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Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 18 Dec 2010
Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 18 Dec 2010
"Pratipaksa Bhavanam" is the keyword from yesterday's aphorism of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85, chapter 2, verse 34 - "Vitarkah Himsadayah Krta Karita Anumoditah Lobha Krodha Moha Purvakah Mrdu Madhya Adhimatrah Dukha Ajnana Anantaphalah iti Pratipaksa bhavanam". Continuing on this sutra, Enlightened Master and Rare Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the spiritual guiding force for millions, dealt deeply into the topic of "Straight Way Out of Ignorance".
"Pratipaksa Bhavanam" is the keyword from yesterday's aphorism of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85, chapter 2, verse 34 - "Vitarkah Himsadayah Krta Karita Anumoditah Lobha Krodha Moha Purvakah Mrdu Madhya Adhimatrah Dukha Ajnana Anantaphalah iti Pratipaksa bhavanam". Continuing on this sutra, Enlightened Master and Rare Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the spiritual guiding force for millions, dealt deeply into the topic of "Straight Way Out of Ignorance".
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Glorifying the greatness of Patanjali, Nithyananda spoke, "Patanjali is not an impractical master". When we consciously enter into anything, even death, suddenly we will realize, it is such a simple thing! Swamiji explained the importance of the Master in life, "Take life lightly, life is not worthy of suffering. When you take life lightly, casually, joyfully suddenly you will fall into the highest possible coherence -- things become more alive, practical, happening. Understand, as on now many of your spiritual knowledge is not happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master comes down to live, all of it becomes a happening. It then becomes a day-to-day thing."
Glorifying the greatness of Patanjali, Nithyananda spoke, "Patanjali is not an impractical master". When we consciously enter into anything, even death, suddenly we will realize, it is such a simple thing! Swamiji explained the importance of the Master in life, "Take life lightly, life is not worthy of suffering. When you take life lightly, casually, joyfully suddenly you will fall into the highest possible coherence -- things become more alive, practical, happening. Understand, as on now many of your spiritual knowledge is not happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master comes down to live, all of it becomes a happening. It then becomes a day-to-day thing."
==Link to Video: ==  
==Video and Audio==
Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85
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Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s subject for satsang ‘Ahimsa - Door to global peace’. Before entering into the today’s sutras I'll share few more understandings about yesterday’s sutras yesterday’s aphorism; Pratipaksha bhavanam; that is the key word of yesterday’s aphorism.
Human mind basically oscillates between fear and greed. It continuously moves from this extreme to that extreme and that extreme to this extreme. The oscillation between the fear and greed is mind. Please understand it’s like if I have to give a example of a web camera. Web camera is this end and that end, that camera continuously moves to this end to that end, looking this corner to that corner. That camera is consciousness and the movement from this end to that end is called mind. Your consciousness’s attention, when it moves from the fear and greed and greed and fear, the extremes, that movement only is called as mind. As long as that movement is there the highest possible coherence does not happen in you. Highest possible coherence happens when that consciousness just stays without oscillation. When that consciousness stays in restful awareness then the highest possible coherence happens in your system.
How that consciousness can stay without jumping between those extremes. Whenever your unconsciousness pulls you towards the fear extreme, consciously slap it with greed; then it will come to the center. When the unconsciousness was rushing towards the greed consciously slap it with fear; it will come to the center. Understand that is what Patanjali means when he says pratipaksha bhavanam. Whenever your fear is awakened you forget greed. You forget about your future. I have seen people when they get into the fear they forget about their possible future and do more and more nasty things; get into big mess; which I know for sure many people are doing now. They have the fear that one mistake which they did is going to finish them off. But that fear makes them forget about the possible future they can have and the greed disappears about the future and do more and more messy things and get into deeper and deeper troubles. Instead of one crime, now they will have to face hundreds of crime; that is the unconscious flow of mind. Don’t get into that mess.
