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Ashraya Dosha- It is the main thing. About this only I want to elaborate more deeply. Ashraya Dosha- this dosha says if you have fought with your wife, don’t eat in the house. Morning before going to the office, if you had fight with your wife, don’t eat in the...in house that day. Have your food in hotel. If you have food in your house, you will get ulcer.
Ashraya dosha proves, the Ashraya dosha means the person who cooks the food, his thoughts are also getting cooked along with the food. Not only the ingredients which he/she adds, his thoughts are also getting added to the food.
Now scientists have proved, there are so many result reports which proves the Ashraya dosha. And there is a physics test done in a university.The same test, with the same instruments, in same room temperature, in same conditions done by two different scientists, gives two different results. You understand? the same experiment, same instruments, same conditions, same temperature done by two different persons gives two different results. What is meant by this one? What can be the reason?
Participant answers: Thoughts...
The thoughts of the person affects the outer things. Now we’ll prove, when the fruits come, I’ll show you one or two experiments to prove the jaati dosha. At that time I will prove the...fruits...about thoughts.
Ashraya dosha -whatever you think that is also getting cooked along with the food and the person who touches the food-his thoughts are, the food is also contaminated by his thoughts or blessed by his thoughts. That is why the idea of ‘Naivedya’ came into existence. Do you know the meaning of ‘Naivedya’? Anybody knows the meaning of the word ‘Naivedya’?
Participant: Offering, Nivedana
Offering, Nivedana (nods His head affirming it) Offering means not that we are asking to eat. We are not at all asking to eat. We are just showing Him. We are actually showing Him. Even the word ‘Nivedana’ means that only. It is not that we are asking… there is no...The ’Nivedana’ cannot be translated ‘Please eat’. The idea itself is not there. We are offering it. We are, what to say, we are showing it to Him. In a way, we all say only that much. We are showing it to Him. The Presence or vibrations in a mandir, in a temple or in your house shrine will get into the food. When you eat that food, you will be also benefitted. That is why, it will be taken to the shrine and offered and you eat. The idea of Ashraya dosha only comes with the idea of offering the food to the God.
(3.59) Participant: With devotion (not clear)
Ah yes, with devotion. You can call it in anyway. Your thoughts attack the food also. Whatever you do, your thoughts attacks the things which you do.
Participant: Should we eat when we like, Swamiji? Or ystematically should we eat?
Right question. When you do this meditation, when you do this Dukkhaharana meditation, your body intelligence will start... will get awakened. When it get awakened, you will feel when you eat...when you want to eat, when you want to stop. So, act...eat according to the body. Don’t have any system. If you go for system, you will not be respecting your intelligence. Of course, wait for few days. When you regularly meditate, do this meditation, you will exactly feel when you want to eat. You can diagnose with your intelligence. So, eat according to your need, don’t eat according to system-according to the system of somebody. Nobody should force the system on...upon upon others. Somebody has designed the system for himself, not for you. For you, you have to design the system. That is the way for intelligency.
(5:22) Participant: Can it differ from day to day or..?
Can it...it can differ, it can differ from day to day and the only way to awaken consciousness is - when you eat, eat with full awareness and consciousness. Before eating, today I will give this as homework.  You all after going tonight, you all just eat with full consciousness. How to do that? I’ll tell you. Before the food comes to your plate, just close your eyes and take the vow that you will not remember the past or future.You will not worry about the past or plan about the future. Just drop your mind and start when the food comes. Look at the food with full of love and deep feeling. Please listen carefully. Look at the food with full of love and deep care, with full of love and friendliness. And then start having by each and every handful of food when you eat- eat with full tastivity. Taste fully as much as possible, as slowly as possible. Taste and eat and it may take little more time. How much you take, it may take 10 minutes, now you will take some 20 minutes, but you will see the quantity of food has reduced. When you eat with quality, the quantity gets reduced.
