Link to Video: ==
===Revelations about Anti-Matter & the 11 Dimensions of the Universe===
==Video - Anti Matter Access to Kailasa || Part 1 || MSS ==
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how anti-matter is made and how it is related to the 11 dimensions of the universe. He cites recent examples of NASA and CERN's research on anti-matter and states that the Shakti of teleportation is proof of creation of anti-matter.
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My next commitment to all of you: I will make you experience Kailasa. The very light of Kailasa removes all the blind spots in the beings. Now I will complete the Vidyapatha and Shiva - Vidya Tattva and Shiva Tattva - both, and make you experience 11 dimension.
How many of you walked on fire and really helped you, it really helped? By the time next MSS we will -  I will finish all the legal paperwork properly. See, actually there are organizations who have university campus in Mexico, they are doing firewalking. One guy is doing in Mexico and Canada, he is doing. People from US go and participate and come back. I have found out how they are doing, he has a education institution in US, and his extended campus is in Mexico and Canada - he is doing it there, and legally it is allowed. So I am doing the same paperwork, I am doing the same paperwork. So by the time next time, you will be able to do it legally, without any difficulty, complication. And by the time we will also be little more matured to have first aid, if any of you need and all that.
And that guy who came to that lemon piercing, somebody standing next to Me said, “Eh, do it very safely.” He made a comment, “ Ah, etuvaththanchu varusaththukku munthi eaththeny thadava kuththi erukane evruku ennada solurai" - means 25 years before I have done this to him. Because in the young age I used to go to the temple, there is a family deity temple where they do this every year, and he and his family used to do, his father. This guy was a small guy, small kid those days, but he will come and sit with the father and do all that. That village's stability still surprises Me. You know? In, now when you guys came, that person who played the nadaswaram, his father only is playing for My father and mother's marriage. In the wedding photograph I saw, his father only is playing. And you know that light and sound, he’s a Muslim person, his fathers name is Shamim, My father and mother's that - what do you call, bhaarat? That before marriage they do the procession? In that procession, I saw in that light sound system, his fathers name is there -  Shamim. Stability of that village -  like for generations. And the chief priest, he was there in our ashram that day whole day - for generations they dedicated their life.
Still in My family, at least one person per family will not go out of city and accept any job. They will stay in the city to maintain the temple - to take care of the temple responsibility. 16 communities have a responsibility in temple - all those communities, one person per family will not accept any job outside city - the outside village. They will stay in the - any one person in the family - they will not go out because the temple responsibility is not disturbed; they maintain the temple responsibility. The whole temple is volunteer run, and when I look back it is a really very overwhelming - last 23 days.
==Link to Audio==
As far as the intensity of the program and power manifestation - this is the best. This is hundred times more than Sadashivoham - nothing like Mahasadashivoham. Especially this science of aushada has done a - given a very big breakthrough. Understand, the intensity with which you are manifesting powers, I will put the whole credit - I will give the whole responsibility to this science of aushada and detoxification process.
<div align="center">
Especially detoxification using aushada - that has done a job. That has really cracked the code. And I will also continue to send some more aushada for you guys. And continue to have this continuous education classes and sessions for all the MSS participants. And, it will all be absolutely free, it’s part of the MSS program - it's like a extension, because - see, this 25 days I can only put certain amount of energy and initiation into your system, you need to digest and manifest. Only then I can put more. Anyhow, I cannot have 3 months program, if I have - and I am also evolving the next level of aushada, aushada which you can take inside. But for that I need to go through the, all the medical trial and IMA approval, Indian Medical Association approval - I am working on all that. Maybe by Guru Poornima, we will be ready with all that.
That will give a next level breakthrough, altogether. Anti-aging, amritattva aushada, all that is going to be in that level. Because it needs to be taken in. Let Me project, "Eh, project this, Ma." I will just show you a simple video. Any of - how many of you saw that antimatter? I just shared in my facebook page. I’ will show you and then I will talk to you guys about it.
Video clip.
===RevelationsAbout Anti Matter And The 11 Dimensions Of The Universe===
