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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Before entering into the today’s satsang, today’s subject, I will answer some of the questions from devotees and disciples around the world. It’s from Chirantana Girish from North Carolina: “Dear Swamiji, in your message you said that most of us are stuck in vishuddhi. Also each chakra holds only 21 engrams; threads. Does this mean we are only 21 engrams away from living in the present? But we go into a seemingly endless loop re-creating more engrams in the same state or do we also traverse up and down these threads. And do the threads go down into other chakras below too. Could you please explain the overlapping of the states further? How do we identify, comply with and complete an engram in a chakra without re-creating more engrams while doing so, If so. If a thread goes from one chakra to the another do we fulfill it in the lower chakra or higher chakra."
Wow, I think a subject for one full satsang. I will answer every step. If you understand the truths again once more, many of these questions will drop. First thing, understand, most of us are stuck in vishuddhi. Yes, most of us are stuck in vishuddhi where the present holds; present is pregnant with past and future. Or I can say present is poisoned with past and future. You are not enjoying the pure present. You are sitting here but you are not enjoying this complete, this whole thing in pure present. You have your own worries related to past, related to future. So every moment comes with a dent created by the past and future. How much ever you try, I have seen sometime your very body resist to be in the present. When you again and again make an effort, your very body feels, "No it’s ok;" it just succumbs to the past and future. So, the present which you are enjoying is battered and shattered by the past and future.
"Does this mean we are only 21 engrams away from living in the present?" Yes, Chirantana you are just 21 engram - I am saying maximum, each chakra holds only maximum 21. That does not mean everything has to hold 21. There are some of your energy centers may be holding only 5 or 6. You are only maximum 21 engram away from Enlightenment. Anybody is maximum only 21 engram away from Enlightenment. So, but we go into a seemingly endless loop re-creating more engrams in the same state. That is what is the sad part. Not deciding - it is not and I am telling you honestly; it is not even living in the present; deciding to live in the present. Deciding; that is where the problem is. We are not deciding. Somehow we have a deep vested interest very deep vested interest to be, "Ah...ah."
We don’t trust the restful awareness can give rest. We always tend to believe rest means forgetting things, being irresponsible, forgoing the things you need to attend. The inability irresponsibility are non-attentiveness; non-attending is associated with rest.
Unfortunately, you know only one rest that is which is falling into the unconsciousness, sleep, where you don’t care about things, where your complete decision not to care about things becomes predominant. Please understand. You do not know any other rest. So pathetic! Human beings do not know any other state for resting other than sleep. That is why always if you want to take rest you want to throw away things. You strongly believe irresponsibility and non-attending or disowning is the only way for rest. No. The moment you start believing disowning is the only way for rest, non-attending is the only way for rest, naturally your being likes to rest so it will always decide to let go; means, "Let the past and future do whatever it wants in the mind. Let me rest."
Please understand. Awareness trying to live in the present looks like a load on you because of your belief system. Why you don’t want to live in the present even though you know the benefit. You know the benefit. If you have lived ten minutes in the present you know how many benefits; how you are alive, aware, excited, intense, passionate and joyful, successful. You know it but you decide not to live in present. Because you have a deep strong belief: present means stress, awareness means load. Till you remind your bio memory strongly: awareness means restfulness, being in the present means deep relaxation, till your remind your bio-memory make your bio-memory understand awareness means restfulness being in the present means utter relaxation. I don’t know how much you are going to take, how much time and how much energy you are going to take to remind your system awareness means restful awareness; being in the present means deeply relaxed; all the knots being shattered. That understanding, that clarity is a basic necessity for you to consciously decide to get Enlightened; to live in the present moment.
The problem is not just your intellectual understanding level. See, there are some problems which can be cleared just by the intellectual understanding. But the problem related to laziness, this is the deepest layer of laziness, the subtlest printout which you carry in your mind, blueprint which you carry in your mind about the past, present, future. This is one of the most dangerous blueprint you carry. Please understand, most dangerous blueprint means living in the present is stress; just being pushed and pulled by the past and future is relaxation. I can say, I can define the meaning of ignorance. Ignorance means believing floating in the past and future is relaxation, being in the present is stressful effort; this is ignorance.
All your bio-memories believe being pushed and pulled by the past and future is your nature. In that you are more relaxed than being in the present. That is why whenever you decide to be in present it looks like an action, which is supposed to be nature. Understand. You are supposed to be being in present. Going into the past and going into the future should be an action. But see the whole shift in your understanding. Now as on now you feel being in the present is a big action; I have to be aware. Being in the present you feel that you have to be aware like a sniffing dog, "I am in the present, I am in the present oh! Already I am in the past! No, no, no, I am in the present... no already I am in the future... no I am in the present I am in the...: Unfortunately, your muscles are stored so much with the past and future, you are so habituated to feel the relaxation in the past and future, your present is so much battered and shattered by the past and the future, you strongly believe being in the present is a continuous action - this is what I call ignorance.
Again and again and again reminding your muscle memory being in the present is the relaxation and restfulness, being in the present is the restful awareness, entering into the past or the future is the action, doing, stressfulness. Do not associate your relaxation with some vacation place or some mood happened in the past in your life. Associate always relaxation to the Kundalini which awakens in the present moment. When you sit with the restful awareness, in every body, in everybody some part of Kundalini awakens. A shift in the awareness happens. Associate your relaxation, vacation with that shift. Teach your bio memory again and again: that is vacation, that is relaxation, that is restful awareness. I can say this is sadhana. That is ignorance this is sadhana.
Chirantana, this is the worst ignorance with which you are suffering, not only you, all human beings suffer. This is responsible for not living in the present, not deciding to live in the present, not breaking such a small thread. It’s a small veil between you and Enlightenment made out of 21 small threads. "Do we also traverse up and down these threads and do the threads go down into the other chakras below too. The engrams themself do not travel but you jump into the different, different engrams as per your taste. You choose your hells. In one hell if you feel too hot you just change the temperature, it’s not that you go to heaven; you change the temperature and feel comfortable because of the change in temperature. After half an hour that hell also seems to be too much. Then you jump into other hell. "Oh, I think this will be comfortable." You change hells; you change engrams, so that you will have little breathing space. Change of suffering you feel as joy. Change of work people feel as vacation. Same way change of suffering you feel as joy. So thread itself does not goes up or down. Each chakra has their own threads. You go and live in each chakra and come back.
"Could you please explain the overlapping of the states further?" Pure past, pure present, past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past; see past overlapping into the future, all of you understand? How you project your past into the future. Either altered or developed state of your past only you want in your future; future being projected into the past. That is what I said: not remembering the past as it happened, remembering it as per the strategy plan you have for the future; rewriting the history. Man wants always his past to be projected in tune with the way in which he wanted to present his future. When you constantly look at your past having the future strategy planning in your mind you don’t look at the past as it is.