You will see what is meant by ‘Amrutha’. All our food is nothing but Amrutha. Only we don’t eat it like Amrutha. When you change the quality, when you change the way of eating, the food also changes. Food is not a simple dead being, dead thing. Don’t think food is a matter. It is a live consciousness. ‘Annam Bramha’- Upanishad says, ‘Food is God.’ It has its own intelligence. When you eat with respect, it goes and helps you to grow, helps your body. If you eat with disrespect, if you simply grab it, you fill it, but you never feel fulfilled. If you fill it, then naturally, it will be giving only negative effect, negative results. It will not be helping you to grow. It will be helping you only in a negative way. So, just try today this method. Today all of you go, go home and in the night only one time you have to do this and then write down in one paper what you felt. Bring it tomorrow. Negative energy and nill energy. What for you eat, can anyone answer? What for we eat? Why we eat?
(8:32) Participant: To energize the body
To energize the body is the right question. You can live without having food 80 days. Biology proves, for 80 days, without having food, you can live. Who said ‘to energise the body’? Yes. That is the right question, right answer. If the quantity gets by itself lessened, no problem. Don’t reduce it by force. To energize the body but after feeling...after having food, do you feel energetic?
(9:22) Participants: (giving different answers)
See, patience, you leave. Leave the question of patience. You said that you are taking food to en...energize the body. After food, do you feel you are energized?
(9:38) Participant: Slowly...sometimes
After food all of us feel like having rest. Many people, many people will sit in the bed...on cot itself and eat, keep the plate and lie down. (laughs) It happens in many ways, many people, majority it happens. There are few people who are already practising these few ideas may be having...may be feeling the energy. But generally, what we feel after food? Sleepy! You feel to take rest, you feel tired. What is meant by sun rises? To give the light, but when sun comes, darkness descends. That is what is meant by it. See, sun rises to give the light but the result is, when sun rises, darkness descends. We eat to energize the body but when we eat, sleepiness comes. You become dull. What is meant by it? What contradicting way the things are happening? Then there is something basically wrong with the food, what we eat.
So here is an experiment to prove what is the food with energy, which is the food which the... with negative energy? Which is the food with nill energy? You see, if the positive energy food is more in your food, food system, you will be feeling energetic after the food. If the negative energy food is more in your food system, you will feel lethargic after food, with the nill energy food, you will be neither feeling lethargic nor elated, energetic. So, to prove this, we have got this.
There is a experiment. Why the sanyasis are wearing this mala, you know? At the time of Bhiksha, a sanyasis are supposed to do Parivrajaka yatra. When we do Parivrajaka yatra, we have ah...we have to take a vow that we will not touch money. I did, around two, two and half years I wandered like this, from Himalayas to Kanyakumari. At that time we take the vow of not touching money. We will not touch the money. We just beg and eat and sleep where the...wherever it is allowed to sleep. And then, in that way, I travelled. Practically by walk around 2000 kms I walked, and then little bit here and there by train, by bullock carts. If somebody purchases and gives the ticket, by train, otherwise, in many ways I have travelled. In that time, in Bhiksha time, some people may give us Bhiksha, the old food which will be poisonous, which will be rotten or which will not be a suitable food for health. That time we will check the food with this mala. If we keep the mala on that food, if it goes clockwise, it’s a energy food- the food with energy. If it goes anti clockwise, the food is negative energy.  If it just like a… if it moves like a pendulum, it’s a nill energy. It is a meter which we use to categorise the food. Any food after buying, we will bring it and check it with the mala. If the mala says okay, then only we will eat. Otherwise, we’ll throw it out. This is the way and this is the way to use it. Now I will just show and I’ll call one of you who are the doubtful people and make them to do. You can see this is the positive food.
(Swamiji is holding the mala on the food and demonstrating)
Someone of you can come and do what I do. Are you able to see?
(13.48): Participant: Somebody has to volunteer.
It is moving like pendulum. If you have the mala, you will hold it on it. If.. some people will be thinking that, only Swamiji’s mala will move. No, no, not like that. Even your malas can move. Rudraksha, rose sandalwood. This Raktasandana mala. These two mala will move. These two mala will show. Any of you are having mala? Yes. You can bring and see that directly by yourself. Anybody else wants to do also, can come and do.
(14:33) Participant: We will do it at home
(14.33) Yes, some of you can come and do. You can come and do by yourself
( A Participant comes and demonstrates)
The positive food will always go at clockwise.