I want all of you to see again - especially these number: trillion, billion, zillion and...
<soundcloud url=" https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2018-01jan-07-revelationsabout?in=nithyanandaradio/sets/2018-part-2-audio          " />
Video clip.
My next commitment to all of you, I’ll make you experience Kailaasa. The very light of Kailaasa removes all the blind spots in the beings. Now, I’ll complete Vidya Tattva and Shiva Tattva, both. And make you experience eleven dimension. It is actually a game to make you understand and visualise each dimension - what all it consists? What it takes to generate and what it takes to sustain? What it takes to evolve? When Shabda is generated, how it is sustained as Nada and evolved as Nada Kala? It is just a contemplation game to make you understand, to make you engage with the infinity. I’ll just show you a simple video. How many of you saw that antimatter? I’ll just shared in my Facebook page. I’ll show you and then I’ll talk to you guys about it.
All of you understood this? How many of you teleported successfully at least once, raise your hand? All of you already produced antimatter. Understand. Only if the vibhooti here - bhasma here becomes antimatter, it can travel and settle down in any place and become matter.  Listen, I will project now. This other side is just antimatter. How many of you are catching - the other side of all the heads, avyakta.
(Video of antimatter titled - 1 Gram of This Material is Worth $6.25 Trillion Dollars by Beyond Science being screened)
How many of you teleported successfully at least once, raise your hand? All of you already produced antimatter. Understand, only if the vibhuti here, bhasma here becomes antimatter, it can travel and settle down in any place and become matter. Listen! I’ll project now. This other side is just antimatter. How many of you catching? The other side of all the heads - avyakta. Understand, now I’ve given one side. The other side is avyakta. Avyakta means antimatter, unmanifest, which exists but does not have any of the positive perceptive qualities of this vyakta. Listen. Vyakta means which exists and can be perceived with the positive definition. With the positive definitiveness which you can perceive - is manifest, vyakta. I know many are thinking, “Anyhow, vyakta itself I have not understood. Forget about avyakta. “>>>Tamil<<<” means, one father is asking his son, “In maths, you took hundred mark. Why in English, only twenty mark?” “Father you should ask that fellow who is sitting next to me and writing the exam, not to me.” So, vyakta itself we have not understood anything. Avyakta?
Understand. Now I have given one side, the other side is avyakta. Avyakta means antimatter, unmanifest - which exists but does not have any of the positive perceptive qualities of this vyakta. Listen. Vyakta means which exists and can be perceived with a positive definition, with a positive definiteness which you can perceive, is manifest; vyakta. I know many are thinking, “Anyhow, vyakta itself I have not understood, forget about avyakta.
Listen. What we call parallel Universe? Unmanifest, avyakta. The delusion component of Mahadeva - Tirobhava cannot be exactly translated as delusion. It should only be translated as un-understandable, un-understood or unknown. Tirobhava is not, the precise word is not delusion. Precise word is unknown. The various permutation-combinations of the five units. Five unit principles is length, breadth, depth, time, space. Five tattva, principle tattvas - the various permutation, combination of these five principles forms eleven dimensions. Length, breadth, depth - these three dimension operate in Bhu. The pure space where all other things merge into the space is Kailaasa. The fourteen lokas - Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala, Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya. All those fourteen lokas come under these eleven dimensions.  
Understand these eleven dimension, then I’ll initiate all of you. Should not just educating, I’ll initiate also. Just I need to change the fuel in your body. The fuel with which you are functioning now, needs to be changed. You’ll automatically have your eyes pull by the Third Eye during the initiation. I’ll also teach you guys to teleport and materialise antimatter. See, all teleportation has to happen only through the antimatter. Vibhuti has to become antimatter, only then does it become vibhuti again. So, if I just ask you guys to stop in between - that’s all, we have antimatter and billions of dollars. Now, I am really going to work with them and give them antimatter - that NASA, whatever, whoever is doing it.
Understand, now I utter the words these eleven dimension, in these exist fourteen lokas. It’s all word for you, I know. Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Patala and now what will you understand? I know. Very rhythmic - “tala tala tat ta da.” That’s all. Bhu, Bhuvah, Svah, Tapa, Satya - again, more or less words. I am actually going to change that fuel in you into the pure prana, which raises you to Kailaasa. Understand, I am not expecting all of you will experience Kailaasa now itself. I am just going to change the fuel and infuse that fuel - the breathing of Mahasadashiva into you literally. Literally, Mahasadashiva is going to breathe in you now.  
