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KAILASA cordially invites you to participate in the Pattabhishekam ( coronation ceremony ) of Devi Meenakshi today, live from Adi KAILASA Nithyananda Sarvajna Peetham, Bidadi, Bengaluru, under the grace of the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam, Who embodies the very biomemory of Meenakshi Devi, and Who presides the Madurai Adheenam ( monastery ) as the current pontiff ( Jagad Guru Mahasannidhanam )
KAILASA cordially invites you to participate in the Pattabhishekam ( coronation ceremony ) of Devi Meenakshi today, live from Adi KAILASA Nithyananda Sarvajna Peetham, Bidadi, Bengaluru, under the grace of the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam, Who embodies the very biomemory of Meenakshi Devi, and Who presides the Madurai Adheenam ( monastery ) as the current pontiff ( Jagad Guru Mahasannidhanam )
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===Where is the soul residing in our body?===
===Where is the soul residing in our body?===

Latest revision as of 15:12, 1 October 2022





Blessings from KAILASA on the auspicious occasion of Guru Peyarchi

Blessings from KAILASA on the auspicious occasion of Guru Peyarchi ( 13.04.2022 ).

May this transition bestow you with the paramount protection from Guru. May this transition bestow the best cognitions to keep you aligned to the path of Guru, to the vak of Guru.

My blessings to everyone.



The happening of Devi Meenakshi is elaborated in the Skanda Mahapurana, Agastya Samhita, Halasya Mahatmyam. The greatness of the city of Madurai is explained in detail in the Halasyamahatmyeam.

By listening to the story of Devi Meenakshi, and by contemplating the happenings of Her life, we are raised to the space and glory in which Devi Meenakshi Herself lived.

Quoting Skanda Purana:
purā gandharvarājasya kanyā viśvāvasorabhūt।
nāmnā vidyāvatī kanyā gītenākhilamohinī॥51
bālyevayasi vairāgyaṃ devībhaktimavāpya ca।-- bhasmoddhulita vigrahā॥52

The Gandharva king named Vishvavasu had a daughter named Vidyavati. Vidyavati from her childhood had grown up to be a staunch devotee of Devi Paramashakti. Giving up the use of various scents she used to apply the bhasma, the sacred ash. Rather than wearing golden ornaments like a princess, she would wear rudraksha.

dadhāti sumahatprītyā dhyātvā hṛdayapaṅkaje।
aharniśaṃ pūjayati pārvatīmeva bhaktitaḥ॥54
mūlavidyāṃ ca japati prastauti stutibhissadā।
devīparāyaṇā bhūtvā pitaraṃ jñānināṃ varam॥55
She worshipped Devi Paramashivashakti with her whole heart, day and night chanting Her mula mantra dwelling in Her glories and praise. Vidyavati asks her father king Vishvavasu "I am so devoted to Devi Parashakti, where can I see her and receive her blessings physically?"

King Vishvavasu answers,
śrī hālāsye mahākṣetre mahātīrthasya tīrake।
divye harmye parā śaktiḥ paripūrṇa parātparā॥63
anādyantā jaganmātā saccidānanda rūpiṇī।
smṛtamātreṇa pāpaghnī sarveśvarya pradāyinī॥64
In the sacred land of Sri Haalaasyanatha, Somasundaresvara . There is this Devi Parashakti, who doesn’t have a beginning, nor an end. She is the cosmic mother herself and the embodiment of the Satchitananda, The Pure Consciousness.

smṛtamātreṇa pāpaghnī

the moment you remember this Devi Meenakshi, She removes all the bad karma, all the negativities, all the sin.

sarvaiśvarya pradāyinī॥64

Not only removing the bad karma and the negativities in life, She showers with immense prosperity.

devī sā karuṇā mūrtiḥ

that Devi Paramashivashakti of Madurai, she’s extremely compassionate.

manojñā śapharākṣī ca mahādevī manonmaṇiḥ॥

She is the consort, patni of Somasundareshwara swami himself, Paramashiva himself.

sadā karoti sānnidhyaṃ bhaktānāṃ iṣṭasiddhaye

For showering the blessing on all the devotees, She makes her presence intensely available to all the devotees

devī pīṭhānyanekāni santi lokatrayeṣu ca॥

that Devi Paramashivashakti is being explained, Her form.

