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=== New Book Released The Science of Living Enlightment | Padukapuja |2nd june 2013 Photos ===
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Revision as of 11:20, 21 August 2020


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda encourages devotees to complete their root patterns without delay to experience immediate miracles in life. Every problem transforms once the root patterns are resolved; all obstacles to our possibility melt down. We learn to integrate our inner self-image with the way others perceive us, and once integrated find a new way of thinking, feeling and living, expressing ourselves through the Four Principles.

Link to Video:


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, experience, miracles, life, transform, possibility, self-image, new, thinking, feeling, living, expressing.



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome you all who are sitting with us. Today’s subject for Nithya Satsang: EXCITEMENT IN EXECUTING THE PRINCIPLES.

Listen! Even to practice the four tattwas, you have to practice four tattwas. Even to practice four tattwas, you have to practice four tattwas! Understand this word.

Even to practice Authenticity, you have to become authentic. To practice Integrity, you have to become integrated. To practice Responsibility, you have to become responsible. To practice Enriching, you have to enrich.


Authenticity has to be practiced authentically. Bring constantly Authenticity in your actions authentically. Means, the deeper and deeper layers of your being should imbibe these four principles. That is when the success or creating the reality you want is possible. I tell you, all your goals are nothing but creating the reality you want. It can be wealth, it can be health, it can be good relationships, it can even be enlightenment. Anything it can be. It is nothing but creating the reality you want. It is possible when your deeper and deeper layers of being starts practicing four tattvas.

When you are living Authenticity itself, inauthenticity will interfere in it. ‘I will be Authentic as much as I can.’ No. As much as others think you can, you should be. Not as much as you can. ‘As much as I can’ is the greatest cheating word. It is like I will give you Rs.1 crore, I will just take away 99,99,999 rupees away from you. Then what is the use of your 1 crore? This is exactly we go on doing ‘I will practice Authenticity, I commit with you, Swamiji, as much as I can.’ No. No.



Listen. (Hindi). Every moment you are creating your life whether you want it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are getting it or not. Nothing, nothing can be done by the word ‘as much as I can’. This word is like a thief having the key of the treasury. If the thief gets the key of the treasury, he becomes politician! Idea, concept ‘as much as I can’ is the most cunning, inauthentic.

I tell you, whenever I speak on these four principles, I am so excited. I do even feel sometime I become fanatic of these four principles. Even if I am called as fanatic of these four principles, I am okay with it. I am happy about it; because when you start living the layer by layer, layer by layer, when Integrity, Authenticity penetrates you, the life you experience, the joy you experience, the strength you command, the strength your presence radiates is unimaginable.


Go on stretching your body and mind, actions and life with four principles. That is Daana, Tapa, practice, meditation, process, Kriya, enlightenment, everything. Anything auspicious in this life is just this four principles.


Living Integrity in your thinking is Ajapa Japa. Living Authenticity in your actions is the greatest Kriyas, greatest kriya. Living Responsibility in your being is ultimate Samadhi. Enriching in your life is greatest Daana.

Daana, Tapa, Kriya, everything is just these great principles. These four principles is everything. So understand bring integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching in your every moment breathing, thinking, feeling and living. Let your cognition be aligned with four principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching.


I tell you, sometime it feels like people are there out suffering in famine and drought and here you have dam full of good water, Ganga, pure Ganga and billions of tons of food. Even when you take it to their place and cater it people are not ready to use it. What to do? You can postpone anything in your life, not raising you to the spiritual strength, not aligning you to these four principles. First, this is a most important thing you need to do in your life on war footing basis, emergency basis – discovering your root pattern and completing with it.

What you feel about you - the actual root pattern, what you feel about the world and others, what others feel about you and how you project yourself to others; listen, how you exactly feel about you, the actual root pattern and how you feel about others and the world and how you project you to others, how others expect you.



I am not talking some remote other worldly ideas. Please understand, I am completely grounded, down to earth. I am talking what you need in your life if you are a CEO, if you are a politician, if you are a decision maker, if you are a head of a team that is bound by goals and deadlines, if you are a head of a family. I am talking to you if you are active in the life, not retired.


Whatever you want as reality in your life – power, money, love, blissful relationships, fulfillment, completion, whatever it may be, you can just build it with four principles. And, I also wanted you to know, many time you think, ‘If I start practicing these four principles now authentically, then slowly, slowly, slowly, after ten years, I may achieve the reality I want.’ No. Start practicing. You will see the miracles being showered from all corners on you. You will know the miracles happening from all the corners on you.

Do completion with others; all the incompletions you have, complete with others. Your health will become alright miraculously.

Do completion with yourself; suddenly you will start attracting wealth.


Life is so alive! Even one decision you take for life, life takes one thousand decisions for you! In our traditional literature, it says, ‘When you take one step towards God, God takes thousand steps towards you’ is not a lie! It is a truth! When you take one step towards life, life takes thousand steps towards you.


