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===  Secrets - Of - Fundamental - Unit - Of - Your - Life - Integrity  ===
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Secrets of Fundamental Unit of Your Life, Integrity

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Secrets - Of - Fundamental - Unit - Of - Your - Life - Integrity



nithyānandeśvara sadāśiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari ādiśakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects. I am welcome all the Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans and Nithya Satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants… and special guest for today morning satsang 232nd Guru Maha sannidhanam of Thondaimandala Aadheeeam Srila Sri Thiruvambala Jnanaprakashadesika Paramacharya Swamigal. I will continue to expand on Aadheenam Chalo series - the nitty-gritties of shaktipada.


Understand, the ultimate and original principal in Sanatana Hindu Dharma, the Sanskrit word we use 'para', understand… because origin is ultimate, the original principle itself becomes ultimate in Hindu tradition. Please understand, it is not evolved tradition… it is explored tradition. It is not that few concepts have been invented, boiled by the human brain, cooked up, spiced up and certain concepts evolved. If that is the way it evolves origin will be different, ultimate will be different. Moola will be different para will be different; but Sanatana Hindu Dharma is apourushya. The Vedas are apourushya. Source itself is ultimate, moola itself para.

Understand, source and ultimate, not being two different, gives tremendous confidence about the vision delivered from the Source.

The word para, the ultimate, If you translate that as parabrahma - the brahminical, Vedic tradition, If you translate that paramapada - Vaishnavite tradition, If you translate that into Paramashiva - Shaivaite tradition

Whatever tradition you may follow, you may get integrated, the para, the ultimate, the principle of that Oneness, of that ultimate, that itself becomes source of the vision document. Listen clearly, listen carefully, para and source, Moola and ultimate, Moola is the source origin, Para is ultimate. If this two remain separate you always have the danger, of what you are following may not be the complete Satya, may not be the complete principle. But in Sanatan Hindu dharma the Moola and para, source and ultimate, both are one and the same; so the principles you follow are complete. Sadashiva himself is Moola AND para. Understand it is the creator telling you how he created…. not that created perceives.


For example: a man walks into the forest with a lantern. He can see 3-4 feet; so he notes down, “Wow!! There is a big Sandalwood tree.” Then he walks further, then he notes down “There is a water body.” Then he walks further, then he notes down, “There is a lion standing.” Then he walks, then he notes down, “there is a big python lying”. All his notes put together cannot be description of the forest; understand, they can be nice photographs of forest. Even if you take a million photographs of a scene, it can describe the scene, it cannot be equated to the scene. Description is not equalent. First of all portrait is not photograph, photograph is not incident. The diluted version of happening is photograph; the diluted version of photograph is portrait.

Here the description however portraying it may be, however great writer he maybe if a creator explores the creation it can only be the description not definition. Description is different from definition. Understand, only when the creator describes the creation it is description... sorry it is definition not description. The creator, the source-para becomes moola-origin for the whole vision document called Veda and agamas. Vedas are pure science Agamas are vision document. Understand, Agamas, not only applied science... it's a vision document for further exploration, research and development.


The fundamental primary principles are established.... called tattva. Fundamental primary units of principles, understand, we all know to measure the length, the fundamental units -millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre. We have units to measure length, breadth, depth, time, second, hour, day. We have units for external happenings. Same way for internal happenings Vedas and Agamas give units. Understand, those units are only called tattvas. The various internal happenings and the methodology to deal with those happenings; whether tsunami doubt or emotional imbalance or the confusion cyclones or health collapse or whatever.... For all the internal happenings.... I described some of the negative happenings because that is what you immediately understand. If I use the word bliss, ecstasy, ananda, you will say why three word? We don't even know to differentiate bliss, Ananda, ecstasy, smile are all various grades, various levels. But with negative description we are so feeling connected and very grounded and immediately we cognise yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You see I went through na yesterday when I was beaten. The immediate reference is always available.

Understand, having positive possibilities as immediate reference is life in heaven. Having negative happenings as immediate reference is life in hell; that's all, that's all is life. If you have immediate references for the best, most subtle, sacred, light romantic expressions... understand the words I am using.