That day I was giving an example. You have been crazy, craving equally with a equal strength for candy at the age of seven, for a car at the age of fourteen, for a life partner at the age of twenty. All this you had equal amount of craving and craziness. But unfortunately when you look your life back with your vested interest, the future strategy planning, you think for the life partner you had more craving; that is going to fulfill you more than the candy which you always wanted at the age of seven. Because now you have an idea, in the future the candy may not stand with you during all the problems which happens in your life. Spouse is a person who stands with you during all the problems of your life which may not have happened in your life if he or she is not there in your life. So you have your own vested interest. You need somebody to stand in your life when you have problem. So you know candy may not stand. So you tend to believe spouse was a more strong craving than the candy.
But I tell you, you can experiment, see a child playing with a toy or enjoying a candy something very joyfully. Try to snatch that away and see how he gasps for the breath. He struggles for the breath while crying or while he is missing that how he tries to suffer for breath. See the intensity or the length of the breath and see the same way when somebody is struggling for the spouse or the love in life. You will see the intensity of both will be the same or the child will have the more intensity. But when you remember in your future you don’t remember the craving, the craziness you had for candy as intensely as you remember the so called useful objects; because now you decided these objects are going to be useful for your future you remember only that craving. You don’t remember the whole past as it happened. You project the future into the past and remember only what you want. This is another one important ignorance: projecting future into the past and remembering your past does not give you the clear understanding and identity, does not give you the right accounts for you to make the right decision about your future. You are stuck.
I tell you if I can teach only this one science, the science of looking at the past as it is, for how many things, how much deep cravings you had, after achieving those things how much you had fulfillment and how you are not remembering the real cravings you had and how you are remembering the superficial cravings you had as a strong cravings in your life. If I can just teach this one science to the kids, I will have millions of Enlightened beings. If I can teach this one science to the youth, I will have millions of sanyasis. If I can teach this one science to the adults, so called 'grown up man', I will have at least few million Enlightened sanyasis. When you understand all the cravings you had, the fulfillments you experienced without projecting the future into the past you will just know you are Ashutosha; easily pleased.
Understand. If you think your joy comes to you by the difficult achievements you are shava, you are going towards death; because your whole life will be struggling, struggling, struggling. If you understand: your joys are too simple you can be fulfilled in a simple way. When you look at your past and past cravings and how they are fulfilled without projecting the future into it, the first realization will happen in you is your joys are too simple you are Shiva, Ashutosha. In North India they have beautiful word for Shiva: Bhole Baba, means easily pleased, innocent. You can please him with a little Ganges water or just one small bil patra, bilva leaf, just one handful of rice; nothing more is required. You don’t need to have a elaborate puja like how you do for Vishnu and other deities. Bhole baba, easily pleased. I tell you if you don’t project your future into the past you will become Bhole baba, easily pleased, simply joyful. I tell you that is one of the greatest quality.  
If somebody asks a question, "If you don’t have this mission how you will be, what will you be doing?" I think this Inner Awakening somebody asked me. I will describe exactly what I will be doing. Somewhere in the banks of Ganges, in a small hut with a big belly I will be just relaxed, lying down. And some of the local village boys, kids if they bring little food I will eat and do some miracles for those kids by teleporting candies, materializing candies, some toys for those kids and playing with them, teaching them some simple truths, "Ehh don’t tell lies, don’t smoke, don’t beat your sister, don’t beat your classmate;" Like this teaching some simple things, I will be resting, sleeping, living; that’s it. That is my fantasy; that is my fantasy of Bhole baba. Bhole baba nothing much is required easily pleased, Ashutosha. If small kids bring one or two sweets which they get from shop or the house I will eat that and I will materialize four five few candies and give them and tell them, "Ehh don’t tell lies, don’t beat your sister, comb your hair properly, brush your teeth;" that’s all.
Life is nothing more serious; understand. All this mission and everything is for complicated people. Because human beings have complicated themself so much, now you need a complicated mission. Otherwise nothing else is required. And I tell you by lying down in one corner of the Ganges as a Bhole baba as I described now, I will be equally making enough people Enlightened, the number of people I will be Enlightening through this complicated mission. I am telling you. With this huge organization which so many fools are envy about and with all this set up, how many people I make Enlightened - the same job I will be doing there as Bhole baba because I will be working with those small kids who are not that complicated or the small villagers who bring little food, the yesterdays rice in small mud pot. So naturally I will be working with those simple people and the same process will be happening.
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description: Live simple and become siva by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 06 jan 2011'===
Understand. The Ashutosha, not projecting your future into the past and seeing your past, if you just look at your past as it is, you will see so many times with such simple things you are pleased. By nature you are pleased just with the simple things. You are Bhole baba. You will just suddenly dig out the Bhole baba identity of you, the Ashutosha identity of you. Cherishing, living, bringing that Ashutosha identity of you to life, is what I call sadhu; the definition of sadhu means understanding you are a Bhole baba. You are simply pleased. But the moment you compare, "Why, why should I be simply pleased? All those fellows to get pleased need all those, those, those, those, those big, big, big, big things and if I am simply pleased I am cheated by all my peers. Because I am simply pleased I am Ashutosha, everybody is exploiting me." Now you have exploited yourself; over.
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Now you are no more Bhole baba. You are no more Ashutosha. You have to become Indra to be joyful. Even after becoming Indra when you have a problem you have to rush to Bhole baba only. Understand. The moment you compare, "Ohh, because I am Bhole baba all the good things which came out of the churning of the ocean, all these fellows have taken away. They just left few snakes and useless rudraksha and worthless - the cremation ground bhasma for me and this Lakshmi has been taken away by this Vishnu and Kamadhenu Kalpavriksha is snatched by Indra"; the moment you think that, you lost the Shiva character and you want to become now Indra. You rush in the angle of Indra.
So, when you are trying to become Indra what you do? You project your future into the past and you feel only with this, this, this, this, this this things parijatha, kalpavriksha, rambha, menaka, urvashi - with all this only then I will be happy. So you complicate your joy. So naturally the rakshasas come and attack you; Depression! The struggle which you need to go through to achieve that high or complicated joys. So when rakshasas attack you what you do? "No, no, no better let me be Bhole baba." You get back; you get back to be a Bhole baba. I tell you, retain the beauty of Bhole baba in your life. Retain the quality of Ashutosha in your life. You will be living with Shiva Consciousness. Living with Shiva Consciousness does not mean you don’t even need to some big, big, big, big things. If you want to live in Shiva Consciousness, just live like a Bhole baba easily pleased, easily joyful; Asutosha. If they are pleased only with those big, big complicated things, let them be Indras; but I am going to be Ashutosha.
