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== '''Transcription :''' ==
Start with the simple introduction only what you are going to do about that
introduced I am doing a meditation program where I am supposed to Heal
complete myself and others so you are part of my life so I am doing the
competition with you simple words then what is completion means understand
all this has happened in our life many things.
So I realise that I am responsible what happened outside is different and feeling hurt I
am only responsible I tell you what happens outside you don't need to feel hurt
I can give you one example from my own life let me tell you a story from my life
at the age of 5 or 4.5 my mother went and cried to my grandfather my mother's father
She cried  and said "I cannot handle this guy anymore"my family  used to tell I am like
a shiva bhota in a body means (one ton weight) one ton means how many pounds? 1000kg
around 2000 pounds one ton weight teek wood kot I could tumble it from one hand.Not
just psychological strength I demonstrated but the physical strength I emonstrated my
mother used to get frightened.She goes and tells to my grand father I feel some bhoot
has come inside him.2200 pounds teek wood kot.
Once my mother told me call your uncle he was sleeping in the car I went and called him
"uncle uncle" "mama mama"in tamil he did not wake up I just tumbled. He got up and ran.
You can never imagine car tumbeling,chair tumbling is ok but car tumbling.Now still
I can remember the scene. Like this many of my adventure are very powerful physically.
she could not handle she went and told my grand father I am not able to handle this fellow
any more  put him in the school and they took me to the school my grandfather one fine
morning took me to the school and that school half was build by my grand father means
he donated the money so he took me to the school and whole school literally respects
him and is under him.The front itself will be big stone wall  money donated by my grand fathers
name and all will be there.
He walked into the school and told "Admit this fellow" the head master said "No,his age is
not there.You have to have a minimum age"my grand father said "No,whatever age you want,you
put" that is the way in my certificate I am older then original.originally I am 1978 january 1st
the certificate is one year before I am born.Any way we dont have problem in india it is normal.
How many of you have the same problem in INDIA? in india it is normal.so my grand father said you
put what ever you want.
so I was finally got into the school then when master told go to the
classroom where I was supposed to go first level or what ever I dont know that is second level
or class one whatever. the moment I went the teacher even as a kid my grand father nicely put up
all the sacred ash if you see our gurukul kids exactly the same makeup I am  going and standing
but in white dress. this fellow could not handle he said " what is this?like a white washing"
like they do white washing for the wall in the house like the white washing you have done "
and he came "tomorrow you should come without all this white washing" I didnot answer I just looked
him up just by look I killed him  its exactly I put my hands and looked "hmm...hmm...."and went away
I just walked out.
Next day again my grand father brings me and puts me in the school with all the same full make up
my make up and cosmetics my grandfather is very orthodox family he brought me up so much of orthodox
and even after all my enlightenment encarnation still my personal life is highly orthodox life.
still I will keep up all the traditional orthodoxe any thing which I before taking bath I will not
touch after taking bath wheather it is bed or cloth or anything I will sprincle water on all of them
if I have to touch them again by mistake if that touches my body I will again go and take bath and come
Any of you south indian brahmin family?
so then what ever I m you will all know your grand mother would have lived it I dont think you guys are
living like that your grand mother have lived it your grand father have lived it all this
but still in my personal life I keep all this and manu says ,MANU is the definer of orthodoxe
how many times you  have to brush, how many times you have to wash I will do exactly  every thing
Literally iI will do all that.anyhow so second day I went to the school with that whole makeup
I am giving you a little  backup introduction so that, you understand the whole situation.Again
this teacher got completly shaken because I didnt care I just came with the full makeup
He called me" I told you not to come with this white wash again you came" me same response
"a..a.."no hegitation no perturbed no despiraion completly ignoring him.Not caring Not bothered
that only irrited him immideatly he threw the chalk piece from  the hand the chalk piece that they
will have to write on board he threw that  and said come to your teachers room.
in every school there will be a small room where this teachers sit and have tea and smoke and flirt
with the lady teachers there will be one room and this fellow said come to the teachers room and he
