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Swamiji: The first inner awakening level 1 program is going to happen June 8th to June 17th, the next month. June 8th to June 17th . It will happen in bidadi physically and through 2-way video conferencing also. | Swamiji: The first inner awakening level 1 program is going to happen June 8th to June 17th, the next month. June 8th to June 17th . It will happen in bidadi physically and through 2-way video conferencing also. | ||
− | Question: Next question. The next question is from Inner awakening id no. 8 Mathur, who is asking swamiji not giving on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of Swamiji and the sangha. Should we continue that relationship? | + | Question: Next question. The next question is from Inner awakening id no. 8 Mathur, who is asking swamiji not giving on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of Swamiji and the [[sangha]]. Should we continue that relationship? |
Swamiji: First thing, please understand, Mathur nice question! ‘Swamiji not giving up on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of swamiji and sangha should we continue that relationship. Please listen don’t give up on them but don’t allow them to be critical about swami or sangha if they utter one world give a long explanation they will be simply shut. Continue to have the relationship so that the time that they spend with you they will not criticize me and the sangha. They will be keeping quiet. Understand what I am saying. If you give a strong answers, they will simply keep quiet. You don’t need to give up on them; give them strong answers logical answers. Integrated, authentic answers, then naturally either they will be convinced cleared or at least they will stop criticizing. They will stop abusing. So don’t give up on them. So don’t give up on them, but give a strong reply. Strong means, really really strong reply. Next. | Swamiji: First thing, please understand, Mathur nice question! ‘Swamiji not giving up on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of swamiji and sangha should we continue that relationship. Please listen don’t give up on them but don’t allow them to be critical about swami or sangha if they utter one world give a long explanation they will be simply shut. Continue to have the relationship so that the time that they spend with you they will not criticize me and the sangha. They will be keeping quiet. Understand what I am saying. If you give a strong answers, they will simply keep quiet. You don’t need to give up on them; give them strong answers logical answers. Integrated, authentic answers, then naturally either they will be convinced cleared or at least they will stop criticizing. They will stop abusing. So don’t give up on them. So don’t give up on them, but give a strong reply. Strong means, really really strong reply. Next. |
Revision as of 21:27, 7 February 2019
Link to Video:
In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions on his new programs. He explains Inner Awakening On and enPregnancy Care. He also instructs on how to maintain relationships with detractors of His teachings. We don’t want to give up on them, but we don’t want to entertain abuse so we should very strongly reply when bad things are spoken, so they will be silenced. Nithyananda also responds to the dilemma of how to tell our loved ones that we want sannyas, monastic life. This was Buddha’s quandary exactly. Nithyananda points out that we cannot hold ourselves back just to comfort the inauthenticity of others. No one will reach enlightenment if everyone resists: we should lead them forward. Finally, he reminds us to always look for a way to answer “Yes” to any question, no matter how impossible it may seem. When we take responsibility for every situation, we find the solution for it.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Inner Awakening One, enPregnancy Care, relationship, entertain, love, Buddha, comfort, enlightenment, lead, answer, responsibility.
What is Inner Awakening Level -1
Part -1
I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samagees, satsunges, sitting with us around the world. Today also I’ll continue to answer your questions and enlighten each one of you how to live the 4 principles. Before entering into the Satsang, I wanted to offer my heartfelt condolences to Ahobila Jeer Mahadesika MahaSwami of Srirangam. Swamji left the body today morning to the divine abode of Vaikuntha. A great sadhu. Very humble person. Learned sadhu. I have very sweet memories with him for his moral support, strength which he offered to us. While I did pada yatra all over south India, from kanyakumari to Bangalore, he personally accompanied me. Two full days he walked with me. And...Sadhu who feels so much for the suppressed class of Hindus. True to Ramanaja’s philosophy, he served the suppressed class and communities of Hindus. He was working sincerely, authentically to bring them back to the Hindu Tradition and the spiritual lifestyle. Such a simple sadhu. He was. His age was twice than mine but he did not his age or his post did not stop him recognizing me and revering me. Respecting me. So much of respect, reverence he showered on me. Today we got the information that he left the body. We offer our prayers to Ranganatha. Let him reside in Sameepya mukti. Let Ahobila Mutt Jeer mahadesika swami reside in Sameepya mukti in Vaikuntha. I also offer my prayers to Ranganatha. All his disciples and his followers and poorvashram family people. All of them. Let them all have the courage and energy to face the situation and come out of this sadness. A great sadhu. He was sick in deathbed. Today morning he left the body. I offer my condolences, prayers. We’ll enter into the Satsang now. Please put the questions.