Yesterday, I was reading.... Mughal history. Bernier - man who recorded the happenings in the Aurangzeb Court. I think all of you should read it. I think I shared it in my Facebook. If I have not I will share it today. In Tamil there was a movie where they are describing Chola King as a cruel guy and he takes the Govindaraja from Chidambaram and throws it into the ocean. That is the scene they are portraying, they are trying to portray the Chola Raja as a very cruel fanatic guy and torturing somebody for the sake of their belief - which was completely false. I tell you, if Chola Raja has thrown the Govindaraja into ocean, then who is lying down in Chidambaram now? Govindaraja is still there. Understand, in Hindu tradition Sanatana Hindu Dharma, almost all conflicts are only up to Vada Mantapa or Anubhava Mantapa that's all. Because we were such beautiful, sweet, subtle, light romance brain, understand, this light romance brain can capture profuse, profound - understand this two word - profound is always visualised as rigid, profuse is always visualised as liquid. Only the Hindu brain can capture the profound rigid in the form of profuse liquid - Mercury. That is why mercury is representative of highest intelligence. In Hindu tradition the mercury is always representing highest intelligence, means, profound rigidness in profuse liquid form; profound rigidity in profuse liquid form.

If your brain is flooded again and again with the sacred sentiments of light romance, I tell you... all Chola Rajas were practicing shaivaites; means every day they do their Nitya Puja. No Chola King can ever sit on the throne if he is not a practicing shaivaite because the Crown has to be put by the Thillai the Chidambaram Dikshitars. Understand, the father cannot coronate the son. Crown has to come from Chidambaram, from the Dikshitars. Only if he is a practicing Shaivaite he can occupy the throne, means, everyday he has to do Pooja which you guys are doing - unbroken lineage. And I tell you a person who floods his brain every day morning with that sacred sentiments

Hrud padmamasanam dadhyaat sahasrar achyutamritaihi padyam charanayor dadhyaat

When you flood your system with these sacred sentiments you can never be cruel.


I tell you, when I read those Mughal history documents I understood “Oh God, the Tamil movie is trying to project Chola Raja as a villain,” even what they are trying to project is only dumping a statue in a ocean, that's all nothing else. I think those movie producers do not know what is cruelty. He need to read Mughal history. When I read the Bernier’s record...Oh God!! How Aurangzeb killed his family members!!! You see, I think, at least I can perceive this is what he would have done it. And the cruel way Sikh Gurus were murdered or Shivaji's son was murdered or the way the Hindu Kings and Queens were murdered, I can at least understand because they are enemies. But the most cruel way he murdered his own family people!! God!! I can't understand... the brain can become so dry...it can become so dry. In a human body, that level of cruelty can grow I cannot understand. I am not able to perceive still... I am not able to grasp. When I read that, I only felt one thing - there is a beautiful one liner in Tamil

Piravaamai vendum perumaane pirandhaalum unnai maravaamai vendum

I should not be born. If I am born at least I should never forget you. I should not be born. If I take the body it should be only from traditional Vedic background and Vedic family and Vedic vatavarana, ambience.

It is my responsibility to leave the Vedic vatavarana on the planet earth at least by building few cities, so if I want to come back I will have a place to come. The way I left Madurai and Tiruvannamalai I will leave at least few 100 Cities, the Vedic vatavarana. I tell you, the ambience, vatavarana, the temperature.... the weather condition, when I say ‘whether condition’ don't understand in the ‘weather rains of shines’ .... ‘whether rains or shines’. Not ‘weather rains of shines’ .... Whether rains or shines. The vatavarana, the psychological vatavarana, the spiritual vatavarana, understand, at least few cities radiating the spiritual vatavarana, living it. For My own sake; forget about social service that is secondary.... even for My own sake I need to leave at least few cities of carrying this vatavarana. If some of My disciples wants to come back to get complete Enlightenment or to do further Vedic work, they need a vatavarana - the ambience.


