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16 temples from around the world participated
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16 temples from around the world participated

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What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems


In this Satsang (18 February 2019), Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam divulges unknown secrets about the planet Earth, confirming the presence of other, unseen civilizations, including aliens and why they have come to Earth. Amazingly, He also reveals how He has already created the enlightenment ecosystem and lists some of the different, unique kinds of enlightenment ecosystems – including human beings!

Link to Video:

What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Link to Audio

What You Don't Know About Planet Earth, Why Aliens, Types Of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video Audio


nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. Offering humble respects to Devi Parashakti in Adi Kailaasa and Paschima Kailaasa.

We’ll enter into the satsang. See, I wanted to reveal many of the great revelations and truths directly to all of you. First thing, I am completely safe and protected now. I can reveal the truths as it is without mincing words. So first truth, there is a life outside the earth in a different dimension, and there is a civilization happening there. And, there is also a civilization happening inside the earth, understand. Inside the earth, it is not solid as you are being taught or made to believe. Because I am completely safe and protected, I am revealing all these truths to you. And, I cannot be destroyed, be very clear.

It’s not that many people who tried to destroy me, they were weak or wrong or powerless, so, I am saved. I am too powerful than them, because of that I am saved, understand. So I cannot be destroyed. Nothing can touch me. Every time they try to attack and eliminate me, I use powers and protected this body and this being. And, I’ll, I’ll do what I need to do. I am protected. Actually, last few days, I am very seriously considering, I am going to be in this body and operate this body for two hundred years. Earlier it was, original plan was hundred and twenty six years. Now I am seriously considering I may extend it to two hundred years. So two hundred years I am going to be alive, operating this body, using this body, healthy, and, going to do what I am going to do to the planet earth.

Understand these few things, let me tell you, there is a civilization above earth. There is a civilization inside the earth. Earth is hollow. It is not solid. From above earth, few aliens came and stayed inside the earth civilization, to protect the earth and keep the highest enlightened Consciousness alive. So I am one of the being - Arunagiri Yogishwara, who came to earth from Kailaasa, was living inside the earth for quite a long time. When I saw I am needed, I came out, I am possessing this body, and operating this body. Through this body, I am revealing and sharing whatever I need to do to the world. Please be very clear, I am going to revive everything from the Vedagamas, all the spiritual truths, all the power manifestation sciences, all the other multiple sciences of Sanatana Hindu Dharma.

Please be very clear, in Hinduism… I’ll tell you why I chose Hinduism. What is existentially right is only presented as morally right. What is existentially right only is presented as Hindu legally right. What is existentially right is only Hindu rationally right. What is existentially right is only Hindu scientifically right. What is existentially right is only Hindu rationally right. Understand. In humanity at large, what is legally right - people are made to believe it is existentially right, but in Sanatana Hindu Dharma, in Hinduism, what is existentially right is Hindu legally right. I am possessing this body and using this body, going to use this body for two hundred years, I am telling you, now I am deciding. I am going to use this body at least for two hundred years. Means, hundred and sixty more years. And last few days the kind of detoxification I have done to this body, shows very clear this body is capable and it can run for the next hundred and sixty years at least. And, there will not be any danger, because I have enough powers now to use and manifest and protect myself.

And I also wanted to tell you guys, I have already created the enlightenment ecosystem on planet earth. Now I just, I am working to multiply it and making it viral. I have already created. That is why even though I am outside Bidadi, the enlightenment ecosystem is doing the self purification. I can see the intensity and integrity of the Bidadi aadheenavasis, kailaasavasis is going up and up and up. The inspiration is going higher and higher even though physically I am not there. Especially whenever I sit in samadhi and download here, I may not even be conducting satsang there - I am seeing their inspiration and energy level is going up. And I am telling you, now it is all about multiplication. That is all is happening. And I wanted all of you to know, everyone of you are going to become enlightened ecosystem because I am using extraordinary powers and infusing energy into all of you.

One more thing I want to tell you, all these chup chup small small people who are abusing us and trying to harass, all of them are, it is not even their mistakes - demons are possessing them. Many demons, devils, negativities, satanic forces which are afraid that this enlightenment ecosystem is spreading wildly. Like a wildfire, they are possessing few people and trying to harass. Don’t have hatred towards that persons, but be aware and be away from them because they are possessed by devils and demons. So do not allow their thought currents to be entering into your system. Don’t engage in any talk or relationship with them. Keep yourself away from those demons, devils because they are interested in stopping you becoming enlightenment ecosystem.

I am going to make each one of you, everyone who has even seen me casually - I’ll empower you and make you as an enlightened ecosystem. Just give your “yes” to me, that’s all. If you just give your “yes” to me, that’s all I want. Even if you have seen me once casually, I can make you as an enlightenment ecosystem. I can manifest through you, understand. No one anymore can see me in public normally, common casual way. To keep myself, to keep this body protected - I have withdrawn myself completely from human society. You can all have my darshan only in Divya Sarira. Very rare people who are part of my administration team, this Kailaasa administration team only will get to see me physically. Nobody else can see me physically anymore. Be very clearly informed, all of you can see me only in Divya Sarira, because I have to keep this body protected to manifest all the powers and what I need to manifest. I am going to manifest thousands and thousands of enlightenment ecosystem.

You see, from today Los Angeles - Madya, Paschima Kailash, Los Angeles Aadheenam will start functioning as a one more enlightenment ecosystem, means, whoever comes there, they will be blessed with the boons and it’ll constantly create the inspiration for more and more people to grow towards enlightenment. Every temple I have installed, is going to act as a in, intense enlightenment ecosystem from today. Be very clear, I am Arunagiri Yogishwara talking, who is possessing this body and operating. I am an alien outside human society. I have brought this new enlightenment DNA into this body, and I am sharing with the world, and I am going, I have already established enlightenment ecosystem, which is very powerful and reproducing powerfully. And I am going to multiply thousands and thousands of this enlightenment ecosystem, and it has already started happening - nobody can stop.

