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Question all your answers!
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==Audio Link==
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===Question all your answers!===
<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-09-26-question-all-your-answers" />
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, transformation, reality, society, enlightened, Being, solutions, discover, just be, space, exist.
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== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, transformation, reality, society, enlightened, Being, solutions, discover, just be, space, exist.
[[Category: 2013 | 20130926]][[Category: Devalaya]]
[[Category: 2013 | 20130926]][[Category: Devalaya]]

Revision as of 15:20, 17 December 2020


Question all your answers!


In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers a powerful new technique for completion. He tells us to question all of the answers we give to ourselves – ask why to all of our answers and we will reach completion! Unfortunately, many of us don’t feel that transformation is even possible. We don’t think to question our own reality because we are exposed only to society’s all-encompassing answers to our problems. Transformation will happen through the direct instruction of an enlightened Being. He gives us precise solutions, on an individual basis, to all of our questions. We discover that through questioning our answers, we arrive at a place where we can just be. This is the space of completion - the questions no longer exist and the answers have lost their meaning.

Link to Video:

Video Audio


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

00:43 Hindi -00:51

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the television viewers, visitors, disciples, devotees, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us around the world at this moment through Nithyananda TV, Lotus News Channel, two-way video-conferencing, Sadhna TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha all over the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Houston, Guadeloupe, Oklahoma, Ohio, Seattle, Kuala Lumpur, Hyderabad, Toronto, San Jose, Tiruvanmiyur, Indrani-New Jersey, Charlotte-Srisailam, Vancouver, Washington DC-Sripuram, Vancouver-British Columbia Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Dubai, San Diego La Jolla, Hyderabad - Gupta Kashi, Singapore-Singapuram, Devon-UK, Monterrey-Mexico, East London-UK, Warrington-UK, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, New York-Varanasi, Australia, Jorpati-Nepal, Paris Home Temple, Oman-Sivagangai.

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

We’ll enter into the satsang.

I will expand on the subject I started yesterday, because I attended to only one dimension of that subject – “Why? Why suffering?”

Please understand, for this question there are some logical answers, some illogical answers, some imaginary answers, some intuitive answers, some interesting answers, some mystical answers, some intellectual answers, some emotional answers. I can say, all possible types of answers have been given for this one question. This one question is attended to so many times, the question itself is now loaded with so much of distorted meanings. Sometimes, so much is attributed to the question, so much of answer has been given, the moment you think of the question you feel your brain is burning. This is one of that type of questions.

As I said, each answer leads to further questions, how this answer can be made reality for us? For example, Buddha says, ‘Desire is root cause of suffering.’ The next question automatically comes: ‘How we can make this answer as an experience? How we can use it, apply it in our life?’ Then that becomes a philosophy. So, each answer to this question becomes philosophy. Each answer to this question becomes a philosophy and whoever wants to become a philosopher tries to answer this question in a very innovative way, in their own way.

As I said, some answers are good for intellectual stunt from stage. Sitting in the stage, you can do intellectual stunt like a all-encompassing answers. There are some which are not good to be uttered from the stage, but very good for the individual who is suffering because they will be precise solutions. The precise solutions, precise solution is such powerful, important need, please listen, I tell you without precise solutions, just with the encompassing solutions, people can spend their whole life, but they will be wasting it. I have seen this happening.

I have seen many Hindu monks, Buddhist monks, Christian monks and nuns, I have seen many sincere religious leaders, they are not insincere, they are not unintegrated, they are very integrated; but, unfortunately they try to solve their whole life with all-encompassing answers. I wanted all the viewers, visitors, television viewers, devotees, to know very clearly now, if you are trying to achieve Completion just by the morning satsang, you are doing the same mistake. All-encompassing answers will naturally lose precision. Please understand, it will naturally miss precisely addressing you and your needs. Precisely getting your ideas addressed, listen, dyanse suniya, precisely getting your ideas addressed is the most.

Please understand, when you work with the Master closely, not only your questions, problems get addressed precisely, your ideas get addressed. Now you need to understand, I am adding this one word; I am giving a small twist. Many time, you may not have a problem or question with your settled idea but even that ideas need to be addressed. Sometime you settle down without any question, without any doubt, second thought with some ideas. Even they should be addressed.

Many a time your bio-memory believes so strongly you are nothing more than the six feet body. You settle down with that idea. You may not even have a question or a doubt: ‘Am I only the body?’ You may just settle down thinking that it is a fact. Even that should be addressed.

Please understand, from the dais, from the stage, the settled ideas in you can never be addressed. Only when you work with the Master, only when he helps you to find the precise solutions, the precise solutions, only that can liberate you. Only that can free you. Only that can lead to solution.

