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== Description: ==
In this short video taken from the Q And A session of the Secrets of Attracting Wealth Workshop, 28 August 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about wealth, greed and fear about having greed. Swamiji explains that greed is not the actual problem, but our fear that we are greedy. The real problem is greedophobia, not greed itself.
==Transcription: ==
Desire and Greed of Wealth.
I have a question from Montreal Canada. Marriot Allen. When does declaring and manifesting abundance is not good? For example, when does it become greed?
Marriot Allen, there is nothing called greed. Please understand. There is nothing called greed. You need to work on your fear of constantly having good-bad, moral-immoral, socially accepted non-accepted, this boundaries with which you are struggling. Actually, what you need to break is your fears - when something will become greed it will be immoral. Please understand, I am not saying be immoral, be wrong. I am not saying try to have the whole world under you. No. All I am trying to tell you is you actually have greedophobia – if I have to coin a new word. Without even having greed phobia about greed. Understand, actually if you have greed you need to work too much. Let us not even bother about that, that is not even the actual problem you have. Actual problem you have is greedophobia. Attend to that. When really greed comes, I’ll teach you, I’ll appear in front of you and teach you how to go beyond it. No really I am telling you when I am appearing in reality ask the real problem questions.
Now your real problem is greedophobia, not greed itself. So lets attend that. When you have greed as a real problem don’t worry, I’ll be there to answer and guide you, help you. Without even having that problem, having greedophobia many times stops you living, flowering. I tell you, at least everyone who is sitting in front of me all over the world. I think now around more than 100 places in few thousand people. All of you only have greedophobia not greed. Lets stop with that. Don’t try to drill whether greed is good or bad all that. You don’t have that problem, then why should you bother about that now. Now all you have is greedophobia. Fear of greed. Break that. That’s all you need. So have greed. Enjoy greed. Its ok. When it becomes a real problem, I’ll tell you how to break. Next.
Question: The difficulty in manifesting what we really desire could it be due to self doubt?
(Swamiji) See.. self-doubt, self-hatred.. (Questioner continued) ..and also lower self esteem. If so? How do we build on that because for students its extremely important to build the self-esteem. I am a teacher.
(Swamiji) .. Haan, no what I am saying. Now let me attend two parts of your question. You are asking is it due to self-doubt. And the non-manifesting, is it due to self-doubt. You also asked non-manifestation of desires. I tell you, first statement – desires do not manifest. Only your belief is manifested and the reason why your desires do not manifest can be one-thousand. In that one-thousand, self-doubt is one because self-doubt makes sure even your desire is not completely accepted by you. Many time .. (Questioner continues .. meaning to say you don’t believe in .. ) (Swamiji says …) .. haan you yourself don’t believe in that completely. If you believe in that completely it will become your perception. It will not be desire anymore. Understand, so self-doubt can be one reason. Self-hatred, after some time the self-doubt develops into self-hatred – oh ho what I am.. Somebody put a status – “Who I am?” is Ramana Maharshi’s question. “What the hell I am?” is my question. (laughs). I saw in the Facebook. No really. “Who I am” by Ramana Maharshi, “Who the hell I am” by me. (laughs).
By and by, when you are not able to handle self-doubt it gets crystallized in you as a self-hatred. And then self-denial – anything I want should not happen, I am not qualified for it.
(Questioner asks..) Is that low self-esteem Swamiji?
(Swamiji continues..) low self-esteem is too sweet word. You can feel very cute about it. No. The way you define your problem itself should be hurting you deeply. So you wake up. You become ferocious towards yourself. Do not have cute definitions of your problem. Actually one fellow – he was addicted to smoking. He came to me and asked can you give me a solution, to get rid of smoking. I was talking to him may be 5-6 minutes then I understood his whole mental pattern. I gave him a very simple solution. Stop keeping the cigarettes in a beautiful pack. Cover it in a Tamil newspaper. Not even a English newspaper. (laughs). Its low GSM. English newspaper is a little high GSM. Tamil newspaper is low GSM. I told him pick up the low GSM cheap, the yellow magazines or that kind of Tamil newspaper. That paper and tie your cigarettes and keep it in your pocket. Every day pic up from that, whenever you smoke, pickup from that and start smoking. Because I saw in his body language his lifestyle everything, he is a very stylish guy. And actually, in one week he dropped smoking! (Thirukailaya vadyam..) Because much of it was the pattern of a style than the pattern of enjoying the cigarette. Because he was not able to take out that newspaper and take out that cigarette in front of everyone.
I tell you, much of your problems are – you use very cute words to retain it. Do not use cute words. Do not use the terms which gives you a kind of a pride. Actually, going to a psychiatrist, especially high paid psychiatrist, psychoanalysis becomes a fashion. And actually I saw some of the hand bag styles studded with medicines, means the tablets. God! Is there no limit to celebrate for sufferings and pain? So please understand, low self-esteem is too cute word. Don’t use. Let it be hurting word. As that experience hurts. See, when some experience hurts. Let the word denoting it also be hurting. So you wake up to the reality. You become ferocious towards yourself. You always try to keep the word very sweet. The word very sweet. I say no. That is why I developed a new word called SDHD, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. For kids ADHD. For adults SDHD. And let it be very harsh. As that experience is harsh.
See, I am not saying good experiences, good things you should use the harsh words. When something is hurting let the word be hurting. So we are very clear it is hurting. The low self-esteem is a very cute word. All of us feel, oo it is egolessness, peace, love, silent type, I am a withdrawal non-controversial unhurting small cute hiding in a corner. You understand. That cozy. No! when something is hurting let’s be clear it is hurting. So I’ll better recommend have the Tamil newspaper. No, that is the example, really. So anything you carry use the right word. Use the right word. And I tell you. You will simply walk out of it. You will simply be healed.
Actually, when you are using the right word, suddenly you will see you yourself become ferocious towards you. Success is all about you becoming ferocious with yourself. As long as you are cute with you life will be ferocious with you. When you become ferocious with you, life will treat you as a cute kid. Then life will treat you cutely. When you think you are too cute and put your thumb into the mouth life will beat you and ask you WAKE UP!. Wake up, it’s too late. When you stand up being ferocious with yourself life will treat you like a flower. Beautifully. That’s all.
(Questioner.. Thank you.)
==Link to Audio==
==Link to Audio==

