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Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible.you just need to carry the past without load. The inner space of possibility. I am not teaching you positive thinking. Positive thinking is the negative thinking that can happen to you. ...till you stop doing your positive thinking joke, you inner laughter will not stop...so  all your positive thinking is like a comedy. When a lion goes into a forest, it does not declare it is a king. Everybody knows it is a king. When you are integrated,everybody knows your positivity. Lion does n to declare his sovereignty. It just makes everybody realize its sovereignty. Integrity does not declare its positivity. It just makes everyone experience its positivity. Not having the load of past negativity is integrity. Positivity means absence of past load of negativity. Then you just float in positivity. You just float in [[completion]]. I tell you in every city, I need only one person who is a devotee. One person who lives these chathur vedas, four tattvas. Out and out breathes this air. One person is enough. He will create a energy around  him. Like an iron dust getting settled with magnet,all will  come and settle.why in any city, even if one person with integrity and authenticity sits in a forest,the forest becomes a city. Look around! Don't think because I am an incarnation I did it. I promise you keeping Kaala Bhairava as witness. I have not used a single of my extraordinary powers to create this organization.I have played completely inside the frame of human possibility.  It  means anything which is possible for me, is possible for you. I have not done a magic wand, I just moved the magic wand and this whole thing stood up. No. I played the whole game inside the human possibility. And i tell you any one of you will be able to play this game. Just taking up to live the tattvas. If you just find little taste of these tattvas means when you live the miracles, seeing the miracles  -wow, today i tried integrity, it clicked, it worked. Today i tried authenticity, it clicked, it worked, when i am inauthentic it is failing.  Just that understanding, thinking with this sacred secrets, truths. Continuously do completion unload the effects of your  past  from your inner space.  I tell you continuously listen to your inner  being  and  continuously do completion again and again and again.Feeling powerful  inside  will make everything success for you.everything success for you. Feeling powerless inside, nothing will be successful. If a success happens when you are feeling powerless, it is accident, not success. Accidental success. When you are feeling powerful inside, never ever failure enters your breathing space.
Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible.you just need to carry the past without load. The inner space of possibility. I am not teaching you positive thinking. Positive thinking is the negative thinking that can happen to you. ...till you stop doing your positive thinking joke, you inner laughter will not stop...so  all your positive thinking is like a comedy. When a lion goes into a forest, it does not declare it is a king. Everybody knows it is a king. When you are integrated,everybody knows your positivity. Lion does n to declare his sovereignty. It just makes everybody realize its sovereignty. Integrity does not declare its positivity. It just makes everyone experience its positivity. Not having the load of past negativity is integrity. Positivity means absence of past load of negativity. Then you just float in positivity. You just float in [[completion]]. I tell you in every city, I need only one person who is a devotee. One person who lives these chathur vedas, four tattvas. Out and out breathes this air. One person is enough. He will create a energy around  him. Like an iron dust getting settled with magnet,all will  come and settle.why in any city, even if one person with integrity and authenticity sits in a forest,the forest becomes a city. Look around! Don't think because I am an incarnation I did it. I promise you keeping Kaala Bhairava as witness. I have not used a single of my extraordinary powers to create this organization.I have played completely inside the frame of human possibility.  It  means anything which is possible for me, is possible for you. I have not done a magic wand, I just moved the magic wand and this whole thing stood up. No. I played the whole game inside the human possibility. And i tell you any one of you will be able to play this game. Just taking up to live the tattvas. If you just find little taste of these tattvas means when you live the miracles, seeing the miracles  -wow, today i tried integrity, it clicked, it worked. Today i tried authenticity, it clicked, it worked, when i am inauthentic it is failing.  Just that understanding, thinking with this sacred secrets, truths. Continuously do completion unload the effects of your  past  from your inner space.  I tell you continuously listen to your inner  being  and  continuously do completion again and again and again.Feeling powerful  inside  will make everything success for you.everything success for you. Feeling powerless inside, nothing will be successful. If a success happens when you are feeling powerless, it is accident, not success. Accidental success. When you are feeling powerful inside, never ever failure enters your breathing space.
