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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject. I am continuing on sure ways to weight loss! I have more and more scientific researches and studies supporting the Patanjali’s Samyama. I just wanted to give you the gist of yesterday’s Samyama if you are tuning in today. Understand, doing Samyama, means intensely feeling connected in the throat chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, you go beyond the hunger & thirst. So this has many levels. First, the pseudo hunger and thirst sensations and signals stops. So you stop junking. I want to create a new word - junking. You start eating. Stop junking, start eating. That is the first step. Second step, when the Samyama becomes deeper on the Vishuddhi chakra, even the necessity for the food, the quantity drastically reduces. First, when you get the proper signal and eat, 50% of your food intake will reduce. Then when the Samayama becomes deeper, 25% more intake will reduce. Because you don't need so much food. And the third, a very deeper part of the Samyama, just completely living independent of food and water. Sometime, once in a while, just like a casually, you want to have, have it, otherwise it is okay. So I am interested in teaching the first two part. Third part also I'll give you the technique and process. But I am going to put more effort, energy on this two part, because the whole human civilization is suffering with this first two part - Eating too much and eating unnecessarily.
So I have some of the scientific researches here: ‘The amount of energy needed for us everyday is determined by how much Adenosine triphosphate--ATP--our mitochondria creates, so that proper enzymes can be activated to make our bodies move and function properly. This can affect …(4:22). Since we may not have the energy to commit…(4:28).’ I am reading some of the scientific studies, then I'll connect it with our Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. ‘The amount of ATP, Adenosine triphosphate, our mitochondria creates is determined by genetics, exercise level, nutritional status and thyroid activity.’
Please understand, thyroid activity, that is an important word. Because again and again Patanjali is insisting on Samyama on the throat Chakra which is a thyroid centre. Throat Chakra, Vishuddhi, is directly connected to thyroid centre. So, scientific studies also say, it is thyroid which is directly related to weight. [Swamiji continues reading the research] ‘As age increases, the number of mitochondria in our cells decreases in efficiency by about 5-8% every 10 years. One easy way to reverse this is by exercising.’ By exercising also you can increase mitochondria only 40%. But by levitating, 1300%. So, best way for weight loss, just levitate. 😃 What to do for levitation? Get a two-way connection, come and sit in our temple. That’s all. Afterall, now our temples are specially energised.
Now, I wanted all of you to know, in our Bidadi Ashram, under the Banyan tree, the south-west corner, I am making a strong energy field where there is a Patanjali’s shrine. All of you who have visited the ashram, you know, there is a snake temple, Patanjali’s shrine, in our Bidadi ashram, in the south-west of the Banyan tree--in the same Banyan tree umbrella, south-west part. There, if the ashramits have noticed, if the people who are staying in the Ashram, if you have have noticed there, you would have seen yesterday, they are digging a big pit. One and a half feet pit. I am creating an intense energy field in that area - something like a 100 square feet; whoever comes and sits there will have levitation! Will have their Kundalini Awakening. It will be such a strong energy field. We will be installing a beautiful Patanjali’s Murthi with thousand head, Thousand hoods. See, Patanjali will be in his pure form of Adi Sesha with 1000 hood snake. Patanjali’s Murthi is going to be installed there and already the energy field is getting ready. I am planting a proper Siddha herbs, Yantras with proper Prana Pratishta. If you come and sit there you will experience levitation. You will have Kundalini Awakening. So all you need to do for levitation is, as on now, get two-way connection or come and sit in our temple. Have Nayana Deeksha. That’s it.
[Swamiji continues reading the research] ‘Those who exercise have more mitochondria which means more potential for energy and ability to burn more calories for healthy weight loss.’ These are some of the things. ‘Thyroid gland plays a major role in mitochondrial activity. Those with hypothyroidism can suffer 60% reduction in ATP production and suffer from low energy and fatigue. Hypothyroidism may be due to low thyroid function or iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency may be due to change in food intake, eating patterns and food production methods. Another factor for lower ATP production is oxidative damage to mitochondria. Several antioxidant nutritions like green tea can be used to protect mitochondria from oxidative damage. In case of normal exercise and work out there is only an increase in 10% of mitochondrial ATP energy with 80% increase in heart rate.’ Oh god, if you workout in 80%increase in heart rate, only 10% mitochondrial energy increases. ‘Maximise your ATP production to have more energy and lose more weight.’ These are some of the scientific studies and findings.
