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When you are aligning your every thought with the purpose of your existence, integrating your every thought with the purpose of your existence, you are creating, it is creativity. Creativity is not just painting something or sculpting something or designing something; creativity means creating life as you want. When you align your thoughts, just visualize and see if you are applying integrity.
When you are aligning your every thought with the purpose of your existence, integrating your every thought with the purpose of your existence, you are creating, it is creativity. Creativity is not just painting something or sculpting something or designing something; creativity means creating life as you want. When you align your thoughts, just visualize and see if you are applying integrity.
Integrity and [[Authenticity]] = Living Enlightenment
Integrity and [[Authenticity]] = [[Living enlightenment|Living Enlightenment]]
When you integrate your intellect it becomes knowledge. It leads you to life solutions, you will understand about the cosmos.  
When you integrate your intellect it becomes knowledge. It leads you to life solutions, you will understand about the cosmos.  
When you integrate your emotions, it leads to devotion; you will feel connected to the cosmos. When you integrate your being it leads to Dhyana (meditation) – you will realize the cosmos. Understanding, emotional feeling connection, realization.  
When you integrate your emotions, it leads to devotion; you will feel connected to the cosmos. When you integrate your being it leads to Dhyana (meditation) – you will realize the cosmos. Understanding, emotional feeling connection, realization.  

Revision as of 01:41, 26 February 2019

Integrity is you fulfilling the word and thought you give to yourself and to others and experiencing a state of Poornatvacompletion with yourself and with life.

When you give your word to yourself and others that is the bone structure of your life. If you continually break the bone then you will experience pain and suffering.

Creation is possible only when you are established in the state of integrity and utter your words. When you are in integrated to integrity, integrity will be in integrity with you.

Everything in your life is totality of honouring the words you give to you and to others. Because the respect you carry for you and the respect others carry for you, the confidence others have for you and the confidence you have on you, these two put together is your life.

When you bring Integrity into yourself, the way they look at you will transform immediately. Integrity brings so much of strength and power.

Being your own boss is being the master of your own cognitions and understanding.Replace your cognitions with integrity. Put your whole being to fulfill it or drop it. - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam


Two Components of Integrity

Integrity has two components.

1. The first part is – Whatever word you give to you, you either have to honor it or complete it by withdrawing it. 2. Secondly – Whatever word you give to others, you either have to honor it or complete it by withdrawing it.

For example, if you have told somebody that you will give them one lakh rupees, you have to honor your words even if feel you have to give up your life for it! However, if for some reason you realize that even if you give up your life you will not be able to give that person one lakh rupees, at least complete it by telling them, ‘I won’t be able to fulfill my word; I am completing it.’

In the same way, every thought you give to you is a word you give to you. If you have told yourself, ‘I will buy a car for myself, lots of clothes, and a big house’, remember that it is a promise you have given to yourself! You have to honor it even by giving your life. If you think you can’t honor it, then you have to complete with yourself. You have to do completion even with yourself.

So bring straightforwardness into any dealing – with yourself, with others, with the world, with God, with the Guru. Be straight and keep your word with integrity.

Living Consciously

Your life is built on the words you give to you and to others. That has to be without any unconsciousness, unawareness. Your manana – internalizing has to be continuously with awareness. Listen, shravana has to be with awareness. Manana – internalizing means the words you give to you and to others, the words you talk to you and others. The internalizing has to be with awareness with full consciousness. When you use the words with consciousness, you will naturally have less words... you will be aware that is forming the basic infrastructure of your life. The structure of your life is nothing but the words you give to you and to others. I tell you, the strength of your life is based on the words you give to you and to others. If it is conscious, your life will be conscious. If it is unconscious, your life will be unconscious. Integrity forms the basis for your life.

Integrity in Relationships

Relationships are not something external, they are the expression of how you feel about yourself; how you feel with you will only be projected as your relationship with the world. When you bring integrity to your relationships - means either honouring or completing - how much of confidence you will have over others and others will have over you; the conflicts will drastically drop. Success happens in life, fulfilment happens in life when the conflicts reduce. When the conflicts reduce, the life energy begins to flow through you. - Paramahamsa Nithyananda When you honour the word you give to others, not only they will have confidence and respect over you, only then the relationship exists.

Each human-being carries so much of energy. Even if you have an integrated relationship with only one human-being, your life can be different. Because, every person with whom you have an integrated relationship adds strength to you, not just mentally like confidence, morale boost or social power, consciously they add strength to you.

If you are having integrated relationship with your mother, consciously she adds strength to you. If you have integrated relationship with your father, consciously he adds strength to you. Every individual with whom you have integrated relationship, those people consciously enrich you…!'

