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Compassion, Compassion, Compassion should be the fundamental strategy!
Compassion, Compassion, Compassion should be the fundamental strategy!
Satsang on "Not allowing imaginary fears into head, keeping your stomach absolutely cool, calm. Dealing every situation with tremendous peace and compassion is the way to live, act, react to every situation in the life".
Satsang on "Not allowing imaginary fears into head, keeping your stomach absolutely cool, calm. Dealing every situation with tremendous peace and compassion is the way to live, act, react to every situation in the life".
Ongoing Nithyananda Yogam Program in Trinidad & Tobago.
Ongoing Nithyananda Yogam Program in Trinidad & Tobago.
==Number of Lives Enreached And Enriched==
==Number of Temples Participated==
16 temples from all around the world participated.
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<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1nrFfpAFlwYqoXNjNuh3I9KgeiFHM-GyA" height="400">
<img src="http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1nrFfpAFlwYqoXNjNuh3I9KgeiFHM-GyA" height="400">
==Number of Lives Enreached And Enriched==
==Number of Temples Participated==
16 temples from all around the world participated.
== Flyer==
== Flyer==

Revision as of 16:08, 22 September 2020


Compassion, Compassion, Compassion should be the fundamental strategy!


Satsang on "Not allowing imaginary fears into head, keeping your stomach absolutely cool, calm. Dealing every situation with tremendous peace and compassion is the way to live, act, react to every situation in the life".

Ongoing Nithyananda Yogam Program in Trinidad & Tobago.


00:17 nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the visitors, viewers, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Karthas, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda Hindu University students, Nithyananda Gurukul students and everyone watching live on Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailaasa TV, Hinduism Now TV, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

02:26 Listen. Today's powerful revelation from Kailaasa: compassion, compassion, compassion should be the fundamental energy, strategy, to deal with any situation, to function in any situation. Anything, compassion should be the ground we stand, internalize, operate, act, react, do everything. What is compassion? l’ll define. Listen. Not allowing imaginary fears into your brain, keeping the guts cool and pure, dealing whatever comes in front of you ... with that cool, calm, composed, compassionate attitude with life, understand. If you allow imaginary fears in your head, your guts will not be cool. Your guts will not have peace. When you are not peaceful, you cannot be compassionate. Not allowing imaginary fears into head, keeping your stomach absolutely cool, calm. Dealing every situation with tremendous peace and compassion is the way to live, act, react to every situation in the life.

05:17 Having said this, I am applying this principle ... to the present situation. Sangha is going through in its various ashrams in India ... especially in Gujarat. I am clarifying and making my stand very clear. Karaikal Ammaiyar is a great devotee. Paramashiva used to address her as mother. And Kailaasa, in Kailaasa any issue, if Paramashiva need to be questioned or need to be mildly reminded or asked, they will send only Karaikal Ammaiyar because she is a great devotee, and Paramashiva had a very soft corner, sweet relationship. Like a, Paramashiva used to call Karaikal Ammaiyar as mother. Same way, in sangha also people used to ask anything need to be asked to me, to be addressed to me. And I had a very sweet relationship with her and it is something too beautiful. She is Karaikal Ammaiyar. And I am addressing all her concerns. Oh my Karaikal Ammaiyar, I am making it very clear my stand in this Gujarat issue. I’ll explain why I am saying what I am saying.

06:52 Let me tell you first, my stand. I sincerely request ... all of you listen to the whole satsang, only then you will understand why I am saying what I am saying. Whoever is attacking me, they know the secret. If my devotees are hounded, if my devotees are attacked, if pain is caused for my devotees, I will compromise. They adopted the right strategy to bend me, understand. I will never bend if I am attacked. I will never compromise if I am attacked. But if my devotees are attacked, my devotees are pained ... My Gujarat devotees are the best most sincere devotees. And their devotion is extraordinary, absolute. And I wanted to tell you very clearly, … my Gujarat devotees and disciples are the best.

08:49 And I don’t even want to name them because media may hound them more and more, attack them more and more. That is the reason I am not naming. Otherwise, I’ll keep deity’s statues for them and ask devotees to worship. They were, they are that sincere even during this whole crisis. They stood so strongly with me, understand. Their integrity to me is absolute. Their honesty to me is absolute. When they are so integrated to me, I am responsible for their welfare. When the devotees are hounded by the media - harassed, attacked from multiple angles, … they know I’ll compromise, I’ll bend, I’ll … be silenced, cowed down. Listen. First thing I wanted to give my absolute gratitude to all my devotees, disciples in Gujarat, … giving us food, shelter, stay, everything possible in every way. I want to thank all of you for all the support, everything you are providing, you have provided and the absolute integrity.

10:43 I don’t want to name them because I don’t want media to hound them, abuse them, attack them. That’s why I am not naming. But I just wanted to tell them, I am proud of all of you for your integrity, but I cannot allow devotees to suffer. I cannot allow devotees to be hounded. I cannot allow devotees to be tortured, hounded, just because they gave food and shelter … and place for sangha. I cannot allow the devotees to suffer. I cannot allow the devotees to be hounded. I am making it very clear. Tiruchi Swami used to say, a great Hindu saint and peetadhipathi of Kailash Ashrama, my Guru used to say, … he has his own slang, the way he will tell, “>>>Tamil 1<<<.” I’ll try to translate in English. They’ll say that people who gave us food and shelter, if we harm them - heart will just burst. We should not do that.

