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== Transcription ==
So as long as your frequency is more, the past and the future, is more, you can’t have any idea about your life if you’re staying here. Can you see your life actually, all your past and future incidents are printed here. Yet all the past incidents are printed here. Your birth, your aa school, your marriage, everything. Here all your future incidents are printed. Your son, your son driving you to the old age home. You dying in the old age home all these incidents are printed there. Here, all your past is printed. There, all your future is printed and all your past and the future is totally printed. From here can you see your past and the future clearly? No! If you come down, you can see a little bit of, little bit, little more. If you come down, you can see, little more.
You see actually from here, you can see only this much of your, this much of your past, this much of your future and if you can come to this level, then you can see little more, this much of your past and this much of your future. If you come , then little more, of this much of your past, and this much of your future. If you come and touch this moment, the present moment. Simple you can see the whole future and the  past, you can see simple the whole future and whole past.
San Jose ASP someone asked me, “uh, Swamiji, in some parties when I go there, suddenly I have a feeling that I’ve come to this same party earlier, and this same group was here and next thought I get, somebody is going some particular person is going to come in, or some incident is going to happen. Within a few minutes, that incident happens. That person has come and same way when I enter into some house. I feel already I came to this house earlier and I know where inside this rooms are, and where things are. When I go there I see where everything is, there, everything is in, right place. How this happen, Swamiji? He asked me.” Then I asked, “how many of you had this same experience at least once in your life? See! Then how can this be coincidence? How can this be coincidence?”
Whenever this happens in our life, what we think? What we think? What we think? Coincidence! How can this happen, in everyone’s life? You see Coincidence means, which happens rarely. Coincidence. If it happens in every one of your life, how can this be coincidence it is an incident.  Only thing you do not know the cause and effect relationship. Cause and effect relationship actually, fortunately, or unfortunately, you for the one second, knowingly or unknowingly you fall into the present moment. For that one moment, some reason you relax, nothing to worry. You slowly, stop swinging, you slowly, relax from swinging. The moment you relax from swinging, for  one glimpse, you see the direct shaft. The one glimpse time shaft shows you the 5 minutes future, maybe, you have come down to 40 TPS.
Participant Question “Swamiji, physicists talk about the time continuum and all that. They haven’t come close to this at all”. They are in 100 TPS how can they come close, haha, to time shaft? The guy who has penetrated the time shaft is only Kala Kala, the Kalatita or KalaBhairava, Shiva. The guy who penetrated the time shaft only, is Kala Kala, or Kalatita.
Those guys physicists who are staying in not even 100 TPS I think 1000 TPS, and where can they find any idea about time shaft? The man who penetrated the time shaft, he is the guy, is KalaBhairava, or Kala Kala, Kalatita uh Shiva KalaKala  means Shiva Kalatita. Understand, for that single moment, you fall, your TPS comes down, suddenly, suddenly when you relax, the TPS comes down. When the TPS comes down, you start seeing few minutes of the future. The few minutes of the future is revealed to you. Immediately it simply happens. If you can bring down the TPS, the whole future and past will be, revealed to you.
Touching the time shaft, zero frequency. When you touch the time shaft the whole, past and the whole future is known to you, whole thing is revealed to you. If you just, relax, in that day, same present moment. If you continue to be in the same present moment, you start penetrating the time shaft. You start penetrating the time shaft if you are, for 11 channa, for 11 moments, if you are continuously in the present moment, totally, totally, you will have the choice, to alter your future moments. Future incidences. You will have the choice to alter the future incidences. If you live, 21 channa, in the present moment, the same present moment, you just penetrate the time shaft and break it. You disconnect that past and the future. Then the whole future is simply under your control. Whole future is simply under your control.
The future will not be the reputation of the past because you’ve disconnected the past and the future. You’ve penetrated, you have penetrated the time shaft. You are no more bound by the future. That is why we say Enlightened Masters are not bound by the future. Enlightened Masters are not bound by the future. Just they create their future. They write their future. They create their future. There is no standard, formal future for them simply they write their future. Simply the future is written by them because the time shaft is broken. The time shaft is penetrated. They are no more under the time shaft. Time shaft cannot cannot play anymore, play a role on the Enlightened Masters.
