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Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Prayer. Welcome. Today we started the Brahmotsava celebrations!
Prayer. Welcome. Today we started the Brahmotsava celebrations!

Revision as of 12:58, 28 August 2020


Ashtanga Yoga: Truth & Sharing Enlightenment: Patanjali Sutras 87, Nithyananda Satsang 20 Dec 2010


"Satyameva Jayate! Through this most auspicious declaration, auspiciously, I inaugurate the 34th Jayanthi Brahmotsava". Today, Dec 20th, 2010 marks a historical day where Rare Avatar & Living Enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda inaugurated the "Brahmotsava with Dwajarohana - flag hoisting", initiating His 34th Birthday Jayanthi celebrations 2011. Swamiji in ever blissful countenance said that the celebrations have started with so much auspiciousness that the moment He picked up the flag, a beautiful auspicious drizzle expressed the showering from God.

The Master, to the delight of all devotees present, and connecting via eNTV from all across the planet, said, "This is going to be an auspicious year. The energy has become so intense in the body. Last year, we expanded 100 times more (i.e. 2010). The mission is not just the number of temples and centers we create, it is actually the energy expressed through the Master's body and the number of people getting transformed".

In this breakthrough discourse, Nithyananda, the source of all auspiciousness, declared, "Now only we have started the Sangha. It is time we stand up and celebrate. We will continue to radiate auspiciousness".

Then, Swamiji gave the ultimate blessing to the world, His message for the year 2011, upgrading the mission and vision for Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta, He declared, "My message for this year is Sharing Enlightenment. Sharing Enlightenment literally sharing, making them live it. When you share, it is literally giving it. So, from today, we will start sharing enlightenment with the world. Not just living, not just radiating, literally sharing. When you radiate some may or may not pick up. When you share, everyone will receive it! This year, the first time I will be sharing the enlightenment, energy, spiritual experiences, giving boon and everything, not only through this body but many bodies whom I pick up as 'divya sareerees'. So, we can share enlightenment to billions of people. We can initiate billions of people around the world."

Today's Patanjali Yoga Sutra topic surprisingly happens to be - "Satyameva Jayante - The Truth Alone Always Prevails". From the 87th sutra, chapter 2, 36th verse, "Satya Pratishthayam Kriya Phalasrayatvam" translated as "By being in truthfulness, the Yogi gets the power of attaining for himself and the others the fruits of the work without working".

Explaining this sutra, Swamiji elaborated the power of truth, "If somebody is established in truthfulness, without tapas, without anything, he can have any amount of energy expression for himself or anybody. Even you don't need to do any 'sadhana'. Man who is established in truthfulness, the very air that comes out of His throat -- if it comes out in the form of words it is a process. If it comes out in the form of air, it is straight initiation, directly puts you into the enlightenment experience". Sharing this breakthrough understanding, Swamiji again emphasized, "When somebody is established in truthfulness not only He need to do anything, even others don't need to anything. Anyone in His presence will just get what they want. The cosmos is showering through us. Not only Me, But My whole sangha is also established in truthfulness."

He then reminded all about the power of the "vaak siddhi" of the Master i.e. the power of the words spoken by the Master. Truthfulness is not just facts. It is beyond facts. It is right understanding of yourself, God, world, society, and country's legal system and people who execute that legal system.

He concluded this historical breakthrough message with one truth and His blessings to all connected to Him, "Truth Alone Wins - Satyameva Jayate. Through this most auspicious declaration, auspiciously, I inaugurate the 34th Jayanthi Brahmotsava celebrations. Being established in the truth just makes you in tune with the cosmos. You don't need to do anything for what you need to do. It simply happens. When you are established in truthfulness, will make people around you also get it without they have to work for it".

Link to Video:


Monday, December 20, 2010 Prayer. Welcome. Today we started the Brahmotsava celebrations! 20th itself we have started the Brahmotsava with Dwajarohana – flag hoisting. First thing it has started with so much of auspiciousness. I saw very clearly all the divine auspicious energies landing on us. We had a beautiful drizzle. The moment I picked up the flag,energized and invoked allt he auspicious energies, immd I saw they are all expressing and the beautiful auspicious drizzle – Gods showered from the sky. And with all the auspiciousness we started the Brahmotsava today. This year is going to be a great auspicious year. All the negativity is over. Really over ☺ All masters when they expand their mission to the next level they have to clear the negativity. So I did the same that’s all. Because I am taking the mission completely to the next level. The energy expression has become so intense in the body, please understand last year I declared the mission will explode and expand 10 times more. I think now I know it has exploded and expanded 100 times more! Mission is not just the number of temples and centres we create, it is actually the energy expressed through the master’s body and the number of people getting transformed. Just see (all over the hall people levitate as he waves his hand). I need not talk any more ☺ Please be very clear now I am saying this year means this brahmotsava year means 2011 not only 100s of time more energy explosion, 100s of times more you will be creating even temples, centres, ashrams transforming millions of devotees. Above all, all this so called bad publicity will completely turn into good publicity. Now the whole thing will turn positive. We need to tell the media the good we are doing. We will not only tell them, we will show them ☺ the amount of mental physical healing and energy expression will be 100s of times more than what you have known so far. It is like when we do a surgery for a tumor, we open, remove the tumor throw it away and stitch back the wound. People may think oh what a big tumor. NO. we just removed it! We just removed ALL of them – the unnecessary fat is removed. It should know it is alive only if it is connected to the main body. We are recovering, recouping and healing. It is time we could heal and we are healing. Please understand, cosmos is not angry with us, it is celebrating our presence! Only people who are carrying negativity in their head and whole body are angry with us. If cosmos is angry with us, it will not express such energy expression. Cosmos is happy, blissful with us. Celebrating our presence! We will continue to radiate auspiciousness. Now all the tumor removal everything is over. It is time we stand up and celebrate. Not even running our mission, now it is levitating and flying. It is time to fly. Not only people, the mission is also literally taking off! We became strong. Last year we proved our strength & integrity. Now only we became really sangha. Till then we had many angaas. But we never became sangha. Now we have really become a sangha. I tell you Nithyananda sangha starts now! All anga means parts becoming sangha is a process, you need to remove all the bhangaas. Only then it will become a sangha. Only now we removed all adharmaas, anithyaas, anirantaraas – all the bhangaas. Now only we removed. So naturally the remaining angaas have become sangha and integrated united organism. A powerful strong independently intelligent organization. So understand it is time we stand together. Stand strongly proving the power of enlightenment! The power of jivanmukti! We have finished the cleaning process. Now it is time to build and create. Actually now only we are starting the sangha. All these years we were just playing and collecting material. Collecting pebbles here and there and seeing will this become diamond, will this become diamond. That’s all. I can see very clearly this year a great positive explosion with intense auspicious consciousness we will radiate enlightenment. Message for this year is sharing enlightenment!! First 2009 – Living enlightenment – means – jivanmukti living it, 2010 – radiating enlightenment – not only living but inspiring others to live. Sharing enlightenment literally sharing, making them live it. When you share, it is literally giving it. So simply they have to take it and live it! Understand I am now upgrading the mission statement and upgrading the vision and mission – Sharing enlightenment! We have plenty and we will share it with the whole world. This year, first time I will be sharing the enlightenment, energy, spiritual experiences, giving boon and everything not only through this body but many bodies whom I pick up as divya sareerees. This year onwards I will be sharing the energy, experience not only through this body but through divya sareerees also. So we can share enlightenment to billions of people. We can initiate billions of people around the world. Earlier we were great spiritual energies. Now we are heroes who won the war! Through this declaration, I am announcing clearly we won the war!! We have won the war, so we are heroes. Understand with this strength we will do millions of wonderful things. The solid proof we won the war is the cosmos is expressing more intensely through this body. Naturally all negativity will be destroyed. If it is getting delayed, it must be for bigger plans. At the end you will think – this climax –wow! It was worth waiting. So don’t worry we won the war already. You will see the beautiful amazing auspiciously shocking and surprising climax!! That is why cosmos is taking few days. It is more intelligent than our insecurity and mind which is caught with insecurity. Just have little patience and see cosmos giving an amazing auspicious climax for us!! So from today we will start sharing enlightenment with the world. Not just living, not just radiating, literally sharing. When you radiate some may or may not pick up. When you share, everyone will receive it! Today’s subject surprisingly is – Satyameva jayate – truth alone always prevails! 87th verse, 22nd chapter Satya pratishtayam kriya phala Vivekananda – by being established in truthfulness the yogi gets the power of attaining for himself and others the fruits of the work without working Prabhavananda – when a man ….Without having to perfrom the deeds themselves Satchitananda – … Understand, if somebody is established in truthfulness without tapas without anything, he can have any amount of energy expression for himself or anybody. Even you don’t need to do any sadhana. Man who is established in truthfulness the very air that comes out of his throat – if it comes out in the form of words it is a process. If it comes out in the form of air it is straight initiation. Directly puts you into the enlightenment experience. Man who is established in truthfulness any word comes out of his mouth, if logically convincing you, it is process. If it expresses as blessing for future, it is a boon. If it expresses as word that puts you in higher consciousness it is a process, if it expresses as a technique it is meditation. When somebody is established in truthfulness not only he need to do anything even other don’t need to anything. Anyone in his presence will just get what they want. So now the cosmos is showering through us. Not only if fulfills whatever we want without doing any action, it fulfills even people who come to us. Not only me, my whole sangha is established in truthfulness. Not only I survived this attack, my teachings and my sangha survived this attacks – all the 3 – Buddha, dhamma, sangha – master, teachings and sangha – all 3 survived. Now, Not only we don’t need to do anything, even people connected to us don’t need to do anything, whatever they want just happens. when you are established in truthfulness, becomes truth! Every body knows the vaak siddhi of the master. It is just because being established in truthfulness. Truthfulness is not just facts. It is beyond facts. It is right understanding of yourself, god, world, society, and country legal system and people who execute that legal system ☺ So with this vaak siddha I am telling you we won the war! Understand, now it is only a question of a few days. I am visibly seeing that negativities have disappeared and positive explosion happening. Anything I see will take few days for you guys to see. Till then have patience and relax from the insecurity. The moment I say, it is already delivered. You need to just open the packet and see. That’s all! Now a days I am giving door delivery whether good or bad ☺ I am not depending on any courier or postal service. Being established in the truth just makes you in tune with the cosmos. You don’t need to do anything for what you need to do. It simply happens. when you are established in truthfulness will make people around you also get it without they having to work for it. Truth alone always wins – Satyameva Jayate. Through this declaration, the most auspicious declaration, auspiciously I inaugurate the 34th Jayanthi Brahmotsava celebrations. Blessings!


eN-News Dec 20, 2010 Nithyananda

Link to Video: