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Latest revision as of 05:36, 5 October 2022




Project: PACHAI PATNI VIRATHAM Superconscious Mutation


Project: PPV Superconscious Mutation.

Join me in the PPV and experience a powerful superconscious mutation within. Fasting done in the right cognition will invoke the grace of Devi to induce superconscious breakthrough from within.

You will experience miraculous healing. Those who participate in this PPV project will directly contribute towards the spiritual healing of the planet.

Share your experiences as Sakshi pramana as you traverse along this vratham - be it power manifestation, blessings from Devi or healing. Post them with the hashtags

  1. pachaipatniviratham

Guru always wants to see you powerful

Guru always wants to see you powerful.

"Understand. Everyone will want you to show your powerlessness to them. Only Guru wants to see always [in] powerfulness. Guru wants to see you always powerful. He neither wants you to have powerlessness nor wants you to show your powerlessness. Other than Guru, everyone wants you to show yourself powerless to them because only when you show yourself powerless to them, only when you are powerless in front of them, they can take over you. But with Guru only when you are powerful, I can take over you. Only when you are powerful I can manifest through you. There is no 'taking over' in Guru-disciple relationship. There is only manifestation."



Paramashivoham level 3 Sakshi Pramana

Sakshi Pramana - Kailasa's Daniel Pawelec

Source Link: https://www.facebook.com/DanielPawelec21/videos/5253240344706262

Demonstrating the prowess of the indigenous enlightenment centric Hindu civilizational ecosystem.
GUIDELINE TO OBSERVE PPV: http://health.gov.kailasa.sk/.../pachai-pattini-vratham/...

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Jadashaktikananda

....I had a breakthrough, I can actually heal the partner's leg and back ache...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Ma Jadashaktikananda shares:
I had a breakthrough, I can actually heal the partner's leg and back aches. Thank you Swamiji!
I am initiated as a Nithya healer in Paramashivoham Level 2 Season 5. But so far, I only use Nithya healing on my father who had stroke and not able to walk or speak properly. I did not see much improvement from him. If I need to do healing for others, I will just use my Atma Linga to heal. I had self-doubt.

On Day 11, after doing the Addictions Scanning for a partner, she requested me to heal her leg. I told partner my third-eye power just started, may not be powerful. Partner then told me it is Swamiji healing through me. So I asked Swamiji to heal her leg ache and partner used camera (video call) to show the leg pain area . Initially I chant Mahavakya intensely and then I change to ajapajapa Mahavakya on partner request - I heard Swamiji said to use my agni fire to heal partner so besides ajapapa mahavakya I visualize the "Agni fire" on her pain area through the camera. I can even feel the energy going through my body. Partner's leg pain was relieved and then asked me to heal her back as well. Similarly, her back ache was relived too!

Now I believe I am a Healer. Gratitude to Swamiji for removing my self-doubt.
Many participants experienced breakthroughs/miracles in Paramashivoham Level 3!
Be a part of the ultimate spiritual happening on Earth - Paramashivoham Level 3 with SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam (10 or 21-day online program)
Register: https://kailaasa.org/paramashivoham/

Sakshi Pramana - Sumeet Agarwal

.....I experience very high energy around my entire head area and Sahasrara Chakra is opened. My whole body becomes very light and feel like levitating. ....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Sumeet Agarwal shares:
Swamiji darshan & Nayandeeksha over 2 way zoom is beyond words and very difficult to capture in words. I experience very high energy around my entire head area and Sahasrara Chakra is opened. My whole body becomes very light and feel like levitating. I'm able to do everything with very less sleep and food.

I'm also experiencing subtle upgradation in my intelligence as I can see reality as it is. I realized my frequency, vibration and consciousness is evolving higher & higher. For example, in my work area, if something is not working or others are not convinced about the proposal. I see exact reality as it is i.e. either my value proposition is not relevant or others are not in that frequency zone. So with this simple click, I get into new avenues and go after right people in right direction with relevant proposal. It is saving lot of time, energy and making me more effective to get to desired outcome. I'm also starting to experience good things attracting and coming on its own.

I'm still in evolution phase. But this whole journey is amazing! I express my deep gratitude to Swamiji, Acharyas and whole Sangha members for making this science & experience available for me

Sakshi Pramana - Kailasa's Nithya Premaroopananda

I got an amazing power manifestation experience on Day #13! Due to the Paramashivoham 3 blessings, I avoid to go out. Today due to some rush went out, and got the information Swamiji is almost to be live. Zero internet on the car, 30 minutes will take to reach the place. I got into little tension that I going to miss Swamiji's blessings.

