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Samyama - A Progression
DATE: February 5th 2011
LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram
Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam
Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.
I welcome you all with my love and respects. Before entering into today’s satsang one or two feed backs on samyama; yesterdays samyama sadhana, the practice of samyama which I initiated; I will take up only two three and comment. 100s of feedbacks are there. I will take some samples and comment on it. This is from Oman eN satsang center Sri Nithya Sri Priyan. “Beloved Swamiji eternal thanks for another of blessing samyama. By your grace today I was on my second attempt on samyama after the first during the process under Swamijis presence in IA December 2012. Stick moved well in left, right, down; in all directions on request.”
And here is another one funny, very funny feedback from Satish. There is no center name. It’s Satish: “Pranam Swamiji as per your instruction I immediately tried the samyama with the dhruva grass and after sometime with your blessings I was able to turn a two inch piece of dhruva grass 360degrees by my will. But I had some doubt thinking that maybe my breath contributed to it.” mind comes here. So the next morning after a dose of eN kriya I tried it again under very controlled conditions making sure that not even my breath would disturb the grass. I could not do it maybe because I was in a hurry. Then I remembered that recently you mentioned that prana flows through the hand. So tried sending prana through my hand and lo and behold! I was able to turn the grass again as I want. My daughter was witness to that.”
Satish you don’t need to send a witness. I can be a witness. It’s a beautiful thing. Please understand in this whole process you need to understand two things. One; first you were able to move the grass 360degree as you want out of your will. Those moments you had a strong trust on me and my words. But the moment doubt entered maybe the air, breath, breeze or fluke; the devil, demon has entered in your system. So that demon was responsible for you not able to move the second time and the restlessness which is created by the demon. Of course again third time your vitarka, strong trust on my words ‘through hands the prana can be sent’. The next samyama worked on you. Satish you tried one more samyama on your own. It’s good. It is actually good and just because of the trust you tried the next samyama and automatically it worked.
So my blessings; the lesson which you need to learn from this experience is: put more energy on the aptha pramana and shastra pramana so that it can become atma pramana in you instead of wasting your brain in French fries and French philosophies. Don’t waste your body with French fries and don’t waste your mind with French philosophies or I can say fried philosophies.
As on now in 734 places, 204 cities, 25 countries people are sitting with us. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. People are experiencing intense levitation everywhere. I can see. ‘Samyama: Technique to Rewire your Brain’ today’s subject. ‘tasya bhumisu viniyogah’ 112th sutra in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the 3rd chapter 6th verse; tasya bhumisu viniyogah.
Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: that samyama should be practiced in stages. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: it must be applied stage by stage.
Swami Sachidananda translates as: its practice is to be accomplished in stages.
Osho translates as: samyama is to be employed in stages.
I will translate based on my own experience this sutra as: Samyama has to be practiced applied in progression. I do not want to use the word stages; no, stage by stage. NO. It has to be applied in progression. Please understand it means, there is a big difference between stage by stage and progression. Stage by stage means it s like you are supposed to achieve something stage by stage, step by step. No. I wanted to tell you all, samyama is like taking out something which you already have in your treasury box, treasure vault, wallet; taking it out in progression. It means, see please understand, if you translate that very word, that one word bhumisu viniyogah, this is a technical term. The sacred secret is hidden in these two words bhumisu viniyogah. If you translate and understand that word as stage by stage you get a feeling it’s like you need to achieve something. NO. Even if you think you are body and mind, please understand you don’t need to achieve anything. There is already enough treasures in your vault, in your treasure, treasury box, in your inner space. You only need to take them out in progression. Stage is different progression is different. So technically I will translate this word bhumisu viniyogah as progression then stage by stage.
I wanted all of you to know the great system of yoga vedanta means combination of yoga philosophy and vedanta philosophy, everything is aimed continuously to remind you the original space of all knowing, all pervading, always blissful in you. Please understand many of the western religions aims at constantly reminding you about the original sin. But the eastern religions especially the yoga vedanta sampradaya constantly works to remind you about your original, graceful, all knowing, all fulfilled, always blissful state. Even your master is supposed to remind that state which you are having in you constantly to you. That is why in yoga vedantic tradition even God is just a stepping stone for enlightenment.
