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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, live, truth, healing, karma, ceremony, shraaddha, Bodhgaya, Bhadri, Manasarovar, fear, deny, success.

Revision as of 10:33, 22 August 2020


Inner Awakening Day 17


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda instructs us in how to live the four principles. He reminds us that these truths are for all of us to embody – not just for some to teach to others. Nithyananda also answers questions on healing karmic patterns and fears. To resolve karma with the departed, the ceremony of shraaddha can grant completion. Shraaddha is especially effective if performed at Bodhgaya, Bhadri, Manasarovar, and at Nithyananda’s North American temple in Ohio. To resolve deep-seated fears we must go to the root of our fear and complete with it. Many devotees make the mistake of either accepting the item they fear as inevitable, or of trying to deny their fear. Both are unsuccessful and result only in emphasizing the fear pattern.

Link to Video:


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects I will continue to answer your questions even today helping everyone practice the four tattwas. Listen! Tattwas get rooted in you, become part of you only when you continue to be in communication with tattwas. Listen! Communication with tattwas means either you will be talking to others about the tattwas or talking to yourself about the tattwas. See when you build the body in the beginning, first 3-4 years you literally have to be a gym enthusiast or yoga enthusiast or obsessed with the diet. Once you build after that, even if you maintain that’s enough. It is not a big task. It will be much more easy. Now you are building your Vedic mind. It has to be constructed. I have laid foundation e will s and given you all the materials to build your building but you have to build dont forget. I am not going to give you already - made building because I respect your taste. If I build already - made building and give you, it will be like disrespecting your taste of construction, creativity. I give you the material now. You express your creativity and and build the life as you want with your Vedic mind. I only wanted to give you these final truths again and again. The space you carry is responsible for everything happening outside.


While you are carrying the space for Positivity itself, that trace of fear, one corner of you laughing at you, showing the fear, ‘If that happens, what will you do?’ ‘I will win, but if I fail what will happen?’, then you are planning for failure. Do completion with that thought, with that part. Integrated that part into you. Bring integrity with that part. Everything, everything in your life happens based on the space you carry. I saw in Haridwar even now. Even this time I saw in Haridwar, some pseudo-advaitis, some of these monks who lived thirty-fifty years this sadhu life, but did not do much spiritual practice, only studied a few books, they go on telling, ‘Aham Brahmasmi! Aham Brahmasmi!’ I told them it is amazing! But, not just telling it, you also learn how to believe it. When you are strongly believing and creating that space, you will simply see things around you also radiate “Tat Tvam Asi! Tat Tvam Asi!” Your Aham Brahmasmi is radiated by the Cosmos as Tat Tvam Asi! You say, ‘I am That!’; Cosmos says, ‘Yes, You are That!’ The problem is, most of the time, you go on telling, ‘I am That!’, but inside you don’t believe, ‘I will cheat others using this; I myself, no, I am not That!’ Then you are not cheating others; you are cheating YOU!


Bring completion, intense completion, complete completions. In completion, intense completion, the complete completion! Intense completion, the complete completion! Understand, telling, reciting, ‘I am God! I am Atman! I am Soul! I am the Paramatma!’ Great! All these are great, if you know how to create that space also! Now I want each one of you to create the right space for yourself. Of course, it is not necessary always that “I am the Ultimate” has to be the right space for everyone. You can choose as you want. You may want to be just successful in the world; then create that space. You may want to be enlightened; create that space. You may just want to be at the feet of the Master; Dasoham! “I am the servant of the Ultimate!’; then create that space. There is no need for competition. I heard, in one temple, two old men were staying. Both were pseudo-advaiti, pseudo dvaiti; Pseudo-non-dualist,two old men, both are pseudo-dualist! Both of them are interested in only using that principle to cheat others, not to convince themselves. Listen! I wanted to tell all my Swamis and ashramites, ‘Use these four tattvas for your strategic planning in life.’ Don’t use this just as a product to sell. Use this as your own food to live. There are many pharmaceutical companies, they don’t take their own medicine! They know the side-effect of it! I always tell my people to ask their doctor, when your doctors gives some prescription, ask him, ‘To yourself, will you use the same prescription if you have the same condition?’ If he says yes, then take that medicine. So I request my devotees, even when…….when my Swamis take classes, ask them, ‘When you have a problem, when you have a difficulty, would you use the same four principles to solve the problem, or do you have some other strategy? These four tattwas are not moral science. They are not social science. They are the amazing, best strategy for life! Again, every morning, when you wake up, reclaim your trust on these four tattwas. Analyze today morning your mind, where are the incompletions, what are the incompletions?


