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In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda beautifully describes how the science of completion, developed by the Vedic tradition, is the essence of every successful religion, spiritual group, and psychology. He explains the importance of making the science of completion part of educational systems around the world. It is a proven, powerful technique that will directly reduce the world’s collective negativity because it empowers people to release themselves from the suppressed, negative emotions that they carry, reducing suffering and disease. Completion creates more and more inner space, allowing us to live!

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, science, Vedic, religion, spiritual, psychology, completion, educational, world, powerful, technique, collective, empowers, emotions, creates, inner space, live.


Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmadaachaarya Paryanthaam Vande Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV, Lotus News Channel, Eshwar TV and two-way video-conferencing.

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I will expand on the truth of “COMPLETION IS THE ESSENCE OF ALL RELIGIONS”.

Completion should be the essence of all religions. The science of completion is the essence of all Religions and Completion should be preached as the essence of all religions.

Please understand, some religions teach what is completion; some religions show you what is not completion, what will be the effect of incompletion. Some religions teach you the science of completion; some religions show you the effect of incompletion.

I have a story:

Mulla Nasruddin tell his friends, ‘Did you know I am a hero?’ All the friends ask, ‘How come you are a hero?’ Mulla replies, ‘Well, it was my girlfriend’s birthday. She said if I ever brought her a gift she would just drop dead in joy! So, I didn’t buy her a gift and saved her life!’

Some understand the truth in a straight way; some in a perverted way. But, truth is a truth how much ever you coat it. All religions either show you the science of completion, or show you what will happen if you are incomplete.

Completion, the science of completion is the essence of Sankhya. The science of completion is the essence of Vedanta. The science of completion is the essence of Yoga. The science of completion is the essence of Nyaya and Vaiseshika. Read each of these philosophies, read each of these philosophies with the understanding about the science of completion. You will then understand that all these philosophies lead only to the science of completion. They only teach you different ways to complete.

Poornathva, the science of completion is the essence of all religions. Listen to the truths. Listen to the truths of the science of completion. Every successful philosophy in the modern day, including

Psychology; every successful religious and spiritual groups in the modern day including, Scientology, all of them used this science of Poornathwa from Vedic tradition, whether it is Scientology or Landmark teaching system, all of them. The founder of Landmark has acknowledged that all his knowledge the source is India – Bharat. Whatever may be the philosophy, whether it is Scientology or Landmark educational system, the essence is the Vedic knowledge, the source of the knowledge is Vedic tradition.

Listen! The science of completion should become the basic knowledge, the basic education in all schools, colleges, educational institutions, so that the collective negativity is reduced and people are free from the suppressed hatred, violence, anger, lust and all the suppression's are released from the system.

The science of completion is the science of eternal bliss. The science of completion is the science of eternal bliss. The science of completion is the science of eternal bliss!

Understand, go on looking into the life. Every field, in every step, every line, every small agitation you carry in your life, every moment of powerlessness you experience in your life, has the source of incompletion in you. The power of completion proves you go on living in Poornathva, living in eternal bliss!

Life, life, everything in life starts with completion. Only one thing I will not complete, and that is talking

about completion! Only that I am not going to complete! In life, you may put up with something, you may be angry about something. I am not saying you should put up with more and more things, angry with less and less things. No! I am saying, be complete with everything. Bring completion with everything, so that you put up with something; and even if you don’t put up with something, you are not incomplete with that thing…..you are not incomplete with that thing.

Mulla Nasruddin was asked by a friend, ‘What was the argument between you and your father-in-law?

Mulla said, ‘I didn’t mind when he wore my hat, my coat, my shoes, my suit. But, when he sat at the dinner table and laughed at me with my own teeth, that was too much!’

So, you may put up with him using your shoes, hat, coat, suit; but you may not be able to put up with him using your teeth!

Listen! Listen! You need to know, whether you put up with something or are not able to put up with something, be complete with everything! Be complete about everything. Completion about everything is required. Complete! Complete! Complete!

Listen! If you are not complete, sometimes even small things, even small things will hurt you. If you are not complete, even small things will hurt you sometimes. Or, you will be hurting that, and that will be in turn hurting you! Sometimes, you are hurt by incompletions. Sometimes you go on hurting others and other things with incompletions!

A shop in a remote county had a sign: “Danger! Beware of Dog!”

However, the shop had a very harmless, old hound dog asleep on the floor next to the cash register. One customer entered the shop and asked the storekeeper, ‘Is that the dog we are supposed to beware of?’

The owner replied, ‘yes, that is him!’

The customer could not help but laugh, and he said, ‘he does not look like a dangerous dog to me! Why in the world do you need that sign?’

The storekeeper said, ‘because, before I posted that sign, people kept tripping over him!’

Sometimes, the dog may not hurt you; you will be hurting it! Sometimes your incompletions may not be hurt you directly, but you will be hurting it! Even you hurting constantly your incompletions in turn will hurt you!


Understand, life starts creating more and more inner space with more and more completions. I tell you,with more and more completion, life starts creating more and more inner space and you start living!Any suffocation in the life, please listen, any suffocation in the life, when it is unattended, becomes disease. Please listen, any suffocation in the life left unattended becomes suffering. Any uneasiness unattended becomes disease.