An, what to say. This is the way, when you penetrate, you become Enlightened. Neither your past has got any say over you, nor your future has got any, say over you. You are just liberated. You just create your future. Sometimes you don’t even bother to create the future. Relax. You simply, relax. That is the state, when a guy, don’t even bothers to change the futures, future and create the future he relaxes. Simply,Kalakshetra happens. He’s neither bound by the Kala chakra, nor touched by the, Kala chakra. Just things happens, he is there, here.
Participant ask “Swamiji, for someone is very very troubled by their past, then you say to them if they can become present then the past will no longer will hinder them”. Simply it will die. Past is dead past. After all, after all it’s a dead past. If the frequency is more, if they are again and again visiting the past, only then, itis heard and more over the more and whoever, the more you visit the past, the more your future will be impressed by it because you’ve come here and you go there you come here and you go there , it’s like a, you think you see this is a food, this is a dirt. The bee comes and sits in the dirt and goes to the food, sits in the dirt and goes to the food. What will happen to the food? Participant "it is contaminated" That is what you are doing. That is what exactly you are doing. That is what exactly you are, doing. You just make your whole future like a past, the more, the, the uh, oscillation towards the past, the more you will towards the future. If you are too much of past hang, if you have too much of past hangover, too much of your future will be destroyed. It will because the same nail only decided that side.
Participant Question “Swamiji how exactly do we see your presence” When you come exactly to this present moment, totally when you don’t have anything called past and the future just here.
Participant, “when people stay at home that they fell a very strong presents ”. Ah, it’s all those things in this level only. When the uh TPS comes down also you feel my presence. The less TPS, more Nithya. The more TPS, less, Nithya. Simple clear equation.
Participant question “Swamiji I think a lot about you Swamiji” Now we come down now to this question. Lot of thinking about Me. Lot of thinking about Me. Again, that works in the other way. How you know, you see I am here, I am here, where there is no, TPS. Just zero. You are here, hundred TPS. We both meet? When you let me work on you, naturally the 100 is pulled down to, average. Average, with to the 50, that is why when you think about me when you remember me so much of joy, so much of bliss, because the TPS is, participants “come down”  brought down, automatically the TPS is brought down. If you let me work on you, simply I Myself pull you down to zero.
There is the one thing, where you yourself will work, and bring down to zero, that’s what is part of meditation, part of self-enquiry. You will be doing that. There is another one path, where you will let Me do, surrender. From here, I will raise and pull you down and put you into the, zero. Letting me work on You, if I am understand this one thing, letting Me work on you means utter surrender. Total relaxation. Come to utter surrender. Whatever you do on you, relax. Let me do. Naturally you will come down to this zero again. Actually, in the ordinary level now for a for example, the moment you remember me in the house naturally from the hundred you come down to 80. If you’re already 80 you come down to 60. It starts coming down.
An when you are in the present, in my presence physically, when you are, around me, when you are, near My Presence, you see when you are in the house, all your 5 senses are not engrossed in me. All your 5 senses are not engrossed in me, and in all your energy maybe only 10% is engrossed in me. Naturally only 10% of the TPS will come down, and now the majority portion of your senses are engrossed with me, seeing, hearing, listening, feeling, everything is here. So naturally the percentage is, Participants “more”  the percentage of uh, letting me work on you is more. So naturally TPS is down. Knowingly or unknowingly for any reason if you are around me the TPS will simply drop. TPS dropping is what I call Ananda Gandha chakra working.
That is why all our healers you can feel, when you are around Me, automatically, the  Ananda starts working. TPS simply, drops. When thoughts per second drops, naturally the Ananda chakra starts working. The energy starts, moving in you. The TPS dropping, is what I call, the Presence. TPS dropping is what I call, work of Presence. When the TPS drops, that is what I call, Presence, working on you.
==Link To Video ==
==Link To Video ==