Please understand God is not ultimate in yoga vedantic tradition. God is a stepping stone for enlightenment. God is a concept used for you to experience Godliness. The ultimate possibility for every human being in spiritual field is thrown open only in Vedic tradition because everything is a technique for you to experience the highest. There is no definitive higher or superior power over you. Even the concept of God is for you to experience Godliness. The moment you translate the word stage by stage it gives a feeling the you need to achieve something. No. You don’t need to. Take the responsibility to only get something out of your treasury. You don’t need to earn.
As long as you have the idea you need to achieve, you always feel there is somebody who is having it; somebody who is possessing it, you need to take it away from that person; tribal mentality. It is ok for religions in a very primitive state but not for sophisticated, evolved, luxurious people like Ganges civilization. If you are stuck in some desert or the useless forest, living as a tribal in a very primitive way, your mentality can go only up to the level, there are some powers with somebody you need to receive it from them or take it from them. Because the whole psyche of primitive people is somebody possessing something; either you receive from them or take it from them. It is completely based on possessiveness.
But the religion of Vedic civilization has grown in the rich Ganges plateau, banks of the Ganges again in the minds which is enriched by the freedom and luxury of all the time and energy is available for their highest, honest, research and development. So here is a religion which has grown in a inner space which is not primitive which is not possessiveness based. Understand the vast difference between translating this bhoomisu viniyogah as stage by stage or progression; a big difference. If you translate that as a stage by stage, still you are stuck with the primitive mentality of religion; ‘Somebody is having you need to take it’. Root cause of all depression. Progression means you have it. Your body and mind need to take that out from your inner space, super consciousness. All you need is training your body and mind step by step to take those things out.
Why the word progression, step by step, because if your body and mind tries to take everything out, all the powers out at a time, it may not be able to stay in a balanced way and express those powers. It may just get burnt away. I have seen sometime people boiling them self in depression burning them self into negativity. Same way sometime people can boil them self even with extraordinary powers. If their body and mind is not matured enough to handle this extra ordinary powers they may just play with these powers in a foolish way and disturb and damage, cause too much damage to people.
Ramakrishna tells a beautiful story one sadhu somehow retrieved the power of stopping the air movement from his inner space. But unfortunately his body and mind was not matured and he did not do it in progression; just got the power. So one day there was a intense cyclone. Many boats were getting rocked, disturbed in the river. Out of his power just like that he stopped that cyclone. Because of the sudden stop many boats tumbled, over turned and many people got drowned and died and that karma came to him; the power which he had, left him. Some time when the body and mind is not matured enough and the powers are expressed in your body and mind, it is very dangerous; it is very dangerous.
An important thing you need to learn; the meaning of the word bhumisu viniyogah, progression, means properly your body and mind need to take those extraordinary powers out of your system through proper samyama. This can happen only if you are part of a mystery school; only you are with an enlightened being an incarnation who clearly balances and guides you and makes that samyama happen in your body and mind. I have seen sometimes the masters do something extraordinary to balance people and make this extraordinary powers express through the body and mind.
I have read once Vivekananda even making one of his disciple to eat fish. You may think how fish is going to help in yoga. That guy, a disciple, acquired some extraordinary powers without going through the proper progression. So it may not be right for his body and mind; dangerous. So Vivekananda immediately says eat fish, the power should go away. Let the body and mind be prepared, then the powers can express in progression. Immediately that disciple ate the fish and the powers left and it was good for the individual.
So you need to understand only in the mystery school under the guidance of the master safely, blissfully, these powers can be brought out to your body and mind. You can rejoice, cherish and enjoy these extraordinary powers. I am seeing 1000s of people experiencing levitating all over the world not a single one had any side effect; wrong side effect. 1000s of people’s kundalini is getting awakened everyday all over the world. Not a single one is having negative side effect; such an intense process where people are literally blown away but no side effect. It is because it is done in progression. It is done in progression properly, beautifully, with honesty and integrity towards the spiritual experience, the spiritual truth.