Same way whenever you are caught in greed you forget about the fear and you do some foolishness; only after that you even remember the side effects and after effects. So the greed when it takes over you unconsciously, slap your unconscious consciously with fear; it will come to the centre. When the fear takes over consciously slap it with greed; it will come to the centre. Being in the center suddenly raises you to the highest possible coherence. That is what I call niyamaha. So whether it is related to non violence or non stealing or non greed or truthfulness or living like God; any vow, any law, any flow, whatever may be, please understand whatever it may be, when the fear takes over slap it with the greed, when the greed takes over slap it with fear, so that you are in centre continuously and experience the highest coherence.
What Buddha calls as the middle path is exactly this. Constantly be in the center. Many time when people take sanyas decision I tell them no...Don’t…. If you take whether sanyas or marriage or any decision based on the extreme fear or extreme greed you will be a failure. If you take sanyas or marriage or any decision about life when you are in the middle, suddenly you will see you are taking the decision out of the niyama; highest possible coherence. Any decision taken in the highest possible coherence only should be executed. That is your life. But any decision taken in the extreme fear extreme greed you are in mess; even if you are successful in that decision you will be completely depressed and missing something vital in the life.  
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Just yesterday some volunteer did not respect the department head’s instruction. He was brought to me. First thing I said is this only, means that person is not interested or the person has not taken the decision in coherence; in niyama. No. The person has taken the decision of volunteering in extreme fear or extreme greed. Get her out first. If the person has taken the decision of volunteering without the extreme fear or greed on the highest possible coherence, the middle path, then the person will not have any problem with working with the department head; because the person who is in charge of the department is supposed to be coordinating, thinking through, elevating, evolving the ideas. When you have a continuous tiff, it means the decision is not from the highest possible coherence. So any decision comes out of highest possible coherence will fulfill you and fulfill the world; because you are the world.
There is a very beautiful sutra; tasmin tushte jagat tushti prenite prenitam jagat. If you are satisfied whole world is satisfied, if you are happy whole world is happy.  This is chanted towards Krishna by a devotee. If you are happy then everything is ok. tasmin tushte jagat tushti prenite prenitam jagat. It is not only towards Krishna, towards every one of you. If your decisions are in highest coherence you will be fulfilled; means the whole world will be fulfilled. If you are fulfilled the world will be fulfilled because the world is you, you are world.  The best way to put you constantly into the highest possible coherence, the niyama, I’ll give you the process. Please understand the best way….. take the life lightly and go on be in joy. Take the whole world lightly. What is there ...ok...And I tell you any worst situation…… only till you enter into it the fear will be there.
I tell you even prison. After staying there for few days the fear went away. I can really tell you. Of course earlier also I did not have the fear. Ultimately the being is fearless. But just even that social so called ohhh ooooh.....I tell you the same way the death also. Only because you have not entered into it consciously, so much fear. Just be casual; when it comes naturally, consciously enter into it. Understand don’t try to create death. No. Then it is suicide... dangerous... no... Suicide will not lead you to enlightenment. When a natural death comes, mentally be prepared, consciously face it, go through it. Suddenly you will see Oh God! Just for this, with this fear, I wasted whole my life....I have been cheated so much. Same way when you enter into the death consciously suddenly you will realize Oh God! Such a simple thing just for this so many fellows exploited me showing this dumu dumu .... hoooo hooo... chow chow...showing this foolish fear so many fellows have exploited me; society politicians…..so many.
==Audio Link==
Take the life lightly. It is not worth of suffering. Life is not worthy of suffering. When you take the life lightly, joyfully, casually, suddenly you fall into the highest possible coherence. Things become more alive, things become more liked, things become more practical, things become more happening. Understand as on now, many of your spiritual knowledge is not a happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master happens in your life all the spiritual treasure becomes happening. It is just day to day thing.
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===Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 18 Dec 2010   ===
<soundcloud url="  https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/18dec2010-ashtanga-yoga-taming-mind-patanjali-yoga-sutras-85-nithyananda-morning-satsang?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2010-playlist      " />