Now I am going to connect how the thyroid activity is balanced and ATP production is more and mitochondria cell energy increases through the Patanjali’s method of Samyama. Understand. I'll describe the technique also, but I first want you to understand the connection between the scientific researches and Patanjali. Throat chakra, main source of energy for thyroid. Please understand, throat chakra itself is not thyroid centre, no. Thyroid centre gets activated and controlled by throat chakra. Throat chakra is the head, is the incharge. When you do Samyama on the throat chakra the whole thyroid activity gets balanced. The first thing will happen is you will start receiving the hunger-thirst signal from the throat not from navel, which is wrong. As I said yesterday, if you are receiving the hunger-thirst signal from the navel it is not hunger or thirst, it is just greed. Nothing else. Greed and fear for food. Greed for food, fear you may not have it for next two, three days. So if you are receiving signal from throat, only then you are a human being.
Understand, in forest animals can have the fear about food because they may not get it. How will you say, everyday one deer will come and surrender in front of a lion. No. And no lion is going to have a meat shop, for the regular supply. If you get one deer today, that does not mean you will get everyday one. Suddenly you may get two one day, and you may not get anything for next two months. So the animals can have fear or greed for food, nothing wrong. Because they do not have a regular supply. The regular supply is not ensured. So they can get signal from navel. Nothing wrong. Their food eating habit can be based on fear & greed. But you are not animal, I want to remind you. I want to remind you, you are not animal. So let your eating pattern be not based on fear and greed. Let it be based on throat. Pure signal. When you get the hunger-thirst signal from throat, you are a human being. You are human being.
And next level, even in human being level you don’t need so much food. You need only 1/5th the earth part. See, five energy parts are there in us. One, the sky, space. Second, air. Third, fire. Fourth, water. Fifth, earth. So understand, it is time, human beings realise you don’t need to fill yourself all five part with food. Contribute only to earth and water. Other 3 are directly taken from the nature. The third is completely being independent of food – Anna Vimukta. Independent of food. It means you don’t need food to run life. Once in a while to grace food, you can taste it. Nothing wrong.
Let us work on these two-level techniques. First two level. Understand, intense Samyama on this [Swamiji gestures towards the throat region] area. Have maybe a a Rudraksha or the sandal beads - Rudraksha connected with sandal beads. Put it on your throat. Lie down. Put it on your throat and visualise the intense fire. Please understand, throat is a male chakra. Vishuddhi is male chakra. You may be surprised. Ajna is female chakra. Arrogance and ego is a female energy. Ajna is a female chakra. Throat is male chakra. So, visualise intense fire, sun. I am giving you the exact technique. Rudraksha with sandal beads, sandalwood mala, put it on your throat or you can have a close neck mala with one Rudraksha and the sandalwood beads. Put it on your throat. You should lie down, please understand, this Samyama has to be done only by lying down. By sitting this Samyama does not create a strong effect on your body. Only by lying down. Or at least your neck should be relaxed. If you dont have place for lying down, at least completely relax in the chair where the head is resting. The head or the neck should not be possessed by you. You should just let go the head and neck. It should be relaxed, only then Samyama can happen. Please understand, for Samyama your awareness is required but you should not be controlling it. You should not be controlling that part. These are basic laws of Samyama. Any part you want to do Samyama, you need to put all your awareness but that part cannot be controlled by you, during the Samyama.
So if you are doing Samyama on the throat, Vissudhi chakra, lie down, or completely relax, rest. And put the Rudraksha or sandalwood Mala. If you don’t have, it’s ok. Just even if you apply little sandal paste, that's enough. Apply the sandal paste and intensely visualise sun, fire – burning fire.