What we call parallel universe, unmanifest, avyakta - the delusion component of Mahadeva - throbhava, cannot be exactly translated as delusion - it should only be translated as 'un-understandable' - 'un-understood' or unknown. Throbhava is not, the precise word is not delusion, precise word is: unknown.  
I am expecting it will take one or two muhurta. Muhurta means, one and a half hours is one muhurta. At least two-three muhurta it’ll take for this fuel to spread into your subtle body and give you the experience. But, for some people it can even raise now. Decide to put both your eyes into your Third Eye. Both your eyes are just identity, understand. It’s not an organ. Only when you open it, you operate. How many of you are understanding, eyes are not just organ? It’s through which you communicate with the whole Universe. That’s why many time when you close your eyes, mind stops suddenly. Decide to put your both your eyes into Third Eye. If your eyes get close, it’s okay. If your eyes don’t get close, it’s okay. That is what is Dakshinamurthy Mudra. Dakshinamurthy (दक्षिणामूर्ति, Dakṣiṇāmūrti) puts both eyes on the Third Eye, so half eyes will be closed and half eyes will be opened. Put both your eyes into your Third Eye. Hum Mahavakya intensely along with me. 
Some people have put Facebook comments I saw, “We want some more casual session with Swamiji.” Mahasadashivoham is not casual - understand. Here we just need to do the job.
Yes, please listen. The various permutation combinations of the five units, five unit principles is length, breadth, depth, time, space - five tattva, principle tattvas. The various permutation combination of these five principles forms 11 dimensions. Now, no games, but only just note down this column. Just for all of you to understand, then I will explain the various lokas.
Length, breadth, depth these three dimensions operate in bhu. Breadth - just pen down this whole thing. The pure space where all other things merge into the space is Kailaasa. The 14 lokas: athala, vithala, suthala, thala thala, patala, bhur, bhuvas, suva, tapas, satya. All those 14 lokas come under these 11 dimensions. Understand this 11 dimension, then I will initiate all of you - not just educating, I will initiate also.
(Swamiji starts chanting the Mahavakya “Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham” continuously)
Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham, Om Nithyananda Mahasadashivoham... 20:55
Just I need to change the fuel in your body - the fuel with which you are functioning now needs to be changed. I am going to initiate all of you - this process is such automatically your eyes will be closed but I don’t want you to sleep. Can you all pick up your cup of coffee and then settle down. You will not go out, no going out. Because - you see, you will automatically have your eyes pulled by the third-eye during the initiation, but I don’t want you to sleep. I will also teach you guys to teleport and materialize antimatter. See, all teleportation has to happen only through the antimatter. Viboothi has to become antimatter, only then it has to become a viboothi again. So, if I just ask you guys to stop in between - that’s all, you have antimatter and billions of dollars.
==Video - Glimpses of Maha Sadashivoham Initiation || MSS  ==
In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam initiating delegates present at the convention and participant from around the world via an online into an extra ordinary Shakti of Maha Sadashiva. The session was guided by Kailasian Ma Mahayoga. She guided the delegates and participants into the humming of Mahavakya "Om Nithyananda Maha Sadashivoham" . This beautiful and extremely powerful chant was hummed as a vibration, where the words will be felt in the heart but the vibration will be felt in the mouth.
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And (c) 2018 Sri Nithyananda Swami. All Rights Reserved.
===Nithyananda Times 07 January 2018===
==Nithyananda Times==
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===Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 96 (Nataraja Darshan Mahasadashivoham)===
==Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 96 (Nataraja Darshan Mahasadashivoham)==
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==Link to Facebook Page==
==Link to Facebook Post==
https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda/posts/1614052545349256 <br>
[[Category: 2018 | 20180107]] [[Category: Program]] [[Category: Mahasadashivoham Session]][[Category: Mahasadashivoham]][[Category: Shiva Deeksha]][[Category: Kalpataru Yogam]] [[Category: Devalaya ]], [[Category: Puja ]]
[[Category: 2018 | 20180107]] [[Category: Program]] [[Category: Mahasadashivoham Session]][[Category: Mahasadashivoham]][[Category: Shiva Deeksha]][[Category: Kalpataru Yogam]] [[Category: Devalaya ]], [[Category: Puja ]][[Category: Power Manifestation]][[Category: Facebook Posts]]