There is no  such thing as  practicality. Practicality is the most  impractical thing on planet earth. Whenever you want to say something is impossible, you say practically if yous  see....i tell you there is not such thing as practicality. In the name of practicality you make yourself as impossible and impractical. Most practical thing means you yourself dig a pit and get into it and bury yourself. ..that  is  the most practical thing. Idea of practicality is nothing but suicidal because it comes from past. Don't live even one more day if you have not made something impractical as practical today.what you and others understand you have 1000 eyes - 2 eyes on your body, 998 on others bodies around  you. Whatever  looks impractical to those 1000 eyes, make it practical everyday.  If not, don't live, better to pack up. This happens only when you don't carry the load of the past. When you are in completion. So continuously complete, complete. Out of completion, out of your authenticity, when you start the annalaya naturally you will attract auth people. Any human being has authentic and inauthentic both. If you behave auth you will bring the response of auth from the same person out. Complete both with your distant past (which is your root patters from childhood) and from your recent past (which is your non-integrated moments in your day-to-day living of the past few hours). Both contribute to incompletion in your life. I have the resource because I am the real source! When you understand you are the real source, that is the resource you need! I tell you anybody who becomes authentic, there department never lacks volunteers. Staff or volunteers always are there. Only when you lack integrity and authenticity...When you are inauthentic, people DO NOT feel enriched  by you. Then why will they come to serve. Every city i need only one person who is authentic and integrated.  
There is no  such thing as  practicality. Practicality is the most  impractical thing on planet earth. Whenever you want to say something is impossible, you say practically if yous  see....i tell you there is not such thing as practicality. In the name of practicality you make yourself as impossible and impractical. Most practical thing means you yourself dig a pit and get into it and bury yourself. ..that  is  the most practical thing. Idea of practicality is nothing but suicidal because it comes from past. Don't live even one more day if you have not made something impractical as practical today.what you and others understand you have 1000 eyes - 2 eyes on your body, 998 on others bodies around  you. Whatever  looks impractical to those 1000 eyes, make it practical everyday.  If not, don't live, better to pack up. This happens only when you don't carry the load of the past. When you are in completion. So continuously complete, complete. Out of completion, out of your authenticity, when you start the annalaya naturally you will attract auth people. Any human being has authentic and inauthentic both. If you behave auth you will bring the response of auth from the same person out. Complete both with your distant past (which is your root patters from childhood) and from your recent past (which is your non-integrated moments in your day-to-day living of the past few hours). Both contribute to [[incompletion]] in your life. I have the resource because I am the real source! When you understand you are the real source, that is the resource you need! I tell you anybody who becomes authentic, there department never lacks volunteers. Staff or volunteers always are there. Only when you lack integrity and authenticity...When you are inauthentic, people DO NOT feel enriched  by you. Then why will they come to serve. Every city i need only one person who is authentic and integrated.  
Every successful man must be having behind him integrity and authenticity at least in the dimension in which he is  successful. If he is successful in business he has to have integrity and authenticity. If he is  successful in relationships, there he has to have integrity and authenticity. Make  it  very clear and to others you are the source. Success or failure is decided  first by you inside you and then it is expressed outside you by you. You make the balloon, you blow the balloon, after you made the balloon don't blame the shape.  You blew it and you made the shape.. You cannot say i expected heart shape it came like my tummy!....many times things you make  to look like anahata but it looks like manipuraka..no no i made this balloon to look like anahata only but it looks like manipuraka like my tummy.
Every successful man must be having behind him integrity and authenticity at least in the dimension in which he is  successful. If he is successful in business he has to have integrity and authenticity. If he is  successful in relationships, there he has to have integrity and authenticity. Make  it  very clear and to others you are the source. Success or failure is decided  first by you inside you and then it is expressed outside you by you. You make the balloon, you blow the balloon, after you made the balloon don't blame the shape.  You blew it and you made the shape.. You cannot say i expected heart shape it came like my tummy!....many times things you make  to look like anahata but it looks like manipuraka..no no i made this balloon to look like anahata only but it looks like manipuraka like my tummy.