The best group as on now on the planet Earth who is able to keep the vatavarana for coming back are Tibetan Buddhists. Understand, just like only one building is seen from moon - the China Wall, same way from Super Consciousness if you see, the best vatavaranas for taking the next body - reincarnation, you can see the vatavarana created by Tibetan Buddhists. They have a amazing set of science of leaving the body and assuming the next body. It's not that in Hindu tradition we did not have... we had. Unfortunately.... just because we were not brutal to the people who are brutal to us, we lost. I am not saying be brutal to everyone but at least be mirror... Be a mirror..... so whatever is remaining can be saved. It is just because our irresponsibility is considered as spirituality... It’s only spit-uality, not spirituality. Irresponsibility can never be spirituality.

Because of that unfortunate thought current of irresponsibility become spirituality, we lost some of the most beautiful, most important contributions we have done to planet Earth. The origin and ultimate... listen carefully; the origin and ultimate are one and the same in Vedagamic traditions. That is why the vision document is complete. The basic units, principles, tattvas, with which we are asked to function is complete. Integrity is a tattva to measure your expression. The depth of integrity, the amount of integrity you cognize.... about each subject, that will be the expression, spontaneous expression of you.


When somebody asks you, “why do you the pour milk on Linga?" the first response I gave, "Ehh, we pour on Sadashiva not on Linga" because every time I pour I know I am pouring on Sadashiva. It falls on Linga. In Hindu tradition if you don't find any Linga, you can just keep a heap of sand on the floor, just sit, try to get any stone, if you don't get any stone just get heap of sand and start worshipping that as Linga. That is the way Sita did in Rameshwaram. One of the most important Jyotirlinga... Ramanatha Swamy is just heap of sand touched by Sita with the great sacred sentiment, the bhava, “O Mahadeva, Sadashiva, iha gaccha iha gaccha, iha tishta iha tishta.” The power of Bhava of Sita, the beach sand becomes Ramanatha. Understand, we pour on Sadashiva not on Linga...it falls on Linga. Because we are so engrossed to whom we are pouring, sometimes we don't bother where it is falling. That is the first, this should have been a first response from any practicing Shaivite.

If you are integrated to your logic, naturally you will say, "Ohh, I think it is oiling, massage so that the stone won't crack" You mean to say it is oil massage therapy? And I do wonder What kind of a stone absorbs the fat and.... ☺ Maybe I don't know about that, so let me not get into that scene and I do not know much about stone and....I know only about Sadashiva. Let me stop Myself, let me restrict Myself to what I know.


Understand, integrity, listen carefully... because this is one of the important pain point with many people in the Sangha are suffering. In our Sangha many people have that pain point with integrity. The moment I enter the word integrity, you only remember morning the Integrity Officers standing in front of you and waking up "ehhh get up for morning yoga" Listen, no, you need to understand that principle. Integrity is basically the unit with which our expression is measured. You see, your source, Consciousness, when it starts operating using this body and mind it always gets integrated to something. Even if you don't want to get up, come to morning yoga, you are highly integrated to nidra Devi - means sleep. You are highly integrated to your bed, and you are highly integrated to your tiredness. Understand, then don't blame “whole day I am feeling bored and depressed and tired”. That is what you are integrated in the early morning. Understand, when the sun rises to what you are integrated you will be integrated to that till the sun sets. When the sun sets to what you are integrated you will be integrated to that till again Sun rises, understand. It's a basic principle of life. So when sun rises, to what you are integrated matters; because that is the time the commands are given to your body about the whole day which you are supposed to do....The plans are delivered to your system. If your plan is turning this side and pulling the blanket... ☺