12:40 So all my devotees ... who gave me food and shelter, of course, if you give food and shelter for my sannyasis, for my sangha, for my balasanths, you gave it to me! Any help done, any support done, for my sannyasis and balasanths and kailaasavasis, it is directly done to me. If you show them love, that love is directly shown to me. If you give them food, that food is given directly to me. If you give them clothes, it is given directly to me. If you show them compassion and you forgive them when they do some small, small mistakes, it is directly you forgiving me. It is directly you showing your compassion to me. I want to tell you, if you find any fault with the aadheenavasis, kailaasavasis, understand this one thing - I have the responsibility of not only training people, training the trainer, both. Understand. I have to train people and train that trainers, both. Both has to happen simultaneously. In Narmada River, in the flow of the Narmada water, two stones will hit each other and roll, roll, roll. Finally, both will become Shiva Linga. One stone will be smaller, one will be bigger but both will become Shiva Linga.

14:35 Same way, trained and trainer, both train each other, mold each other. Finally, both becomes Paramashiva. Both become Paramashiva, understand. That is the way life goes on. If you find small, small problems with that trainers, understand, we can't destroy the whole system. Like one doctor by, does some small mistake and patient suffers something small, we cannot say the whole medical system is wrong and let us pull it down or collapse it. That doctor need to be retrained, educated, supported. Both need to be supported, I am responsible for supporting both. Let us deal things with more deeper level of compassion. I request little compassion from you. If you think I have contributed to your life, … that trainers and getting trained, they are also part of what I am contributing this whole sangha. Please be little compassionate towards me, because I am evolving this whole sangha for the good of the world.


लोकाः समस्ताह् सुखिनो भवन्तु lokāḥ samastāh sukhino bhavantu

16:08 This whole thing is ultimately end of the day for the welfare of the Universe. If you find small, small hitches in trainers and … if somebody attack the whole sangha because they find small, small hitches in the trainers, they are only ganging up with the anti-Hindu gang who try to pull down the whole Hinduism, whole sangha. I tell you, … I am not only responsible making the people develop devotion for Paramashiva and come to temple, I am also responsible to evolve the pujaris, priests. Giving them confidence, training, strength, and making them stand where they stand, and … create devotion in devotees, and making that devotees live the devotion; I am responsible for all directions, understand. Making the God land as Archavatara, making the priest stand with the deep devotion and knowledge, making the devotees feel the deep devotion, feeling connection and evolve - for everything, I am responsible and I am trying my best to do the job with all my integrity and compassion and sincere hardworking.

18:05 If you support any of them in any way, you are supporting me directly. If you give them one meal, you are giving me directly. If you are giving them one metre cloth, you are giving me directly. If you are giving them shelter, you are giving shelter to me directly. If you are forgiving them for their shortcomings, you are forgiving me directly. Understand the evil plan of the people who are destroying, trying to destroy the whole sangha. First thing … by persistent continuous assassination attempts, they make me separate, away, distant from the sangha. That is the first game plan. Then, they create all kinds of problem inside sangha, testing the stamina of these people who are stably staying inside the sangha with their devotion and dedication.

19:27 The good news I have now is, now by the grace of Paramashiva, Parashakti, Kalabhairava, I have a safe place, safe haven. Now the work of Kailaasa can start. Already we are working all the legalities to start the Gurukul where I am physically in the Kailaasa. Soon … kids with the parents will be living physically around me, having next level of training, power manifestation. See, it’s like a ... for psychological powers: powers related to mind like Third Eye, remote vision, length dimension power, breadth dimension powers - my physical presence is not needed. Even wherever they, the initiation and training is enough, they can get trained. But the next level physical level powers like a levitation or materialization, my physical presence is needed for the initiation. So the kids who have grown, completed manifesting the first level powers, mental level, psychological level powers, they with their parents can come for the physical level powers and have initiation in Kailaasa soon. This is the good news I have.

21:25 Let me make people understand the evil plan of the people who are trying to destroy the sangha and Gurukul. Listen carefully. Once you separate me from the sangha physically, you can always create strong doubts in the aadheenavasis about their future, make them, demoralize them lose the confidence in the life, in me, in sangha, in Hinduism, in power manifestation science, in every level. Making the aadheenavasis lose confidence, making parents lose confidence, making the Gurukul kids themself lose confidence about their future. All that is easy. And … you can, ah understand, by conducting lawfare, lawfare means use wide spread negative, abusive, false accusations and false negative publicity. Put false accusation, nega … do negative publicity, repeatedly multiple level in social media and media, and create that atmosphere very violent, negative and file false cases, in the name of investigation go on harassing people. This is what is called lawfare. Understand like warfare, lawfare is important weapon used to destroy Hindus by various gangs, various groups. Listen carefully. When you do so much lawfare, and do witch hunting, understand this witch hunting is named as investigation. You can witch hunt any organization and destroy anything.