went away to the teachers room.
I didn't bother I slowly walked when I rached the teachers room I was supposed to stand outside
and ask"excuse me sir"take the permission and then go inside. the class leader told me this is the
way you have to do and all that but I straight walked into the room the moment he saw me he got up and
he rushed to his speed to hit or to tell how  dare I walked inside the room without asking him  excuse
me sir /may I come in sir he got up exualy to hit me how I responed you know I was reponding as if he
got up to see me I said please please sit please
That time that fellow's kundalini has gone up and he got up my one hand and he started twisting
ans started wiping my vibhuti.The moment he started touching my vibhuti  thats all my kundalini
has gone up and I just held his hand and bite thats all I felt my ten teeth has gone in his hands
he scremed and said "leave me" and real bite not ordinary real bite and it took atleast 2-3 minutes for
him to get reliefe  I bite him in the right hand nicely and finally when he released his hands he saw
its bleeding and all 5-6 teeth mark and  was nicely wipingand cleaning my mouth with a small hanky in
my trouser and all that.
And this fellow was started screaming "a..I will go and tell the head master and throw you out of the school
I just looked up and told himin tamil"
You go and tell to head master it will be shy for you shame on you because a small kid has bitten you
and then he was so angry he said even if it is shame on me its ok I will go an tell the head master
and the next word which I assert only shook him he had an extra marital affair  with another one teacher
and both of them will come to the temple every day and  sit under the banyan tree and usually I used to sit in
that banyan tree only so I have heard about them but I never thought I will go to the same school and same
teacher and they will come and they will flirt there only its the remote area in the temple and I usually
used to sit in the same banyan tree.
I will sit in the banyan tree and playing.We will be playing around in that area only.Because we were kids and
these two will never bother about us.They would have never expected I would come to there school
under them and I told him ok I told lets go to the head master and I willl tell what you and laxmi teacher do
everyday in the temple after the school hours comeone lets go to the headmaster thats all
That fellow took hankerchief and wiped his hands and told me in tamil al right go go
you also dont tell I also wont tell thats all he never bothered about my vibhuti
my sacred ash he never interfered.
Please understand why I want to tell this this same situation if any one of you
it could have been root pattern in you all I am trying to tell you is you dont need to develop
incomplition developing incomplition is not minded I dont have any incomplition about this incident
from the begining
Developing incomplition is not minded shuit see in this situation there is every posiibility I could have
developed fear incomplition so much  which I did not. which I did not how many of you understand what I am saying
thats all so you need to know I also had a problem with him but I did not develop incomplition
wheather the other person created problem or not is different but developing incomplition is whose free dom?
its your freedom making incomplition out of that happening is your decision so for 100% all the incomplition
you are responsible what they have done may be right or wrong but it does not mean to be incomplition
See what a teacher did is complete abusual wrong but it never became incomplition in me.Recently few years
ago,when I went to Thiruvannamalai he came and had darshan.Because after some time the teacher became head master
and his wife died and he married the same teacher with whom he had extra marital affair the same teacher,
that teacher also died now.He is retired.He came and touched my feet I picked up the same right hand
he said "leave me,leave my hand"I said ok he never made pattern in me incomplition in me  even though what he did was
completely wrong I never created incomplition in me so what others may do right or wrong but that does not mean
you have to develop incomplition so any incomplition you develop who is responsible....YOU.so who is supposed to do
complition...YOU.make then understand about the complition the other person that explain in incident by incident
and listen to their response also most of the time it will be compltely misunderstod by you.
Your "my" word is completly wrong so listen..listen..listen and finally complete,tell them clearly whatever is
right or wrong now, I am droping in,I am compliting with you,over with this I am not going to carry any powerlessness
incomplition with you over declare complition do this with  n  every relation ship who ever is alive and rechable if they are
not reachable not alive do it only in the mirror and the other person
[[Category: 2014 | 20140901]][[Category: Programs Sessions]]
[[Category: 2014 | 20140901]][[Category: Programs Sessions]]

