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Bhujangasana: Asana  
Anilasana: Asana  
Asana Type: Prone
Asana Type: Seated
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Gheranda Samhita. II.42-43  
Joga Pradipika (346-347)  
अìगुñöहन्äभिपर्यन्तमधोभ्üमौ विनिन्यसेत्
"दोउ हाथ भूमपर ठानो कहूणि जाडि नाभीलग आनै
कर्äभ्य्äïच धर्äà ध्åत्व्ä üर्ध्वçéर्ñअù फëéव हि ॥४१॥
फणा दोउ ऐसै विधि करै पिष्टि हथेल्याकी परि धरै ॥३४६॥
देह्äग्निर्वर्ध्दते नित्यà सर्वरोगविन्äçअनम्
ऐसे रहै कराकै पाणि धरै नासामध्य आणि
ज्äगर्ति भुजग्é देव्é भुजìग्äसनस्äधन्äत् ॥४२॥"  
यासौ तपत मिटे तन केरी जैतराम प्रकट कहै टेरी ॥३४७॥"
"aìguñöhanäbhiparyantamadhobhümau vininyaset |
"dou hätha bhümapara öhäno kahüëi jäòi näbhilaga änai |
karäbhyäïca dharäà dhåtvä ürdhvaçérñaù phaëéva hi ॥41॥
phaëä dou aisai vidhi karai piñöi hathelyäké pari dharai ॥346 ॥
dehägnirvardhdate nityaà sarvarogavinäçanam |
aisai rahai karäkai päëi dharai näsämadhya äëi |
jägarti bhujagé devé bhujaìgäsanasädhanät ॥42॥"  
yäsau tapata miöe tana keré jaitaräma prakaöa kahai öeré ॥ 347  ॥"
Keep the body from the toes to the navel on the floor and placing the palms of the hands also firmly on the floor, raise the head like a snake. This is called Bhujangasana. The fire of the body increases, all diseases are destroyed and kundalini Shakti is awakened by the practice of bhujangasana.
Place both hands on ground and keep both elbows joined together at the navel. Arrange the feet on hands which are placed prone. Fix the gaze at the nose.
BrYs III.49-50
JP(L) - 80
1. Lie down on your belly.
1.Come to a full squat posture.
2.Place the hands below the feet, palms facing down.
3.Keep the arms straight, elbows joined together at the navel (Option: If you cannot hold the squat position, you can sit on the ground).
4.Fix the gaze at the nose.
2. Place the hands by the chest, forehead on the ground. Point the toes.
5.Remain in this pose 30 seconds."
3. Keep the palms on the ground and raise the head and chest like a snake.  
Strengthens the entire back, shoulders, abdominals and thighs. Opens the chest and expands the lungs capacity.
This reduces the bodily heat 
Beneficial for digestion, sciatica, flexibility in spinal cord and elevates mood. Increase gastric fire, Awakens the kundalini and removes all bodily diseases.
[[Category: Asanas]]
[[Category: Asanas]]

Revision as of 21:16, 15 June 2019


Anilasana: Asana

Asana Type: Seated


Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण

Joga Pradipika (346-347)

"दोउ हाथ भूमपर ठानो कहूणि जाडि नाभीलग आनै । फणा दोउ ऐसै विधि करै पिष्टि हथेल्याकी परि धरै ॥३४६॥ ऐसे रहै कराकै पाणि धरै नासामध्य आणि । यासौ तपत मिटे तन केरी जैतराम प्रकट कहै टेरी ॥३४७॥"

"dou hätha bhümapara öhäno kahüëi jäòi näbhilaga änai | phaëä dou aisai vidhi karai piñöi hathelyäké pari dharai ॥346 ॥ aisai rahai karäkai päëi dharai näsämadhya äëi | yäsau tapata miöe tana keré jaitaräma prakaöa kahai öeré ॥ 347 ॥"


Place both hands on ground and keep both elbows joined together at the navel. Arrange the feet on hands which are placed prone. Fix the gaze at the nose.

JP(L) - 80


1.Come to a full squat posture.

2.Place the hands below the feet, palms facing down.

3.Keep the arms straight, elbows joined together at the navel (Option: If you cannot hold the squat position, you can sit on the ground).

4.Fix the gaze at the nose.

5.Remain in this pose 30 seconds."


This reduces the bodily heat