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==Title: No Mind State Experience it, Patanjali Yoga Sutra 11==
No Mind State Experience it Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 11 Feb 2011
No Mind State Experience it Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 11 Feb 2011
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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
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==Link to Audio==
==='Description: No Mind State Experience it, Patanjali Yoga Sutra by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on11 feb 2011'===
I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment in 495 places, in 209 cities, in 22 countries. And I am able to see these 8 cities in two way; Los Angeles, Ohio, Seattle, San Jose and Hyderabad, Redondo Beach, Houston, al...... Sharjah. These are the eight cities I am able to see two way.
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Before entering into today’s satsang some one or two questions. This is a question from Stephen, New Zealand Auckland satsang center.
“I am enjoying sitting for morning live satsangs and doing eN-Kriya every day. When my body begins to just shake uncontrollably what is the best thing to do? Like the hands shaking and body rocking intensely; is it best to go with it or try to keep still? Or is the shaking and rocking of the body necessary to levitate or should I try to keep still to levitate? I attended the LEP program. Now with eN kriya I am able to relive those LEP experiences. Thank you for this great gift Swamiji.”
Stephen understand, just allow the body to go with the kundalini awakening. You do not try to keep it still, and same way, do not try to levitate. Allow it. Let it happen as it wants. Let the kundalini do its process as it feels. You just don’t interfere with it.
Today’s subject I am continuing on ‘no mind state’. Patanjali’s yoga sutras, 115th sutra, in 3rd chapter 9th verse. Title is ‘Experience’. I will continue on the same sutra ‘No Mind State’.
vyutthāna-nirodha-saṁskārayoḥ abhibhava-prādurbhāvau nirodhakṣaṇa cittānvayo nirodha-pariṇāmaḥ
Yesterday I gave you all a process to contemplate and come back. ‘Is there really a gap between one thought and the other thought?’ I don’t know whether none of you sent any reply or the….. no replies came. Oh. Then I think people are already enlightened. They don’t need any input further. Actually if you would have contemplated on this one subject, you would have had at least some questions or some answers. ‘Is there really gap between one thought and the other thought in me? And is it directly useful to me in My life?’ These two only I am working on. Please understand, even if there is a gap, what is the use of that gap in My life?
Just intellectually knowing that there is a gap takes away tremendous stress and tension and the truth you attribute to your thoughts. Please understand sufferings are not because of the thoughts actually; the truth you attribute to the thoughts. You try to attribute too much of truth, too much of strength to that thoughts. That is where the problem starts. Otherwise, as such when thoughts are flowing in your inner space, they are neither good nor bad. The world is neither truth nor false. Your opinions and views and ideas about the world can be truth or false. So your opinions, ideas or views about the world need to be changed, need to be aligned, need to be understood. The world is neither true nor false. Please understand, world is neither true nor false. It is your opinion about the world - that is only true or false.
I always tell you, I wanted to remind you all again, as far as My experience goes, the stuff out of which your dreams are made, in that same stuff only this world is also made. But you have an idea about the dream that it is not permanent, it is anithya, it is ephemeral. But unfortunately you do not have that same clarity, this is also anithya of the same order and the same scale, same dimension and same space. Please understand, just because you are able to wake up from dream and see a kind of a consistent world, you think dream is less permanent. Same way if you raise your awareness and able to see from every birth and death you wake up and there is a consistency, much more than this world which you are experiencing, suddenly it clicks. Wow!! This world is illusion. Greatest joy in the life is playing in this world knowing that it is illusion. A man who knows this world is a illusion and leaves is a enlightened master. Man who knows this world is illusion and plays with it is incarnation.
Yesterday I had a question from somebody “who is incarnation?”
Being who understands this whole thing is impermanent illusion and plays with it beautifully as he wants or as he feels is incarnation. Knowing that there is a gap between thoughts, suddenly takes away the fear and greed and power you attribute to the thoughts. The amount of power you attribute to thoughts, the amount of the seriousness you give it to thoughts can drastically drop. I tell you, unless you go beyond words you cannot even actually play with words. Please understand, only if you are little more than body, you can play with the body. Only if you are little more than mind, you can play with mind. Only if you are little more than words, you can play with words. If you think everything is just word, it can be a good technique in the initial level; not more than that. It cannot be an ultimate solution.
If everything is word come on sit and go on repeating I am God I am god I am God I am God I am God. Aham brahmasmi Aham brahmasmi million time; what will happen? Nothing will happen. You can become an amazing automated tape recorder. Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says, ‘Even if you repeat million times aham brahmasmi or soham, maybe it is a good technique to replace the negative words.’ Instead of thinking constantly I am body, I am body, I am body, I am body, you can remember I am God, I am God, I am God, I am God. So many restrictions related to body can be overcome. You can overcome those things; that’s it. But that is not ultimate truth.
Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says "பாவனாதீத சத்பாவத்திருத்தலே பரபக்தி தத்வம் உந்திபர" (Bhavanateeda        sadbhavatirathale parabhakti tattuvam undipara) Beyond all bhavanas residing in that space is sadbhava, that is parabhakti, ultimate. Word cannot be everything. Fools who are thinking money is everything are stuck with Vishnu. The fools who are thinking that words are everything is stuck with Brahma. Be very clear you need to find either the head or tail of Shiva, head or feet of Shiva. Still you do not know the ultimate. Words cannot be ultimate. Just like money cannot be ultimate words cannot be ultimate. If you think there is no gap between one thought and the other, you are caught, and you will attribute too much of seriousness to words. Attributing too much of seriousness to words is the most dangerous thing can happen.
Actually even I experienced at one time in My life a spot where I felt whole life is nothing but words. But that is not ultimate.  வாங்மனாதி கோச்சரம் (Vaangmanaadi kocharam) beyond the வாங்(vaan) and mana; there is a Upanishad sutra also which says beyond the vaak and mind this truth is experienced. Vaak and mind cannot reach that space. Words and vaak has only a limited capacity. It can reach only to a limited level. It cannot be the ultimate. And if you are believing that it is ultimate, you are waiting for a big and great disappointment. If you are thinking ‘mind is everything’ you are waiting for a deep depression and disappointment and unfulfillment. No.
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2011-feb-11-no-mind-state?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2011-february" />
Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