Q: Today we have questions about the Inner Awakening Level II program. The first question is will the program be a daytime program or nighttime for the US participants? What is the time for the program in Pacific Standard time?
A: The program will be in nighttime for the US for all 10 days. The timing in Pacific Standard Time is 9:30 pm to 9:30 am Pacific Standard Time. In Indian Standard Time it will be morning til night. I can only say that 9:30 pm we will start. I don’t know what time we will end. Usually ending we can’t keep the time. If I give time I have to be integrated to it so beginning will be 9:30 pm Pacific Standard Time and it will end around 9:30 am Pacific Standard Time. It’ll be daytime in India and nighttime for America. Next question.
Ma Maneesha: I beg your pardon these questions are pertaining to the Inner Awakening Level 1 program not Level 2. These questions are regarding Inner Awakening Level 1 program.
Q: The second question is will the root pattern analysis be as effective as when it is done in the direct presence of Swamiji?
A: Please understand there are some things which will be very effective only in my presence. There are some things which can be done even without physical presence. Healer’s initiation. Still I have not found the method and I can’t initiate remote through 2 way video conferencing. Initiating you into Ananda Ghanda or the space of possibility. I don’t think I can do or it will be that effective through 2 way video conferencing but root pattern analysis and finding the root pattern can be done through 2 way video conferencing also. So I am very responsible when I make programs through 2 way video conferencing. I make sure the quality of the program is not compromised and it is not reduced. Only then I allow the 2 way video conferencing as a method, way to conduct the program. But anyway, please be very clear I am a responsible teacher. I will not compromise on the experience of the classes. And I also don’t need to restrict my presence to my 6 feet body. It is only center of my presence not end of my presence.
Q: The next question is who will be working directly with the participants on root pattern analyses?
A: I will be directly working. Only when it comes some debates, arguments which you will not do with me. I’ll have acharyas. Ma Maneesha or some other 1 or 2 teachers will be helping me. But otherwise the program itself will be directly conducted by me. Next.
Q: The next question. Swamiji has said 21 days is needed for transformation. Will significant transformation occur in 10 days?
A: As you yourself put the word, significant transformation will occur. 21 days will be best but there are so many people not able to do this.Taking off 21 days. I don’t want them to miss the transformation possibility. That is why the program for 10 days.
Q: The next question is Inner Awakening Level 1 a requirement for Inner Awakening Level 2 in the future? What will be the additional material covered in Inner Awakening Level 2 since 10 days of the program is already covered in Inner Awakening Level 1.
A: Please understand. I’m an ocean. I have not opened up everything in the Inner Awakening because of lack of time, lack of time. If you think that everything is told in the Inner Awakening Level 1 or Level 2 itself, it is wrong. All I wanted to you to understand, the Inner Awakening Level 2 will become more intense. More stronger spiritual experience than as it is now. It will be leading you to the deeper and deeper levels of your being. Please understand. Any conflict you have means either you don’t have right knowledge or you don’t know the right method to apply the knowledge. That’s all. If you are having even a single thought, conflicting thought, still the right knowledge is not given to you and the right method to apply the knowledge is not given to you. So til you are enlightened, it is my responsibility to go on expanding, expanding, expanding, and making you enlightened. So understand. So after the August Inner Awakening, I am going to make IA level 1 as a mandatory for Level 2. Til August Inner Awakening you can come directly also to IA Level 2. I’ll be conducting even this initial preliminary subjects. But after August, I’m going to make IA Level 1 as a mandatory for you to come to IA Level 2 so that in IA Level 2, I guarantee you space of positivity, possibility, leadership and enlightenment.
Q: The next question: What benefits can participants in IA level 1expect as compared to IA Level 2?
A: The question: What benefits can participants in IA Level 1 expect as compared to IA Level 2? Understand first thing in IA Level 1, I guarantee you will have completion with you and with others. You will learn the 4 Tattvas. You will be initiated into Swapoornatva self completion. Discovering your root pattern. Completion with others. All these 3 will happen. Completion with yourself and others will happen in Inner Awakening Level 1. Please understand 1 more thing. Finding a root pattern and completing with this with it literally gives you the new birth. That will happen in that Inner Awakening Level 1. In Inner Awakening Level 2, directly I will be introducing you to the space of positivity, possibility, leadership, and enlightenment.