Just yesterday in the healing initiation one devotee asked me, ‘From the young age I am filled by Narasimha. Can I have you also along with the Narasimha in me?’ I said don’t even bother about me, Narasimha, two, where will you keep; 60-60 or 40-40 or 50-50. Don’t bother just look……... see Narasimha that’s all. I don’t know what happened to her. I said have the experience of Narasimha and you don’t need to bother about that 50-50 whether 60-40 or 30-70…... No. Just have the experience of Narasimha you will see that only one will be there inside. There will not be two thing. When the highest possible coherence happens the conflict disappears. There will not be any conflict between the Narasimha and the Master. I know what she has experienced immediately. Till now Narasimha was a knowledge for her, when the Master happens in your life it has become a happening now. Narasimha is now living experience; happening.
Whenever the happening happens conflicts disappear. When a Master happens in your life all your spiritual visualization, imagination, meditation or ideas, thoughts, knowledge, everything becomes happening in your life. My only job is to make everything as a happening in you. So now the yama niyama all this you read; heard enough, read enough, tried to practice enough. Now suddenly when the Master happens by.... it becomes a happening. It is a happening. The highest possible coherence becomes happening in you when you are in the middle path, madhya panthaha; neither beaten by the extreme fear nor caught in the extreme greed. Decisions taken in the highest possible coherence keeps you in yama and niyama. Understand yama and niyama are not set of rules. It is being in the highest possible coherence. Because those set of rules if you start practicing as rules you will never be successful. I tell you. As rules they will be utter failure. Patanjali is not an impractical master.
I know there was a quack doctor in my village. Quack doctor means he doesn’t know much; but somehow whatever little he knows with that he tries to manage the scene. Means he would have been an assistant for some doctor. Five six years when you are assistant to doctor you will know for stomach pain white tablet, for leg pain black tablet, for head ache green tablet, for kidney problem yellow tablet. With color you come up with some idea. And you make a chart based on color. And if some company changes the color of the tablet what will happen?   So this quack doctor, whenever people go to him if he is not able to diagnose, understand, he will come up with some impractical medicine. In Tamil there is a proverb we will say that Kallichidiya anivera ........I have to translate kalli is a big plant. You will have to remove the plant without cutting the roots; the whole plant should be removed without even losing the smallest root and after cleaning that plant you will have to swallow the whole thing without that touching your small tongue. Is it ever possible? Then you know you are going to die with the disease. And at least you will not blame the doctor he doesn’t know medicine.
Patanjali is not that that kind of a person who gives impractical solution. If you understand yama niyama with your own translation in superficial way, then that is what you will think. When will I master the non greed and non violence, truthfulness? By the time I master I will become old then when will I start my asana and pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana…..already I am in samadhi. No... So yama and niyama are not laws and rules. It is the process of putting you into the highest possible coherence; highest possible coherence. So understand the essence is, when you are slapped by your unconscious with fear, push yourself with greed and bring into the center. When you are slapped by your unconscious by greed, push yourself consciously with fear and bring yourself to the center. When you are in center always you are in the highest possible coherence, centeredness.
I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Welcome. Prayer. Today’s subject for morning satsang is Ahimsa door to Global peace! Before entering into today’s sutras, I will share few more understandings about yesterdays sutra. Pratipaksha bhavanam is the keyword of yesterday’s aphorism.
Human mind basically oscillates between fear and greed. It continuously moves from this to that and that to this extreme. The oscillation between fear & greed is mind. Please understand, take example of web camera. This end and that end that camera continuously moved from this end to that end looking from this corner to that corner. The camera is consciousness & the movement from this end to that end is called mind. Your consciousness is attention. When it moves from fear & greed and vice versa the extremes, that movement only is called mind. As long as that movement is there, the highest possible coherence does not happen in you. it can happen only when the consciousness stays without oscillation, when it stays in restful awareness. How the consciousness can stay without jumping between those extremes. Whenever your unconsciousness pulls you to the fear extreme, consciousness slap it with greed then it will come to the center. When your unconsciousness pulls you to greed extreme, slap it consciousness with fear.