I wanted to let you all know one incident. Once I was sitting with Yogi Ram Surat Kumar in Arunachaleshwara temple. It was night, maybe 10 o’ clock. I was alone sitting with him and he was enjoying his beedi as usual and he has a habit of continuously chanting Ram naam. He was initiated into the Ram naam. Continuously he will chant that Ram naam. And whoever comes he will tell them Ram naam is the ultimate. Chant the naam, chant the naam, nothing else exists except the name. That day some two-three visitors came to him and he told them chant the naam. And he insisted and elaborately made them understand the importance of naam, Rama naama and chanting the name, making your whole body and mind filled with the name. Elaborately means, if he uses three sentence that is a elaborate description. He is that kind of a person. Anyhow he tried his best to do the elaborate thing.  
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment in 495 places, in 209 cities, in 22 countries. And I am able to see these 8 cities in two way; Los Angeles, Ohio,Seattle, San Hose and Hyderabad, Redondo Beach, Houston,al...... Sharjah. These are the eight cities I am able to see two way.  
Before entering into today’s satsang some one or two questions; this is a question from Stephen, New Zealand Auckland satsang center. “I am enjoying sitting for morning live satsangs and doing eN-Kriya every day. When my body begins to just shake uncontrollably what is the best thing to do?Like the hands shaking and body rocking intensely is it best to go with it or try to stay still? Or is the shaking and rocking of the body necessary to levitate or should I try to keep still to levitate? I attended the LEP program. Now with eN kriya I am able to relive those LEP experiences. Thank you for this great gift Swamiji.”
Stephen understand just allow the body to go with the kundalini awakening. You donot try to keep it still and same way, donot try to levitate. Allow it. Let it happen as it wants. Let the kundalini do its process as it feels. You just don’t interfere with it.
But after they all left, I was sitting alone with him. I looked into his eyes and asked “Swamiji tell Me honestly, is word the ultimate?” He turned away from My eyes. Actually I remember still, he just slapped on My face and turned My face away and started smoking again. Of course I did not leave him. He used to have the rope made out of coconut fiber, fiber rope in his hands, one bunch. I pulled that rope to turn his face towards Me and looked deep into his eyes and asked, “I really want to know, is word the ultimate, is sound the ultimate?” He just looked into My eyes, shook the head horizontally and said “No. There is something beyond word”. I just could not control myself, because this happened just few months after My enlightenment experience; because in My enlightenment experience there was no word. I could not control myself; the joy and ecstasy that I found the truth, I know the truth! I just jumped and shouted, “I know, I know, I know”.  
Today’s subject I am continuing on no mind state. Patanjali’s yoga sutras, 115th sutra, in 3rd chapter 9th verse. Title is ‘Experience’. I will continue on the same sutra ‘No Mind State’.“Vyutthana Nirodhah Samskara yogo abhibhava Pradurbhavau nirodhah Ksana Chitta Anvayah Nirodhah Parinamah” Yesterday I gave you all a process to contemplate and come back. Is there really a gap between one thought and the other thought? When you contemplated on this one subject you would have had at least some questions or some answers. Is there really gap between one thought and the other thought in me? And is it directly useful to me in my life? These two only I am working on. Please understand even if there is a gap what is the use of that gap in my life?
Just intellectually knowing that there is a gap takes away tremendous stress and tension and the truth you attribute to your thoughts. Please understand sufferings are not because of the thoughts actually; the truth you attribute to the thoughts. You try to attribute too much of truth too much of strength to that thoughts. That is where the problem starts. Otherwise as such when thoughts are flowing in your inner space they are neither good nor bad. The world is neither truth nor false. Your opinions and views and ideas about the world can be truth or false. So your opinions, ideas or views about the world need to be changed, need to be aligned, need to be understood. The world is neither true nor false.
It is beyond words. I tell you, just a simple understanding ‘there is a gap between your thoughts’ and this truth, when it is heard in such close space from a person whom you trust and who has no vested interest, something happens in you. I tell you even at this moment 1000s of you are sitting with Me in the close space; understand close space does not mean you alone sitting with Me, you sitting with me intimately. There is some space between you and Me which nobody is allowed, where nobody else is allowed. Those few moments only you cherish with Me. That space nobody else has with Me. If you are sitting with that feeling, please understand, you are sitting with Me alone. Sitting with Me alone does not mean there should not be any other person next to you. It means the deepest possible intimacy, the deepest possible feeling connection exists between you and Me. You know ‘Even though there are so many people sitting next to me there is something between me and Him which is deeper than anybody else, anything I know’.  
Please understand world is neither true nor false. It is your opinion about the world that is only true or false. I always tell you, I wanted to remind you all again, as far as my experience goes, the stuff out of which your dreams are made in that same stuff only this world is also made. But you have an idea about the dream that it is not permanent it is anithya it is ephemeral. But unfortunately you do not have that same clarity this is also anithya of the same order and the same scale, same dimension and same space. Please understand just because you are able to wake up from dream and see a kind of a consistent world you think dream is less permanent. Same way if you raise your awareness and able to see from every birth and death you wake up and there is a consistency, much more than this world which you are experiencing, suddenly it clicks. Wow!! This world is illusion. Greatest joy in the life is playing inthis world knowing that it is illusion. A man who knows this world is a illusion and leavesis a enlightened master. Man who knows this world is illusion and plays with it is incarnation.  
Yesterday I had a question from somebody “who is incarnation?”
Being who understands this whole thing is impermanent, illusion and plays with it beautifully as he wants or as he feels is incarnation. Knowing that there is a gap between thoughts, suddenly takes away the fear and greed and power you attribute to the thoughts. The amount of power you attribute to thoughts, the amount of the seriousness you give it to thoughts can drastically drop. I tell you; unless you go beyond words you cannot even actually play with words. Please understand only if you are little more than body, you can play with the body. Only if you are little more than mind, you can play with mind. Only if you are little more than words, you can play with words. If you think everything is just word it can be a good technique in the initial level; not more than that. It cannot be an ultimate solution.
Understand, I will explain this science; because it is a very important science to experience truth; the Upanishad. If you feel, the connection with the Master is the deepest connection you experience than any other relationship you experienced in your life, you will experience that what I am saying ‘sitting with the Master all by yourself’. You may be sitting with 1000s but you are sitting with Me alone in the banks of Manasarovar or in Kailash; there’s no other person. If you have experienced a space, the relationship and the connection with the Master is the deepest than any other relationship you have or had in your life, understand, you know what I am saying. Now you may be sitting with any number of people but you know you are sitting with Me, Me alone, because all other relationships become immaterial. They do not hold any more power over you. They do not hold any more space over you. In that mood any truth transmitted not only will be the honest truth that will straight away give you the experience.  
