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TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON JULY 20 2012 IN MADURAI, INDIA In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) introduces the sangha to Tibetan prayer wheels for mantra practice. The prayer wheel provides a physical demonstration of ajapa japa, "chanting without chanting". The mantra rotates silently around our fifth chakra, which lies at the throat and rules our voice. When we maintain a continuous smooth flow of recitation encircling the throat chakra, we are empowered to express our spirituality.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Tibetan, prayer, mantra, chakra, rule, flow, power, spirituality.


Spirituality, 2012 & enlightenment

Q & Answers by Paramahansa Nithyananda

July 20,2012

Q: Beloved Swamiji, what is Sanyas as per vedic tradition? What are the ethics followed by a Sanyasi and the qualities he should display? Also, could you please give us some insights on the Manusmruti and who Manu was? Thank you so much, Swamiji.

A: It is a beautiful question. What is Sanyas as per Vedic tradition: Enlightenment, using a body and breathing life into the science of enlightenment is Sanyas. Understand, enlightenment, breathing and assuming a body and breathing life into enlightenment science is Sanyas.

What are the ethics followed by a Sanyasi? Please understand all the ethics, all the morals, all the codes; codes of conduct, everything is dependent on the country, state, village, community, time they live in. Only one great ethics by them: they radiate intense bliss, energy and completely centered on the higher self.

You are asking what are the ethics followed by a Sanyasi and the qualities he should display. No. The moment you fix some qualities that he should display, there is every possibility, you will create Hippocratical sanyasis. My whole struggle between me and my sanyasis is trying to create, evolve them to an enlightenment, radiating enlightenment without giving them pseudo ethics. If I would have created a pseudo ethics, by now I would have had lakhs of sanyasis. Because it is very easy to follow any psedo ethics. If I say be always smiling, be always compassionate, just be non-possessive. If I just give some 10 rules and say “this is enough, you display these qualities”, I will have lakhs here sitting around me. Pesudo ethics gives more comfort to people. But the real sanyas is all about consciousness. Growing, establishing yourself with the pure enlightenment. Pesudo ethics is like marriage. Sanyas is eternal romance. With pseudo ethics you come to terms and settle down. You settle.

I tell you pseudo ethics is not what I expect from my Sanyasis. Be honest to your core. Be true to your capacity. Be true to your possibility.

The next part of the question is “Also, could you please give us some insights on Manusmruti and who Manu was?”

Manu was the first human being, enlightened human being, started developing a concept of civilization. The first human being who started thinking and developing the concept of human civilization. His collective accepted understandings are only called Manusmruti. Please understand, collectively accepted understandings is Manusmruti. It was not written autocratically by him. It was more like a democratic understandings which was collected by him. It’s like he was the President of the first human civilization. Daksha Prajapati was Prime Minister. That is the way human civilization started. Manu was doing more of a spiritual work and Daksha Prajapati was doing more of a execution. Daksha Prajapati is son-in-law of Manu. Manu’s daughter Prasuti, the meaning of Prasuti is ‘execution power’, ‘Executive power’. I don’t know whether it was really a woman named Prasuti or it is just a power given by Manu to Daksha Prajapati. But Daksha Prajapati was considered as the son-in-law of Manu. So in ‘Thiruvilaiyadal Puranam’, the history of Madurai, it is very clearly written Meenakshi’s adopted father and grandfather, Meenakshi herself and Meenakshi’s son Ukrapandiyan, all four of them used Manusmruti as a law of Madura. Madurai was ruled according to Manusmruti. There is a clear record. So again Madurai will be ruled as per Manusmruti.

Q: Dearest Swamiji, please specify and clarify these three terms – Kundalini Awakening, Third-Eye opening, Enlightenment; and how exactly is each of these phases manifested in the body? Thank you.

A: It’s very funny question. She is asking “please specify and clarify these three terms – Kundalini Awakening, Third-Eye opening, Enlightenment”. I can say Kundalini Awakening is like first step your body starts responding to the highest auspicious presence. Third Eye opening is like your body, your bio-memory is connected to the highest auspicious presence. Enlightenment is like becoming one with that auspicious presence. It’s like you getting up and moving the screen is Kundalini Awakening, seeing what is there on the other side is third-eye opening, becoming one with the other side is enlightenment.