Only one solution Swamiji and Maha vaakiya. I bring Swamiji's feet into my inner space, hold tightly, and asked him, don't know how, but please take me too Swamiji. My husband normally doesn't want to rush in the traffic roads and signals. But today, suddenly everything got aligned. On the 3 line high traffic roads, one got empty. When our car catch that road, signals also got opened. When these are started to made happened, I dropped that space and thought, It'll go smoothly. Once I leave my hand out of Swamiji's feet, again the roads got closed by traffic and signals. So back again when I hold Swamiji's feet and the space, with in 15 minutes, we reached the place for the internet. Normally, once Swamiji came, I have to wait for the host to check me and open the zoom for me.

Today, that power manifestation technique gave me every thing easily without missing anything. Inside the zoom room without waiting once I entered, Swamiji started to gave the explanation and initiation. That technique to open the road and signals, made my stress to joyful day. Beautiful experience. Thank you Swamiji!

Sakshi Pramana - Jessica

....When i chant mahavakya with imagine 25 heads, 75 eyes, 50 hands, i can scan my partner's desires...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Jessica shares:
Paramashiva revealed the following as desires of my partner🥰 it is a wonderful feeling 🥰🥰 Thank you for manifest Swamiji Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashiva When I chant mahavakya with imagine 25 heads, 75 eyes, 50 hands, I can scan my partner's desires are reading many books like Vedas, agamas, and travel different countries. It is truly manifested after I confirmed with her.🥰

Sakshi Pramana - Sowmya

....All self-doubts, fear are related to weak electromagnetic force...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Sowmya shares:
Day #14 Jnana session on Electromagnetic force & fear.
Electromagnetic force is necessary for binding the atoms together Similarly in the level of microcosm, electromagnetic force is necessary for bringing our identities together (it is inversely proportional to distance) More the gap between Inner image and outer image, (distance is more), the electromagnetic force is less, which means we have fears and self-doubts All self-doubts, fear are related to weak electromagnetic force If we have inner image as I AM PARAMASHIVA, only if the outer image also is I AM POWERFUL, I AM PARAMASHIVA, the identities can be held together More the self-doubt more the fear, less the electromagnetic force. Self-doubt = fear of facing the future (fear of death, fear of unknown) This has to be broken/dropped if you have to realize your true self as Paramashiva . Analyze each situation with this and see the gap between inner and outer image.

Fear of losing people makes us to be socially polite, do as they please rather than doing what is exactly right for them. We constantly try to make someone happy and towards the end realise that what we did was not really making them happy. And we get angry on the other person for not being happy. The whole action was done based out of fear of losing the person. That is why it was causing incompletion. Any action done out of incompletion leads to more incompletion. Only when we break patterns we actually declare our identity as Paramashiva, it will not happen due to fear.

NO MORE DECISION MAKING WILL BE OUT OF FEAR! ONLY CLEAR CONSCIOUS DECISIONS Now that I am dropping fear consciously, I am able to see clearly on what needs to be done. this is clearing up many of the confusions, self-doubts.

Thanks for this knowledge and understanding Swamiji. ❤ and to Ma Pranapriya and Ma Dayamayi Swami for spending time with us explaining all the concepts and making sure it is internalized.

Sakshi Pramana - Erica Chou

....There was a session I cried badly when I heard "seeing the nearest people leave me...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Erica Chou from China shares:
When I was initiated and guided by Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam to do the death meditation, I felt more and more peaceful and could let go many materials and material/pattern-based connections in my life. There was a session I cried badly when I heard "seeing the nearest people leave me" and saw swamiji, 丰淇老师@Ma Nithya Parameshananda,Maha Jnanani Wing Yin Li, Justin... I suddenly realised that my guru and my spiritual friends have become my real family members, although we do not have blood bonds or we only have known each other around 2 years (in this life). I feel so much love and gratitude towards my guru and family I know from the program. We have experienced so many breakthroughs together. I am a different and better person every year/month/day/second with you. So grateful. Bow down to Paramashiva

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Nithya Parameshananda

❤️Tyaga 讓不朽成為現實。
我在paramashivoham level 3

  1. 尼希亞南達
  2. Nithyanand
  3. 凱拉薩
  4. Kailasa

Immortality and Science forever
❤️ Tyaga ~ Immature ~ Present.
Enlighten you with eternal, eternal lentil (nectar) in you with eternal presence of Nithyatva.....
我在paramashivoham level 3
Day 12 of the course... Exist!