Q: The next question is will the content of IA Level 1 be repeated in IA level 2? Is IA level 1 like a preparation for IA level 2?
A: Til August Inner Awakening, I’ll keep IA Level 2 as a program where even Level 1 but without level 1 you can come. Please listen. Til August Inner Awakening, even without level 1 you can come. But after the August Inner Awakening, the content will be different. You have to go through the Level 1 and then come to the Level 2. Til August Inner Awakening, I’ll keep the Level 2 as it is now the 21 day program as it is. You will have the whole material the whole introduction and the sessions content of level 1 Level 2 put together. After August Inner Awakening, Level 1 material will not be repeated. Level 1 processes will not be repeated in the Level 2. It will be totally different.
Q: The next question is what is the difference between IA Level 1 and IA Level 2 in terms of my effort and progress towards enlightenment?
A: Please understand. By constantly the more and more time you spend with me the more and more time I spend with you, the more and more I make the process of your enlightenment easy for you. That’s all. It is just more and more time it is spent. More and more intelligence is shared. Energy is shared. Energy darshans happen. More and more you will experience the enlightenment. The more deeper the space of positivity, possibility, leadership, and enlightenment. Today you are going to have 2 energy darshans. Unclutching initiation one darshan where you will be given the tattva vastra. And then, regular energy darshan in the evening. Today you will be given temporary sanyaas. For next 10 days, you glimpse the sanyaas life. You glimpse the 5 vows of sanyaas as a possibility in your inner space. So from today actually we enter into the second level of Inner Awakening. Where we are going to work on the space of positivity, possibility, leadership, and enlightenment. We are going to work on creating the right space from today. Experientially, you will see what space you create becomes reality outside.
Part 2
How many of you earlier itself were creating a space for Sannyas inside? Raise your hand.
All your space only made yesterday’s Sannyas Webinar.
Understand. And, I was thinking I may initiate 100 people this Guru Poornima, into Sannyas. Now, I can see very clearly at least 250 people I am going to initiate into Sannyas this Guru Poornima.
Next Question.
Q: The next question is, will Swamiji be conducting all the sessions of Inner Awakening Level 1 via the 2-way video conferencing? Will I get the benefit of all the initiations via the 2-way video conferencing?
Swamiji: Yes. First thing: I will be literally conducting all the sessions, other than the few sessions where the debates and the arguments are required, where the interaction is required. Other than those few sessions, I will be conducting all the sessions personally and all the benefits of all the initiations will happen via 2-way also equally. Nothing less than the people who are attending physically.
Next question.
Question: The next question is, I don’t have all the money and time to attend Inner Awakening level 2 rightaway. Should I wait for the right time and do Inner Awakening level 2 or do you advice that I do Inner Awakening level 1 now, and postpone Inner Awakening level 2?
Swamiji: I tell you. Attend the Inner Awakening level 1; then your pattern of postponing will drop. You will be in the next Inner Awakening level 2. Okay?
So, be very clear. Inner Awakening level 1 will remove your postponing procrastination pattern and remove the poverty pattern. You will attract wealth and time. You will manifest Inner Awakening level 2 immediately within few months.
Next question.
Question: The next question is from Inner Awakening ID no. 255, Ramesh, who is asking, ‘Dear Swamiji, how and when can we introduce the four tattvas to our kids between the age group of 2 years and 7 years?
Swamiji: Ramesh, 255. Please be seated.
He is asking – how and when can we introduce the four tattvas to our kids between age group of 2 and 7..
Understand, the kids should be introduced to the four tattvas before they start their root patterns, before the accident of powerlessness is experienced by them, they should know about 4 tattvas, so that they never get into the root pattern at all.
Ramakrishna says beautifully, there is a bird called Paramahamsa. It flies high above the sky. All the birds, if they have habit of flying at 100 feet, this Paramahamsa flies around 8000 or 9000 feet high.
You may think, how can a bird fly that high! Whether you call it as mythical or whatever, but there is a faith about this Paramahamsa, and one more thing.. All birds create nests to protect them from the rain. Paramahamsas fly above the cloud and protect themselves from the rain. So, this Paramahamsas.. they will lay the egg from above in the sky. The egg, half-way it will hatch and three-fourth way, the chicken will have the wings, the bird will have wings and before even it hits the ground, it will just start flying back towards its mother.