23:49 I’ll tell you one story happened in my life. I was supposed to learn the levitation. This really happened. Very err … intense training need to be given. Understand one thing, all great things are achieved by great training. All great things can be achieved only by great training. If you want to achieve extraordinary things, you need to have extraordinary training. My Guru - Raghupati Yogi, he was supposed to train me for levitation. He gave a certain technique and pranayama. And asked me to practice it intensely. And then he brought a weighing machine, weighing scale, and made me sit on it. I have to show that five kg weight has reduced. Only then he will lift me from the weighing machine. He tried to actually get a standing weighing machine which used to be in the rice mundis. We are, which they use for weighing the rice bags. My grandfather was ready to give but it is very difficult to bring that all the way from the shop to the temple, where I used to teach me.

25:44 So he brought one round weighing machine. In those days in that dispensary it used to be there. So he went and asked one of the local … doctor, the homeopathy doctor, his friend. I still remember his name is Ramakrishnan. He used to have his small dispensary clinic in Thirumanjana Gopura, Gopura street. He went to his dispensary and brought that weighing machine and made me sit on that. I was supposed to reduce five kg by doing that technique and pranayama. He initiated me and he is sitting. Only then he will lift me from the … weighing machine. I sat and started doing, doing, doing, doing, doing. Almost it become three hour. Three hours! And nothing is happening, neither the needle is moving … nor the weight is reducing. And he is sitting in a corner on leaning on the ... pillar, the stone pillar of the temple and cleaning his teeth. “>>>Tamil 2<<<.” He is telling in Tamil, “Tell me whether weight reduced.” The needle has to come, show that five kg reduction. I looked up, looked up the needle and said, “>>>Tamil 3<<< Thatha.” Means, grandfather. That’s the way I addressed sometime. I said, “Nothing is happening.”

27:36 And … it become four hours. And he is sitting there. Again same scene, cleaning the teeth with the small toothpick. >>>Tamil 4<<< I just lifted my little finger and showed, “Thatha, thatha!” It means I have to rush for restroom, urine. In school we are taught not to tell verbally, we just have to show the finger. And the little finger means the urine. I have to run for urine. If you show two fingers, it is called two bathroom. And one finger, one bathroom. So I was showing one finger, “Thatha, thatha!” He closed his eyes after seeing me and said, “>>>Aah … Tamil 5<<<” I said, “What to do?” Hunger I can control. What about … restroom?! And it become almost five hours, too much. And I am doing the technique, doing the pranayama left and right … with that pressure now. Now the bladder pressure. And already I have the bad name of a … bedwetting. And all the kids used to make fun of me for my bedwetting habit. Quite a long time, till the age of sixteen … I was having that problem - bedwetting.

29:35 So all of them used to make fun of me for this bedwetting. So I already had this problem. Oh God! If I do something and it’s a temple, and I am respectful to that sanctity of that temple. I’ll never, I will never not get into Ganga justs for not to, even by mistake not to pollute Ganga. I will take bath three times if I have to enter into Ganga even once. I’ll take bath outside three times, and make sure I am not going to pollute. I, my bladder is completely free. I am not going to pollute Ganga even one inch, one drop, only then I’ll get into Ganga. I’ll take more number of times bath outside before I get into Ganga. So … I cannot do something to disrespect that sacredness of the temple. What to do? I am mortifying. And ... I have to put both the hands and do the pranayama and technique. I am doing. Finally, I could not deal. Put my hand on my dhoti and started screaming, “Thatha! >>>Tamil 6<<<” Means I told that a, it is too urgent I cannot control, I should not go away, here itself.

31:26 And this old man is acting as if he doesn’t hear. His ears are not listening or hearing what I am saying. He is acting as if he is in samadhi and slowly cleaning the teeth. And, I can describe the whole scene. He is sitting on one corner on the, leaning on the pillar and cleaning the teeth. Just shaking the head, “Aahh …” He is not even respond, opening the mouth and telling you can’t go. He’s telling, he just shaking the head, “Aahh …” And Muruga, Subramanya is there in the front, actually the beautiful deity Subramanya is there in the Krittika Mandapam where he used to train me. And there is a unique deity where Subramanya will be keeping his leg on the peacock and standing. A beautiful deity. I am looking at that deity and looking at him, and said, “I can neither … miss Guruvak, nor do one there and disrespect that deity!” And I am putting my hand on the dhoti and holding! “Thatha! Thatha!” And, he is very cool and cleaning the teeth and just moving the hand, head this side and that side. He is not even telling don’t go, he is not opening eyes, he is not opening mouth. He just moving the head this side and that side.

32:55 Finally I looked at Muruga, “Muruga, I should neither break the Guruvak nor disrespect your sacred space. Please save me.” And I was putting my hand on the dhoti and trying to hold. I just lifted my hand with this deep prayer to Muruga and decided let me do the pranayama. And, I have surrendered to Muruga and put my, both my … fingers, thumb on the, both the nostrils and held the Kumbhaka, the technique properly, deeply - just body lifted. That moment when I said, “Muruga!,” just body lifted. Not just five kg, the machine become zero. Understand. I tell you, this really happened and we have at least three eye witnesses still alive. Three eye witnesses still alive - Raghupati Yogi son and that flower vendor, flower garland maker for Paramashiva, Arunachaleshwara who still used to make, sit there and make the garlands. He’s still alive and living in that same place in temple, Tiruvannamalai Temple. Understand, we have three eye witnesses at least.