If you remove 2 cubic feet mud from the path of the water from the canal, you are not going to be getting water to 2 feet land or 20 feet land. No. The water is now going to go to 200 acres, may be even 2,000 acres! Same way, when you practice these four tattvas – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – even if you make one decision based on Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, suddenly you will see life will be making one-thousand decisions towards you, for you, fulfilling you, completing you.

When you complete with your mother, suddenly life wants to complete with you. When you complete with your brother, suddenly Cosmos wants to complete with you.


Sometime I wonder, why even being in the drought, famine, people don’t want to have the great Ganga and billions of tons of food lying waste; because they do not trust this Ganga and food can solve their problem. They think, ‘No, the whole country is suffering with famine and drought, how can I be helped by this just little water and food?’ You don’t understand, that is exactly the problem. Food and water, it is there; take it. Ignorance, ignorance of human-beings, again and again and again, destroys the possibility of experience.


Understand, the root-pattern of how you feel about you, when you discover and complete, the whole humanity around you behaves with you completely differently. The root-pattern of how you look at the world and others, see it and complete with it; you will see, you will see, the world around you behaves with you totally different.


Pain is inability, non-decisiveness to live the four principles. Non-decisiveness and inability to live the four principles is Pain. Catch it, Catch it. When you find out why the way you project yourself to the world, the way you project yourself to the world, and complete with it, tons and tons of your expectations about the world just collapses, melts down. The mountains melt down. The obstacles of experiencing you, obstacles of experiencing your possibility, melts down.


Human mind is such a powerful mechanism, even if you feel lazy to practice these four principles, if you feel resisting towards these four principles, do this simple thing: Go on talking about these four principles to others. Whoever you get it, catch them and start talking. I tell you it is the most easiest way. Catch your maid and start talking. She can’t say no, anyhow. You are paying her! Catch your subordinates. Catch your students. Catch the people who can’t say no to you. Start talking to them about these four principles. I tell you, these four principles are such, when you talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk about them, your heart will grab it. It will grasp it.

After I made these four principles as my meditation program syllabus, now everyone want to become Acharya , because these four principles are like phosphorus; anyway you come in contact, you will be burnt. Whether you practice or preach or think or contemplate, you will be burnt. You will be purified.

Again and again, I wanted all our satsang centers to have a gathering, meeting, to discover your root-pattern. Even the television viewers, Sadhna TV and Lotus TV viewers, you can call the number (+91 80 2727 9999) appearing in the screen. My sannyasis and sannyasinis will help you, support you to find your root-pattern with which you are suffering.

Understand, whether it is a coffee addiction or tea addiction or cigarette addiction or alcohol addiction or anger addiction or agitation addiction or irritation addiction or poverty addiction or laziness addiction or powerlessness addiction, for any addiction, it is your root-pattern which is responsible; which is your root-thought-pattern - that is responsible.


All the satsang centers, till Guru Purnima, means, July, this is the, my word for all of you, Guru Vaak for all of you - you have to find your root pattern and complete. If you are interested in finding your root thought pattern which is a cause for all your sufferings and powerlessness and you don’t know how to, call the number in the screen; my sannyasis and sannyasinis will help you to find your root thought pattern and help you to come out of the long suffering.

Sharada Devi beautifully describes her life. She says, ‘If I have to tell my whole life in one line, it is a long prayer!’ I tell you, she is right. Her whole life was such beautiful, long prayer. Not the begging prayer - overflowing gratitude prayer. She was a kid till she left the body. She was a joyful kid till she left the body.


I request all the television viewers and devotees who are watching this program: to find your root-thought-pattern, the root cause for your suffering and complete it - should be your first priority.


They will help you to find your root pattern and complete with it. Finding your root pattern and completing with it is the real Yoga. Not just stretching your body little this side and that side and blowing your nose and churning your stomach; that is these babus and babas Yogas! The real Yoga is finding your root pattern and completing it, completing it; that is the real Yoga.



Find your root thought pattern, the root-pattern of suffering, root cause of suffering; what idea you created about you first in your life and what idea you created about the world and others and how you started projecting yourself – all these three are the root cause of your suffering. Find all these three root patterns, complete with it; you will be liberated. You will experience liberation. Till then, anything you do, life will only be failure. When you do this completion, anything you do, life will be success. Anything you do, life will be a success.

So next few minutes, I will release this book. Today, we have this new book, very important, my first book on four principles, ‘Science of Living Enlightenment’. Almost after two years, I am coming up with the first book. This is the first book on the four tattvas, introducing the four tattvas.

So all the TV viewers, devotees, you can order for your copy. Call the number on the screen for your copy. I can say, the complete introduction about the four principles, the initial introduction about the four principles is available in this one book. Anyone can read and immediately start living it, start following it. It can move your body, move your mind, move your energy, move your intelligence and move you towards success, fulfillment, completion. The book is ‘Science of Living Enlightenment’.


Whatever I am speaking, sharing in the morning Nithya Satsangs, the essence is available in this book. Thank you!

With this with my integrity authenticity responsibility and enriching I bless you all let you all…..


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New Book Released The Science of Living Enlightment | Padukapuja |2nd june 2013 Photos

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