It’s all that, that period, the crucial period, they could have stopped is over. The crossroads are done. I have already done, gathered the critical mass required. Now the snowballing effect is happening. I am going to be initiating lakhs and lakhs of sannyasis. At least three hundred crore people are going to manifest powers. Three hundred crore people are going to manifest powers. I am going to make Third Eye more common than two eyes, which I have already started doing. Now in a wild scale I am going to do. Understand, I am not asking anything from any of you, I have nothing to ask from you. I have something lot to give you. All I wanted is understand these simple things. You are more than your body. You have something called Consciousness. That Consciousness is a pure reflection of Paramashiva. I can put this enlightenment DNA into that Consciousness. It can seep into your regular DNA - physical, bio memory, muscle memory, bio energy, and you can start manifesting these powers intensely.

All these are not stories, understand. I am here to give you whatever boon you want. If I have not given you the boon you wanted within three days, be very clear, you are asking for something which is dangerous to you. Other than that nothing other, no other reason. And, I am here straight away revealing all the truths - the work I am going to do, what I am going to do and what I am doing. And, I am going to create at least million gurukuls all over the world. These numbers are all not small or casual, jovial. And I am going to revive all these sciences - the Hindu aircraft, Hindu shipbuilding. Hindu tradition, the original Vedas and Agamas had, including submarines, the whole technology. I’ll reveal everything.

The Hindu temple towers are nothing, but, the towers which can generate electricity and relay it wireless. It can generate electricity, and it can generate wifi and relay everything wirelessly. There is a unique energy we had, which is not in the modern day use now - it’s a superscience called bio energy. Just like electricity and wifi, this is called bio energy, the Kundalini Shakti. That was produced and relayed wire free through all our temples. That Kundalini Shakti is responsible for individual’s power manifestation. If you see a battery, what all is required to store energy like a mercury - all that is only installed properly in temples under the deities, under the doja stambha, under the gopurams. And, the Master who initiates, the enlightened Master who is source of the ecosystem - He puts His bio energy and that bio energy is constantly increased through the transmitters, and multiplied and relayed through that temple towers, to that whole area, whoever is staying in that ecosystem - all of them are charged with that Kundalini Shakti, bio energy and they start manifesting powers.

Understand, this is what is the principle of sanctifying a space. This bio energy is not in use in the modern day. I have brought it back. So I am going to install thousands of temples where this bio energy will be produced, and relayed wirelessly just like wifi and electricity. Hindu temples use wifi and electricity also and relayed wirelessly and bio energy. Fundamentally Hindu temples use nine energies. Hindu temples are nine energy generators and amplifiers. In that, one is bio energy through which the power manifestation science has kept alive and taught to the world. Understand, I am an alien. I am here to revive and renew all these sciences and share it with you all. And, because I am in a safe space and place, I will continue to reveal all these intensely.

I wanted all of you to see this satsang at least once or twice, because, many statements I made, you would have missed. By now if you have been shaken and you are chilled, your whole body is chilled, then you have not miss all the statements. If not, watch this satsang three-four times, you will catch whatever I am saying. If you are feeling chilled in your body, in your spine, then already the connection is established - you are receiving the bio energy I am relaying. And if your spine is reacting and Kundalini is awakened, then you are receiving. So please watch this satsang at least three-four times. Every statement I am making is too important. Once you cognised this, you will be able to continue to understand and manifest powers, which I am going to give you in further satsangs.

All these people who are trying to harass me or my sangha are just nothing but the demons are possessing them. They themself do not know why they hate me. It is just demons entered them, possessed them, used them - trying just stupid powerless remote fantasy, some way can this be stopped. They also know it cannot be stopped. I am too big, too powerful. I am going to, I have already done creating the ecosystem, enlightenment ecosystem, I am going to create now multiply thousands of enlightenment ecosystem. But the demons have their own that… alpasa, like powerless desire - just for that they try. That’s all. So, I think I have given the introduction. I’ll continue to initiate, teach, manifest Astha Kanma, Ashta Siddhis, all the powers to all of you.

So with this, I bless you all. Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.


I Am an Alien, Who Brought This Enlightenment Science to Humanity #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - I Am an Alien, Who Brought This Enlightenment Science to Humanity #Nithyananda #Kailasa


I Am Going to Turn All of You into An Enlightened Ecosystem #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - I Am Going to Turn All of You into An Enlightened Ecosystem #Nithyananda #Kailasa


I Bless Los Angeles Pascima Kailasa Enlightened Ecosystem #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - I Bless Los Angeles Pascima Kailasa Enlightened Ecosystem #Nithyananda #Kailasa


I'm Going to Live To 200, btw Life exist Outside & Inside Earth Aswell #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - I'm Going to Live To 200, btw Life exist Outside & Inside Earth Aswell #Nithyananda #Kailasa


This is Why I Chose Hinduism #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - This is Why I Chose Hinduism #Nithyananda #Kailasa


What is The Real Science behind the Hindu Temple Towers #Nithyananda #Kailasa


Original Satsang ( 18 Feb 2019 ) : What You don’t know about Planet Earth, Why Aliens and Types of Enlightenment Ecosystems

Video - What is The Real Science behind the Hindu Temple Towers #Nithyananda #Kailasa

Daily Darshan 18th Feb 2019 at Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam

No of temples participated around the world

16 temples from around the world participated,