If everything is word come on sit and go on repeating I am God I am god I am God I am God I am God. Aham brahmasmi Aham brahmasmi million time; what will happen? Nothing will happen. You can become an amazing automated tape recorder. Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says even if you repeat million times aham brahmasmi or soham, maybe it is a good technique to replace the negative words. Instead of thinking constantly I am body I am body I am body I am body, you can remember I am God I am God I am God I am God. So many restrictions related to body can be overcome. You can overcome those things; that’s it. But that is not ultimate truth.  
Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says Bhavanateeda sadbhavatirathale parabhakti tattuvam undipara. Beyond all bhavanas residing in that space is sadbhava that is parabhakti; ultimate. Word cannot be everything. Those who are thinking money is everything are in tune with Vishnu. Those who are thinking that words are everything arein tune with Brahma. Be very clear you need to find either the head or feet of Shiva. Still you donot know the ultimate. Words cannot be ultimate. Just like money cannot be ultimate words cannot be ultimate. If you think there is no gap between one thought and the other you are caught and you will attribute too much of seriousness to words. Attributing too much of seriousness to words is the most dangerous thing can happen.
That is why I am telling you, the traditions which misses this great Bhakti, love, will always tell you words are ultimate because they cannot take you beyond words. The traditions which understands this guru-disciple relationship, not only will accept, will be able to take you beyond words; because to take you beyond words you need to relax in certain space. You need to know, by Me teaching this great truth to you I have nothing to gain and you have nothing to lose.  
Actually even I experienced at one time in my life a spot where I felt whole life is nothing but words. But that is not ultimate. Vaang-manaadi agocharam beyond the vaak and mana; there is a Upanishad sutra also which says beyond the vaak and mind this truth is experienced. Vaak and mind cannot reach that space. Words and vaak has only a limited capacity. It can reach only to a limited level. It cannot be the ultimate and if you are believing that it is ultimate, you are waiting for a big and great disappointment. If you are thinking mind is everything you are waiting for a deep depression and disappointment and unfulfillment. No.  
See when I was sitting with Ram Surat Kumar, if he is going to say ‘word is ultimate’ or ‘there is something much more than words’ whatever his response will be, I know he has no vested interest. He is going to tell the truth just for My sake. He has nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose. It is only the honesty the integrity.  
I wanted to let you all know one incident. Once I was sitting with Yogi Ram Surat Kumar in Arunachaleshwara temple. It was night maybe 10 o’ clock. I was alone sitting with him and he was enjoying his beedi as usual and he has a habit of continuously chanting Ram naam. He was initiated into that Ram naam. Continuously he will chant that Ram naam. And whoever comes he will tell them Ram naam is the ultimate. Chant the naam, chant the naam, nothing else exists except the name. That day some two three visitors came to him and he told them chant the naam. And he insisted and elaborately made them understand the importance of naam, Rama naama and chanting the name making your whole body and mind filled with the name. Elaborately means if he uses three sentence that is the elaborate description. He is that kind of a person. Anyhow he tried his best to do the elaborate thing.
I tell you, if I teach words or everything, I can make more money, I will have a bigger business. I can create hundreds of leadership seminars. All the sick fellows will come and I can just do little band aid and skin grafting, make them leaders. No. I am not interested in just skin grafting. I am interested in bone marrow transplanting. The very being should change, transform. I can straight away challenge all these guys who are teaching words are ultimate. Come on. By what I am teaching and what I am transmitting - ‘the space between the words exists and that is consciousness’ - With this teaching I can awaken the very strands of DNA, very mitochondria energy. Let these guys who are teaching ‘words are everything’ also come and try their experiment. Let us do a scientific research. I will show you how shallow those teachings are. ‘Words are everything’ may be able to increase few percent of your mitochondria cell energy, maybe one strand of DNA. I can tell you the experience beyond words can awaken all 12 strands of DNA and at least 1300% mitochondria cell energy.  
But after they all left I was sitting alone with him. I looked into his eyes and asked“Swamiji tell me honestly is word the ultimate?” He turned away from my eyes. Actually I remember still, he just slapped on my face and turned my face away and started smoking again. Of course I did not leave him. He used to have the rope made out of coconut fiber, fiber rope in his hands one bunch. I pulled that rope to turn his face towards me and looked deep into his eyes and asked,“I really want to know is word the ultimate, is sound the ultimate”. He just looked into my eyes shook the head horizontally and said “No. There is something beyond word”. I just could not control myself because this happened just few months after my enlightenment experience. Because in my enlightenment experience there was no word; I could not control myself; the joy and ecstasy that I found the truth, I know the truth. I just jumped and shouted,“I know, I know, I know”.  
It is beyond words. I tell you just a simple understanding there is a gap between your thoughts and this truth when it is heard in such close space from a person whom you trust and who has no vested interest, something happens in you. I tell you even at this moment 1000s of you are sitting with me in the close space; understand close space doesnot mean you alone sitting with me. There is some mystical space between you and me which nobody is allowed, where nobody else is allowed. Those few moments only you cherish with me. That space nobody else has with me. If you are sitting with that feeling, please understand you are sitting with me alone. Sitting with me alone doesnot mean there should be not be any other person next to you. It means the deepest possible intimacy, the deepest possible feeling connection exist between you and the Divine. You know even though there are so many people sitting next to me there is something between me and him which is deeper than anybody else, anything I know.
People who teach ‘words are everything’ cannot express extraordinary powers and experiences. But people who understand, experience and transmit the experience of consciousness to others, can express extraordinary experiences and powers. I challenge these guys who say words are everything. Let them come. I will give them one throne. Let them say ‘let vibhooti appear in their padukas’. Let Me see whether dust comes or vibhooti comes. No they claim words are everything na come on then do with words.  
Understand I will explain this science because it is a very important science to experience truth; the Upanishad. If you feel, the connection with the Master is the deepest connection you experience than any other relationship you experienced in your life, you will experience that what I am saying sitting with the Master all by yourself. You may be sitting with 1000s but you are sitting with me alone in the banks of Manasarovar or in Kailash;there’s no other person. If you have experienced a space, the relationship and the connection with the Master is the deepest than any other relationship you have or had in your life;understand you know what I am saying. Now you may be sitting with any number of people but you know you are sitting with me, me alone because all other relationships become immaterial. They donot hold any more power over you. They donot hold any more space over you. In that mood any truth transmitted not only will be the honest truth that will straight away give you the experience.  