Swamiji (to participant who is holding the mala): Don’t move the hand.( laughs). Don’t do it by yourself. Allow it to happen. In the house, you can practice and see. Even, if you have the pendulum in house, you can keep the pendulum and see.
(Instructing the participant) Just keep it near. If the nill energy food, it will be going like pendulum, simply. Now stop it. You raise a little. It will be moving in a pendulum way. Don’t give energy by yourself. No, it is supposed to move this way. It is running in disturbed way. Just hold. It has to run this way. It is running in a indisciplined way. Ah...nill energy. With this, you will see that it is moving properly. Allow the mala to move.
(16:37) Swamiji:  In house, please all of you check it. This is also homework, one more homework. Check it. ah? Oh...In pendulum, you can
check. Yes, you can come and do. Anybody else?
(17:07) Swamiji( to devotee who is checking with mala): Hold it like this.
By holding the mala, the person who is holding the mala will close the eyes and thing will be kept below. He will not know what is kept. Then also the mala shows the right result. You check it. You see, you check it in that way, you can close the eyes. In house if you try, you close the eyes and hold the mala. The person...somebody else will keep the food. Somebody else...ah...you will not know what is kept...what food is kept, so then the mala will show the result. You see, the movement of the mala is controlled by your hand. May be the pulse rate. Actually what is happening here is, due to our energy flow, the mala shows the result. If it is hanged over here, it cannot give the result because it has no energy flow. Ah...but one thing you can justify, you close the eyes and hold the mala. Somebody else will keep the food. Then we can come to the right conclusion. It’s only a proved thing. You understand with this experiment?
(18:24) Devotee:(asks question- not clear)
In this? Actually through this you cannot transfer the energy, na? Through this things you cannot trace the energy things. These things won’t be valuable. You see, If you want to suspect the system, this... I think this can be a much better proof - If you close the eyes and keep the mala and somebody else keeps the food, somebody else keeps the item, then how do you know it rotates this way or that way? Mm? Then also mala shows the result. I testified it with various methods. Through meditation it can be made into positive. If it’s a normal or this type of foods, this onion all these things can be made into positive. But poison cannot be made positive. But these things when we diagnose in the wandering times, we use this to diagnose whether it is poison or not. So, for that we use. But negative energy can be converted into positive energy food by meditation. It is possible.
(19:30) Participant: How? The method?
The normal meditation which you do, after the...tomorrow you will be given one meditation-Mahamantra. When you do that meditation, you will see that energy flow in your body. When you continuously do that. Tomorrow, when I speak about themeditation I will tell you. You can see that in your palms, energy flow is increased. Palms are the way for energy to go in or come out. This energy is increasing. If you just keep your palms on the...above the food and meditate and immediately start... you will be given the technique to do Vipassana or breath watch. You will see that energy flow is happening between you and the food. The food can be converted through meditation. That is the idea with which the...you do the prana...you do the Naivedya. Yes?
(20:19) Participant: Swamiji, I have heard the doctor said non-veg is better due to that this one the
You see, there are two doctors who prefer, but the western doctors today the west is totally turned towards vegetarianism.The doctors who have gone in deep in this field, they come to the vegetarianism only.  Only a mediocre group is thinking of the non-vegetarian food. They are few people, still now the mediocre people and few years before, some ten years before, 10-20 years before non-veg food was considered to be the best food. So, at that time, the people who got the old ideas, still now they are running with the same ideas, they are preferring the non-veg food. But today, modern doctors, the first class people, the cream top class doctors or western doctors, they have turned towards the vegetarian food. So, vegetarian is the best thing. Any other question?
Now there is one more experiment. When we...we saw about this aura, about the Jaati dosha, we saw.
(21:33) Participant: (Question not audible)
(21: 39)
There is a big research. Big controversy about the milk. In energy level, it is a vegetarian, in biological way, it is non vegetarian. So, origin is from…
Participant: Milk origin is?
Participant: Then?
Then...See, what you...what you want to ask, I understand. If a cow...if a milk can be vegetarian, why not egg? That's what people always ask. If you keep the egg, the another one hen will come. If you keep the milk, will...what will come? Will cow will come? So, even though the milk’s origin is cow, we cannot call it as non-veg food. Milk is not a non-veg thing. So, with this logic you can prove it is non-veg...it is not non-veg.