Revision as of 17:32, 23 March 2019

Link to Video:


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda reminds his followers that there is no such thing as impossibility. The concept of failure is founded on our edited past memories. Completing with the past clears our destiny for a clean future in which we understand that everything is possible. If we allow a project to fail it is because we do not implement it with integrity. If others reject our project it is because they sense our inauthenticity. Complete authenticity acts as a magnet: it attracts an authentic response in others and leads them to have confidence in us. Nithyananda addresses the attitude of limiting a project by assessing whether it is practical. Practicality is based only on our past experiences of limitation. When we dispense with practicality our horizon becomes infinite. We should not live even one day without making one thing possible that seems impossible.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, failure, destiny, future, possible, integrity, magnet, attract, confidence, experience, infinite, live


“Sadashiva samarambam,  Jnanasambandha madhyamam  asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” 

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 451 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 41 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 222 cities, 27 countries around the world as per the statistics!

Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 6th day and THE samyama 3rd day.

I can also see Adayar center now today special Guru Puja for them J Alright! Today we will start the satsang with the subject Integrity. Bhoopathi in Mettur Dhyanapeetam blessings for your daughter’s valayakaapu. Listen. By nature God built you with integrity.

Your in built innate nature is integrity. That is why you are so fulfilled….

For example,you are thinking….when these non …..listen. When there is a knot in the thought, you are ready for a failure.

Non-integrity first quality is you will feel everything is impossible. Everyone should know if "I" am possible, If "I" can exist, nothing is impossible! Impossible itself is "I am possible!" No the lack of integrity is first thing... diagnosis for lack of integrity. How there is diagnosis for each disease if you feel giddy it can be low BP, if you have continuous knee pain it can be arthritis. When you feel continuously impossible in your life, you are suffering from a disease called lack of integrity. You need to sit and complete with you. A situation failing, you failing, your idea of you failing, please listen - situation failing, you failing, your idea of you failing - all this three is nothing but perverted integrity. Not only lack of integrity, you are integrated to your perversion. Listen. In the flesh and blood which is matter, consciousness growing is the greatest miracle. When I is possible, how can anything be impossible. I know you are not convinced because you don't know the science. I know the science that is why I am telling you. Your body is after all just a flesh and blood. Your brain is nothing special. Many don't have brain. Even if they have it is just some fat and muscle put in a confused way. But consciousness is being experienced. This is the highest miracle I tell you. When that miracle is possible, how can anything be impossible? The ideas you carry about your old failures. I tell you every idea you carry about your past is wrong. Before changing your future, change your past. Unless you change your past, you cannot change your future. Immediately you think how can i change my past? it has happened already. No. The idea you carry about your past is completely wrong. You are not carrying it as it happened. You are carry it in the edited created version....all the sound effect, volume effect, music effect. Please listen. With all my experience I tell you. Yesterday I changed one important statement. People usually tell you how much ever you listen, unless you can practice you will not achieve it. I said now I am telling an important statement. People usually say don't bother about past, change the future. I tell you don't bother about future, change your past because your future lies in your past. Change your past. The hangover you carry about the past is the disease you are carrying and unless you complete your past, you cannot transform...

I tell you the load of your past perverted integrity is prison. Making whatever you think as impossible into possibility is integrity. The idea impossible is nothing but lack of integrity. Why anything will not be possible? Not only when i say something, even in your life, you cannot h ave this in your constitution. Please understand. The conscious constitution. The word impossible cannot exist even in your conscious constitution. There is nothing called impossible. It is the weight of the past. Their logic seems to be very strong.

I give you one important key. Success happens when you don't bother about your successors. If you think ..success happens when you stand as an individual. You should stand as an organization.... Other's failure does not declare you are going to be a failure. There are millions of people who committed suicide, why not we try that....see as per the past record human beings die, then why don't we also die?. All others have their own reasons why they tried and failed. Basically it boils down to we not having confidence on our ourselves and people who live around us are not having confidence on us. Because of that you also do not have lack of confidence on them. It is mutual lack of confidence and integrity.

I tell you, nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible. Nothing" is only impossible. Nothing is impossible. "Nothing" is only impossible! I am telling you more than this sangha what more miracle do you expect from me which has been created in such a short span of time and standing even after so much of being beaten? This sangha is the biggest miracle i have demonstrated, com on, now i have the right to teach you. When I am possible, nothing is impossible.

Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible.you just need to carry the past without load. The inner space of possibility. I am not teaching you positive thinking. Positive thinking is the negative thinking that can happen to you. ...till you stop doing your positive thinking joke, you inner laughter will not stop...so all your positive thinking is like a comedy. When a lion goes into a forest, it does not declare it is a king. Everybody knows it is a king. When you are integrated,everybody knows your positivity. Lion does n to declare his sovereignty. It just makes everybody realize its sovereignty. Integrity does not declare its positivity. It just makes everyone experience its positivity. Not having the load of past negativity is integrity. Positivity means absence of past load of negativity. Then you just float in positivity. You just float in completion. I tell you in every city, I need only one person who is a devotee. One person who lives these chathur vedas, four tattvas. Out and out breathes this air. One person is enough. He will create a energy around him. Like an iron dust getting settled with magnet,all will come and settle.why in any city, even if one person with integrity and authenticity sits in a forest,the forest becomes a city. Look around! Don't think because I am an incarnation I did it. I promise you keeping Kaala Bhairava as witness. I have not used a single of my extraordinary powers to create this organization.I have played completely inside the frame of human possibility. It means anything which is possible for me, is possible for you. I have not done a magic wand, I just moved the magic wand and this whole thing stood up. No. I played the whole game inside the human possibility. And i tell you any one of you will be able to play this game. Just taking up to live the tattvas. If you just find little taste of these tattvas means when you live the miracles, seeing the miracles -wow, today i tried integrity, it clicked, it worked. Today i tried authenticity, it clicked, it worked, when i am inauthentic it is failing. Just that understanding, thinking with this sacred secrets, truths. Continuously do completion unload the effects of your past from your inner space. I tell you continuously listen to your inner being and continuously do completion again and again and again.Feeling powerful inside will make everything success for you.everything success for you. Feeling powerless inside, nothing will be successful. If a success happens when you are feeling powerless, it is accident, not success. Accidental success. When you are feeling powerful inside, never ever failure enters your breathing space.

There is no such thing as practicality. Practicality is the most impractical thing on planet earth. Whenever you want to say something is impossible, you say practically if yous see....i tell you there is not such thing as practicality. In the name of practicality you make yourself as impossible and impractical. Most practical thing means you yourself dig a pit and get into it and bury yourself. ..that is the most practical thing. Idea of practicality is nothing but suicidal because it comes from past. Don't live even one more day if you have not made something impractical as practical today.what you and others understand you have 1000 eyes - 2 eyes on your body, 998 on others bodies around you. Whatever looks impractical to those 1000 eyes, make it practical everyday. If not, don't live, better to pack up. This happens only when you don't carry the load of the past. When you are in completion. So continuously complete, complete. Out of completion, out of your authenticity, when you start the annalaya naturally you will attract auth people. Any human being has authentic and inauthentic both. If you behave auth you will bring the response of auth from the same person out. Complete both with your distant past (which is your root patters from childhood) and from your recent past (which is your non-integrated moments in your day-to-day living of the past few hours). Both contribute to incompletion in your life. I have the resource because I am the real source! When you understand you are the real source, that is the resource you need! I tell you anybody who becomes authentic, there department never lacks volunteers. Staff or volunteers always are there. Only when you lack integrity and authenticity...When you are inauthentic, people DO NOT feel enriched by you. Then why will they come to serve. Every city i need only one person who is authentic and integrated.

Every successful man must be having behind him integrity and authenticity at least in the dimension in which he is successful. If he is successful in business he has to have integrity and authenticity. If he is successful in relationships, there he has to have integrity and authenticity. Make it very clear and to others you are the source. Success or failure is decided first by you inside you and then it is expressed outside you by you. You make the balloon, you blow the balloon, after you made the balloon don't blame the shape. You blew it and you made the shape.. You cannot say i expected heart shape it came like my tummy!....many times things you make to look like anahata but it looks like manipuraka..no no i made this balloon to look like anahata only but it looks like manipuraka like my tummy.

I bless you all who are sitting with us at this moment around the world in 686 places through Nithyananda TV, in 42 places through 2 way Video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 295 cities, 29 countries around the world! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!