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Ananda Spurana Program || ASP Day 2||
[[Category:2002 | 20020415]]
On April 15th, 2002, His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Ananda Spurana Program for delegates at the Ashakta Poshaka Sabha in Bangalore, India. This was day 2 of the 7 day program. In this discourse, HDH reveals how to awaken the wisdom of the body.
How do you go beyond the body?
HDH reveals the two paths to go beyond the body -- either condemning the body or having deep respect and love for the body. Awaken your body's intelligence by dropping any ideas of controlling the body from the mind.
Because humanity expects immediate results, HDH gives techniques to experience an awakening of the body's intelligence, immediately. Through this discourse, you will see how to not invite disease in your life.
Human consciousness is now defined before TV and after TV. HDH explains that when the cerebral layer formed, the body's intelligence got destroyed. How do you throw out the cerebral layer? HDH guides delegates through the Dhukka Harana meditation.
==Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program || ASP Day 2==
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You are few who are courageous enough to attend the second session.  Because generally first session I used to be very hard, and sword like, over sword I will talk because just I want to filter the crowd. You are the chosen few. I think considerably  <<unclear>> That's enough troubles. These are the techniques used by the enlightened masters. After very straightforward way and naturally the curiosity, the curiosity mongers will drop. So now you have… all the curiosity mongers have dropped. We are seekers of truth. Now I can share anything with you all.
It will be only helpful. You see, if you have right knowledge shared with a wrong person will always produce wrong results. Right knowledge shared with a wrong person will always produce wrong results. I am very happy to see you all and sorry I ask you all to excuse Me yesterday. Yesterday I was little, what to say... like fire na... Please accept that. There is no other way to filter the crowd. Understand what I mean? You see, of course, there is nothing wrong... Whatever has happened is only a selection process.
The right knowledge, if it is given to the wrong person, it will produce only wrong results. If a knife is handed over to a child, there is every chance, every possibility of it being used in a wrong way. So, because the child has no maturity.  In the same way, the Shakti has to be given to a person who has only buddhi, only has buddhi. Buddhi, the man who doesn’t have buddhii, if a shakti is handed over to them what will happen? The greatest scientist of last century, Albert Einstein, he has discovered that E=MC square. He is the man who discovered that… the greatest scientist of last century.
Right knowledge in the hands of wrong person can destroy the whole humanity. Today if you burn the whole world 700 times how much of atomic energy is needed, atomic bombs are needed, atomic weapons are needed, so much is stored...stored. Not once or twice...seven hundred times you can simply destroy the whole world. So much of atomic weapons are stored. Anybody who is master in the statistics, you can verify even…seven hundred times you can destroy the world. So much of weapon is in the Earth, stored, with different countries. Any moment world can be destroyed. What is the reason? Right knowledge in the hands of wrong person. So, that is the thing we need to filter it… filter the crowd. It should not be handed over to curiosity mongers. It should be handed over to only real seekers. Any spiritual value, anything should be handed over to a real person. So today we are going to start our...today’s subject is “Wisdom of body”, body’s intrinsic intelligence.
When you see all these mysterious things which is happening in your body, you will find a big factory is running inside. You cannot say factory, the word is too small. Ah… intestine… even that word looks too small. You can say intestinal state, or some high-tech part is running. <<audio is unclear >> So many things are happening in the body. If you just think about the mysteries which is happening in your body, you will see the glory or you will be reminded of the glory of the existence. It is called, our body is called in Vedanta, Pindanda, Pindanda and the Parashakti, the existence is called Brahmanda, Cosmic universe, and the whole body is called Pindanda.
What is happening in the Universe, everything happens in your body. It is so mysterious. It is so wonder-strucking, when you try to look inside your body, when you try to have some friendship or look into your body, you will simply wonder struck. So many things are happening, intrinsic intelligent system...intrinsic intelligent system. Yesterday we all worked and spoken about the "Who am I?", the system which enquires about the "who am I ". If you've really enquired, if has become a quest in  you, not a question, quest... difference between quest and question. We have all heard that and asked "who am I" just as a question. It has not become quest in us. If it had become a quest in us, we would have found deep inner experience. Of course that will take deep search.
What I want to mean, what I want to say... when you understand the mysteries of the body, when you start respecting, when you start having respect towards the body, you will find you are not the body. You will have a tremendous respect towards the body and you will find who you are. It’s a great way to know who you are. It’s, there are two path: One is just condemning the body and destroying the body and saying that I am not the body and going beyond the body. This is a hard path followed by Yogis and Tapasvis which is not approved for the normal people. And other way, start respecting your body, start having a deep respect and love to your body, you will understand that you are not the body. Normally what we do, we just use our body. We condemn our body, the body is disturbing. Body is only disturbing me. Body is only pulling me towards this... towards that; But actually we use the body for our interest. If you want to eat chilli, we use the body, and eat and enjoy. What if body says, "no, I am not able to eat ", tongue is ..., eyes are pouring, but are you leaving? No, especially Andhra people. Whatever city they go, simply they eat the whole thing... no export... nothing is sent outside.... I don't know how they eat so much of chilli. Anyhow, we enjoy using our body. Many things, whatever you enjoy you will see the body is suffering but you will not allow it. When you see the clock, it is 5 O' clock, your eyes are burning, your body says I want sleep, I want to go to rest. But do we allow? No! But next day, morning we condemn our body. “Because of the senses only I am pulled out, I'm tired, I'm wasted.“ What is happening is just opposite.
Nobody is responding. Got this idea? Please understand, so all of you understand very clearly what I mean? Generally we have opinion in our mind that senses are destroying us, body is destroying us, body is our enemy. We are taught from the young age that body is our enemy. Is it not? From very young age...No.... <<unclear>>
In many spiritual books, body is declared ... you see...the basis of spirituality.. basis of religion... ah...these idea we have, how it started... Body has to be controlled... The idea of controlling itself comes from itself comes from... you understand…
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Ananda Spurana Program || ASP Day-02||
Understand, When you start loving the body, you don’t have to control. You will have a deep relationship with the body. Generally we have the idea that we should control the body. This is not true. Do you understand the idea is different? Is it not? Do you understand that idea is different? That you should control the body. That idea is different.
On April 15th, 2002, His Divine Holiness #Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Ananda Spurana Program for delegates at the Ashakta Poshaka Sabha in Bangalore, India. This was day 2 of the 7 day program. In this discourse, HDH reveals how to awaken the wisdom of the body.
Participant makes a comment - not controlling the body, controlling the senses…
How do you go beyond the body?  
Oh, senses... panchendriyas... So you know the clear difference between the Pancha Indriyas part? Senses, you see, we you use the word the Panchendriyas have to be controlled. But can you find the difference between body and Panchendriya? There’s a word in your mind but in practical sense, no. In practical sense, there is no difference between Panchendriyas and body. Indriya means which is working inside the eyes. But when you control it, only you can control the eyes. You try to control the eyes. Generally, the three monkeys story... the three monkeys teaches the moral - “Don't see bad, don't hear bad, don't speak bad.” It’s only controlling body. But the deep meaning behind it is to control the Indriya's. Bu we do not know what is in Indriya, what is body. We know only one thing, that is gross body; we start controlling it.
Participant speaks
Yes, This is what I want you to see. This is what will happen if you ask...The controlling, you desire that you should control your mind .. you are trying again and again... you are trying. Afterwards you become successful. To a certain extent some system has been developed...practice... system has been developed. Through this we have become only insistent. We have controlled our truth by controlling the body. When do you want to control somebody? When do you want to control somebody? When you don’t have trust on him. When you don’t trust your worker, you control him. When we don't rely on him, he will not go astray. That time also we control him.
Hmm, the control, hmm that is one system. Actually through controlling also you can attain the enlightenment...he can attain the spiritual experience, but is it too practical for the common mass, common people? For us, for us, there is two systems. Actually two system. One is through control, Yoga, the path of Yoga, controlling everything and getting into the spiritual experience. And another system: having a deep, friendly relationship with everything and entering into the system.
Ramakrishna used to say very beautifully - You can go beyond the Maya by just jumping over the Maya, by brushing aside and another one way is also there, “Oh Maya please allow me to go beyond”. By having a friendly connection and then going beyond. There are two types - the first type is almost impossible. I think there is very few people who will be able to be successful and it takes janmas after janmas...olden time technique...in the same speed of bullock cart... Because the technique is designed for bullock cart age... The technique is also in the same speed of bullock cart. Even after janmas, after janmas, you will be getting slowly control over your senses, then mind... then buddhi,,, then chitta... then ego and getting enlightened. But today is the age of jet. We have no time. And unless I give 2 day, nobody else will come. Unless I show you immediate result. Unless the technique is giving immediate result! fast solution... instant coffee... So instant meditation ... Today is the age of jet. If I give the same technique of bullock carts, nobody will come. So now we have to design the technique of jet.. in jet age jet speed techniques only can work... the jet speed technique is the thing...
To understand and cooperate with your body system, so first thing drop any negativity... any idea with enmity, any idea about controlling your body from your mind... You are your body... One thing... First thing drop and see... Actually I can tell you one small story..
One sanyasi, enlightened person, was enjoying the moon on Purnima day and he is very beautifully enjoying the moon, and stars, the cool breeze, grass dancing in the air, everything he is enjoying... And there is a small hut... inside hut there was one person staying...he was just taking his rest after his food...the sanyas called that person outside, 'please come and see this star, skies, beautiful moon to enjoy'. The person told, "no, no, you are telling lie. First show me the sun... show me the moon and the stars... then I will come outside the house." The swami said, "no no, please just come outside, I will show you". "No no, you are telling lie. I can't come out. First show me, then I will come outside." Then after two minutes the sanyasi started shouting, "oh house has caught fire... house has caught fire... house has caught fire..." The person came running outside. Then when he saw the starry night, beautiful moon and the cool breeze, he forgot the idea of house has caught fire and he started telling the sanyasi, "oh, so beautiful. You told me, I did not believe. It is so beautiful. Yes, now I am enjoying." Suddenly he remembered, "You told the house has caught fire. It is not burning. You told me a lie." The sanyasi told, "Yes, I told a lie to bring you out." But how can we show without bringing the man out the starry nights?
Actually there is a thing called body intelligence. Unless you drop the negativity, you will not know. You ask how to drop the negativity without seeing the body intelligence? The same thing, do you understand what I mean? You see, You cannot, I cannot show you the stars unless you come out of the house. So if you trust this idea and justify in your life, you try in your life, you will see that tremendous body intelligence is coming. There is no need to control at all. You don’t have to control your body. Whatever is controlled, whatever is simply, whatever system, whatever method, you use it to control your body. Whatever is followed by controlling the body is not a permanent thing.
Please be very clear. If you control yourself not to drink or not to smoke, it is not a permanent thing. Any day the morality can be broken. Only it is skin deep. Any day you will be falling, broken. I am going to shout “House has got fire, house has got fire”. I am going to shout. I am going to shout two hours. After one and half hour. In meditation I am going to shout, you are going to come out. yes, that is going to happen.
Participant: Can you give us the example of what exactly is controlling the body?
There are so many things. One example I can give you. You may like to sleep at 4:30 to 6, early morning at 6 you may be loving to have a sleep at that time. You may be feeling like sleeping. But you might have read from some books that Brahma muhurta you will meditate, you will get something. You will be fantasizing at that time, I will get up and meditate and do all these things in front of my ishta devata and put one garland and you will be silently sitting. I will be transported to some other ... You will be fantasizing all these things. These are the same, equivalent to the other fantasies. You’ll be fantasizing. When you want to materialize the fantasy, when you want to materialize the fantasy, you try to get up. You keep some alarm for 4:30. When the alarm goes, you will switch it off and and sleep for ten minutes. That ten minutes sleep is a beautiful thing. Even if you don’t get the whole night sleep, you just keep the alarm and see that after the alarm you will get sleep. Even if you’ve not slept for whole night, you will be able to sleep when the alarm goes after ten minutes. So after ten minutes you will get up and try to meditate or do something. These things comes out of control, your body will not cooperate with that. But you try to control your body. This is the control. You understand what I say? Your body needs but you are not allowing. So many examples, I can give. Your body may be in need of food. But you will be busy with business. You will just be postponing the time. With hunger, with hunger you will be going. There are many things. The stomach never wants to allow more food. Only tongue wants to have more food. Stomach never wants more food. I will give you today one technique - How to find out when the stomach says no. Today you will be given meditation to awaken your body intelligence. Actually you asked the right question about controlling. The psychologists have now proved, selected two hours of sleep time.... if you are sleeping for six or seven hours... some two hours your body temperature will fall down by 2 degree. Two degrees of your body’s temperature falls down. That two hours is the only time for your sleep. All the other time you are not sleeping, you’re only dreaming and going down, and coming out. You have to find that two hours, you slept that two hours, you’re completely awake the whole day. If you have not slept that two hours, even if you sleep the whole day, you will be feeling the drowsiness. So each man's that two hours will be totally different. But when you read some spiritual rules or get some idea that early morning and meditate... If your time is that two hour, if you try to get up, then you will be failure. That's what I mean by the word controlling. We try to control our body for the sake of society in many ways... in many place, in many times. We can say that we try to control. To awaken the intelligence of the body is the first thing to do in our life. So you got clear about that Ma? What I mean?
You see, we never become slave for our stomach. We become slave for our tongue actually. When the body says, "I’m not able to eat, But tongue says no no, sorry dishes are there! Simply tongue will be swallowing it." It is better to waste outside than inside. If you waste outside only food will be wasted. If you waste inside body also will be wasted, the system also will be wasted. So how to awaken the body wisdom. What is meant by body wisdom? I will give you some more clear ideas.
Participant: At the same time you are asking not to control the body?