You look into your past in a pure way without projecting you future into that past; as it is. You will understand, "Oh, God!" You have been always pleased by very simple things. Ordinary things are enough to please you. Your cravings are not that complicated. By nature you are Bhole baba. This understanding will land on you. Understanding by nature you are Asutosha Bhole baba; means liberated from the future being projected into the past.
If you stop the past being projected into the future you will be relieved from worry. You will be relieved from fear. If you stop the future being projected into the past you will be relieved from greed. Suddenly you will see the thousands of things which you feel is a basic necessity to run your future will lose its power or meaning over you. "Ehhh, I needed only this few beads not diamonds. I needed only these simple things not those big, big things. Oh God!" Bhole baba! Just decide to be Asutosha to be Bhole baba. Do not believe your mind which says, "No, no. All your colleagues, team members, group, community, they are all exploiting you because you are Bhole baba." Then you are done; now you are exploited by your own mind. It’s your choice.
Sadhu means Bhole baba; exactly the visualization now I gave you. Lying down in the banks of Ganges, a small hut with a big belly means what, did not even bother about the body caring or did not maintain the body, nothing much need to be attended. You don’t need to do weight lifting every day, you don’t need to bend your body and do yoga every day, you don’t need to care about anything and anything comes you put it in your mouth, so naturally huge belly, all the time lying down, does not need to be attended and it is there, it is there, it is there. And some kids will come in the evening when they don’t have school; the belly will be so huge they will be playing on it. They may bring one or two candy which they would have eaten half and the remaining will be there in their hand, "Baba, you eat this" and you can eat to please them do some materialization, teleporting, play with some powers to please them. That’s a real joy. You should show the powers to please the kids and play with the kids not to these fools to impress them. Then the Bhole baba will not be Bhole baba. Then it is a trying to prove a point. The powers should be expressed playfully as Bhole baba, not to prove a point, not even to prove you are Enlightened. And just give some candy, this, that, to those kids and tell them, "Ehh, do mathematics properly in your school. You are not studying well."
Exactly this is the way Raghupathy yogi was living, I know. That is the way Raghupathy was living; not a big belly but other than that all the other qualities I am seeing; easily pleased. Exactly this is the way I experienced Arunagiri Yogishwara; easily pleased. I will take this ordinary tamarind, whatever even uncooked items and all from the house; whatever I get in my eyes or the hand belongs to Arunagiri Yogishwara. Then after I leave to the temple my mother will be searching where is the rice where is the.. See, usually in the villages in the night time they will keep everything ready for the next day morning cooking and all the measurements they will keep it ready for next day morning to get up and cook and next day morning before my mother starts the cooking the whole thing would have been packed and gone to the Arunagiri Yogishwara. She will be running around and searching where is this, where is this, where is this. Whatever I get in my hand gets packed and goes to Arunagiri Yogishwara and I have seen, so easily pleased with all the ordinary things, with all just ordinary things. Bhole baba. He will just take that tamarind and try to taste. He will not even take it to the cooking.
So understand, if you stop projecting your future into the past you will be free from the greed. You will become Bhole baba. "How do we identify comply with and complete an engram in a chakra without recreating more engrams while doing so?" All right, now it’s time I will answer this question again in tomorrow’s satsang. I have not even touched the sutra. I will continue in tomorrow’s satsang. I will continue to answer the remaining part of the questions in the next sessions. Today’s essence is how to be Bhole baba - that’s it; Shiva, Asutosha; easily pleased.
I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Prayer. Welcome. Before entering into the today’s satsang, today’s subject t, I will answer some questions from devotees and disciples around the world
Q: most of us are stuck in vishuddhi. Also each chakra holds only 21 engrams, threats. Does this mean we are only 21 engrams away from the enlightenment state….could you please explain the overlapping of the states further. If a threat goes from one chakra to another, do we fulfill it in the lower chakra or the higher chakra?
A: I will answer every step. If you understand the truth, many of these questions will drop. 1st thing most of us are stuck in vishuddhi where the present holds – the present is pregnant or poisoned with past and future. You are not enjoying the pure present. You are sitting here but you are not enjoying this complete whole thing in pure present. You have your own worries related to past and future. So every moment comes with a dent created with past and future. How much every you try, sometimes your very body tries to resist. It just succumbs to the past and future. So the present which you are enjoying is battered and shattered by the past and future. Yes, you are just 21 engram away from the present. I am saying each chakra holds only 21 max. some of your centres may hold only 5 or 6. You are max 21 engrams away from enlightenment. But we going into a seemingly endless loop recreating engrams in the same state – that is what is the sad part. Not deciding. It is not even living in the present, deciding to live in the present. Deciding that is where the problem is. We are not deciding. Somehow we have a very deep vested interest to be casual. We don’t trust the restful awareness can give rest. We always tend to believe rest means forgetting things, being irresponsible. The inability, irresponsibility or non attending is associated with rest. Unfortunately you know only one rest which is sleeping where you don’t care about things. Please understand, you do not know any other rest. I really feel sorry! It is so pathetic. Human beings do not know any other state for resting other than sleep. That is why always if you want to take rest, you want to throw away things. You strongly believe irresponsibility or non owning or disowning is only way for rest. NO. the moment you start believing disowning, non-attending is the only way for rest, naturally your being likes to rest. So it will always decide to let go means let the past & future do whatever it wants to do in the mind, let me rest. Please understand awareness, trying to live in the present looks like a load on you because of your belief system.
You know the benefit of living in the present. How you are alive, aware, excited, intense, passionate, joyful, successful when you live in present. But you decide not to live because you have deep strong belief that present means stress. Awareness means load. Till you remind your bio memory strongly awareness means restfulness. Being in the present means deep relaxation. Make your bio memory understand this.  I don’t know how much time & energy you are going to take to remind your system awareness means restful awareness, being in the present means utter deep relaxation. All the knots being shattered. That understanding, that clarity is a basic necessity for you to consciously decide to get enlightened to live in the present moment. The problem is not just your intellectual understanding, the problem related to laziness – this is the deepest and subtlest print out which you carry in your mind, blue print which you carry in your mind about the past, present and future. This is one of the most dangerous blue print which is living in the present is stress. Just being pushed and pulled by past & future is relaxation. I can define the meaning of ignorance.
Ignorance means believing floating in the past & future is relaxation. Being in the present is stressful effort. This is ignorance. All your bio memories believe being pushed by past and future is your nature and in that you are more relaxed than being in present! That is why whenever you are in present, it looks like action which is supposed to be your very nature! You are supposed to be in present and going to past & future should be action. But see the whole shift in your understanding. As on now you feel being in the present is a big action – I have to be aware like a sniffing dog – I am in the present, oh no, in the past, no future…unfortunately your muscles are stored so much with the past & future, you are so habituated to feel the relaxation in the past & future, your present is so much battered & shattered by past & future, you strongly believe being in the present is a continuous action. This is what I call ignorance! Again & again & again reminding your muscle memory being in the present is relaxation and restfulness,. Being in the present is restful awareness. Entering into the past or future is an action – doing which is stressfulness.
Do not associate relaxation. with the mood that happened with some past incident. Associate relaxation with the kundalini awakening in your body. A shift happens in every body when this happens. associate your body and bio memory that this is relaxation and restful awareness. I can say this is ‘sadhana’ that is ignorance. This is sadhana.
This ignorance is responsible for not living in the present, not deciding to live in the present. Not breaking such a small thread. It is a small veil between you & enlightenment made out of 21 small threads.
Do we also traverse up & down these threads and do the threads go to other chakras below 2
The engrams themselves do not jump up & down. But you yourself jump. You choose your hell. In one hell if it is hot, you don’t go to heaven, you just change the temperature and jump into another hell. After some time you jump to other hell. You change hells. You change engrams. Change of sufferings you feel as joy. Change of work, people feel as vacation. Same way change of suffering you feel as joy. So thread itself does not go up or down. Each chakra has its own thread. You go and live in each chakra and come back.
Could you please explain overlapping of states
Pure past, pure present, past overlapping into the future – understand how you project your past into the future – either altered or developed state of past only you want to project in future; future overlapping into the past – not remembering the past as it happened. remembering it as per strategy plan you have for the future. Rewriting the history.
Man wants always his past to be projected in tune with the way in which he wanted to project his future.
This is what I call forgetting your identity. Being caught in asatya. When you constantly look at your past having a future strategy planning in your mind, you don’t look at the pure past. You are being crazy craving with equal strength for a candy at age 7, car at age 14, for a life partner at age 20 – but unfortunately when you look at your life back with you vested interest of future strategy planning, you think for life partner you have craving will fulfill you more than the candy. During all the problems which happen, you think candy will not stand with you but spouse will stand.  Spouse is a person who will stand with you in all problems of your life which may not happen when he or she is not in your life ☺
So you know candy may not stand. So you tend to believe the spouse was a more strong craving than the candy. But I tell you. see a child playing with a toy or enjoying a candy – try to snatch that away and see how it gasps and struggles for breath. While crying or missing it, how it suffers for breath. See the intensity of length of the breath. Same way see when somebody is struggling for spouse or love in life, the intensity is the same. But when you remember in future, you don’t remember the craving and craziness you have for candy as intensely as you had for the so called useful objects. You remember only the craving of these objects. You don’t remember your whole past. Projecting future into past and remembering your past does not give you clear understanding and identity does not give you right account for you to make right decision in future. This is another important ignorance. You are stuck. I tell you if you can just teach only this one science the science of looking at the past as it is. If you can look at how you remember the superficial cravings you have ….
If I can teach this one science to kids I will have millions of enlightened beings. If I can teach this one science to youth – millions of sanyasis will be there. If I can teach this one science to adults – at least few million enlightened sanyasis will be there. It is just that this one science that is required to pull down Wall Street. The very base on which the Wall Street is standing will drown inside the ocean. In this 2012 movie they are showing the ocean just raising and swallowing the Wall Street and other places. Ocean will not physically raise. If I can teach this science, the consciousness ocean will raise and the ideas on which this Wall Street and other places are built will be washed away!  When you understand all the cravings you had, the fulfillments you experienced without projecting the future into the past, you will know you are a aasu dosha – easily pleased. Understand if you think your joy comes to you by the difficult achievements you are shava – you are going towards death because your whole life will be struggling. If you understand your joys are too simple, you can be fulfilled in simple way. When you look at your past and understand how to be in joy without projecting it in future, you will realize you are aasu dosha – shiva – bhole baba – means easily pleased – just a little Ganga water, handful of rice, a bilva patra – easily pleased. I tell you if you don’t project your future into the past, you will become Bhole baba easily pleased. Simply joyful. I tell you that is one of the greatest quality. If somebody asks me a question, if you don’t have this mission what will you be doing, how you will be.
Somewhere in the banks of Ganges, in a small hut with a big belly I will be just lying down and if some of the local boys give me food I will eat and I will teleport candy for those kids, playing with them, teaching them some simple truths – don’t tell lies, don’t smoke, don’t beat your sister and classmate. Like this I will be simply sleeping & living. That is my fantasy of Bhole baba. Nothing much is required. easily pleased – aasu dosha. That’s all! Life is nothing more serious. All this mission & everything is for complicated people. Because human beings have complicated themselves so much, now you need a complicated mission. Otherwise nothing else is required. and I tell you by lying down in a corner hut living like a bhole baba I will make equal number of people enlightened as I would do being in this BIG mission. Because I will be working with small kids and small villagers who are not so complicated. So naturally I will be working with those simple people and the same process will be happening! Understand, the aasu dosha – not projecting your future into the past and seeing your past. If you just look at your past as it is you will see so many times with such simple things you are pleased. By nature you are pleased with simple things you are bhole baba! You will just dig 9out the aasu dosha dn bhole baba identity in you. cherishing and bringing the aasu dosha identity of you to life is living like a sadhu. You just being simply pleased. But your logic comes up and says everyone else is pleased by other big things and they are exploiting them. Then now you have exploited your own self!
Understand, the moment you compare – because I am bhole baba, all the good things which came out of the churning of the ocean, all good things everyone took. They left snakes and bhasma for me, lakshmi has been taken by vishuna and kamadhenu by indra, the moment you think like this, you lose the shiva character in you. and run to be indra. Then you will think with parijaata, rambha, uravashi only with all this only you can enjoy being indra. So naturally the raakshasas attack you. then what you do – no let me be bhole baba. You get back to be a bhole baba. I tell you retain the beauty of bhole baba in your life, retain the quality of aasu dosha in your life you will be living with Shiva consciousness. Living with shiva concsciousness does not mean you have to live with big things. If you want to live in shiva consciousness live like a bhole baba – easily pleased – being asu dosha.
You look into your past in a pure way without projecting the future into that past as it is. You will think oh god! You have been pleased always with simple things. Ordinary things are enough to please you. your cravings are not that complicated. Understanding that by nature you are aasu dosha bhole baba means liberated from the future being projected into past. If you stop projecting past in future  you will be relieved from worry and fear. If you stop projecting the future from past you will be relieved from greed. Suddenly the many things which had grip on you, lose their power on you. you become bhole baba! Just decide to be aasu dosha, bhole baba. Do not believe your mind which compares with others and says no all are exploiting you. then you are done. Now you are being exploited by your own mind.
Saadhu means living like a bhole baba. I will continue this in the next sessions.
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Latest revision as of 03:05, 16 February 2021


