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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the importance of enriching and educating others, especially those that are in spiritual poverty, with spiritual knowledge and understanding. Sometimes our lives can become confusion and chaos. We start to accept pain as part of our lives and in some cases, we even enjoy it. We twist our suffering into pride, thinking it is like a metal that we earned. It is important that we share with other’s how they can transform their pain and suffering by reliving those moments and completing with them.

Link to Video:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, enriching, spiritual, knowledge, confusion, pain, lives, pride, transform, completion


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamam || 
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV and Lotus News Channel, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, and Eshwar TV, Twoway video conferencing cities sitting with us: San Jose, Ohio, Los Angeles, Varanasi, Seattle, Kulaambor, Toronto, Charlotte, Guadalupe, Huston, New York, Vancouver, Singapore, Mill Valley,Jefferson South Dakota, Hong Kong, East London, Oman Dubai, New Zealand, Dhyanapeetam, Tiruvannamalai, Hyderabad Gupta Kashi, Ohio Ma Shivananda, Bangalore North, Saint Crystal France, Scottsdale, San Diego Pacific Beach, Calgary, France, Philadelphia, Redmond Washington, Kathmandu Nepal, I welcome you all with my love and blessings.

Today, Mahadeva is gracing us “Thirumugam Aruliya Leelai” means the leela of giving a reference letter a introduction letter. The story goes that once there was a great poet, Baana Bhadrar, who was the court poet of Varaguna Pandya, the king of the Pandya Kingdom because of the request of the king the poet was singing every day in the Mahadeva Temple,Somasundareshwara’s temple. Sundareshwara took jewellery from the treasury and gifted to Baana Bhadrar. One day to test the devotion of Baana Bhadrar, he stopped giving jewels but Baana Bhadrar continued to be never bothered about his poverty he continued his service of singing in Sundareshwara’s temple, then finally Sundareshwara comes down and gives an introduction letter, ‘Go and meet this Chera King with this letter, he will give you wealth.’ Maybe he wants to tell the world that Chera King’s devotion it was and he goes and apprises Chera also in the dream saying that ‘My devotee will come give him money, give him wealth.’ So, this guy, Baana Bhadrar goes with the letter of Mahadeva to Chera King.

Chera King threw the whole treasury open to him and said, ‘Take whatever you want’

Baana Bhadrar takes little to take care of his life and to do a little charity, and comes back and lives happily for a long time. Mahadeva comes down even to given an introduction letter, recommendation letter. Today, Mahadeva is gracing us in that leela, “Leela of giving recommendation letter”.

All right, I also wanted to share something from my own experience from today you will listen lot of stories practical stories of different people because from yesterday one of my very important new talk show is shooting is started. Yesterday night we had shooting, six hours shooting, eight to two and I don’t know what I am teaching to them but one thing I can say I am learning a lot. I am learning a lot, lot, lot. First of all I am learning patience to sit and attend and I am also learning how the great spiritual truths can be applied directly to the people who are on the ground level. Till now I was teaching solutions addressing attending to the upper middle class, middle class, sometime lower middle class, but now I am directly facing the people, not only economically poor, please understand, economically poor is different I have seen thousands of families economically poor total month income is hundred rupee, two hundred rupee, but culturally also poor.