Yes Don’t control the tongue, don’t control the body. Only awaken the intelligence. How to do that ? That I’m going to give you now. That is the thing. Actually, by controlling no one can conquer the tongue. Anybody who has succeeded by controlling that I have conquered the tummy. If you are fasting, that day night is very sure in your dream you will see you are eating. If you are fasting... am I right? It is very sure... if you’re fasting for two, three days, even in daytime you will fantasize about foods. Am I right? Because whatever is controlled cannot be controlled. Whatever you try to control cannot be controlled. Whatever intelligence only can be standard thing. If you have understood and doing with intelligence, it will be standard thing. How to awaken the body intelligence?
See, one young boy who was smoking addicted came to me and then asked, "How to stop?" I asked, "How did you become addicted?" He was standing with his friend in one shop, road-side shop, and his friend was actually smoking. The father crossed at that time. And the father mistook that he is also smoking seeing his friend smoking. Then after when the son came back to the house the father fired left and right that I saw you smoking, all this-that way. Son tried to say, tried to prove that he has not smoken, but finally father did not listen. After this incident happened, the son got very much annoyed and he told, he told me, "Remembering father I smoked twice. Continuously I started smoking just to condemn my father." Then he became addict. Of course he only suffered. Nobody else has suffered. He only suffered. He became addict. And then...I’m giving the example of if we try to control what happens. Then he came to me and asked, "How to drop this?" He thought I will give some vows, I will give some technique. I told,"Go and smoke as deeply as possible. Go and smoke as deeply as possible." Only two conditions I told. Don’t remember your father and don’t remember you are a hero. Many people when they smoke, they don’t smoke for smoking. When they smoke, they remember they are hero. How he smokes, they try to imitate. They feel they have become matured by smoking. Children try smoking just to prove they have become matured. The young boys also try smoking just to prove they have become their heros. Mentally they have some tuning. They want to become their hero. So they try with all these things. I gave only these two advice: Don't have condemnation. Don’t have this idea. Just drop this two and go and try smoking.
Actually it happened. Literally he came, tears in his eyes and told Me after three days, "Swamiji, really I’m not able to smoke. Actually when I am conscious about when I am smoking, I see that I am not smoking for smoking. Only two reason: one is to condemn my father, another one is ...as if ..imagine as I have become the hero whom I like. Just I am imitating." When he become conscious about the facts, he says he is not able to smoke. And then one, few more words he added. Swamiji, now I am feeling how all these years I have put the smoke into my system. The system if you put little hot tea, you feel burning. But you are putting your smoke into your system. When you become conscious about what you are doing, many things drop by itself. So this type of dropping is only the permanent thing. Of course, it may take few days. Always it takes few days. If you want intelligence to get awakened it takes few days. You need to be patient till that time. That is what is called Tapasya. - the patience... the patience till the real intelligence gets awakened. Don't go for the second intelligence, second rate intelligence which is called morality. We always stand with the idea of morality. We have deep fear, if we don’t control our body what will happen? We have no trust on our body. We don’t trust on our system. That is why we are so much afraid. If I don’t control what will happen? That is why we are always worried about how to control the body, how to control the system, how to control the senses? We are in a tight...we are sitting on a volcano. We fear as if we are sitting on a volcano. Am I right? Psychologically, we are all sitting on a volcano. At least if volcano is not there, we create a volcano and sit on that just to prove that I am doing something hard. Because we have not awakened our intelligence, inner intelligence. 
There’s a beautiful story, an Zen ancient Buddhist monk. I love the Zen Buddhism. One Zen enlightened master, Zen master, has come to a place, new town in Japan and he is famous all over the country; and the king has come to meet the master. And asked master, Beloved master, we feel so happy and your presence is so vibrating, you’re so radiating and things are... so many miracles are happening in your space, so many people get healed, so many people feel their wishes are bestowed, so many things are happening. How is it? What is the practice which you do? What type of meditation you do? Do you repeat Mantra? Do you do Japa? Or do you do Shirshasana? What you do. The Swami, the master replied beautifully. Very beautifully he replied, “I eat when I eat. I sleep when I sleep”. That is the sadhana I do. The king was little intelligent. Not like a third rate politician. The king is little intelligent man. He asked, “Master I don’t understand, just explain." Then the master started explaining, “When you eat, do you eat?” You can note to our life. When we eat, do we eat? All our past worries and future plans will appear only when we start eating. When you start eating, when you sit for eating, what happens, whether you read newspaper or seeing TV? That has become one habit now. Or we start worrying about the past or planning about the future. Am I right? When you eat, you think everything except eating. When you eat, you took everything except eating. Yes...
Participant asks question <<unclear>>.
Ah,  Beautiful words, this two words are very beautiful. You can mark. This is the key today, the gist of the whole class today is this two words. He has told beautifully. You are not living in the present. You are not conscious about eating. These two words are the gist, key for this class. When we eat, we do everything else except eating. Am I right? For the sake of filling, not eating; for the sake of filling.
Beautifully the Upanishad says:
annam brahmeti vyajaanaat
annam na nindyaat tad vratam
अन्नं ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात्।
अन्नं न निन्द्यात्। तद्व्रतम्।
The commentator comments on this Sutra. He says, sutra bhashyakara, Shankara is called as bhashyakara, but there are so many bhashyakaras later on came up...The commentator says, bhashyakara says, “The food is equal to God. When you eat, if you don’t eat with respect, with chewing, with deep respect, with the remembering food, if you’re eating remembering something else, it is equivalent to throwing it in dustbin.” When you throw it in the dustbin, what happens? The same thing will happen when you throw it here. Something worse will happen. Yes, she’s right, something worse will happen. So when we eat, we don’t eat at all.
When you sleep, come to the next point. When you sleep what happens? Continuously we are dreaming. When you’re awake also you are daydreaming. When you are sleeping, you are night dreaming. These two things only happen. Not all of course The people who are successful in their business, they don’t do much daydreaming. Yes really. They’re just daydreaming. Now science has proved that people who are successful in their business;  that is why the rich people come to the meditation. Rich people are more aware. Because they’re aware; the whole day when you are aware, alert, naturally you will make money. Money will flow towards you. Everything, everything will flow towards you. The possibility of becoming rich is more when you’re aware, when you’re alert. When you stop daydreaming, it means when you stop making dreams, you start living reality. When you live with the dreams, you won’t be able to live with reality. Dreams can never become true because they are dreams. They are all dreams, how can they become true? Yes.. we can compare with horses. They’ll be just running, and nobody knows who will get prize...
There is two different thing: planning and dreaming. Planning is always standard and physical, down-to-earth. Dreaming is always psychological, nothing, cannot be fulfilled. If you can earn thousand rupees, your aim will be always for one lakh. Before you come to the fifty thousand it will become two crore. So this is what I call dreaming. And the plans are not like that. Think globally, work locally. Have you heard this? Think globally, work locally. Working locally is what I call planning. Thinking globally is what I call dreaming. You understand ? Some more definition is there... Actually only you can find out the difference between these two. I can do the torch to find out, you have to find out using the torch in your day to day life. What is dreaming and what is planning? Through plans, when you plan, even if it is not successful, you need not fear, you will not feel that you are failing. You will feel that you have done something. You have achieved something. You tried your best. But with dreams, even if it is successful, you will not be happy. This is a scale. With plans, even it is failure, you will not be unhappy. With dreams, even if it is successful you will not be happy.
Participant makes a comment.
Yes, it is beautiful. What he has told is only what I want to give as conclusion. He has given it beautifully.  I think we can put it, it must have been his experience. Otherwise nobody can tell with authoritative way. Really. When you don't harm and live a dharmic life, you will not feel that same business. You will not have the daydreaming problem. Really it is. But how to do it? For that only I am giving the meditation. The "how to"... everything. You see Sita was <<unclear>>... because she has not seen Sharukh Khan in TV. See, reality... don’t mistake that... I am not condemning Sita. I am not pulling down Sita. She has not been given dreams in the young age. But today we have been given so many dreams, so what he calls as moral become a difficulty.
In that time of Patanjali or Ramayana, moral life is very easy. Am I right? There are not so many temptations. There were not so many temptations. But today it is not like that. We are filled with temptation, especially the history of psychology. The consciousness history, the human beings psychological history <<unclear>>. In the ordinary human, human history is two way it is separated, before Christ and after Christ. If you write the human science history, it will be before TV, after TV. Actually the Americans have made a research, a very big research and they conclude that before TV, after TV is the way to write the psychological history of human beings. A new layer of conscious disease is formed. It is called cerebral. Will like to study more deeply. In Patanjali's time, if you ask, "Close your eyes, sit in a straight position and keep, keep the mind calm". Inevitably, you’ll be able to do because your mind is completely sensitive and not agitated, aggravated, complicated. You’ll be able to sit, immediately your mind will become calm But today, is it possible? A new layer has formed, it is called cerebral. It means enjoying without enjoying. Many of you want to dance, you won’t be able to dance, society will not allow. See the duets and get satisfied. That is the reason everywhere continuously duet songs are played. Many things we want to enjoy but you won’t be able to enjoy. Let us fulfill ourself by seeing somebody else is enjoying. Today psychological proved this cerebral... cerebral enjoyment. The layer of cerebral enjoyment entered, our mind has become complicated.
The body intelligence has been destroyed just by this cerebral layer, cerebral enjoyment. This layer is the reason it just destroyed our body intelligence. In ancient time, controlling the body would not have been such a big thing. It was very easy because the cerebral layer was not existing. Please be clear about the cerebral layer. Everyone, you are clear about cerebral layer? You see, in olden time, there is only two things: either you enjoy physically directly, you go and dance with somebody with whom you want to dance. Directly you enjoy what you enjoy or you don’t enjoy. Only these two layers. Now, the third layer is there. You are not enjoying physically but you are enjoying mentally continuously. There will be many way, you are not enjoying physically. But you are enjoying mentally, cerebrally, continuously. Even in ancient time there were few dance programs and all. At the most few of us...few minutes. But now whole day we are enjoying cerebrally through medias, newspaper, advertisement, the hoardings are also nothing but cerebral things. Yes. All advertisements, the hoardings, medias, it has become big list. All these things make a new layer of consciousness, layer in your consciousness which is called cerebral enjoyment. This layer is the layer which is the reason for destroying the body intelligence. The advertisements, how much they go deep inside your being, you don't know. There are few experiments which gives the astounding results. Even without your consciousness, without you observing the hoardings, just by flash they get in your system. They get recorded in your system and when you go to shop, you ask exactly the same drink. Even if you don’t observe the hoardings...
Participant: Brainwashing...
Ah Yes, the word, beautiful word, brainwashing. You can say, psychological washing. Much deeper. When this cerebral layer is formed, your body intelligence got completely destroyed.  The cerebral layer was not existing before TV, before medias, in older days. So now human beings' mind has become more complicated. Actually the mind has become complicated. We got many plus points also. It is not that it is completely negative. There are many scientific growth. Our life has become comfortable, luxurious, very, many things like that. All these things are positive. We should not be against the science or against the growth of the life, against the medias, that is not <<unclear>> no, that is not the solution. It cannot be the solution. So, have everything, whatever the luxury, whatever the luxury the western society, the modern society gives and see when to switch off the TV and know when to switch off the TV, not only the outside TV, the inside TV also. What I mean by inside TV is the cerebral layer. You are, even if you don’t see the outside TV, you will be just remembering and enjoying many things inside. When you know how to switch off the inside TV, how to keep this out, how to keep this loads out, your body intelligence will automatically start working.
So, the story, the Japanese monk explains the story - when I eat, I eat, I don't think anything else. I don’t remember anything else. When I sleep, I sleep, I don’t do anything else. This is the master key. What is the hindrance to realise? The hindrance is the cerebral layer.
How to throw that cerebral layer out? Ah, we can call it, and the much beautiful word is coined by Buddhists - non-mindedness. The single mindedness can never be. It is very very difficult. No mindedness, it means when your thoughts disappear, your intelligence gets awakened.
A beautiful mantra, Gayatri: The meaning of the Gayatri is the same thing:
ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः।
तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं।
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥
Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ
Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt
The running translation of this mantra: Let us meditate, let us contemplate on the consciousness which awakens and the energy which  awakens our Buddhi, our Dhi, our intelligence. Let the same energy help us to meditate upon that. This is the running translation of the mantra. When your mind is not working, when your mind is switched off, your intelligence starts working, the no-mindedness.
Ah yes, you can use the word silence. It is better to use the word Mouna. Even the silence is not so...clearly. Silence is the word which has become a negative, no soundedness, but the word Mouna is something positive, something more expressive. Yes, the word silence is <<unclear>>, you can call it silence.
When you know how to be no-minded, your body intelligence starts getting awakened. When your body intelligence is awakened, there is no need for Me. It means there is no need for <<unclear>>. You will heal yourself. Not only you will heal yourself, you will see the disease is not appearing. See, when some daydreams gets awakened in you, when some dreams enter in your chit, when some desires enter into your being, when that cerebral layer gets awakened, when you get some fantasies, immediately you become unease with your body. Is it not? You become unease with yourself. You are not at ease with yourself. When some desire is awakened, have you observed? When some deep desires like kama, krodha, or anger, or kopa, when they gets awakened in you, what do you feel? You feel some uneasiness. Restless, hmm...right word, restless, uneasiness. When you are not at ease with yourself, you are dis-eased. Disease comes. When you are not at ease with your being, yourself, you are dis-eased. Naturally disease descends on you. No disease is an uninvited guest. All your diseases, you go to his house and call him, please come and visit my house, visit my body, then he says, "No, no, no I have already so many appointments. I won’t be able to come." You say, "No, no, no, please come, I want you urgently." Then also he refuses. After coming back to your home, you send a telegram, you write letter, you send a fax, you ring up to him, then also if he misses, then you send somebody and bring him with hands. This is the way we get the diseases. But when the guest comes, we think, we forget whatever the way and means we used to bring it and we ask, "why did you come?" This is what happens when we get a disease also. Actually this is what happens. Because disease are very good people, they don’t visit all the people. There are so many engagements. They don't go to all. But we don’t leave them. Only we forget after we invite how we invited.
Participant comments
We don’t invite consciously. We don't invite any disease consciously. Who will invite the disease consciously? But unconsciously. We don’t know that we’re inviting the diseases. When we become unease with our being, we become diseased. So when your body intelligence starts, starts awakening, you will not see the diseases entering in you.
There’s a beautiful stotra sung by Ramana Maharshi
