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Master Technique to Realize Yourself -Patanjali Yoga Sutras 92: Nithyananda Satsang 7 Jan 11.mp4


"All teachings, techniques, all practices boils down to this 1 Maha Vakya- Be Unclutched. Start Unclutching, an ordinary person can practice and experience this." declares Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Rare Avatar and Enlightened Master in response to the Q&A session, when asked if living inside the body independently means functioning in the body with pure consciousness. Unclutching is the ultimate technique, the Maha Vakya gifted by Nithyananda to the planet.

"Master technique to realize yourself!" is the message for Jan 7th 2011. Continuing to enlighten us and take us to higher and higher consciousness with ultimate truths through Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Paramahamsa Nithyananda today dealt with yoga sutra no. 92, from Sadhana Pada, chapter 2, 41st verse, "Sattva Śuddhi Saumanasya Ekāgra Indriyajaya Ātmadarśana Yogayatvāni Ca" explained as "There also arises purification of the Sattva, cheerfulness of the mind, concentration, conquest of the organs, and fitness for the realization of the Self".

Patanjali is continuing from the last sutra of Soucha, purity which gives you the science of pleasure. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, again and again, stressed that purity is not morality. It is given as a mystical technique.

The Master gave the core essence of this sutra as, "Understand the mystery of pleasure through the eyes, ears by continuously looking, seeing, experiencing through those senses means achieving the purity. When you understand the science of pleasure, soucha, purity, through spiritual practice, you will understand the science of bliss. Sattva Śuddhi means purification of the senses, the understanding, when you stop the trial & error method, that space only I call Sattva Śuddhi. The intense happiness which comes out of your being by the understanding of the mystery of pleasure is what Patanjali calls 'Saumanasya', it brings you tremendous happiness, Nothing can take away the happiness you have. 'Ekāgra', the ability to focus happens in you. Senses will not be using you, you will use them. Destroying or slave of senses is not the right thing. Be a master of senses. You will become the master of the senses and be ready for 'ātmadarśana', self-realization".

Nithyananda then went deep into explaining the rare science of 'mystery' and how we lose the Shraddha (sincerity) in our spiritual practices in very simple words, He says, "When I say, understand you are looking through the eyes, if you just listen, it is technical knowledge. If you try to do it for 10 minutes, it is a technique. But even when your bio memory, laziness and diverting tendency takes you over -- after 3 minutes it will divert you, then the Shraddha in the technique, the tapas will be lost. But when that is lost by the diversion or by the laziness, even in those moments you stand -- No, I am going to do it. When you look through the eyes, suddenly the mysteries of looking will be revealed to you, which your ordinary eyes will never grasp".

Then, Nithyananda explained what is practicing Brahmacharya and who is a Paramahamsa, "Attend to every sense with the clarity of purity, the mysteries will be revealed to you. This is what I say is practicing Brahmacharya. Then you will create a life around you. What is that which gives excitement again and again? Person who has created a beautiful conflict-free life around him, which may not be set up in any human community set up or varna (brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, sannyasi), but you have a clear understanding of mystery, this is what is mystery of pleasure for me, seeing for me, taste for me and you set up your life as you want and you live, you are called Paramahamsa. You know in clear, mystical way what you want, what for you can spend and what can constantly keep you in eternal bliss. I tell you, whenever you are established, you are in eternal bliss."

Then, Paramahamsa Nithyananda declared His vision to the delight of all, "My vision is creating more & more 'Paramhamsas' who are capable of creating more & more Paramahamsas. It should become like a millions of swans flying in the sky. Understand only dogs hit and fight each other. Swans never hit each other though millions fly together close to each other. Swans don't get into traffic jams or accidents. Only dogs get into accidents. I am interested in all of you becoming swans so that whether you are here or not here, there is not conflict. But dogs will always have conflict wherever they are".