Revision as of 13:50, 12 September 2020




In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda explains to us how to be in the center of the time shaft. He is revealing the #sacred secret of how to break the effect of #Time (Kala) on us and settle into Nithya which is eternity.

Link To Video

Breaking Effects of Time || Part 1 || ASP || 07 Jan 2005

Link to audio: Breaking Effects of Time || Part 1



So as long as your frequency is more, the past and the future, is more, you can’t have any idea about your life if you’re staying here. Can you see your life actually, all your past and future incidents are printed here. Yet all the past incidents are printed here. Your birth, your aa school, your marriage, everything. Here all your future incidents are printed. Your son, your son driving you to the old age home. You dying in the old age home all these incidents are printed there. Here, all your past is printed. There, all your future is printed and all your past and the future is totally printed. From here can you see your past and the future clearly? No! If you come down, you can see a little bit of, little bit, little more. If you come down, you can see, little more.


You see actually from here, you can see only this much of your, this much of your past, this much of your future and if you can come to this level, then you can see little more, this much of your past and this much of your future. If you come , then little more, of this much of your past, and this much of your future. If you come and touch this moment, the present moment. Simple you can see the whole future and the past, you can see simple the whole future and whole past.


San Jose ASP someone asked me, “uh, Swamiji, in some parties when I go there, suddenly I have a feeling that I’ve come to this same party earlier, and this same group was here and next thought I get, somebody is going some particular person is going to come in, or some incident is going to happen. Within a few minutes, that incident happens. That person has come and same way when I enter into some house. I feel already I came to this house earlier and I know where inside this rooms are, and where things are. When I go there I see where everything is, there, everything is in, right place. How this happen, Swamiji? He asked me.” Then I asked, “how many of you had this same experience at least once in your life? See! Then how can this be coincidence? How can this be coincidence?”

(02:54) Whenever this happens in our life, what we think? What we think? What we think? Coincidence! How can this happen, in everyone’s life? You see Coincidence means, which happens rarely. Coincidence. If it happens in every one of your life, how can this be coincidence it is an incident. Only thing you do not know the cause and effect relationship. Cause and effect relationship actually, fortunately, or unfortunately, you for the one second, knowingly or unknowingly you fall into the present moment. For that one moment, some reason you relax, nothing to worry. You slowly, stop swinging, you slowly, relax from swinging. The moment you relax from swinging, for one glimpse, you see the direct shaft. The one glimpse time shaft shows you the 5 minutes future, maybe, you have come down to 40 TPS.


Participant Question “Swamiji, physicists talk about the time continuum and all that. They haven’t come close to this at all”. They are in 100 TPS how can they come close, haha, to time shaft? The guy who has penetrated the time shaft is only Kala Kala, the Kalatita or KalaBhairava, Shiva. The guy who penetrated the time shaft only, is Kala Kala, or Kalatita.


Those guys physicists who are staying in not even 100 TPS I think 1000 TPS, and where can they find any idea about time shaft? The man who penetrated the time shaft, he is the guy, is KalaBhairava, or Kala Kala, Kalatita uh Shiva KalaKala means Shiva Kalatita. Understand, for that single moment, you fall, your TPS comes down, suddenly, suddenly when you relax, the TPS comes down. When the TPS comes down, you start seeing few minutes of the future. The few minutes of the future is revealed to you. Immediately it simply happens. If you can bring down the TPS, the whole future and past will be, revealed to you.

(05:19) Touching the time shaft, zero frequency. When you touch the time shaft the whole, past and the whole future is known to you, whole thing is revealed to you. If you just, relax, in that day, same present moment. If you continue to be in the same present moment, you start penetrating the time shaft. You start penetrating the time shaft if you are, for 11 channa, for 11 moments, if you are continuously in the present moment, totally, totally, you will have the choice, to alter your future moments. Future incidences. You will have the choice to alter the future incidences. If you live, 21 channa, in the present moment, the same present moment, you just penetrate the time shaft and break it. You disconnect that past and the future. Then the whole future is simply under your control. Whole future is simply under your control.


The future will not be the reputation of the past because you’ve disconnected the past and the future. You’ve penetrated, you have penetrated the time shaft. You are no more bound by the future. That is why we say Enlightened Masters are not bound by the future. Enlightened Masters are not bound by the future. Just they create their future. They write their future. They create their future. There is no standard, formal future for them simply they write their future. Simply the future is written by them because the time shaft is broken. The time shaft is penetrated. They are no more under the time shaft. Time shaft cannot cannot play anymore, play a role on the Enlightened Masters.