Live Simple and Become Shiva - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 6 Jan 11


"By nature you are pleased with simple things, you are Bhole Baba (Shiva)! "I tell you, retain the beauty of Bhole Baba in your life, retain the quality of Ashudosha (easily pleased) in your life, you will be living with Shiva Consciousness," says Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Rare Avatar and Enlightened Master.

In this another remarkable Satsang/discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda dealt with answering questions from devotees and disciples across the world and in the process opened out the whole science of living in Ignorance and practicing Sadhana by 'being Shiva by just living in simplicity', learning from different states of past, present, and future.

When asked about the overlapping states in different chakras, with each chakra holding up to 21 engrams only, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answered with the truth that most of us are stuck in Vissuddhi chakra (at throat center -- signifying jealousy and comparison), where the present is pregnant or poisoned with past or future. We are not enjoying the 'Pure Present'.

He also added that "Yes, you are just 21 engrams away from the present. I am saying each chakra holds only 21 max. Some of your centers may hold only 5 or 6. You are max 21 engrams away from Enlightenment. But, we going into a seemingly endless loop recreating engrams in the same state -- that is what is the sad part."

Then, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared a very important understanding, a click, the sad part and the big problem to experience the 'pure present' is in 'not deciding': "It is not even living in the present, deciding to live in the present. We are not deciding. Somehow we have a very deep vested interest to be casual. We don't trust the restful awareness can give rest. We always tend to believe rest means forgetting things, being irresponsible. Please understand, awareness, trying to live in the present, looks like a load on you because of your belief system".

Then, Paramahamsa Nithyananda warned about being in laziness and gave the meaning of Ignorance and Sadhana: "Ignorance means believing, floating in the past & future is relaxation. Being in the present is a stressful effort. This is ignorance. All your bio memories believe being pushed by past and future is your nature and in that, you are more relaxed than being in the present! That is why whenever you are in the present, it looks like action, which is supposed to be your very nature! You are supposed to be in present and going to past & future should be action. Do not associate relaxation with the mood that happened with some past incident. Associate relaxation with the kundalini awakening in your body. A shift happens in everybody when this happens. Associate your body and bio memory that this is relaxation and restful awareness. I can say this is 'sadhana', that is ignorance".