That is what patanjali means by pratipaksha bhavana. Whenever you are in fear, you cannot be in greed. When you are in greed, you cannot have fear. If you have a fear, it makes you forget about greed of future and you do more & more messy things to come out of the fear! Instead of 1 crime, you will do 100s of crimes. That is the unconsciousness flow of the mind. Same way when you get caught in greed, you forget the fear and you forget the side effects and after effects of your act. So when greed takes over, consciousness slap it with fear, your consciousness will come to the center and vice versa. Being in the center will suddenly raise you to highest possible coherence – this is what I call niyamaha.
Whether it is non-violence, non-stealign, truthfulness, living with minimal things or living like God – any vow, whatever it may be, when fear takes over slap it with greed, when greed takes over slap it with fear and come to the center and experience the highest coherence. What Buddha calls middle path is this only. Constantly be in the centre.
If you take Sanyas or marriage or any decision about life based on extremes, you will fall into depression. When you take the decision based on being centred, you are taking it from the highest possible coherence. Only such a decision should be executed. That is your life. But any other decision taken may give you success but you will miss something vital in the life.
Any decision comes out of highest possible coherence will fulfill you and fulfill the world because you are the world. There is a very beautiful sutra – tasmin sushte jagat sushtihi, preenite preenitam jagatihi – if you are happy the world is happy. If your decisions are from the highest coherence you will be fulfilled means whole world is fulfilled. Because world is you and you are the world. The best way to put you into the highest possible coherence – niyama is by taking life lightly. Take the whole world lightly and go on being in joy. What is there, come one live it. Same way death also, only because you have not entered into it consciously so much fear. When it comes naturally consciously enter into it. Don’t create death then it is suicide. When it naturally comes, consciously prepare yourself for it. And you will feel oh god for this I went through so much.
Same way, when you enter into death consciously suddenly you will realize oh God it such a simple thing, just for this so many fellows have exploited me – society and everyone. Take life lightly, life is not worthy of suffering. When you take life lightly, casually, joyfully suddenly you will fall into the highest possible coherence – things become more alive, practical, happening. Understand, as on now many of your spiritual knowledge is not a happening. It is just there like a godown. When a master comes down to live all of it becomes a happening. It then becomes a day to day thing.
Yesterday, a devotee asked me – from young age I follow Narasimha. Can I have you and him both. I said don’t bother about having him and me, some % him, some % me and I said Just look! I don’t know what happened to her then ☺
When the highest possible coherence happens, the conflict disappears. There will not be any conflict between the Narasimha and the master. I know what she experienced immediately! Till now Narasimha was a knowledge for her, when master happens in your life, it is now become a living experience. Whenever a happening happens, conflicts disappear. When a master happens in your life all your spiritual experience, knowledge, thoughts all of your life becomes a happening in your life.
So now the iyama, niyama you read, heard enough, read enough. Try to practice it enough. So suddenly when the master happens, it becomes a happening. The highest possible coherence becomes happening in you when you are in the middle path – Madhya panthaha – neither beaten by extreme fear no caught in extreme greed. Decisions taken in the highest possible coherence keeps you in iyama and niyama. Understand iyama and niyama are not set of rules. It is being in the highest possible coherence. Because those set of rules you start practicing you will never be successful. As rules they will be utter failure. Patanjali is not an impractical master.
There was a quack doctor in my village. Means he was assistant to some doctor and by few years he knows what colour tablet you can start treating! So this quack doctor, whenever you go to him, if cannot diagnose and understand what it is, he will give some impractical medicine. It is something what a tamil verse says – there is a plant which you have to pull from the roots, clean it and swallow it without it touching your small tongue! Is it possible? That is what this quack doctor would advice. You must die with your disease.
But patanjali is not an impractical master. Iyama and niyama are not laws and rules. It is the process of putting you into the highest possible coherence! highest possible coherence. So understand the essence is when you are slapped by your unconscious with fear, push yourself with greed then you will come to the center. When you are slapped by your unconscious with greed, push yourself with fear and you will come to the center. When you are in the center, you will be blessed with the highest possible coherence!
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Revision as of 21:02, 20 December 2020


Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85 - Nithyananda Morning Satsang 18 Dec 2010


"Pratipaksa Bhavanam" is the keyword from yesterday's aphorism of Patanjali Yoga Sutra 85, chapter 2, verse 34 - "Vitarkah Himsadayah Krta Karita Anumoditah Lobha Krodha Moha Purvakah Mrdu Madhya Adhimatrah Dukha Ajnana Anantaphalah iti Pratipaksa bhavanam". Continuing on this sutra, Enlightened Master and Rare Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the spiritual guiding force for millions, dealt deeply into the topic of "Straight Way Out of Ignorance".

Talking about the human mind and its limitations, Swamiji gave a breakthrough understanding of 'the mind'. The human mind oscillates between fear and greed. This movement from fear and greed and vice verse, the extremes, is called 'the mind'. Just like how a web camera moves continuously from one corner to the other corner. As long as this movement is there, highest possible coherence does not happen in you. This coherence is only possible when the consciousness stays without oscillation, without jumping between those extremes, when it stays in RESTFUL AWARENESS!

Describing the keyword of this sutra- 'Pratipaksa Bhavanam' and giving us the solution, Nithyananda says, "When you are slapped by your unconscious with fear, push yourself with greed, then you will come to the center. When you are slapped by your unconscious with greed, push yourself with fear and you will come to the center. This is "Pratipaksa Bhavanam".

"Constantly be in the center - the middle path, you will be blessed with the highest possible coherence, being in Yama and Niyama." This is what Buddha calls the Madhya Pantha, the middle path.

Illustrating the examples of some of the key decisions in our lives and how we fail in them, Swamiji revealed a subtle but very important truth, "If you take Sannyas or marriage or any decision about life-based on extremes, you will fall into depression. When you make the decision based on being centered, you are taking it from the highest possible coherence. Only such a decision should be executed. That is your life. But any other decision taken may give you success, but you will miss something vital in life. Any decision comes out of the highest possible coherence will fulfill you and fulfill the world because you are the world"

Sharing a beautiful sutra, "Tasmin Sushte Jagat Sushtihi Preenite Preenitam Jagatihi -- If you are happy the world is happy. If your decisions are from the highest coherence you will be fulfilled, means the whole world is fulfilled. Because the world is you and you are the world. The best way to put you into the highest possible coherence -- niyama is by taking life lightly."

Glorifying the greatness of Patanjali, Nithyananda spoke, "Patanjali is not an impractical master". When we consciously enter into anything, even death, suddenly we will realize, it is such a simple thing! Swamiji explained the importance of the Master in life, "Take life lightly, life is not worthy of suffering. When you take life lightly, casually, joyfully suddenly you will fall into the highest possible coherence -- things become more alive, practical, happening. Understand, as on now many of your spiritual knowledge is not happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master comes down to live, all of it becomes a happening. It then becomes a day-to-day thing."

Video and Audio

Ashtanga Yoga: Taming Mind: Patanjali Yoga Sutras 85

Video Audio


Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

0:53 I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s subject for satsang ‘Ahimsa - Door to global peace’. Before entering into the today’s sutras I'll share few more understandings about yesterday’s sutras yesterday’s aphorism; Pratipaksha bhavanam; that is the key word of yesterday’s aphorism.

1:54 Human mind basically oscillates between fear and greed. It continuously moves from this extreme to that extreme and that extreme to this extreme. The oscillation between the fear and greed is mind. Please understand it’s like if I have to give a example of a web camera. Web camera is this end and that end, that camera continuously moves to this end to that end, looking this corner to that corner. That camera is consciousness and the movement from this end to that end is called mind. Your consciousness’s attention, when it moves from the fear and greed and greed and fear, the extremes, that movement only is called as mind. As long as that movement is there the highest possible coherence does not happen in you. Highest possible coherence happens when that consciousness just stays without oscillation. When that consciousness stays in restful awareness then the highest possible coherence happens in your system.