Neither I passed urine and disrespected the place, nor I broke the Guruvak. Intense prayer, something clicked in the system and … Muruga’s grace, Guru’s grace, technique worked, manifested. Now I want you to understand - will you call this as a training or torture? Let us analyze. Whether it’s a training or torture? “Oh, Nithyananda was not given restroom and he was not allowed to go to restroom. He was tortured.” Fortunately, there was no white supremacists interfering between me and my Guru. I have a safe ambience to be with my Guru. Neither assassination attempts on my Guru nor white supremacists, and other supremacists. Not just racist spremacists, the other level supremacists, from multiple direction did not poisoned my mother, father or me against my Guru. And, I am so happy and thankful to Arunachala and Kalabhairava for giving me the happy safe Gurukul. Understand.

36:49 Whether what I went through is a torture or training, only two persons can decide. One, me. When I say me, if I am a minor - me and my parents. If I am a major - it’s only me and my Guru. If I am a minor - me and my parents and my Guru. These three only can decide whether it is a training or torture. It is nobody else’s business. If I am major - only me and my Guru can decide whether it is training or torture. It is nobody else’s business. Understand. Even to do body building, if you want extraordinary results, you have to do extraordinary training. Whether sports, games, people who achieved Olympic medals or intellectual achievements, understand. The kind of the memory I have, the ability to recollect the shastras and repeat, interpret, interpret the comment the shastras, everything, needs years of training!

38:34 Sometimes my Gurus will tell me to do Surya Namaskar from sunrise to sunset. Actually the speciality of my Gurukul is, I am diluting all of it and making it very practical with minimal efforts getting maximum benefits. I don’t tell my Gurukul kids to do Surya Namaskar from sunrise to sunset. No! But, with the proper techniques with minimal efforts getting maximum benefits. That is what is I am working so much. Anyhow, let me explain whatever I need to explain. From morning till night, sunrise to sunset, they will ask me to do Surya Namaskar. Once I do that and come back to home and say joints are paining, my mother will tie the gunny bag. Gunny bag is the rice gunny bag where you put the rice and that lot of gunny bags used to be there in my house, because my grandfather used to have a huge rice mundi. She will tie that gunny bag and tie on my knees. But without missing, next day she will tell, “Eh, get up and … go for today’s training.” Understand.

40:10 My father and mother tolerated that training I went through. That is the greatest sacrifice. My parents tolerated that training I went through. Me tolerating is not a big thing. My parents tolerated that training I went through. That is the reason why I am successful now. I want all of you to know. I want all the Gurukul parents to know, you are doing the right thing. You are doing the right thing. My parents tolerated that training I went through. Understand. All pathfinders … have to sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. Tyaga (त्याग, Tyāga) … is the lifestyle of pathfinders. That is why Paramashiva is always portrayed as Tyagi. Understand.

41:51 Because, I want to keep my integrity alive, I don’t want to compromise. If I have decided to compromise, there is no need for me to leave the great kingdoms - I built, I was donated and I revived. I have three kinds of kingdoms. One, on my own I built samrajyas with my hard work. Second, many samrajyas are gifted to me, donated to me. Means, I have been declared as a inheritor - given to me. And many kingdoms, samrajyas, samasthanas I have revived. I don’t need to give up on all that if I was ready to compromise, understand. I wanted to be absolutely integrated to my Gurus and my disciples. Integrity to Guru is integrity to disciples. I want to be absolutely integrated to my Gurus and my disciples. I am very clear, I will do the spiritual work of reviving the power manifestation science, bringing the Paramashiva Jnana and Paramashiva Vijnana and share with the world.

43:53 I will live with this integrity as long as I am alive, and return to Kailaasa … when I completed my mission, understand. Just to keep my integrity, I have given up all the samrajyas I created, donated to me and I revived. Malcolm Gladwell a popular writer, written extensively about ten thousand hour rule with various examples including Beatles, Bill Gates. Gladwell considers the key to success in any field requires ten thousand hours of practice, which translates to twenty hours of work a week for ten years. Anyhow, I can go on be giving you quotations and all that.

45:11 Listen. One of the important devotee asked me, that I should have my staying room in every ashram we have. I said, “No! Let us be practical, don’t waste built up space. Let the sannyasis and balasanths use them.” Understand. People tried to accuse me falsely, “Oh, he is training so many sannyasis just so that they will serve him.” Understand … almost now two years, I have not even seen my sannyasis. It’s not that I don’t love them. I remember even now the joy in the face of every sannyasis, the smile when they see me. Everytime she sees me, after I walk, she will bend and take that sand, feet dust and put it on her head. And I’ll act as if I am not observing or seeing. With the side eyes, I’ll see and smile. It’s not that I don’t remember the love they carry for me … and that devotion they have for me. I have not even seen any of them almost for now for two years.