(22:38) Participant: it’s root is non-veg (not audible)
You see actually, that’s what I say. Biologically, it’s a non-vegetarian. Energy way, it is vegetarian. Eastern mystics prefer the milk because in energywise, it helps you. So, energy wise, it’s a vegetarian. But a big controversy is going on about the milk. That’s why I have not brought milk into our class at all. There is a big controversy going on about milk. There are...Buddists sect...few Buddhists sect which don’t take milk. But according to my experience, if you ask from my experience, from my own authority I say, milk is good for health and for meditation. But these things has not yet proved in scientifical way, scientifical way. Still now I am not able to read, I am read...seeing many things which are only contradicting. There are many things about milk but I...I say from my own authority, it is good for health.
So, let’s go for next experiment. There is another one experiment which I want to do. I think you can come. Your energy is moving very nicely and then this our doctor, where is she? Yes, you can come and you get his mala, his mala...somebody’s mala. You see about Ashraya dosha I told, the thoughts, our thoughts are affecting the food. Now let’s have the same experiment of like I said with food.
Keep the...you can keep the one hand and remember your pleasant, loving thoughts and hold the mala . you will see it is positive rounding .The same hand if you tighten it, if you think some anger...anger thought, the same mala will go negatively (shows opposite way). You can experiment with pendulum. Today please experiment this also.
Swamiji: (instructs the devotee): You know you have to hold for him and he has to hold for you. Because if you hold by yourself, you may psychologically do something. So, keep in a relaxed way-hand and she will be holding . You just keep. First you experiment. You hold the hand. And you can hold mala in a relaxed way. And you just close the eyes. (Swamiji adjusts devotee’s hand to demonstrate properly) Can you see?
(25:55) Swamiji: Each one of you, please experiment when you go into house. You experiment by yourself.
(26:05) Participant: Can we do with gold chain?
(26:06) Swamiji: Yes, you can do with gold chain. And if you don’t have gold chain also...one minute. (To the devotee) Now you can open the
eyes and show. Give it. Even in a ordinary ring, you can tie it with a thread, You see, you can take out the ring and tie with a thread and do it. Just...Don’t move the hands. Just stop. And then now you can make tight...make your hands tight. Don’t do. Just allow it to happen.
You see, about these things you can get convinced only when you do it by yourself. You will not be able to get convinced, when somebody else does. Unless otherwise you do it by yourself, these things are all olden days systems, devices to decide yourself, to gaze yourself and about your food. These things still work. One thing is sure. These things work. With deep trust- no, not with faith, with deep trust and openness, test all these things. When you go and test, you will find these things work. These things works. These things are proved. So, when you see that your...when you...you are seeing directly that even thoughts...your thoughts can change the pendulum. Do you think the thoughts cannot change the food? Thoughts can verily change the food.
So the final conclusion which I want to give is, don’t eat if a person cooks with anger. Teach meditation to the person who cooks. This is the final result I want to give you. For that only all this experiment which we...we are practicing. So give them meditation, give them this life processes which you call human sciences-silence, love, peace, ananda-all these things. Teach them all these things. Only when, they cook, it will be nice, it will be healthy food.
So the emotional intelligence -what you call the emotion...how the emotions affects our whole life. The...It is not that if you are angry and you are not expressing the anger, even if you don’t express the anger, it is not that your house is going to keep  calm. If you simply hold the anger in your heart, that is enough to disturb the house. That is enough to disturb your surroundings. Here is also Agni-the Jataraagni we call it. The food is offering to the jataraagni. So this is considered as the yaaga and we chant the same mantra. The mantra meaning is the food, the food taker, the process of food taking -all the three are Brahman, nothing but the Brahman. So that is the meaning of the mantra. About the food and emotional intelligence, how our emotions attack or attract the others, attacking and attracting- both are one and the same in a way. If you are loving, blissful, without even your choice, you will be surrounded by people. If you are angry, violent, even if you don’t express, nobody will hear you, you will be radiating that violent. You will be oozing that negative energy, you will be oozing that emotions. So, this naturally attracts the whole energy of the...our surroundings.