(31:48) One day I asked a person who continuously misses morning routine, spiritual routine, I wanted to remind once more - all sampradayas of Sanatana Hindu Dharma – Shaiva, Shaktha, Ganapathya, Kaumara and Vaishnava, all the internal sub sects of Shaiva, all sampradayas agree on three things. 1. One on Pranava Aum 2. Second on cow - the sacredness associated with Gau Mata 3. Third need for a spiritual routine Almost all sampradayas... agree with these 3 truths So one day I was asking one guy who misses the morning spiritual routine many times. I asked him, "What happened? Today why you did not come, why you did not get up?" “No, no Swamiji I got up at 3:30.” I asked, “I did not see you in the yoga 4 o'clock.” “No I went to restroom came back and slept.” His answer is technically right, practically wrong. Most of the time you are trying to be technically right with integrity, practically wrong. Understand, integrity, if you approach integrity as the quality to be developed, you will always have a problem. The kind of a incompletion you have with your examinations. You will always have difficulty. It is not a quality to be developed it is a unit to be understood. Understand, approach integrity as the unit of your expression, then you will know very clearly, morning this many units integrity to sleep, this many units integrity to yoga, this many units integrity to confusion whether to get up or lie down, this many unit to do Shivasana or shavasana, yogasana or bhogasana. If you are integrated to bhogasana instead of yogasana, later on when rogasana comes don't blame. (34:34) Understand, see, when you eat be very clear you are moving towards a goal. What you eat how much you eat is going to lead you to some goal. Eating as per the goal is diet. What you want in your life yoga, soga or roga... based on that you decide what should be your jaga in the morning ☺; whether it should be yoga hall or in your bed. Decide, understand, see, the important click you need to have is do not approach integrity as a quality to be developed. Try to approach integrity as a unit what all you have. Knowledge is a powerful friend to wake you up. Knowledge if you know, “Ehh, if I analyse my whole month 30 days routine, this much I am integrated to yoga, this much I am integrated to tiredness, this much I am integrated to sleep”, I tell you, even if you completely sleep in the morning those few hours I am ok with it. But you don't even sleep, you are entertaining tiredness; means, lying in the bed and rolling and going into your semi conscious state, not deep sleep. That is entertaining boredom and tiredness. Entertaining boredom about waking up, “Ehh, what am I going to do waking up?” Boredom about what for I should get up, tiredness about, “this seems to be much better" - if you are integrated to this, please be very clear, this is what you are planning for your future. I am giving you an example. If you do not understand what you are generating and the result slaps you on the face you start believing life is a Drohi - traitor. Understand life is not Drohi, you planned for it. And apart from planning you always had a blind eye; your head was that side. See if you know you are creating something very bad and that hits at you, at least you will consider life as Virodhi. Virodhitva, the idea ‘life is a Virodhi’ - enemy can be healed. If you fall in love and somebody showers love on you, one person's love can heal you so completely, the whole concept ‘life is a enemy’ you will forget. Only when you forget life is a enemy you are experiencing true love. Understand this is the tattva - unit. (38:28) In the modern day one of the biggest problem - everyone comes and says, “Swamiji, I think I'm in love with that person. Should I get married?” Now over! What do you mean by saying you think you are in love with that person. Understand, then it is not love, forget about it. When, this is the definition, when ‘life is enemy’ concept is forgotten, your heart is healed so thoroughly by one persons love, understand, you are in love, the other person he or she is in love. The unit of integrity with which you cognise... to what you are integrated, is all you need to be integrated to Paratattva - ultimate principle. Listen, integrity is not something to be practiced. It is supposed to be discovered. How much time.... I am giving you this one example of morning routine because that is where is the pain point for many people in the Sangha, and then the next pain point is need to be alive always. Even this bowing down, there is a very clear standard instruction. First learn to put your hand the Hindu way of receiving namaste “I bow down to the divine which is in you”. Not....hmm hmm. hmm hmm. No. (40:53) I think few of the senior Swamis should take responsibility. Every time they don't bend their body and bow down in namaste, they need to be taught. See, it is not that the instructions are not received; you are not alive to live it consistently. You are standing there and you are lost in your own stupid worries... confusions; amazing integrity to confusion.... minimal involvement with life. Being alive and fitting into what you are supposed to be.... Understand, the smallest action - bowing down and Namaste, will completely heal the person about any information you are going to give. See sometimes practically it may not be possible to have a private Darshan... because I have many classes; even today immediately after the session there are many classes I have to attend. But that need to be given with a tremendous healing, completion, humbleness, respect, so that the other person understands where we are coming from....tamil... They need to know why they are responded the way they are responded. Understand, all the auspicious qualities - whether it is a love or care or humbleness or sweetness - all the auspicious qualities gets developed when you are integrated to sacredness in any form; it may be, you can be integrated to your Guru or your Ishta Devata or the Devatas you call only when you have Kashta - that’s what I call kashta Devatha ☺. See if you are calling that God all the time he is Ishta Devatha if you call that God only when you have kashta he is kashta Devatha. Whether you are integrated to your Guru or your Ishta Devata or anybody, integrity to the sacredness is the source of all the wonderful qualities... Ananta Kalyana Gunas manifest from the integrity to sacredness. (44:37) At least last one month I am observing "will I be able to ever bring humbleness into these fellows and their body language?" It is all nothing but being alive and responsible knowing why they are here and why I am here. Why they are here, why I am here. When sun rises how you respond, what kind of a space you generate, that will continue whole day in whatever you do; whether you are in the kitchen or you are a lawyer, you are a doctor, you are an Engineer, you are a politician, or you are a leader - social leader or religious leader, whatever; when the sun rises how you respond to life, to what you are integrated you will be integrated to the same till sun sets. If you are tired, bored confused, don't be shocked; if life is slapping you and collapsing you, don't be shocked, don't say “life is a enemy life is a traitor” That is what you built it, that is what you planned for it, that is what you wanted, that is what you welcome. To what you are integrated you get that. So look around your life, if you are having collapsing health, zero bank balance, torturing relationships, the roof waiting to fall on your head, be very clear for that only you have been integrated, to that only you are integrated. Life is neither enemy nor traitor. It gives you what you are integrated, it gives you what you are integrated. (47:34) See this place is a ocean; any number of sharks can stay here without even me finding that they are staying here... sometimes for months; because such large property you can hide any one corner. And if you just get one Mala, that's all nobody will question you. Because everyone things “Oh he maybe from San Francisco centre, maybe he is from Switzerland centre, he is from maybe a remote Tamil Nadu village centre.” Only your integrity can get what you want in your life. Look around what you have is only for what you have been integrated. So today's homework, the essence of today's satsang - Integrity is not supposed to be developed but to be discovered. It is not quality it is unit. It is not guna, it is tattva. Understand, with guna you always have the incompletion “I have to develop it”. Integrity is not quality it is not Guna; it is tattva - unit - principle. Only Guna needs to be developed, principle need to be discovered. Principle cannot be developed, principle cannot be developed. You cannot measure water in millimetre and centimetre. Water measurement unit is different - that is litre. You cannot measure cloth in litre; because that unit is different - centimetre and millimetre. You cannot develop Integrity, you only can discover integrity. To what you are integrated, discover. To what you are integrated, discover. It is discovering that is required for integrity not developing. If you are trying to develop, integrity will continue to be pain point. So essence of today's satsang - Integrity is not quality, it is Principle, it is basic unit, fundamental tattva - unit of life. so with this, the today's homework is look around your life what all you have which you are enjoying, what all you have which you want to change, what all you have which you want to change on war footing. Pen down this three and see how your integrity to that brought that to you in your life; that's all is today's homework. And any homework put as a status on the Facebook, will be valued with those 5 – like, love, laughter, sadness, and wow and sometime angry. ☺ So, you can upload your homework as status in the Facebook to get evaluated. (52:02) And the next thing today I wanted to launch we have Achala Murti Seva new website and it is beautifully done by our team [email protected]/Achala Murti Seva.