4:05 How that consciousness can stay without jumping between those extremes. Whenever your unconsciousness pulls you towards the fear extreme, consciously slap it with greed; then it will come to the center. When the unconsciousness was rushing towards the greed consciously slap it with fear; it will come to the center. Understand that is what Patanjali means when he says pratipaksha bhavanam. Whenever your fear is awakened you forget greed. You forget about your future. I have seen people when they get into the fear they forget about their possible future and do more and more nasty things; get into big mess; which I know for sure many people are doing now. They have the fear that one mistake which they did is going to finish them off. But that fear makes them forget about the possible future they can have and the greed disappears about the future and do more and more messy things and get into deeper and deeper troubles. Instead of one crime, now they will have to face hundreds of crime; that is the unconscious flow of mind. Don’t get into that mess.

6:00 Same way whenever you are caught in greed you forget about the fear and you do some foolishness; only after that you even remember the side effects and after effects. So the greed when it takes over you unconsciously, slap your unconscious consciously with fear; it will come to the centre. When the fear takes over consciously slap it with greed; it will come to the centre. Being in the center suddenly raises you to the highest possible coherence. That is what I call niyamaha. So whether it is related to non violence or non stealing or non greed or truthfulness or living like God; any vow, any law, any flow, whatever may be, please understand whatever it may be, when the fear takes over slap it with the greed, when the greed takes over slap it with fear, so that you are in centre continuously and experience the highest coherence.

7:36 What Buddha calls as the middle path is exactly this. Constantly be in the center. Many time when people take sanyas decision I tell them no...Don’t…. If you take whether sanyas or marriage or any decision based on the extreme fear or extreme greed you will be a failure. If you take sanyas or marriage or any decision about life when you are in the middle, suddenly you will see you are taking the decision out of the niyama; highest possible coherence. Any decision taken in the highest possible coherence only should be executed. That is your life. But any decision taken in the extreme fear extreme greed you are in mess; even if you are successful in that decision you will be completely depressed and missing something vital in the life.

8:58 Just yesterday some volunteer did not respect the department head’s instruction. He was brought to me. First thing I said is this only, means that person is not interested or the person has not taken the decision in coherence; in niyama. No. The person has taken the decision of volunteering in extreme fear or extreme greed. Get her out first. If the person has taken the decision of volunteering without the extreme fear or greed on the highest possible coherence, the middle path, then the person will not have any problem with working with the department head; because the person who is in charge of the department is supposed to be coordinating, thinking through, elevating, evolving the ideas. When you have a continuous tiff, it means the decision is not from the highest possible coherence. So any decision comes out of highest possible coherence will fulfill you and fulfill the world; because you are the world.

10:17 There is a very beautiful sutra; tasmin tushte jagat tushti prenite prenitam jagat. If you are satisfied whole world is satisfied, if you are happy whole world is happy. This is chanted towards Krishna by a devotee. If you are happy then everything is ok. tasmin tushte jagat tushti prenite prenitam jagat. It is not only towards Krishna, towards every one of you. If your decisions are in highest coherence you will be fulfilled; means the whole world will be fulfilled. If you are fulfilled the world will be fulfilled because the world is you, you are world. The best way to put you constantly into the highest possible coherence, the niyama, I’ll give you the process. Please understand the best way….. take the life lightly and go on be in joy. Take the whole world lightly. What is there ...ok...And I tell you any worst situation…… only till you enter into it the fear will be there.