I heard a message from a devotee, I don’t know you can’t even call as a devotee; somebody who was attending satsang yesterday. It seems he was complaining that I was attacking some particular guru yesterday. I was not…. please I want to make it very clear I never attack anybody and I was not attacking any particular guru. I was only defending the Hindu dharma and all the gurus who claim they are Hindus who belong to Vedic civilization like Saibaba, Kalki Bhagwan, Bangaradigar all these religious leaders; if some of this so called secular gurus go on abusing them there is nobody to defend them. I am going to defend. I am going to defend my religious leaders; that’s all. If somebody claims they are secular… get out of Hinduism. You have no right to criticize Hindu gurus.
And that fellow wrote an email saying I was criticizing particular guru. Actually I was not even criticizing that particular guru. In my mind I had somebody else. First thing you are mistaken, second thing you are miss taken. First… I was not criticizing anybody. I was telling stop criticizing my religious leaders who are bold, honest enough to associate them self with their authentic tradition which they represent and not hypocritical idiots who steal all the knowledge and wealth and spirituality from the Hindu Vedic tradition and disconnect themself saying they are secular gurus, non religious organizations. Idiots!
I am dead against mixing religion in politics and politics in religion. If you are secular get out and get into politics. That’s a place to talk secularism. If you are running a spiritual organization, be honest to your guru, be truthful to your religion, be honest to your spiritual tradition. I am not saying one religion is higher or one religion is lower. Same way I am not saying all religions are same. No. All religions are unique and sacred to their practitioners. So there is no such thing as secularism in spiritual line, in spiritual field. So understand I was not criticizing anybody. I was defending the fools who are criticizing my religious leaders. And the guy who wrote the email if you are offended nothing can be done. You are free to get offended and hit your face wherever you want and do what you want.
People need to understand when the truth is told as it is. And here I am talking to all of you every day to teach you the truth not to be politically polite, socially polite; the exact intense honest truth. I am standing by the honesty and integrity and exact truth. So please understand it’s time we start right things at right time. If you don’t understand the difference between political religions and religious politics you will be continuously caught with pseudo gurus. You will not be able to experience the honest truth. 
So here I am, if you are interested in honest truth and experiencing mystery school….. I am not interested in Nobel Prize. I am not going to be socially polite or politically polite. I am interested in making few lakh enlightened beings. People who are interested in Nobel Prize, let them maintain their political religious ambitions. I am very clear my life is going to be creating mystery schools around the world, Vedic universities around the world. I am starting satsang centers, paduka mandirs around the world with a aim of converting them into universities, mystery schools, Vedic Universities.
So I am making it very clear. I am not interested in people who are politically polite or socially polite, who are playing this cunning game of politics in religion and religion in politics. No! Let them play their game. I am not interested in that. And I am not even against them playing the game. All I am saying is don’t interfere in our field. Allow little bit of pure spiritual stream to be alive in the planet earth. For heaven sake at least you few idiots can come in the next generations and eat the stuff which I created and live. These politicians who entered in religious field are not only destroying the religion and trying to destroy the pure spiritual streams kept alive, authentic spiritual streams kept alive because they have their loud mouth and their big PR agencies.
These guys go on trying to destroy the ancient mystery science by saying don’t go to people who materialize, don’t go to people who heal, don’t go to people who give boons. What do they mean? This is the pure mysticism, the yoga Vedanta sampradaya. So these are juice and essence of yoga vedanta tradition. It should be kept alive it will be kept alive. Oh planet earth, don’t worry I will keep this science alive. Let this name and fame mongerers, Nobel peace prize mongerers do their job of mixing politically polite religions. Here I am going to maintain the honesty and integrity and purity of the mystery school and I will see that at least million people not only become enlightened, experience the great experiences and expressions of samyama; experience the great experiences and powers of samyama.
Please understand in samyama I am always saying two part; one, experiencing the great experiences and powers and expressing it. For example at this moment I am in a great experience that all the so called reality in front of me is made of a stuff which I can bend, break, mend, do as I want. This is experience. If I do at least small changes and things and show it in reality, physically, either through simple levitation or through simple teleporting of vibhooti, it is expression of the power. Please understand as experience at this moment I am feeling anything in front of me is made out of stuff which is completely under my control; part of me. This is my experience. When I share this word if I ignite this mood in many of you I am expressing the experience.