Revision as of 09:43, 28 August 2020


Inner Peace is Your Birthright


In today's (1st September, 2014) morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda expanded on how the Science of Completion can directly impact the consciousness you are carrying, and the consciousness embodied in many bodies. Inner peace is your birthright. Go to the depths of your being. Bring more and more Completion into you, Completion with others, and start living Advaitha.

Link to Video:

Link to Audio

'Description: Inner Peace Is Your Birth Right by HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 01 September 2014'


I welcome all of you with my love and respect. Today, I wanted to expand on the science of completion. How the science of completion can directly impact the consciousness you are carrying and the consciousness embodied in many bodies.

Please understand, the more you go deeper inside you, means, the more deeper space you go inside you. More expanded you become, the more one with everything; more oneness you experience.Because the deeper you go, the more you experience the unified field of consciousness.

Various words are used, some of the Hindu traditions use the word Atman, Brahman. Some of the Hindu Traditions use the word, Nirvana. Whatever word you may use, Atman, Brahman, Unified field of consciousness, whatever, but one thing I want to tell you, the deeper and deeper you go in your inner space, you experience the vast oneness.

The more superficial you are, the more incompletions you carry with others and even with yourselves. The more superficial you become, even your right hand and left fights with each other. Different parts of you fight with you. Different thoughts of you fights with you. Even you, fight with yourself, the more superficial you become.

The more deeper you start travelling, first you get integrated. Then you, fighting with you stops. Then, people around you start getting integrated. They fighting with you -- stops. Completion with yourself, then completion with others then comes completion with other things -- not just living beings; even with inanimate beings; the completion starts happening. Even with nature, the completion starts happening. Please understand, the more deeper you travel, the more deeper you go, the more deeper you settle down, the more deeper you start living, your cognition expands. Your cognition includes. Your cognition becomes more and more inclusive. More joy, more bliss, more knowledge, more enlightenment.

Please understand, The more and more completion happens in you, you will see, everyone around you, feels complete with you. That is why I am saying, whether they have body or they are disembodied, in the deepest corners of your being, deeper most layers of your being, deepest parts of your being, you experience such powerful awareness -- such joy!

Going into the deeper most corners with your being, not only is a joy, it’s a power because suddenly you will see, everybody around you, everything around you, listens to you. It really becomes a vibrant power where the tendency to exploit is not there. Listen! That’s a very important thing.

Power, without the tendency to exploit. Because as long as you feel the other person is separate from you, when you get the power, it will always be used for exploitation; because the other person is separate from you! Then, naturally you will have to feel, let me suck all the possible energy, intelligence -- time, talent, treasure.

But when you feel, the other person is your own extension, you will see, you will be showering so much, enriching so much. The power you have will not be exploiting, it will be enriching.

I tell you, even if death comes at this moment, I can tell you very clearly, I can face the death directly and tell the death: I have enriched every human being, more than what I have received from anybody! I have given to every human being, whom I met in my life, more than what I received from them. MY ACCOUNTS IS CLEAR!

My account is clear. I don’t have debt. No credit card, money to be paid, loans to be paid, no debit card, no credit card. My account is clear.

Understand, when you feel, everyone is your extension, the power given to you, the power you gain; see, any living is power! Powerful way, even in that, you will become powerful. So any lifestyle, you choose, you will get power in that field. Whether, it is exploiting, enriching, murdering, or raping or go on serving. Whatever, lifestyle you choose, living is power!

When you go into the deeper most, core of your being, and start living based on completion, I tell you, the first power you will experience is everything around you listens to you. That power will simply make you enrich everyone. The best power you can have through living is the power of enriching. Whatever you do, as I said, whether you will live the life of enriching or exploiting, you will become powerful. I tell you, the power of exploiting brings more and more conflict within and without. And those conflicts naturally bring suffering. And… the power of enriching, brings more and more completion in you and in others.

This full month, Nithyananda sangha all over the world; the other day I was seeing -- we have official presence in more than 50 countries. As devotees, a group of devotees, we have 100 countries. All over the world, we are going to celebrate this whole month for global peace month; impacting global peace. All of us this whole month will live completion and do Samskara Dahana Kriya -- means burning the patterns which separates us from others. Burning the pattern is our; constantly keeping us at a superficial level. All over the world, we will be doing Samskara Dahana Kriya. Burning the pattern and leading us to more and more completion.

And we also have a special three Nithya Dhyan program, teaching people science of completion and facilitating the Samskara Dahana Kriya. This month, 28th, 21st, and 22nd; this whole month, all over the world, all our Temples, Ashrams, Centers, Yoga Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities should do Samskara Dahana Kriya; should do the practice of burning all the incompletions and patterns which leads to conflicts, bringing more and more peace inside us and outside us -- spreading peace. This whole month lets impact global. Let us really impact global peace: not just talking about it. Let’s do it! Let’s do it, not just talking about it. Let’s do it. Even if you teach this Samskara Dahana Kriya to 50 people in each area, each place where we have Temples, Ashrams, Centers, two way centers, yoga centers, even 50 people, each Thanedar teaches, enriches them with this science, the amount of suffering and negative ways, negative vibes, reduction. You can contribute so much to the world. One positive person can burn, million people’s negative. Experientially with evidence we proved; one positive person has already burnt 20 million people’s negativity in the last 10 years -- and brought peace.