Yes. Basically we are Hindus; we believe God comes down in the form of archavatara - deity. So whatever offering we want we offer it to the deity.  We offer it to God through the deity.  So offering to God, to Sadashiva, through the deity is the tradition of Hinduism.  So archavatara, it is a unique concept to Hinduism.  I should say instead of concept, the principle, the truth - Satya. Archavatara - God comes down in the form of deity to accept our worship and Pooja and seva.... and respond.  So today we are launching a new website for all the Achala Murti Seva  to the deities in Bengaluru aadheenam,  from Archanas, Pujas, Leela alankaras,  the Swarna kavacha Seva  Rudra homa,  6 Kala Puja, 6 Kala Abhishekam happening. You can take part, participate in whichever seva  you want  and I have also told them to fix a high quality HD CCTV camera  through which you can watch the Live Puja happening and Sankalpa being done in your name; it will be live.  So, all the poojas will be done as per the Indian Standard Time of sunrise and sunset.  If you want to do it in your country’s Standard Time we will evolve a system in those country.  For example the whole US, Los Angeles can start offering this Sevas or Ohio.  I think Ohio is the right time zone which will be compatible for East coast and West Coast to both.  You guys can choose. But here in Bengaluru Aadheenam all the sevas will be offered as per the Indian Standard Time. The Indian time of sunrise and sunset will be the scale with which the sevas will be accepted. 