Same way, all our kids are Paramahamsas. Only when the root pattern starts, they hit the ground. If you teach them the four tattvas, before even they hit the ground, they will fly back to the original Paramahamsa. Help the kids by teaching four tattvas to them before even the root pattern starts in them. If you can’t teach, bring them to eN-Genius, I‘ll teach! I’ll take the responsibility.
If you have done the program, if you are initiated into the tattvas, you can start teaching to the kids in a very simple way, these four principles. I am also coming up with more and more books and visual material for teaching the kids about the four tattvas. Soon, I will have the play cards, coloring books, the different different different methodology to teach four tattvas to gurukul kids; and I am also planning to have a webinar for kids, inviting them and introducing Krama Brahmacharya to them. The webinar will be for parents and kids, both; answering different questions of Krama Brahmacharya by the Krama Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis. It will be conducted by the Krama Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis. They will be answering your questions and I tell you, I assure you guys, it will be more interesting than the webinar conducted by my Swamis and Swaminis. That much I can assure. It will be more inspiring and impressive than the webinar conducted by my Swamis and Swaminis.
So, understand.. Introducing four tattvas to the kids before they start growing the root pattern, is the best way, like Ramakrishna says – making them Paramahamsas. They will just fly back to the original space and live an enlightened life. They will be the greatest blessing for you and to the world. No, I can see very clearly, there are different levels of people who take Sannyas – one, the kids who never started having root patterns; when they take Sannyas, they radiate. Not only Sannyas, even in their life, they will be such a successful enlightened being. And then, the people who have seen all the wealth and seen enough of the West and East, the outer world luxury and the inner world possibility – they taking Sannyas. That is why you see so many Malaysians come for Sannyas. Malaysia is the country where everything of the West and everything of the East, both are available. All the best things of the East – still the family tradition, Indian traditions, spiritual tradition, all the teachings, everything is available and all the infrastructure of the West is available. They have seen everything – dating, boyfriends, girlfriends, everything they saw. They are done with it. That is why yesterday, in the hundred applications, around 40 are from Malaysia. Around 40 are from Malaysia. They have finished seeing everything. Now it is time to explore the inner world possibilities. I also wanted to tell you, you need not wait till your child is 2 years old. When you are carrying your child, enroll into eN-pregnancy care program. Right from the womb, your child will be initiated into the four tattvas. And now, it is conducted by my disciple doctors. Very soon, it will be conducted by my Sannyasini doctors. Now, the eN-pregnancy care is running conducted by my disciple doctors. Very soon, it will be conducted by Sannyasini doctors. See, I tell you, even planning for your pregnancy, do it with the guidance of four tattvas.
10-20 min
Both of you practice Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching for 3 months authentically. After that plan for pregnancy, so that you bring enlightened beings, Incarnations to planet earth. I have reports from my eN-pregnancy care team that the children are born smiling in chin mudra when parents have taken the eN-pregnancy program. So I tell you, this pregnancy care program is such powerful program even before they assume the body, their bio memory, muscle memory everything is initiated into 4 tattvas. Once I have some of the doctors taking sannyas, I also commit with you guys I will build the child delivery hospital here. We will have a cosmic airport here. For the divine souls to land. It is not only they were waiting to take sannyas, even I was waiting personally for them to take sannyas. Because I was waiting when to build the hospital. See now people have given enough money to build the hospital, but I need people to take care, run it. Hospital is not a building; it is the people to make the hospital a hospital. So soon you can expect cosmic airport happening in Bidadi. Write to, if you want to know more details write to en-pregnancycare@nithyananda.org.
Question: Next question. The next question this is the devotee who is asking can you please share the dates of the Inner awakening level 1 program.
Swamiji: The first inner awakening level 1 program is going to happen June 8th to June 17th, the next month. June 8th to June 17th . It will happen in bidadi physically and through 2-way video conferencing also.
Question: Next question. The next question is from Inner awakening id no. 8 Mathur, who is asking swamiji not giving on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of Swamiji and the sangha. Should we continue that relationship?