"Understand, if you think your joy comes to you by the difficult achievements you are shava -- you are going towards death because your whole life will be struggling. If you understand your joys are too simple, you can be fulfilled in a simple way. When you look at your past and understand how to be in joy without projecting it in future, you will realize you are 'Aasudosha -- Shiva -- Bhole Baba -- means easily pleased -- just a little Ganga water, a handful of rice, a bilva patra -- easily pleased. I tell you, if you don't project your future into the past, you will become Bhole Baba easily pleased. Simply joyful! I tell you that is one of the greatest quality". After this amazing understanding of Shava vs. being Shiva, Ashodosha, easily pleased, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared His spiritual fantasy of being BHOLE BABA - what He would be doing, how will He be, if He didn't have the mission. A brilliant and beautiful insight into His own simplicity.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda then ended this phenomenal Satsang with His core message to get back to be Bhole Baba, "Understand, the Ashudosha -- not projecting your future into the past and seeing your past. If you just look at your past as it is you will see so many times with such simple things you are pleased. By nature you are pleased with simple things, you are Bhole Baba! You will just dig out the Ashudosha and Bhole Baba identity in you. But your logic comes up and says everyone else is pleased by other big things and they are exploiting them. Then now you have exploited your own self! Sadhu means living like a Bhole Baba."

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects. Before entering into the today’s satsang, today’s subject, I will answer some of the questions from devotees and disciples around the world. It’s from Chirantana Girish from North Carolina: “Dear Swamiji, in your message you said that most of us are stuck in vishuddhi. Also each chakra holds only 21 engrams; threads. Does this mean we are only 21 engrams away from living in the present? But we go into a seemingly endless loop re-creating more engrams in the same state or do we also traverse up and down these threads. And do the threads go down into other chakras below too. Could you please explain the overlapping of the states further? How do we identify, comply with and complete an engram in a chakra without re-creating more engrams while doing so, If so. If a thread goes from one chakra to the another do we fulfill it in the lower chakra or higher chakra."


Wow, I think a subject for one full satsang. I will answer every step. If you understand the truths again once more, many of these questions will drop. First thing, understand, most of us are stuck in vishuddhi. Yes, most of us are stuck in vishuddhi where the present holds; present is pregnant with past and future. Or I can say present is poisoned with past and future. You are not enjoying the pure present. You are sitting here but you are not enjoying this complete, this whole thing in pure present. You have your own worries related to past, related to future. So every moment comes with a dent created by the past and future. How much ever you try, I have seen sometime your very body resist to be in the present. When you again and again make an effort, your very body feels, "No it’s ok;" it just succumbs to the past and future. So, the present which you are enjoying is battered and shattered by the past and future.


"Does this mean we are only 21 engrams away from living in the present?" Yes, Chirantana you are just 21 engram - I am saying maximum, each chakra holds only maximum 21. That does not mean everything has to hold 21. There are some of your energy centers may be holding only 5 or 6. You are only maximum 21 engram away from Enlightenment. Anybody is maximum only 21 engram away from Enlightenment. So, but we go into a seemingly endless loop re-creating more engrams in the same state. That is what is the sad part. Not deciding - it is not and I am telling you honestly; it is not even living in the present; deciding to live in the present. Deciding; that is where the problem is. We are not deciding. Somehow we have a deep vested interest very deep vested interest to be, "Ah...ah."


We don’t trust the restful awareness can give rest. We always tend to believe rest means forgetting things, being irresponsible, forgoing the things you need to attend. The inability irresponsibility are non-attentiveness; non-attending is associated with rest.


Unfortunately, you know only one rest that is which is falling into the unconsciousness, sleep, where you don’t care about things, where your complete decision not to care about things becomes predominant. Please understand. You do not know any other rest. So pathetic! Human beings do not know any other state for resting other than sleep. That is why always if you want to take rest you want to throw away things. You strongly believe irresponsibility and non-attending or disowning is the only way for rest. No. The moment you start believing disowning is the only way for rest, non-attending is the only way for rest, naturally your being likes to rest so it will always decide to let go; means, "Let the past and future do whatever it wants in the mind. Let me rest."


Please understand. Awareness trying to live in the present looks like a load on you because of your belief system. Why you don’t want to live in the present even though you know the benefit. You know the benefit. If you have lived ten minutes in the present you know how many benefits; how you are alive, aware, excited, intense, passionate and joyful, successful. You know it but you decide not to live in present. Because you have a deep strong belief: present means stress, awareness means load. Till you remind your bio memory strongly: awareness means restfulness, being in the present means deep relaxation, till your remind your bio-memory make your bio-memory understand awareness means restfulness being in the present means utter relaxation. I don’t know how much you are going to take, how much time and how much energy you are going to take to remind your system awareness means restful awareness; being in the present means deeply relaxed; all the knots being shattered. That understanding, that clarity is a basic necessity for you to consciously decide to get Enlightened; to live in the present moment.


The problem is not just your intellectual understanding level. See, there are some problems which can be cleared just by the intellectual understanding. But the problem related to laziness, this is the deepest layer of laziness, the subtlest printout which you carry in your mind, blueprint which you carry in your mind about the past, present, future. This is one of the most dangerous blueprint you carry. Please understand, most dangerous blueprint means living in the present is stress; just being pushed and pulled by the past and future is relaxation. I can say, I can define the meaning of ignorance. Ignorance means believing floating in the past and future is relaxation, being in the present is stressful effort; this is ignorance.


All your bio-memories believe being pushed and pulled by the past and future is your nature. In that you are more relaxed than being in the present. That is why whenever you decide to be in present it looks like an action, which is supposed to be nature. Understand. You are supposed to be being in present. Going into the past and going into the future should be an action. But see the whole shift in your understanding. Now as on now you feel being in the present is a big action; I have to be aware. Being in the present you feel that you have to be aware like a sniffing dog, "I am in the present, I am in the present oh! Already I am in the past! No, no, no, I am in the present... no already I am in the future... no I am in the present I am in the...: Unfortunately, your muscles are stored so much with the past and future, you are so habituated to feel the relaxation in the past and future, your present is so much battered and shattered by the past and the future, you strongly believe being in the present is a continuous action - this is what I call ignorance.