Yesterday there was a show, means there was a shooting where I was attending two families husband and wife got separated after fourteen years of love marriage. Love marriage fourteen years they lived then they separated. They have two kids and the son is coming and crying to me and, ‘please unite my mother and father my life is getting wasted’ and after talking to both the kids I called the husband. This guy he comes and says the only problem I have is not big just I drink and sometime come and fight in the house. Please listen, come to the space of listening then once I called the wife she opens the whole Pandora box, please listen, she open the whole Pandora box she says ‘ this guy had an affair before our marriage then he developed another one affair recently’ and he’s handicapped, he’s handicapped guy. Then when she opens more and more I could understand fortunately or unfortunately I lived with millions of economically poor people but never went and lived with culturally poor people . When she opened up the whole story I could see very clearly, her mother who must be around seventy now is having extramarital affair at the age of sixty five , five years before, few years before she had extramarital affair. So when I was trying to solve one issue when I opened up I could see whole Pandora box coming out. First thing I thought, ‘I was, I am so happy for my gurukul kids’, because no I saw both the kids, actually first thing I felt I wanted to tell both the parents means husband and wife., ‘please send both the kids to my Gurukul’, but if I get both the kids to the Gurukul these guys won’t stay together and the family won’t happen. It was a chaos and this lady has tried to commit suicide two times and this guy is telling, ‘no, no she tried only once another time she acted.’ I asked ‘so once trying is OK for you?’ I could see all the whole culturally also poor people. First thing I was so happy that my Gurukul kids does not need to be in that atmosphere, they don’t need to listen to these stories other than when they want to solve these problems. Directly I put them in the space of solving all these issues. It took six full hours for me to sit and listen, listen, listen, listen, listen and listen out. Finally both of them have joined together, both of them have decided to live together. To make them understand I sat with the clear decision ‘I will not give up on both of them’ and you know when that lady came she came to the show only with one condition. ‘ I will not go back and live with him you talk to him and get my.’ She came with only one condition, ‘I will not go back and live with him you talk to him and get my settlement out of court.’ She has already filed divorce, she has already filed divorce, she said ‘ you get my share after the discussion’. She was very clear it took almost six hours for me to make both of them understand this guy because he is handicapped he carries so much of deep inferiority complex to find this guy’s mamakara ,ahankara and swa anyakara and to find this lady’s ahankara, mamakara and swa anyakara and to help them to understand their responsibility and uniting them was a great lesson for me but I tell you ,one thing I wanted to tell you this is the good news these tattvas and the principles I am teaching works for even the lowest ground level people on the planet. Understand no one can imagine, because here is somebody whose mother had extramarital affair at the age of sixty five and husband had one affair before marriage and she knows it and husband sells village arak and other drugs. The mother in law sells village arak and she says mother in law is the bigger drunkard than the husband, she drinks more than the husband and she uses all other drugs, who sells drugs. Once in every few weeks or few months they go to court or police. Actually when I heard the whole story for a few moment I thought, ‘no this isn’t going to work out, this girl is right that she only wants settlement.’ She wants only her share because if you go to court it takes so much of time, long time anything to , any settlement and whatever you get more than seventy percent will go to the court , the lawyer and remaining little bit will go to the police who gets the settlement done. So she came only to get the settlement without much expense and time and energy waste but when I started the show, first thing I decided I will not give up on them and I’ll see to it the conflict is resolved and both of them understand these principles. You see especially people who are culturally so poor who doesn’t have any idea why completion, why responsibility. Yes I was telling that lady you should be responsible for the family happen you should give him one more choice. Immediately she says, ‘if I am not responsible who would’ve made money every month, who would’ve worked hard and took care of my kids?’

20 min

See, responsibility means, she understand from only one direction that is: earning a little money and feeding the kids, that’s all! But I told her, ‘No! Understand, for your son and daughter to grow, just that money is not enough. They need father and mother, both!’ Then it was so difficult to make her understand. And then, finally, both of them have somehow finally realized, almost about to settle. Now comes the villain, the twist to the whole story. The wife’s mother comes and says, ‘No! I will not allow them to live together!’

I thought, ‘Oh, God! It is already six hours now! I have to start again! I have to restart! She says, ‘No! Even I may kill my daughter, but I will not allow her to go and live with her husband!’ Then I slowly started with that old lady. See, she did not have a husband. Her husband passed away at a very young age. I said her, ‘You brought up your daughter all by yourself without her father. See what you have done! At the age of fifteen your daughter ran away with this guy!’ Actually, they eloped at the age of fifteen. She was only fifteen! They eloped! I said, ‘see, what happened? Now, if your daughter brings up her daughter all alone without the father’s presence in the life, your grand-daughter also will be the same!’ Only then she slowly backed down. She thought, ‘yes’! I said, ‘for a family to happen, the presence of both is required. For a family to happen, the support of both is required. Nothing can happen by one, by only one person’s presence.’ Finally, they came to an understanding, ‘Yes’. And to make each person understand, “what is your responsibility, and what is your responsibility”…..! I told her, ‘Responsibility means allowing the possibility of re-starting.’ Please understand, allowing the possibility of re-starting is responsibility!