(56:16) Let you have sameepya Mukti, always on the body... flowing on the body. On Jayanti day you can see the Swarna kavacha, the 41st Jayanti day, it will be opened for public Darshan. You may be wondering how, how, how? How with Kavacha Swamiji will move and activities will be done? Wait for the suspense ☺ “He comes up always with some cranky ideas” ☺ “so he has some more crazy ideas” ☺. So, wait to enjoy the crazy idea which many of you will enjoy. So with this, it is time we have a long day today. The Sadashivatva batch 2 has many process and the aadeenavasis have many sessions and balasants have many initiations. This is the long day and today we also have karaseva preparing the Vaidya Sarovar for tomorrow's somavara rudrabhishekam. And with this I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam Sadashivoham, the Eternal Bliss Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.

Transcript in Tamil

பன்றிக்கு புணுல் அணிவிக்கும் போராட்டத்தை எதிர்த்து -கண்டனம் தெரிவித்தார் பரமஹம்ச நித்யானந்தர்

தமிழ்ல வாயத்திறந்தேன்னா இவனுங்க என்ன ஆவாங்கன்னு தெரியலையே!...

இந்தப் பகுத்தறிவுப் பன்னாடைப் பன்றிகளுக்காக, பணத்திற்கு மலம் தின்னும் பன்றிகளே.. பன்றிக்கு புணுல் போடும் ஆர்பாட்டம் என்கின்ற பெயராலே.. சில பகுத்தறிவு பன்னாடை கும்பல்கள் ஹிந்து மதத்தை மட்டுமே எதிர்ப்பதாக கங்கணம் கட்டிக்கொண்டு மற்ற சமூகங்கள் மதங்களில் எத்துனை அறிவு சாராத விஷயங்கள் இருந்தாலும் அவைகளை எல்லாம் பார்ப்பதில்லை என்று நவத்துவாரங்களையும் மூடிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் இந்த நாதாரிகள் ஹிந்து மதத்தில் மட்டும் எந்த பிரச்சினையும் இல்லை என்றாலும்கூட தின்ற பணத்திற்கு அதிகமாக கூவியே ஆக வேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தினால் தொடர்ந்து எங்களுடைய வாழ்க்கை முறையையும் மத உணர்வுகளையும் புண்படுத்தி கொண்டே இருப்பதை தங்கள் வாழ்க்கை முறையாக வைத்துக்கொண்டு பன்றிக்கு புணூல் போடும் ஆர்ப்பாட்டம் என்று ஒரு மூடத்தனமான ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தை அறிவித்திருக்கிறார்கள்.

முதல் விஷயம் நான் சொல்ல வேண்டும் அவர்களுடைய இந்த அடிப்படையான ஸ்டேட்மென்ட் என்னவென்றால் புணூல் தமிழனை சுத்திரன் ஆக்குவதாகவும் ஏதோ மிகப்பெரிய பிரிவினையை செய்வது போலவும் காட்டுகிறார்கள். முதல் விஷயம் யக்ஞோபவீதம் என்ற என்று சொல்லப்படும் நூல் நீங்கள் நினைப்பது போல் பிராமணர்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்லாமல் எல்லா ஜாதியினரும் உபயோகப்படுத்துகின்ற விஷயம்.

தமிழ்நாட்டில் பல ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுகளாக கீழடியின் காலம்தொட்டு கீழடியில் அகழ்வாராய்ச்சியில் கிடைத்த அந்த நாகரீகம் முறையாக காமிகாமத்தின்படி கட்டப்பட்டுள்ள ஊர் என்பதை ஆதாரங்களுடன் விளக்க முடியும். மூத்தகுடித் தமிழன் சைவத்தமிழன்! வேதாகமங்களை வாழ்ந்தவன் வாழ்கின்றவன் வாழப்போகின்றவன்.. அறுபதாண்டு ஆட்டம் போடும் அள்ளக் கைகளால் 60 ஆயிரம் ஆண்டு பரம்பரையா ஆடிவிடப்பபோகின்றது?