How am I going to apply these four principles and clear them? Do this, day in and day out! That is what will lead you to completion within you and with others. These two pseudo – pseudo-non-dualist and pseudo-dualist, this non-dualist he wants to show he is a big guy. So he wrote a big paint, “SOHAM” on the wall, compound wall of the temple. Not in one place, everywhere! “SOHAM”, “SOHAM”, “SOHAM”, “SOHAM”! Means, “I Am That!” “SOHAM”! This dualist, he is not able to tolerate. How come this guy is preaching his philosophy? Come on! Now he took the paint and just put “DA” in front of everything! “DASOHAM” “DASOHAM” ”DASOHAM” “DASOHAM”! Means, “I am the Servant!” That is the space of the Dualist philosophy. And, third day! Non-dualists are very intellectual! ‘Arrey, you fellow! You bhajan mandali! Just singing and jumping! You guys have come to challenge us?’ This fellow comes and takes the paint! “SADASOHAM”! He puts “SA”! “SADASOHAM” “SADASOHAM” “SADASOHAM”, all over! And, again, the non-dualist comes. ‘No! I am not going to leave it!’ Now, he puts one more “DA”! “DASADASOHAM” “DASADASOHAM”! It goes on! The fight goes on! I tell you, there is no need for fight between SOHAM and DASOHAM and SADASOHAM and DASADASOHAM! There is no need for any fight! What you feel as the space which will give you completion, create that! That’s it! But, be in integrity with the space you create! Be in integrity with the space you create! Be in integrity with the space you create! Understand, whether you want simple vacation from your boss, or your wife to agree to your decision, or as complicated things as achieving what you want in your life miraculously, or Cosmos bending and doing things in life as you want, whatever may be your need, one thing I can tell you, it can happen just by the space you create.

15 – 30 min:

START: 15 min.

Vivekananda says very beautifully, ‘In India, even if we want wealth, we just go and sit under the tree and create the space. Wealth happens! It is at our feet!’

It is true! It is true! Our Masters have done it! It is possible! When Shankara created the space for wealth, Kanakadhara, the shower of gold, rain of gold happened! I am not promoting superstitions! I am not promoting wrong ideas! I am promoting clear science! Live it! You will understand the power of this science! Live it! You will understand the power of this science! Learn to create the space in these next four days – 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Five days. Learn to create the space in these five days. I also wanted to cancel all the homas we planned, because just for few people attending the homa, the whole three-hundred-and-ten people’s time is wasted. Just yesterday I saw. So, I feel, the next four homas, we will cancel it. Let us spend more time in establishing all of you in that advaitha space. And I wanted more sessions, more practical! You apply, and come back to me with questions. So, you guys don’t have any problem? We can do that? Great! And I can also spend more time in answering your questions. You see, it is like, you create a space, go and operate. You may be successful. Sometimes, you may not be successful. Then you hit. You may not be successful. Then come back with the question. I will help you where is the problem, and how you can be successful, and why the failure. So aligning you and strengthening you, and again sending you back.

Each one of you guys are my brahmastras! I am sending each one of you on the collective negativity of the world. Go and fall like brahmastras! So, I wanted these five days to be spent, each one of you to be established in the advaitha, in the space of ultimate! When you are established in the space of Possibility, then you are a boon to Planet Earth! I tell you, you are a boon to Planet Earth! I will better spend time on making you established in that space. When you practice, go and apply in your life. You will have so many questions, than if you just sit and listen to the tattwas in the class. The real questions will happen when you apply them outside on the world. When you make calls and talk to the people and do the completion, or enrich them, only then you will have the real problem; only then you will understand how many paise your tattwas are worthy of! Sometimes, people speak great tattwas, but it is not even worthy of two annas; because it cannot do anything in life! If you cannot move the world, your word is useless! If you can move the world, even your presence is a blessing!

I will answer your questions. Question.

Question: The first question today is from Inner Awakening ID No.8, Madhu, who is asking, ‘Pranaam, Swamiji! From the other day’s comments about Cause and Effect and Shraaddha in the Maheshwara Puja, it seems that completion with the departed soul may also lead to reducing the karmic account between the departed souls and I. Is this understanding correct?’