47:31 Many of the Brahmacharis and Swamis even if they see me walking, even if they see me walking, the way they will stand and their jaw will drop. When I, while walking I’ll pass a comment, “>>>Tamil 7<<<.” Means, “Finish seeing na. Move, move, move, move.” So many of my sannyasis, … my sannyasinis, I’ll signal with the hanky, means, “>>>Tamil 8<<<.” It’s not that I don’t remember all these sweet beautiful … love they carry for me. And, they radiate that just through their eyes. I have not even seen them for more than two years now, understand. I want all my sannyasis to listen to this. Sacrificing life is tyaga (त्याग, tyāga). Sacrificing for the people who don’t even appreciate your sacrifice is the quality of Tyagaraja. Sacrificing: I want all my sannyasis to pick up this one quality. Sacrifice … even if the people don’t appreciate your sacrifice, understand.

49:51 I remember a beautiful incident. Two great Swamis - Kalyananda and Nischayananda, Ramakrishna Mission sadhus, went to Haridwar and started doing seva, medical seva to sadhus and others. Many people used to make fun of them saying, “Baaghi sadhus. Ah, they are working. They are not behaving like a brahmacharis, they are like a karmacharis.” All abuses they used to throw at them. But those two sadhus, their sincere effort, their dedication, their sacrifice. They sacrificed to people who did not appreciate their sacrifice. But their dedication and sacrifice and tapas is standing today as a huge hospital in Haridwar Ramakrishna Mission. All the people who made fun of them, who abused them - their parents and gran … sorry, their sons and grandsons are getting the benefit of that hospital.

50:59 I tell you guys, all my sannyasis understand - don’t worry about the abusers. Don’t worry about the people who are attacking you. Don’t … get demoralized. Don’t get disturbed. I wanted tell all my sincere sannyasis and sannyasinis, listen! Stand strong, revive Sanatana Hindu Dharma, be integrated and make Gurukuls happen, educate kids about Hinduism, help them make power manifestation, revive all these sciences, evolve Gurukuls. People who are abusing us, accusing us, their sons and grandsons will stand in queue to get admission into our Gurukuls. And I tell you, ... compassion, integrity - all these qualities are like a stone. Building a stone temple may take time but it’ll stay forever. I am building stone temple for Paramashiva. It may take little time but it’ll stand forever. I am building this sangha on fundamental Hindu principles. Understand.

52:51 The people who attack us, abuse us, accuse us - they will understand our sacrifice. Maybe their sons and grandsons will stand in queue to get admission into our Gurukul. Don’t worry. I want all my sannyasis, all my brahmacharis, all my kailaasavasis, be extremely compassionate, integrated, strong, be empowered with Sanatana Hindu Dharma. And understand, go for only spiritual solution. Kalabhairava is protecting us. Even if we have self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial, don’t worry, Kalabhairava is protecting us. Understand. The strength, sacrifice … Kalabhairava, ... Kalabhairava is protecting us. He is training us to be more stronger. He is giving us strength and training. Understand. Be very clear, Kalabhairava is protecting us. I want all the sannyasis to understand, and I also wanted to sincerely thank all my balasanths, balasanths’ parents, my sannyasis, my brahmacharis, standing strong and tall with us, with me, standing together. United we win. Kalabhairava is protecting us. And I also wanted thank all the devotees, all the SJP Yajamans, SJP Karthas, devotees who are donating; I want to thank all of you for understanding, and standing strong with us.

I want my sannyasis to know, understand … that standard of tyaga for grihasthas, householders is different. The standard of tyaga for sannyasis is different. If the grihasthas sacrifice for the people who appreciate them, that is enough. But sannyasis have to sacrifice, even if your sacrifice is not appreciated, respected. Understand that. That is the sannyas of dharma. Listen carefully. All lives will have ups and downs, mood swings, good-bad, right-wrong, sacrifices and joys, receiving and giving. All lives will have. The upside ups and downs in Chennai Road, ups and downs in Badrinath, Mana, is totally different. Even the down most point in Badrinath is much higher than upper most point in Chennai. Understand, Chennai Road’s ups and downs are like grihastha’s life ups and downs. That Badrinath, Mana Roads’ ups and downs are like a sannyasis lives ups and downs. The whole quality and the space is different. Even if sannyasis have ups and downs, it has to be different standard and different life. It is higher life. So that definition of the sacrifice of sannyasis is different. And definition of the sacrifice for the grihasthas is different.

I wanted to thank sincerely all the Gujarat devotees for standing strong with me and protecting the Gurukul, … supporting them with food, shelter, stay, everything. I also wanted to tell the Gujarat devotees, I am not naming you all, so that the media will not harass you. I don’t want media to hound you more and more. That is why I am not naming any of you. Please forgive for me for not naming you all and thanking. That is the real, I am not even able to name that devotees who supported, who are standing strong with so much of integrity about whom I am proud! I am proud of so many devotees for standing tall with me. But I am not even able to tell their names boldly, openly. When time comes, not only I’ll tell the names, I’ll record this in the history of Kailaasa for standing tall and strong with me. That is the small token of appreciation, small way I can show my gratitude to all of you.

