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Laws of Karma Explained - What is Good Karma & Bad Karma


In this video (8 April 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains the laws of Karma - Cosmos does not record the quantity, but the quality of the experience produced as Karma. Paramahamsa Nithyananda differentiates between good karma and bad karma, and also explains the effects of eating non-vegetarian food.

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Laws Of Karma Explained What Is Good Karma And Bad Karma



Little secret. It’s real secret. However you understand - understand. The Cosmos does not record anything other than violence; means… only if you cause pain, karma gets recorded. Other than violence nothing is recorded as karma.

For example - Somebody goes and steals 2 billion dollar from a multi-billionaire and that fellow is loaded with trillions of dollars. He doesn’t care, “Aaah, no time to punish him. Come on let’s earn more.” He goes out. He doesn’t bother. You don’t get karma. And you go to a homeless guy and steal few pennies. That fellow rolls on the ground and cries - you get karma. Karma is not the quantity or quality of the action you performed, it only the amount of interference or violence you caused; that’s all.


Listen. I’ll give….I’ll go to the origin of the Universe. Please understand. Now I am giving you Cosmic legal opinion. I commit with you, I’ll be completely integrated to the original Truth, because many of you make many decisions in your life, based on My legal opinion. With that responsibility I am talking to you.

When this whole Universe manifested, Mahadeva - Sadāshiva - made only one Sankalpa, “Let Me become many to celebrate Me.” Listen. It means, the first principle is - “Let us all co-exist.” That’s all. The primary principle, “Let us all co-exist”. Other than the violence of breaking this ‘let us all coexist’, nothing is considered as karma.


All of you are getting what I am saying? See, the infinity infinity, when it decided to manifest as this Universe and as all of us, only principle it declared is “Let Me become many to celebrate Me.” It means only one principle - let us all co-exist. That’s all. Only if you break that ‘let us all coexist’ - karma comes; other than that nothing is a karma. Only thing recorded as a karma, is violence; nothing else. All of you are getting what I am saying?

For example…..as I gave the example - that you take billion dollar and that fellow does not bother… from whom you take; you don’t get karma. You take one penny and that fellow rolls on the ground and cries, you get karma.

Karma is - only the suffering caused, nothing else.

Good karma - the celebration caused, that’s all.

See Mahadeva, he becomes many. He declares, “Let Me become many to celebrate Me.” So more and more celebration you cause becomes good karma. More and more pain you cause becomes bad karma. That’s all.


The same...same rule applies. You may give billion dollar to somebody and he is not happy about it, you don’t get good karma. You may be giving a penny to somebody and he is just praising you and glorifying, he is just ecstatic - you get good karma. It is the experience caused matters - not the other - money or quantity or quality or the work of or any of that done. All of you are getting? Because the principle in which the Universe, Brahmanda, is expanded….. See, the Universe manifests, it becomes that multiverse… that Universe becoming multiverse, the principle or the first declaration with which it explodes is - ‘let Me become many to celebrate Me’.

So anything you add as a celebration of ourself is a good karma. Anything you add to break that fundamental principle of coexistence is bad karma, that’s all. Nothing else matters. What is karma? - Disturbing the natural expansion process of the Universe. Supporting the natural process of expansion is good karma. Trying to disturb is bad karma, that’s all.

That is why I tell people - Whole life who drinks and smokes does not have one inch of karma; he may have health issue. But one non-veg meal is enough to put you in hell, because the pain of the animal is there. Animal is not going to be blessing you and dying when it dies, “Oh, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. Let everyone be blissful and happy eating my body.” No! No, tell Me! Is there any animal?

See the Facebook video - how they skin the animals! Tons of Facebook videos are there. There is one…….Facebook page that….slaughterhouse without glass doors….sorry…..glass doors slaughter house … something…..there is one Facebook page I get regularly. Maybe next session when I come, I’ll try to get that. They say, “If we put glass windows for the slaughterhouses, whole world will become vegetarian, because you don’t know what goes on for that meat to be in your plate.



Walking Bare-feet on the Ground to Experience a Miracle of Mother Earth


In this video (8 April 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals a mind boggling phenomenon that mother earth exhibits. How walking bare-feet on the ground can lead you to experience this miracle.