Revision as of 01:30, 23 January 2023


Ananda Spurana Program|| Day 3


HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam started reviving SHRI KAILASA - the enlightened civilization - from the time He landed on the Planet. This is the earliest recording available of the initial Enlightenment transmission programs He conducted after the public declaration of the International Mission on 31 Dec 1999.

Designed by HDH, ASP (Ananda Spurana Program) helps us break from the cycle of negative emotions that affect our daily life, our relationships, and our work. It is designed to cleanse 7 major energy centers (chakras) in our body. It empowers our life with an understanding of the chakras that directly reduce stress, improve sleep, overcome fears and worry, improve relationships, increase clarity and joy, and create high energy levels.

Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program|| Day 3|| Session 1 0n Ashraya Dosha

In this session conducted by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam at Ashaktha Poshaka Sabha, V.V.Puram, Bangalore on 16 April 2002, HDH describes Ashraya Dosha. He says how the person who cooks the food his/her thoughts also are getting cooked along with the food. Not only just ingredients they add their thoughts also to the food. Swamiji also gives the ancient Vedic technique to identify which is positive energy food and which is negative energy food and the technique to energize food. You can also see Swamiji explaining the meaning of the Mantra:

Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahma Karma Samaadhinaa

Video Audio



Ashraya Dosha- It is the main thing. About this only I want to elaborate more deeply. Ashraya Dosha- this dosha says if you have fought with your wife, don’t eat in the house. Morning before going to the office, if you had fight with your wife, don’t eat in the...in house that day. Have your food in hotel. If you have food in your house, you will get ulcer.


Ashraya dosha proves, the Ashraya dosha means the person who cooks the food, his thoughts are also getting cooked along with the food. Not only the ingredients which he/she adds, his thoughts are also getting added to the food.


Now scientists have proved, there are so many result reports which proves the Ashraya dosha. And there is a physics test done in a university.The same test, with the same instruments, in same room temperature, in same conditions done by two different scientists, gives two different results. You understand? the same experiment, same instruments, same conditions, same temperature done by two different persons gives two different results. What is meant by this one? What can be the reason? Participant answers: Thoughts...


The thoughts of the person affects the outer things. Now we’ll prove, when the fruits come, I’ll show you one or two experiments to prove the jaati dosha. At that time I will prove the...fruits...about thoughts.


Ashraya dosha -whatever you think that is also getting cooked along with the food and the person who touches the food-his thoughts are, the food is also contaminated by his thoughts or blessed by his thoughts. That is why the idea of ‘Naivedya’ came into existence. Do you know the meaning of ‘Naivedya’? Anybody knows the meaning of the word ‘Naivedya’? Participant: Offering, Nivedana


Offering, Nivedana (nods His head affirming it) Offering means not that we are asking to eat. We are not at all asking to eat. We are just showing Him. We are actually showing Him. Even the word ‘Nivedana’ means that only. It is not that we are asking… there is no...The ’Nivedana’ cannot be translated ‘Please eat’. The idea itself is not there. We are offering it. We are, what to say, we are showing it to Him. In a way, we all say only that much. We are showing it to Him. The Presence or vibrations in a mandir, in a temple or in your house shrine will get into the food. When you eat that food, you will be also benefitted. That is why, it will be taken to the shrine and offered and you eat. The idea of Ashraya dosha only comes with the idea of offering the food to the God.

(3.59) Participant: With devotion (not clear) (4:02)

Ah yes, with devotion. You can call it in anyway. Your thoughts attack the food also. Whatever you do, your thoughts attacks the things which you do.


Participant: Should we eat when we like, Swamiji? Or ystematically should we eat?


Right question. When you do this meditation, when you do this Dukkhaharana meditation, your body intelligence will start... will get awakened. When it get awakened, you will feel when you eat...when you want to eat, when you want to stop. So, act...eat according to the body. Don’t have any system. If you go for system, you will not be respecting your intelligence. Of course, wait for few days. When you regularly meditate, do this meditation, you will exactly feel when you want to eat. You can diagnose with your intelligence. So, eat according to your need, don’t eat according to system-according to the system of somebody. Nobody should force the system on...upon upon others. Somebody has designed the system for himself, not for you. For you, you have to design the system. That is the way for intelligency.

(5:22) Participant: Can it differ from day to day or..? (5:24)

Can it...it can differ, it can differ from day to day and the only way to awaken consciousness is - when you eat, eat with full awareness and consciousness. Before eating, today I will give this as homework. You all after going tonight, you all just eat with full consciousness. How to do that? I’ll tell you. Before the food comes to your plate, just close your eyes and take the vow that you will not remember the past or future.You will not worry about the past or plan about the future. Just drop your mind and start when the food comes. Look at the food with full of love and deep feeling. Please listen carefully. Look at the food with full of love and deep care, with full of love and friendliness. And then start having by each and every handful of food when you eat- eat with full tastivity. Taste fully as much as possible, as slowly as possible. Taste and eat and it may take little more time. How much you take, it may take 10 minutes, now you will take some 20 minutes, but you will see the quantity of food has reduced. When you eat with quality, the quantity gets reduced.