11:55 I tell you even prison. After staying there for few days the fear went away. I can really tell you. Of course earlier also I did not have the fear. Ultimately the being is fearless. But just even that social so called ohhh ooooh.....I tell you the same way the death also. Only because you have not entered into it consciously, so much fear. Just be casual; when it comes naturally, consciously enter into it. Understand don’t try to create death. No. Then it is suicide... dangerous... no... Suicide will not lead you to enlightenment. When a natural death comes, mentally be prepared, consciously face it, go through it. Suddenly you will see Oh God! Just for this, with this fear, I wasted whole my life....I have been cheated so much. Same way when you enter into the death consciously suddenly you will realize Oh God! Such a simple thing just for this so many fellows exploited me showing this dumu dumu .... hoooo hooo... chow chow...showing this foolish fear so many fellows have exploited me; society politicians…..so many.

13:33 Take the life lightly. It is not worth of suffering. Life is not worthy of suffering. When you take the life lightly, joyfully, casually, suddenly you fall into the highest possible coherence. Things become more alive, things become more liked, things become more practical, things become more happening. Understand as on now, many of your spiritual knowledge is not a happening. It is just there like a godown. When a Master happens in your life all the spiritual treasure becomes happening. It is just day to day thing.

14:38 Just yesterday in the healing initiation one devotee asked me, ‘From the young age I am filled by Narasimha. Can I have you also along with the Narasimha in me?’ I said don’t even bother about me, Narasimha, two, where will you keep; 60-60 or 40-40 or 50-50. Don’t bother just look……... see Narasimha that’s all. I don’t know what happened to her. I said have the experience of Narasimha and you don’t need to bother about that 50-50 whether 60-40 or 30-70…... No. Just have the experience of Narasimha you will see that only one will be there inside. There will not be two thing. When the highest possible coherence happens the conflict disappears. There will not be any conflict between the Narasimha and the Master. I know what she has experienced immediately. Till now Narasimha was a knowledge for her, when the Master happens in your life it has become a happening now. Narasimha is now living experience; happening.

16:28 Whenever the happening happens conflicts disappear. When a Master happens in your life all your spiritual visualization, imagination, meditation or ideas, thoughts, knowledge, everything becomes happening in your life. My only job is to make everything as a happening in you. So now the yama niyama all this you read; heard enough, read enough, tried to practice enough. Now suddenly when the Master happens by.... it becomes a happening. It is a happening. The highest possible coherence becomes happening in you when you are in the middle path, madhya panthaha; neither beaten by the extreme fear nor caught in the extreme greed. Decisions taken in the highest possible coherence keeps you in yama and niyama. Understand yama and niyama are not set of rules. It is being in the highest possible coherence. Because those set of rules if you start practicing as rules you will never be successful. I tell you. As rules they will be utter failure. Patanjali is not an impractical master.

18:44 I know there was a quack doctor in my village. Quack doctor means he doesn’t know much; but somehow whatever little he knows with that he tries to manage the scene. Means he would have been an assistant for some doctor. Five six years when you are assistant to doctor you will know for stomach pain white tablet, for leg pain black tablet, for head ache green tablet, for kidney problem yellow tablet. With color you come up with some idea. And you make a chart based on color. And if some company changes the color of the tablet what will happen? So this quack doctor, whenever people go to him if he is not able to diagnose, understand, he will come up with some impractical medicine. In Tamil there is a proverb we will say that Kallichidiya anivera ........I have to translate kalli is a big plant. You will have to remove the plant without cutting the roots; the whole plant should be removed without even losing the smallest root and after cleaning that plant you will have to swallow the whole thing without that touching your small tongue. Is it ever possible? Then you know you are going to die with the disease. And at least you will not blame the doctor he doesn’t know medicine.

20:40 Patanjali is not that that kind of a person who gives impractical solution. If you understand yama niyama with your own translation in superficial way, then that is what you will think. When will I master the non greed and non violence, truthfulness? By the time I master I will become old then when will I start my asana and pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana…..already I am in samadhi. No... So yama and niyama are not laws and rules. It is the process of putting you into the highest possible coherence; highest possible coherence. So understand the essence is, when you are slapped by your unconscious with fear, push yourself with greed and bring into the center. When you are slapped by your unconscious by greed, push yourself consciously with fear and bring yourself to the center. When you are in center always you are in the highest possible coherence, centeredness.

22:35 I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. 22:49