ஐம்புலக் கள்வர் அகத்தினில் புகும்போது
அகத்தில் இலையோ அருணாசலா !
He asks the Shiva, "When the five senses, the thieves of five senses entered in my mind, O' Shiva, you’re not in the house, what happened?" So, in the same way, when these outer desires, when they enter in our being, if the atman, if the buddhi, if the intelligence within us, if he is sleeping, they enter. When we are unconscious we invite those diseases and allow them inside. Actually none of us invite any diseases. Only we invite unconsciously. We make arrangements and we do everything and bring them inside.
Children, in children, only conscious is not working but unconscious is working. That is why they’re able to as soon as they take birth, within two days they will be able to drink milk, they’re able to digest. The unconscious system is working.  Instinct portions are working. So, those things are inviting disease. So, now what we are, we are supposed to do is... how to be; how to be very clear about the unconscious instincts? You see... when you bring the past vasana... immediately the past janma comes. I don’t want to bring the big subject inside. Actually the past janma is unproved. Still nobody has proved. I don’t want to say here in TV say anything which is unproved. Of course, if you ask Me whether the past janma is there, I will say yes, because it is My experience. From My authority I tell you there is a past janma and there is going to be future janmas. It's My experience but what to do? It’s a poor thing I cannot prove it.
Participant: What about mukti?
Mukti... when you get enlightened, when you get a spiritual elevation, you’ll be enlightened. After enlightenment, there won't be any births. So these things I can tell you from My authority only. I cannot prove it. So, that is why I’m not bringing the past karma. Even if what you say is the Truth but it’s not fact. Moksha...that is what I call enlightenment. So when you say the word - "the past karma", it is Truth but not fact. Fact has to be proved. Truth cannot be proved. Truth is something more than which can be proved. So what you said is true but I cannot say it as a fact because I won’t be able to prove it.
We can say the instincts. Instincts are truth. The word instinct is truth. It is a basic instinct. That is why child's also invite the diseases. So now we are going to see how not to invite the disease. When your body intelligence gets awakened, you will not invite the diseases, you will not allow the diseases to come in. If you don’t invite at all, they will not come at all. If you don't invite, surely, I am sure they will not come. I know all types of diseases. You may be knowing only only one or two diseases which you have. Word instinct is truth. It is a basic instinct. That is why child also invite the diseases. So now we are going to see how not to invite the disease. When your body intelligence gets awakened, you will not invite the diseases. You will not allow the diseases to come in. If you don't invite at all, they will not come at all. If you don't invite, surely, I am sure that they will not come. I know all types of diseases. You may be knowing  only one or two diseases which you have. I know all types of diseases because I see many patients. Diseases are very good people. Really I tell you from My authority. Diseases are really very good people. They never come without getting invited. Without having invitation, they never visit. So if you stop inviting, naturally they will stop visiting. If you stop inviting, that will be enough, they will stop visiting. How to drop the dis-easeness from you? How to stop the dis-easeness in you? Is a thing which we are going to see. The meditation which will help you to drop the layer of cerebral enjoyment, the cerebral layer, the cerebral layer is the thing which is called disease. It’s a new type of layer. It is formed in course of human being.
What is this cerebral layer? Yes, the word subconscious is right. What is subconscious? What is meant by we are not conscious about? Alright I’ll explain. You are going in a Maruti car. When you stop at the signal, one <<unclear>> comes and stands behind you.  Without your knowledge a deep thought comes, a deep desire comes for <<unclear>>. And immediately you suppress it.  No you won’t be able to have. Immediately you suppress it. That is next event. But the thing which happens at that moment - the desire comes and you suppress it, that is what is called subconscious. There are many examples we can give. Am I right with these examples?
One thing you cannot grab it. That is sure. I’m going to tell you how to drop the desire. Not how to press the desire. All these days you know how to press the desire. All these days you were doing how to press the desire. You are doing suppression, repression. Now I’m going to give you the technique to drop it. What is to be done? Neither expression, of going and grabbing it, going and catching it. Or suppressing it, or keeping it inside. The thing which is to be done is dropping it. If you get the car, there is no need for suppressing. When you get the <<unclear>>, your mind will go to Rolls Royce. That is what will happen. When you get a <<unclear>>, when you catch that steering of <<unclear>> I will assure you will want the Rolls Royce. Benz or Rolls Royce. Anything. When you catch the Benz, you will be thinking of Rolls Royce. Am I right? Yes, that is true, that is true. The same energy, if it is going outside, outwardly, it is called kama, expression, having the thing which you want. If it is stopped, if it is not allowed, it becomes a kopa, it becomes anger towards somebody else or towards ourself. If that becomes a <<unclear>> towards the man who is having the <<unclear>>, it is called jealousy. If it is towards you, “I won’t be able to have the <<unclear>>, what type of life I will be living, I should do something... inferiority complex... Many ways it gets turned. When it is towards you, when it is repressed, it is called repression. Expression and repression, both are going to disturb you. The way not to get disturbed, the way to live is drop. How to drop? Is going to be this meditation technique. Are we clear about the idea - expression, suppression, dropping. Dropping is what is called meditation. What is subconscious? Now, we are going there...What is subconscious?
Subconscious is nothing but the suppressed desires, suppressed emotions, suppressed anger, suppressed lust, all these are collectively called with the word subconscious. In your office your boss is scolding , immediately what happens? You also get affected. Basically, we are nothing more than monkey, we are nothing more than animal, are we? Basically, we are nothing more than animal. If a monkey shouts at another one monkey, if a monkey tries to attack another one monkey, the other monkey also gets angry and reacts. Things are equated, things are over. If a man gets anger and shouts at us, we are also according to the physical system, equal to animal. When somebody shouts, the same thing happens in us also. We also get the same anger. And now science has proved when you get angry a chemical is produced in your blood and released throughout your body. Anybody, doctors... anybody doctors... anybody <<unclear>> am I right? Some chemicals are produced in our body and it gets mixed to the blood and it's released. The energy to attack the man already produced. But you won't be able to attack because it's your boss. If you attack, you will lose your job. There are many side effects. When you are not able to express you suppress it. Then what will happen to the chemical which produced, what will happen to that energy? It gets frozen. If the river...if the water is allowed to flow it will become a river and helping thousands and thousands of people. If the same water is not allowed to flow and made into a pond it will get drained, not only that it will get all sorts of dirty, and get collected with all dirtiness and starts giving bad smell. In the same way, if the energy is not allowed to flow in its own course, when it is stopped, suppressed, the same energy gets frozen and started giving a bad smell in our being.
That is the bad smell. When you... you can smell this when you go to house, when you come back from office, when you come to the house, you throw the file on the sofa set or bang the door, at that time you can smell this. What I mean by subconscious. You can smell this subconscious in your activities. Am I right? Or when you shout at your wife or husband, when you shout at them, you can smell the subconscious which is in you.
Ah...yes...no good mood. So, anybody has got experience sharing? Share your experience…
Yes, the body will go to the house and scold the mother. The mother will scold the husband. The husband will go and scold somebody else. The continuous chain of reactions, continuously happening... is what is happening in the world. Somewhere we have to release it. So, here I’m going to give you the technique to release in the air. When you release in the akasha, akasha will not go and scold anybody, air will not go and scold anybody. So now we are going to have technique to release all of our repressions into air, into space. Whatever way you call it... space, air, ether, akasha, any name. If we express it on somebody, the chain of karma will be continuing. If you express it, if you suppress it on yourself you will become insensitive, dull, dead. How long you can suppress? Yes, stored in subconsciousness and the subconscious is overburdened. Our whole being is destroyed. I mean all repressions are stored in subconscious. That is why even the ...I have to say it openly...when you control yourself, not to see some women, or when some women controls herself not to see some man particularly. She will see that exact man in the dream. Am I right? And how much you suppress, so many times you will see. If you want to see continuously in dreams please suppress. Really, so whatever you won’t be able to fulfill in the nanau, in awakened state, you fulfill it in dream state.
Ah... yes... that is also one thing... out of anger you don't want to remember him. When his mind comes up, you’ll simply push him down. But in dreams exactly he will be appearing and giving darshan of guru!
There’s a beautiful story. One person wants to have some siddhis, some magic power;  bringing some vibhuti, brining some kumkum... some magic powers. He went to a Himalayan Guru, a spiritual master and started asking, “Swami, please teach me, that I want to have some miracles." The Swami told, "No no, you go for meditation, don't go for all these miracles.  These things will not help you in life. You will not be able to grow. GO for meditation." That person told, "No, no, no, I want only miracles. I don't want meditation. Who will close eyes and sit. I want only miracles." Even that Swami is not able to convince him. He told, "Alright". He gave one bottle of medicine and told, "Go and drink this medicine three times per day. Only one condition don't remember monkey and drink." Then immediately that person asks the question, "If I remember. You see if you had not told that..." If he has not told - don't remember monkey, he would not have remembered monkey. Who remembers monkey? Everyday do we remember monkey? Even Anjaneya bhaktas don;t remember everyday monkey. Even Anjaneya bhaktas forget monkey. You see if you want to remember, you will forget. Just try to forget, you will remember. That has become a mind. You see, even Anjaneya bhaktas don't remember. But when the master told, immediately he questioned, "If I remember what should I do?"
"Alright take once bath and then drink." What will happen?
He came and took the medicine and thought, "Oh, I should not remember monkey." Immediately he remembered that he has remembered the monkey and went and took bath. And came and picked up the bottle. What would have happened? Then after one hour, when he went to take bath, the whole bathroom is filled with monkeys! Really, when you suppress something, you will feel this. He has become so tense and disturbed. He took the medicine back and told the swami, "Please take your medicine and along with the medicine take the monkeys also! I won’t be able to manage these monkeys. I’m already filled with these monkeys. Please take away these monkeys." So this is the exact, this is the same thing exactly happening in our life. So the same thing. When you don’t want to remember somebody, when you want to forget somebody, you will see the person exactly in your dreams. The subconscious is working. They call it unconscious also. There is subtle difference between unconscious and subconscious.
Of course, that we can see when you see about chakras. So how to drop that subconscious? What is meant by subconscious now we saw. Repressed desires and repressed... what to say, lust, repressed anger, unfulfilled... that is also a right word, yes... that is a very beautiful word... yes... unfulfilled. But there are few things, even after fulfilment, it gets as a desire, as a storage, but when you really get the fulfilment, you don’t store the seed also, but we never get real fulfilment, any desire, we don't get fully into anything... If we get into anything fully, we will be out - IN the way for OUT. If you get in, you will come out. But we never get in fully. We never get involved completely. We always have some reservations. In anything. So unfulfilled desires, the right word. It has become a frozen thing in our body. So, now we are going to have a  technique which is Dukkha Harana Dhyanam which will heal our dhukka, which will destroy our sorrows. All our sorrows are  nothing but the subconscious, nothing but this cerebral layer. This is the layer which disturbs our physical health, mental health, spiritual health. All the well being; all these three well being is disturbed only by this subconscious layer. When the subconscious comes, you get irritated, you’re continuously angry. When you start suppressing the anger, you will see your whole day unhappy. In every activity you will be angry. When a child comes you will scold. There will be so many lotus blooming. Unconscious you will be plucking that leaves and just not only throwing and just making like this. Have you observed? Have you done it? Paper... paper ...beautiful thing... You just tear it and do something. Even if paper is not there, sitting chair, you will simply drag somewhere. When wife comes and keeps the tumbler of water, if little bit of sound is there, tak, even that much sound is enough you <<unclear>> These things are all part of subconscious. You are filled bubbling with anger, bubbling with lust, you are afraid to see even the women's calendar, you are afraid to see even man's calendar. You try to avoid. Am I right? Many times it happens. Ah Yes.. Food repression. The people who are fasting... Ah yes biting the nails is also one type of repression. You see, actually, nails under mouth, they are very closely related. All the animals, to  kill others the nails are the instruments. Nails are the things... weapons... and the nails and the mouth is closely connected. When you bite the nails, you are doing the same thing when the lion attacks the deer. What happens... The same thing happens in miniature level. That happens in a expressed way. This happens in a suppression way. When the lion attacks the deer, weapons are used to disturb others, to disturb the other person. It is used expressively.
The same thing happens when you bite the nails, the same anger is used in a  suppressing way towards yourself. Unconsciously the result is the same. When a lion attacks a deer and when you bite the nails. Both of them are the same. It is expressing, this is suppressing. That is the only difference.
Expressing is little more dangerous than suppressing. So this meditation is called Dukkha Harana. This is basically from a Tantra, from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra this meditation is designed. This is especially designed for a modern man to throw out this mind, throw out the subconsciousness, throw out this repressed things. It's a thirty minute meditation. First ten minutes... is a three part thirty minutes meditation. We cannot call it as a meditation. We can call it as meditation technique. Even the word meditation is somehow associated with seriousness. When you listen the word meditation, many people run away. Am I right? Many people run away just by listening the word meditation. If you ask them to run around the Sannidhi of our temple eleven times eleven days they will do it happily. They will even bring some ten liters of milk and pour on the Shani devar and round the temple. Of course it is not wrong, I am not criticizing it. They will be happy to do outer things but afraid to do inner things. Why? If you look in - the Pandora box is there. IF the Pandora box gets opened, what will happen! She has asked very rightly, beautifully. She asked the question: if you don't control what will happen? See, the very question resonates the fear. IF we don't control, if we open the Pandora box what will happen... All will come out. We are all afraid of this Pandora box. That is why we never sit for meditation. We never think about meditation. When we listen the word meditation, we try to fly, try to take off. So, the word meditation also is little bit too serious. That is the thing, I wanted to give some more clarity about meditation. Come up with questions about meditation. Frequently ask questions about meditation. Anybody has any questions? Any clarifications? Why should we meditate - right word. To throw out the subconscious. That's the reason.