Same way this experience brings certain powers like anybody can be moved as I want, any body’s kundalini can be raised to the same level I am in or any material can be moved from one place to another place by the power of the mind; this is extraordinary powers. First one is extraordinary experience, second one is extraordinary power. So if this is shown visibly, as the kundalini awakening or the levitation or teleporting, it is expressing extra ordinary powers. I wanted both dimensions of samyama to be kept alive. But some religions are not interested in this second dimension, the power dimension of samyama to be kept alive because it will be a solid proof for the Vedic tradition, yogic tradition; which is not good for their vested interest. So they go on promoting the religious leaders or spiritual leaders who neither have this extraordinary powers nor able to show this extraordinary powers nor able to know the technology of this extraordinary powers.
Naturally they will also do the same logic…. in the kindergarten schools in India they will teach a story. There was a grape garden and one fox went to that garden. It tried, tried, tried, but it was not able to get to that grape. Then he started telling oh this grape is sour; abused the grapes for ten minutes and went away. The same thing, these pseudo gurus come on….let you do and show it is not spirituality; then I will agree. You have at least right to tell whether it is spirituality or not. It’s not that I will agree your idea but you have a… you at least have right to comment on that subject. When you don’t even have the authority to comment on some subject, don’t!
So be very clear, I am telling all my devotees and disciples and seekers around the world, I am interested in fulfilling you honestly; not in Nobel Prize, not in any awards and social recognitions. So I am not going to compromise or bend my teachings and ideologies. I am not going to dilute it as western mental setup may expect to give their Nobel Prize to me. No. I am going to remain as authentic Yogic Vedic incarnation to transmit that experience to all of you. So I invite seekers from around the world to gather around me and in my mystery schools, satsang centers. Here we are simple, humble people, just learning and teaching spirituality and we do simple things like teleporting, materialization, levitation, kundalini awakening. Why don’t you let you guys live with us, live our self with our own ideology and philosophy? Let us live our Vedic truths and yogic life.
Understand samyama. It is expressing the extraordinary physical and mental powers in progression. You need to know thoroughly from what kind of a person you are learning these great truths only then you will understand how directly it helps. See the secular idea is great in the political field in the society. But that is not going to be an authentic unique message in the spiritual field, in the religious realm. All right even you have established all religions are one and the same; all right, ok. But what is your contribution? Come on. What direct contribution you have to the world. Only what authentically you experienced what authentically you are sharing with the world that is the only honest contribution. When you don’t have any unique contribution, go round and divert the people’s attention from one subject to another and people will think that is your contribution. Diverting people from one subject to another is not your contribution. Come up with some creative contribution.
Love is a empty word with which you can cheat anybody. What do they mean? Come on. Let them show their love. What do they mean? I don’t understand. Creating peace between religion only will happen if you are honestly established in one religion and able to create peace to your own followers with a spiritual experience. When we don’t have our own authentic contribution in any field, just go on doing politics. See all the… there will not be any unique contribution from them. In the whole world, there are only two kinds of minds; one which contributes creatively; another one which goes on meddling with people and tries to put some big identity. No. I am not interested in any social game or political game or politics in religion and religion in politics. No. I am interested in honestly, beautifully, purely, retaining the yoga vedantic tradition; the great spiritual mystical tradition.
I am going to dedicate my life to reproduce this experience in people, reproduce these great powers on people and scientifically establish a step by step practical lifestyle where people can experience all these great experiences and powers of samyama and express the great experiences and powers of samyama to the world. So I request all our devotees and disciples to be aware and understand my motive and the work I am doing. If you can understand, be with me. So as Patanjali says I will teach you samyama; experiencing and expressing the extraordinary experiences and powers from super consciousness through your body and mind in progression. So I request all of you; devotees, disciples, satsangis, participants in our satsang centers, not to miss even a single instruction and go through the whole process intensely sincerely in progression.
I bless you all to live, achieve, experience, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.
Thank you.
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Revision as of 06:00, 29 August 2020