śyamalāṃ dvibhujāṃ devīṃ dvinetrāṃ sarvamaṅgalām।
dadhatīṃ pullakalhāraṃ makaranda pariplutam॥73
raktavastradharāṃ divya gandhamālyairalaṅkṛtām।
antaryajñavidhānenapratyahaṃ paripūjya ca॥77
After having heard about of this Devi Paramashivashakti Meenakshi, Who is gracing the city of Madurai, Haaalasyanatha Swami’s kshetra, Vidyawati, the daughter of the Gandharva raja, Vishwavasu, goes to the kshetra of Madurai and worships this Devi who is dark in complexion, has 2 hands, has 2 eyes, who’s the embodiment of all the auspiciousness. She holds the flower in her hand, She is adorned with red coloured clothes.


She wears Divine garlands.

This vidyavati, everyday worships Devi Meenakshi in the haalasyanatha Kshetra in Madurai.

atha trayodaśe māsi

For 13 months, vidyavati worships Devi Meenakshi in Madurai.

atha trayodaśe māsi pratyuṣe nirmalāśayā।
hemapadmākare snātvā sumīnākṣyāśca sannidhim॥85
yāvadāyati sā kanya tāvaddevī dayāvatī।
trivarṣarūpiṇī bālā mandasmitasumanoharā॥ 86
kalhārakanīyena pāṇinā pariśobhita।
śyamalā komalatanuḥ śrī hālāsyeśvarī śivā॥87
ākarṇa pūrṇa nayanā sarvābharaṇabhūṣitā।
pītāmbaradharā pītagandhapuṣpairalaṅkṛtā॥88
varaṃ brūhi varaṃ brūhi ityevaṃ sambhaṣya cā sakṛt।
garbhagehāttu nirgatya raṅgamaṇtapamāyayau॥89

That Devi Parashakti, Who is dark in complexion and adorned with all the jewels and Who is the embodiment of all the auspiciousness, wearing yellow coloured clothes, having applied the sandalwood paste on her body, that Devi Paramashivashakti comes out of the garbhagriha, sanctum sanctorum of Meenakshi temple in Madurai, asking for the boon Vidyavati wants

vidyāvatī vilokyāya dṛgānandakarīṃ śivām।
sāṣtāṅgaṃ praṇipatyāśu stutiṃ cakre subhaktitaḥ॥90
Devi Meenakshi appears. How does She appear? let us see..
Vidyavati starts rendering the stotra to Devi.
yā devī jagatāṃ kartrī śaṅkarasyāpi śaṅkarī
namstasyai sumīnakṣyai devyai maṅgalamūrtaye॥91॥
She starts worshipping Her through various hymns.
sakṛdārādhya yāṃ sarvaṃ abhīṣṭaṃ labhate janaḥ।
namstasyai sumīnakṣyai devyai maṅgalamūrtaye॥102
She continues to extol Devi Meenakshi with many hymns.
carācaraṃ jagatsarvaṃ yasyā pādasamudbhavam।
namastasyai sumīnakṣyai devyai maṅgalamurtaye॥102
All the 3 worlds, universes, bhuvananda, brahmandas, happened just from the feet of the Devi Meenakshi. To that Devi Meenakshi, I bow down. Thus said this, Vidyavati.

mātastavapadadhyāne mano niścalamastu me।
idamevavaraṃ mukhyaṃ aparaiḥ kiṃ prayojanam॥104
Because Devi Meenakshi came in the form of a small girl as a 3 yr old child, Vidyavati exclaims, “o Mother, I do not want anything else other than pure devotion at your feet. What else is the purpose of human life other than to offer devotion at your feet? But Devi Meenakshi in the form of a small child, 3yr old child insisted further, telling

punaḥ prārthaya kalyāṇi durlabhaṃ idamuttamam।
devī vakyamidaṃ śrutvā prāh paścadabhīpsitam॥
punaḥ prārthaya kalyāṇi
once again ask a boon, She says.
punaḥ prārthaya kalyāṇi durlabhaṃ idamuttamam।
Having heard the words of Devi Meenakshi for the 2nd time, Who once again asked Vidyavati to request for one more boon. Thus, Vidyavati asks for this boon-
matputrī bhavatī bhūtva rūprṇaivaṃvidhena ca।
āliṅganādikṛtyena santoṣya prativāsaram।
muktiṃ punaḥ prayaccharye sumīnākṣi maheśvari।
O, Mother, I want to have you in this same form as my own child and I want to hug you in this very form and I want to bring you up in this very form. And at that janma, that very birth, liberate me from this birth and death cycle and give me mukti. Thus she prayed, Vidyavati.