Swamiji: Let me read the question. Madhu! (Madhu stands up). Please be seated! ‘Pranaam, Swamiji! From the other day’s comments about Cause and Effect and Shraaddha in the Maheshwara Puja, it seems that completion with the departed souls will also lead to reducing the karmic account between the departed souls and I. Is this understanding correct?’

I will say your understanding is correct. But I would like to add some more things to your understanding. Sometimes, this karmic debt stays in you so heavily, even with so many of your completions, still in the heart you continue to carry some incompletion. At that kind of moments, at that kind of situations, the completion with the departed souls through Shraaddha, there are a few places in India, well-known for that energy, Bodh Gaya in Gaya where Buddha became enlightened, there is a huge beautiful Vishnu temple, there Vishnu’s feet are worshipped, the place is well-known for the energy of Pinda Shraaddha, completion with the departed souls, and Badri, in Badrikashram when you do Pinda Shraaddha, Brahma himself receives in his Kapaala, Brahma Kapaala, Kaalabhairava himself receives, having Brahma Kapaala, please understand, when you give in Badrikashram, Kaalabhairava holding Brahma’s skull, receives the Pinda and offers it to Vishnu. There all the three are connected. So, in Badrikashram, or Gaya, Bodh Gaya, or in Manasarovar, these are the places if you offer the Shraaddha, please understand, it really does the completion in the level of bio-memory, in the level of bio-memory. Take enough time, do completion with them, and offer the Shraaddha. It does completion in the level of bio-memory itself. So, I will sincerely encourage every human-being to do completion with the departed souls, so that people living now, you and your next generation can experience the joy of completion. And I also declare, in U.S., our Ohio Temple will specially radiate the energy on the banks of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi, in Prayag, anybody does Shraaddha in our Ohio Temple, in our Ohio-Prayag Temple, it will be received directly by Kaalabhairava through his Brahma Kapaala and offered to Vishnu. It will reach your elders, the departed souls. Ohio-Prayag will radiate this special energy of helping you and supporting you in completing with the departed souls. That place has the ambience. You have to do the Shraaddha, and take bath in that river, Sangam. You will see the completion happens.

Next Question.

Question: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.284, Brendon, who is asking, ‘If we are all cleansed of all Karma, does this mean that when we do something that causes Karma, do the consequences come much sooner if not instantly? In a normal situation, what makes instant Karma happen? Why does certain Karma carry over for a long period of time?’

Swamiji: It is a beautiful question, Brendon! Let me read the question bit by bit.

‘If we are all cleansed of all Karma, does this mean that when we do something that causes Karma….?’

Listen! Once you do completion, your action does not produce any more Karma. Karma is nothing but the actions out of incompletion leads to more incompletion. For example, if you eat ice-cream out of incompletion, that becomes a deeper pattern. But after you do completion, the same ice-cream will not become a big pattern in you.

30 – 45 min:

It may just be in the level of habit, that is all; not pattern. Casual habit; not pattern. Understand, the more completion space you carry, less impact you create as Karma. For example, out of incompletions, deep greed, when you take ice-cream, the pattern you create is like a carving on the stone, which will stay forever. Out of completion, you complete with that pattern, why you start this ice-cream pattern, may be just to tell your friends you are rich, richer than others. So, you buy the big ice-cream, before you eat you show it to everybody, by that time it melts away! You would have done something like that. From there only the pattern would have started. After you complete, even if you eat the same ice-cream, the pattern you create will be like a writing on the water; it won’t even stay for a few seconds. And, one more thing you need to know, when you are in completion, if you do any Karma, the consequences will be coming won’t be much; there won’t be any consequences. There will not be any consequences. But the space you carry will have consequences. That will happen immediately. Immediately it will happen. Instantly it will happen. So, this instant Karma is nothing but the space you carry after the completion. After the completion, the space you carry. It is based on the space you carry.

Brendon is asking, ‘Why does certain Karma carry over for a long period of time?’

It is just because of incompletions you carry. The more incompletions you carry, Karmas reside in you, and you carry it over for a long period. Listen, carrying it over for a long period does not mean the effect comes very late. No! Effect is continuously coming! Continuously suffering!

So, the instant Karma, effect of Karma, everything is based on the space you carry. The space you carry.

Next question.

Question: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.208, Thirugnanam, who is saying, ‘Swami, kindly clarify whether the statement “Every action has its own reaction” clarified by Swami during the last satsangh.’