So in Kundalini Awakening, bio-memory feels the heat of the consciousness. In Third-Eye opening, bio-memory feels connected to the conscious presence. In Enlightenment, bio-memory becomes one with the conscious presence.

Being in his presence awakens Kundalini, working with his presence awakens Third-Eye opening, becoming his presence is Enlightenment.

If I have to put it more precisely, in this Inner Awakening, I am working more on the Third-Eye opening than Kundalini Awakening. That is why less shaking, more transformation. The body movement outside is lot less but inside is too much. How many of you feel that outside it is not shaking much but inside it is unbearable going through in the spine. So be very clear it is Third-Eye opening. So in this whole Inner Awakening, I am working more on the Third-Eye opening. I am not encouraging the body movement much, but programming less movement, more transformation. Less shaking, more shocking.

Q: Dear Swamiji, is there a connection between the Kundalini and the Merkaba, the light body that the ancient Egyptians worked with? What are your insights about the how and when of humanity ascending to the fourth dimension. Thank you.

A: There is a strong connection between Third-Eye and Merkaba. What Egyptians called as a light body is related to third eye more than Kundalini Awakening. Egyptians have worked very strongly with the Third-Eye and that is why their pyramids. You can never build those pyramids with the ordinary eyes with such precision. It was their Third-Eye capacity which was responsible for their precision. Do you know the measurement, the geometrical precision, the pyramid carries is more précise than the Sears tower or the Petronas tower of Malaysia. Go to Google. You will see the precision Sears tower is able to maintain with all the equipment and in New York there is one more tower, Empire State Building. The precision all the modern buildings are able to maintain – Empire State Building and the precision, Petronas tower in Malaysia. They have compared with some 4 modern buildings. The Pyramids’ precision, their measurements are more accurate than the precision of Sears Tower or Empire state building or Malaysia Petronas tower,Twin towers. I will put this information with records into our website. You can see. Because I can’t go through as I am not an architect, I don’t understand much of this details. I only understood the concept they are comparing, how they are more precise. How they are more precise than the precision of Sears towers and all that. So, it is not possible by ordinary two eyes. It is only because of their capability of Third-Eye. I have seen in Indian villages, the village carpenters, for them to make that 90 degree angle, they will come to the temple stone pillars and make the mold. Take the mold and go. I have seen still in Thiruvannamalai. Because that is the most precise the 90 degree angle. The temple pillars which is carved, I don’t know how many thousands of years before, without any instruments, machineries.

So Egyptians have worked so much on the Third-Eye. Only thing they missed is the last part of Enlightenment. Somehow unfortunately the people who funded the research have influenced the research in the last part. See in India Kings have funded the research but never able to influence the Brahmins. Brahmins are very clear. You may fund the research, but you can’t influence. You are separate and the research results are separate. They bow down to the Brahmins and Sanyasis, for keeping their research and development unadulterated by the vims and fancies of the funders of the researchers.

See in the modern day any research will be funded by company or anybody only if the results are going to be in their vested interest, if it is only going to favour only their vested interest., support their pocket. But the Brahmins and Sanyasis have kept the purity of the research and development. They saw to it. They took the responsibility of not being influenced by the kings who fund the research.

But in Egypt that did not happen. The researches were influenced by kings finally. The place of the almighty, ultimate, the unknown, God, was taken over by the King itself. That’s the only place where they missed. In India we did not allow that. We did not allow the King Worship. Meenakshi was not worshipped because she was a queen, no. She was worshipped because she was God. If it was the reason, being the queen was the reason for her worship, then her mother would have been worshipped, her daughter-in-law would have been worshipped. No. Her father would have been worshipped. No. We don’t even know where their Samadhi is. Meenakshi was worshipped because she was incarnation, God, not because she was King or queen.