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Walking Bare Feet On The Ground To Experience A Miracle Of Mother Earth



The human beings have become so distanced from the real life or ready to explore things. We have become so far away from… at least….I can tell you from My experience – a village boy. When I was 5 or 6, I opened all the alarm clocks in My house and I will set it back, put it back. I don’t see all that in the modern day kids. It’s all about that stupid cell phone. Involvement with the Reality has drastically reduced. Our whole life is nothing but the screen; whether your love, your relationships, even your sex, everything is limited to that screen. Am I right? Almost! No, almost! Everything has been reduced to that screen.

Involvement with the Reality has drastically come down. It is so unfortunate; especially the food, the plastic food dumped into your system. See, all the things which you eat - none of them have life. They are all not grown from life. My Guru used to tell, “Please walk without chappal or covering your feet… whatever grows in that land, eat; because Mother Earth records when you walk without shoes what all the ingredients are missing in your body”. She records what you need for your body - nutrients or vitamins, whatever. Whatever is missing in your body, she produces in that food which grows in that land. And eat that and….it is too mind boggling concept. I tell you, only after I started doing it I realized – you don’t need any external medicine, if you know to live with the nature.


Mother Earth - Bhu Mata…..walk on Earth without shoes. In that land what grows, will supply exactly what you need for your body. Looks too difficult to believe, but after I started doing that I realized it. Your body does not need any other medicine, anything else.

Actually, maybe two years before, due to this continuous classes - day and night, and in the night time the web based programs for the outside India, all these - My whole eating habits have gone chaos and no question of rest. It became like a….too much on the system. So I had some stomach issues. I remembered My Guru telling this, “Walk on the Earth and what grows - eat.” So I started walking without chappal for few days.

Suddenly I saw in My Courtyard, a new plant coming up. No seed, nothing, just coming up. I was wondering what is going on. How come suddenly...between the rocks actually! Between the rocks new plant coming up. And, one of the devotee, Ayurvedic doctor, he said, “Swamiji, if you can get this plant and have, add it in your food, your stomach will be completely healed.” I said, “Where to get?” When he walked into the Courtyard, he said, “This is the plant.” “This is the plant.” Throughout the Campus we searched, we did not find another one. Nobody knows from where the seed has come, from where the plant has come. Understand. It is not that, just for Me miraculously nature is doing. It is the nature’s life. I was ready to play with it, so she showed the miracles to Me. Anybody willing to play with her, she shows her miracles to you.


Nature is miraculous. If you are ready to play, she shows it. She demonstrates her love, her care. If we go back to the ‘food with life’, our life also will start - more interacting, more alive, more vibrant, more overflowing.



25 States Of Consciousness Are All Equal Parts Of You - Your Powerfulness Makes Them Good or Bad


In this video (8 April 2018), Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals that the 25 different states of consciousness are 25 dimensions of us - there are no higher or lower states. Our state of powerfulness can penetrate across all 25 states and make them either good or bad for us.

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States Of Consciousness Are All Equal Parts Of You Your Powerfulness


I’ll just make few statements, few basic truths. 25 States of Consciousness is multi-dimensions of you. Listen. All the 25 states are part of you - nothing is good, nothing is bad. Deep sleep is as much you need, please listen, deep sleep is as much needed to you as you need Turiyatita. The whole 25 states is your 25 dimension. Only thing, you becoming powerless during the deep sleep or the dream state is the problem. If you become powerless, even waking state is the problem. Now I am giving you the next understanding. Please understand. Initially, it will look like a….. “Oh, this dream, deep sleep, they are all lower state and….and this Turiya Turiyatita are higher state.” That is nothing more than, “Your wife is bad and somebody else’s wife is….” That’s all. Go to any part of the world - Indian restaurant - people always see the other’s plate and order, not the menu card ☺ No, I have travelled all over the world, only Indian restaurant; always what you don’t have looks greater. Only based on that psychology it is as if shown “this is higher and this is lower.” One good thing is there - in those states you don’t get powerless so easily. That’s all. But if you decide to become powerless, you can be powerless anywhere. If you decide to become powerful, you can be powerful anywhere. Fundamentally, this whole 25 state is 25 faces of you, 25 dimensions of you; nothing is bad, nothing is good. Because, many time you become powerless in dream state, it looks like a bad; not the state is bad but your habit and pattern of becoming powerless there, is bad.


