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Manifest Your Reality Part 1
==Link to Video: ==
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Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām
Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
Before entering into the program-Kalpataru, just few understandings for newcomers. Usually we conduct four-day meditation workshop, four-day program to give a glimpse of higher consciousness: Superconsciousness. I call it Nithyananda Spurana... I have condensed the essence in one day. I am trying to give a strong spiritual awakening in one day. So few things need to be attended. I need little more cooperation from you. I don’t have time to logically analyse and support every statement I am making. I have time in four-day workshop. Whatever I am talking is very clear, logical, experiential truth which can be experienced. But now, because it is one day, I don’t have much time to every, analyse every statement. I am just presenting the direct experiential truth to you directly, directly.
So I need you to be little more aware, alert, intense. Why I support every argument, every idea logically because many time when things are uttered, we are not aware. We just relax. If ten statements are uttered, one or two only you grasp. Psychiatrists say only two percent we grasp: only two percent. If hundred things are happening around us, we grasp only two percent. We respond only two percent. If you are hypnotised, only then you reveal what all is recorded inside you. If hundred things are recorded inside you, in your unconscious, you respond only to two thing. If you are in that awareness, I think you will miss a lot. I want you to be intense, be aware because, even if you miss one statement, you may miss the whole essence, you may miss the experience what I call Kalpataru.
So all I request is be intense, be aware, completely involved. I have seen in the four day meditation workshop, people will start meditating only from third day but I don’t want you to wait till third day. Please start from the first session, from the first session, because we have only one day. Please, you don’t have to wait. Usually, people don’t start connecting. They wait to be intellectually tortured. No, that is what is the right word. Going on giving arguments, logic. This is nothing but intellectual torture. I request you, please don’t wait to be intellectually tortured. I am straight away sharing the experiences and techniques and experiment. Experience it. Experience doesn’t need intellectually...to experience the truth, you don’t need to be intellectually tortured but we are not convinced, we don’t want to settle down, we don’t want to relax, we don’t want to connect. Then nothing else can be done. I have to go on using all kinds of words. This one day, we don’t have time to use too many words. I will straight away present simple truths. Internalise it and start meditating, start experiencing.
Let Me introduce the word ‘Kalpataru’. In Sanskrit, the literal translation, literal meaning, the kalpataru word is sanskrit word. Literal meaning is fulfilling your wishes. The tree which fulfills your wishes. Kalpataru means, ‘kalpa’ means whatever you can visualise, ‘taru’ means the tree which fulfills it. Please understand, fulfilling does not mean giving. There is a subtle difference. Many time, giving does not gives you fulfillment. If your desire is given, what you asked is given, the fulfillment does not happen. What for you asked, if that is provided, only then fulfillment happens. There is a subtle difference between what you ask and what for you ask. Many time, we achieve what we ask but what for we ask is never achieved.
I have seen people going through the depression of success. They achieve what they want: house, car, bank balance, relationship. They achieve all that, but what for they want to achieve, that they are not able to achieve. Whenever you wish for something, you always have a feeling, ‘If I achieve this, I will be settled. If I achieve this, I will be settled.’ But after achieving that object, suddenly you realise you are not settled, you are not fulfilled. That is what I call depression of success. I have seen so many people. Before achieving something, they think, ‘If I achieve that, I will be completely fulfilled and settled. But after achieving, they are in opposite mood, completely opposite mood.
You can see from your young age, the moment you start feeling the individual identity, you have some deep emptiness. From that moment, we feel a deep emptiness. First we think, ‘If I am educated, I will be settled in the life. That emptiness will disappear.’ After education, we think, ‘No, no, no, if I am employed and if I am standing on my own, that emptiness will disappear.’ After that we think, ‘No, no, no, if I am married and have love in my life, that emptiness will disappear.’ After marriage, ‘If I have kids and a family, the emptiness will disappear.’ After that, ‘No, if I have a house and car, emptiness will disappear.’ After that, ‘If my son stands on his own feet, emptiness will disappear.’ Then you think, ‘If he gets married, I think I am settled.’ If he gets married, ‘No, no, no, no, if I have my grandkids, I am settled.’ Till you settle down in the tomb, graveyard, we don’t feel we are settled. That emptiness which starts the moment you feel the individual identity, continues to drive your life crazy. It is continuously driving your life crazy!
The big problem is, if some...whatever people tell, you believe and start doing it. If somebody says, ‘With money, that emptiness will disappear,’ you run behind money. If somebody says, ‘No, no, no, no, no, with good relationships, that emptiness will disappear,’ you start running behind. If somebody says, ‘No, no, no, no, no, if you have a position in the society and security, the emptiness will disappear.’ Big problem is, you are running behind the goal set by the people who themselves have not experienced the fulfillment. They themself have not experienced the fulfillment but they are setting the goal. You are running behind that goal. That is what we call ‘Maya’. Maya means ‘yama iti maya.’ which is not there but which makes you run with fear and greed as if it is there. ’yama iti maya’. In sanskrit, we say which is not there but which makes you continuously feel, which creates responses of fear and greed in you as if it is there. We are running behind the goals set by the people who have not experienced fulfillment by themself.
Kalpataru means which can fulfill your visualisations. Sometime it may give what you want, sometime it may take you beyond what you want. Fulfillment in each one of us, that energy, the fulfillment is there. These are all, please understand, I am not repeating the same old things which you heard or read in books. When I am saying, I am responsible for it but now, when I say this fulfillment is inside you, I am responsible for My words. You can ask Me. I am responsible for what I am talking. So please understand, I am not repeating from any book, I am not repeating from any theory. Whatever you listen from Me, I am responsible for it. You can take, you can very clearly understand. I am responsible for what I am talking.
The fulfillment is inside you. It is there and we have experienced. Even now, rarely we experience. One big problem is, human beings when they walk, they leave their footprint. The birds don’t leave their footprint. Same way, suffering leaves samskara, engram, memory in you, but fulfillment which you experience in your life rarely doesn’t leave footprint, doesn’t leave any memory inside you. That is why you don’t remember the moments when you experienced fulfillment, but you can always recall the moments which you experienced suffering. The painful moments you can always recall and remember, recollect, cherish. That’s what we are doing whole day, whole day we are doing that only. Constantly we bring our past back.
Actually if we have any problem directly, any pain, suffering, we are very comfortable with the present moment. We think, ‘Oh! Life is going as it should be.’ If nothing is there, if everything goes well, we feel empty and lonely. First thing, ‘Oh! If everything is going smooth today, tomorrow it is going to be very bad day. That is our mind. Then even if that is not satisfying, we bring all the old memories, ‘See, what happened to me few days before. That shouldn’t have happened, this shouldn’t have happened.’ We cherish. In a way, we are habituated to cherish suffering. We are habituated to cherish pains. We are trained, we are enjoying. If they are not there, we are missing something. We feel lonely. They become our company... Fulfillment does not leave imprint, does not leave engram in us. It is a gap.

Revision as of 18:44, 25 June 2021


Manifest Your Reality Part 1

Link to Video:

Couldn't parse video from https://youtu.be/qig-tSHj-4c


(06:38) Sadāshiva samārambām shankarācharya madhyamām Asmadācharya paryanthām vande guru paramparām.

I welcome you all with My love and respects.


Before entering into the program-Kalpataru, just few understandings for newcomers. Usually we conduct four-day meditation workshop, four-day program to give a glimpse of higher consciousness: Superconsciousness. I call it Nithyananda Spurana... I have condensed the essence in one day. I am trying to give a strong spiritual awakening in one day. So few things need to be attended. I need little more cooperation from you. I don’t have time to logically analyse and support every statement I am making. I have time in four-day workshop. Whatever I am talking is very clear, logical, experiential truth which can be experienced. But now, because it is one day, I don’t have much time to every, analyse every statement. I am just presenting the direct experiential truth to you directly, directly.


So I need you to be little more aware, alert, intense. Why I support every argument, every idea logically because many time when things are uttered, we are not aware. We just relax. If ten statements are uttered, one or two only you grasp. Psychiatrists say only two percent we grasp: only two percent. If hundred things are happening around us, we grasp only two percent. We respond only two percent. If you are hypnotised, only then you reveal what all is recorded inside you. If hundred things are recorded inside you, in your unconscious, you respond only to two thing. If you are in that awareness, I think you will miss a lot. I want you to be intense, be aware because, even if you miss one statement, you may miss the whole essence, you may miss the experience what I call Kalpataru.


So all I request is be intense, be aware, completely involved. I have seen in the four day meditation workshop, people will start meditating only from third day but I don’t want you to wait till third day. Please start from the first session, from the first session, because we have only one day. Please, you don’t have to wait. Usually, people don’t start connecting. They wait to be intellectually tortured. No, that is what is the right word. Going on giving arguments, logic. This is nothing but intellectual torture. I request you, please don’t wait to be intellectually tortured. I am straight away sharing the experiences and techniques and experiment. Experience it. Experience doesn’t need intellectually...to experience the truth, you don’t need to be intellectually tortured but we are not convinced, we don’t want to settle down, we don’t want to relax, we don’t want to connect. Then nothing else can be done. I have to go on using all kinds of words. This one day, we don’t have time to use too many words. I will straight away present simple truths. Internalise it and start meditating, start experiencing.