An, what to say. This is the way, when you penetrate, you become Enlightened. Neither your past has got any say over you, nor your future has got any, say over you. You are just liberated. You just create your future. Sometimes you don’t even bother to create the future. Relax. You simply, relax. That is the state, when a guy, don’t even bothers to change the futures, future and create the future he relaxes. Simply,Kalakshetra happens. He’s neither bound by the Kala chakra, nor touched by the, Kala chakra. Just things happens, he is there, here.


Participant ask “Swamiji, for someone is very very troubled by their past, then you say to them if they can become present then the past will no longer will hinder them”. Simply it will die. Past is dead past. After all, after all it’s a dead past. If the frequency is more, if they are again and again visiting the past, only then, itis heard and more over the more and whoever, the more you visit the past, the more your future will be impressed by it because you’ve come here and you go there you come here and you go there , it’s like a, you think you see this is a food, this is a dirt. The bee comes and sits in the dirt and goes to the food, sits in the dirt and goes to the food. What will happen to the food? Participant "it is contaminated" That is what you are doing. That is what exactly you are doing. That is what exactly you are, doing. You just make your whole future like a past, the more, the, the uh, oscillation towards the past, the more you will towards the future. If you are too much of past hang, if you have too much of past hangover, too much of your future will be destroyed. It will because the same nail only decided that side.


Participant Question “Swamiji how exactly do we see your presence” When you come exactly to this present moment, totally when you don’t have anything called past and the future just here.

(09:51) Participant, “when people stay at home that they fell a very strong presents ”. Ah, it’s all those things in this level only. When the uh TPS comes down also you feel my presence. The less TPS, more Nithya. The more TPS, less, Nithya. Simple clear equation.


Participant question “Swamiji I think a lot about you Swamiji” Now we come down now to this question. Lot of thinking about Me. Lot of thinking about Me. Again, that works in the other way. How you know, you see I am here, I am here, where there is no, TPS. Just zero. You are here, hundred TPS. We both meet? When you let me work on you, naturally the 100 is pulled down to, average. Average, with to the 50, that is why when you think about me when you remember me so much of joy, so much of bliss, because the TPS is, participants “come down” brought down, automatically the TPS is brought down. If you let me work on you, simply I Myself pull you down to zero.


There is the one thing, where you yourself will work, and bring down to zero, that’s what is part of meditation, part of self-enquiry. You will be doing that. There is another one path, where you will let Me do, surrender. From here, I will raise and pull you down and put you into the, zero. Letting me work on You, if I am understand this one thing, letting Me work on you means utter surrender. Total relaxation. Come to utter surrender. Whatever you do on you, relax. Let me do. Naturally you will come down to this zero again. Actually, in the ordinary level now for a for example, the moment you remember me in the house naturally from the hundred you come down to 80. If you’re already 80 you come down to 60. It starts coming down.


An when you are in the present, in my presence physically, when you are, around me, when you are, near My Presence, you see when you are in the house, all your 5 senses are not engrossed in me. All your 5 senses are not engrossed in me, and in all your energy maybe only 10% is engrossed in me. Naturally only 10% of the TPS will come down, and now the majority portion of your senses are engrossed with me, seeing, hearing, listening, feeling, everything is here. So naturally the percentage is, Participants “more” the percentage of uh, letting me work on you is more. So naturally TPS is down. Knowingly or unknowingly for any reason if you are around me the TPS will simply drop. TPS dropping is what I call Ananda Gandha chakra working.


That is why all our healers you can feel, when you are around Me, automatically, the Ananda starts working. TPS simply, drops. When thoughts per second drops, naturally the Ananda chakra starts working. The energy starts, moving in you. The TPS dropping, is what I call, the Presence. TPS dropping is what I call, work of Presence. When the TPS drops, that is what I call, Presence, working on you.


Link To Video

Breaking Effect of Time || Part 2

Link to audio: Breaking Effects of Time || Part 2

Link To Video

Breaking Effect of Time || Part 3

Link to audio: Breaking Effects of Time || Part 3