Title: Samyama, A Progression - Patanjanli Yoga Sutra

Samyama A Progression Nithyananda Patanjanli Yoga Sutra Morning Satsang 05 Feb 2011In Search of Miracles - Nithyananda


A discourse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

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Samyama - A Progression

DATE: February 5th 2011 LOCATION: Anandeshwar Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi ashram START TIME: DURATION: Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande guru paramparaam.

0:48 I welcome you all with my love and respects. Before entering into today’s satsang one or two feed backs on samyama; yesterdays samyama sadhana, the practice of samyama which I initiated; I will take up only two three and comment. 100s of feedbacks are there. I will take some samples and comment on it. This is from Oman eN satsang center Sri Nithya Sri Priyan. “Beloved Swamiji eternal thanks for another of blessing samyama. By your grace today I was on my second attempt on samyama after the first during the process under Swamijis presence in IA December 2012. Stick moved well in left, right, down; in all directions on request.” Good.

2:18 And here is another one funny, very funny feedback from Satish. There is no center name. It’s Satish: “Pranam Swamiji as per your instruction I immediately tried the samyama with the dhruva grass and after sometime with your blessings I was able to turn a two inch piece of dhruva grass 360degrees by my will. But I had some doubt thinking that maybe my breath contributed to it.” mind comes here. So the next morning after a dose of eN kriya I tried it again under very controlled conditions making sure that not even my breath would disturb the grass. I could not do it maybe because I was in a hurry. Then I remembered that recently you mentioned that prana flows through the hand. So tried sending prana through my hand and lo and behold! I was able to turn the grass again as I want. My daughter was witness to that.”

3:31 Satish you don’t need to send a witness. I can be a witness. It’s a beautiful thing. Please understand in this whole process you need to understand two things. One; first you were able to move the grass 360degree as you want out of your will. Those moments you had a strong trust on me and my words. But the moment doubt entered maybe the air, breath, breeze or fluke; the devil, demon has entered in your system. So that demon was responsible for you not able to move the second time and the restlessness which is created by the demon. Of course again third time your vitarka, strong trust on my words ‘through hands the prana can be sent’. The next samyama worked on you. Satish you tried one more samyama on your own. It’s good. It is actually good and just because of the trust you tried the next samyama and automatically it worked.

4:45 So my blessings; the lesson which you need to learn from this experience is: put more energy on the aptha pramana and shastra pramana so that it can become atma pramana in you instead of wasting your brain in French fries and French philosophies. Don’t waste your body with French fries and don’t waste your mind with French philosophies or I can say fried philosophies.

5:44 As on now in 734 places, 204 cities, 25 countries people are sitting with us. I welcome all of you with my love and respects. People are experiencing intense levitation everywhere. I can see. ‘Samyama: Technique to Rewire your Brain’ today’s subject. ‘tasya bhumisu viniyogah’ 112th sutra in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, the 3rd chapter 6th verse; tasya bhumisu viniyogah. Swami Vivekananda translates this sutra as: that samyama should be practiced in stages. Swami Prabhavananda translates as: it must be applied stage by stage. Swami Sachidananda translates as: its practice is to be accomplished in stages. Osho translates as: samyama is to be employed in stages.

7:46 I will translate based on my own experience this sutra as: Samyama has to be practiced applied in progression. I do not want to use the word stages; no, stage by stage. NO. It has to be applied in progression. Please understand it means, there is a big difference between stage by stage and progression. Stage by stage means it s like you are supposed to achieve something stage by stage, step by step. No. I wanted to tell you all, samyama is like taking out something which you already have in your treasury box, treasure vault, wallet; taking it out in progression. It means, see please understand, if you translate that very word, that one word bhumisu viniyogah, this is a technical term. The sacred secret is hidden in these two words bhumisu viniyogah. If you translate and understand that word as stage by stage you get a feeling it’s like you need to achieve something. NO. Even if you think you are body and mind, please understand you don’t need to achieve anything. There is already enough treasures in your vault, in your treasure, treasury box, in your inner space. You only need to take them out in progression. Stage is different progression is different. So technically I will translate this word bhumisu viniyogah as progression then stage by stage.

10:44 I wanted all of you to know the great system of yoga vedanta means combination of yoga philosophy and vedanta philosophy, everything is aimed continuously to remind you the original space of all knowing, all pervading, always blissful in you. Please understand many of the western religions aims at constantly reminding you about the original sin. But the eastern religions especially the yoga vedanta sampradaya constantly works to remind you about your original, graceful, all knowing, all fulfilled, always blissful state. Even your master is supposed to remind that state which you are having in you constantly to you. That is why in yoga vedantic tradition even God is just a stepping stone for enlightenment.