21:39 Hindi


However you try to bend the life, twist the life, manipulate the life, life remains as life. Your incompletions are nothing but trying to manipulate, pervert the life as you want without knowing the truth life remains as life.

A lawyer, an engineer, and a mathematician were called in for a test. First, the engineer was called and he was asked, ‘What is two plus two?’ The engineer thought a while and, finally answered, ‘Four.’ Then the mathematician was called in and asked the same question, ‘What is two plus two?’ The mathematician thought little while, with a little thought he replied, ‘4.0’. Then the lawyer was called in and was asked the same question, ‘What is two plus two?’ The lawyer answered quicker than the engineer and mathematician he just straight away said, ‘come to the point,what do you want it to be?’

You may pervert, manipulate, interpret, push, pull as you want but two plus two remains as four, world remains as the world, fact remains as a fact. Incompletions are nothing but not looking at the fact and trying to pervert it, interpret it, manipulate it. Understand I am defining incompletions. All your plans to manipulate, pervert, exploit, is incompletion. I know one person did not take sannyas because the person has to forego all her makeup and jewellery. I said, ‘you cannot have your jewellery and makeup’ and that person dropped sannyas. How much ever you interpret, manipulate, truth remains truth, life remains life. Sometime people try to manipulate even sannyas. I wanted this one thing to be pure, unmanipulated sannyas. Sannyas should remain as pure as it is and unmanipulated.

25:54 Hindi


Many times if you win your competitors you think your life is successful. If you are more rich than your neighbor, you think you are successful. If you are more rich than your brothers you are successful. If you live great life than your siblings you are successful. No life is all about completion not about having more than your competitors. Life is successful only with completion. I have a story: Two lawyers were walking through a forest suddenly both of them spotted a vicious-looking bear. The first lawyer immediately opened his briefcase, pulled out a pair of sneakers and started putting them on. The second lawyer looked at him and said, ‘You are crazy. You will never be able to outrun that bear. You think you can outrun that bear?’The first lawyer said, ‘ No I don’t have to outrun that bear. I just have to outrun you!’ Means the bear will be busy with you. Understand, it may be successful at some crises moments. The success in the crises moments is only “survival success”, not “life success”. Success in the life happens with completion. Success in the life happens with completion. Listen, success in life happens with completion.

28:54 Hindi


Incompletions makes you feel that even small work is difficult. Listen, the extra cholesterol, over fat in your body makes you even walking very difficult. When the extra cholesterol, extra fat is in your body even walking is made very difficult. Even with walking, you feel, ‘ this is paining that is paining. ‘ Sometime I ask people, ‘ just tell me which part that is not paining?’ When you carry incompletions even small work seems to be too big work. I have seen even among my staff there are some people who will never bother even about big works, they just do next, next, next, next, next. There are some people even a small work like putting a stamp or closing a cover, ‘ oh today I did twenty cover closing and posting.’ They will boast about posting and the courier guy who really delivers he does not boast about it, delivering, but the people who paste it and post it boast about posting. I have seen incompletions make you feel you are doing lot of work. I have a story again: A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, ‘What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice when you are out of your office?’ The lawyer just said, ‘I give it to them, and then I send them a bill.’ Doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try. The next day still feeling slightly guilty the doctor prepared the bills when he went to place them in his mailbox he found a bill from the lawyer!

No it is incompletions which make you feel you have done too much. I tell you honestly, I really tell you honestly, I don’t feel at all I am doing anything. One great thing, in my inner space I don’t feel I am doing anything that is why I never become tired. That’s the secret of my inspiration and continuously doing something or the other. Sometime I may not be sitting with you in the satsang, but that doesn’t mean I am sleeping. Continuously doing something became my lifestyle, and it is neither boring nor tiring, because my inner space I don’t believe or I don’t feel I am doing something. If you have too much of incompletion, even a small thing will look so difficult. I have seen people describe their work more than what they do. More than what they actually do, they describe it. 34:06 Hindi


Incompletion will make you constantly make you, make you exploit others. With incompletions will be constantly exploiting others, constantly eating others, hitting at others. I have one more story: Lawyer says to the judge, ‘Your Honour I wish to appeal my client’s case on the basis of newly-discovered evidence.’ Judge asks, ‘What is the nature of the evidence?’ Lawyer said, ‘Judge I discovered that s my client still has ten-thousand dollars left.’ No, incompletions will constantly make you suck others, exploit others, because incompletions will give you the feeling you are working too hard, you are worthy of everything. Most incomplete beings on the planet Earth are politicians. They think they are working so much, they are worthy of owning the whole world and they try to own, not just own, possess.

36:28 Hindi


Essence of today’s satsang: Incompletions will make you feel you are working too much. Incompletions will make you feel the whole world should be yours. Incompletions will continue to make you feel you can own, possess the whole world. Incompletions continuously make you exploit yourself and others.


Photos From The Day:

Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Ambal Swami's Utsava murthy Dakshinamurthy http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%284%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%285%29.JPG Muneeswara http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%2810%29.JPG Morning Padukapuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%2817%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%287%29.JPG Swasthi Mantra Chanting Morning Satsang http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%2813%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%2814%29.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/Nithyanada_Swami-31-7%20%2819%29.JPG Blessings Blessings