'When you bring Integrity, honoring the words you give to others and you, in your relationship with others, suddenly the friendliness in your relationships increase.

Demands in your relationships, breaks the relationships and makes it dry. Friendliness in your relationships adds juice to the relationship and keeps it stable and growing. Above all, the relationships become worthy of living…!” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda If you have integrated relationships with others, consciously they add strength to you. Everyone you have integrated relationship with, consciously they enrich you.

Integrity expands your relationship with others

Integrity expands your relationship at different levels.

You will be able to sit with yourself with completion with yourself. When you know you have to fulfill your every word, then you have to speak every word with awareness. Only when you honour the word you give to others, they will have confidence over you and the relationship expands. Relationships are not something external, relationships are expression of your inner state. When you bring in the state of integrity, others will have confidence in you and the conflicts in your life will end.

Unfortunately, humans are not ready for permanent solutions, they only search for temporary solutions. That is the reason why Guru or teachers give temporary solutions. Permanent solution, even if it takes time, if you start living it, it can immediately end your conflict. When integrity becomes your way of thinking, then, your self-confidence on you and others’ confidence in you increases. Listen, take on only permanent solutions in your life.

Integrity expands you in your view and you in others view. The power of Integrity can make into a Siddha Purusha. Not only this, Integrity brings friendliness in your relationships. Integrity is an amazing practice that can continuously bring completion in your life. Without integrity you will not know the speed of your life. Only with integrity you will know the purpose of your life.

All fear is negative, self-fulfilling prophecies. It is like you plan for your failure and you plant your failure into the Cosmos through your deep fear. Whatever you sow will grow. That is why I tell you, if you think with Integrity you will break all the fears and you will be liberated from all the fears, and you will have success.

Integrity brings all Auspiciousness in life

When INTEGRITY is lost all is lost. Listening to your inner space is the beginning of Integrity.

When your inner space says there is nothing more to listen, there is only silence, you have achieved Integrity.

"Understand - even if you had negative self-fulfilling prophecies for 1000 years, if you do not encourage them for just 10 days, they will die. Even if the tree has grown for 1000 years, it takes just a few minutes to die if you pour acid. Integrity is the acid that can destroy the weeds of negative self-fulfilling prophecies in you." - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

What If Others Don’t Reciprocate In The Same Way?

Even if others don’t reciprocate, it can’t be the reason for you not doing it! Remember, you are not being integrated for the sake of others. You are doing it for your own enlightenment, your own expansion, your own success, your own victory in life! Others may not need to reciprocate because they are not interested in enlightenment, they are not interested in spirituality, they are not interested in success. You are the one who is interested, so you will have to take up the responsibility of establishing yourself in integrity. But you will find that when you establish yourself in integrity, the world also will start reciprocating! - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Integrity – Path to Your Life’s Purpose

When you bring integrity into your thinking all your patterns get destroyed just by the existence of integrity. Because every time you think, every statement you complete, you will see if it is in alignment with your existence, your life’s purpose. When the integrity in the words starts, you will create workability in the outer world. When the integrity in your thinking starts, you will create creativity itself in the inner world.

When you are aligning your every thought with the purpose of your existence, integrating your every thought with the purpose of your existence, you are creating, it is creativity. Creativity is not just painting something or sculpting something or designing something; creativity means creating life as you want. When you align your thoughts, just visualize and see if you are applying integrity.

Integrity and Authenticity = Living Enlightenment When you integrate your intellect it becomes knowledge. It leads you to life solutions, you will understand about the cosmos. When you integrate your emotions, it leads to devotion; you will feel connected to the cosmos. When you integrate your being it leads to Dhyana (meditation) – you will realize the cosmos. Understanding, emotional feeling connection, realization.

All these three happen just by integration. Integrity is the ultimate yoga. It solves all the problems of life. I can say, it dissolves all the problems of life. So have integrity and achieve enlightenment.

Every thought, every idea you consciously acknowledge is a promise given to you by you, so you have to fulfill it. So you will be aware before giving any promise to yourself. You will see, it is a commitment; will I be able to fulfill it or not? Am I going to believe only my past records or am I going to believe my possibility?

My past records make me feel I am a failure. The fight between past records and possibility is the fight between creativity and laziness.

Do not believe in past records. Believe only in possibility.

Integrity, the Principle Force of Shuddhadvaita

Integrity is the Meru Danda (spindle) on which the whole Cosmos flows. Oneness (Advaita) is the core of the Meru Danda. When the Meru Danda moves, the force generated is integrity. Integrity is a power. When ordinary people try to teach integrity, they try to control others through it. With The Avatar™, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, being integrated is a way to manifest powers. He manifests powers through such a person by empowering them.

