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Ashtanga Yoga: Samadhi
Ashtanga Yoga: Samadhi
DATE: February 2nd 2011
DATE: February 2nd 2011
LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram
LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram

Revision as of 05:46, 29 August 2020

Title: Samadhi - Ashtanga Yoga, Patanjali Yoga Sutras 109

Samadhi: Ashtanga Yoga - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 109 Nithyananda Satsang 2 Feb 2011


Living Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda took great care in explaining exactly what we are to experience during Samadhi. "The stuff out of which your mind is made and the stuff out of which the object is made on which your mind is meditating, both stuff disappearing into one ultimate space-frequency where even the trace of the mind-stuff or the object stuff does not exist in any form, that space is Samadhi.

The only difference between Dhyana and Samadhi: In Dhyana (meditation), mind and the object lose its name and form into a certain frequency which is beyond the mind and the object meditated upon.

In Samadhi, not only they lose form, even the stuff out of which both are made loses its form, name, frequency, into the highest space - a nonreturn zone.

In Dhayan the possibility for return exists, in Samadhi the possibility for return doesn't exist. It's not the end of your spiritual life. It's the beginning of your spiritual life.

For those who think Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an unattainable goal, he was very clear, "Samadhi is a space where the stuff out of which both of us are made, both disappear, and it's impossible to get back to space where you were before the Samadhi. I have sown the seed of Samadhi in all of you; now try to do some rethinking-manana - means soaking your being in this sacred truth."

"All I want you to do is contemplate, do manana of this truth if you can, these few statements I made, continuously let it repeat in your mind. When you meditate on me, your identity, name and form, my identity, name, and form, disappearing into a certain frequency is Dhyaan. But the stuff out of which you are made, and I'm made, both disappearing into a certain space, never to come back as they were before, is Samadhi."

"The whole Vedic consciousness is centered on this one word Samadhi. It is so sacred so secret, still this word is fresh even for me. It is too sacred for anybody to think even that they know it. And I am here, very honestly saying to all of you that these words excite me. That is the reason I can go on and on explaining the various dimensions and aspects of Samadhi."

It's time we read the menu, it's time to eat the food, experience Samadhi.

The video ends with a meditation technique.

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PYS 109 Ashtanga Yoga: Samadhi DATE: February 2nd 2011 LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram START TIME: DURATION: 47:26 Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam. 0:58 I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees and disciples sitting around the world at this moment, 292 places, 192 cities, 22 countries. Now we have an automatic information. Whoever logs in, the number of country, city, places we know. God! We actually expected from Mahashivaratri in 108 places around the world we will sit and create the eN effect. Now I am very confident from Mahashivaratri we will sit in 1008 places. Because yesterday the press meet was attended 551 places, 314 cities, 45 countries. So for Shivaratri instead of sitting in 108 cities we will be sitting in 1008 cities and 108 countries all over the world.

2:47 And I tell you 2012, 12/12/12, was the day we were planning that 10000 people will sit together and levitate. Now I am saying March 2nd this Shivaratri we will have 10000 people sitting all over the world and levitating creating the eN effect, this Shivaratri itself; almost one and a half years we preponed, more than one and a half years we preponed. This Shivaratri itself we will have more than 10000 people physically with me and all over the world, totally at least 10000; and experiencing the kundalini awakening. We decided to take on negativity, destroy negativity. And I thank all the Indian media and international media again for reporting so truthfully, honestly, the whole press meet. From today morning I have been showered from all, the reports from all over the world, everywhere the whole vibration the whole understanding has become different.

5:02 Let’s enter into the satsang, the today’s satsang. We are entering into the 109th Patanjali’s yoga sutra and in the 3rd chapter 3rd verse; subject is ‘Samadhi’. I will enter into the sutra tad eva artha matra nirbhasam svarupa shunyamiva samadhih. Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: when that dhyana gives up all forms and reveals only the meaning it is Samadhi. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: When in meditation true nature of the object shines forth not distorted by the mind of the perceiver; that is absorption. Swami Sachidananda translates as: Samadhi is the same meditation when there is the shining of the object alone as if devoid of form. Osho translates as: Samadhi is when the mind becomes one with the object.

7:01 Again I wanted to dig out and reveal the sacred secret in this sutra. Please understand the sacred secret in this sutra is revealed in the technical term svarupa shunyam nirbhasam svarupa shunyam iva samadhih. When the distance and difference in the name and form and substance between the mind and the object on which the mind was meditating, not only dissolves, disappears into the highest frequency, without even the trace of the mind and the object meditated upon, the space experienced is Samadhi.

8:42 I am also enjoying…. please understand, because I am not talking I am also enjoying. Still I remember, I can’t make five words at a stretch in English, make a statement with five words in English. I do not know how these technical terms are getting revealed. I am also enjoying. I can assure all of you one thing. Please understand just because I do not know the language and now this extraordinary technical truths are being revealed in the language which I never learnt or studied, from the language which I never learnt or studied, I can assure you 100%, these are pure truths expressing without any conditioning of the mind or the bio memory or the body with which I created my life.