Latest revision as of 03:12, 16 February 2021


Revelations about Anti-Matter & the 11 Dimensions of the Universe
Nithyananda Peetham, Bengaluru Aadheenam | Mahasadashivoham Day 23 | Shiva Deeksha & Kalpataru Darshan - Kalpataru Yogam


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded in today’s live public address Nithyananda Satsang on the Cosmic Principle of Revelations about Anti-Matter And the 11 Dimensions of the Universe. HDH described Avyaktha, Antimatter and Vyaktha and revealed the Dakshinamurthi Mudra. After completing Vidya tattva and Shiva Tattva, He explained about the 11 Dimensions and 14 Lokas of the Universe. His Divine Holiness Blessed all with a very unique and powerfulNataraja Darshan.

Mahasadashivoham delegates were initiated into Shiva Deeksha and participated Kalpataru Yogam. Nithyananda Yoga Teacher training was announced and the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam Procession was conducted.

Video and Audio - Revelations about Anti-Matter & the 11 Dimensions of the Universe

Video Audio



My next commitment to all of you – I will make you experience Kailasa. The very light of Kailasa removes all the blind spots in the Beings. Now I will complete Vidya tattva and Shiva Tattva, both, and make you experience the 11 dimension. It is actually a game to make you understand and visualize each dimension... what all it consists, what it takes to generate and what it takes to sustain, what it takes to evolve. When shabda is generated, how it is sustained as nada and evolved as nada kala; it is just a contemplation game to make you understand, to make you engage with the infinity. I will just show you a simple video. How many of you saw that anti-matter I just shared in my Facebook page. I will just show you and then I will talk to you guys about it.


[Video on Anti Matter played]


How many of you teleported successfully at least once, raise your hand. All of you already produced anti-matter!! Understand, only if the vibhooti here, bhasma here, becomes anti-matter, it can travel and settle down in any place and become matter. Listen, I will project now.

[Slide projected]

This other side is just anti-matter. How many of you are catching? The other side of all the heads ... avyaktha; understand, now I have given one side, the other side is avyaktha. Avyaktha means anti matter, unmanifest; which exists but does not have any of the positive perceptive qualities of this vyaktha. Listen, vyaktha means - which exists and can be perceived with a positive definition; with a positive definitiveness which you can perceive, is manifest - vyaktha.

I know many are thinking, “Anyhow vyaktha itself I have not understood forget about avayaktha”.

“Enda, mathsla 100 mark vangina, englishla enda 20 mark vangiruka?” “Enda, Athu pakkathula utkanthu erukaravana keluda, Enna enda kekkura?” Means, one father is asking his son, “In Maths you took 100 mark, why in English only 20 mark?” “Father you should ask that to the fellow who was sitting next to me and writing the exam not to me”☺ So vyaktha itself we have not understood anything... avayaktha!!


Listen, what we call Parallel Universe - unmanifest – avyaktha, the delusion component of Mahadeva – Trobhava.... cannot be exactly translated as delusion, it should only be translated as un-understandable, un-understood or unknown. Trobhava is not, the precise word is not delusion; precise word is unknown.

[Slide projected]

The various permutation combinations of the 5 units... 5 unit principles is length, breadth, depth, time, space. 5 tattva, principle tattvas... the various permutation combination of this 5 principles forms11 dimensions. Length Breadth, Depth - this three dimension operate in Bhu. The pure space where all other things merge into the space is Kailasa. The 14 lokas - atala vitala sutala talatala paatala bhur bhuva suvah tapa satya, all those 14 lokas come under this 11 dimensions. Understand this 11 dimension then I will initiate all of you; not just educating, I will initiate also. Just I need to change the fuel in your body; the fuel with which you are functioning now needs to be changed. You will automatically have your eyes pulled by the third eye during the initiation. I will also teach you guys to teleport and materialise anti-matter. See, all teleportation has to happen only through the anti-matter. Vibhooti has to become anti-matter only then it has to become a vibhooti again. So if I just ask you guys to stop in between, that’s all, you have anti-matter and billions of dollars. No I am really going to work with them and give them anti matter; that NASA or whoever is doing it.