What time? This technique you have to do morning as soon as you get up. You can wash yourself and you can do it. Morning as soon as you get up. I don't want to specify the time because  I say don't force yourself to get up. Tomorrow we are going to talk about the sleep. That time I will tell you. Tomorrow I will elaborate few more ideas about food and sleep. How to... individual ideas, concentrated ideas to awaken the intelligence of your body connected to your food and sleep. Nothing is wrong. You can just sleep, when you finish the sleep, then you can meditate. Yes, you can practice both. There is no, because this technique is designed in such a way the modern man must have had some other practices. You can continue both. There will be side effects. And when you feel like that system helps you more, you can drop this system. If you feel this system helps you more you can drop that system. And there is no comparison. Don't compare with any other system. There are many systems which will help, which is designed for many kinds of people. So if this system helps you more you can drop that. If that helps you more, you can drop this. If both are, if you feel both are helping you, continue both. Nothing wrong. And if you drop this system also, you won't have side effects. That I assure you. If you drop my system you will not be having any side effect. If you drop the other system, I don't know, you have to enquire them. Yes, go and conduct  any things. Go and conduct any things. Everything is decided. Even the beautiful Vedanta says, the <<unclear>> worship the tribal's do, even that has got some value in it. Don't <<unclear>> that, he says. He goes to such a extreme and he says, "Don't condemn even the <<unclear>>, so you should never condemn it. So, any other question?
Ah, you see actually, whatever we have the idea that meditation is only for the people who has finished their, who have lived their life, a spiritual person. I say - if you don't meditate I assure you you will not remain, you will not be able to remain without getting mad. Write these words. In this modern society if you want to be mentally alright, if you want to be not becoming mad, if you don't want to become mad, you have to meditate, there's no other way. Meditation has become a basic need. It was a luxury at one time. Now we are enough disturbed. It has become a basic need. This meditation technique, that's why I sue the word meditation technique, now which I am going to give is nothing to do with direct spirituality. It has, this technique will give you , will help you to drop the desires. No. Suppression and expression is totally different thing. Dropping is totally different thing. You will not feel the desire back again later also. When you have dropped your thoughts though this meditation technique, you will not see that things are again coming up. Ah yes, now the meditation technique which I am going to give, the technique which I am going to give is, this meditation is nothing but unburdening of suppressions. You can write - unburdening of suppressions. Yes, there are next techniques which will be given to you later on. Actually, when the unsanity which is inside you, that is brought out, naturally same thing will bloom, will flower in you. You don't have to fear same thing. You don't have to create peace in you. You don't have to create spirituality in you. You just throw out the subconscious, spirituality will flower automatically in your being. Of course, there are meditation techniques for that. But now, today what I am going to give you, today what I am going to make you do is a meditation technique which will help you to unburden the suppression which will make your body intelligence work. You asked a right question for which I cannot answer. Now you have won <<unclear>> Actually, I can say the qualities of spirituality, I cannot say what is exactly spirituality. I can say the quality of spirituality is Ananda - Nithyananda, Ever Blissful. And full of intelligence. And full of love towards yours being. Your whole being will become love. With all this quality and plus something more is called spirituality. I cannot exactly define the spirituality. I can define the spiritual qualities. If you become spiritual all these qualities will radiate around you. An extraordinary love energy, an extraordinary bliss energy, an extraordinary spiritual energy, an extraordinary healing energy will radiate around you, plus something more is called spirituality. The plus something more cannot be explained. The E=MC square, that expression, there will only be one infinity. One infinity will be there in that sutra which cannot be explained, which cannot be <<unclear>>. In that expression there will the infinity, there will be infinity related in the Sutras which, which cannot be explained, which cannot be <<unclear>>. The same way in spirituality also there is something more which cannot be explained. Experience, yes, right word, which can only be experienced, which cannot be expressed. But the qualities you can understand. These qualities will be radiating. When you go for meditation, when you deeply had one, at least one experience of meditation, you will see all these things are radiating around you. All these things are happening to you - is what is called as Spirituality. So, now we will go for the technique. The first ten minutes there is a music which will encourage you through the meditation technique, there is encouraging music which will change by itself every ten minutes. You don't have to see the clock. This is thirty minutes technique, three part. Each consists of ten minutes. The first ten minutes we are going to work with breathing. We are going to do deep breathing and chaotically breathing. I will just show, I will do it and show you. Because when the body intelligence is awakened, the body will take how much of oxygen is needed when you deep breathe. There is no need for controlling your breathing. There is no need for holding your breathing. It is not Pranayama. Please be very clear. It is not at all Pranayama. You are supposed to breathe as deeply as possible, as chaotically as possible upto navel. Upto navel. Become breathing. Not that up to navel. Forget your whole being. Forget your whole body. Just become breathing. In that ten minutes. First ten minutes of deep chaotic breathing. And then... no... as deeply as possible breathe in... as deeply as possible breathe out.  And people who has got the problem with heart, do it as much as you can. Don’t overdo it. But other people, put your whole energy and do it. The ten minutes standing and deep breathing. In these ten minutes, all your frozen energies in your body will stop melting. All the frozen negative energy, it is stored in your nerve system will start getting melted. The  heat will melt all the repressed emotions. Your subconscious will be completely opened. The next ten minutes is called Catharsis. You are supposed to open the sealed bottle which is in your being. Just make your body as tense as possible everywhere in a chaotic way.  Just throw your legs, throw your hands, round your head, whatever you want to do, whatever body wants to allow it to do but wildly. That is the only word underlined. Do it wildly. Just make your teeth tense. Make your eyes tense, make your hands tense, make your legs tense, make whatever body part you feel, make it tense, as tense as possible and relax.  I’ll show it, do it and show you.
HDH reveals the two paths to go beyond the body -- either condemning the body or having deep respect and love for the body. Awaken your body's intelligence by dropping any ideas of controlling the body from the mind.
Have you understood? The first ten minutes deep chaotic breathing, next ten minutes just pouring out all your dukhas. If you feel like crying, just cry,  if you feel like screaming, scream, if you feel like rolling your head just roll, allow complete independence these ten minutes, no controlling of body for ten minutes. Only one rule don't disturb the next person. Don’t disturb others. That is only rule. You are supposed to throw all the insanity.  Become a man. In one word I tell you - become man. Because already we are mad inside, am I right? Already we are mad inside. You just take one paper, today you go and do it in your home, homework. Today this is the homework for you all. You all will take one paper and sit in your place. And allow the mind to think. Even if you, just if you sit, within one or two minutes you will forget everything and start having your dreams, your thoughts. When you remember, just start writing what you thought. Then keep the pen alone. Again after two three seconds you will forget and your mind will start wandering. And again when you remember, write it out. If you write one page you will see what big mad house is running in yourself. You are running a big asylum in your being. Suddenly you will see that you have gone to Delhi. After two minutes suddenly you will be in Bangalore. And suddenly you will be in your shop looking after business. And immediately you will remember that your wife has not kept water in your bedroom. So your thoughts are completely unrelated and unarranged, jumping from here to there, there to here, here to there.  
Because humanity expects immediate results, HDH gives techniques to experience an #awakening of the body's intelligence, immediately. Through this discourse, you will see how to not invite disease in your life.
Human #consciousness is now defined before TV and after TV. HDH explains that when the cerebral layer formed, the body's intelligence got destroyed. How do you throw out the cerebral layer? HDH guides delegates through the Dhukka Harana meditation.  
Beautiful example given by Vivekananda, what is mind. He answers. If a monkey, monkey is enough example to express the mind. He says if a monkey drinks alcohol, intoxicated, what will happen? And not only that a scorpion bites it, then... and ghost enters, what will be the condition of the monkey? Our mind is actually equal to that. Much similar to our mind, he has told rightly. That is what is our mind. So, just bring out the madness, act out the madness. This is the right word, act out. Now there is a big technique in the west, psychodrama which they call it. If you want to beat somebody, they will give you one pillow,  and you have to do prana pratishta of that person in the pillow. Just as you do prana pratishta in temple, "Aum Ramakrishna Devataya Namaha Iha Gaccha Iha Gaccha", you do prana prathishta, let Ramakrishna be here. Just like that, remember your enemy and do prana pratishta in that pillow. And beat that pillow nicely. They say really, the psychologists have discovered. They say really the person gets out of the anger. The anger is simply vanished. Th psychodrama, throwing out your feelings into the air. Throwing out your feelings into the air, dropping your feelings into the air. IF you beat somebody directly what will happen? The chain of karma will be continued. He will beat you, you will beat him, then it will be continuing. If you keep it inside it will become suppression and diseased. Either you disturb others or you disturb yourself. Now this is the technique, neither to disturb them nor to disturb you. Just throw it out. After all the repressed anger, just make your body make faces. All of you will be given headbands. So,  nobody will be able to see each other. So you have the complete freedom, full freedom to do whatever you want. That ten minutes just bring out everything. Don;t have any shame, any culture, anything. You have had enough of all these things. Just keep your, what to say, mask, just keep the mask out. And bring the violent figure outside. You will become really a <unclear>>. You see when the violent person also, the shanta, the ananda, silence will start blooming in you automatically, then without your knowledge, from a deep inner consciousness you will be in deep silence and <<unclear>>. So, when the twenty minutes ends, tape recorder will say "Stop". Immediately stop as you are. If you are standing like this, stop as is. Just become a frozen idol, frozen idol. Just become ice statue. Why I say... from hotpoint if you come to a deep cold frozen point, in between mind will stop working. You will be having the experience of Samadhi or meditation. There is every possibility and especially in the master's presence, when your mind stops working immediately energy rushes into you. Actually, you are all made to listen not for listening. I have nothing to tell you, I have nothing to give you, if you are able to feel the energy directly I can communicate, I can give you more in silence than talking. Actually, I can give you, I can help you more in silence than talking. 
==Link to Video: ==
Why I am talking? If I don't talk you will start talking with yourself. If I ask all of you to sit silently in My presence what will happen? After two seconds you will start talking to yourself. So, to stop your chattering I am talking. When you give a little gap, when you stop little chattering immediately My energy will rush in you, My presence will be able to rush in you. So that gap, when you stop, when you say stop,  really Stop. When you stop immediately there is every chance in that gap you will see that something is happening, some new light is entering into you. After one minute or two minute you will start seeing that thoughts are slowly coming up. So, no problem, just sit down as you are where you are. Sit down and the last portion of the meditation, that ten minutes, you just sit in a relaxed way and pleasing mood, with a pleasing mood. So, if you remember somebody, just remember whom you love.  Remember somebody you are pleased, just remember them. He may be God, He may be a Guru, He may be your Devata, or he may be your friend, he may be your relative, he may be your wife, most probably will not be your wife and husband! It happens so... the wife and husband...maybe... alright. Anyway, whoever feels pleasing just remember them. Or you can be as you are without even remembering. You can just be sitting in a pleasing mood. And witness all your thoughts. Don't condemn your mind. Don't condemn your thoughts. Don't concentrate on anybody. Concentration has nothing to do with meditation. Concentration is not meditation. Meditation is awareness.
So just be aware of your thoughts, whatever thoughts comes, thoughts goes, just allow it. So, do you understand that clearly? First ten minutes deep chaotic breathing, standing whatever way the body goes, allow it, and next ten minutes deep catharsis, acting it out. When catharsis stops, stop and the other ten minutes when you, when  slowly the thoughts started coming, just sit in a relaxed way and pleasing mood, whatever happens inside your body and outside your body, just witness it by closing the eyes. Don’t try to force silence in the house when you meditate. There are few people, if they start meditating, they will torture the whole house. You keep silent, you keep silent, they will be taking out and keep the telephone and giving big-big commands to the people I am going to meditate. Before they go to meditate, they will make a big poster and then only they will go to meditate. Don’t do that. Whatever happens outside, let it happen, don’t feel anything as disturbance. Don’t try to torture anybody in the name of meditation.  
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Stand like this... and have a free clothing. The body moves, allow it to move. Some persons, some people, if you do like this, it will be easy for you, allow it. No problem. The way in which body moves allow it. You may have heard the similar type of techniques from some other school, don’t bother. Don’t compare, don’t mix it up.
Just be, you remember your enemy, just give beat. Then you can sit in a happy way, relaxed way. No problem. If you don't have anything, just sit in a relaxed way, no problem, that is not, there is no compulsion that you have to express. If everything is gone, sit simply, but see don’t work, don’t cheat yourself, be very careful. Many people try to cheat ourself.
==Link to Audio==
Participant: What about mamakara? I don't have dvesha, but I have mamakara. What you have to do for...
==='Description: Ananda Spurana Program ASP Day 2 by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 April 2002'===
Actually, mamakara, dvesha, only in word they are different. In intrinsic way, they are one and the same. If you see in the deep mind, when you deeply breathe, these differences you will understand. That is why the verbal...when I say verbally... you question mamakara, dvesha, all these words. When you breathe ten minutes all the anger will come out. You will simply bubble up. You will not be able to control yourself, you will simply be and things will come out. Don't use the words, use the screaming sounds. Ooh, aah.. ooh... like this... Don’t use words, your mind will come in. Don't allow the mind to come in. When you hear about this technique, you did not feel like a - what is this? This Swami is teaching us to become mad. When you do this technique, you will see you will be tremendously benefitted when you do this technique. If you want to justify scientifically, all of you go today and have one passport size photograph taken.  Fifteen days do this technique. Fifteenth day you take a passport size photograph. You will see your face has completely become flowered. In fifteen days I assure you. I assure you in fifteen day, your face will completely get changed. You will see that your face, your eyes, have become pleasing. Your face has flowered. You will see a tremendous difference in your face. So you can see it in a visible way.
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Participant: After fifteen days you will get filtered water
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Ah yes, yes, rightly he told. You will get the filter water. So this meditation technique now you are going to start. Just I will show you one or two things. So, for breathing use this, for tense do whatsoever you like. There is no need of steps. Simply do what you want. That is the thing. I think there is no need for step. If we show something, you will be following the  same thing. Don't do according to it, do according to you. So the second step do whatsoever way you want. Feel that, whatever you feel do it. You see, there is no "must" in this. Breathe according to you. No problem, just do it as you like. Allow the breathing to happen. That’s all. Body will take its own posture. You don't have to design any separate posture. Anything? Second ten minutes no need for breathing. Let it be normal. Ok,  anything else? Thank you,  carry this silence with you and sleep as soon as you go, just as early as possible go to rest. You will feel a deep sleep and full awakeness.
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Latest revision as of 20:24, 24 February 2023