10:12 Please understand the space from which the words came out of Patanjali’s mouth, from that same exact space, honestly, without any corruption the words are coming out. You are fortunate enough…. not only….no…. not you are…. just you…. we are fortunate enough to hear and enjoy those words. Because I neither learnt Sanskrit nor learnt English and I am talking in English on the scripture which is written in Sanskrit. I wanted all of you to know I am also excited everyday for morning satsang. No really, otherwise why do you think I will sacrifice my morning sleep? That is the only pleasure I was having in my life. I will not get up in the morning. I will get up slowly by 7 o clock, will not even take bath, just brush the teeth, go round the banyan tree and be walking around as I want when I want. That was the only pleasure, means, lying down in the morning. I tell you why do you think I gave up even that? I am also enjoying the morning satsang. I am also excited. I am waiting because understand I am also learning yoga sutras every day morning. I am also learning.

12:21 I will clearly describe Samadhi. The stuff out of which your mind is made and the stuff out of which the object is made on which your mind is meditating or contemplating, the both stuffs disappearing into one ultimate space, frequency, where even the trace of the mind or the mind stuff or the object or the object stuff exists in its any form, that space is Samadhi. The only difference between dhyana and Samadhi; I am revealing you the important sacred secret or the cosmic law; in dhyana, mind and the object loses its name and form into certain frequency which is beyond the mind and the object meditated upon. In Samadhi not only the mind and the object loses its form, even the stuff out of which the mind is made or the stuff out of which the object is made, even that stuff loses its form name frequency and dissolves into the highest space and it is non retrievable; non return zone. In dhyana the possibility for returning exists. But in Samadhi the possibility for returning does not exist. Please understand the possibility for returning does not exist in Samadhi. It is non-return zone.

15:17 Samadhi is not end of your spiritual life. Please understand I want you to understand Samadhi is the beginning of your spiritual life. Till Samadhi you can just get back to the beginning point, means you can lose everything. I have seen people losing just before Samadhi. I have seen people even losing after satori. After satori people just lose. But Samadhi is the only space where you experience the non return zone. I wanted you to understand this detail. I will give you the difference between dhyana and Samadhi so that this sacred secret sinks in you very deeply.

16:40 Come on Vimala Devi, Redondo Beach center; see your paduka vibhooti is coming. In few minutes you will have vibhooti from your paduka. All right they will have it now. Side by side the job is going on... one side...you see I could see like a octopus, a cosmic octopus, this body is being used which is residing in Samadhi now… it is actually a fulfillment of my fantasy. I always used to feel I should listen to all these great scriptures from somebody who is in that state. At least I am fulfilling others fantasies. Of course now I am also listening; so no problem. I am also feeling fulfilled.

17:59 I could see the body is in Samadhi and all these words coming out and not only the words are coming out and everywhere around the world the people who are feeling connected, these words are being taken to them and it is becoming experience in their system. I wanted to let you know, see now I felt very clearly, because I was seeing her for few seconds and she was intensely connected to me, Redondo Beach center Vimala Devi. I could see very clearly whatever words I am uttering is becoming reality inside her space. That’s a reason I uttered these words vibooti is coming. You will see now it is coming. In her space this word is becoming reality. 1000s of people sitting around the world as on now 342 place, 221 city and 22 country; these words are just going and becoming reality in them. The explanation about Samadhi is putting the seed of Samadhi in them. Understand a complete right technical understanding of any sacred secret concealed in the sacred text immediately puts the seed in you to experience that sacred secret as reality. So as on now this moment 342 places, 221 cities, 22 countries, the seed of Samadhi is being sowed into 1000s of people.

20:15 I wanted to define Samadhi once more in a very clear way with a deep understanding. Dhyana means I will give you the example of you meditating on me. Dhyana means the idea of your name and form and my name and form will disappear into certain experience where you will not remember your individual identity or my individual identity. This is dhyana. Samadhi means in a space where the stuff out of which you are made and stuff out of which I am made both disappear only that space exists and it is impossible for you to get back to the original state in which you were before the Samadhi or for me it is impossible to get back to the space in which I was before the Samadhi. That space is what I call Samadhi.

21:38 Now I have sown the seed of dhyana and Samadhi in all of you. All I want you to do, try to go on rethinking. I am using the word rethinking because no other word. In Sanskrit we have a word called manana. Manana means soaking your being in this sacred truth. It’s like a how these flies go and sit in the cup of honey and try to sip the honey. Finally because their legs are smeared with the honey, they can’t use their wings to fly and disappear into the honey. Of course they die but in this case you will not die. When you sit on manana, means rejoicing in the sacred truths, they will be so joyful, ecstatic, all your senses will be smeared with that ecstasy of the truth. Your mind, wing, will lose its power to take you out of that honey and dissolve into the joy of honey. Please understand here you are not dying you are becoming immortal. The example of honey and flies, they die. But here you become immortal because the honey here is not dead object. It is living energy; it is living, independent intelligence.