If you see some Youtube clips which shows the sun, sun pictures, how it is burning, you will have a rough idea how to visualise. Visualisation really matters in Samayama. Please understand, the intensity of the visualisation directly plays a major role in the success of Samyama. So intensely visualise. And if you are doing Chandra Samyama in the night time, you can do this in the day time, nothing wrong. Because both Samyama needs liquid diet. You are already on liquid diet, it'll help you. It'll help you. If you are on Chandra Samayama, you can do this in the day time. For this Samyama, the throat chakra Samyama, you don't need to sit in the open sky. You can sit in your room and visualise the sun, intense burning, fire. Literally the sandal you apply, should dry and fall just by the power of your visualisation.
Understand, the cool sandal paste you apply should become dry and dark and it should fall. It should just drop. That intense visualisation, Samyama on sun, on the Vishuddhi chakra, when it is done, suddenly you will see the whole body runs intensely with the nature energy. I tell you, running by the nature energy, means you are running by proper fuel, there will not be air pollution. There will not be air pollution and there will not be any other pollution by you.
See, not only that, the truths you listen from your Master, your non-mechanical parts of your body will just catch it. It’ll click with you! For example, day before yesterday, the completion of the 21 day Samayama, end of the Samayama after the Brahmasutra session, in Singapore, one of our devotee Nitya Devi was sitting online, two-way video conferencing. Straight away I said, “Now you will have Vibhuti in your hand”. You see the word when I uttered, she was so receptive, even the matter listens. Vibhuti travelled from all the way from My room in Bidadi to her hand in Singapore, and appeared immediately. I think most of you would have seen. Immediately they announced in the video-conferencing also. You can see the photographs in the website. The moment I uttered, even the matter listens in her system. Her system is ready to receive even a matter. When you are in that intense presence, understand, any truth I reveal, your non-mechanical parts of the brain just receives and it becomes part of your life. This is the secret how Vedic Rishi utters Tatvamasi, Tatvamasi, Tatvamasi nine times and Swetaketu becomes enlightened. You may be wondering, how can guru utter Tatvamasi--and immediately that boy who is listening becomes enlightened. The power of the presence landing on your system. Understand, you are in a presence where even matter obeys, dead matter obeys. Then simply your brain will imbibe this truth. Just little preparation.
I tell you, this Samyama, this Samyama on the throat will reduce… first thing it'll remove the unnecessary signals being sent to your body for food and hunger, food and water, hunger and thirst. That itself will cut 50% intake. Then, second level it'll reduce even the necessity for food. It’ll start running in natural fuel. So that will reduce 25% more. So actually, Samyama on this Visudhi, 21 day can drastically reduce 75% of food intake, increase your mitochondria energy 1000% and proper weight balancing. I am not saying weight loss means you will become underweight, no. Proper weight balancing. I can guarantee, within 21 days, I can bring anybody to proper weight. Sure ways, this Patanjali’s method. See, the first problem is the signal, wrong signal, that has to be changed. Second thing is reducing even the necessary intake. Third, automatically body will start increasing the energy. Understand, if you just directly cut food, without doing the Samyama on Vishuddhi, you may lose weight but you will be tired. But do this Samyama, you will be supplied intense energy required for running the body, running the calorie burning workouts. And, naturally, the food intake will be less. The energy source will not be food anymore, it will be inner space. Instead of receiving energy to run your body from food, you are receiving from Kundalini Shakti. That’s all. Nothing else.
So understand, today I want you to practice this Samyama. It is a very powerful Samyama. See, the Samyama’s like a Vishuddhi, Ajna and all, quickly be awakened. It’s very easy to do. In one day you will see the experience. Do the Samyama and get back. Tomorrow I will continue the deeper dimensions of weight loss.
This Inner Awakening I will add one more unique feature – weight loss guaranteed, weight balancing guaranteed! And I will challenge anybody overweight, come for this Inner Awakening. Within that 21 days, I will make you proper BMI, the body mass indexing. And you will fall into the proper weight, I guarantee. And I challenge, we will do the perfect weight loss program in this Inner Awakening.
And, I bless you all. Let’s all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.
[[Category: Patanjali yoga sutra]] [[Category: 2011 | 20110324]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]
[[Category: Patanjali yoga sutra]] [[Category: 2011 | 20110324]][[Category:Auto Uploaded Images]]