Integrity gives the glimpse of Sadashivatva (the experience of Sadashiva). When practicing integrity, one will feel good about oneself. The body becomes the best space to live; the inner space becomes the best way to exist; the physical, physiological, psychological, neurological circuits become complete. Integrity is literally like a doing prana pratishtha (infusing cosmic energy) into oneself. Only with integrity, Sadashivatva starts happening.

The students of Nithyananda Gurukul maintain a high level of integrity. Sadashiva is empowering them and manifesting powers through them. That is the witness evidence that The Avatar™ is using integrity only to empower devotees, not to control devotees.

It is with integrity life starts. It is with integrity that one reaches the core principle, the spindle (Oneness). Only integrity is the scale to find out whether one is completing, or cheating oneself and cheating others. When integrated, Sadashiva manifests powers through them. When Consciousness starts functioning, friendliness is the smell.

When Advaita starts moving, integrity is the force generated. Align to that force. Integrity is the scale with which one can measure whether they have completed or not, whether they are healed or not, whether they are evolving or not. First, have completion with integrity; love integrity. It is one of the amazing powers a human being is given. It is not a controlling mechanism, it is living mechanism. It is a lifestyle, breathing style. By bringing integrity, one will empower oneself and discover a new being. Integrity will literally make one Sadashiva. Practicing integrity leads to experiencing Advaita and manifesting the powers of Sadashiva.

Integrity to Bone Structure

Paramahamsa Nithyananda has explained why integrity is a critical aspect of life. With the power of integrity, whatever one says becomes Reality.

This is irrespective of whether what was said was in line with the laws of physics and laws that govern the physical world. Integrity itself is an important spiritual power. It simply manifests as the power of words.

One’s integrity is essential for receiving the initiations from the Master when he guides us into manifesting more and more powers. It is only through integrity that the Master expresses through anyone. “Integrity is a bio-memory stored in the bone structure. If you are integrated to your bone structure, automatically, integrity starts happening in words, actions, lifestyle, behaviour, thinking structure and every aspect of life.”

There are two ways to build integrity. All the qualities can be developed mentally and reached to the level of physical or it can be manifested from the physical and reached to the level of reality.

Mental technique: Integrity can be practiced as a mental technique. In this case, you complete with all the statements that you did not honour in life, declare completion with them and the people involved. Then you go on to create the cognition of an integrated being and keep practicing honouring your words in every relationship in life. This is a mental practice. This takes a long time (typically a 12-year duration) to manifest integrity as part of your bone marrow and it becomes your reality. This is a technique from Vedanta.

Physical Technique: Paramahamsa Nithyananda presents a unique practice from Agamaantha, ‘the skeleton dance’, to build integrity in the bone structure. Here Paramahamsa Nithyananda gives integrity as a physical practice. Building integrity from the physical level is very powerful and fast, working from the inside out and it helps to push and manifest powers in all aspects of life. Instruction: “You will visualise your skeleton structure. The strength of your skeleton structure is the strength of your integrity. Either for 21 minutes or 42 minutes visualize your bone structure and dance. Without losing power over visualizing your skeleton structure, you go on jumping, dancing for any song. Your body should be active; as many bones as possible should be moving; but your inner space should be holding the whole skeleton structure’s visualisation. It will almost be like a skeleton dancing. You will see in your inner space the skeleton dancing, but that cannot reduce the speed of your dance. Your movement should be there and the skeleton structure should be held in your inner space.”

Here, one is aligning with integrity from inside their bone structure. In this case, within one or two months, integrity can be made as part of the desired reality.

Integrity With Spiritual Routine

As explained by Sadashiva, Pratyahaāra means withdrawing life and energy from everything else and centering it on something.

Then, Pratyahāra, withdrawing, becomes Dhaārana, centering. Dharaāna means centering, flowing towards something.

When that Dhāaraāna happens, that on which one is flowing, reveals itself to the person. That is Dhyāana.

Being in that state continuously is Samāadhi.

Everything designed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, whether waking up in the Brahma Muhurta , doing yoga or doing Pancha Kriya or doing Puja or doing Kirtan or sitting in the Satsang, everything is designed for one to build oneself.

As part of the Shashtanga Yoga, Sadashiva gives an important instruction in Agama - tremendous Sattvic bliss, Ananda, comes from non-violent activities. The bliss that comes from non-violent activities - that is what He calls as ‘Sattvic-Ananda.’ That is the anti-dote for that layer of pitta to be cleansed.

This is the right reason and context why one should always be blissful, with and in ‘Nithyananda.