Swamiji: First thing, please understand, Mathur nice question! ‘Swamiji not giving up on people how does this tie with what we learnt few days back about not being in the presence of the people when they are being critical of swamiji and sangha should we continue that relationship. Please listen don’t give up on them but don’t allow them to be critical about swami or sangha if they utter one world give a long explanation they will be simply shut. Continue to have the relationship so that the time that they spend with you they will not criticize me and the sangha. They will be keeping quiet. Understand what I am saying. If you give a strong answers, they will simply keep quiet. You don’t need to give up on them; give them strong answers logical answers. Integrated, authentic answers, then naturally either they will be convinced cleared or at least they will stop criticizing. They will stop abusing. So don’t give up on them. So don’t give up on them, but give a strong reply. Strong means, really really strong reply. Next.
Question: The next question is again on the similar lines id no. 91 claries lan, who is saying - dear swamiji, can you please explain the actions you would take to not giving up on people who are physically and emotionally abusing you?
Swamiji: Claries lan id no. 91. ‘Can you please explain the actions you would take to not giving up on people who are physically and emotionally abusing you’.
Don’t you see my whole life is that only. My whole life is that only. Continuously working, working, working. Even when kalabairava says there is no prayachita for the guru droha, when they come and tell me ‘oh I abused you, how can I come out of this karma?’, I tell them ‘take the responsibility, I will support you to come out of the karma.’
Understand, continuously teaching, raising their consciousness to go through even if there is some karma comes due to the abusal of guru, so that they will not fall into the rut of karma, they will be out of that karma and live Enlightened life. Sometimes, when you get the bad karma due to the bad action, you get so depressed and you will give up on you, and continue to do more bad actions. At least I take care that does not happen. That they are protected and raised, they go through that process and they are raised. And there are 100’s of things which I continue to do. I can say that whole life whatever I am doing is nothing but the actions not to give up on people.
The next question is from id no. 260 Ansuman singh who is saying, ‘dear swamiji what happens in the inner space of an incardination when he meets his detractor’s how can we take responsibility for enriching the detractors of swamiji and change the reality how they peruse you?’
Swamiji: Ansuhman, in the inner space of an incarnation there is nothing happens he continues to be in the space of joy, peace, bliss and enlightenment. In his inner space nothing happens! You should ask what happens to the inner space of the detractors when they meet an incarnation!
They shiver, terrorized, literally devastated. So you are asking - how can I take the responsibility of enriching even the detractors of Swamiji and change the reality of how they perceive you. Take the responsibility of reaching out to them and making them understand the power of your responsibility. Your authenticity, your integrity can make them look their inauthenticity, their lack of integrity and their irresponsibility. Next.
The next question is from id no. 88..
Swamiji: Before that we have a picture of a recent en-pregnancy care baby who was born and as you can see smiling at birth. See the child was smiling at birth without crying, after the mother went through the en-pregnancy program. Immediately after birth.. this picture is immediately after birth. See the smile of the mother and the child. Unheard of the baby can smile after the birth without crying! Beautiful!
Question: The next question from the inner awakening id no. 88 Camas he is asking what is the difference of getting enlightenment when we are alive v/s when we are dead?
Swamiji: Camas no.88 she is asking it is like what is the difference between enlighten when you are alive v/s when we are dead. What is the difference between drinking the nectar now drinking the nectar after when you are dead, in heaven? It is nothing but postponing. Why do you want to wait till you die and reach the heaven? The supply is available now, the world does not know still it is the secret. Come on start drinking now… here I am - the wholesale agent it is available here. When it is available here, why are you waiting for it, for drinking the nectar till death and then going to heaven and then you will have it. No. Enlightenment can be lived here now while you are in the body, while you are in the body.
20 min to end
Question: Next question is from ID # 45 Ananda France.
I am that kind of person, who doesn’t give up on anyone and wants everyone to be happy, to evolve and be fulfilled.I am thinking of being a Sanyasini and see that some people in my life would feel that I am giving up on them when I take this decision. My question is how to reach the true compassion – being able to what is completely right for me and others and how to solve this paradox that I am not giving up when others think I do and find the words to convey this to them?
Swamiji: Ananda France, You are exactly in the position Buddha was in. Can you say Buddha gave up on Yashodhara and Rahul? LISTEN!