How many of you are understanding? State is not bad. Understand. All these 25 states of consciousness is 25 dimensions of you - your 25 faces...your 25 dimensions. In the waking state, how you are able to control larger part of you….you can control your hands, you can control your legs; many things you can control in your waking state. When you want, you can get up and go and pick up a cup of tea. When you want you can go and use the restroom. In the dream state if you find a restroom, don’t use it – it is a trap☺ Once more I am repeating if you missed it. In the dream state if you find a restroom, don’t use – it is a trap ☺ When your bladder is full, it is capable of sending instruction to your brain and the whole restroom will be built and you’ll be made to feel comfortable ☺...only things are little wet or hot ☺...you realize ☺ what has happened.


Understand. Your ability to have power over your internal and external things makes certain state is good or bad. That’s all. Shall I repeat? In the deep sleep state, you don’t have power over anything. You just become completely powerless. That’s why we feel it’s bad. In the dream state, we have power over certain few thought but not more than that. In the waking state, the powerfulness is little more. In Turiya, the powerfulness will be complete internal and external. In Turiyatita, the powerfulness over everything exists. So fundamentally, your focus need to be on being powerful not on changing the states of Consciousness. Understand. Rich people don’t work for money, they work for excellence - money follows them. Rich people don’t work for money. They work for excellence - money follows them. Powerful people work for powerfulness. All the 25 state of consciousness follows them.

Don’t try to work to change the states of Consciousness. Work to be powerful in the state you are in now! That powerfulness will penetrate all the 25 states. Each state you manifest certain powers. Understand. All addiction pattern is stuck in sushupti-swapna means dream and deep sleep state - that cluster, that zone is the zone where all the addiction patterns are there. If your powerfulness starts oozing out into that, suddenly addictions dry out. They become powerfulness. For example, if you are addicted to food, when that manifest as power, you become free from food, means simply food... idea of food disappears from you. All patterns, all addictions, are complete only when they manifest as powers. Till then it is not complete.

Understand. Smoking - if it becomes the power of ability to increase and decrease the temperature of your body, it’s a liberation. Till then, possibility of it coming back is there always. Smoking is nothing but the pleasure of internal adjustment of temperature. Certain parts of your body, if the temperature is adjusted, it gives certain pleasure, internal pleasure. It’s almost like a internal scratching. If your…..if somebody scratches your back, how you feel. Just like that internal organs getting scratched. That is why you feel so good about it. This pattern should manifest as a power and ability to adjust your temperature internally and externally, then you are free from smoking once for all. All patterns, all powerlessness, should manifest as powers. Only then you are free. Only with powers you are free.

Understand. Power manifestation is not some silly joke or magic training I am giving you here. No! I am not giving you some silly magic training or silly cheating game training. No! It is clearly installing you again and again, doing prana prathista of MahaSadāshiva in you or installing you in MahaSadāshiva. Understand. Prana Prathista is God installing….installing God into the deity. Power manifestation is you being installed into Sadāshiva or Sadāshiva being installed into you.


Three important words - muscle memory, bio memory, bio energy. I’ll define them. Listen. Memory means repetition of certain activity, without the interference of your conscious involvement because you have the wrong belief you can attend only one thing at a time. Listen. Memory means making things work automatically in you because you developed a wrong belief you can attend to only one thing at a time. Person with awareness will not have memory. Memory is very poor substitute you build for awareness. Let me repeat once more. Memory is a poor substitute you build for your awareness.

Sometimes you will sit in your car, in your home and you will reach your office very safely; only when you get down you will remember suddenly you have been driving the whole journey - how many of you have experienced this? Means you have trained yourself, automated yourself, to drive as a memory from memory without you getting involved into it, because of the wrong belief, awareness can do only one thing at a time, so let more things be put in automating…..automatic system, so I can be attending to new new things. One of the worst thing you do to your child….. you do many worst things!! One of the worst thing you do to your child is making the child believe in the young age - he can do only one thing at a time. There you destroy him. Child should be wild, ferocious... because you can’t contain him... you are too busy with your stupid TV, your gadgets now.