When the brain is covered by a subtle layer of pitta, a certain amount of sadness, withdrawal, frustration, powerlessness, lower frequency of existence, that becomes the default functioning style. Only then, because of the powerlessness, people think “Let me do anything and manage the situation.” Joy destroys cunningness, joy destroys crooked thinking, joy destroys lack of integrity.It gives a larger vision.

Sadashiva Himself when He lands into a person, He creates intense joy in the system. That is the way He lands. A person’s cognition (about his own self) is very important; based on that they adopt strategies for life.

There are some people who do everything but do not bother about the larger values of life. This can be done only by a person whose brain is covered by pitta layer and does not have high frequency to their existence.

If Sattvic-Ananda can be added to people’s lives, the whole world will live in integrity! The benefits a Sattvic-Ananda person gets can’t even be described. The benefits happen at the physical level, muscle-memory level, physiological and psychological level. When the pitta in the brain reduces, it develops a power called ‘eating its own dead cells and cleaning it’ – that is the power of Rudra.

“Do not allow your physiology and psychology to enjoy joy [that] which comes from torturing [the] other person. No! Then your brain loses its capacity to hold Sadashiva in you. And always encourage, grow, the Sattvic-Ananda. Don’t be shy to grow the Sattvic-Ananda, means, nonviolent joys should be grown so much into the system. I tell you, more and more dosage of non-violent bliss develops a larger and larger vision of life. I tell you, Sattvic-Ananda makes you a Shaivite! That makes you live Shuddhadvaitam, Sadashivoham.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

“ Spiritual routine helps in building more and more Sattvic Ananda in the system. For example, when people jump and dance during Nithya KirtanSM, that bio-memory gets into their system, and helps make every process so powerful. The bliss is inhaled by every pore of the body! It becomes a part of the muscle-memory and bio-memory. Doing puja is also a way to build Sattvic-Ananda. “The way your body flows, with that I can tell you, the level of Integrity you have and the efficiency or the vision about life.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

Integrity comes from a Simple Decision!

“Practice may make you perfect, not integrated. Cognitive shift makes you integrated. Decision makes you integrated. That is why when you miss integrity… I am not asking you to practice integrity, I am making you to decide to be integrated from now. Declarations are decisions of reminding yourself, 'Let me burn me with Integrity, let me awaken me to my Integrity. Let the best of me be awakened in me.' " - Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

Akashic Readings on Integrity

Q. Respected Kalabhairava, can you please enlighten us on what is Integrity from the cosmic perspective?

Kalabhairava: When the pure prana gets converted into words in a body, that individual Will plays a major role in moulding those words “for” life or “against” life. If the individual Will supports life and allows the prana to get moulded into words, it is called “Integrity”. Individual Will supporting non-life, chaos in life and allowing the prana to get moulded as words is “Non-Integrity”. Integrity is all about allowing your pure prana flow inside you and allowing the pure prana to live, utter, radiate, act through your body and mind and being. “Find out what you are integrated to. Are you in poverty? You are integrated to that. Are you feeling rich? You are intgerated to that. Are you feeling healthy? You are integrated to that. Are you feeling "Wow, I have a great future with Swamiji and Sangha"? You are integrated to that...All the problems of life can be solved by re-cognizing to what you are integrated to. " Integrity to Guru manifests Sadashivatva in you

“Integrity to Guru means seeing who is using this body. Contemplate on that.” 

- Paramahamsa Nithyananda

He explains that integrity to the Guru is the best way to exist. It is being aligned with the ultimate Truth, that He is an incarnation of Sadashiva Himself.

When every action, every thought and decision is aligned with this truth, that is integrity with Guru. Aligning the whole being, integrating everything with this truth is being integrated with the Guru. Powers of Sadashiva express as a side effect of integrity with Guru. More integrity with Guru establishes the person more and more in the original state of Sadashivatva, making the powers manifest very casually.

Integrity is falling in love with your higher personality. It’s romance with higher side of you. It’s romance with a higher possibility of you. The scale to measure whether you are integrated or not, you will manifest Sadāshivatva - ME. when I fell in love with Arunagiri Yogeshwara, the first thing happened is Integrity to Him, means the space of listening. Space of listening and Integrity is one and the same. I decided to listen to Him with My whole Being.Integrity is the expression of love. Integrity is the experience of love. Integrity is the personification of listening.


Sakshi Pramanas (Sharings)=


http://www.nithyananda.org/Nithyananda-eNcyclopedia/Integrity.html http://nithyanandatimes.org/integrity-living-enlightenment/ http://nithyananda.org/video/take-guru-bhakti-listening-and-integrity#gsc.tab=0 http://dhyanapeetam.org/video/four-truths-life#gsc.tab=0 http://wikimedia.nithyananda.org/index.php?search=integrity&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1 http://nithyanandatimes.org/?s=integrity