12:42 Please understand God is not ultimate in yoga vedantic tradition. God is a stepping stone for enlightenment. God is a concept used for you to experience Godliness. The ultimate possibility for every human being in spiritual field is thrown open only in Vedic tradition because everything is a technique for you to experience the highest. There is no definitive higher or superior power over you. Even the concept of God is for you to experience Godliness. The moment you translate the word stage by stage it gives a feeling the you need to achieve something. No. You don’t need to. Take the responsibility to only get something out of your treasury. You don’t need to earn.

14:18 As long as you have the idea you need to achieve, you always feel there is somebody who is having it; somebody who is possessing it, you need to take it away from that person; tribal mentality. It is ok for religions in a very primitive state but not for sophisticated, evolved, luxurious people like Ganges civilization. If you are stuck in some desert or the useless forest, living as a tribal in a very primitive way, your mentality can go only up to the level, there are some powers with somebody you need to receive it from them or take it from them. Because the whole psyche of primitive people is somebody possessing something; either you receive from them or take it from them. It is completely based on possessiveness.

15:46 But the religion of Vedic civilization has grown in the rich Ganges plateau, banks of the Ganges again in the minds which is enriched by the freedom and luxury of all the time and energy is available for their highest, honest, research and development. So here is a religion which has grown in a inner space which is not primitive which is not possessiveness based. Understand the vast difference between translating this bhoomisu viniyogah as stage by stage or progression; a big difference. If you translate that as a stage by stage, still you are stuck with the primitive mentality of religion; ‘Somebody is having you need to take it’. Root cause of all depression. Progression means you have it. Your body and mind need to take that out from your inner space, super consciousness. All you need is training your body and mind step by step to take those things out.

17:53 Why the word progression, step by step, because if your body and mind tries to take everything out, all the powers out at a time, it may not be able to stay in a balanced way and express those powers. It may just get burnt away. I have seen sometime people boiling them self in depression burning them self into negativity. Same way sometime people can boil them self even with extraordinary powers. If their body and mind is not matured enough to handle this extra ordinary powers they may just play with these powers in a foolish way and disturb and damage, cause too much damage to people.

20:01; Ramakrishna tells a beautiful story one sadhu somehow retrieved the power of stopping the air movement from his inner space. But unfortunately his body and mind was not matured and he did not do it in progression; just got the power. So one day there was a intense cyclone. Many boats were getting rocked, disturbed in the river. Out of his power just like that he stopped that cyclone. Because of the sudden stop many boats tumbled, over turned and many people got drowned and died and that karma came to him; the power which he had, left him. Some time when the body and mind is not matured enough and the powers are expressed in your body and mind, it is very dangerous; it is very dangerous.

21:54 An important thing you need to learn; the meaning of the word bhumisu viniyogah, progression, means properly your body and mind need to take those extraordinary powers out of your system through proper samyama. This can happen only if you are part of a mystery school; only you are with an enlightened being an incarnation who clearly balances and guides you and makes that samyama happen in your body and mind. I have seen sometimes the masters do something extraordinary to balance people and make this extraordinary powers express through the body and mind.

22:53 I have read once Vivekananda even making one of his disciple to eat fish. You may think how fish is going to help in yoga. That guy, a disciple, acquired some extraordinary powers without going through the proper progression. So it may not be right for his body and mind; dangerous. So Vivekananda immediately says eat fish, the power should go away. Let the body and mind be prepared, then the powers can express in progression. Immediately that disciple ate the fish and the powers left and it was good for the individual.

23:54 So you need to understand only in the mystery school under the guidance of the master safely, blissfully, these powers can be brought out to your body and mind. You can rejoice, cherish and enjoy these extraordinary powers. I am seeing 1000s of people experiencing levitating all over the world not a single one had any side effect; wrong side effect. 1000s of people’s kundalini is getting awakened everyday all over the world. Not a single one is having negative side effect; such an intense process where people are literally blown away but no side effect. It is because it is done in progression. It is done in progression properly, beautifully, with honesty and integrity towards the spiritual experience, the spiritual truth.