I read a one liner ☺….again in the Facebook only. One man says, “I was just looking my WhatsApp and entered neighbours house and sat. She was watching the TV serial and went and brought coffee and kept it in the table. The house owner - husband of that lady - he walks in seeing his mobile and looks at me and says - Sorry sir, wrongly I entered, and goes out.” ☺ Because you cannot handle the child, you make him believe multi-dimensional ferociousness is not possible.


My whole effort in the Gurukul, is not to put a dam but to put a bank. There is a big difference. River, wild river, needs embankment not dam. Their multidimension ferociousness should be converted into powerfulness and power manifestation.... not stopped so that you can contain him and possess him. Own children don’t possess. Whether property, children, husband, wife, your own body - own them not possess them. Owning means making it available for the ideology you are living for yourself and for others.

I tell you, whether it is powers or wealth, friendship, business, anywhere, this is the only one principle: if you are convinced and you are able to convince others you are doing something great for everyone, you will just be winning the game. That’s all. You’ll just be winning the game. That’s all. That is what I call ‘owning not possessing’.

Listen. I’ll give you one or two examples... how we dam instead of embankment. Embankment means making the river useful for everyone, without disturbing it’s ferociousness and wilderness; making it user friendly. Dam means stopping it once for all. If any of you are thinking, for power manifestation or for business success or for relationship, you need to get more organized - you are wrong. You need to get more ferocious.

Listen. I’ll repeat. Powerfulness, powerful cognitions, about everything you deal in your life, bring success .... not more organized. Understand. I am not against being organized; that is not key ingredient of life. Key ingredient of life is powerfulness. One of the biggest problem modern day humanity is facing - they have been wrongly told, “If you are organized you’ll be successful.” That is why everyone tries to create organization. Aye!! What is organization end of the day? There are tons of organization because they don’t have a product, they have started selling our natural resources!! Understand. Humanity has seen too much of organization without powerfulness. Powerfulness is the product, organization is a structure.


Listen carefully. Your life itself is business. Power manifestation is a business. More and more powerful cognitions makes your existence your business, your interactions meaningful. Most of the time we spent so much energy on being organized. Once we created the whole organization, we don’t know the….what to market, because we lost the product in creating organization structure. The structure becomes so complicated, the product is lost. Then we cook up the products which is really not useful for people or which was already available for people freely. That is when...that is what I call ‘possessing’. Owning means making you and others more and more and more powerful. Understand. I am giving you the unit of the whole, means whether it is a health, your mental health or your relationships or your business or your enlightenment or your power manifestation - whole thing... for life I am giving you the unit. Everywhere person who believes in being organized as a first priority, finds end of the day emptiness. Person who believes in building powerful cognitions as first priority, sees organization follows him. If you want a complete relationship, don’t organize, “Ten SMS I will send, 7 times I will say I love you” These stupid books which gives you the tips for how to influen….how to stop worrying and start living and how to influence people and friends, win friends and influence people.

Understand. If you want a complete relationship, start building powerful cognition about you, people, life, tiredness, boredom, middle age crisis... about all these build powerful cognitions, not planning to be organized. If you are organized you will have marriage not relationship. It is powerful cognitions keeps the relationship. Same way health. If you want health don’t try to be organized, “Oh, this many hours I will do gyming.” This organization, “This many hours I will do this, this.” Alright, have you seen end of the day, the great gymers and bodybuilders - have they lived long, have they lived healthy? Understand. Some of the biggest myths I am busting. Nobody becomes rich by lottery, even though there are tons of lotteries all over the world. In My experience, I have not seen a single man becoming rich by lottery. Second, pornography does not improve sex. Sorry, very boldly I am making the word. Porn only destroys your ability to relate. It does not make you more sexual or attractive. Organized does not make you successful. These are all some of the biggest myths. This is like this protein myth.