Ananda Spurana Program || ASP Day 2||


On April 15th, 2002, His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Ananda Spurana Program for delegates at the Ashakta Poshaka Sabha in Bangalore, India. This was day 2 of the 7 day program. In this discourse, HDH reveals how to awaken the wisdom of the body.

How do you go beyond the body?

HDH reveals the two paths to go beyond the body -- either condemning the body or having deep respect and love for the body. Awaken your body's intelligence by dropping any ideas of controlling the body from the mind.

Because humanity expects immediate results, HDH gives techniques to experience an awakening of the body's intelligence, immediately. Through this discourse, you will see how to not invite disease in your life.

Human consciousness is now defined before TV and after TV. HDH explains that when the cerebral layer formed, the body's intelligence got destroyed. How do you throw out the cerebral layer? HDH guides delegates through the Dhukka Harana meditation.

Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program || ASP Day 2

Video Audio



You are few who are courageous enough to attend the second session. Because generally first session I used to be very hard, and sword like, over sword I will talk because just I want to filter the crowd. You are the chosen few. I think considerably <<unclear>> That's enough troubles. These are the techniques used by the enlightened masters. After very straightforward way and naturally the curiosity, the curiosity mongers will drop. So now you have… all the curiosity mongers have dropped. We are seekers of truth. Now I can share anything with you all.


It will be only helpful. You see, if you have right knowledge shared with a wrong person will always produce wrong results. Right knowledge shared with a wrong person will always produce wrong results. I am very happy to see you all and sorry I ask you all to excuse Me yesterday. Yesterday I was little, what to say... like fire na... Please accept that. There is no other way to filter the crowd. Understand what I mean? You see, of course, there is nothing wrong... Whatever has happened is only a selection process.


The right knowledge, if it is given to the wrong person, it will produce only wrong results. If a knife is handed over to a child, there is every chance, every possibility of it being used in a wrong way. So, because the child has no maturity. In the same way, the Shakti has to be given to a person who has only buddhi, only has buddhi. Buddhi, the man who doesn’t have buddhii, if a shakti is handed over to them what will happen? The greatest scientist of last century, Albert Einstein, he has discovered that E=MC square. He is the man who discovered that… the greatest scientist of last century.


Right knowledge in the hands of wrong person can destroy the whole humanity. Today if you burn the whole world 700 times how much of atomic energy is needed, atomic bombs are needed, atomic weapons are needed, so much is stored...stored. Not once or twice...seven hundred times you can simply destroy the whole world. So much of atomic weapons are stored. Anybody who is master in the statistics, you can verify even…seven hundred times you can destroy the world. So much of weapon is in the Earth, stored, with different countries. Any moment world can be destroyed. What is the reason? Right knowledge in the hands of wrong person. So, that is the thing we need to filter it… filter the crowd. It should not be handed over to curiosity mongers. It should be handed over to only real seekers. Any spiritual value, anything should be handed over to a real person. So today we are going to start our...today’s subject is “Wisdom of body”, body’s intrinsic intelligence. When you see all these mysterious things which is happening in your body, you will find a big factory is running inside. You cannot say factory, the word is too small. Ah… intestine… even that word looks too small. You can say intestinal state, or some high-tech part is running. <<audio is unclear >> So many things are happening in the body. If you just think about the mysteries which is happening in your body, you will see the glory or you will be reminded of the glory of the existence. It is called, our body is called in Vedanta, Pindanda, Pindanda and the Parashakti, the existence is called Brahmanda, Cosmic universe, and the whole body is called Pindanda.


What is happening in the Universe, everything happens in your body. It is so mysterious. It is so wonder-strucking, when you try to look inside your body, when you try to have some friendship or look into your body, you will simply wonder struck. So many things are happening, intrinsic intelligent system...intrinsic intelligent system. Yesterday we all worked and spoken about the "Who am I?", the system which enquires about the "who am I ". If you've really enquired, if has become a quest in you, not a question, quest... difference between quest and question. We have all heard that and asked "who am I" just as a question. It has not become quest in us. If it had become a quest in us, we would have found deep inner experience. Of course that will take deep search.


What I want to mean, what I want to say... when you understand the mysteries of the body, when you start respecting, when you start having respect towards the body, you will find you are not the body. You will have a tremendous respect towards the body and you will find who you are. It’s a great way to know who you are. It’s, there are two path: One is just condemning the body and destroying the body and saying that I am not the body and going beyond the body. This is a hard path followed by Yogis and Tapasvis which is not approved for the normal people. And other way, start respecting your body, start having a deep respect and love to your body, you will understand that you are not the body. Normally what we do, we just use our body. We condemn our body, the body is disturbing. Body is only disturbing me. Body is only pulling me towards this... towards that; But actually we use the body for our interest. If you want to eat chilli, we use the body, and eat and enjoy. What if body says, "no, I am not able to eat ", tongue is ..., eyes are pouring, but are you leaving? No, especially Andhra people. Whatever city they go, simply they eat the whole thing... no export... nothing is sent outside.... I don't know how they eat so much of chilli. Anyhow, we enjoy using our body. Many things, whatever you enjoy you will see the body is suffering but you will not allow it. When you see the clock, it is 5 O' clock, your eyes are burning, your body says I want sleep, I want to go to rest. But do we allow? No! But next day, morning we condemn our body. “Because of the senses only I am pulled out, I'm tired, I'm wasted.“ What is happening is just opposite.

Nobody is responding. Got this idea? Please understand, so all of you understand very clearly what I mean? Generally we have opinion in our mind that senses are destroying us, body is destroying us, body is our enemy. We are taught from the young age that body is our enemy. Is it not? From very young age...No.... <<unclear>>

In many spiritual books, body is declared ... you see...the basis of spirituality.. basis of religion... ah...these idea we have, how it started... Body has to be controlled... The idea of controlling itself comes from itself comes from... you understand…


Understand, When you start loving the body, you don’t have to control. You will have a deep relationship with the body. Generally we have the idea that we should control the body. This is not true. Do you understand the idea is different? Is it not? Do you understand that idea is different? That you should control the body. That idea is different.

Participant makes a comment - not controlling the body, controlling the senses…

Oh, senses... panchendriyas... So you know the clear difference between the Pancha Indriyas part? Senses, you see, we you use the word the Panchendriyas have to be controlled. But can you find the difference between body and Panchendriya? There’s a word in your mind but in practical sense, no. In practical sense, there is no difference between Panchendriyas and body. Indriya means which is working inside the eyes. But when you control it, only you can control the eyes. You try to control the eyes. Generally, the three monkeys story... the three monkeys teaches the moral - “Don't see bad, don't hear bad, don't speak bad.” It’s only controlling body. But the deep meaning behind it is to control the Indriya's. Bu we do not know what is in Indriya, what is body. We know only one thing, that is gross body; we start controlling it.

Participant speaks


Yes, This is what I want you to see. This is what will happen if you ask...The controlling, you desire that you should control your mind .. you are trying again and again... you are trying. Afterwards you become successful. To a certain extent some system has been developed...practice... system has been developed. Through this we have become only insistent. We have controlled our truth by controlling the body. When do you want to control somebody? When do you want to control somebody? When you don’t have trust on him. When you don’t trust your worker, you control him. When we don't rely on him, he will not go astray. That time also we control him. Hmm, the control, hmm that is one system. Actually through controlling also you can attain the enlightenment...he can attain the spiritual experience, but is it too practical for the common mass, common people? For us, for us, there is two systems. Actually two system. One is through control, Yoga, the path of Yoga, controlling everything and getting into the spiritual experience. And another system: having a deep, friendly relationship with everything and entering into the system.


Ramakrishna used to say very beautifully - You can go beyond the Maya by just jumping over the Maya, by brushing aside and another one way is also there, “Oh Maya please allow me to go beyond”. By having a friendly connection and then going beyond. There are two types - the first type is almost impossible. I think there is very few people who will be able to be successful and it takes janmas after janmas...olden time technique...in the same speed of bullock cart... Because the technique is designed for bullock cart age... The technique is also in the same speed of bullock cart. Even after janmas, after janmas, you will be getting slowly control over your senses, then mind... then buddhi,,, then chitta... then ego and getting enlightened. But today is the age of jet. We have no time. And unless I give 2 day, nobody else will come. Unless I show you immediate result. Unless the technique is giving immediate result! fast solution... instant coffee... So instant meditation ... Today is the age of jet. If I give the same technique of bullock carts, nobody will come. So now we have to design the technique of jet.. in jet age jet speed techniques only can work... the jet speed technique is the thing... To understand and cooperate with your body system, so first thing drop any negativity... any idea with enmity, any idea about controlling your body from your mind... You are your body... One thing... First thing drop and see... Actually I can tell you one small story..


One sanyasi, enlightened person, was enjoying the moon on Purnima day and he is very beautifully enjoying the moon, and stars, the cool breeze, grass dancing in the air, everything he is enjoying... And there is a small hut... inside hut there was one person staying...he was just taking his rest after his food...the sanyas called that person outside, 'please come and see this star, skies, beautiful moon to enjoy'. The person told, "no, no, you are telling lie. First show me the sun... show me the moon and the stars... then I will come outside the house." The swami said, "no no, please just come outside, I will show you". "No no, you are telling lie. I can't come out. First show me, then I will come outside." Then after two minutes the sanyasi started shouting, "oh house has caught fire... house has caught fire... house has caught fire..." The person came running outside. Then when he saw the starry night, beautiful moon and the cool breeze, he forgot the idea of house has caught fire and he started telling the sanyasi, "oh, so beautiful. You told me, I did not believe. It is so beautiful. Yes, now I am enjoying." Suddenly he remembered, "You told the house has caught fire. It is not burning. You told me a lie." The sanyasi told, "Yes, I told a lie to bring you out." But how can we show without bringing the man out the starry nights?


Actually there is a thing called body intelligence. Unless you drop the negativity, you will not know. You ask how to drop the negativity without seeing the body intelligence? The same thing, do you understand what I mean? You see, You cannot, I cannot show you the stars unless you come out of the house. So if you trust this idea and justify in your life, you try in your life, you will see that tremendous body intelligence is coming. There is no need to control at all. You don’t have to control your body. Whatever is controlled, whatever is simply, whatever system, whatever method, you use it to control your body. Whatever is followed by controlling the body is not a permanent thing.


Please be very clear. If you control yourself not to drink or not to smoke, it is not a permanent thing. Any day the morality can be broken. Only it is skin deep. Any day you will be falling, broken. I am going to shout “House has got fire, house has got fire”. I am going to shout. I am going to shout two hours. After one and half hour. In meditation I am going to shout, you are going to come out. yes, that is going to happen.

Participant: Can you give us the example of what exactly is controlling the body?


There are so many things. One example I can give you. You may like to sleep at 4:30 to 6, early morning at 6 you may be loving to have a sleep at that time. You may be feeling like sleeping. But you might have read from some books that Brahma muhurta you will meditate, you will get something. You will be fantasizing at that time, I will get up and meditate and do all these things in front of my ishta devata and put one garland and you will be silently sitting. I will be transported to some other ... You will be fantasizing all these things. These are the same, equivalent to the other fantasies. You’ll be fantasizing. When you want to materialize the fantasy, when you want to materialize the fantasy, you try to get up. You keep some alarm for 4:30. When the alarm goes, you will switch it off and and sleep for ten minutes. That ten minutes sleep is a beautiful thing. Even if you don’t get the whole night sleep, you just keep the alarm and see that after the alarm you will get sleep. Even if you’ve not slept for whole night, you will be able to sleep when the alarm goes after ten minutes. So after ten minutes you will get up and try to meditate or do something. These things comes out of control, your body will not cooperate with that. But you try to control your body. This is the control. You understand what I say? Your body needs but you are not allowing. So many examples, I can give. Your body may be in need of food. But you will be busy with business. You will just be postponing the time. With hunger, with hunger you will be going. There are many things. The stomach never wants to allow more food. Only tongue wants to have more food. Stomach never wants more food. I will give you today one technique - How to find out when the stomach says no. Today you will be given meditation to awaken your body intelligence. Actually you asked the right question about controlling. The psychologists have now proved, selected two hours of sleep time.... if you are sleeping for six or seven hours... some two hours your body temperature will fall down by 2 degree. Two degrees of your body’s temperature falls down. That two hours is the only time for your sleep. All the other time you are not sleeping, you’re only dreaming and going down, and coming out. You have to find that two hours, you slept that two hours, you’re completely awake the whole day. If you have not slept that two hours, even if you sleep the whole day, you will be feeling the drowsiness. So each man's that two hours will be totally different. But when you read some spiritual rules or get some idea that early morning and meditate... If your time is that two hour, if you try to get up, then you will be failure. That's what I mean by the word controlling. We try to control our body for the sake of society in many ways... in many place, in many times. We can say that we try to control. To awaken the intelligence of the body is the first thing to do in our life. So you got clear about that Ma? What I mean?

You see, we never become slave for our stomach. We become slave for our tongue actually. When the body says, "I’m not able to eat, But tongue says no no, sorry dishes are there! Simply tongue will be swallowing it." It is better to waste outside than inside. If you waste outside only food will be wasted. If you waste inside body also will be wasted, the system also will be wasted. So how to awaken the body wisdom. What is meant by body wisdom? I will give you some more clear ideas.

Participant: At the same time you are asking not to control the body?