Revision as of 05:28, 24 August 2020


In the Secrets of Attracting Wealth workshop Q&A session of 28 August 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers all and any of participants questions regarding wealth.

Link to Video:

The Real Purpose of Wealth


In this short video taken from the Q And A session of the Secrets of Attracting Wealth Workshop, 28 August 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about the true purpose of wealth. Swamiji explains that many of us carry a deep sense of guilt when it comes to creating wealth. Purpose should not be added to wealth, because of guilt. Wealth does not always have to be associated with purpose, it can also be enjoyed for the purpose of wealth itself.


The Real Purpose of Wealth Question: Nithyanandam. I am following what you are saying and to be honest I didn’t want to miss the chance to get on the mic so I am sitting in my chair thinking what can I ask. So far you have been very clear and I had the thought – what about the idea of having wealth? Or about a purpose attached to my wealth. I have a purpose why I want to build my wealth. Would you talk about that?

Yes. See.. purpose attached to wealth. If it is out of powerfulness. Your belief on the purpose. Great!. Sometimes we carry a deep guilt – without purpose we should not be having wealth. So let the purpose not be from that powerlessness or the guilt which we develop from young age: without purpose wealth should not be built. Let the purpose be your real faith which you will fulfil it whether the wealth is there or not! See, when you are so clear about the purpose then for that purpose build wealth but also make sure we all have a very innate guilt that wealth should not be built without a purpose. Let purpose not be added to wealth because of the guilt then it is a powerless decision. Wealth is, you have the right to enjoy wealth as wealth. It does not need to be associated with purpose and you have a right to have purpose as purpose. It is not necessary wealth should also be associated with it. Let mixing and matching be your joy. Joy choice. Not any social belief, conditioning, compulsion. That’s all. Understand, wealth does not make somebody a leader. Your relevance to purpose and your purpose’s relevance to the world. How much your purpose is relevant to the world. How much you are relevant to your purpose. That makes you a leader. That’s all makes you a leader.