Again and again and again reminding your muscle memory being in the present is the relaxation and restfulness, being in the present is the restful awareness, entering into the past or the future is the action, doing, stressfulness. Do not associate your relaxation with some vacation place or some mood happened in the past in your life. Associate always relaxation to the Kundalini which awakens in the present moment. When you sit with the restful awareness, in every body, in everybody some part of Kundalini awakens. A shift in the awareness happens. Associate your relaxation, vacation with that shift. Teach your bio memory again and again: that is vacation, that is relaxation, that is restful awareness. I can say this is sadhana. That is ignorance this is sadhana.


Chirantana, this is the worst ignorance with which you are suffering, not only you, all human beings suffer. This is responsible for not living in the present, not deciding to live in the present, not breaking such a small thread. It’s a small veil between you and Enlightenment made out of 21 small threads. "Do we also traverse up and down these threads and do the threads go down into the other chakras below too. The engrams themself do not travel but you jump into the different, different engrams as per your taste. You choose your hells. In one hell if you feel too hot you just change the temperature, it’s not that you go to heaven; you change the temperature and feel comfortable because of the change in temperature. After half an hour that hell also seems to be too much. Then you jump into other hell. "Oh, I think this will be comfortable." You change hells; you change engrams, so that you will have little breathing space. Change of suffering you feel as joy. Change of work people feel as vacation. Same way change of suffering you feel as joy. So thread itself does not goes up or down. Each chakra has their own threads. You go and live in each chakra and come back.


"Could you please explain the overlapping of the states further?" Pure past, pure present, past overlapping into the future, future overlapping into the past; see past overlapping into the future, all of you understand? How you project your past into the future. Either altered or developed state of your past only you want in your future; future being projected into the past. That is what I said: not remembering the past as it happened, remembering it as per the strategy plan you have for the future; rewriting the history. Man wants always his past to be projected in tune with the way in which he wanted to present his future. When you constantly look at your past having the future strategy planning in your mind you don’t look at the past as it is.


That day I was giving an example. You have been crazy, craving equally with a equal strength for candy at the age of seven, for a car at the age of fourteen, for a life partner at the age of twenty. All this you had equal amount of craving and craziness. But unfortunately when you look your life back with your vested interest, the future strategy planning, you think for the life partner you had more craving; that is going to fulfill you more than the candy which you always wanted at the age of seven. Because now you have an idea, in the future the candy may not stand with you during all the problems which happens in your life. Spouse is a person who stands with you during all the problems of your life which may not have happened in your life if he or she is not there in your life. So you have your own vested interest. You need somebody to stand in your life when you have problem. So you know candy may not stand. So you tend to believe spouse was a more strong craving than the candy.


But I tell you, you can experiment, see a child playing with a toy or enjoying a candy something very joyfully. Try to snatch that away and see how he gasps for the breath. He struggles for the breath while crying or while he is missing that how he tries to suffer for breath. See the intensity or the length of the breath and see the same way when somebody is struggling for the spouse or the love in life. You will see the intensity of both will be the same or the child will have the more intensity. But when you remember in your future you don’t remember the craving, the craziness you had for candy as intensely as you remember the so called useful objects; because now you decided these objects are going to be useful for your future you remember only that craving. You don’t remember the whole past as it happened. You project the future into the past and remember only what you want. This is another one important ignorance: projecting future into the past and remembering your past does not give you the clear understanding and identity, does not give you the right accounts for you to make the right decision about your future. You are stuck.


I tell you if I can teach only this one science, the science of looking at the past as it is, for how many things, how much deep cravings you had, after achieving those things how much you had fulfillment and how you are not remembering the real cravings you had and how you are remembering the superficial cravings you had as a strong cravings in your life. If I can just teach this one science to the kids, I will have millions of Enlightened beings. If I can teach this one science to the youth, I will have millions of sanyasis. If I can teach this one science to the adults, so called 'grown up man', I will have at least few million Enlightened sanyasis. When you understand all the cravings you had, the fulfillments you experienced without projecting the future into the past you will just know you are Ashutosha; easily pleased.


Understand. If you think your joy comes to you by the difficult achievements you are shava, you are going towards death; because your whole life will be struggling, struggling, struggling. If you understand: your joys are too simple you can be fulfilled in a simple way. When you look at your past and past cravings and how they are fulfilled without projecting the future into it, the first realization will happen in you is your joys are too simple you are Shiva, Ashutosha. In North India they have beautiful word for Shiva: Bhole Baba, means easily pleased, innocent. You can please him with a little Ganges water or just one small bil patra, bilva leaf, just one handful of rice; nothing more is required. You don’t need to have a elaborate puja like how you do for Vishnu and other deities. Bhole baba, easily pleased. I tell you if you don’t project your future into the past you will become Bhole baba, easily pleased, simply joyful. I tell you that is one of the greatest quality.


If somebody asks a question, "If you don’t have this mission how you will be, what will you be doing?" I think this Inner Awakening somebody asked me. I will describe exactly what I will be doing. Somewhere in the banks of Ganges, in a small hut with a big belly I will be just relaxed, lying down. And some of the local village boys, kids if they bring little food I will eat and do some miracles for those kids by teleporting candies, materializing candies, some toys for those kids and playing with them, teaching them some simple truths, "Ehh don’t tell lies, don’t smoke, don’t beat your sister, don’t beat your classmate;" Like this teaching some simple things, I will be resting, sleeping, living; that’s it. That is my fantasy; that is my fantasy of Bhole baba. Bhole baba nothing much is required easily pleased, Ashutosha. If small kids bring one or two sweets which they get from shop or the house I will eat that and I will materialize four five few candies and give them and tell them, "Ehh don’t tell lies, don’t beat your sister, comb your hair properly, brush your teeth;" that’s all.


Life is nothing more serious; understand. All this mission and everything is for complicated people. Because human beings have complicated themself so much, now you need a complicated mission. Otherwise nothing else is required. And I tell you by lying down in one corner of the Ganges as a Bhole baba as I described now, I will be equally making enough people Enlightened, the number of people I will be Enlightening through this complicated mission. I am telling you. With this huge organization which so many fools are envy about and with all this set up, how many people I make Enlightened - the same job I will be doing there as Bhole baba because I will be working with those small kids who are not that complicated or the small villagers who bring little food, the yesterdays rice in small mud pot. So naturally I will be working with those simple people and the same process will be happening.