Latest revision as of 20:05, 28 June 2022


Sure way to weight loss.

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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects. Today’s subject. I am continuing on sure ways to weight loss! I have more and more scientific researches and studies supporting the Patanjali’s Samyama. I just wanted to give you the gist of yesterday’s Samyama if you are tuning in today. Understand, doing Samyama, means intensely feeling connected in the throat chakra, Vishuddhi chakra, you go beyond the hunger & thirst. So this has many levels. First, the pseudo hunger and thirst sensations and signals stops. So you stop junking. I want to create a new word - junking. You start eating. Stop junking, start eating. That is the first step. Second step, when the Samyama becomes deeper on the Vishuddhi chakra, even the necessity for the food, the quantity drastically reduces. First, when you get the proper signal and eat, 50% of your food intake will reduce. Then when the Samayama becomes deeper, 25% more intake will reduce. Because you don't need so much food. And the third, a very deeper part of the Samyama, just completely living independent of food and water. Sometime, once in a while, just like a casually, you want to have, have it, otherwise it is okay. So I am interested in teaching the first two part. Third part also I'll give you the technique and process. But I am going to put more effort, energy on this two part, because the whole human civilization is suffering with this first two part - Eating too much and eating unnecessarily.


So I have some of the scientific researches here: ‘The amount of energy needed for us everyday is determined by how much Adenosine triphosphate--ATP--our mitochondria creates, so that proper enzymes can be activated to make our bodies move and function properly. This can affect …(4:22). Since we may not have the energy to commit…(4:28).’ I am reading some of the scientific studies, then I'll connect it with our Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. ‘The amount of ATP, Adenosine triphosphate, our mitochondria creates is determined by genetics, exercise level, nutritional status and thyroid activity.’

Please understand, thyroid activity, that is an important word. Because again and again Patanjali is insisting on Samyama on the throat Chakra which is a thyroid centre. Throat Chakra, Vishuddhi, is directly connected to thyroid centre. So, scientific studies also say, it is thyroid which is directly related to weight. [Swamiji continues reading the research] ‘As age increases, the number of mitochondria in our cells decreases in efficiency by about 5-8% every 10 years. One easy way to reverse this is by exercising.’ By exercising also you can increase mitochondria only 40%. But by levitating, 1300%. So, best way for weight loss, just levitate. 😃 What to do for levitation? Get a two-way connection, come and sit in our temple. That’s all. Afterall, now our temples are specially energised.


Now, I wanted all of you to know, in our Bidadi Ashram, under the Banyan tree, the south-west corner, I am making a strong energy field where there is a Patanjali’s shrine. All of you who have visited the ashram, you know, there is a snake temple, Patanjali’s shrine, in our Bidadi ashram, in the south-west of the Banyan tree--in the same Banyan tree umbrella, south-west part. There, if the ashramits have noticed, if the people who are staying in the Ashram, if you have have noticed there, you would have seen yesterday, they are digging a big pit. One and a half feet pit. I am creating an intense energy field in that area - something like a 100 square feet; whoever comes and sits there will have levitation! Will have their Kundalini Awakening. It will be such a strong energy field. We will be installing a beautiful Patanjali’s Murthi with thousand head, Thousand hoods. See, Patanjali will be in his pure form of Adi Sesha with 1000 hood snake. Patanjali’s Murthi is going to be installed there and already the energy field is getting ready. I am planting a proper Siddha herbs, Yantras with proper Prana Pratishta. If you come and sit there you will experience levitation. You will have Kundalini Awakening. So all you need to do for levitation is, as on now, get two-way connection or come and sit in our temple. Have Nayana Deeksha. That’s it.