Vidyavati, having asked Devi Meenakshi, who is ever compassionate and all compassionate blessed her thus.

bhaviṣyajjanmanitvaṃ ca candrvamśaśiromaṇim।
maladhvajabhūpāla patiṃ labdhvā mahaujasam।
She says, in your next janma, next birth, you’ll be marrying Malayadhwaja Pandya, who’s born in the ChandraVamsha.
anubhūya ciraṃ kālaṃ tena sārdhaṃ mahāsukham।
tatasu putrakāmeṣṭyāṃ sañjātāṃ jātavedasaḥ।
kucatraya yutāṃ putrīṃ māṃ labhdvā madanugrahāt॥
Devi Meenakshi also said, You’ll be marrying the Malayadwaja Pandya. Both of you would be doing the Putra Kameshti yagna, and I myself would be happening out of the Yagaa and in that incarnation, I’ll be having 3 breasts, that is the symbol that I myself am born.

iti vidyāvatīṃ kanyāṃ anugṛhya maheśvarī।
punaśca garbhagehaṃ ca prāpyādṛśyā'bhvacchivā॥
Having blessed Vidyavati in this way, Meenakshi Devi who came in the form of a very small child, 3 yr old girl, went back and merged into the moola murti of Devi Meenakshi.

niravidyā sumīnākṣī hetunānena niṣkalā।
devyāḥ kāñcanamālayā maladhvajabhūpateḥ॥
putrī taṭātakā nāṃnā sañjāta sarvamaṅgalā।
In the next birth, VIdyavati was born as Kanchanamala and got married to Malayadhwaja the Pandya king.

Let us meditate on the Cosmic Empress, Devi Meenakshi.

KAILASA cordially invites you to participate in the Pattabhishekam ( coronation ceremony ) of Devi Meenakshi today, live from Adi KAILASA Nithyananda Sarvajna Peetham, Bidadi, Bengaluru, under the grace of the SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam, Who embodies the very biomemory of Meenakshi Devi, and Who presides the Madurai Adheenam ( monastery ) as the current pontiff ( Jagad Guru Mahasannidhanam )

Where is the soul residing in our body?

Glimpses from Kala Bhairava Akashic Reading

QUESTION: Where is the soul residing in our body?
ANSWERR: Soul does not reside in your body, it only reflects on your body. The place you choose your soul to reflect decides the level of awareness in which you are going to be living. If you choose Muladhara as the place for your soul to reflect, you will be centered only on body and the lust and reproduction. You will not find anything else as bigger experience. Human beings choose, usually, Muladhara and Swadhisthana as regular place of reflection. Very few peace lovers make Manipura as the reflection spot. When you choose Anahata as the reflection spot, you become a devotee. When you feel and decide vishuddhi as the reflection spot of the cosmic soul into your individual body, you become shakta, a high achiever with a shakti. When you choose your Ajna as the reflective place, the place of reflection for your soul, you live with extraordinary powers, as a siddha purusha, the embodiment of Shiva. When you reflect your cosmic soul into your individual body on Sahasrara, you live as incarnation, embodiment of the cosmic soul, Mahadeva Himself. Mahadeva resides and expresses unique pure spiritual dimension in your body. So, the body is not possessing the soul, soul only reflects on the body. When it decides not to reflect anymore, the body is considered as dead. When Sahasrara becomes the place of reflection, suddenly a new center develops in your system which is responsible for the Sahasrara to relate, cooperate, coordinate with the lower level of existence also. That new center is Ananda Gandha. So, when you experience the reflection on Ananda Gandha, you directly receive the incarnation's energy, radiate the incarnation's energy. You become part of the incarnation.

- Kalabhairava through The SPH in Bhava Samadhi darshan.

prays to Paramashiva for the victims of the shooting spree at a Brooklyn subway station in New York

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam prays to Paramashiva for the victims of the shooting spree at a Brooklyn subway station in New York on April 12, 2022. The SPH prays for peace in New York and for healing, safety and well being of the New Yorkers.

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