Let Me introduce the word ‘Kalpataru’. In Sanskrit, the literal translation, literal meaning, the kalpataru word is sanskrit word. Literal meaning is fulfilling your wishes. The tree which fulfills your wishes. Kalpataru means, ‘kalpa’ means whatever you can visualise, ‘taru’ means the tree which fulfills it. Please understand, fulfilling does not mean giving. There is a subtle difference. Many time, giving does not gives you fulfillment. If your desire is given, what you asked is given, the fulfillment does not happen. What for you asked, if that is provided, only then fulfillment happens. There is a subtle difference between what you ask and what for you ask. Many time, we achieve what we ask but what for we ask is never achieved.


I have seen people going through the depression of success. They achieve what they want: house, car, bank balance, relationship. They achieve all that, but what for they want to achieve, that they are not able to achieve. Whenever you wish for something, you always have a feeling, ‘If I achieve this, I will be settled. If I achieve this, I will be settled.’ But after achieving that object, suddenly you realise you are not settled, you are not fulfilled. That is what I call depression of success. I have seen so many people. Before achieving something, they think, ‘If I achieve that, I will be completely fulfilled and settled. But after achieving, they are in opposite mood, completely opposite mood.


You can see from your young age, the moment you start feeling the individual identity, you have some deep emptiness. From that moment, we feel a deep emptiness. First we think, ‘If I am educated, I will be settled in the life. That emptiness will disappear.’ After education, we think, ‘No, no, no, if I am employed and if I am standing on my own, that emptiness will disappear.’ After that we think, ‘No, no, no, if I am married and have love in my life, that emptiness will disappear.’ After marriage, ‘If I have kids and a family, the emptiness will disappear.’ After that, ‘No, if I have a house and car, emptiness will disappear.’ After that, ‘If my son stands on his own feet, emptiness will disappear.’ Then you think, ‘If he gets married, I think I am settled.’ If he gets married, ‘No, no, no, no, if I have my grandkids, I am settled.’ Till you settle down in the tomb, graveyard, we don’t feel we are settled. That emptiness which starts the moment you feel the individual identity, continues to drive your life crazy. It is continuously driving your life crazy!


The big problem is, if some...whatever people tell, you believe and start doing it. If somebody says, ‘With money, that emptiness will disappear,’ you run behind money. If somebody says, ‘No, no, no, no, no, with good relationships, that emptiness will disappear,’ you start running behind. If somebody says, ‘No, no, no, no, no, if you have a position in the society and security, the emptiness will disappear.’ Big problem is, you are running behind the goal set by the people who themselves have not experienced the fulfillment. They themself have not experienced the fulfillment but they are setting the goal. You are running behind that goal. That is what we call ‘Maya’. Maya means ‘yama iti maya.’ which is not there but which makes you run with fear and greed as if it is there. ’yama iti maya’. In sanskrit, we say which is not there but which makes you continuously feel, which creates responses of fear and greed in you as if it is there. We are running behind the goals set by the people who have not experienced fulfillment by themself.


Kalpataru means which can fulfill your visualisations. Sometime it may give what you want, sometime it may take you beyond what you want. Fulfillment in each one of us, that energy, the fulfillment is there. These are all, please understand, I am not repeating the same old things which you heard or read in books. When I am saying, I am responsible for it but now, when I say this fulfillment is inside you, I am responsible for My words. You can ask Me. I am responsible for what I am talking. So please understand, I am not repeating from any book, I am not repeating from any theory. Whatever you listen from Me, I am responsible for it. You can take, you can very clearly understand. I am responsible for what I am talking.


The fulfillment is inside you. It is there and we have experienced. Even now, rarely we experience. One big problem is, human beings when they walk, they leave their footprint. The birds don’t leave their footprint. Same way, suffering leaves samskara, engram, memory in you, but fulfillment which you experience in your life rarely doesn’t leave footprint, doesn’t leave any memory inside you. That is why you don’t remember the moments when you experienced fulfillment, but you can always recall the moments which you experienced suffering. The painful moments you can always recall and remember, recollect, cherish. That’s what we are doing whole day, whole day we are doing that only. Constantly we bring our past back.


Actually if we have any problem directly, any pain, suffering, we are very comfortable with the present moment. We think, ‘Oh! Life is going as it should be.’ If nothing is there, if everything goes well, we feel empty and lonely. First thing, ‘Oh! If everything is going smooth today, tomorrow it is going to be very bad day. That is our mind. Then even if that is not satisfying, we bring all the old memories, ‘See, what happened to me few days before. That shouldn’t have happened, this shouldn’t have happened.’ We cherish. In a way, we are habituated to cherish suffering. We are habituated to cherish pains. We are trained, we are enjoying. If they are not there, we are missing something. We feel lonely. They become our company... Fulfillment does not leave imprint, does not leave engram in us. It is a gap.