Understand. The Ashutosha, not projecting your future into the past and seeing your past, if you just look at your past as it is, you will see so many times with such simple things you are pleased. By nature you are pleased just with the simple things. You are Bhole baba. You will just suddenly dig out the Bhole baba identity of you, the Ashutosha identity of you. Cherishing, living, bringing that Ashutosha identity of you to life, is what I call sadhu; the definition of sadhu means understanding you are a Bhole baba. You are simply pleased. But the moment you compare, "Why, why should I be simply pleased? All those fellows to get pleased need all those, those, those, those, those big, big, big, big things and if I am simply pleased I am cheated by all my peers. Because I am simply pleased I am Ashutosha, everybody is exploiting me." Now you have exploited yourself; over.


Now you are no more Bhole baba. You are no more Ashutosha. You have to become Indra to be joyful. Even after becoming Indra when you have a problem you have to rush to Bhole baba only. Understand. The moment you compare, "Ohh, because I am Bhole baba all the good things which came out of the churning of the ocean, all these fellows have taken away. They just left few snakes and useless rudraksha and worthless - the cremation ground bhasma for me and this Lakshmi has been taken away by this Vishnu and Kamadhenu Kalpavriksha is snatched by Indra"; the moment you think that, you lost the Shiva character and you want to become now Indra. You rush in the angle of Indra.


So, when you are trying to become Indra what you do? You project your future into the past and you feel only with this, this, this, this, this this things parijatha, kalpavriksha, rambha, menaka, urvashi - with all this only then I will be happy. So you complicate your joy. So naturally the rakshasas come and attack you; Depression! The struggle which you need to go through to achieve that high or complicated joys. So when rakshasas attack you what you do? "No, no, no better let me be Bhole baba." You get back; you get back to be a Bhole baba. I tell you, retain the beauty of Bhole baba in your life. Retain the quality of Ashutosha in your life. You will be living with Shiva Consciousness. Living with Shiva Consciousness does not mean you don’t even need to some big, big, big, big things. If you want to live in Shiva Consciousness, just live like a Bhole baba easily pleased, easily joyful; Asutosha. If they are pleased only with those big, big complicated things, let them be Indras; but I am going to be Ashutosha.


You look into your past in a pure way without projecting you future into that past; as it is. You will understand, "Oh, God!" You have been always pleased by very simple things. Ordinary things are enough to please you. Your cravings are not that complicated. By nature you are Bhole baba. This understanding will land on you. Understanding by nature you are Asutosha Bhole baba; means liberated from the future being projected into the past.


If you stop the past being projected into the future you will be relieved from worry. You will be relieved from fear. If you stop the future being projected into the past you will be relieved from greed. Suddenly you will see the thousands of things which you feel is a basic necessity to run your future will lose its power or meaning over you. "Ehhh, I needed only this few beads not diamonds. I needed only these simple things not those big, big things. Oh God!" Bhole baba! Just decide to be Asutosha to be Bhole baba. Do not believe your mind which says, "No, no. All your colleagues, team members, group, community, they are all exploiting you because you are Bhole baba." Then you are done; now you are exploited by your own mind. It’s your choice.


Sadhu means Bhole baba; exactly the visualization now I gave you. Lying down in the banks of Ganges, a small hut with a big belly means what, did not even bother about the body caring or did not maintain the body, nothing much need to be attended. You don’t need to do weight lifting every day, you don’t need to bend your body and do yoga every day, you don’t need to care about anything and anything comes you put it in your mouth, so naturally huge belly, all the time lying down, does not need to be attended and it is there, it is there, it is there. And some kids will come in the evening when they don’t have school; the belly will be so huge they will be playing on it. They may bring one or two candy which they would have eaten half and the remaining will be there in their hand, "Baba, you eat this" and you can eat to please them do some materialization, teleporting, play with some powers to please them. That’s a real joy. You should show the powers to please the kids and play with the kids not to these fools to impress them. Then the Bhole baba will not be Bhole baba. Then it is a trying to prove a point. The powers should be expressed playfully as Bhole baba, not to prove a point, not even to prove you are Enlightened. And just give some candy, this, that, to those kids and tell them, "Ehh, do mathematics properly in your school. You are not studying well."


Exactly this is the way Raghupathy yogi was living, I know. That is the way Raghupathy was living; not a big belly but other than that all the other qualities I am seeing; easily pleased. Exactly this is the way I experienced Arunagiri Yogishwara; easily pleased. I will take this ordinary tamarind, whatever even uncooked items and all from the house; whatever I get in my eyes or the hand belongs to Arunagiri Yogishwara. Then after I leave to the temple my mother will be searching where is the rice where is the.. See, usually in the villages in the night time they will keep everything ready for the next day morning cooking and all the measurements they will keep it ready for next day morning to get up and cook and next day morning before my mother starts the cooking the whole thing would have been packed and gone to the Arunagiri Yogishwara. She will be running around and searching where is this, where is this, where is this. Whatever I get in my hand gets packed and goes to Arunagiri Yogishwara and I have seen, so easily pleased with all the ordinary things, with all just ordinary things. Bhole baba. He will just take that tamarind and try to taste. He will not even take it to the cooking.


So understand, if you stop projecting your future into the past you will be free from the greed. You will become Bhole baba. "How do we identify comply with and complete an engram in a chakra without recreating more engrams while doing so?" All right, now it’s time I will answer this question again in tomorrow’s satsang. I have not even touched the sutra. I will continue in tomorrow’s satsang. I will continue to answer the remaining part of the questions in the next sessions. Today’s essence is how to be Bhole baba - that’s it; Shiva, Asutosha; easily pleased.


I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you.