Technique for Clearing Your Money Debts and Loans - Lakshmi Puja Practice


During the Q&A session of Day 2 of Secrets of Attracting Wealth (28 Sept 2016), one participant asks Swamiji about his debts. He tells in his life, he is not able to come out of his money debts. Paramahamsa Nithyananda then gives him a very straight, clear answer - pointing out exactly what all people with money debts have in common. And giving a very precise, practical solution of how to come out of money debts and step into a life of wealth and abundance.

Basically, the pain we carry, the incompletion when we think about money needs to be completed. The fear of looking into our balance sheet is a mental pain pattern we need to break. Looking into our balance sheet every day is a powerful technique for clearing your debts. Doing this sincerely, you can call it as a meditation, as a Lakshmi Puja Practice.


Lakshmi Puja practice Question: The next question we have is from Ottawa centre Canada. Tipussuis Danston. He is asking – We have a lot of debts and it is very frustrating. How can we reduct debt this year?

Very practical question. Many people are suffering and struggling with it. I tell you, please understand, many of you may be having this issue. Listen. Listen very carefully. I am not going to give you any mystical solution. Don’t even think the solution I am giving is mystical. Very practical. I tell you, debt, I am defining – debt is nothing but the man’s lifestyle of never looking into his money. Listen. You have so much of incompletion, pain the moment you remember about money, you never look into your accounts what comes what goes till whole thing collapses. Let me ask a very bold question. All of you are here to know about secrets of attracting the wealth. How many of you have so much pain the moment you remember about wealth and you never look into your balance sheet. Raise your hand. True. He himself is raising the hand. I am telling you. I am telling you. The pain you have about wealth. The moment you remember wealth, the pain and impossibility you carry need to be completed, then, you will never be afraid of looking at your balance sheet. Fear of looking at your balance sheet lets it rot. Listen. I am using very strong words. Fear of looking at your balance sheet lets it rot. Yesterday I said very boldly, I don’t touch money. I am telling you. I don’t touch money other than for doing daana but I don’t sleep, don’t put my head to rest unless I see balance sheet of the whole sangha every night. I can tell you how many tumblers, glasses we have in any of my Aadheenams from my memory, not pride. Because I do not have any pain with it. Because I have no pain to look into it. All of you are very happy to count the currency but nobody wants to look into the balance sheet. This is one of the very important mental pain pattern you need to break. I tell you. Tippussuis Dunston, I commit with you. Just break this pattern today with completion and decide every night you will sleep after seeing your bank balance. Your balance sheet, I commit with you, you will get out of debts within one year. And I am responsible for this word. Do it like a religious action. Do it like a religious duty. Every night see your balance sheet and go to bed. Anybody who has this problem of lot of debts, I give you this as a religious technique and I am responsible for completing your debts and getting you out of it in one year. Understand, when I say this, it’s a technique and I also will use my extraordinary powers to support you. Both. Teachings are not always just teachings. It is to support you to get out of your powerlessness. When you start following the teachings there will be naturally extraordinary things happening because we don’t use in Hindu tradition words only to give concepts we also use the words to give energy. So I give you this as a concept and energy. Take this as a religious responsibility. My Guru has instructed me – every night balance sheet. Movable assets I have. Immovable assets I have. Debts I have. Loans I need to pay. And the precious metal I have. Because we Indians, precious metals is one of the important part of our life. Whatever. See once, and this is the net worth, and sleep. Do this as a religious duty. Do this like a meditation. You can call this as Lakshmi Puja. Every night few minutes. I tell you, your cognition, your cognition when it does not fall on something, that becomes blind spot. Even after that becomes blind spot if you don’t attend, that becomes cancerous. All the cancers of your life. See a broken relationship is a cancer in the relationship field. The debt is a cancer in the wealth field. It is only blind spots become cancer. Do this as your religious duty. Take this as a initiation from me. And you don’t try to justify it saying oh it is a good technique Swamiji gave if I do my mind will change then I, I will really get out. You don’t try to build on it because finally end of the day - after all it is a technique, I have tried so many techniques, let me dump it. You usually dump all the techniques into dustbin. That is why I am saying take it as Lakshmi Puja. Maybe you can do it like have small picture of me and say that because you told I am doing and after one year I will hold you responsible. No, you can hold me responsible. I am giving you the commitment. Every night do this as a religious duty and technique. Religious duty. Not even as technique because techniques you dump into dustbin within 10 days. You go to every road and learn different-different techniques and dump them into different-different road dustbins. Bangalore being a spiritual capital go to every road you will get one kriya one technique one method, no. In Karnataka every street has one Jagatguru. That is good actually, not, not bad, that is good. Better to have one Jagatguru in every street than don in every street. Come on. Its very good. Nothing wrong. And being a spiritual capital of India, all techniques you dump into dustbin. Don’t, I am not giving this even as a technique. I am giving this as a religious instruction. Puja you never stop. I have always seen people doing it. In my experience I tell you. As long as I was teaching as a meditation technique, kriya, the practice ratio was only 20%. When I added Puja into it, do this pranayama, this kriya, and then complete this Puja. When this become part of Puja practicing ratio is more than 90%. So I am giving you this instruction as Lakshmi Puja. Do it. The practicing ratio is drastically high when it comes to, when it becomes a religious instruction. So practice it. You will see you will be out of debt this year.