[Swamiji continues reading the research] ‘Those who exercise have more mitochondria which means more potential for energy and ability to burn more calories for healthy weight loss.’ These are some of the things. ‘Thyroid gland plays a major role in mitochondrial activity. Those with hypothyroidism can suffer 60% reduction in ATP production and suffer from low energy and fatigue. Hypothyroidism may be due to low thyroid function or iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency may be due to change in food intake, eating patterns and food production methods. Another factor for lower ATP production is oxidative damage to mitochondria. Several antioxidant nutritions like green tea can be used to protect mitochondria from oxidative damage. In case of normal exercise and work out there is only an increase in 10% of mitochondrial ATP energy with 80% increase in heart rate.’ Oh god, if you workout in 80%increase in heart rate, only 10% mitochondrial energy increases. ‘Maximise your ATP production to have more energy and lose more weight.’ These are some of the scientific studies and findings.


Now I am going to connect how the thyroid activity is balanced and ATP production is more and mitochondria cell energy increases through the Patanjali’s method of Samyama. Understand. I'll describe the technique also, but I first want you to understand the connection between the scientific researches and Patanjali. Throat chakra, main source of energy for thyroid. Please understand, throat chakra itself is not thyroid centre, no. Thyroid centre gets activated and controlled by throat chakra. Throat chakra is the head, is the incharge. When you do Samyama on the throat chakra the whole thyroid activity gets balanced. The first thing will happen is you will start receiving the hunger-thirst signal from the throat not from navel, which is wrong. As I said yesterday, if you are receiving the hunger-thirst signal from the navel it is not hunger or thirst, it is just greed. Nothing else. Greed and fear for food. Greed for food, fear you may not have it for next two, three days. So if you are receiving signal from throat, only then you are a human being.


Understand, in forest animals can have the fear about food because they may not get it. How will you say, everyday one deer will come and surrender in front of a lion. No. And no lion is going to have a meat shop, for the regular supply. If you get one deer today, that does not mean you will get everyday one. Suddenly you may get two one day, and you may not get anything for next two months. So the animals can have fear or greed for food, nothing wrong. Because they do not have a regular supply. The regular supply is not ensured. So they can get signal from navel. Nothing wrong. Their food eating habit can be based on fear & greed. But you are not animal, I want to remind you. I want to remind you, you are not animal. So let your eating pattern be not based on fear and greed. Let it be based on throat. Pure signal. When you get the hunger-thirst signal from throat, you are a human being. You are human being.


And next level, even in human being level you don’t need so much food. You need only 1/5th the earth part. See, five energy parts are there in us. One, the sky, space. Second, air. Third, fire. Fourth, water. Fifth, earth. So understand, it is time, human beings realise you don’t need to fill yourself all five part with food. Contribute only to earth and water. Other 3 are directly taken from the nature. The third is completely being independent of food – Anna Vimukta. Independent of food. It means you don’t need food to run life. Once in a while to grace food, you can taste it. Nothing wrong.


Let us work on these two-level techniques. First two level. Understand, intense Samyama on this [Swamiji gestures towards the throat region] area. Have maybe a a Rudraksha or the sandal beads - Rudraksha connected with sandal beads. Put it on your throat. Lie down. Put it on your throat and visualise the intense fire. Please understand, throat is a male chakra. Vishuddhi is male chakra. You may be surprised. Ajna is female chakra. Arrogance and ego is a female energy. Ajna is a female chakra. Throat is male chakra. So, visualise intense fire, sun. I am giving you the exact technique. Rudraksha with sandal beads, sandalwood mala, put it on your throat or you can have a close neck mala with one Rudraksha and the sandalwood beads. Put it on your throat. You should lie down, please understand, this Samyama has to be done only by lying down. By sitting this Samyama does not create a strong effect on your body. Only by lying down. Or at least your neck should be relaxed. If you dont have place for lying down, at least completely relax in the chair where the head is resting. The head or the neck should not be possessed by you. You should just let go the head and neck. It should be relaxed, only then Samyama can happen. Please understand, for Samyama your awareness is required but you should not be controlling it. You should not be controlling that part. These are basic laws of Samyama. Any part you want to do Samyama, you need to put all your awareness but that part cannot be controlled by you, during the Samyama.