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Video Audio


Prayer. Welcome. Yesterday I was answering a question. I will complete remaining part of that question How do we identify, comply, complete engrams in one chakra without Be present. Be unclutched. Be aware. All these words denote the same experience, same process from different angle. In these 3 do any one that is enough to comply, complete – it does not mean going after and breaking the engram. When you are with awareness whatever happens is completion! If the thread goes from one chakra to other do you fulfill in lower or higher chakra. Don’t bother about that. It will happen. You don’t need to choose. Q:

I have been contemplating the sutra you gave us. Please explain – does living inside the body independently mean functioning in the body with pure consciousness.

Yes. If so does it mean only enlightened being can have this experience? No. enlightened being has ultimate experience of this definition. But you can start practicing. All teachings, techniques, all practices boils down to this one maha vakya be unclutched. Start unclutching an ordinary person can practice and experience this. Every night unclutch and fall into that space. So when you wake up first thought will be you were unclutched whole night. Let you drill and grill your whole being by complying and completing - both happens by unclutching. It may or may not lead to action – this is not a problem. Let us enter into the next Patanjali Yoga Suta 92nd sutra, 2nd chapter 41st verse. Subject: Master technique to realize yourself! Satva suddhihi soumanasya eka indriya jaya atma darshana yogyat vaanicha Vivekenanda: there also arise purification of satva, cheerfulness of mind, concentration, conquest of organs and fitness of realize of self Prabhavananda: Moreover one ahchieves purification of heart….. Satchitananda : moreover one gains purity of satva, cheerfulness of mind, one pointedness…. So basically Patanjali tries to describe continuing from the last sutra – if the purity is continuously b eing practiced, satva suddhi – upon purification of the satva, soumanasya – happiness clarity of the mind – yesterday I described the feeling of that bhole baba. Soucha gives you the science of pleasure. Again & again I wanted you to understand, purity is not morality. It is given to you as a mystical technique. Let me define mystery. When I say understand you are looking through the eyes, if you just listen, it is a technical knowledge. If you try to do it for 10 minutes, it is technique. But even when your bio memory laziness and diverting tendency takes you over – after 3 minutes it will divert you – then the shraddha in the technique will be lost. The shraddha in the tapas will be lost. But when that is lost by the diversion or by the laziness, even in those moments you stand – no, I am going to do it. When you look through the eyes, suddenly the mysteries of looking will be revealed to you which your ordinary eyes will never grasp. Let me exactly define mysteries of looking – how I am seeing all of you now. With this one example I will reveal the definition of mystery. When you look through the eyes, means with awareness that eyes are not seeing. Through eyes something else which you call or feel as you is seen. When you initially start practicing that, it is technique. When you establish yourself in that beyond the diverting tendency of your mind and your laziness, you will suddenly see why you are seeing. I can tell you very clearly, why I am seeing. I am telling you exactly what is happening in me, you understand what all can happen in you. loke Krishna says know my inner space and you will know what is happening in yoru inner space. Apply this in your inner space and you will have clarity. As on now, I am not seeing individual persons. I see a cluster or a group is sitting which does not have individual identity. It is just sitting there. Any one small thing happens to one person, affects all the persons. It is like group energy. There is no individual. I am throwing too many mystical doors open. Poison in the Shiva’s throat ala gala is maya and it takes care too many great mystical things are revealed verbally and transmitted to the world. that is one of the biggest problem in all master’s throat that ala gala comes & sits. Only to certain extent you can verbalize and release. So here I am seeing one group which has no individual identity. If one person is raised all will raise. That is how I am seeing this patch. There are few bodies are not even awakened to idea that they have a separate body. They are like a sheep. They will grow together. Later on they may awaken. If not, they will die. When person does not awaken that it is individual body, there will not be individual suffering or enlightenment. Here I am seeing one small patch which has not other emotion except the simple love. Again I am seeing those few kids no individual identity. It is almost like a tree or a plant or animal just the body it is there but possibility for individual identity to happen exists. This is the way how I am seeing. Why I decide to see continuously. Along with devotion, the individual identity is also showing the head. Maybe that is why there is jealousy in this group. If I have to describe, how from snakes mouth, the tongue