25:21 I heard a message from a devotee, I don’t know you can’t even call as a devotee; somebody who was attending satsang yesterday. It seems he was complaining that I was attacking some particular guru yesterday. I was not…. please I want to make it very clear I never attack anybody and I was not attacking any particular guru. I was only defending the Hindu dharma and all the gurus who claim they are Hindus who belong to Vedic civilization like Saibaba, Kalki Bhagwan, Bangaradigar all these religious leaders; if some of this so called secular gurus go on abusing them there is nobody to defend them. I am going to defend. I am going to defend my religious leaders; that’s all. If somebody claims they are secular… get out of Hinduism. You have no right to criticize Hindu gurus.

26:38 And that fellow wrote an email saying I was criticizing particular guru. Actually I was not even criticizing that particular guru. In my mind I had somebody else. First thing you are mistaken, second thing you are miss taken. First… I was not criticizing anybody. I was telling stop criticizing my religious leaders who are bold, honest enough to associate them self with their authentic tradition which they represent and not hypocritical idiots who steal all the knowledge and wealth and spirituality from the Hindu Vedic tradition and disconnect themself saying they are secular gurus, non religious organizations. Idiots!

27:49 I am dead against mixing religion in politics and politics in religion. If you are secular get out and get into politics. That’s a place to talk secularism. If you are running a spiritual organization, be honest to your guru, be truthful to your religion, be honest to your spiritual tradition. I am not saying one religion is higher or one religion is lower. Same way I am not saying all religions are same. No. All religions are unique and sacred to their practitioners. So there is no such thing as secularism in spiritual line, in spiritual field. So understand I was not criticizing anybody. I was defending the fools who are criticizing my religious leaders. And the guy who wrote the email if you are offended nothing can be done. You are free to get offended and hit your face wherever you want and do what you want.

29:38 People need to understand when the truth is told as it is. And here I am talking to all of you every day to teach you the truth not to be politically polite, socially polite; the exact intense honest truth. I am standing by the honesty and integrity and exact truth. So please understand it’s time we start right things at right time. If you don’t understand the difference between political religions and religious politics you will be continuously caught with pseudo gurus. You will not be able to experience the honest truth.

30:43 So here I am, if you are interested in honest truth and experiencing mystery school….. I am not interested in Nobel Prize. I am not going to be socially polite or politically polite. I am interested in making few lakh enlightened beings. People who are interested in Nobel Prize, let them maintain their political religious ambitions. I am very clear my life is going to be creating mystery schools around the world, Vedic universities around the world. I am starting satsang centers, paduka mandirs around the world with a aim of converting them into universities, mystery schools, Vedic Universities.

31:41 So I am making it very clear. I am not interested in people who are politically polite or socially polite, who are playing this cunning game of politics in religion and religion in politics. No! Let them play their game. I am not interested in that. And I am not even against them playing the game. All I am saying is don’t interfere in our field. Allow little bit of pure spiritual stream to be alive in the planet earth. For heaven sake at least you few idiots can come in the next generations and eat the stuff which I created and live. These politicians who entered in religious field are not only destroying the religion and trying to destroy the pure spiritual streams kept alive, authentic spiritual streams kept alive because they have their loud mouth and their big PR agencies.

32:50 These guys go on trying to destroy the ancient mystery science by saying don’t go to people who materialize, don’t go to people who heal, don’t go to people who give boons. What do they mean? This is the pure mysticism, the yoga Vedanta sampradaya. So these are juice and essence of yoga vedanta tradition. It should be kept alive it will be kept alive. Oh planet earth, don’t worry I will keep this science alive. Let this name and fame mongerers, Nobel peace prize mongerers do their job of mixing politically polite religions. Here I am going to maintain the honesty and integrity and purity of the mystery school and I will see that at least million people not only become enlightened, experience the great experiences and expressions of samyama; experience the great experiences and powers of samyama.

34:28 Please understand in samyama I am always saying two part; one, experiencing the great experiences and powers and expressing it. For example at this moment I am in a great experience that all the so called reality in front of me is made of a stuff which I can bend, break, mend, do as I want. This is experience. If I do at least small changes and things and show it in reality, physically, either through simple levitation or through simple teleporting of vibhooti, it is expression of the power. Please understand as experience at this moment I am feeling anything in front of me is made out of stuff which is completely under my control; part of me. This is my experience. When I share this word if I ignite this mood in many of you I am expressing the experience.