Attracting Wealth Q&A - on Greed, Desire for Wealth


In this short video taken from the Q And A session of the Secrets of Attracting Wealth Workshop, 28 August 2016, Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains about wealth, greed and fear about having greed. Swamiji explains that greed is not the actual problem, but our fear that we are greedy. The real problem is greedophobia, not greed itself.


Desire and Greed of Wealth.

I have a question from Montreal Canada. Marriot Allen. When does declaring and manifesting abundance is not good? For example, when does it become greed?

Marriot Allen, there is nothing called greed. Please understand. There is nothing called greed. You need to work on your fear of constantly having good-bad, moral-immoral, socially accepted non-accepted, this boundaries with which you are struggling. Actually, what you need to break is your fears - when something will become greed it will be immoral. Please understand, I am not saying be immoral, be wrong. I am not saying try to have the whole world under you. No. All I am trying to tell you is you actually have greedophobia – if I have to coin a new word. Without even having greed phobia about greed. Understand, actually if you have greed you need to work too much. Let us not even bother about that, that is not even the actual problem you have. Actual problem you have is greedophobia. Attend to that. When really greed comes, I’ll teach you, I’ll appear in front of you and teach you how to go beyond it. No really I am telling you when I am appearing in reality ask the real problem questions.

Now your real problem is greedophobia, not greed itself. So lets attend that. When you have greed as a real problem don’t worry, I’ll be there to answer and guide you, help you. Without even having that problem, having greedophobia many times stops you living, flowering. I tell you, at least everyone who is sitting in front of me all over the world. I think now around more than 100 places in few thousand people. All of you only have greedophobia not greed. Lets stop with that. Don’t try to drill whether greed is good or bad all that. You don’t have that problem, then why should you bother about that now. Now all you have is greedophobia. Fear of greed. Break that. That’s all you need. So have greed. Enjoy greed. Its ok. When it becomes a real problem, I’ll tell you how to break. Next.

Question: The difficulty in manifesting what we really desire could it be due to self doubt?

(Swamiji) See.. self-doubt, self-hatred.. (Questioner continued) ..and also lower self esteem. If so? How do we build on that because for students its extremely important to build the self-esteem. I am a teacher.