That is why I am telling you the traditions which misses this great Bhakti, love, will always tell you words are ultimate because they cannot take you beyond words. The traditions which understands this guru disciple relationship not only will accept, will be to take you beyond words;because to take you beyond words you need to relax in certain space. You need to know, by me teaching this great truth to you I have nothing to gain. And you have nothing to lose. See when I was sitting with Ram Surat Kumar if he is going to say ‘word is ultimate’ or ‘there is something much more than words’ whatever hisresponse will be I know he has no vested interest. He is going to tell the truth just for my sake. He has nothing to gain I have nothing to lose. It is only the honesty the integrity.
This tharuka vana rishis got into the same stage at one point. ‘Words are everything’ ‘the mantras can do everything’ So no God, no ultimate power, no consciousness. But at least tharuka vana rishis are fortunate that Shiva was so compassionate, he himself came down; came down and went to tharuka vana, taught them lesson. Anyhow, this time I am inviting them; let’s see whether they are intelligent enough to come and learn the lesson and go to the deeper zones.  
I tell you if I teach words or everything, I can make more money, I will have a bigger business. I can create hundreds of leadership seminars. All the sick fellows will come and I can just do little band aid and skin grafting, make them leaders. No. I am not interested injust skingrafting. I am interested in bone marrow transplanting. The very being should change, transform. I can straight away challenge all these guys who are teaching words are ultimate. Come on. By what I am teaching and what I am transmitting the space between the words exists and that is consciousness. With this teaching I can awaken the very strands of DNA, very mitochondria energy. Let these guys who are teaching ‘words are everything’ also come and try their experiment. Let us do a scientific research. I will show you how shallow those teachings are. ‘Words are everything’ may be able to increase few percent of your mitochondria cell energy, maybe one strand of DNA. I can tell you the experience beyond words can awaken all 12 strands of DNA and at least 1300% mitochondria cell energy.  
Understand, ultimate truths cannot be a convincing argument. You will miss the whole thing. It can only be shared to a person who is sincerely sitting and seeking and waiting for it. So I am telling you whoever has done this last two days the process - the liquid diet and the neem juice and manana - contemplating on the truth, second day neem juice and contemplating on the truth, if you have done this two days, naturally this shows you are committed, you are in love, you are interested in knowing the truth.  
People who teach ‘words are everything’ cannot express extraordinary powers and experiences. But people who understand experience and transmit the experience of consciousness to others can express extraordinary experiences and powers. I challenge these guys who say words are everything.Let them come. I will give them one throne.Let them say ‘let vibhooti appear in their padukas’. Let me see whether dust comes or vibhooti comes. No they claim words are everything na come on then do with words.
Please understand, just like how I had the revelation from Ram Surat Kumar I am revealing to all of you – ‘There is something more than words. And that pure space can be experienced just by simple trusting and relaxing’. Nothing else is required except simple trusting and relaxing. Not trusting there is gap between words or there is something beyond words; if you think everything is words, you will be under constant stress, depression. Only when you understand there is something beyond words, there is gap between words, you rest in a space; you relax in a space. The possibility of conscious experience happens in you. For this to happen in you, as I said… see for Me it happened with two thing. One; I had a deep trust with Ram Surat Kumar and I know he has no vested interest. He is just going to tell the truth as it is and My intense thirst and quest and My tremendous love and intimacy, respect, commitment for Ram Surat kumar.
Understand, just sit with a deep, tremendous, receptive mood and listen to these truths. This will straight away take you to that space. There is nothing much to explain in this sutra. It is a revelation. Patanjali says when a thought is suppressed or raised or disconnected or modified; anything happens between a thought and other thought there is a gap. That is called nirodha parinamah. Start resting more and more in that nirodha parinama; that’s it. That’s it.  
This taraka vana rishis got into the same stageat one point. ‘Wordsare everything’‘the mantras can do everything’ so no God, no ultimate power, no consciousness. But at least taraka vana rishis are fortunate that Shiva was so compassionate, he himself came down; came down and went to taraka vana, taught them lesson. Any how this time I am inviting them; let’s see whether they are intelligent enough to come and learn the lesson and go to the deeper zones. Understand ultimate truths cannotbe a convincing argument. You will miss the whole thing. It can only be shared to a person who is sincerely sitting and seeking and waiting for it. So I am telling you whoever has done this last two days the process; the liquid diet and the neem juice and manana contemplating on the truth, second day neem juice and contemplating on the truth;if you have done this two days naturally this shows you are committed. You are in love, you are interested in knowing the truth.  
Please understand just like how I had the revelation from Ram Surat Kumar I am revealing to all of you –‘There is something more than words. And that pure space can be experienced just by simple trusting and relaxing’. Nothing else is required except simple trusting and relaxing. Not trusting there is gap between words or there is something beyond words. If you think everything is words you will be under constant stress, depression. Only when you understand there is something beyond words, there is gap between words, you rest in a space; you relax in a space. The possibility of conscious experience happens in you. For this to happen in you, as I said, see for me it happened with two thing. One; I had a deep trust with Ram Surat Kumar and I know he had no vested interest. He is just going to tell the truth as it is and my intense thirst and quest and my tremendous love and intimacy, respect, commitment for Ram Surat kumar.
I initiate all of you who are sitting with Me at this moment in 623 places, in 244 cities, in 24 countries. Just sit in samana mudra, padmasana with closed eyes. I initiate all of you into nirodha parinamah - the gap between your thoughts, the space beyond your thoughts, pure inner space. Just sit. Let the kundalini shakti in you all be intensely awakened. Let you all experience the space beyond the thoughts.  
Understand just sit with a deep, tremendous, receptive mood and listen to these truths. This will straight away take you to that space. There is nothing much to explain in this sutra. It is a revelation. Patanjali says when a thought is suppressed or raised or disconnected or modified; anything happens between a thought and other thought there is a gap. That is callednirodha parinamah. Start resting more and more in that nirodha parinama; that’s it. That’s it.  
I initiate all of you who are sitting with me at this moment in 623 places, in 244 cities, in 24 countries. Just sit in samana mudra, padmasana with closed eyes. I initiate all of you into nirodha parinamah; the gap between your thoughts, the space beyond your thoughts, pure inner space. Just sit. Let the kundalini shakti in you all be intensely awakened. Let you all experience the space beyond the thoughts.
Let you all experience, achieve, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda.  
Let you all experience, achieve, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda.  
Thank you.
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No Mind State Experience it Nithyananda Patanjali Yoga Sutra 11 Feb 2011


A discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, satsangis, sitting with us around the world at this moment in 495 places, in 209 cities, in 22 countries. And I am able to see these 8 cities in two way; Los Angeles, Ohio, Seattle, San Jose and Hyderabad, Redondo Beach, Houston, al...... Sharjah. These are the eight cities I am able to see two way.


Before entering into today’s satsang some one or two questions. This is a question from Stephen, New Zealand Auckland satsang center. “I am enjoying sitting for morning live satsangs and doing eN-Kriya every day. When my body begins to just shake uncontrollably what is the best thing to do? Like the hands shaking and body rocking intensely; is it best to go with it or try to keep still? Or is the shaking and rocking of the body necessary to levitate or should I try to keep still to levitate? I attended the LEP program. Now with eN kriya I am able to relive those LEP experiences. Thank you for this great gift Swamiji.” Stephen understand, just allow the body to go with the kundalini awakening. You do not try to keep it still, and same way, do not try to levitate. Allow it. Let it happen as it wants. Let the kundalini do its process as it feels. You just don’t interfere with it.


Today’s subject I am continuing on ‘no mind state’. Patanjali’s yoga sutras, 115th sutra, in 3rd chapter 9th verse. Title is ‘Experience’. I will continue on the same sutra ‘No Mind State’. vyutthāna-nirodha-saṁskārayoḥ abhibhava-prādurbhāvau nirodhakṣaṇa cittānvayo nirodha-pariṇāmaḥ Yesterday I gave you all a process to contemplate and come back. ‘Is there really a gap between one thought and the other thought?’ I don’t know whether none of you sent any reply or the….. no replies came. Oh. Then I think people are already enlightened. They don’t need any input further. Actually if you would have contemplated on this one subject, you would have had at least some questions or some answers. ‘Is there really gap between one thought and the other thought in me? And is it directly useful to me in My life?’ These two only I am working on. Please understand, even if there is a gap, what is the use of that gap in My life?