Swamiji: Please understand, Thirugnanam, please be seated, I wanted to allow this statement with a new understanding: Every reaction carries its own action. Please understand, because you do not know what is action till you achieve completion, all your so-called action is nothing but a reaction of incompletion. So, every reaction has its own action. “Every action has its own reaction” is not a complete statement. Every reaction has its own action, or re-reaction. All action you do out of incompletion is reaction. It is not action. Till you complete, you do not know how the space of action will feel. So, whatever you call as reaction, whatever you call as reaction is nothing but action. Understand, it is nothing but action. Whatever you call as action is nothing but reaction. Whatever you call as reaction is nothing but action.

You may say how the reaction can create action? When it is chaos and something happens after you do something, it can be called only as action. Because, many a time, your reactions don’t cause the reactions you want. It means something else is acting. That has to be called only as action, because it is not the right reaction, your reaction expected. How many of you are getting it? If it is a reaction as you planned, it can be a reaction. Most of the time, because your action is a reaction of your incompletion, the reaction of your reaction cannot be called as reaction, because it does not bring the reaction you expect. So, it has to be called as action. The reaction to the reaction is not the reaction you expected. So, naturally it can be called only as action.

Next question.

Question: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.113, Laura Markman, who is saying, ‘Swamiji, I have heard the healing or by doing the Inner Awakening, through 2013 to 2015, is really important and will contribute to the next twenty years. Otherwise, if we don’t shift or break ourselves up, that energy would be asleep. Can you speak on this? Also, do you have to have a temple or a space in order to have a two-way video-conferencing? Asking for this in Washington-Eden Lake-Idaho area.’

Swamiji: Let me read out the question. Laura Markman, please be seated.First thing, this three years is crucial, because the energy shift has happened. It is not from 2013 to 2015, but 2012 to 2015. It started in 2012, 2012 end it started, and till 2015 it is going to go up. Now if you transform, catch this energy, easy, you will get it first-hand. After that you should get it from the people who got it during this time. You may get it now wholesale. After 2015 you have to get it from retailers. That is all is the difference. Till 2015 you can get it from wholesalers. After 2015, you may get it only from retailers. That is the reason I request you to get it before 2015.

And, on temple, No, you don’t need to have a temple for two-way video-conferencing. You can sit wherever you are, even in your house, and have two-way video-conferencing. But, I will sincerely recommend, even if it is two-three families, you gather as a group and watch the satsang everyday, so that you won’t miss, you won’t sleep! The group energy is amazing Always. You can discuss, think through this principle. You can have a space of enriching. So, I will really recommend, even if you are two-three families, or even a single family, have a common place as a group. Even if you are one person, have a place separately dedicated for this. You will see, that place will have a different vibration! Different vibration!


Question: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.269, Ma Aruna, who is asking, ‘Dear Swamiji, as you say, facing fear is the only way to go beyond any fear. Kindly correlate practicing the four tattvas and living without fear of any sort from now on; for example, fear of public speaking, going up to the fear of death.’

Swamiji: Ma Aruna….! Her question is, ‘Dear Swamiji, as you say, facing fear is the only way to go beyond any fear. Kindly correlate practicing the four tatvas and living without fear of any sort from now on; for example, fear of public speaking, going up to the fear of death.’

You think public speaking is such a small fear? Aruna, you are wrong! Fear of public speaking is nothing but fear of losing your image, which is much worse than fear death. At least, after death you know, I don’t need to face this fellow. Nobody is going to back come and ask you, ‘Why did you die in such a bad way? You could have died a little more gracefully!’ No, nobody is going to ask you. But everybody is going to ask you, ‘Why did you blabber your mouth so much? Why did you open your mouth and lose the little respect you had?’ Everybody is going to ask you! So Fear of public speaking is much more than fear of death. Getting it? Statistics are right when they say fear of public speaking is the largest fear than fear of death! Fear of death comes only as second in the survey reports.