You will see what is meant by ‘Amrutha’. All our food is nothing but Amrutha. Only we don’t eat it like Amrutha. When you change the quality, when you change the way of eating, the food also changes. Food is not a simple dead being, dead thing. Don’t think food is a matter. It is a live consciousness. ‘Annam Bramha’- Upanishad says, ‘Food is God.’ It has its own intelligence. When you eat with respect, it goes and helps you to grow, helps your body. If you eat with disrespect, if you simply grab it, you fill it, but you never feel fulfilled. If you fill it, then naturally, it will be giving only negative effect, negative results. It will not be helping you to grow. It will be helping you only in a negative way. So, just try today this method. Today all of you go, go home and in the night only one time you have to do this and then write down in one paper what you felt. Bring it tomorrow. Negative energy and nill energy. What for you eat, can anyone answer? What for we eat? Why we eat?

(8:32) Participant: To energize the body (8:35)

To energize the body is the right question. You can live without having food 80 days. Biology proves, for 80 days, without having food, you can live. Who said ‘to energise the body’? Yes. That is the right question, right answer. If the quantity gets by itself lessened, no problem. Don’t reduce it by force. To energize the body but after feeling...after having food, do you feel energetic?

(9:22) Participants: (giving different answers)


See, patience, you leave. Leave the question of patience. You said that you are taking food to en...energize the body. After food, do you feel you are energized?

(9:38) Participant: Slowly...sometimes (9:42)

After food all of us feel like having rest. Many people, many people will sit in the bed...on cot itself and eat, keep the plate and lie down. (laughs) It happens in many ways, many people, majority it happens. There are few people who are already practising these few ideas may be having...may be feeling the energy. But generally, what we feel after food? Sleepy! You feel to take rest, you feel tired. What is meant by sun rises? To give the light, but when sun comes, darkness descends. That is what is meant by it. See, sun rises to give the light but the result is, when sun rises, darkness descends. We eat to energize the body but when we eat, sleepiness comes. You become dull. What is meant by it? What contradicting way the things are happening? Then there is something basically wrong with the food, what we eat.


So here is an experiment to prove what is the food with energy, which is the food which the... with negative energy? Which is the food with nill energy? You see, if the positive energy food is more in your food, food system, you will be feeling energetic after the food. If the negative energy food is more in your food system, you will feel lethargic after food, with the nill energy food, you will be neither feeling lethargic nor elated, energetic. So, to prove this, we have got this.


There is a experiment. Why the sanyasis are wearing this mala, you know? At the time of Bhiksha, a sanyasis are supposed to do Parivrajaka yatra. When we do Parivrajaka yatra, we have ah...we have to take a vow that we will not touch money. I did, around two, two and half years I wandered like this, from Himalayas to Kanyakumari. At that time we take the vow of not touching money. We will not touch the money. We just beg and eat and sleep where the...wherever it is allowed to sleep. And then, in that way, I travelled. Practically by walk around 2000 kms I walked, and then little bit here and there by train, by bullock carts. If somebody purchases and gives the ticket, by train, otherwise, in many ways I have travelled. In that time, in Bhiksha time, some people may give us Bhiksha, the old food which will be poisonous, which will be rotten or which will not be a suitable food for health. That time we will check the food with this mala. If we keep the mala on that food, if it goes clockwise, it’s a energy food- the food with energy. If it goes anti clockwise, the food is negative energy. If it just like a… if it moves like a pendulum, it’s a nill energy. It is a meter which we use to categorise the food. Any food after buying, we will bring it and check it with the mala. If the mala says okay, then only we will eat. Otherwise, we’ll throw it out. This is the way and this is the way to use it. Now I will just show and I’ll call one of you who are the doubtful people and make them to do. You can see this is the positive food. (Swamiji is holding the mala on the food and demonstrating) Someone of you can come and do what I do. Are you able to see?

(13.48): Participant: Somebody has to volunteer. (13.50)

It is moving like pendulum. If you have the mala, you will hold it on it. If.. some people will be thinking that, only Swamiji’s mala will move. No, no, not like that. Even your malas can move. Rudraksha, rose sandalwood. This Raktasandana mala. These two mala will move. These two mala will show. Any of you are having mala? Yes. You can bring and see that directly by yourself. Anybody else wants to do also, can come and do.