Just intellectually knowing that there is a gap takes away tremendous stress and tension and the truth you attribute to your thoughts. Please understand sufferings are not because of the thoughts actually; the truth you attribute to the thoughts. You try to attribute too much of truth, too much of strength to that thoughts. That is where the problem starts. Otherwise, as such when thoughts are flowing in your inner space, they are neither good nor bad. The world is neither truth nor false. Your opinions and views and ideas about the world can be truth or false. So your opinions, ideas or views about the world need to be changed, need to be aligned, need to be understood. The world is neither true nor false. Please understand, world is neither true nor false. It is your opinion about the world - that is only true or false.


I always tell you, I wanted to remind you all again, as far as My experience goes, the stuff out of which your dreams are made, in that same stuff only this world is also made. But you have an idea about the dream that it is not permanent, it is anithya, it is ephemeral. But unfortunately you do not have that same clarity, this is also anithya of the same order and the same scale, same dimension and same space. Please understand, just because you are able to wake up from dream and see a kind of a consistent world, you think dream is less permanent. Same way if you raise your awareness and able to see from every birth and death you wake up and there is a consistency, much more than this world which you are experiencing, suddenly it clicks. Wow!! This world is illusion. Greatest joy in the life is playing in this world knowing that it is illusion. A man who knows this world is a illusion and leaves is a enlightened master. Man who knows this world is illusion and plays with it is incarnation.


Yesterday I had a question from somebody “who is incarnation?”