Yes Don’t control the tongue, don’t control the body. Only awaken the intelligence. How to do that ? That I’m going to give you now. That is the thing. Actually, by controlling no one can conquer the tongue. Anybody who has succeeded by controlling that I have conquered the tummy. If you are fasting, that day night is very sure in your dream you will see you are eating. If you are fasting... am I right? It is very sure... if you’re fasting for two, three days, even in daytime you will fantasize about foods. Am I right? Because whatever is controlled cannot be controlled. Whatever you try to control cannot be controlled. Whatever intelligence only can be standard thing. If you have understood and doing with intelligence, it will be standard thing. How to awaken the body intelligence?


See, one young boy who was smoking addicted came to me and then asked, "How to stop?" I asked, "How did you become addicted?" He was standing with his friend in one shop, road-side shop, and his friend was actually smoking. The father crossed at that time. And the father mistook that he is also smoking seeing his friend smoking. Then after when the son came back to the house the father fired left and right that I saw you smoking, all this-that way. Son tried to say, tried to prove that he has not smoken, but finally father did not listen. After this incident happened, the son got very much annoyed and he told, he told me, "Remembering father I smoked twice. Continuously I started smoking just to condemn my father." Then he became addict. Of course he only suffered. Nobody else has suffered. He only suffered. He became addict. And then...I’m giving the example of if we try to control what happens. Then he came to me and asked, "How to drop this?" He thought I will give some vows, I will give some technique. I told,"Go and smoke as deeply as possible. Go and smoke as deeply as possible." Only two conditions I told. Don’t remember your father and don’t remember you are a hero. Many people when they smoke, they don’t smoke for smoking. When they smoke, they remember they are hero. How he smokes, they try to imitate. They feel they have become matured by smoking. Children try smoking just to prove they have become matured. The young boys also try smoking just to prove they have become their heros. Mentally they have some tuning. They want to become their hero. So they try with all these things. I gave only these two advice: Don't have condemnation. Don’t have this idea. Just drop this two and go and try smoking.


Actually it happened. Literally he came, tears in his eyes and told Me after three days, "Swamiji, really I’m not able to smoke. Actually when I am conscious about when I am smoking, I see that I am not smoking for smoking. Only two reason: one is to condemn my father, another one is ...as if ..imagine as I have become the hero whom I like. Just I am imitating." When he become conscious about the facts, he says he is not able to smoke. And then one, few more words he added. Swamiji, now I am feeling how all these years I have put the smoke into my system. The system if you put little hot tea, you feel burning. But you are putting your smoke into your system. When you become conscious about what you are doing, many things drop by itself. So this type of dropping is only the permanent thing. Of course, it may take few days. Always it takes few days. If you want intelligence to get awakened it takes few days. You need to be patient till that time. That is what is called Tapasya. - the patience... the patience till the real intelligence gets awakened. Don't go for the second intelligence, second rate intelligence which is called morality. We always stand with the idea of morality. We have deep fear, if we don’t control our body what will happen? We have no trust on our body. We don’t trust on our system. That is why we are so much afraid. If I don’t control what will happen? That is why we are always worried about how to control the body, how to control the system, how to control the senses? We are in a tight...we are sitting on a volcano. We fear as if we are sitting on a volcano. Am I right? Psychologically, we are all sitting on a volcano. At least if volcano is not there, we create a volcano and sit on that just to prove that I am doing something hard. Because we have not awakened our intelligence, inner intelligence.


There’s a beautiful story, an Zen ancient Buddhist monk. I love the Zen Buddhism. One Zen enlightened master, Zen master, has come to a place, new town in Japan and he is famous all over the country; and the king has come to meet the master. And asked master, Beloved master, we feel so happy and your presence is so vibrating, you’re so radiating and things are... so many miracles are happening in your space, so many people get healed, so many people feel their wishes are bestowed, so many things are happening. How is it? What is the practice which you do? What type of meditation you do? Do you repeat Mantra? Do you do Japa? Or do you do Shirshasana? What you do. The Swami, the master replied beautifully. Very beautifully he replied, “I eat when I eat. I sleep when I sleep”. That is the sadhana I do. The king was little intelligent. Not like a third rate politician. The king is little intelligent man. He asked, “Master I don’t understand, just explain." Then the master started explaining, “When you eat, do you eat?” You can note to our life. When we eat, do we eat? All our past worries and future plans will appear only when we start eating. When you start eating, when you sit for eating, what happens, whether you read newspaper or seeing TV? That has become one habit now. Or we start worrying about the past or planning about the future. Am I right? When you eat, you think everything except eating. When you eat, you took everything except eating. Yes...

Participant asks question <<unclear>>.


Ah, Beautiful words, this two words are very beautiful. You can mark. This is the key today, the gist of the whole class today is this two words. He has told beautifully. You are not living in the present. You are not conscious about eating. These two words are the gist, key for this class. When we eat, we do everything else except eating. Am I right? For the sake of filling, not eating; for the sake of filling.

Beautifully the Upanishad says:

annam brahmeti vyajaanaat annam na nindyaat tad vratam

अन्नं ब्रह्मेति व्यजानात्। अन्नं न निन्द्यात्। तद्व्रतम्।

The commentator comments on this Sutra. He says, sutra bhashyakara, Shankara is called as bhashyakara, but there are so many bhashyakaras later on came up...The commentator says, bhashyakara says, “The food is equal to God. When you eat, if you don’t eat with respect, with chewing, with deep respect, with the remembering food, if you’re eating remembering something else, it is equivalent to throwing it in dustbin.” When you throw it in the dustbin, what happens? The same thing will happen when you throw it here. Something worse will happen. Yes, she’s right, something worse will happen. So when we eat, we don’t eat at all.


When you sleep, come to the next point. When you sleep what happens? Continuously we are dreaming. When you’re awake also you are daydreaming. When you are sleeping, you are night dreaming. These two things only happen. Not all of course The people who are successful in their business, they don’t do much daydreaming. Yes really. They’re just daydreaming. Now science has proved that people who are successful in their business; that is why the rich people come to the meditation. Rich people are more aware. Because they’re aware; the whole day when you are aware, alert, naturally you will make money. Money will flow towards you. Everything, everything will flow towards you. The possibility of becoming rich is more when you’re aware, when you’re alert. When you stop daydreaming, it means when you stop making dreams, you start living reality. When you live with the dreams, you won’t be able to live with reality. Dreams can never become true because they are dreams. They are all dreams, how can they become true? Yes.. we can compare with horses. They’ll be just running, and nobody knows who will get prize...


There is two different thing: planning and dreaming. Planning is always standard and physical, down-to-earth. Dreaming is always psychological, nothing, cannot be fulfilled. If you can earn thousand rupees, your aim will be always for one lakh. Before you come to the fifty thousand it will become two crore. So this is what I call dreaming. And the plans are not like that. Think globally, work locally. Have you heard this? Think globally, work locally. Working locally is what I call planning. Thinking globally is what I call dreaming. You understand ? Some more definition is there... Actually only you can find out the difference between these two. I can do the torch to find out, you have to find out using the torch in your day to day life. What is dreaming and what is planning? Through plans, when you plan, even if it is not successful, you need not fear, you will not feel that you are failing. You will feel that you have done something. You have achieved something. You tried your best. But with dreams, even if it is successful, you will not be happy. This is a scale. With plans, even it is failure, you will not be unhappy. With dreams, even if it is successful you will not be happy.

Participant makes a comment.

Yes, it is beautiful. What he has told is only what I want to give as conclusion. He has given it beautifully. I think we can put it, it must have been his experience. Otherwise nobody can tell with authoritative way. Really. When you don't harm and live a dharmic life, you will not feel that same business. You will not have the daydreaming problem. Really it is. But how to do it? For that only I am giving the meditation. The "how to"... everything. You see Sita was <<unclear>>... because she has not seen Sharukh Khan in TV. See, reality... don’t mistake that... I am not condemning Sita. I am not pulling down Sita. She has not been given dreams in the young age. But today we have been given so many dreams, so what he calls as moral become a difficulty.


In that time of Patanjali or Ramayana, moral life is very easy. Am I right? There are not so many temptations. There were not so many temptations. But today it is not like that. We are filled with temptation, especially the history of psychology. The consciousness history, the human beings psychological history <<unclear>>. In the ordinary human, human history is two way it is separated, before Christ and after Christ. If you write the human science history, it will be before TV, after TV. Actually the Americans have made a research, a very big research and they conclude that before TV, after TV is the way to write the psychological history of human beings. A new layer of conscious disease is formed. It is called cerebral. Will like to study more deeply. In Patanjali's time, if you ask, "Close your eyes, sit in a straight position and keep, keep the mind calm". Inevitably, you’ll be able to do because your mind is completely sensitive and not agitated, aggravated, complicated. You’ll be able to sit, immediately your mind will become calm But today, is it possible? A new layer has formed, it is called cerebral. It means enjoying without enjoying. Many of you want to dance, you won’t be able to dance, society will not allow. See the duets and get satisfied. That is the reason everywhere continuously duet songs are played. Many things we want to enjoy but you won’t be able to enjoy. Let us fulfill ourself by seeing somebody else is enjoying. Today psychological proved this cerebral... cerebral enjoyment. The layer of cerebral enjoyment entered, our mind has become complicated.


The body intelligence has been destroyed just by this cerebral layer, cerebral enjoyment. This layer is the reason it just destroyed our body intelligence. In ancient time, controlling the body would not have been such a big thing. It was very easy because the cerebral layer was not existing. Please be clear about the cerebral layer. Everyone, you are clear about cerebral layer? You see, in olden time, there is only two things: either you enjoy physically directly, you go and dance with somebody with whom you want to dance. Directly you enjoy what you enjoy or you don’t enjoy. Only these two layers. Now, the third layer is there. You are not enjoying physically but you are enjoying mentally continuously. There will be many way, you are not enjoying physically. But you are enjoying mentally, cerebrally, continuously. Even in ancient time there were few dance programs and all. At the most few of us...few minutes. But now whole day we are enjoying cerebrally through medias, newspaper, advertisement, the hoardings are also nothing but cerebral things. Yes. All advertisements, the hoardings, medias, it has become big list. All these things make a new layer of consciousness, layer in your consciousness which is called cerebral enjoyment. This layer is the layer which is the reason for destroying the body intelligence. The advertisements, how much they go deep inside your being, you don't know. There are few experiments which gives the astounding results. Even without your consciousness, without you observing the hoardings, just by flash they get in your system. They get recorded in your system and when you go to shop, you ask exactly the same drink. Even if you don’t observe the hoardings...

Participant: Brainwashing...


Ah Yes, the word, beautiful word, brainwashing. You can say, psychological washing. Much deeper. When this cerebral layer is formed, your body intelligence got completely destroyed. The cerebral layer was not existing before TV, before medias, in older days. So now human beings' mind has become more complicated. Actually the mind has become complicated. We got many plus points also. It is not that it is completely negative. There are many scientific growth. Our life has become comfortable, luxurious, very, many things like that. All these things are positive. We should not be against the science or against the growth of the life, against the medias, that is not <<unclear>> no, that is not the solution. It cannot be the solution. So, have everything, whatever the luxury, whatever the luxury the western society, the modern society gives and see when to switch off the TV and know when to switch off the TV, not only the outside TV, the inside TV also. What I mean by inside TV is the cerebral layer. You are, even if you don’t see the outside TV, you will be just remembering and enjoying many things inside. When you know how to switch off the inside TV, how to keep this out, how to keep this loads out, your body intelligence will automatically start working.


So, the story, the Japanese monk explains the story - when I eat, I eat, I don't think anything else. I don’t remember anything else. When I sleep, I sleep, I don’t do anything else. This is the master key. What is the hindrance to realise? The hindrance is the cerebral layer.


How to throw that cerebral layer out? Ah, we can call it, and the much beautiful word is coined by Buddhists - non-mindedness. The single mindedness can never be. It is very very difficult. No mindedness, it means when your thoughts disappear, your intelligence gets awakened.

A beautiful mantra, Gayatri: The meaning of the Gayatri is the same thing:

ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः। तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं। भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ Prachodayāt

The running translation of this mantra: Let us meditate, let us contemplate on the consciousness which awakens and the energy which awakens our Buddhi, our Dhi, our intelligence. Let the same energy help us to meditate upon that. This is the running translation of the mantra. When your mind is not working, when your mind is switched off, your intelligence starts working, the no-mindedness.


Ah yes, you can use the word silence. It is better to use the word Mouna. Even the silence is not so...clearly. Silence is the word which has become a negative, no soundedness, but the word Mouna is something positive, something more expressive. Yes, the word silence is <<unclear>>, you can call it silence.

When you know how to be no-minded, your body intelligence starts getting awakened. When your body intelligence is awakened, there is no need for Me. It means there is no need for <<unclear>>. You will heal yourself. Not only you will heal yourself, you will see the disease is not appearing. See, when some daydreams gets awakened in you, when some dreams enter in your chit, when some desires enter into your being, when that cerebral layer gets awakened, when you get some fantasies, immediately you become unease with your body. Is it not? You become unease with yourself. You are not at ease with yourself. When some desire is awakened, have you observed? When some deep desires like kama, krodha, or anger, or kopa, when they gets awakened in you, what do you feel? You feel some uneasiness. Restless, hmm...right word, restless, uneasiness. When you are not at ease with yourself, you are dis-eased. Disease comes. When you are not at ease with your being, yourself, you are dis-eased. Naturally disease descends on you. No disease is an uninvited guest. All your diseases, you go to his house and call him, please come and visit my house, visit my body, then he says, "No, no, no I have already so many appointments. I won’t be able to come." You say, "No, no, no, please come, I want you urgently." Then also he refuses. After coming back to your home, you send a telegram, you write letter, you send a fax, you ring up to him, then also if he misses, then you send somebody and bring him with hands. This is the way we get the diseases. But when the guest comes, we think, we forget whatever the way and means we used to bring it and we ask, "why did you come?" This is what happens when we get a disease also. Actually this is what happens. Because disease are very good people, they don’t visit all the people. There are so many engagements. They don't go to all. But we don’t leave them. Only we forget after we invite how we invited.