முதல் விஷயம் ஆகமங்களை கடைபிடிக்கின்ற வாழ்க்கை முறையை வாழ்வார்கள் என்பதனால் யக்ஞோபவீதம் எல்லோருக்கும் சொந்தமானது. ஒரு குலத்திற்கு மட்டும் அல்ல, மொத்த இந்துக்களுக்கும் சொந்தமானது.

முதல் இரண்டாவது இதனால் யக்ஞோபவீதத்தை புணூலை அவமதிப்பது மொத்த இந்துக்களையும் அவமதிப்பது,

மூன்றாவது மிகவும் முக்கியமானது பன்றிகூட எங்களுக்கு வழிபடும் தெய்வங்களுல் ஒன்று ஆனால் நீங்கள் அந்த நோக்கத்தில் இதை செய்யவில்லை உங்கள் நோக்கம் அவதூறு செய்வது!

உங்கள் நோக்கத்தை மிக வன்மையாக கண்டிக்கின்றோம் பன்றிக்கு புணூல் போட்டு வராக மூர்த்தி என்று நாங்கள் வழிபாடு செய்வது வேறு! நீ பன்றிக்கு புணூல் போட முயற்சிப்பது வேறு. அது உன் பன்றி, இது எங்கள் பன்றி!

எங்கள் இனப்பன்றிகள் எல்லாம் வழிப்படத்தகுந்தவை! உங்கள் இனப்பன்றிகள் உங்களை போல் இழிவுப்படத் தகுந்தவை! என்னவேண்டமானாலும் இந்துக்களை செய்வது, அவர்கள் சும்மா இருப்பார்கள் என்று நினைத்துக் கொண்டிருந்த காலம் போய் விட்டது! இது ஒன்னும் 1960 இல்ல அப்பு! தேடித் தேடி போய் ஏன்யா உட்கார ஆப்பு மேல? எல்லாம் நல்லாத்தான் போயிட்டுருக்கு?

புணுல் போடறதுன்னா என்ன? கருவழிப்பரம்பரைக்கும் குருவழிப்பரம்பரைக்கும், அடுத்த ஜெனரேஷனுக்கு, நம்முடைய வாரிசுக்கு நம்முடைய சத்தியங்களைக் கொடுப்பதற்காக அளிக்கப்படுகின்ற தீக்ஷை இந்த புணுல் போடுவது.

இதை மீறி பன்றிக்கு புணூல் போடும் போராட்டத்தை நடத்தினால் நித்யானந்த பீடத்தின் சார்பில் பன்றிகளுக்கு கருப்பு சட்டை அணிவித்து போராட்டம் நடத்தப்படும் தேவையில்லாமல் சட்டம் ஒழுங்கை சீர்குலைப்பதற்காக மக்களுடைய மத உணர்வுகளை புண்படுத்துவது என்று செய்து கொண்டிருக்கும் இதுபோன்ற சமூக விரோதிகள் சட்டவிரோத விரோதிகள் இந்து விரோதிகள் தங்கள் வாலை சுருட்டி உங்கள் வாழ்க்கையை கவனித்துக் கொண்டு வாழ வேண்டும் பணிவன்போடு வேண்டி கேட்டுக் கொள்கிறேன்.

எல்லோரும் யக்ஞோபவீதத்தை அணியுங்கள், காயத்ரி மந்திரத்தை ஜபம் செய்யுங்கள். சமய தீட்சை எடுத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். அடுத்து ஆகஸ்ட் 7 ஆம் தேதி அன்று வருகின்ற அனைத்து இனத்தவருக்கும் மதத்தவருக்கும் திருவண்ணாமலையில் யக்ஞோபவீதம் அளிக்கப்பட்டு, காயத்ரி தீக்ஷை அளிக்கப்பட்டு சமய தீட்சை அளிக்கப்படும்.