This giving up has to be understood. Very deeply. You dn’t need to satisfy their in-authenticity in the name of not giving up on them. Sometime you associate their inauthenticity as them because they also see themselves so strongly with their inauthenticity. For Yashodhara, if Buddha would have stayed with her and ruled the kingdom, not even the kingdom, it’s a small zameen. When you study history and geography properly, then you understand those days 54 deshas. All 54 deshas are nothing, not even one desha was bigger than one city of modern day. Whole population. See the while population of Madurai was only 1 crore when Meenakshi was ruling. The whole Pandya kingdom population. 1 crore – it means what? Less than Chennai, Chennai population. So you need to know, Yashodhara would have been very happy, if Buddha stayed back and ruled that small zameen. But would that have been authenticity of Buddha. NO.NO. I tell you, you need to see, you should not give up on people’s authenticity side. Not that you will give up on you because of their in authenticity side. If Buddha stayed back for the sake of yashodhara not to give up on Yashodhara as Yashodhara feels, Rahul as Rahul feels, he would have given up on himself. And I tell you the life would have been a big fight and mess. Buddha would have been cursing Yasodhara and Rahul for destroying his life and making their life also hell.
How many of you cognize what I am saying?
I am seeing a unique kind of a silence on every being due to the fear of facing their own in- authenticity. Actually, whatever was shared in the Sannyas webinar, it is not that I am attesting everything all the ideas, but I allowed all those words to be uttered to face your own in- authenticity. LISTEN!
All the people who asked Sannyas yesterday, all the 100 I am not going to give. But whoever asked already took the courage to face their inauthenticities. Now, even if they don’t take Sannyas, I tell you, I guarantee, they will be at least 10 times more in their plane of authenticity than others who did not say….... I tell you, even if all the 310 of you would have said yes, it is not that I will give the Kavi immediately. No. Be very clear, I will take my own time and I have a big, my spy wing.. Kalabhairava site assistants , and security wing, Kalabhairava, Veerabhara. They will make sure you don’t get the train and the flight ticket. UNDERSTAND. If you are not qualified, they make sure you miss the flight! Just from Hyderabad you can’t come here. I tell you. So, it is not that even if you want, you get it immediately. But if you want, only one thing will happen - Sannyas is like pure integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. Eveything which is stopping you being authentic, all your inauthenticity patterns, you would have faced. You will be standing frightened in front of your inauthenticity. You will be shaken standing in front of your inauthenticities. So whoever jumped saying ‘Yes’ for sanyas, it is not that all of you are going to get it immediately or all of you are not going to get it immediately. It is based on your ability to take your responsibility and your integrity, authenticity and responsibility and the way you are able to complete with all the commitments and your capability to take the responsibility. Based on that, you will receive. That is different. But when you took the jump, you will face all your inauthenticities, all your inauthenticities. Few people told me, No Swamiji, I did not take it that seriously yesterday, that’s why I kept quiet. Otherwise I was waiting to jump. If you are not taking seriously means, what do you mean? Then 11 sanyasis and me are all sitting and playing a game or what there!? So, Ananda France, you are exactly in the same space as Buddha, when he was in the space of Siddartha. Now you know what to do. If you want to become Buddha, do what Buddha did. I will not give you ‘if not’ or other option!
Question: Next question is from IA# 170 Vasanthi. Who is saying I am very clear to practice the 4 Tattvas and enrich my students in our study area. I would like to know how this enriching can help me in raising my consciousness in the spiritual plane also?
Swamiji: It’s a beautiful question.
First thing. Take the training for en-Vidyalaya teacher. We have the training available, so take the training start teaching enriching kids in the 4 Tattvas. I tell you. When you enrich the kids with 4 Tattvas, you will see the amount of their authenticity, you will feel shy and you will know how you are in-authentic, feeling shy will make you authentic. Who ever sees my gurukul kids will become authentic, just because of the strength of the gurukul kids. When you enrich kids with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching you will again and again talking about it, you will be living it, you will be practicing it. I tell you, the amount of time, energy, and time you take, it cannot happen, it cannot happen, same only it takes to for you to repeat, it will happen, it will happen, I am doing it. Both are one and the same. You want you need same amount of energy only for both. Because you are habituated to say no, you think that is the easiest path, which is wrong. Which is not right? Getting it. How many of you are getting it. Yes. So, your attitude of not going to happen or going to happen, is one and the same. It needs only same amount of energy. Move to the space of possibility. Yes. Yes. Yes..from impossibility. While you teach the kids, you will easily see how the kids will move to the space of possibility so easily and simply you will also move to the space of possibility that easily.