23:55 All I want you to do is contemplate, contemplate, contemplate. Do manana of this truth if you can. These few statements I made, the technical sacred secrets I made now, put it in your iPod, put it in the rewinding mode. Continuously let it repeat, let it repeat, let it repeat. When you meditate on me, your identity, name and form, my identity name and form disappearing into certain frequency is meditation dhyana. But the stuff out of which you are made and the stuff out of which I am made both of them disappearing into certain space never to come back as they were before, disappearance, is Samadhi. Just go on contemplating, do manana on this word; that’s enough. You don’t need anything else. Understand your mind is nothing but words. So if the sacred secrets are again and again and again hammered on your mind, simply your mind dissolves into it and experiences the sacred reality or the reality expressed through the sacred secrets. I am just in ecstasy everyday because I feel I am honestly doing the job for which I assumed the body. I really feel I am doing the job for which I assumed the body.

26:41 Let’s study deeply this sutra; tad eva artha matra nirbhasam svarupa shunyamiva samadhih. That meditation verily having the purpose alone, shining forth and the form or the essence becomes empty into that final highest space never to return to its form before Samadhi is Samadhi. The whole Vedic consciousness is centered on this one word Samadhi. It is so sacred, so secret, still this word is fresh even for me. Please understand it is too sacred for anybody even to think they know it. It is too sacred for anybody even to think they know the meaning and I am here very honestly saying to all of you still this word excites me. Still I feel I am new to Samadhi. Then I don’t know what you are supposed to feel. No really that is the reason I can go on and on and on, explain the various dimensions and aspects of Samadhi.

29:47 I can tell you one thing, in you even now there is certain space which is residing in Samadhi. You have two method of reaching that space. Either catch some object outside of you, whether the form of a chosen deity or your guru and go on doing the manana. Sometime even a concept is enough. You may not need the form of a guru or form of a chosen deity, ishta devata. You may not need all that. Even a concept, a truth, satya is enough. A sacred secret is enough, a sacred truth is enough. You can take up even this sacred truth, sacred secret on Samadhi. You can take up any one; go on doing manana. Then because of that binary experience, zero one zero one zero one zero one; that is the way the meditation will happen. You will remember you and the sacred truth. Sacred truth and you, zero one zero one that binary experience will raise you to such a high frequency, it will explore and disappear into the Samadhi space. That is one way.

31:59 There is a second way just you go on unclutching in your inner space and dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, dropping, to the deepest space of you and disappearing into the Samadhi space. In this two anyone is possible. Or you can even do both whenever you feel taste for any one thing. Please understand I am breaking one of the big bondage. Usually this orthodox so called yoga guru go on insisting on you to pick up any one path either working with an object or just diving into the subject. I give you the freedom, not only I give you the freedom Patanjali gives you the freedom, if you are working just with object or subject, you will feel little bored and depressed at times.

33:07 I can tell you one thing honestly. When my people will become enlightened I do not know when but I can be 100% sure and even at this moment if death comes I will be so free, I will not have any load on my conscience, I never made anybody to suffer. Always my people were joyful even till their enlightenment. I never put my people in depression. I never taught depression. I never insisted depression. I never promoted depression in the name of spiritual seeking. God!!Why are you so much bothered about even enlightenment. The idea of enlightenment is supposed to be increasing the joy in you; from joy to joy to joy to joy to bliss. In the name of yoga too much of sadness has been promoted in the cosmos.

34:38 I tell you not only the experience of Samadhi, even path to Samadhi is bliss. The object or the truth you need to contemplate for Samadhi itself will be a bliss. Whether you choose an object and enter into that binary frequency zero one zero one zero one and dissolve into Samadhi or you go on unclutching and dive into Samadhi, it will be a great pleasure and joy and ecstasy and bliss. These sad gurus always teach to take one path. I tell you; have both. When you are tired of one part one path, just relax in the other one. When you are tired of being in zero one, zero one, zero one, relax into your own unclutching. When you are tired of your own unclutching then enjoy this zero one zero one zero one. Have choice variety and enjoy. I tell you anything you do with joy directly will drop you into Samadhi.

36:35 It’s time we read the menu. It is enough. It’s time to eat the food, experience Samadhi. Just keep your hands on chin mudra and keep it on your knees, sit comfortably in the unclutched mood. Close your eyes. ommmmmmmm ommmmmmmm ommmmmmmmmm ommmmmmmmmmhreeeeeeeeeeeeeem ommmmmmmhreeeeeeeeem ommmmmmmhreeeeeem ommmmmmhreeeeem ommmmmmmmmhreeeeeeeeem om shanti shanti shantihi

46:56 I bless you all to achieve, experience, live, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. 47:14