Participant comments


We don’t invite consciously. We don't invite any disease consciously. Who will invite the disease consciously? But unconsciously. We don’t know that we’re inviting the diseases. When we become unease with our being, we become diseased. So when your body intelligence starts, starts awakening, you will not see the diseases entering in you.


There’s a beautiful stotra sung by Ramana Maharshi

ஐம்புலக் கள்வர் அகத்தினில் புகும்போது அகத்தில் இலையோ அருணாசலா !

He asks the Shiva, "When the five senses, the thieves of five senses entered in my mind, O' Shiva, you’re not in the house, what happened?" So, in the same way, when these outer desires, when they enter in our being, if the atman, if the buddhi, if the intelligence within us, if he is sleeping, they enter. When we are unconscious we invite those diseases and allow them inside. Actually none of us invite any diseases. Only we invite unconsciously. We make arrangements and we do everything and bring them inside.


Children, in children, only conscious is not working but unconscious is working. That is why they’re able to as soon as they take birth, within two days they will be able to drink milk, they’re able to digest. The unconscious system is working. Instinct portions are working. So, those things are inviting disease. So, now what we are, we are supposed to do is... how to be; how to be very clear about the unconscious instincts? You see... when you bring the past vasana... immediately the past janma comes. I don’t want to bring the big subject inside. Actually the past janma is unproved. Still nobody has proved. I don’t want to say here in TV say anything which is unproved. Of course, if you ask Me whether the past janma is there, I will say yes, because it is My experience. From My authority I tell you there is a past janma and there is going to be future janmas. It's My experience but what to do? It’s a poor thing I cannot prove it.


Participant: What about mukti?

Mukti... when you get enlightened, when you get a spiritual elevation, you’ll be enlightened. After enlightenment, there won't be any births. So these things I can tell you from My authority only. I cannot prove it. So, that is why I’m not bringing the past karma. Even if what you say is the Truth but it’s not fact. Moksha...that is what I call enlightenment. So when you say the word - "the past karma", it is Truth but not fact. Fact has to be proved. Truth cannot be proved. Truth is something more than which can be proved. So what you said is true but I cannot say it as a fact because I won’t be able to prove it.


We can say the instincts. Instincts are truth. The word instinct is truth. It is a basic instinct. That is why child's also invite the diseases. So now we are going to see how not to invite the disease. When your body intelligence gets awakened, you will not invite the diseases, you will not allow the diseases to come in. If you don’t invite at all, they will not come at all. If you don't invite, surely, I am sure they will not come. I know all types of diseases. You may be knowing only only one or two diseases which you have. Word instinct is truth. It is a basic instinct. That is why child also invite the diseases. So now we are going to see how not to invite the disease. When your body intelligence gets awakened, you will not invite the diseases. You will not allow the diseases to come in. If you don't invite at all, they will not come at all. If you don't invite, surely, I am sure that they will not come. I know all types of diseases. You may be knowing only one or two diseases which you have. I know all types of diseases because I see many patients. Diseases are very good people. Really I tell you from My authority. Diseases are really very good people. They never come without getting invited. Without having invitation, they never visit. So if you stop inviting, naturally they will stop visiting. If you stop inviting, that will be enough, they will stop visiting. How to drop the dis-easeness from you? How to stop the dis-easeness in you? Is a thing which we are going to see. The meditation which will help you to drop the layer of cerebral enjoyment, the cerebral layer, the cerebral layer is the thing which is called disease. It’s a new type of layer. It is formed in course of human being.


What is this cerebral layer? Yes, the word subconscious is right. What is subconscious? What is meant by we are not conscious about? Alright I’ll explain. You are going in a Maruti car. When you stop at the signal, one <<unclear>> comes and stands behind you. Without your knowledge a deep thought comes, a deep desire comes for <<unclear>>. And immediately you suppress it. No you won’t be able to have. Immediately you suppress it. That is next event. But the thing which happens at that moment - the desire comes and you suppress it, that is what is called subconscious. There are many examples we can give. Am I right with these examples?

One thing you cannot grab it. That is sure. I’m going to tell you how to drop the desire. Not how to press the desire. All these days you know how to press the desire. All these days you were doing how to press the desire. You are doing suppression, repression. Now I’m going to give you the technique to drop it. What is to be done? Neither expression, of going and grabbing it, going and catching it. Or suppressing it, or keeping it inside. The thing which is to be done is dropping it. If you get the car, there is no need for suppressing. When you get the <<unclear>>, your mind will go to Rolls Royce. That is what will happen. When you get a <<unclear>>, when you catch that steering of <<unclear>> I will assure you will want the Rolls Royce. Benz or Rolls Royce. Anything. When you catch the Benz, you will be thinking of Rolls Royce. Am I right? Yes, that is true, that is true. The same energy, if it is going outside, outwardly, it is called kama, expression, having the thing which you want. If it is stopped, if it is not allowed, it becomes a kopa, it becomes anger towards somebody else or towards ourself. If that becomes a <<unclear>> towards the man who is having the <<unclear>>, it is called jealousy. If it is towards you, “I won’t be able to have the <<unclear>>, what type of life I will be living, I should do something... inferiority complex... Many ways it gets turned. When it is towards you, when it is repressed, it is called repression. Expression and repression, both are going to disturb you. The way not to get disturbed, the way to live is drop. How to drop? Is going to be this meditation technique. Are we clear about the idea - expression, suppression, dropping. Dropping is what is called meditation. What is subconscious? Now, we are going there...What is subconscious?


Subconscious is nothing but the suppressed desires, suppressed emotions, suppressed anger, suppressed lust, all these are collectively called with the word subconscious. In your office your boss is scolding , immediately what happens? You also get affected. Basically, we are nothing more than monkey, we are nothing more than animal, are we? Basically, we are nothing more than animal. If a monkey shouts at another one monkey, if a monkey tries to attack another one monkey, the other monkey also gets angry and reacts. Things are equated, things are over. If a man gets anger and shouts at us, we are also according to the physical system, equal to animal. When somebody shouts, the same thing happens in us also. We also get the same anger. And now science has proved when you get angry a chemical is produced in your blood and released throughout your body. Anybody, doctors... anybody doctors... anybody <<unclear>> am I right? Some chemicals are produced in our body and it gets mixed to the blood and it's released. The energy to attack the man already produced. But you won't be able to attack because it's your boss. If you attack, you will lose your job. There are many side effects. When you are not able to express you suppress it. Then what will happen to the chemical which produced, what will happen to that energy? It gets frozen. If the river...if the water is allowed to flow it will become a river and helping thousands and thousands of people. If the same water is not allowed to flow and made into a pond it will get drained, not only that it will get all sorts of dirty, and get collected with all dirtiness and starts giving bad smell. In the same way, if the energy is not allowed to flow in its own course, when it is stopped, suppressed, the same energy gets frozen and started giving a bad smell in our being.


That is the bad smell. When you... you can smell this when you go to house, when you come back from office, when you come to the house, you throw the file on the sofa set or bang the door, at that time you can smell this. What I mean by subconscious. You can smell this subconscious in your activities. Am I right? Or when you shout at your wife or husband, when you shout at them, you can smell the subconscious which is in you.


Ah...yes...no good mood. So, anybody has got experience sharing? Share your experience…

Yes, the body will go to the house and scold the mother. The mother will scold the husband. The husband will go and scold somebody else. The continuous chain of reactions, continuously happening... is what is happening in the world. Somewhere we have to release it. So, here I’m going to give you the technique to release in the air. When you release in the akasha, akasha will not go and scold anybody, air will not go and scold anybody. So now we are going to have technique to release all of our repressions into air, into space. Whatever way you call it... space, air, ether, akasha, any name. If we express it on somebody, the chain of karma will be continuing. If you express it, if you suppress it on yourself you will become insensitive, dull, dead. How long you can suppress? Yes, stored in subconsciousness and the subconscious is overburdened. Our whole being is destroyed. I mean all repressions are stored in subconscious. That is why even the ...I have to say it openly...when you control yourself, not to see some women, or when some women controls herself not to see some man particularly. She will see that exact man in the dream. Am I right? And how much you suppress, so many times you will see. If you want to see continuously in dreams please suppress. Really, so whatever you won’t be able to fulfill in the nanau, in awakened state, you fulfill it in dream state.

Ah... yes... that is also one thing... out of anger you don't want to remember him. When his mind comes up, you’ll simply push him down. But in dreams exactly he will be appearing and giving darshan of guru!


There’s a beautiful story. One person wants to have some siddhis, some magic power; bringing some vibhuti, brining some kumkum... some magic powers. He went to a Himalayan Guru, a spiritual master and started asking, “Swami, please teach me, that I want to have some miracles." The Swami told, "No no, you go for meditation, don't go for all these miracles. These things will not help you in life. You will not be able to grow. GO for meditation." That person told, "No, no, no, I want only miracles. I don't want meditation. Who will close eyes and sit. I want only miracles." Even that Swami is not able to convince him. He told, "Alright". He gave one bottle of medicine and told, "Go and drink this medicine three times per day. Only one condition don't remember monkey and drink." Then immediately that person asks the question, "If I remember. You see if you had not told that..." If he has not told - don't remember monkey, he would not have remembered monkey. Who remembers monkey? Everyday do we remember monkey? Even Anjaneya bhaktas don;t remember everyday monkey. Even Anjaneya bhaktas forget monkey. You see if you want to remember, you will forget. Just try to forget, you will remember. That has become a mind. You see, even Anjaneya bhaktas don't remember. But when the master told, immediately he questioned, "If I remember what should I do?"

"Alright take once bath and then drink." What will happen? He came and took the medicine and thought, "Oh, I should not remember monkey." Immediately he remembered that he has remembered the monkey and went and took bath. And came and picked up the bottle. What would have happened? Then after one hour, when he went to take bath, the whole bathroom is filled with monkeys! Really, when you suppress something, you will feel this. He has become so tense and disturbed. He took the medicine back and told the swami, "Please take your medicine and along with the medicine take the monkeys also! I won’t be able to manage these monkeys. I’m already filled with these monkeys. Please take away these monkeys." So this is the exact, this is the same thing exactly happening in our life. So the same thing. When you don’t want to remember somebody, when you want to forget somebody, you will see the person exactly in your dreams. The subconscious is working. They call it unconscious also. There is subtle difference between unconscious and subconscious.


Of course, that we can see when you see about chakras. So how to drop that subconscious? What is meant by subconscious now we saw. Repressed desires and repressed... what to say, lust, repressed anger, unfulfilled... that is also a right word, yes... that is a very beautiful word... yes... unfulfilled. But there are few things, even after fulfilment, it gets as a desire, as a storage, but when you really get the fulfilment, you don’t store the seed also, but we never get real fulfilment, any desire, we don't get fully into anything... If we get into anything fully, we will be out - IN the way for OUT. If you get in, you will come out. But we never get in fully. We never get involved completely. We always have some reservations. In anything. So unfulfilled desires, the right word. It has become a frozen thing in our body. So, now we are going to have a technique which is Dukkha Harana Dhyanam which will heal our dhukka, which will destroy our sorrows. All our sorrows are nothing but the subconscious, nothing but this cerebral layer. This is the layer which disturbs our physical health, mental health, spiritual health. All the well being; all these three well being is disturbed only by this subconscious layer. When the subconscious comes, you get irritated, you’re continuously angry. When you start suppressing the anger, you will see your whole day unhappy. In every activity you will be angry. When a child comes you will scold. There will be so many lotus blooming. Unconscious you will be plucking that leaves and just not only throwing and just making like this. Have you observed? Have you done it? Paper... paper ...beautiful thing... You just tear it and do something. Even if paper is not there, sitting chair, you will simply drag somewhere. When wife comes and keeps the tumbler of water, if little bit of sound is there, tak, even that much sound is enough you <<unclear>> These things are all part of subconscious. You are filled bubbling with anger, bubbling with lust, you are afraid to see even the women's calendar, you are afraid to see even man's calendar. You try to avoid. Am I right? Many times it happens. Ah Yes.. Food repression. The people who are fasting... Ah yes biting the nails is also one type of repression. You see, actually, nails under mouth, they are very closely related. All the animals, to kill others the nails are the instruments. Nails are the things... weapons... and the nails and the mouth is closely connected. When you bite the nails, you are doing the same thing when the lion attacks the deer. What happens... The same thing happens in miniature level. That happens in a expressed way. This happens in a suppression way. When the lion attacks the deer, weapons are used to disturb others, to disturb the other person. It is used expressively. The same thing happens when you bite the nails, the same anger is used in a suppressing way towards yourself. Unconsciously the result is the same. When a lion attacks a deer and when you bite the nails. Both of them are the same. It is expressing, this is suppressing. That is the only difference.


Expressing is little more dangerous than suppressing. So this meditation is called Dukkha Harana. This is basically from a Tantra, from Vijnana Bhairava Tantra this meditation is designed. This is especially designed for a modern man to throw out this mind, throw out the subconsciousness, throw out this repressed things. It's a thirty minute meditation. First ten minutes... is a three part thirty minutes meditation. We cannot call it as a meditation. We can call it as meditation technique. Even the word meditation is somehow associated with seriousness. When you listen the word meditation, many people run away. Am I right? Many people run away just by listening the word meditation. If you ask them to run around the Sannidhi of our temple eleven times eleven days they will do it happily. They will even bring some ten liters of milk and pour on the Shani devar and round the temple. Of course it is not wrong, I am not criticizing it. They will be happy to do outer things but afraid to do inner things. Why? If you look in - the Pandora box is there. IF the Pandora box gets opened, what will happen! She has asked very rightly, beautifully. She asked the question: if you don't control what will happen? See, the very question resonates the fear. IF we don't control, if we open the Pandora box what will happen... All will come out. We are all afraid of this Pandora box. That is why we never sit for meditation. We never think about meditation. When we listen the word meditation, we try to fly, try to take off. So, the word meditation also is little bit too serious. That is the thing, I wanted to give some more clarity about meditation. Come up with questions about meditation. Frequently ask questions about meditation. Anybody has any questions? Any clarifications? Why should we meditate - right word. To throw out the subconscious. That's the reason.