Everybody thinks, when you are in suffering, life is over! Yesterday, literally in those six hours, I had to give her the crash course of Inner Awakening! But I am happy I am successful! I am successful! I had to first start with listening. And I can guarantee that not with a single one of the Inner Awakening participants have I spent so many hours and listened! I listened! Not only listening, but making her understand the story from the right angle! When she started describing, I could see that because of her incompletions she started telling as if the husband has cheated her and got married.

I said, ‘No! You can use the word “you have been cheated” till you are eighteen, not after that!’ Now she is twenty-eight. So, after becoming a major also, eleven years she lived with him! I said, ‘then, you cannot use the word he cheated you’. That is wrong! That word is wrong! First three years only you can use that word; as long as you are a minor; not after you become a major!’ Finally, making her understand that carrying so much of pain! One fortunate thing is that they both are from Tamil Nadu. So they know all the suffering I went through. So I started sharing from my own experience.


She says, ‘Everyone is talking about me and torturing me!’

I said, ‘Everyone talking about you is not torture. You talking it inside is torture!’ When I told her my life example, immediately she said, ‘that I understand!’ I can say that that was the turning point for her.

And after yesterday’s shoot, I really, very sincerely want even in the morning satsang, during the morning satsang, I should do this conflict resolution. Because, how these great spiritual principles are solving your day-to-day problems…! I made her understand the responsibility and risks. And I made him understand his responsibility and risks. Finally, I could see, the man, the man he may change, drop his habit of drinking and other habits, and may live a new life. But making the girl, wife, woman understand that you have to stop the pattern of suffering, see the pattern of suffering is worse than the pattern of drinking, the pattern of suffering is worse than the pattern of drinking. That was the real big job for me! That was the real big job, making the person understand! It is like, by the time you make both of them take the responsibility and understand, the third one comes! By the time I made everyone understand, I understood a lot of things about the human mind! When you have the pattern of suffering, even the smallest things can make a strong dent in you.

I have seen in India, the old Ambassador cars, it is so big and heavy, even in the big accidents only the front portion will be a little damaged. But nowadays cars have come like a soap box. Even inside the house if you reverse, if you hit this side or that side…..over! It is actually our capacity. Finally, I could see, the husband, whatever he does, all the problems he does, he forgets. And the wife, whatever problem is given, she multiplies it with ten-thousand! Reminding and making the husband responsible and the wife responsible, and finally awakening them to come to terms with the reality, awakening them to why stable relationships are important, why the life is important!

I can say, working with the minds which are in the down level, culturally poor, I can say, almost sharpens my ability to help, guide and support people.

Layers and layers of human unconsciousness! The only good news is even the layers and layers can be burnt, melted away by these great spiritual principles of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching! To make these people come to that understanding, Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and

Enriching. Sometimes, people may look the same. But only when you open them….! Yesterday, it was an eye opener for me. A person who has lived in villages and ground for years, who has seen all types of people, even for me it was an eye-opener! And how each one perceived them, and perceived the other!

And the weight of the past not letting the future happening! When I saw both their lives, I saw very clearly the patterns of every one of our lives. I could connect with her; I could associate with him. I told her, ‘If I had a daughter, I won’t send her to live with this guy. But if my daughter had another daughter, I will send her to live with this guy, because, the past cannot destroy the future. Things may look the same, but it is not the same. Please listen, to every statement I am making! The past cannot destroy the future. Things may look the same, but it is not the same!

You may think how both are connected. I’ll tell you how both are connected. When you think the possibility for future transformation is not there, your past has destroyed the future. The future will be alive only with the clarity that the possibility of transformation is there, possibility for new is there.

I have a story for you:

Two men are dragging their feet in the park.

The first man points to his foot and says, ‘Vietnam, 1969!’

Understand, two men are approaching each other on a sidewalk in a park. Both are dragging their feet as they walk. One man looks at the other and knowingly points to his foot and says, ‘Vietnam, 1969! Vietnam war, 1969!’