When some devotee was asking me about some strategy, I said, “I love you and trust you hundred percent, two thousand percent. You strategize and plan and deal. And I do not have any doubt. I trust you all absolutely. I trust all your love for me and integrity for me.” My only request: little more compassion, little more internally dealing. Understand. My hand may quickly move as I want, but my leg may not move that fast. That does not mean I have to cut my leg and throw it away. No! I have to do more yoga and train my leg to run fast as I want. Same way, everyone, all of you are part of me whether people who give donation - SJP Yajamans, Karthas or aadheenavasis or balasanths or sannyasis or the grihastha kailaasavasis or brahmacharis, sannyasis, Gurukul balasanths their parents. Everyone is part of me. I have to deal everyone with absolute compassion.

01:01:46 And if you deal any of, each others with compassion - you are my mother. Understand, I treat you as my mother if you guys internally deal yourself with compassion and love. Because if there is a friction between my arteries and the blood, it is going to affect me. If blood and arteries decide not to have friction and have smooth flow, I am thankful to both for giving me life. For giving me life. So any lubrication, any compassion - use, apply in any of the strategy and dealing all these issues. I am absolutely grateful and thankful to everyone, brings compassion and love in dealing all these issues. Understand. I sincerely request ... all my sannyasis to become more enriching, understand. Laziness is crime. When you are attacked, flare up and become more integrated, more responsible, more enriching. I want each of my sannyasis to take up one ashram and start Gurukul.

01:04:00 Start online Gurukul, evening Gurukul, weekend Gurukul, residential Gurukuls. Go house to house and beg. We are sannyasis. Nothing wrong in begging. Not only I begged and lived without having food before the sangha I started as recently as few months also. I could not get the food, the vegetarian organic food and I did not eat. And I am not bothered about it, I am not complaining or I am not telling this to public to gain any sympathy. No! I am very clear, Kalabhairava is asking me to fast, to become more healthy. That’s it. Understand, this is my word for all my sannyasis. We are sannyasis, go with bhagavad bhiksham dehi, house to house. Whatever you get, with that feed the Gurukul balasanths, feed the Gurukul kids. And I tell you, everything people have given me is for all of you. And, do more and more and more service, enrich the world. Enrich the world. More and more service. Keep absolute integrity. Keep absolute compassion and integrity. Never get cowed down by any blackmail. Do not allow or do not get cowed down by any fear, blackmail or corruption. Be integrated, understand.

01:05:55 With integrity even if you have one meal, that is okay. That is okay. Just to protect, keep my integrity to my commitment to my Gurus, I will be available continuously to download these Paramashiva Jnana and Vijnana and share it with the world. I have given up all the samrajyas I created, samrajyas donated to me, samrajyas I revived. And I have not even seen my sannyasis almost now for two years. And I don’t even know when I am going to see all of them. When I am going to listen to each of my sannyasis. I don’t know. But … I will stand and live with my integrity, dedication, tyaga (त्याग, tyāga). Understand. We all live on the principle, to the principle we are dedicated. To the principle we are dedicated. People are donating money, not for me but for the principle I am integrated, to the principle I am dedicated, understand. Gopis, Gopas love Krishna because Krishna’s integrity to Narayanatva (नारायणत्वा, Nārāyaṇatvā) and the way Krishna manifested Narayanatva. Gopas and Gopis know Krishna is God, Narayana. That is why they were dedicated and devoted to Him.

01:08:03 Same way, all people donate money, donate time, treasure, talent, even their lives, because my dedication to my principles, my dedication to Paramashivatva, because my integrity to Paramashivatva. Understand, I will keep that alive. Live as long as I live, I’ll keep my integrity to Paramashivatva alive and go back to Kailaasa when I completed my mission. I am making all the doubts cleared. I am addressing all the issues clearly and I also wanted to make sure Gurukul never stops any balasanths talking to the parents. And our aadheenam never stops any sannyasis, aadheenavasis talking to their parents, relating with their parents. I do not stop anyone, neither sangha administration stops anyone. It is individual’s freedom and individual’s decision, individual’s understanding about the principles they want to be integrated, principles they want to be devoted, principles they want to live. In every situation absolute compassion and absolute integrity to the principles we live.

01:10:05 I want to tell all my sannyasis, do not worry my name is being dragged, abused, getting destroyed, getting spoilt. Don't worry at all, my name is already spoilt enough. And I don't bother about it. I have sacrificed my name to keep my integrity to Paramashiva alive. Understand. All of you understand, ... media will never tell the truth. If you expect media to be fair, you are a fool! It is all game. Understand, history itself is fake. What about news? News is fake. What about history? Tsk! Do not get powerless because my name is attacked, I am being harassed. Don't worry. Principles, integrity to Paramashiva is the life. That is the essence. That is the only thing you should brother. Don't get powerless if I am attacked, accused, abused. Don't worry. I have already sacrificed my name, image, everything, to keep my integrity to Paramashiva. Understand. Keep your integrity to sannyas alive. Keep your integrity to the principles of enlightenment alive. We live integrated to Hinduism, enlightenment, power manifestation, Guruvak, Paramashiva. Let us keep that alive. That’s it. So don't worry. Don't bother about anything else. Don't get cowed down. Don't get powerless. I think I’ve address almost all the issues. If I have not addressed any of the issues, I’ll address in further next satsangs.