Understand, now I uttered the words - this 11 dimension, in this exists 14 lokas. It’s all word for you, I know. atala vitala sutala talatala paatala What will you understand? I know. Very rhythmic tala tala...that’s all. bhur bhuva suvaha tapa satya again...more or less words. I am actually going to change the fuel in you into the pure prana which raises you to Kailasa. Understand, I am not expecting all of you will experience Kailasa now itself. I am just going to change the fuel and infuse that fuel, the breathing of Maha Sadashiva into you literally. Literally Maha Sadashiva is going to breathe in you now. I am expecting it will take one or two muhurtha. Muhurtha means - 1and ½ hours is one muhurtha. At least 2-3 muhurtha it will take for this fuel to spread into your subtle body and give you the experience. But for some people it can even raise now.

Decide to put both your eyes into your third eye. Both your eyes are just identity, understand, it’s not an organ; only when you open it, you operate. How many of you are understanding eyes are not just organ; it’s through which you communicate with the whole Universe. That’s why many time when you close your eyes mind stops suddenly. Decide to put your, both your eyes into third eye. If your eyes get closed its ok, if your eyes don’t get closed its ok. That is what is Dakshinamurthi mudra. Dakshinamurthi puts both the eyes on the third eye; so half eyes will be closed and half eyes will be open. Put both your eyes into your third eye. Hum Mahavakya intensely along with me.


Process starts Aum Nithyananda Maha Sadashivoham....


Video - Anti Matter Access to Kailasa || Part 1 || MSS

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals how anti-matter is made and how it is related to the 11 dimensions of the universe. He cites recent examples of NASA and CERN's research on anti-matter and states that the Shakti of teleportation is proof of creation of anti-matter.



My next commitment to all of you: I will make you experience Kailasa. The very light of Kailasa removes all the blind spots in the beings. Now I will complete the Vidyapatha and Shiva - Vidya Tattva and Shiva Tattva - both, and make you experience 11 dimension.


How many of you walked on fire and really helped you, it really helped? By the time next MSS we will - I will finish all the legal paperwork properly. See, actually there are organizations who have university campus in Mexico, they are doing firewalking. One guy is doing in Mexico and Canada, he is doing. People from US go and participate and come back. I have found out how they are doing, he has a education institution in US, and his extended campus is in Mexico and Canada - he is doing it there, and legally it is allowed. So I am doing the same paperwork, I am doing the same paperwork. So by the time next time, you will be able to do it legally, without any difficulty, complication. And by the time we will also be little more matured to have first aid, if any of you need and all that.


And that guy who came to that lemon piercing, somebody standing next to Me said, “Eh, do it very safely.” He made a comment, “ Ah, etuvaththanchu varusaththukku munthi eaththeny thadava kuththi erukane evruku ennada solurai" - means 25 years before I have done this to him. Because in the young age I used to go to the temple, there is a family deity temple where they do this every year, and he and his family used to do, his father. This guy was a small guy, small kid those days, but he will come and sit with the father and do all that. That village's stability still surprises Me. You know? In, now when you guys came, that person who played the nadaswaram, his father only is playing for My father and mother's marriage. In the wedding photograph I saw, his father only is playing. And you know that light and sound, he’s a Muslim person, his fathers name is Shamim, My father and mother's that - what do you call, bhaarat? That before marriage they do the procession? In that procession, I saw in that light sound system, his fathers name is there - Shamim. Stability of that village - like for generations. And the chief priest, he was there in our ashram that day whole day - for generations they dedicated their life.


Still in My family, at least one person per family will not go out of city and accept any job. They will stay in the city to maintain the temple - to take care of the temple responsibility. 16 communities have a responsibility in temple - all those communities, one person per family will not accept any job outside city - the outside village. They will stay in the - any one person in the family - they will not go out because the temple responsibility is not disturbed; they maintain the temple responsibility. The whole temple is volunteer run, and when I look back it is a really very overwhelming - last 23 days.


As far as the intensity of the program and power manifestation - this is the best. This is hundred times more than Sadashivoham - nothing like Mahasadashivoham. Especially this science of aushada has done a - given a very big breakthrough. Understand, the intensity with which you are manifesting powers, I will put the whole credit - I will give the whole responsibility to this science of aushada and detoxification process.