What time? This technique you have to do morning as soon as you get up. You can wash yourself and you can do it. Morning as soon as you get up. I don't want to specify the time because I say don't force yourself to get up. Tomorrow we are going to talk about the sleep. That time I will tell you. Tomorrow I will elaborate few more ideas about food and sleep. How to... individual ideas, concentrated ideas to awaken the intelligence of your body connected to your food and sleep. Nothing is wrong. You can just sleep, when you finish the sleep, then you can meditate. Yes, you can practice both. There is no, because this technique is designed in such a way the modern man must have had some other practices. You can continue both. There will be side effects. And when you feel like that system helps you more, you can drop this system. If you feel this system helps you more you can drop that system. And there is no comparison. Don't compare with any other system. There are many systems which will help, which is designed for many kinds of people. So if this system helps you more you can drop that. If that helps you more, you can drop this. If both are, if you feel both are helping you, continue both. Nothing wrong. And if you drop this system also, you won't have side effects. That I assure you. If you drop my system you will not be having any side effect. If you drop the other system, I don't know, you have to enquire them. Yes, go and conduct any things. Go and conduct any things. Everything is decided. Even the beautiful Vedanta says, the <<unclear>> worship the tribal's do, even that has got some value in it. Don't <<unclear>> that, he says. He goes to such a extreme and he says, "Don't condemn even the <<unclear>>, so you should never condemn it. So, any other question?

Ah, you see actually, whatever we have the idea that meditation is only for the people who has finished their, who have lived their life, a spiritual person. I say - if you don't meditate I assure you you will not remain, you will not be able to remain without getting mad. Write these words. In this modern society if you want to be mentally alright, if you want to be not becoming mad, if you don't want to become mad, you have to meditate, there's no other way. Meditation has become a basic need. It was a luxury at one time. Now we are enough disturbed. It has become a basic need. This meditation technique, that's why I sue the word meditation technique, now which I am going to give is nothing to do with direct spirituality. It has, this technique will give you , will help you to drop the desires. No. Suppression and expression is totally different thing. Dropping is totally different thing. You will not feel the desire back again later also. When you have dropped your thoughts though this meditation technique, you will not see that things are again coming up. Ah yes, now the meditation technique which I am going to give, the technique which I am going to give is, this meditation is nothing but unburdening of suppressions. You can write - unburdening of suppressions. Yes, there are next techniques which will be given to you later on. Actually, when the unsanity which is inside you, that is brought out, naturally same thing will bloom, will flower in you. You don't have to fear same thing. You don't have to create peace in you. You don't have to create spirituality in you. You just throw out the subconscious, spirituality will flower automatically in your being. Of course, there are meditation techniques for that. But now, today what I am going to give you, today what I am going to make you do is a meditation technique which will help you to unburden the suppression which will make your body intelligence work. You asked a right question for which I cannot answer. Now you have won <<unclear>> Actually, I can say the qualities of spirituality, I cannot say what is exactly spirituality. I can say the quality of spirituality is Ananda - Nithyananda, Ever Blissful. And full of intelligence. And full of love towards yours being. Your whole being will become love. With all this quality and plus something more is called spirituality. I cannot exactly define the spirituality. I can define the spiritual qualities. If you become spiritual all these qualities will radiate around you. An extraordinary love energy, an extraordinary bliss energy, an extraordinary spiritual energy, an extraordinary healing energy will radiate around you, plus something more is called spirituality. The plus something more cannot be explained. The E=MC square, that expression, there will only be one infinity. One infinity will be there in that sutra which cannot be explained, which cannot be <<unclear>>. In that expression there will the infinity, there will be infinity related in the Sutras which, which cannot be explained, which cannot be <<unclear>>. The same way in spirituality also there is something more which cannot be explained. Experience, yes, right word, which can only be experienced, which cannot be expressed. But the qualities you can understand. These qualities will be radiating. When you go for meditation, when you deeply had one, at least one experience of meditation, you will see all these things are radiating around you. All these things are happening to you - is what is called as Spirituality. So, now we will go for the technique. The first ten minutes there is a music which will encourage you through the meditation technique, there is encouraging music which will change by itself every ten minutes. You don't have to see the clock. This is thirty minutes technique, three part. Each consists of ten minutes. The first ten minutes we are going to work with breathing. We are going to do deep breathing and chaotically breathing. I will just show, I will do it and show you. Because when the body intelligence is awakened, the body will take how much of oxygen is needed when you deep breathe. There is no need for controlling your breathing. There is no need for holding your breathing. It is not Pranayama. Please be very clear. It is not at all Pranayama. You are supposed to breathe as deeply as possible, as chaotically as possible upto navel. Upto navel. Become breathing. Not that up to navel. Forget your whole being. Forget your whole body. Just become breathing. In that ten minutes. First ten minutes of deep chaotic breathing. And then... no... as deeply as possible breathe in... as deeply as possible breathe out. And people who has got the problem with heart, do it as much as you can. Don’t overdo it. But other people, put your whole energy and do it. The ten minutes standing and deep breathing. In these ten minutes, all your frozen energies in your body will stop melting. All the frozen negative energy, it is stored in your nerve system will start getting melted. The heat will melt all the repressed emotions. Your subconscious will be completely opened. The next ten minutes is called Catharsis. You are supposed to open the sealed bottle which is in your being. Just make your body as tense as possible everywhere in a chaotic way. Just throw your legs, throw your hands, round your head, whatever you want to do, whatever body wants to allow it to do but wildly. That is the only word underlined. Do it wildly. Just make your teeth tense. Make your eyes tense, make your hands tense, make your legs tense, make whatever body part you feel, make it tense, as tense as possible and relax. I’ll show it, do it and show you.


Have you understood? The first ten minutes deep chaotic breathing, next ten minutes just pouring out all your dukhas. If you feel like crying, just cry, if you feel like screaming, scream, if you feel like rolling your head just roll, allow complete independence these ten minutes, no controlling of body for ten minutes. Only one rule don't disturb the next person. Don’t disturb others. That is only rule. You are supposed to throw all the insanity. Become a man. In one word I tell you - become man. Because already we are mad inside, am I right? Already we are mad inside. You just take one paper, today you go and do it in your home, homework. Today this is the homework for you all. You all will take one paper and sit in your place. And allow the mind to think. Even if you, just if you sit, within one or two minutes you will forget everything and start having your dreams, your thoughts. When you remember, just start writing what you thought. Then keep the pen alone. Again after two three seconds you will forget and your mind will start wandering. And again when you remember, write it out. If you write one page you will see what big mad house is running in yourself. You are running a big asylum in your being. Suddenly you will see that you have gone to Delhi. After two minutes suddenly you will be in Bangalore. And suddenly you will be in your shop looking after business. And immediately you will remember that your wife has not kept water in your bedroom. So your thoughts are completely unrelated and unarranged, jumping from here to there, there to here, here to there.


Beautiful example given by Vivekananda, what is mind. He answers. If a monkey, monkey is enough example to express the mind. He says if a monkey drinks alcohol, intoxicated, what will happen? And not only that a scorpion bites it, then... and ghost enters, what will be the condition of the monkey? Our mind is actually equal to that. Much similar to our mind, he has told rightly. That is what is our mind. So, just bring out the madness, act out the madness. This is the right word, act out. Now there is a big technique in the west, psychodrama which they call it. If you want to beat somebody, they will give you one pillow, and you have to do prana pratishta of that person in the pillow. Just as you do prana pratishta in temple, "Aum Ramakrishna Devataya Namaha Iha Gaccha Iha Gaccha", you do prana prathishta, let Ramakrishna be here. Just like that, remember your enemy and do prana pratishta in that pillow. And beat that pillow nicely. They say really, the psychologists have discovered. They say really the person gets out of the anger. The anger is simply vanished. Th psychodrama, throwing out your feelings into the air. Throwing out your feelings into the air, dropping your feelings into the air. IF you beat somebody directly what will happen? The chain of karma will be continued. He will beat you, you will beat him, then it will be continuing. If you keep it inside it will become suppression and diseased. Either you disturb others or you disturb yourself. Now this is the technique, neither to disturb them nor to disturb you. Just throw it out. After all the repressed anger, just make your body make faces. All of you will be given headbands. So, nobody will be able to see each other. So you have the complete freedom, full freedom to do whatever you want. That ten minutes just bring out everything. Don;t have any shame, any culture, anything. You have had enough of all these things. Just keep your, what to say, mask, just keep the mask out. And bring the violent figure outside. You will become really a <unclear>>. You see when the violent person also, the shanta, the ananda, silence will start blooming in you automatically, then without your knowledge, from a deep inner consciousness you will be in deep silence and <<unclear>>. So, when the twenty minutes ends, tape recorder will say "Stop". Immediately stop as you are. If you are standing like this, stop as is. Just become a frozen idol, frozen idol. Just become ice statue. Why I say... from hotpoint if you come to a deep cold frozen point, in between mind will stop working. You will be having the experience of Samadhi or meditation. There is every possibility and especially in the master's presence, when your mind stops working immediately energy rushes into you. Actually, you are all made to listen not for listening. I have nothing to tell you, I have nothing to give you, if you are able to feel the energy directly I can communicate, I can give you more in silence than talking. Actually, I can give you, I can help you more in silence than talking.

Why I am talking? If I don't talk you will start talking with yourself. If I ask all of you to sit silently in My presence what will happen? After two seconds you will start talking to yourself. So, to stop your chattering I am talking. When you give a little gap, when you stop little chattering immediately My energy will rush in you, My presence will be able to rush in you. So that gap, when you stop, when you say stop, really Stop. When you stop immediately there is every chance in that gap you will see that something is happening, some new light is entering into you. After one minute or two minute you will start seeing that thoughts are slowly coming up. So, no problem, just sit down as you are where you are. Sit down and the last portion of the meditation, that ten minutes, you just sit in a relaxed way and pleasing mood, with a pleasing mood. So, if you remember somebody, just remember whom you love. Remember somebody you are pleased, just remember them. He may be God, He may be a Guru, He may be your Devata, or he may be your friend, he may be your relative, he may be your wife, most probably will not be your wife and husband! It happens so... the wife and husband...maybe... alright. Anyway, whoever feels pleasing just remember them. Or you can be as you are without even remembering. You can just be sitting in a pleasing mood. And witness all your thoughts. Don't condemn your mind. Don't condemn your thoughts. Don't concentrate on anybody. Concentration has nothing to do with meditation. Concentration is not meditation. Meditation is awareness.

So just be aware of your thoughts, whatever thoughts comes, thoughts goes, just allow it. So, do you understand that clearly? First ten minutes deep chaotic breathing, standing whatever way the body goes, allow it, and next ten minutes deep catharsis, acting it out. When catharsis stops, stop and the other ten minutes when you, when slowly the thoughts started coming, just sit in a relaxed way and pleasing mood, whatever happens inside your body and outside your body, just witness it by closing the eyes. Don’t try to force silence in the house when you meditate. There are few people, if they start meditating, they will torture the whole house. You keep silent, you keep silent, they will be taking out and keep the telephone and giving big-big commands to the people I am going to meditate. Before they go to meditate, they will make a big poster and then only they will go to meditate. Don’t do that. Whatever happens outside, let it happen, don’t feel anything as disturbance. Don’t try to torture anybody in the name of meditation.


Stand like this... and have a free clothing. The body moves, allow it to move. Some persons, some people, if you do like this, it will be easy for you, allow it. No problem. The way in which body moves allow it. You may have heard the similar type of techniques from some other school, don’t bother. Don’t compare, don’t mix it up.

Just be, you remember your enemy, just give beat. Then you can sit in a happy way, relaxed way. No problem. If you don't have anything, just sit in a relaxed way, no problem, that is not, there is no compulsion that you have to express. If everything is gone, sit simply, but see don’t work, don’t cheat yourself, be very careful. Many people try to cheat ourself.

Participant: What about mamakara? I don't have dvesha, but I have mamakara. What you have to do for...

Actually, mamakara, dvesha, only in word they are different. In intrinsic way, they are one and the same. If you see in the deep mind, when you deeply breathe, these differences you will understand. That is why the verbal...when I say verbally... you question mamakara, dvesha, all these words. When you breathe ten minutes all the anger will come out. You will simply bubble up. You will not be able to control yourself, you will simply be and things will come out. Don't use the words, use the screaming sounds. Ooh, aah.. ooh... like this... Don’t use words, your mind will come in. Don't allow the mind to come in. When you hear about this technique, you did not feel like a - what is this? This Swami is teaching us to become mad. When you do this technique, you will see you will be tremendously benefitted when you do this technique. If you want to justify scientifically, all of you go today and have one passport size photograph taken. Fifteen days do this technique. Fifteenth day you take a passport size photograph. You will see your face has completely become flowered. In fifteen days I assure you. I assure you in fifteen day, your face will completely get changed. You will see that your face, your eyes, have become pleasing. Your face has flowered. You will see a tremendous difference in your face. So you can see it in a visible way.

Participant: After fifteen days you will get filtered water

Ah yes, yes, rightly he told. You will get the filter water. So this meditation technique now you are going to start. Just I will show you one or two things. So, for breathing use this, for tense do whatsoever you like. There is no need of steps. Simply do what you want. That is the thing. I think there is no need for step. If we show something, you will be following the same thing. Don't do according to it, do according to you. So the second step do whatsoever way you want. Feel that, whatever you feel do it. You see, there is no "must" in this. Breathe according to you. No problem, just do it as you like. Allow the breathing to happen. That’s all. Body will take its own posture. You don't have to design any separate posture. Anything? Second ten minutes no need for breathing. Let it be normal. Ok, anything else? Thank you, carry this silence with you and sleep as soon as you go, just as early as possible go to rest. You will feel a deep sleep and full awakeness.




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