01:13:38 I thank Gujarat devotees in two level. One, thank you for giving us food, shelter, protection, support, everything. And second level, forgive me for not even able to name you all and thank you all for what all the great things you all have done to me and my sangha, and sannyasis, balasanth, Gurukul, Acharyas, Gurukul kids, parents, everyone. And I wanted to thank all the SJP Yajamans, Karthas, devotees, donors who are standing strong with us, understanding with the deep love and compassion ... what we are going through at this moment. And I also wanted to thank all the balasanths, sannyasis who understand these nuances of the lawfare. How first I am separated from the sangha. And … sangha is made to lose confidence. And, some false accusations, witch hunting investigation and finding something and blowing it, making that devotees, donors, people who are living all over the world - making them lose confidence on sangha and on administration, and slowly trying to collapse. This evil design.

01:15:36 I want you to understand this evil design. Then you will understand the whole drama and the whole game. That is why I want all of you to see the “Wild Wild Country” documentary. And I want all of you to see, read some of the early publications of ISKCON - how Prabhupada struggled and suffered. And, I want all of you to read one more book. There's a beautiful book by Swami Prabhananda, when Ramakrishna Math was at crossroads. That's the book when Ramakrishna Mission or Ramakrishna Math was at crossroads. It was a beautiful book written by Swami Prabhananda, describing the initial days struggle, torture, how Ramakrishna was accused falsely, Vivekananda was accused falsely, how Ramakrishna Mission suffered all the attacks, persecutions and how they went without meal for weeks and months. What all they went through from external forces, even their own ex-devotees. And internally, how they managed, faced everything. If you read, you will feel like … you will understand. You will understand. You will understand.

01:17:36 I just want to tell you, I am not giving a pep talk. I love you and I love you all. I am opening my heart. I am not giving any pep, pep talk. Please understand, I am giving you, I am opening my heart. In front of Kalabhairava, keeping my integrity to Kalabhairava, I tell you, ... I am honest, integrated to my Gurus and to my disciples and to you all my devotees. Only thing, I feel I am not able to digest is, I am not even able to name my devotees who supported me, supporting me, strongly standing by me. That's the only thing I feel. Maybe when time comes, I will not only name them, I'll write their names in golden letters in stone temples. Gold, golden stone temple, I'll write their names, carve their deities in stone and gold plate it ... for the world to know the history.

01:19:08 In media, they call it “third page.” All the scandals, rumours, all the abusive, negative things they publish in that. I am going to call “moondram prakaram.” The third prakaram of all my temples, I will write the real sacrifice of all my devotees, sannyasis and carve their deities and deitified them. Deitified them for the world and future to know. They call it “page three.” I'll make “moondram prakaram,” the prakaram three to show the dedication. To show the dedication. And I tell you, Hinduism stands tall on compassion and integrity to principles. Hinduism stands tall on compassion and integrity to principles.

01:20:36 Ma wanted to know whether I am going to call the SJP Yajamans team by team to come and live around me for a few days. Sure. Just give me a little time, we are settling many issues. Soon I'll call, once we have all the logistics set. I will give an opportunity for SJP Yajamans and others to come and live around me for a few days, have a vacation with me. We'll plan. Just give me little time. I only want all my devotees, disciples, followers sympathisers, to understand the evil design of the people who are trying to destroy … sangha, who are trying to destroy the Gurukul, who are trying to stop this whole spiritual work. Understand their evil design. Then you will understand what you are supposed to do, what should be the right strategy to protect sangha, to protect Gurukul, to protect conscious future of the humanity. Understand, protecting sangha, protecting Gurukul is protecting Hinduism, protecting the only hope for the conscious future of the humanity. We are fundamentally spiritual organization, educational organization, intensely sincere sannyas organization.

01:22:45 If somebody has given their children to my Gurukul or my Sannyas Sampradaya, they are my own mother, my own father. Liberating her is my responsibility. If your son is in my Gurukul, you are my own father. If your son is my sannyasi, you are my own father. Understand, if your son or daughter is in the Gurukul or my sannyasi - you are my father, you are my mother. I treat you that way. That's it. So many are asking, “What they can do?” I request you all, please be more compassionate towards sangha. If you find anything good in the sangha, share with the world. Anything bad in the sangha, please bring it to us. Let us internally organize ourself better, complete, bring completion, perfection, better organization. That's all. That's all is my only sincere request, understand. Sangha is I don't want to say, sangha is perfect. If sangha is perfect, all of them would have become enlightened. But I can say one thing, sangha is very sincere to its integrity.