Especially detoxification using aushada - that has done a job. That has really cracked the code. And I will also continue to send some more aushada for you guys. And continue to have this continuous education classes and sessions for all the MSS participants. And, it will all be absolutely free, it’s part of the MSS program - it's like a extension, because - see, this 25 days I can only put certain amount of energy and initiation into your system, you need to digest and manifest. Only then I can put more. Anyhow, I cannot have 3 months program, if I have - and I am also evolving the next level of aushada, aushada which you can take inside. But for that I need to go through the, all the medical trial and IMA approval, Indian Medical Association approval - I am working on all that. Maybe by Guru Poornima, we will be ready with all that.


That will give a next level breakthrough, altogether. Anti-aging, amritattva aushada, all that is going to be in that level. Because it needs to be taken in. Let Me project, "Eh, project this, Ma." I will just show you a simple video. Any of - how many of you saw that antimatter? I just shared in my facebook page. I’ will show you and then I will talk to you guys about it.


Video clip.


I want all of you to see again - especially these number: trillion, billion, zillion and...


Video clip.


All of you understood this? How many of you teleported successfully at least once, raise your hand? All of you already produced antimatter. Understand. Only if the vibhooti here - bhasma here becomes antimatter, it can travel and settle down in any place and become matter. Listen, I will project now. This other side is just antimatter. How many of you are catching - the other side of all the heads, avyakta.


Understand. Now I have given one side, the other side is avyakta. Avyakta means antimatter, unmanifest - which exists but does not have any of the positive perceptive qualities of this vyakta. Listen. Vyakta means which exists and can be perceived with a positive definition, with a positive definiteness which you can perceive, is manifest; vyakta. I know many are thinking, “Anyhow, vyakta itself I have not understood, forget about avyakta.”


What we call parallel universe, unmanifest, avyakta - the delusion component of Mahadeva - throbhava, cannot be exactly translated as delusion - it should only be translated as 'un-understandable' - 'un-understood' or unknown. Throbhava is not, the precise word is not delusion, precise word is: unknown.


Some people have put Facebook comments I saw, “We want some more casual session with Swamiji.” Mahasadashivoham is not casual - understand. Here we just need to do the job. Yes, please listen. The various permutation combinations of the five units, five unit principles is length, breadth, depth, time, space - five tattva, principle tattvas. The various permutation combination of these five principles forms 11 dimensions. Now, no games, but only just note down this column. Just for all of you to understand, then I will explain the various lokas.


Length, breadth, depth these three dimensions operate in bhu. Breadth - just pen down this whole thing. The pure space where all other things merge into the space is Kailaasa. The 14 lokas: athala, vithala, suthala, thala thala, patala, bhur, bhuvas, suva, tapas, satya. All those 14 lokas come under these 11 dimensions. Understand this 11 dimension, then I will initiate all of you - not just educating, I will initiate also.


Just I need to change the fuel in your body - the fuel with which you are functioning now needs to be changed. I am going to initiate all of you - this process is such automatically your eyes will be closed but I don’t want you to sleep. Can you all pick up your cup of coffee and then settle down. You will not go out, no going out. Because - you see, you will automatically have your eyes pulled by the third-eye during the initiation, but I don’t want you to sleep. I will also teach you guys to teleport and materialize antimatter. See, all teleportation has to happen only through the antimatter. Viboothi has to become antimatter, only then it has to become a viboothi again. So, if I just ask you guys to stop in between - that’s all, you have antimatter and billions of dollars.


Video - Glimpses of Maha Sadashivoham Initiation || MSS

In this video, we see the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam initiating delegates present at the convention and participant from around the world via an online into an extra ordinary Shakti of Maha Sadashiva. The session was guided by Kailasian Ma Mahayoga. She guided the delegates and participants into the humming of Mahavakya "Om Nithyananda Maha Sadashivoham" . This beautiful and extremely powerful chant was hummed as a vibration, where the words will be felt in the heart but the vibration will be felt in the mouth.

Nithyananda Times

Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 96 (Nataraja Darshan Mahasadashivoham)


Shiva Deeksha and Kalpataru Yogam

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Session On 11 Dimensions

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Nataraja Darshan

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Shiva Deeksha

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