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Yogajnana

... I know how to be "beyond" time!...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

As the days go by, I begin to feel tired. And I know that this is just an illusion of my binary perception of space-time. Hahaha, KALA, I'm beginning to understand you. How good it is to understand!
Something strange happens, during the sessions I often get sleepy and enter an altered state of consciousness, which I have to control if I don't want to succumb to sleep.
Strangely enough, after each initiation, I am so refreshed that even after 16-18 hours of non-stop training, I don't feel sleepy.
When I concentrate on my body, my mind says to me "do you know that you haven't had more than 3-4 hours of sleep for several days? And then strangely I feel tired... and I just want to go to bed.
However, if I change my level of consciousness, as if by magic, the fatigue no longer exists.
Hell, I've "internalised" how to be free from the influence of my mind, I know how to be "beyond" time. And how to raise my consciousness so that time serves me instead of me suffering from it. Wow! During the initiation we are in the presence of Kalabhairava, the god of time and space. The one who also allows Akashic readings.
Swamiji tells us to write down our questions, specifying that we are writing them for ourselves, to be aware of what we want to manifest, and not for him.
This reminds me of the prayers we address to God. We need to be precise, concise and positive in our prayers so that we can recognise their manifestation in our lives. Because God knows everything before we even ask him for anything... So when we pray, we are praying for ourselves, (literally since we are God too)... You follow me, it's getting clearer day by day and more and more...
"Write down your questions, the answers will appear in your inner space" says Swamiji.
In the presence of Kalabhairava, we had access to the Akashic readings.
Swamiji introduced us to doing Akashic readings.
One of my questions "Lord Kalabhairava, why did I have such a difficult life, especially during my childhood?"
Several images, scenes and scriptures came to me, I did not remember everything... Nor did I understand everything, I am in a very deep modified state of consciousness, in another space-time, in another consciousness... I just remember a feeling of disgust that comes over me at a certain moment... I do a waking trip in time and I see images of one of my past lives where I really didn't behave well, I was really naughty, very naughty..., the opposite of the person I am today. This feeling of disgust, it's my attitude that disgusts me, I was mean, I was violent...Thank God I'm not that mean person anymore, I've evolved... I realise that I have accumulated bad karma that I have had to balance in my current life. Damn I didn't know it was that much.... I surrendered to this Kalabhairava initiation, in this divine space of cosmic regeneration, in the presence of my beloved Guru. His love enveloped me and led me into completion. I felt a deep desire to ask for forgiveness for all my past bad behaviour. So I resolved to invest myself even more to contribute to the world. I realise how much God loves me for allowing me to cleanse all this in order to access a higher level of consciousness, to receive this initiation, this supra conscious mutation process. To become a supra conscious being. I am truly filled with gratitude for all these blessings I use this body and exist beyond this body. I live in this time, and I am beyond this space-time. I wish you too to experience this supra conscious mutation process with the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. If you are interested, contact me by private message, and I will be happy to inform you.
My infinite divine love and gratitude Bhagawan
To join the PMS3 programme, click here: https://kailaasa.org/paramashivoham/
Experience your own super consciousness, the ultimate self.



On this day 17 years before - 15 March 2005:
On this day the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam visited the Vivekananda House and the Universal Studios in Los Angeles. In the evening SPH delivered a Discourse at the city of San Gabriel LA, California. The Satsang was titled ‘’From Sub Consciousness to Super Consciousness’’. SPH explained that If we know(the science behind the technique), even just sitting can become a super conscious technique. Just sitting, or simply inhaling and exhaling are more than enough to reach us to the super conscious state. With the intelligence and the right understanding, even a simple thing like inhaling and exhaling, can put us into the super conscious state. SPH shared that this is what Vipaasana is all about and that Vipaasana is one of the wonderful meditation techniques. SPH shared that thousands and thousands of people have become enlightened, just because of this one single technique and that this technique is all about inhaling and exhaling consciously. If we know the science, if we are conscious, even simple inhaling and exhaling can lead us to super consciousness. Lastly SPH elucidated that when we are not aware, when we don’t know the science, even the great and elaborate rituals can lead us only to sub consciousness.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2005 in San Gabriel,Los Angeles County, California, USA.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2005