01:24:25 Everyone is inside sangha because they are really sincere, struggling to become sincere to the integrity without real need to be, become integrated. Without the sincere struggle to become integrated, nobody can be inside sangha, understand. It’s a Kalabhairava’s design. So, I only request … be more compassionate for evolving sangha, understand. We are as old as sun - Hinduism. As new as sunrise. We are reviving the whole thing. Even Hindus has lost touch. So many people who are in the sangha, they got introduced to Hinduism even though they were born Hindus. They got introduced to Hinduism only after I entered their life, only after they connected with me. So many aadheenavasis in the sangha, kailaasavasis, aadheenavasis, Gurukul balasanths, sannyasis, they say, “Swamiji, we started going to temple only after connecting with you,” “We started applying vibhuti only after connecting with you,” “Only after becoming your disciple, your follower, we even started following the Hinduism.” Understand.

01:26:06 For the future the sangha is going to be, if I see that thousands of years the sangha is going to be, we are only just two decade old organization. It's not even infant level, just born. Understand, just born. We are going to be here till the sun and the moon is there for thousands of years with stone temples and thousands of Gurukuls and hundreds of thousands of sannyasis and monasteries all over the world. We are just two decade old. When I was twenty one, with the grace of Paramashiva, I made the Satya Sankalpa of this sangha. It's only two decade, twenty years old organization. 1999, my Janma Nakshatra day, I think December 30th or 31st I don't know. 1999, made the sankalpa with the grace of Paramashiva, the Satya Sankalpa: “mama sankalpam, shiva sankalpam mastu.” With the grace of Paramashiva, made the Satya Sankalpa and it’s only less than twenty years. Twenty years not completed. We are just born.

01:27:40 And, my only request to all of you, be more and more compassionate, integrated. And, try to bring more and more friendliness and understanding inside sangha. And devotees and sangha, let us bring more and more dedication, tyaga, understand. It is through tyaga great things are achieved. I have not created my sannyasis to serve me. Last two years I have not even seen them, I want to tell you, the whole world. My sannyasis are here to serve all the devotees, to serve the world, not serve me. I have not even seen them. I know how much each of my sannyasis miss the feet dust. How much the Bidadi Adi Kailaasa punya bhumi, she is missing that my feet is not walking on her physically. How much each of the balasanth, … when I walk during the morning walks, these kids will be walking behind the back. And without even turning my eyes, I’ll see through the backside. Only to see my kids, I use powers. Just to see their joy, the way they enjoy, … the way they celebrate me. It is scene to be seen. So only during those moments I use this three sixty degree power, and see them the way they enjoy, the way they are melting down.

01:30:20 I have given up everything just to keep my integrity to Paramashiva. I’ll be available for Paramashiva. And, to receive Paramashiva Jnana and Vijnana, and share it with the whole world. That is my only priority. So I have decided I'll give up anything just for that one responsibility. When I see all the kids now and see how they have grown up - they become tall. They become big boys and big girls. And I have not seen them for years. Has put one more concern, “If directly Swamiji is training that is Gurukul, how can we leave the kids with the Acharya trainees?” Understand that, me, Arunagiri Yogishwara’s direct incarnation even after me coming to the planet earth, Arunagiri Yogishwara did not appear day one. He left me for ten years with the Acharyas and trainees. They were training me. Only after ten years of preparation, when I was ten, He appeared personally and trained me and initiated me, gave me all the power manifestation science. Understand.

01:32:05 Sometimes my presence trains. Sometimes my absence trains more. My presence gives bhak … listen carefully! My presence physically gives them Shakti. My absence gives them bhakti. I know in this physical absence, how many people have grown intensely in deep devotion and commitment. So Kalabhairava provides everything rightly. Do not worry. Let us just flow with His design. Let us flow with His design. And ... Paramashiva also has empowered me to do the initiation through Divya Sarira. He is manifesting and He is doing. Some of the deeper nuances, let us all have little patience for Him to work and for Him to reveal. Understand, ultimately we need to make sense to Paramashiva. It's not that every action of Paramashiva need to make sense to us. Having that deep devotion, passive devotion for Paramashiva to make us understand the reason for His designs is chastity.

01:34:06 If I have not address any other concerns, I'll do it in further satsang. So with this, ... the essence of today’s satsang: sacrificing, doing tyaga to the people who don’t even appreciate your tyaga is the quality of Tyagaraja, Paramashiva. This is the essence of today’s satsang. Sacrificing for the people who don't even appreciate your sacrifice is the quality of Tyagaraja, Paramashiva.

01:34:17 So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing … I want all my disciples to know, I am committed to all of you. I’ll be integrated to my Guru and to all of you in every way. Understand. I will not compromise on my integrity to my Guru, all my Gurus and to all my dwell … devotees and to all my disciples, to all of you. My absolute compassion and absolute integrity is my commitment to all of you. Sangha is here to serve the world. All my sannyasis are here to serve the world, not to serve me personally. To prove that only, almost last two years I have not even seen any of them. I have given up all the samrajyas I built with my hard work, and all the samrajyas donated to me, and all the samrajyas I revived. All the samasthanas I have given up everything. So that all of it will be useful for all of you and to the, it’ll serve the whole world.

01:37:40 Stand strong against all the rakshasas, demonic forces trying to break or destroy sangha. The way we stand strong, integrated to Paramashiva, … Paramashiva will be proud of us and Kalabhairava is always protecting us.

With this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. 01:38:28

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Number of Lives Enreached And Enriched


Number of Temples Participated

16 temples from all around the world participated.


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