Please understand, yesterday, I threw two words – “all-encompassing answers” and “precise solution”. These two words are the key words of yesterday’s satsang. Today’s satsang key words, listen, “not only answering your questions”, “questioning many of your answers”. Many of your answers need to be questioned: ‘Why, why will you have this answer? Why will you have this answer?’

Sometime, such strong answers we carry, we are ready to give up even our life, but not our answers. You are ready to give up your life, but not your answers! Listen, because you feel the answers you are holding on is a psychological strength for you, believing which you gave up many things, you did many things. It is like you marry somebody and give up everything else for that person’s taste and you accommodate yourself for that person and everything your morning till night, your thinking, feeling, acting, everything is done for the sake of that person. Suddenly you discover that person is not integrated to you, that person is not authentic to you. Your whole being is shaken. Sometime even if you know he is not authentic to you, you don’t want to believe it. You say, ‘No, no, no, no, no. Don’t bring such an important revelation to me, such big fact to me. No, that will be hurting me too much.’

So, today, I want all of you to understand, not only you should have the precise solutions for your questions, your answers also should be questioned. Your answers should be questioned. When you work with the Master closely, that is what he does. In the morning satsang, I’ll never be able to answer your questions with the precise solutions and never, never, never will be able to question your answers; because I do not even know the answers with which you are sitting. Even if I know, where is the time to question everyone’s answer?

Sometimes I through some riddles to question everyone’s answers. Your answers need to be precisely questioned. Your questions need to be precisely answered. Only then transformation of the being happens. Please listen, transformation of the being happens only when your answers are questioned precisely, questions are answered precisely. Your answers should be questioned in a very precise way; your questions should be answered in a very precise way. All-encompassing answers can create mass hysteria. Please understand, mass hysteria is religion. Precise solution, precise solutions creates enlightened beings. Precise solutions help a spiritual tradition. All-encompassing answers create mass hysteria which is religion. Precise solutions create spirituality which is a lifestyle. Precise solutions create spirituality.

And I tell you, when your answers are questioned, enlightened beings are created. If all your answers are questioned, you become an enlightened being. I am telling you the exact truth. You have no answer left unquestioned. Everything is questioned the moment you start any answer, ‘I think…..’ No, it is already questioned. ‘Do you exist? Do you think?’ In the utter questioning mode, you fall into Completion.

Please understand, Completion is the space where you are. The moment you come to any conclusion, it is incompletion. Please listen, all conclusions are incompletion and Completion is the space where all your answers are questioned and you are neither interested in answer nor interested in question; you are just be. You be! All questions answered, answers questioned, questions answered, answers questioned, neither answer exists nor question exists, is the space of Completion.

People who spend their whole life just with the all-encompassing answers never find solution, end of the day feel cheated. I have seen many Hindu monks feel at the end of their life that they have been cheated by their gurus, or by the Hindu tradition. I have seen Christian monks, I have seen Christian Fathers, at the age of seventy they come and express their depression to me, their inability to solve their problems, their inability to live spiritual life, their feeling that they are failures. I have seen Buddhist monks at the age of eighty discovering that monastic life is not possible for them.

Please understand, listen, listen to this truth. If you are missing this line, you may miss your whole life, so, please listen. If you are also trying to sort out all your problems just from the all-encompassing solutions, you are wrong, you’re completely wrong. After spending years and years, you will only feel depressed, disturbed. Solutions are discovered, solutions are found only when you work precisely with your problems and the Master. Sometime Master will question your answers so much he himself will become a problem for your life. No, really, sometimes he himself will become a problem. That’s the most sweetest problem you could have in your life, because he questions, he takes away all the answers on which you are standing, the ground on which you are standing is taken away, it is not there anymore.

Answers of the society, so-called settled human-beings of the society are the most pseudo component of humanity, are the most pseudo beings of the humanity. In the modern day, I am seeing, I am seeing very clearly how the human beings live a very superficial life, how the human beings don’t even feel like questioning their sufferings. The modern day, middle class, middle aged human beings, which is a mass, please understand, the modern day, middle aged, middle class human beings – this is my definition for mass; maybe I can add one more word “mediocre” – middle class, middle aged, mediocre mass, is not even questioning their reality; they don’t even think it is possible you can transform. See, when you do a act of love by giving something or sharing something, enriching somebody, you see you are so overflowing with joy, but you don’t want to take that to the next level; you don’t think taking that to the next level is possible for you. You don’t even feel you can take that experience to the logical conclusion. You say, ‘This much is enough, next.’

I have seen this in my life. My mother is a typical middle class lady, but I am a extreme guy in anything I take up. Anything I take up, I am fully into it.

One day, my grandfather was doing Maheshwari Puja, means feeding the sadhus, and then after doing the Maheshwara Puja he did namaskar, he fell at the feet of all the sadhus.