45 min:

Understand, listen, listen, when you face certain fear….. I’ll give you one example. For example fear of losing all your wealth. When you face that fear you don’t need to start believing you will lose one day, but you will face it. Listen. Usually what you do know in the name of facing the fear? ‘Alright, now I lost it! What can be done? Let me face.’ Then what happens? One part of you confirms you are going to lose the all the wealth and then it will say, ‘No, no! How can you live? How can you live? What is this? Why are you thinking all this?’ Listen, how many of you understand what I am saying? So now you are caught between whether you are going to accept you are going to lose the wealth one day, or just to hide, hide, hide and suppress, ‘No, I am not going to lose! I am not going to lose! I am not going to lose!’ If you say you are not going to lose, your heart is not going to believe. If you say, ‘Yes I am going to lose now what to do?’ Again, ‘See, you are powerless now what to do? What is the way to save yourself?’ Your mind somehow keeps seeing the rut. Listen you don’t need to believe you are going to lose the wealth, and you don’t need to have the fear what will you do if you lose the wealth? Understand? I am giving you one more example. Let me expand first, when you have the fear of losing the wealth, go to the root when it when the fear started and complete with that root. Neither deny the fear nor say yes to the fear. Understand, when you have the fear ‘If I lose all my wealth what will happen?’ Don’t deny, ‘No I am never going to lose my wealth’ Don’t tell that within you and don’t say, ‘Yes! I am going to lose the wealth what can I do?’ Don’t say that. Neither say yes, nor say no to that fear go to the root of that fear and complete with it. How many of you are getting it? So how many of you are struggling saying yes or no to that fear? Whether you say yes or no you are caught.

Listen, I’ll give you one more example. Example, you went and did some crime now you are afraid you may be imprisoned. If you say you are not going to be imprisoned your heart is not going to believe. ‘If it happens, what to do?’ If you say alright If you are imprisoned it’s okay you say I’ll face it. Now again ‘ Then again, ‘No, no you see, you are so powerless your life is gone, what will happen to this, what will happen to that, what will happen to wife, what will happen to child, what will happen to your life? You are in depression. How many of you struggle? If you say “Yes” or “No”, both lead to struggle. Saying yes or no both leads to powerlessness raise your hand. That is why I am telling you fear is the most cunning guy whether you say “Yes” or “No” you are in mess. Don’t say “Yes” or “No” go to the root and complete. ‘From where you start? Come on tell me that.’ Ask the fear ‘From where you start come on tell me that. Who are you? Who is your father?’ In India we have the habit in villages especially for anything they’ll first thing ask, ‘Who is your father? You are from which family?’ I tell you the whole India, all of you need to know, with such a less police power such a small law and order infrastructure India is the lowest crime rate in the whole world do you know that? Lowest crime rate reported unreported, both. Lowest crime rate. Why you know not because of police and law and order infrastructure, it is just this one idea, ‘Who is your family?’ ‘Hey they will blame my family they will blame my father.’ ‘From which family you are?’ This is the first question they will ask even if you go to school late, the school teachers will ask, ‘Yaar paiyyanda nee?’ (Whose son are you?) Arrey! Who is my father how is it going to affect my coming late to school a day? For everything family will be held as responsible so just that one pattern only keeps the whole India crime free or lowest crime.

51:17 Hindi - 51:55

Understand whenever you need to face the fear, when I say “face the fear” I don’t mean accept the fear no find the root of the fear and face it, complete with it. Even when I lead you into the death process I am not making you accept what will happen to death . ‘What will happen after death, let me accept.’ No I am only guiding you to the root of death fear and completing it. No see the whole study the whole death meditation what answer do you get? Do you get any answer for what will happen after death? No I am not interested in giving you the answer to what will happen after death I am only interested in from where this fear started, leading you there and completing it.

So the fear of public speaking, don’t say you will be a failure in public speaking and you will lose your face. Don’t say you will never be failure you will be successful just go to the root when that fear of public speaking started. When that started. This one thing I can never understand in my life is, what do they mean by fear of public speaking? Once I asked one fellow, ‘You should receive enlightenment. When are you going to receive?’ He said, ‘Tell me Swamiji, which shop it is available I will go and receive .’ Like he can’t understand what is enlightenment, same way I can’t understand the meaning of the word, “fear of public speaking”, because my first public lecture was delivered at the age of ten. When I was ten, I spoke on Patanjali Yoga Sutras. I am now thirty-five last twenty-five years I am continuing, continuing, continuing to be in the public and only last ten years we have started video recording the satsangs but otherwise my public life is twenty-five years. Fear of public speaking is nothing but fear of talking to yourself. First bring Integrity with what the word you utter to you then you will understand the fear of public speaking will disappear. It will disappear.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal bliss Nithyananda.


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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, live, truth, healing, karma, ceremony, shraaddha, Bodhgaya, Bhadri, Manasarovar, fear, deny, success.