36:03 Same way this experience brings certain powers like anybody can be moved as I want, any body’s kundalini can be raised to the same level I am in or any material can be moved from one place to another place by the power of the mind; this is extraordinary powers. First one is extraordinary experience, second one is extraordinary power. So if this is shown visibly, as the kundalini awakening or the levitation or teleporting, it is expressing extra ordinary powers. I wanted both dimensions of samyama to be kept alive. But some religions are not interested in this second dimension, the power dimension of samyama to be kept alive because it will be a solid proof for the Vedic tradition, yogic tradition; which is not good for their vested interest. So they go on promoting the religious leaders or spiritual leaders who neither have this extraordinary powers nor able to show this extraordinary powers nor able to know the technology of this extraordinary powers.

37:53 Naturally they will also do the same logic…. in the kindergarten schools in India they will teach a story. There was a grape garden and one fox went to that garden. It tried, tried, tried, but it was not able to get to that grape. Then he started telling oh this grape is sour; abused the grapes for ten minutes and went away. The same thing, these pseudo gurus come on….let you do and show it is not spirituality; then I will agree. You have at least right to tell whether it is spirituality or not. It’s not that I will agree your idea but you have a… you at least have right to comment on that subject. When you don’t even have the authority to comment on some subject, don’t!

38:58 So be very clear, I am telling all my devotees and disciples and seekers around the world, I am interested in fulfilling you honestly; not in Nobel Prize, not in any awards and social recognitions. So I am not going to compromise or bend my teachings and ideologies. I am not going to dilute it as western mental setup may expect to give their Nobel Prize to me. No. I am going to remain as authentic Yogic Vedic incarnation to transmit that experience to all of you. So I invite seekers from around the world to gather around me and in my mystery schools, satsang centers. Here we are simple, humble people, just learning and teaching spirituality and we do simple things like teleporting, materialization, levitation, kundalini awakening. Why don’t you let you guys live with us, live our self with our own ideology and philosophy? Let us live our Vedic truths and yogic life.

40:41 Understand samyama. It is expressing the extraordinary physical and mental powers in progression. You need to know thoroughly from what kind of a person you are learning these great truths only then you will understand how directly it helps. See the secular idea is great in the political field in the society. But that is not going to be an authentic unique message in the spiritual field, in the religious realm. All right even you have established all religions are one and the same; all right, ok. But what is your contribution? Come on. What direct contribution you have to the world. Only what authentically you experienced what authentically you are sharing with the world that is the only honest contribution. When you don’t have any unique contribution, go round and divert the people’s attention from one subject to another and people will think that is your contribution. Diverting people from one subject to another is not your contribution. Come up with some creative contribution.

42:25 Love is a empty word with which you can cheat anybody. What do they mean? Come on. Let them show their love. What do they mean? I don’t understand. Creating peace between religion only will happen if you are honestly established in one religion and able to create peace to your own followers with a spiritual experience. When we don’t have our own authentic contribution in any field, just go on doing politics. See all the… there will not be any unique contribution from them. In the whole world, there are only two kinds of minds; one which contributes creatively; another one which goes on meddling with people and tries to put some big identity. No. I am not interested in any social game or political game or politics in religion and religion in politics. No. I am interested in honestly, beautifully, purely, retaining the yoga vedantic tradition; the great spiritual mystical tradition. 44:28 I am going to dedicate my life to reproduce this experience in people, reproduce these great powers on people and scientifically establish a step by step practical lifestyle where people can experience all these great experiences and powers of samyama and express the great experiences and powers of samyama to the world. So I request all our devotees and disciples to be aware and understand my motive and the work I am doing. If you can understand, be with me. So as Patanjali says I will teach you samyama; experiencing and expressing the extraordinary experiences and powers from super consciousness through your body and mind in progression. So I request all of you; devotees, disciples, satsangis, participants in our satsang centers, not to miss even a single instruction and go through the whole process intensely sincerely in progression.

46:16 I bless you all to live, achieve, experience, express, radiate and share the eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. 46:35