அது போராட்டம் அல்ல வேரோட்டம் நீ எத்தனை போராட்டம் செய்தாலும் எங்கள் வேரோட்டத்தை நிறுத்த முடியாது என்னுடைய பக்தர்கள் சீடர்கள் சன்யாசிகள் பிரம்மச்சாரிகள் யக்ஞோபவீதம் தாங்குகின்ற எல்லோரும் இந்த போராட்டத்தை எதிர்ப்பதற்கு கடமைப்பட்டிருக்கிறீர்கள்.

நன்றாக தெரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள் நம்முடைய சந்நியாசிகள் சைவ சம்பிரதாயத்தில் வேதாந்த சம்பிரதாயத்தில் சன்யாசிகள் யக்ஞோபவீதம் அணிவதில்லை. ஆனால் யக்ஞோபவீதத்திற்கு சமமாகத்தான யோக வல்லாடு அணிகின்றோம். யக்ஞோபவீதம் அணிகின்ற பௌதிக பிரம்மச்சாரிகள் நைஷ்டிகப் பிரம்மசாரிகள், கிரஹஸ்தர்கள், யோக வல்லாடு அணிகின்ற சன்யாசிகள் இவர்கள் எல்லோருக்கும் இந்த போராட்டத்தை எதிர்ப்பது அடிப்படைக் கடமை!

இதுலப் பிரச்சினையே என்னன்னா? அவங்க ஏதோ பண்ணிட்டுப் போறாங்க, நாம் பூணுல் கரெக்டாதானப்பா இருக்கு, ‘ஓ! உங்க புணுலை வந்து அறுக்கற வரைக்கும் நமக்கு இல்லை’ அப்படீன்னு படுத்திருப்போமில்லையா?

அப்படிப் படுத்திருந்தீங்கன்னா அவங்க வந்து அறுக்கப்போறது உங்க புணுலை இல்ல.. தலையன்னு சொல்ல வந்தேங்கையா!

சாஸ்திரப்பிரமாணம் காமிக ஆகமம் உத்தரபாதத்தில், மிகத்தௌிவாக யக்ஞோபவீதத்தை அளிக்கவேண்டிய விதிகளைப் பற்றி விளக்குகின்றது. சாஸ்திரப் பிரமாணம்போல் நாம் வாழுகின்ற நம் வாழ்க்கை முறை நம்முடைய மத சுதந்திரம் இதை அவதூறு செய்வதற்கு யாருக்கும் உரிமை கிடையாது. இதை அவதூறு செய்வதற்கு யாருக்கும் எந்த விதத்திலும் உரிமை கிடையாது.

இந்தியா இந்திய நாட்டின் அரசியல் சாசனம் நம்முடைய மத வழிபாடுகளை நாம் செய்வதற்கு உரிமை அளித்திருக்கின்றது. யாருடைய மத உரிமையையும் அவதூறு செய்வதற்கு உரிமை அளிக்கவில்லை. யக்ஞோபவீதத்தை நாங்கள் மிகுந்த பக்தியோடு வழிபடும் யக்ஞோபவீதத்தை உங்கள் வெறுப்பிற்கு பலியாகியிருக்கின்ற பன்றிக்கு அளிப்பது, போடுவது மத உணர்வுகளை புண்படுத்தும் செயல். பன்றி எங்களுக்கு வேண்டுமானால் புனிதமாக இருக்கலாம், உங்களுக்கு நீங்கள் புனிதம் என்கின்றன நோக்கில் அதற்கு புணுல் போடவில்லை.

உங்கள் நோக்கம் எங்கள் மத உணர்வுகளை புண்படுத்துவது. நிச்சயமாக பொறுத்துக் கொண்டு சும்மா இருக்க மாட்டோம்.

அன்னை காயத்ரி பிரத்யங்கராவாகவும் மாறுவதற்கு சக்தி படைத்தவள்!

இதை கடுமையாக கண்டிக்கிறேன் பன்றிக்கு புணூல் போடும் போராட்டத்தை கடுமையாக கண்டிக்கிறேன் இதை எதிர்க்க வேண்டியது இந்து மதத்தை வாழுகின்ற என்னுடைய எல்லா சீடர்களுடைய பொறுப்பு கடமை!





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