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==Sakshi Pramana Benefits==
==Sakshi Pramana Benefits==
Brings stillness to the body, and turns attention inwards.  Allows one to achieve meditative state.
Brings stillness to the body, and turns attention inwards.  Allows one to achieve meditative state.
Ma Nithya Nirishvarananda, Miami, Yoga Acharya
==Simple sketch==
==Simple sketch==
Sidhasana (JP 357-359).png
Sidhasana (JP 357-359).png
[[Category: Asanas]]

Latest revision as of 16:59, 19 June 2019


Siddhasana: asana

Asana Type



Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण

Sastra Pramana Source

Tri-shikhi-brahmanopanishad , .50

Original Verse

ऋजुकायः समासीनः सिद्धासनमुदीरितम् । प्रसार्य भुवि पाद्औ तु दोर्भ्यामङ्गुष्ठमादरात् ॥ ५० ॥


ṛjukāyaḥ samāsīnaḥ siddhāsanamudīritam | prasārya bhuvi pādau tu dorbhyāmaṅguṣṭhamādarāt ॥ 50 ॥


Pressing the secret parts with the left (foot), placing the right (foot) over the secret parts and sitting with the body erect, (this) is said to be the Siddhasana.

Apta Pramana Source

Goraksh Paddhati 1.11

Original Verse

योनिस्थानकमंघ्रिमूलघटितं कृत्वा दृढं विन्यसेत् मेढ्रे पादमथैकमेव नियतं धृत्वा विग्रहम्॥ स्थाणुः संयमितेन्द्रियोऽचलदृशा पश्येद् भ्रुवोरन्तरम् चैतन्मोक्षकपाटभेदजनकं सिद्धासनं प्रोच्यते॥ २१॥


yonisthānakamaṃghrimūlaghaṭitaṃ kṛtvā dṛḍhaṃ vinyaset meḍhre pādamathaikameva niyataṃ dhṛtvā vigraham॥ sthāṇuḥ saṃyamitendriyo'caladṛśā paśyed bhruvorantaram caitanmokṣakapāṭabhedajanakaṃ siddhāsanaṃ procyate॥ 21॥


[The Yogin] should firmly place one [i.e., the left] heel against the perineum (yoni-sthâna), while placing the other heel above the penis and pressing the chin against the chest (hridaya). With the senses restrained like a log, he should direct his gaze steadily at the [third eye] between the eyebrows. This is said to be the hero’s posture, which bursts open the door to liberation. (1.11)

Apta Additional References

Hathapradipika II.20-29, SriTattvaNidhi-80, Joga Pradipika (357-359)


1. Press the left heel against the perineum. 2. Press the right heel over organ of generation. 3. Remain upright and steady with the chin down. 4. Bring the gaze between the eye brows.

Atma Pramana (Benefits)

Meditative asana which should be practiced diligently. Opens the door to liberation. "Recommended for men which balances reproductive organs and regulates testosterone ( Women’s equivalent is Yoniasana ) Stretches the hips, knees and ankles Strengthens the core muscles Awakens the kundalini, purifies the 72,000 nadis and controls the apana vayu Alleviates heart diseases, diabetes, chronic urinary problems A simple but powerful asana. A meditative pose that allows you to sit upright and relaxed for longer periods of time. A spiritual practice used during meditation, pranayama, mudras and during practice of celibacy. This will take one to liberation. This asana is used in Nithyananda Kriyas for hypertension, long sight, asthma, addiction. "

Sakshi Pramana Benefits

Brings stillness to the body, and turns attention inwards. Allows one to achieve meditative state.

Simple sketch

Sidhasana (JP 357-359).png