You are asking “What are your insights about how and when of humanity ascending to the fourth dimension ?”. We have entered into the 4th dimension 5000 years before. Vedic civilization took humanity to the 4th dimension 5000 years before. Now actually I am leading you to the 6th dimension. In next 3 years the humanity will be ascending to the 6th dimension. In every field there will be so much of revolutions. By the age of 18, each child will be allowed to choose their country. It is going to be a global kingdom very soon. I see very clearly, very soon, within next 5 years a global currency happening. Many of the things, education, health care, food, shelter, clothing, all these major needs of humanity is going to become global. Please understand, you can live in any country you want. You can study in any country you want. You can choose your gender. You can choose your language. There is going to be a huge revolution. All these are side effects of this human consciousness entering into the 6th dimension. The people who divide and rule are going to disappear. See, when I say divide and rule not just in the name of religion and language, even people who divide and rule in the name of land, country even those divisions are going to disappear. I am seeing very clearly. It is going to be only one identity card. No more passports. These are not my dreams or visions. Please understand, I am not dreaming or envisioning. I am just predicting. I am just reading Akashic records.

I am also seeing huge bidadi cities means the lodge cities, people who travel, go and stay, travel go and stay, travel, go and stay. No body owns them. It is left for only travellers. I see huge cities evolving all over the world just as lodging cities.

Q: Please can you comment about the Mayan prophesy, the 3 days of darkness within 2012, what is it? When will it happen? What exactly is going to happen? Is it true that land on earth will move and the continents will unite? This is as per the prophesies.

A: The interpretation you read, I don’t think is the right translation of the interpretation. I myself have gone through the Mayan’s records. It is part of the Lemurian scrolls. I am giving you the details of the Akashic library archives. In Akashic records, there is a branch called “Lemurian scrolls”. The branch I am accessing and reading are mostly from Agastya. And Lemurian scrolls also come under Agastya only. In the Lemurian scrolls, one branch only is Mayan’s records. There is not going to be any 3 days of darkness as you understand. But there is going to be 3 days of intense conscious radiation going to be happening on planet earth. After which people will feel the effects of the 2012, the less number of thoughts and all that. Other than that there is no other natural changes like land will be moving and the continents will unite, No. Don’t worry. That is why exactly on those days they prophesized 12/12/12, I am going to be on the ocean, radiating the positive conscious energy.

Q: Dear Swamiji, it is believed that Women should not wear Rudraksha and it is considered as sin if they do so. Is this true?

A: In which world are you? Relax. Look around. How many women are wearing Rudraksha! Women can wear Rudraksha. It is not sin. Women can wear Rudraksha even during the Periods. Actually I prescribe, encourage and recommend wearing Rudraksha by women even during the Periods time because Rudraksha has the capacity to store energy and supply to your body whenever you need. So during the Periods, your body and mind are in low energy. If you wear the Rudraksha energized, it will supply energy to you and take care that you don’t fall into depression. So I sincerely recommend all women all over the world wear Rudraksha all the time, especially during the Periods.

Q: Beloved Swamiji, I would like to know the deeper meaning of the concept of the State of Being. How do I know that I am in this state? How is it different from being in a meditative state?

A: Meditative state and the State of Being; both are one and the same. You are asking “How do I know that I am in this state?” See after cleaning your rectum 3 times with enema, cleaning your nostrils with neti, dhowti and all the kriyas, if you just sit, do you need to believe that you are in peace? So you know what is peace. Same way the State of Being will happen in you without even having the doubt whether I am in the state or not. So, relax from this doubt. That state will happen. But as long as you are continuously verifying, it is like you are digging out the mango seed you sow, once in every day and see whether it has sprouted or not. Give little time. I tell you, some time the time makes you to forget your doubts and that itself makes you enlightened. You just need to have patience to forget the doubts related to “whether I am or not, whether I am progressing or not”. By remembering these questions every day, you are going to stop your progress. In course of time you will forget this doubt. That itself will make the progress happen.

Link to Video:



In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) responds to a question regarding Mayan prophecy for 2012. Clarity is requested regarding three days of darkness predicted in the Mayan calendar. Paramahamsa, drawing from the Akashic Records, states that the term 'darkness' may be a translation error. He sees the three days as a time of intense radiation. We can apply our conscious intention to this radiation and utilize its energy for positive transformation. It will act as a gateway to a new epoch in human experience: we have the choice to make that gateway an uplifting one.

Paramashivoham: 22-day Ultimate Spiritual Journey with the Avatar HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam Learn more: https://paramashivoham.nithyananda.org

Photos From The Day:

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