In every level whether it is patterns, relationships, life, death, right, wrong, go on building more and more powerful cognitions in your life. I tell you, building powerful cognition about health, about body, about life, makes you more happier, live more longer, more healthier than any organized system. Please understand. I am repeating. If you want health - first priority is build powerful cognitions about your body, health, disease, about the whole thing - give importance to that than any organized workout. I am not saying, “Don’t workout”, I am not saying,” Don’t do anything physical.” No! I am saying is….all I am saying, “Keeping that as priority, that as focus, fails you.” Keeping that as a focus fails you. We become plastic people, organization without real product, becomes plastic organization, plastic people. Rather, die as a ripe seed, don’t fall as a plastic bottle on the Planet Earth. Fall as a ripe seed; even when you fall on the Earth don’t fall as empty plastic bottle. Pure product - no organization - is a riped mango falling on the Earth, will come up as mango tree.


Intensely...you see, the whole power manifestation is a business with Cosmos. When you build powerful cognition about every subject, it manifests as powers. It is not question of impressing people. Understand. Power manifestation is not silly magic learning, it is not cunning way of impressing people, it is not manipulating way of showing people you are something greater. No! Power manifestation is drilling, drilling, drilling your system with powerful cognitions.

[Slide of 25states of Consciousness projected]

All of you are able to see? You see, this sushupti - sushupti, this state….it’s almost like coma. None of you experienced during your regular day to day life; very rarely you touch. In that you remain as a seed energy. From there the natural flow of manifestation….. Listen, I am uttering a word - ‘natural flow of manifestation’ ... towards turiyatita and turiyatita the last, the state of MahaSadāshiva. It is actually a natural course, but unfortunately humanity has so messed up. Humanity is so messed up. ‘Messed up’ is decent word I am using. You fill the gap. No we are... We are messed up. Understand. Even if we have grown naturally, we would have had a conscious breakthrough at least 2 million years ago. The superconscious breakthrough next thing, which should have happened, from amoeba to fish and fish to monkey, monkey to man, the man to superman should have happened at least 3-4 millions years before. We messed it so much, it is already too late. This natural growth because it has not happened, it has been broken, it has been destroyed, now I am trying to make it happen by removing the toxins. Understand. I am only a detoxifier. I am just removing all the toxins, so you can just naturally experience the original state of MahaSadāshiva, original state you are supposed to be in.


I made now few statements. Essence of the few statements I made now. One: all these 25 are your 25 faces, dimensions; nothing is good nothing is bad, nothing is higher nothing is lower. You becoming powerless only is wrong. Because you are habituated and prone to become more powerless in the lower states of Consciousness, it is called lower states of Consciousness. Clear? Sushupti-sushupti is not lower ... because you are prone to be powerless there, we call it lower. How many of you are understanding it? If you decide to ooze out powerfulness there also, it is no more lower. It’s not that I don’t have deep-sleep or dream state, but I have become so powerful there, they are no more like your dream state or your waking state or your deep-sleep state. That’s all. Understand what I am saying? In your dream state you wander around, you don’t know where you are going, you….. In My dream state I appear in your dreams and give darshans and blessings and whatever work just like how I am working through Facebook I work through the dream... attending to devotees request, healing.

So understand, all the 25 states exists for you and for Me. ‘I’...’I’ became more powerful than these 25 states, so all these became powers for Me. For you, that the ‘I’ in you, is powerless in front of all these 25, that is why all these 25 is a load on you. Now we need to do only one thing - making you more and more powerful in every state you are... removing the loads of patterns from each state and freeing you to manifest powers in each state. Actually if you have more addictions, more patterns, it will be good because now all of them will become raw material; you’ll manifest more powers! ☺ No really, you may think I am making….I am making jokes.

I tell you, in My experience I have seen - people who built more patterns and suffered, manifest more powers and liberate themselves because the suffocation and suffering becomes too much. Person who has suffered with chaos in the life, gets liberated very quickly. No really I have seen; I have seen in many of My experiences... now dealing with millions of people... because chaos….you see, if you have only one spouse in your life - enlightenment is an option. If you have too many, it is a compulsion, ☺ without that you cannot run your life, you cannot manage your life. If you have too many patterns... suffocating you from all corners, enlightenment is compulsion, manifesting powers is compulsion. You can’t run your life anymore. In each state, the powerlessness need to be pulled out. I am just going to give you My support through initiation. I should say, I am actually rebooting you. That’s all. Control – Delete ☺



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Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham Karma and good karma defined and explained, plastic food, Mother Earth, nature.