Being who understands this whole thing is impermanent illusion and plays with it beautifully as he wants or as he feels is incarnation. Knowing that there is a gap between thoughts, suddenly takes away the fear and greed and power you attribute to the thoughts. The amount of power you attribute to thoughts, the amount of the seriousness you give it to thoughts can drastically drop. I tell you, unless you go beyond words you cannot even actually play with words. Please understand, only if you are little more than body, you can play with the body. Only if you are little more than mind, you can play with mind. Only if you are little more than words, you can play with words. If you think everything is just word, it can be a good technique in the initial level; not more than that. It cannot be an ultimate solution.


If everything is word come on sit and go on repeating I am God I am god I am God I am God I am God. Aham brahmasmi Aham brahmasmi million time; what will happen? Nothing will happen. You can become an amazing automated tape recorder. Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says, ‘Even if you repeat million times aham brahmasmi or soham, maybe it is a good technique to replace the negative words.’ Instead of thinking constantly I am body, I am body, I am body, I am body, you can remember I am God, I am God, I am God, I am God. So many restrictions related to body can be overcome. You can overcome those things; that’s it. But that is not ultimate truth.


Very beautifully Ramana Maharishi says "பாவனாதீத சத்பாவத்திருத்தலே பரபக்தி தத்வம் உந்திபர" (Bhavanateeda sadbhavatirathale parabhakti tattuvam undipara) Beyond all bhavanas residing in that space is sadbhava, that is parabhakti, ultimate. Word cannot be everything. Fools who are thinking money is everything are stuck with Vishnu. The fools who are thinking that words are everything is stuck with Brahma. Be very clear you need to find either the head or tail of Shiva, head or feet of Shiva. Still you do not know the ultimate. Words cannot be ultimate. Just like money cannot be ultimate words cannot be ultimate. If you think there is no gap between one thought and the other, you are caught, and you will attribute too much of seriousness to words. Attributing too much of seriousness to words is the most dangerous thing can happen.


Actually even I experienced at one time in My life a spot where I felt whole life is nothing but words. But that is not ultimate. வாங்மனாதி கோச்சரம் (Vaangmanaadi kocharam) beyond the வாங்(vaan) and mana; there is a Upanishad sutra also which says beyond the vaak and mind this truth is experienced. Vaak and mind cannot reach that space. Words and vaak has only a limited capacity. It can reach only to a limited level. It cannot be the ultimate. And if you are believing that it is ultimate, you are waiting for a big and great disappointment. If you are thinking ‘mind is everything’ you are waiting for a deep depression and disappointment and unfulfillment. No.


I wanted to let you all know one incident. Once I was sitting with Yogi Ram Surat Kumar in Arunachaleshwara temple. It was night, maybe 10 o’ clock. I was alone sitting with him and he was enjoying his beedi as usual and he has a habit of continuously chanting Ram naam. He was initiated into the Ram naam. Continuously he will chant that Ram naam. And whoever comes he will tell them Ram naam is the ultimate. Chant the naam, chant the naam, nothing else exists except the name. That day some two-three visitors came to him and he told them chant the naam. And he insisted and elaborately made them understand the importance of naam, Rama naama and chanting the name, making your whole body and mind filled with the name. Elaborately means, if he uses three sentence that is a elaborate description. He is that kind of a person. Anyhow he tried his best to do the elaborate thing.


But after they all left, I was sitting alone with him. I looked into his eyes and asked “Swamiji tell Me honestly, is word the ultimate?” He turned away from My eyes. Actually I remember still, he just slapped on My face and turned My face away and started smoking again. Of course I did not leave him. He used to have the rope made out of coconut fiber, fiber rope in his hands, one bunch. I pulled that rope to turn his face towards Me and looked deep into his eyes and asked, “I really want to know, is word the ultimate, is sound the ultimate?” He just looked into My eyes, shook the head horizontally and said “No. There is something beyond word”. I just could not control myself, because this happened just few months after My enlightenment experience; because in My enlightenment experience there was no word. I could not control myself; the joy and ecstasy that I found the truth, I know the truth! I just jumped and shouted, “I know, I know, I know”.


It is beyond words. I tell you, just a simple understanding ‘there is a gap between your thoughts’ and this truth, when it is heard in such close space from a person whom you trust and who has no vested interest, something happens in you. I tell you even at this moment 1000s of you are sitting with Me in the close space; understand close space does not mean you alone sitting with Me, you sitting with me intimately. There is some space between you and Me which nobody is allowed, where nobody else is allowed. Those few moments only you cherish with Me. That space nobody else has with Me. If you are sitting with that feeling, please understand, you are sitting with Me alone. Sitting with Me alone does not mean there should not be any other person next to you. It means the deepest possible intimacy, the deepest possible feeling connection exists between you and Me. You know ‘Even though there are so many people sitting next to me there is something between me and Him which is deeper than anybody else, anything I know’.