(14:33) Participant: We will do it at home (14.33) Yes, some of you can come and do. You can come and do by yourself

( A Participant comes and demonstrates) The positive food will always go at clockwise. Swamiji (to participant who is holding the mala): Don’t move the hand.( laughs). Don’t do it by yourself. Allow it to happen. In the house, you can practice and see. Even, if you have the pendulum in house, you can keep the pendulum and see. (Instructing the participant) Just keep it near. If the nill energy food, it will be going like pendulum, simply. Now stop it. You raise a little. It will be moving in a pendulum way. Don’t give energy by yourself. No, it is supposed to move this way. It is running in disturbed way. Just hold. It has to run this way. It is running in a indisciplined way. Ah...nill energy. With this, you will see that it is moving properly. Allow the mala to move.

(16:37) Swamiji: In house, please all of you check it. This is also homework, one more homework. Check it. ah? Oh...In pendulum, you can check. Yes, you can come and do. Anybody else?

(17:07) Swamiji( to devotee who is checking with mala): Hold it like this.

By holding the mala, the person who is holding the mala will close the eyes and thing will be kept below. He will not know what is kept. Then also the mala shows the right result. You check it. You see, you check it in that way, you can close the eyes. In house if you try, you close the eyes and hold the mala. The person...somebody else will keep the food. Somebody else...ah...you will not know what is kept...what food is kept, so then the mala will show the result. You see, the movement of the mala is controlled by your hand. May be the pulse rate. Actually what is happening here is, due to our energy flow, the mala shows the result. If it is hanged over here, it cannot give the result because it has no energy flow. Ah...but one thing you can justify, you close the eyes and hold the mala. Somebody else will keep the food. Then we can come to the right conclusion. It’s only a proved thing. You understand with this experiment?

(18:24) Devotee:(asks question- not clear) (18:25)

In this? Actually through this you cannot transfer the energy, na? Through this things you cannot trace the energy things. These things won’t be valuable. You see, If you want to suspect the system, this... I think this can be a much better proof - If you close the eyes and keep the mala and somebody else keeps the food, somebody else keeps the item, then how do you know it rotates this way or that way? Mm? Then also mala shows the result. I testified it with various methods. Through meditation it can be made into positive. If it’s a normal or this type of foods, this onion all these things can be made into positive. But poison cannot be made positive. But these things when we diagnose in the wandering times, we use this to diagnose whether it is poison or not. So, for that we use. But negative energy can be converted into positive energy food by meditation. It is possible.

(19:30) Participant: How? The method? (19.30)

The normal meditation which you do, after the...tomorrow you will be given one meditation-Mahamantra. When you do that meditation, you will see that energy flow in your body. When you continuously do that. Tomorrow, when I speak about themeditation I will tell you. You can see that in your palms, energy flow is increased. Palms are the way for energy to go in or come out. This energy is increasing. If you just keep your palms on the...above the food and meditate and immediately start... you will be given the technique to do Vipassana or breath watch. You will see that energy flow is happening between you and the food. The food can be converted through meditation. That is the idea with which the...you do the prana...you do the Naivedya. Yes?

(20:19) Participant: Swamiji, I have heard the doctor said non-veg is better due to that this one the nutrients...nutrients..carbohydrates...more


You see, there are two doctors who prefer, but the western doctors today the west is totally turned towards vegetarianism.The doctors who have gone in deep in this field, they come to the vegetarianism only. Only a mediocre group is thinking of the non-vegetarian food. They are few people, still now the mediocre people and few years before, some ten years before, 10-20 years before non-veg food was considered to be the best food. So, at that time, the people who got the old ideas, still now they are running with the same ideas, they are preferring the non-veg food. But today, modern doctors, the first class people, the cream top class doctors or western doctors, they have turned towards the vegetarian food. So, vegetarian is the best thing. Any other question? Now there is one more experiment. When we...we saw about this aura, about the Jaati dosha, we saw.

(21:33) Participant: (Question not audible)

(21: 39)

There is a big research. Big controversy about the milk. In energy level, it is a vegetarian, in biological way, it is non vegetarian. So, origin is from… Participant: Milk origin is? Cow. Participant: Then? Then...See, what you...what you want to ask, I understand. If a cow...if a milk can be vegetarian, why not egg? That's what people always ask. If you keep the egg, the another one hen will come. If you keep the milk, will...what will come? Will cow will come? So, even though the milk’s origin is cow, we cannot call it as non-veg food. Milk is not a non-veg thing. So, with this logic you can prove it is non-veg...it is not non-veg.