I asked my mother why he is falling at their feet after giving food.

My mother said, ‘We will get Shiva Loka.’ That is the, that much only she knows.

But she doesn’t know at that age itself I have already studied the scriptures and started listening and I learnt. I think this happened around the age of six or seven. By the time I am already exposed to Raghupathi Yogi and his words.

So, she said, ‘We will get Shiva Loka.’

Then I told her, ‘Alright, if that is the case, let us give, every day let us feed all the sadhus who come.’

Then she said, ‘No, no, no, no no,no , no. We should do only this much.’

I could not get a convincing answer from her why we should not do every day with all the money we have and even she never thought about it.

I asked her, ‘Why you do not think further? You say, this is good, and even you feel good.’

I have seen her, very sincerely she will do. She will cook and feed. The Annadhana, the quality of feeding people, I learnt from her. Still I am happy about it. Still I carry one pride: all our ashrams and campuses, without even me telling our sannyasis, have learnt this one idea -if you start ashram you have to start feeding people. Whoever comes, you should make sure they eat and go. When they start an ashram or a temple, whether it is America or Aminjikarai, Kanchipuram or California, they know one thing: Dhyanapeetam means you have to feed, you have to give food; whatever you have, you have to share with the people. But unfortunately, she never took that to the next level. She stopped enriching people with food; never to the next level.

So, I have seen this middle class people, because of their innate mediocrity, do not raise themselves to the next level. See, feeding people is good but that is not enough. That is not ultimate. You have to have something more than just giving food – enriching people with enlightenment.

Just yesterday I okayed a project plan; I approved it. In all the government schools, first in this next, in the four nearby districts, we are launching in all government schools, every evening after the school hours are over, we will recruit the same school teachers, we’ll pay them salary and make them teach the Nithyananda Vidyalaya syllabus about Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Completion and one nutritious meal, one nutritious meal. Both we are doing. Just yesterday, I approved the project. Please understand, just giving food is not going to be enough.Or just giving western education is not enough.

You know these so called education is nothing more than poison whom you are feeding or giving this so called education, there is every possibility, not every possibility, he will be only useless to himself and society. He only develops false identity, doesn’t relate with reality. He doesn’t become livable for himself or worthy of livable for others to live with him. He can neither live with himself nor with others. He loses livability in the life. So, that is why I decided to bring Bala Vidyalaya syllabus, where they will learn life education, educating them to live, educating them to live Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Completion and tuition also. They will have their school syllabus also and a nutritious meal. We will work with government officials, launch this project in the nearby four districts schools, then expand it. We really wanted to expand it to the whole country because my hope lies only on the next generation. The next generation should become the new generation. This is the tagline I gave for Nithyananda Bala Vidyalaya: “Making NewGen out of NextGen”. “Making NewGen out of NextGen” is the tagline I gave for the Nithyananda Bala Vidyalaya.

Don’t be the mediocre, middle class mass. Think, think, think. Think “Why Suffering?” Question the answers you carry with you. Why marriage? Why Children? Why Sannyas? Why life? Why I am where I am? Why I am doing what I am doing? Why I am living where I am living? Question all your answers; you will reach Completion. I can tell you, one of the best way to reach Completion is, question all your answers. Questioning all your answers; you will reach Completion.

I will give the essence of whatever I uttered today, I shared with you all today, in Hindi.

33:25 Hindi - 36:25

The essence of today’s satsang:

Not just answering your questions, even precisely answering your questions is not enough. Questioning all the answers with which you are sitting is necessary. Whenever you question all your answers, you stop becoming or being mediocre, you become genius. Please understand, the person who lives with the answers is mediocre. The person who questions all the answers is genius. If you answer all your questions, you may become mediocre. If you question all your answers, you become genius. Question, question, question all your answers. Question all your answers, you become genius. Question all your answers, you become genius. Listen, listen to the truth.

37:55 Hindi -40: 22

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate share and explode in eternal bliss, Nithyananda.


Photos From The Day:

Morning Paduka Puja https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%282%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%283%29.jpg https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%284%29.jpg Morning Satsang https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%286%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%287%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%288%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%289%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2810%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2811%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2812%29.JPG Sarvadarshan https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2814%29.JPG Blessings Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2817%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2818%29.JPG Swayambu Linga Swamiji's Murthy and Swayambu Linga Dakshinamurthy https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2822%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2823%29.JPG https://www.nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyananda_Swami-26-9-13%20%2824%29.JPG Dhyanapeetams Flag Flying High Gurukul Children Doing Puja Before Lunch Newly born rabbits in Our goshala Inner Awakening Participants Registering for Tomorrows Inner Awakening Program


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, completion, transformation, reality, society, enlightened, Being, solutions, discover, just be, space, exist.