will come again & again and tell I am there, same way, from every body in this group the individual identity comes up and says I am here. But in this other group I am not seeing the individual identity’s presence. This is the scene I am seeing. Let me describe why I am seeing. I am seeing just because the devotion of this 2 group requires that my seeing will ripen them to the next next level. sometime I don’t see people even though they are long term volunteers or devotees. Sometime I will see and look at a simple villager. Logically if you see from an organizational view point, you will think what is the use, he is not spending time with people who can contribute. If you look through their eyes, you will know what you need to see, don’t need to see, want to see and don’t want to see. In my case, I have only 2 things – what wants me to see, what does not want to me see it. That’s all. I myself do not have any idea what I want to see or not. In your case when you look through your eyes you will realize what you want to see and don’t want to see. That is what I call mystery. If you feel you are touching through your body and experience the science of pleasure and be liberated from the conflicts which you may need to go thru for the pleasure in the world, you understood the pleasure of science. If you understand the science of pleasure thru touch, if you understand you are touching thru the body then the unnecessary trial & error you are doing for sake of pleasure will drop and what you feel as pleasure you will create situations which will give you that. So conflict related to pleasure will disappear. Attend to every sense with the clarity of purity, the mysteries will be revealed to you. this is what I say is practicing Brahmacharya. Then you will create a life around you. what is that which gives excitement again & again. You will create it. Person who has created a beautiful conflict free life around him which may not set up in any human community set up or varna (brahmacharya, grihasta, vanaprastha, sanyas) but you have clear understanding of mystery, this is what is mystery of pleasure for me, seeing for me, taste for me and you set up your life as you want and you live, you are called Paramahamsa. You know in clear mystical way what you want, what for you can spend and what can constantly keep you in eternal bliss. I tell you whenever you are established, you are in eternal bliss. You are constantly teaching this to people coming to you and automatically a community is established around you. this is what is a cell reproducing a cell. I don’t want a large community around me. I want all of you to be established this and go around and create communities. I am not interested in all you guys staying in one place. I created so many temples, places ashrams everywhere because I want more & more Paramahamsas. Some of you when you become paramahamsas your gratitude will be melting and overflowing love and joy and you want to live at my feet. That is okay. Some may want to go elsewhere, be in other parts of my sangha. That is also okay. Some of you overflowing…but does not want to be legally part of my sangha and be somewhere else. Great. Then you can be part of my mission not organization. I am creating space for all 3 group. Be a paramahamsa wherever you are and go on creating more Paramahamsas, enlight beings. My vision – creating more & more Paramhamsas who are capable of creating more & more Paramahamsas. It should become like a millions of swans flying in the sky. Understand only dogs hit and fight each other. Swans never hit each other though millions fly together close to each other. Swans don’t get into traffic jams or accidents. Only dogs get into accidents. Swans will nto have conflict. Dogs will always have conflict. I am interested in all of you becoming swans so that whether you are here or not here, there is not conflict. But dogs will always have conflict wherever they are. Understand the mystery of pleasure through the eyes, ears by continuously looking, seeing, experiencing thru those senses means achieving the purity. When you understand the science of pleasure thru this spir prac tice you will understand the science of bliss. You will not waste time. Satva suddhi means purification of the senses, the understanding, when you stop the trial & error method, the space only I call satva suddhi. Saumanasya brings you a tremendous happiness. Nothing can take away the happiness you have. When you have the understanding of the mystery, the trial & error method will not be there. You will not be trying & erring for the sake of your pleasure. You just know what adds joy to your life & you will arrange your life based on that & you will live it! The intense happiness which comes out of your being by the understanding of the mystery of pleasure is what Patanjali calls Saumanasya. What all happens by purity he is explaining in this sutra. Then ekakriya – the ability to focus happens in you. mastery of senses means you will become master of your senses. Senses will not be using you, you will use them. Destroying or slave of senses is not right things. Be master of senses. That is the right thing. Then you will be ready for atma darshana – self realization. How the purity leads to self realization, patanjali explains in this sutra. Blessings!