So each one of you, if you stand up, as one positive being, an authentic, responsible, enriching being, I tell you, we can do so much to the world. It will be a better place than the time we entered. When we leave, it should be better place. That’s all. When we leave the earth, it should be better place. So understand, inner peace is your birthright. Go to the depth of your being. Bring more and more completion with you, completion with others and start living Advaita. Today in the inner Awakening session, it’s all about completion with others. So last 6 days, literally, you worked so much one by one by one by one by one, layer by layer by layer by layer by layer by; the completion with yourself. Now, comes completion with others. Today, we are starting the science of completion with others.

It’s one of the most powerful science -- does so much to human beings; not just healing their relationships, even inside their consciousness, inner space, so much of good is done, so much of awakening is done. See, when you have completed with others, the kind of strength you feel, is the power of Advaita; strength of Advaita. Today, the inner-awakening sessions are all about, completion with others. We have long session. Today, looking on, completing with others. So with this… because we have long session, the inner awakening; we are also lagging behind the syllabus. Actually, it is a good news, not a bad news because participants are so sincere, they are going through the whole process so intensely, sincerely, because of that we are little delayed, but today I am going to catch up. Today, I am going to spend more time and catch up with them with the syllabus. So… I concluded today. With this, I will move to the next session. IA sessions and all that. Because never I conclude; there is no conclusion for satsangs. It goes on and on and on, only the audience change. Hehehe.

So with this I move to the next step, I bless you all, let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and Causing; eternal bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you.


Technique to Heal & Complete Your Relationships


In this video (1 September 2016), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals a simple technique to heal and complete all our relationships with others by using the completion process. We may not be responsible for the way others treat us, but we are responsible for creating incompletions about those incidents.

Link to Video:

Transcription :

Start with the simple introduction only what you are going to do about that introduced I am doing a meditation program where I am supposed to Heal complete myself and others so you are part of my life so I am doing the competition with you simple words then what is completion means understand all this has happened in our life many things.

So I realise that I am responsible what happened outside is different and feeling hurt I am only responsible I tell you what happens outside you don't need to feel hurt

I can give you one example from my own life let me tell you a story from my life at the age of 5 or 4.5 my mother went and cried to my grandfather my mother's father She cried and said "I cannot handle this guy anymore"my family used to tell I am like a shiva bhota in a body means (one ton weight) one ton means how many pounds? 1000kg around 2000 pounds one ton weight teek wood kot I could tumble it from one hand.Not just psychological strength I demonstrated but the physical strength I emonstrated my mother used to get frightened.She goes and tells to my grand father I feel some bhoot has come inside him.2200 pounds teek wood kot.

Once my mother told me call your uncle he was sleeping in the car I went and called him "uncle uncle" "mama mama"in tamil he did not wake up I just tumbled. He got up and ran.

You can never imagine car tumbeling,chair tumbling is ok but car tumbling.Now still I can remember the scene. Like this many of my adventure are very powerful physically. she could not handle she went and told my grand father I am not able to handle this fellow any more put him in the school and they took me to the school my grandfather one fine morning took me to the school and that school half was build by my grand father means he donated the money so he took me to the school and whole school literally respects him and is under him.The front itself will be big stone wall money donated by my grand fathers name and all will be there.

He walked into the school and told "Admit this fellow" the head master said "No,his age is not there.You have to have a minimum age"my grand father said "No,whatever age you want,you put" that is the way in my certificate I am older then original.originally I am 1978 january 1st the certificate is one year before I am born.Any way we dont have problem in india it is normal. How many of you have the same problem in INDIA? in india it is normal.so my grand father said you put what ever you want.

so I was finally got into the school then when master told go to the classroom where I was supposed to go first level or what ever I dont know that is second level or class one whatever. the moment I went the teacher even as a kid my grand father nicely put up all the sacred ash if you see our gurukul kids exactly the same makeup I am going and standing but in white dress. this fellow could not handle he said " what is this?like a white washing" like they do white washing for the wall in the house like the white washing you have done " and he came "tomorrow you should come without all this white washing" I didnot answer I just looked him up just by look I killed him its exactly I put my hands and looked "hmm...hmm...."and went away I just walked out.

Next day again my grand father brings me and puts me in the school with all the same full make up my make up and cosmetics my grandfather is very orthodox family he brought me up so much of orthodox and even after all my enlightenment encarnation still my personal life is highly orthodox life.

still I will keep up all the traditional orthodoxe any thing which I before taking bath I will not touch after taking bath wheather it is bed or cloth or anything I will sprincle water on all of them if I have to touch them again by mistake if that touches my body I will again go and take bath and come back.