The other man points to his foot and says, ‘Dog crap, twenty feet back!’

If you have not got it, you are sleeping!

Both may look the same, but they are not the same. Listen! Because the second man knows that after a few minutes his past is not going to affect his future. But the first man, his past is going to affect his future! The man who lost his leg in the war, his future is going to be affected by the past! And if you are lost in the past, you will only see war. And, I think, the man who lost his leg in the war, even his handicap became his pride, his suffering became his pride!

Life, in all its complications, chaos, confusions! And I could also see in the couple, after some time they started enjoying their pains and complications. And. All the pains and complications became almost like part of their life. Not only they started accepting, they started enjoying too! I could see this man, to forget his problems, he creates more problems! And, to forget his problems, he creates problems for his wife, and then he says, ‘I am solving her problems so that she will have a little sympathy!’

Finally, I could understand one thing, because I listened, listened, listened, allowed her to complete, re-live and complete, I could see the weight of her past dissolved. She decided to live with him. And he decided to drop his old patterns and life.

Originally, the shoot was planned for three hours, but I got so involved, and I decided, with this truth that, ‘I commit, till the case is solved, I am not going to get up!’ Above all, I have decided I will not to give up on both of them. And I could see, in the end, even they felt, ‘Wow!’ Not giving up on people is such an important truth, such an important necessary principle in the life!

Understand, I think everyone of our disciples, all our centers should take up this as the real service. You should go to the areas, relate with people where people are culturally poor, spiritually poor, not just economically poor. I am not saying go to them and just give them a little medicine or, a little food and come away. That is a nice way of cheating and misbehaving with people. I tell you, going and giving food and a little medicine is the worst abusal you do to people! My sannyasis, our Sangha should take the responsibility of giving them the spiritual treasure, giving them the spiritual knowledge, spiritual culture, because their real problem is they are spiritually poor, culturally poor! If they spiritually become rich, culturally become rich, naturally, they will know how to become economically rich. I wanted all our centers, ashrams, temples, home temples, satsang centers, to take this up as a lifestyle, send volunteers to the areas where spiritually poor people live, culturally poor people live, and educate them, give them spiritual culture, spiritual understanding, spiritual truths and spiritual strength!

The essence of today’s satsang:

If you can give spiritual strength to the culturally poor, spiritually poor people, I can say, you will never give up on you, you will learn all the knack, technique of not giving up on people and not giving up on you! Because I helped them yesterday by not giving up on them, now I know more and better ways of customizing, tailoring these truths to more people in a better way. And I even know how to handle me in a much better way!

I will move to the Nirahara Samyama.

With this I request all the Nirahara Samyama participants, please sit straight. Close your eyes and cognize you have become Bidadi Kalpavruksha. Inhale through both nostrils and the mouth. Hold as long as you can comfortably, and exhale through both the nostrils, as slowly as possible. I bless you all! Let you all experience Kundalini awakening and live health, bliss and enlightenment by producing the energy directly from space! Namah Shivaya!

I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you!


Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Ambal Swami's Utsava Murthy Dakshinamurthy http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/5_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-31.JPG Nandhi Banyan tree Muneeshwara Utsava Murthy Morning Paduka puja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/12_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-18.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/11_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-17.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/17_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-16.JPG Morning Satsang on Completion http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/14_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-14.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/15_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-15.JPG Morning Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/20_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-10.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/22_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-1.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/23_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-2.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/24_IMG_5637-16-7-13-26.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/25_IMG_5639-16-7-13-25.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/26_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-4.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/27_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-7.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/28_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-8.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/29_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-5.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/30_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-6.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/31_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-11.JPG Meenakshi Sundereswara in Tirumugam Alitha Leelai. http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/33_IMG_5633-16-7-13-27.JPG Swamiji With Meenakshi and Sundereswara http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/35_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-42.JPG Sarvadarsahan Swamiji in Inner Awakening Class http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/38_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-39.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/39_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-40.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/40_Nithyananda_Swami-16-7-13-41.JPG Darshan to Inner Awakening Participants Satsang - _MG_6823.jpg