So if you are doing Samyama on the throat, Vissudhi chakra, lie down, or completely relax, rest. And put the Rudraksha or sandalwood Mala. If you don’t have, it’s ok. Just even if you apply little sandal paste, that's enough. Apply the sandal paste and intensely visualise sun, fire – burning fire. If you see some Youtube clips which shows the sun, sun pictures, how it is burning, you will have a rough idea how to visualise. Visualisation really matters in Samayama. Please understand, the intensity of the visualisation directly plays a major role in the success of Samyama. So intensely visualise. And if you are doing Chandra Samyama in the night time, you can do this in the day time, nothing wrong. Because both Samyama needs liquid diet. You are already on liquid diet, it'll help you. It'll help you. If you are on Chandra Samayama, you can do this in the day time. For this Samyama, the throat chakra Samyama, you don't need to sit in the open sky. You can sit in your room and visualise the sun, intense burning, fire. Literally the sandal you apply, should dry and fall just by the power of your visualisation. Understand, the cool sandal paste you apply should become dry and dark and it should fall. It should just drop. That intense visualisation, Samyama on sun, on the Vishuddhi chakra, when it is done, suddenly you will see the whole body runs intensely with the nature energy. I tell you, running by the nature energy, means you are running by proper fuel, there will not be air pollution. There will not be air pollution and there will not be any other pollution by you.


See, not only that, the truths you listen from your Master, your non-mechanical parts of your body will just catch it. It’ll click with you! For example, day before yesterday, the completion of the 21 day Samayama, end of the Samayama after the Brahmasutra session, in Singapore, one of our devotee Nitya Devi was sitting online, two-way video conferencing. Straight away I said, “Now you will have Vibhuti in your hand”. You see the word when I uttered, she was so receptive, even the matter listens. Vibhuti travelled from all the way from My room in Bidadi to her hand in Singapore, and appeared immediately. I think most of you would have seen. Immediately they announced in the video-conferencing also. You can see the photographs in the website. The moment I uttered, even the matter listens in her system. Her system is ready to receive even a matter. When you are in that intense presence, understand, any truth I reveal, your non-mechanical parts of the brain just receives and it becomes part of your life. This is the secret how Vedic Rishi utters Tatvamasi, Tatvamasi, Tatvamasi nine times and Swetaketu becomes enlightened. You may be wondering, how can guru utter Tatvamasi--and immediately that boy who is listening becomes enlightened. The power of the presence landing on your system. Understand, you are in a presence where even matter obeys, dead matter obeys. Then simply your brain will imbibe this truth. Just little preparation.


I tell you, this Samyama, this Samyama on the throat will reduce… first thing it'll remove the unnecessary signals being sent to your body for food and hunger, food and water, hunger and thirst. That itself will cut 50% intake. Then, second level it'll reduce even the necessity for food. It’ll start running in natural fuel. So that will reduce 25% more. So actually, Samyama on this Visudhi, 21 day can drastically reduce 75% of food intake, increase your mitochondria energy 1000% and proper weight balancing. I am not saying weight loss means you will become underweight, no. Proper weight balancing. I can guarantee, within 21 days, I can bring anybody to proper weight. Sure ways, this Patanjali’s method. See, the first problem is the signal, wrong signal, that has to be changed. Second thing is reducing even the necessary intake. Third, automatically body will start increasing the energy. Understand, if you just directly cut food, without doing the Samyama on Vishuddhi, you may lose weight but you will be tired. But do this Samyama, you will be supplied intense energy required for running the body, running the calorie burning workouts. And, naturally, the food intake will be less. The energy source will not be food anymore, it will be inner space. Instead of receiving energy to run your body from food, you are receiving from Kundalini Shakti. That’s all. Nothing else.


So understand, today I want you to practice this Samyama. It is a very powerful Samyama. See, the Samyama’s like a Vishuddhi, Ajna and all, quickly be awakened. It’s very easy to do. In one day you will see the experience. Do the Samyama and get back. Tomorrow I will continue the deeper dimensions of weight loss. This Inner Awakening I will add one more unique feature – weight loss guaranteed, weight balancing guaranteed! And I will challenge anybody overweight, come for this Inner Awakening. Within that 21 days, I will make you proper BMI, the body mass indexing. And you will fall into the proper weight, I guarantee. And I challenge, we will do the perfect weight loss program in this Inner Awakening. And, I bless you all. Let’s all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.