Any of you south indian brahmin family?

so then what ever I m you will all know your grand mother would have lived it I dont think you guys are living like that your grand mother have lived it your grand father have lived it all this but still in my personal life I keep all this and manu says ,MANU is the definer of orthodoxe how many times you have to brush, how many times you have to wash I will do exactly every thing literally.

Literally iI will do all that.anyhow so second day I went to the school with that whole makeup I am giving you a little backup introduction so that, you understand the whole situation.Again this teacher got completly shaken because I didnt care I just came with the full makeup

He called me" I told you not to come with this white wash again you came" me same response "a..a.."no hegitation no perturbed no despiraion completly ignoring him.Not caring Not bothered that only irrited him immideatly he threw the chalk piece from the hand the chalk piece that they will have to write on board he threw that and said come to your teachers room.

in every school there will be a small room where this teachers sit and have tea and smoke and flirt with the lady teachers there will be one room and this fellow said come to the teachers room and he went away to the teachers room.

I didn't bother I slowly walked when I rached the teachers room I was supposed to stand outside and ask"excuse me sir"take the permission and then go inside. the class leader told me this is the way you have to do and all that but I straight walked into the room the moment he saw me he got up and he rushed to his speed to hit or to tell how dare I walked inside the room without asking him excuse me sir /may I come in sir he got up exualy to hit me how I responed you know I was reponding as if he got up to see me I said please please sit please

That time that fellow's kundalini has gone up and he got up my one hand and he started twisting ans started wiping my vibhuti.The moment he started touching my vibhuti thats all my kundalini has gone up and I just held his hand and bite thats all I felt my ten teeth has gone in his hands he scremed and said "leave me" and real bite not ordinary real bite and it took atleast 2-3 minutes for him to get reliefe I bite him in the right hand nicely and finally when he released his hands he saw its bleeding and all 5-6 teeth mark and was nicely wipingand cleaning my mouth with a small hanky in my trouser and all that.

And this fellow was started screaming "a..I will go and tell the head master and throw you out of the school I just looked up and told himin tamil"

You go and tell to head master it will be shy for you shame on you because a small kid has bitten you and then he was so angry he said even if it is shame on me its ok I will go an tell the head master and the next word which I assert only shook him he had an extra marital affair with another one teacher and both of them will come to the temple every day and sit under the banyan tree and usually I used to sit in that banyan tree only so I have heard about them but I never thought I will go to the same school and same teacher and they will come and they will flirt there only its the remote area in the temple and I usually used to sit in the same banyan tree.

I will sit in the banyan tree and playing.We will be playing around in that area only.Because we were kids and these two will never bother about us.They would have never expected I would come to there school under them and I told him ok I told lets go to the head master and I willl tell what you and laxmi teacher do everyday in the temple after the school hours comeone lets go to the headmaster thats all

That fellow took hankerchief and wiped his hands and told me in tamil al right go go you also dont tell I also wont tell thats all he never bothered about my vibhuti my sacred ash he never interfered.

Please understand why I want to tell this this same situation if any one of you it could have been root pattern in you all I am trying to tell you is you dont need to develop incomplition developing incomplition is not minded I dont have any incomplition about this incident from the begining

Developing incomplition is not minded shuit see in this situation there is every posiibility I could have developed fear incomplition so much which I did not. which I did not how many of you understand what I am saying thats all so you need to know I also had a problem with him but I did not develop incomplition wheather the other person created problem or not is different but developing incomplition is whose free dom? its your freedom making incomplition out of that happening is your decision so for 100% all the incomplition you are responsible what they have done may be right or wrong but it does not mean to be incomplition

See what a teacher did is complete abusual wrong but it never became incomplition in me.Recently few years ago,when I went to Thiruvannamalai he came and had darshan.Because after some time the teacher became head master and his wife died and he married the same teacher with whom he had extra marital affair the same teacher, that teacher also died now.He is retired.He came and touched my feet I picked up the same right hand he said "leave me,leave my hand"I said ok he never made pattern in me incomplition in me even though what he did was completely wrong I never created incomplition in me so what others may do right or wrong but that does not mean you have to develop incomplition so any incomplition you develop who is responsible....YOU.so who is supposed to do complition...YOU.make then understand about the complition the other person that explain in incident by incident and listen to their response also most of the time it will be compltely misunderstod by you.

Your "my" word is completly wrong so listen..listen..listen and finally complete,tell them clearly whatever is right or wrong now, I am droping in,I am compliting with you,over with this I am not going to carry any powerlessness incomplition with you over declare complition do this with n every relation ship who ever is alive and rechable if they are not reachable not alive do it only in the mirror and the other person