On this day 14 years before - 15 March 2008:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam continued on the Series of Addresses and Initiations from the Shiva Sutras(the techniques that were given by Shiva Himself to Devi for her enlightenment). The SPH unraveled the deeper meanings behind the sutras, and compassionately answered all the questions of the delegates. the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. He enriched and blessed all who came to attend the Satsang with compassion and deep listening. Below we can see some photos of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborating upon these Sutras.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2008


On this day 13 years before - 15 March 2009:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Yoga Spurana Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The first-ever Yoga Spurana Convention was conducted by SPH as part of His North American YOGAM tour in 2009. All the participants were blessed to be a part of a tradition that every single ardent yoga practitioner and yoga community wishes to be a part of, that is to receive the deepest truths of yoga from the source itself, the enlightened consciousness. In this Convention the greatest happening of our time, Paramavatara - the Ultimate Incarnation of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam initiated the delegates on various, authenticated as per the Shastra Pramana, Apta Pramana & Atma Pramana, meditation techniques and compassionately answered all of their questions.

That day's Yoga Spurana Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2009


On this day 10 years before - 15 March 2012:
On this day, the SPH presided over a press meeting at Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The ministers and ambassadors of KAILASA worked along with SPH at organizing the whole meeting by attending and registering the invited journalists at the reception desk before the press meet. During the press meeting, an adheenam administrator responded to the media inquiries about the threats he received from the conspirators and about his experiences from the attacks he went through just because he stood up for our SPH. The event was telecasted on the national TV Channels and was also watched by the various Kailasa centers around the world. Looking back we can see that this was the start of the destruction of the anti-spiritual elements as spirituality stood at a higher pedestal than the low-rung anti-spiritual elements.

That day's press meeting was presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2012 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2012


On this day 9 years before - 15 March 2013:
On this day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam explained why enriching others is crucial for our spiritual evolution. The question that arises for many seekers is, Why is it not sufficient just to live by these principles ourselves? Why do we need to involve ourselves with teaching others to live in the same way? SPH answered that question by sharing that Life unfolds outside of us and that inner awareness is only a potential until we complete the process by sharing it. He elucidated that our fulfillment turns on the fulfillment of those we interact with and that if we do not give our attention to others we fall into loneliness. If we do not continue to expand ourselves, we fall into depression. That is the reason why we should never give up the responsibility to enrich ourselves, those around us and ultimately the whole world.

That day's Pratyaksha Pada Puja, Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang and Inner Awakening Day 3 were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2013


On this day 8 years before - 15 March 2014:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Inner Awakening in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. SPH welcomed the 1008th Mahamandaleshwar Sri Sri Swami Arjun Puri Maharaj of Juna Akhada. Swami Arjun Puri Ji graced the delegates by sharing insights on the land of Shiva and spirituality. He expressed that we can either obtain Moksha when we leave the body, in the form of liberation, or now, in the body, as enlightenment.He stressed that the purpose of life is for living enlightenment now, and that we are very blessed to have SPH as our SatGuru, because the Guru is the most important component for obtaining Moksha. Later that day SPH conducted the Maheshwara Puja for the liberation of the departed souls by giving them the traditional offering of “pinda” for the journey to their Enlightenment. In the Kailasa Nation the delegates, diplomats and disciples can offer Maheshwara Puja so that the departed souls can be liberated in the presence of the Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. During the Maheshwara Puja, The SPH, who is the embodiment of Cosmic energy, personally receives the Bhiksha or food offering and He liberates the departed soul. No matter how many births the person would have taken after leaving the body and no matter if the person has met the Master or not throughout their life, the Master can intervene and make His presence available in the departed soul’s life and lead it to Enlightenment. A key component of the Maheshwara Puja is the offering of food to the Master along with His monastic disciples. This is when The SPH blesses the ancestors to attain Enlightenment and offers them “pinda” or food for the journey to their Enlightenment.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, Inner Awakening and Maheshwara Puja were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2014, in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2014


On this day 7 years before - 15 March 2015:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam inaugurated the Nithyananda Annalaya in the Pondicherry Embalam Aadheenam. Later that day SPH conducted a Kalpataru Convention where He initiated the delegates into the science of manifesting their reality and also compassionately answered all their questions. Thousands of People from all walks of life, locally and from abroad attended the program so much so, that the convention hall was overflowing. Kalpataru is one such convention where the qualification of the seeker is irrelevant. It is purely from the compassion and powers of the Guru that He blesses the pure intentions of the delegates to manifest into reality.