(Swamiji) .. Haan, no what I am saying. Now let me attend two parts of your question. You are asking is it due to self-doubt. And the non-manifesting, is it due to self-doubt. You also asked non-manifestation of desires. I tell you, first statement – desires do not manifest. Only your belief is manifested and the reason why your desires do not manifest can be one-thousand. In that one-thousand, self-doubt is one because self-doubt makes sure even your desire is not completely accepted by you. Many time .. (Questioner continues .. meaning to say you don’t believe in .. ) (Swamiji says …) .. haan you yourself don’t believe in that completely. If you believe in that completely it will become your perception. It will not be desire anymore. Understand, so self-doubt can be one reason. Self-hatred, after some time the self-doubt develops into self-hatred – oh ho what I am.. Somebody put a status – “Who I am?” is Ramana Maharshi’s question. “What the hell I am?” is my question. (laughs). I saw in the Facebook. No really. “Who I am” by Ramana Maharshi, “Who the hell I am” by me. (laughs).

By and by, when you are not able to handle self-doubt it gets crystallized in you as a self-hatred. And then self-denial – anything I want should not happen, I am not qualified for it.

(Questioner asks..) Is that low self-esteem Swamiji? (Swamiji continues..) low self-esteem is too sweet word. You can feel very cute about it. No. The way you define your problem itself should be hurting you deeply. So you wake up. You become ferocious towards yourself. Do not have cute definitions of your problem. Actually one fellow – he was addicted to smoking. He came to me and asked can you give me a solution, to get rid of smoking. I was talking to him may be 5-6 minutes then I understood his whole mental pattern. I gave him a very simple solution. Stop keeping the cigarettes in a beautiful pack. Cover it in a Tamil newspaper. Not even a English newspaper. (laughs). Its low GSM. English newspaper is a little high GSM. Tamil newspaper is low GSM. I told him pick up the low GSM cheap, the yellow magazines or that kind of Tamil newspaper. That paper and tie your cigarettes and keep it in your pocket. Every day pic up from that, whenever you smoke, pickup from that and start smoking. Because I saw in his body language his lifestyle everything, he is a very stylish guy. And actually, in one week he dropped smoking! (Thirukailaya vadyam..) Because much of it was the pattern of a style than the pattern of enjoying the cigarette. Because he was not able to take out that newspaper and take out that cigarette in front of everyone.

I tell you, much of your problems are – you use very cute words to retain it. Do not use cute words. Do not use the terms which gives you a kind of a pride. Actually, going to a psychiatrist, especially high paid psychiatrist, psychoanalysis becomes a fashion. And actually I saw some of the hand bag styles studded with medicines, means the tablets. God! Is there no limit to celebrate for sufferings and pain? So please understand, low self-esteem is too cute word. Don’t use. Let it be hurting word. As that experience hurts. See, when some experience hurts. Let the word denoting it also be hurting. So you wake up to the reality. You become ferocious towards yourself. You always try to keep the word very sweet. The word very sweet. I say no. That is why I developed a new word called SDHD, self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial. For kids ADHD. For adults SDHD. And let it be very harsh. As that experience is harsh.

See, I am not saying good experiences, good things you should use the harsh words. When something is hurting let the word be hurting. So we are very clear it is hurting. The low self-esteem is a very cute word. All of us feel, oo it is egolessness, peace, love, silent type, I am a withdrawal non-controversial unhurting small cute hiding in a corner. You understand. That cozy. No! when something is hurting let’s be clear it is hurting. So I’ll better recommend have the Tamil newspaper. No, that is the example, really. So anything you carry use the right word. Use the right word. And I tell you. You will simply walk out of it. You will simply be healed.

Actually, when you are using the right word, suddenly you will see you yourself become ferocious towards you. Success is all about you becoming ferocious with yourself. As long as you are cute with you life will be ferocious with you. When you become ferocious with you, life will treat you as a cute kid. Then life will treat you cutely. When you think you are too cute and put your thumb into the mouth life will beat you and ask you WAKE UP!. Wake up, it’s too late. When you stand up being ferocious with yourself life will treat you like a flower. Beautifully. That’s all. (Questioner.. Thank you.)

Link to Audio

How To Create What You Want - On Willpower Will Persistence And Will Arrogance

Photos From The Day:

Living Shuddhadvaita Process

Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Ganesha Ganesha Aarti to Ganesha Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process - Online cities Living Shuddhadvaita Process Living Shuddhadvaita Process Kirtan and Performance


Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance Kirtan and Performance


Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan Kalpataru Darshan