(22:38) Participant: it’s root is non-veg (not audible)


You see actually, that’s what I say. Biologically, it’s a non-vegetarian. Energy way, it is vegetarian. Eastern mystics prefer the milk because in energywise, it helps you. So, energy wise, it’s a vegetarian. But a big controversy is going on about the milk. That’s why I have not brought milk into our class at all. There is a big controversy going on about milk. There are...Buddists sect...few Buddhists sect which don’t take milk. But according to my experience, if you ask from my experience, from my own authority I say, milk is good for health and for meditation. But these things has not yet proved in scientifical way, scientifical way. Still now I am not able to read, I am read...seeing many things which are only contradicting. There are many things about milk but I...I say from my own authority, it is good for health.


So, let’s go for next experiment. There is another one experiment which I want to do. I think you can come. Your energy is moving very nicely and then this our doctor, where is she? Yes, you can come and you get his mala, his mala...somebody’s mala. You see about Ashraya dosha I told, the thoughts, our thoughts are affecting the food. Now let’s have the same experiment of like I said with food.


Keep the...you can keep the one hand and remember your pleasant, loving thoughts and hold the mala . you will see it is positive rounding .The same hand if you tighten it, if you think some anger...anger thought, the same mala will go negatively (shows opposite way). You can experiment with pendulum. Today please experiment this also.


Swamiji: (instructs the devotee): You know you have to hold for him and he has to hold for you. Because if you hold by yourself, you may psychologically do something. So, keep in a relaxed way-hand and she will be holding . You just keep. First you experiment. You hold the hand. And you can hold mala in a relaxed way. And you just close the eyes. (Swamiji adjusts devotee’s hand to demonstrate properly) Can you see?

(25:55) Swamiji: Each one of you, please experiment when you go into house. You experiment by yourself.

(26:05) Participant: Can we do with gold chain?

(26:06) Swamiji: Yes, you can do with gold chain. And if you don’t have gold chain also...one minute. (To the devotee) Now you can open the eyes and show. Give it. Even in a ordinary ring, you can tie it with a thread, You see, you can take out the ring and tie with a thread and do it. Just...Don’t move the hands. Just stop. And then now you can make tight...make your hands tight. Don’t do. Just allow it to happen.


You see, about these things you can get convinced only when you do it by yourself. You will not be able to get convinced, when somebody else does. Unless otherwise you do it by yourself, these things are all olden days systems, devices to decide yourself, to gaze yourself and about your food. These things still work. One thing is sure. These things work. With deep trust- no, not with faith, with deep trust and openness, test all these things. When you go and test, you will find these things work. These things works. These things are proved. So, when you see that your...when you...you are seeing directly that even thoughts...your thoughts can change the pendulum. Do you think the thoughts cannot change the food? Thoughts can verily change the food.


So the final conclusion which I want to give is, don’t eat if a person cooks with anger. Teach meditation to the person who cooks. This is the final result I want to give you. For that only all this experiment which we...we are practicing. So give them meditation, give them this life processes which you call human sciences-silence, love, peace, ananda-all these things. Teach them all these things. Only when, they cook, it will be nice, it will be healthy food.


So the emotional intelligence -what you call the emotion...how the emotions affects our whole life. The...It is not that if you are angry and you are not expressing the anger, even if you don’t express the anger, it is not that your house is going to keep calm. If you simply hold the anger in your heart, that is enough to disturb the house. That is enough to disturb your surroundings. Here is also Agni-the Jataraagni we call it. The food is offering to the jataraagni. So this is considered as the yaaga and we chant the same mantra. The mantra meaning is the food, the food taker, the process of food taking -all the three are Brahman, nothing but the Brahman. So that is the meaning of the mantra. About the food and emotional intelligence, how our emotions attack or attract the others, attacking and attracting- both are one and the same in a way. If you are loving, blissful, without even your choice, you will be surrounded by people. If you are angry, violent, even if you don’t express, nobody will hear you, you will be radiating that violent. You will be oozing that negative energy, you will be oozing that emotions. So, this naturally attracts the whole energy of the...our surroundings.

Video and Audio - Ananda Spurana Program|| Day 3|| Session 2 Technique To Have Good Sleep

In this session conducted by HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam at Ashaktha Poshaka Sabha, V.V.Puram, Bangalore on 16 April 2002, HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam gives technique to have good sleep.

Video Audio



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