That day's Kalpataru Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2015, in the Union Territory of Puducherry, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2015


On this day 6 years before - 15 March 2016:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Opening Darshan for the Inner Awakening Convention where He delivered a Shakti pada and Shaktini pada to all of the delegates who had gathered to attend to His live darshan. Later that day SPH conducted the First session -of the Inner Awakening convention and elaborated on the power of Listening, In this Power, SPH has shared in the past that Listening is like eternal romance, where we are not tired of getting involved with life. This involvement with life, participating with life, participation with life starts with listening. Listening is an amazing way to participate in life. Source of everything - good or bad, life or death, richness or poverty, joy or suffering, pain or bliss, disease or health, source of everything, chaos or confusion, everything, is the words we utter inside. The source of the word we utter inside is the words we listen. The words we utter inside us about us should be best and when we listen to the Master’s words, we will always be collecting those best words.

That day's Inner Awakening Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2016, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2016


On this day 5 years before - 15 March 2017:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam initiated the participants of the Sadashivoham Convention into the Gayatri Mantra and the Shiva Deeksha followed by a mandala session and Q & A session. During the Q&A session, SPH answered the questions from the delegates of the Sadashivoham convention on the topic of the Genesis of Identity and further shared some profound truths about what it meant to be caught in the ‘Maya matrix’. Later that day the participants were given a demo session by the Gurukul Balasanths who shared their experiences in the Gurukul and living with the Avatar. The day ended blissfully with SPH's Darshan.

That day's Sadashivoham Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2017, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2017


On this day 4 years before - 15 March 2018:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam met with and hosted esteemed dignitaries including, Kanchipuram Meykandarpeedam Peethadhipati Srilasri Thiruvambaladesika Gnanaprakashaswamigal - the 232nd Gurumahasannidhanam of the Thondaimandala Adheenam, Sri Raja Hariharan Sharma - prominent politician and one of the national secretaries of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Sri Jagadish Hiremani - member of National Commission for Safai Karamcharis for the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment of the Govt. of India, Sri G. Balakrishnan - Zonal incharge for the Dharmapuri Zone of the state of Tamil Nadu, Sri Ravindra - Zonal incharge for Ramanagara for the Bharatiya Janata Party, Sri Devaraju - District Executive, Ramanagara District. SPH and the dignitaries spoke about joining hands for protection of Hindu temples, nuances of the Sanatana Hindu Dharma, rebuilding the great Vedic Hindu civilization, and the importance of temples in the Hindu tradition.

That day's meeting with various prominent Hindu Dignitaries was presided over by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2018, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2018


On this day 2 years before - 15 March 2020:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on The Science and Applied Science of Intangible parts of the Existence - Dharma and Agama in the everyday live public address Nithyananda Satsang. SPH explained that Fasting is one of the easiest ways of putting any powerful cognition into your innermost, deepest conscious part. SPH advised the Pacha Pattini Vratham which was scheduled to end on the April 4th, as the most powerful Spiritual Alchemy process, for Parashakti to manifest in all. SPH took all the delegates through a process, connecting all with Paramashiva and Devi Parashakti.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2020.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2020


On this day 1 year before - 15 March 2021:
On this day, the delegates of the Kailasa Nation received the Shakti Pada and Shaktini Pada With the Live Darshan of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. The Kailasa Nation offered its Worship to Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti as this was the 5th Day of the Maha Paramashivaratri Brahmotsavam. This day was also the 5th Day of the Jeevan Mukti Utsavam and Alankāra was offered to the ‘Jeevan Mukti’ Grantha - the ‘living Enlightenment’ Book. During the morning Satsang SPH explained that there are multiple ways to get Enlightened, manifest Paramashiva. We can do Yoga, Kriya, Puja, Lifestyle, Anavopaya (Purification of the Body), Shaktopaya (Purification of the Mind), Shambhavopaya (the Method of Consciousness), and Anupaya (Initiation). There Are Multiple Methodologies but the easiest easy Manifest Paramashiva Is by Anupaya - Just by Initiation.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 15 March 2021.
Nithyanandapedia Link: https://nithyanandapedia.org/wiki/March_15_2021



FB-Photos-darshan of Devi Miinakshi from KAILASA San Jose

Link to Facebook Page