Understand, I will explain this science; because it is a very important science to experience truth; the Upanishad. If you feel, the connection with the Master is the deepest connection you experience than any other relationship you experienced in your life, you will experience that what I am saying ‘sitting with the Master all by yourself’. You may be sitting with 1000s but you are sitting with Me alone in the banks of Manasarovar or in Kailash; there’s no other person. If you have experienced a space, the relationship and the connection with the Master is the deepest than any other relationship you have or had in your life, understand, you know what I am saying. Now you may be sitting with any number of people but you know you are sitting with Me, Me alone, because all other relationships become immaterial. They do not hold any more power over you. They do not hold any more space over you. In that mood any truth transmitted not only will be the honest truth that will straight away give you the experience.


That is why I am telling you, the traditions which misses this great Bhakti, love, will always tell you words are ultimate because they cannot take you beyond words. The traditions which understands this guru-disciple relationship, not only will accept, will be able to take you beyond words; because to take you beyond words you need to relax in certain space. You need to know, by Me teaching this great truth to you I have nothing to gain and you have nothing to lose. See when I was sitting with Ram Surat Kumar, if he is going to say ‘word is ultimate’ or ‘there is something much more than words’ whatever his response will be, I know he has no vested interest. He is going to tell the truth just for My sake. He has nothing to gain, I have nothing to lose. It is only the honesty the integrity.


I tell you, if I teach words or everything, I can make more money, I will have a bigger business. I can create hundreds of leadership seminars. All the sick fellows will come and I can just do little band aid and skin grafting, make them leaders. No. I am not interested in just skin grafting. I am interested in bone marrow transplanting. The very being should change, transform. I can straight away challenge all these guys who are teaching words are ultimate. Come on. By what I am teaching and what I am transmitting - ‘the space between the words exists and that is consciousness’ - With this teaching I can awaken the very strands of DNA, very mitochondria energy. Let these guys who are teaching ‘words are everything’ also come and try their experiment. Let us do a scientific research. I will show you how shallow those teachings are. ‘Words are everything’ may be able to increase few percent of your mitochondria cell energy, maybe one strand of DNA. I can tell you the experience beyond words can awaken all 12 strands of DNA and at least 1300% mitochondria cell energy.


People who teach ‘words are everything’ cannot express extraordinary powers and experiences. But people who understand, experience and transmit the experience of consciousness to others, can express extraordinary experiences and powers. I challenge these guys who say words are everything. Let them come. I will give them one throne. Let them say ‘let vibhooti appear in their padukas’. Let Me see whether dust comes or vibhooti comes. No they claim words are everything na come on then do with words.


This tharuka vana rishis got into the same stage at one point. ‘Words are everything’ ‘the mantras can do everything’ So no God, no ultimate power, no consciousness. But at least tharuka vana rishis are fortunate that Shiva was so compassionate, he himself came down; came down and went to tharuka vana, taught them lesson. Anyhow, this time I am inviting them; let’s see whether they are intelligent enough to come and learn the lesson and go to the deeper zones. Understand, ultimate truths cannot be a convincing argument. You will miss the whole thing. It can only be shared to a person who is sincerely sitting and seeking and waiting for it. So I am telling you whoever has done this last two days the process - the liquid diet and the neem juice and manana - contemplating on the truth, second day neem juice and contemplating on the truth, if you have done this two days, naturally this shows you are committed, you are in love, you are interested in knowing the truth.


Please understand, just like how I had the revelation from Ram Surat Kumar I am revealing to all of you – ‘There is something more than words. And that pure space can be experienced just by simple trusting and relaxing’. Nothing else is required except simple trusting and relaxing. Not trusting there is gap between words or there is something beyond words; if you think everything is words, you will be under constant stress, depression. Only when you understand there is something beyond words, there is gap between words, you rest in a space; you relax in a space. The possibility of conscious experience happens in you. For this to happen in you, as I said… see for Me it happened with two thing. One; I had a deep trust with Ram Surat Kumar and I know he has no vested interest. He is just going to tell the truth as it is and My intense thirst and quest and My tremendous love and intimacy, respect, commitment for Ram Surat kumar.


Understand, just sit with a deep, tremendous, receptive mood and listen to these truths. This will straight away take you to that space. There is nothing much to explain in this sutra. It is a revelation. Patanjali says when a thought is suppressed or raised or disconnected or modified; anything happens between a thought and other thought there is a gap. That is called nirodha parinamah. Start resting more and more in that nirodha parinama; that’s it. That’s it.


I initiate all of you who are sitting with Me at this moment in 623 places, in 244 cities, in 24 countries. Just sit in samana mudra, padmasana with closed eyes. I initiate all of you into nirodha parinamah - the gap between your thoughts, the space beyond your thoughts, pure inner space. Just sit. Let the kundalini shakti in you all be intensely awakened. Let you all experience the space beyond the thoughts.


Let you all experience, achieve, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss Nithyananda. Thank you.




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Photos Of The Day:


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